I know certain people won't like this post, but I am sorry, I have to go there.
Once again I have to dedicate some space and a little of my time to my friends over at Radio Rwanda and objurgate them for their behavior. My rant tonight will be focused on the clowns who ply their wares in the A.M. over at that joke of a network. And while it's true that I will always strike a discordant note when it comes to these folks, I have to do my part to try and save this republic from itself.
We all know that the folks over at Radio Rwanda have issues with some folks, and we have learned to live with that. Most of us who happen to have a certain hue do our best to ignore them, and people who actually use their brains more than their mouths tend to tune them out. But we would be fooling ourselves if we did not think that they are relevant in the larger scheme of things because of their popularity and influence over a certain segment of our population.
So what is it, you say, that has me thinking of my contemptible friends? Well, it seems that the usually voluble Gretchen Carlson compared her job to that of the president of these divided states. Yep, she said it:
"This is what being President of the United States is all about. It’s these tough, huge, monumental decisions. It’s not about how you run a campaign, it’s not about whether or not you’re popular, it’s not about whether you’re a celebrity or good-looking or tall or short. It’s in a time of crisis, making these executive decisions. It’s just like our job…what’s the role of an anchor during huge breaking news? You remember growing up? You’d tune to the television, and that one moment during the year, they would have to carry a story all along, It’s the same thing as being the President of the United States!”
"IT'S JUST LIKE OUR JOB"? WTF? Hey, I know the folks over at Radio Rwanda don't think much of his Oness, but have they really reduced his level of importance to a Radio Rwanda anchor? Wow! And Michelle, please watch your man; that trick thinks he is "good-looking".
Anyway, the sun will come out tomorrow, and the Radio Rwanda & Friends folks will be right there, front and center, in red state living rooms. The coffee just wouldn't be the same without a daily dose of indoctrination.
And speaking of daily. A man named Stewart who has a show by that name, did a nice job of putting this all in perspective on his show recently. He is a comedian, but it's all kind of appropriate, because I am sure that we all know by now that the main stream media in this country is a joke.
Oh, and before I go; congrats to Landon Donovan and the American football (soccer) team for making football (soccer) fans of millions of fence sitters in this country. That was a nice win. And you almost got robbed again after yet another clueless linesman called offside on a goal that was clearly onside. It should be fun watching the game against the "Black Stars" Saturday. (Why do I keep hearing"Fred Locks" in my head?) Bob Bradley might want to invite Slick Willie to the game. The man is a living breathing lucky charm.
Jon Stewart did an earlier piece on Gretchen Carlson's curious habit of downplaying her intelligence, like the one time she said she had to look up the world "czar" to see what it meant. For a woman who graduated from Stanford University with honors and studied at Oxford, she sure says some stupid things.
Paul Kanjorski (Penn), "We’re giving relief to people that I deal with in my office every day now unfortunately. But because of the longevity of this recession, these are people — and they’re not minorities and they’re not defective and they’re not all the things you’d like to insinuate that these programs are about — these are average, good American people."
have you considered they just say provocative stuff for ratings? i mean it's lunacy to compare the job of an ANCHOR and news reader to the president. so why would she do it? i pay no attention, field. i can't let that kind of shit divert my energy. i really tune all that out.
btw, where is thrasher?
Best line I've read all day:
........"and people who actually use their brains more than their mouths tend to tune them out."
Since I don't have hue except in my freckles, I guess I fit in with this bunch.
maria, "have you considered they just say provocative stuff for ratings?"
That's exactly why they do it. Fox is the best in the business in doing it. That's why they are #1. They are the network that folks like Field love to hate, but watch religiously everyday.
Maria, If memory serves me correctly, Thraser went to Italy to marry an Italian runaway nun.
I think the issue is that Fox News, almost every day takes a slightly fucked-up point of criticizing Obama almost to the point of parody every day.
Rest assured, if there is an opportunity to divide Americans, Fox News will be right there to fabricate it. This shotgun approach of anarchy is calculated to bring about their own political gain, but at the cost of credibility and perception of increasing desperation over patriotism.
Fox News is set to do the dirty work while their future candidates await for the pile-on to see when they can capitalize on in the inevitable run against Democratic candidates.
People who love Fox remember a time when scary brown people had no power. They remember a time when you got walked on at work and YOU LIKED IT. They remember when their only avenue of release for their frustration was to catcall the "n" "f" and "s" words. They miss the good ol' days when there weren't cracks in the white, Christian, heterosexual power structure. In other words it bothers them that their kids are embracing other cultures as well as their own.
Fuck Fox News and that chick who looks like a retired porn star that anchors their morning news.
Rep. Hank Johnson (D-GA) says "we will see more Republicans getting elected" if the Congress does not pass campaign finance disclosure reform.
TSC, "People who love Fox remember a time when scary brown people had no power. They remember a time when you got walked on at work and YOU LIKED IT. They remember when their only avenue of release for their frustration was to catcall the "n" "f" and "s" words. They miss the good ol' days when there weren't cracks in the white, Christian, heterosexual power structure."
You misjudge Whites. They are not at all the way you think they are. They are every bit as good morally, if not more, as Blacks.
Besides, Whites are still in power and Blacks are not...you probably never will be. You just don't have the will, education or the unity to do so.
The Latinos will reign someday. Do you think Blacks will be better off 'under' them?
Trapped in SC:
...that chick who looks like a retired porn star.
You mean Greta Van Susstern? She do look like a ninty five and a half year old porn star.
Oops I'm sorry . You said RETIRED porn star.
RT-"..For a woman who graduated from Stanford University with honors and studied at Oxford, she sure says some stupid things."
Well, some people can be very smart in school but are not so smart in life and the real world.
from yard ....7 miles of black star liner..
fred locks
big tune dat
Kid, I don't appreciate you calling Greta names. she is a very respectable woman. And Gretchen is a good-looking woman, very pleasing to the eyes.
You misjudge Whites. They are not at all the way you think they are. They are every bit as good morally, if not more, as Blacks.
Besides, Whites are still in power and Blacks are not...you probably never will be. You just don't have the will, education or the unity to do so.
The Latinos will reign someday. Do you think Blacks will be better off 'under' them?
Oh this is the old Black folks you are stupid speech.We must be getting to you. BTW,your comment about Blacks and Hispanics, Hispanic is not a race.Why some Blacks are Hispanics,like Rosey Perez.White male power is over.
Race Traitoress:
Maybe Gretchen got her degree the way Dubya got his, a legacy.
Anonymous said...
Kid, I don't appreciate you calling Greta names. she is a very respectable woman. And Gretchen is a good-looking woman, very pleasing to the eyes.
Greta is a facist, ugly, moth-eaten,horse-face,racist bigot,and those are her good points.Just like her Godfather Joe McCarthy, that sorry ass racist Bill Oreilly lookalike.
When she sent her "spies" into Trinity United Church and got the new minister death threats, it made people in Cleveland sick.The Minister name is Otis Moss III, son of Otis Moss Jr. and Dr. Martin Luther King's BEST friend in college.That young man got death threats.
Beauty is as beauty does and Greta Von Frakenstein is tore up from the floor up.
Good evening ladies and gentlemen. My name is Field Negro and I will be at your service. You can call me "Bubba".
On our menu tonight we have a wide assortment of "Self Chum" that I hope that you will find delectable.
Bubba: Anyway, like I was sayin', self-chum is the fruit of the sea. You can barbecue it, boil it, broil it, bake it, saute it. Dey's uh, self-chum-kabobs, self-chum creole, self-chum gumbo. Pan fried, deep fried, stir-fried. There's pineapple self-chum, lemon self-chum, coconut self-chum, pepper self-chum, self-chum soup, self-chum stew, self-chum salad, self-chum and potatoes, self-chum burger, self-chum sandwich. That- that's about it. [/quote]
Great night in Philly!!!
I just looked at Philly.com seeking to "reprioritize" your self-indulgent focus and there were no assaults or murder that was present to report on.
Either the "Stop Snitching" is working effectively or the Street Pirates are in the house tonight watching the rebroadcast of the soccer games.
"Good evening ladies and gentlemen. My name is Field Negro and I will be at your service. You can call me "Bubba".
On our menu tonight we have a wide assortment of "Self Chum" that I hope that you will find delectable.
Bubba: Anyway, like I was sayin', self-chum is the fruit of the sea. You can barbecue it, boil it, broil it, bake it, saute it. Dey's uh, self-chum-kabobs, self-chum creole, self-chum gumbo. Pan fried, deep fried, stir-fried. There's pineapple self-chum, lemon self-chum, coconut self-chum, pepper self-chum, self-chum soup, self-chum stew, self-chum salad, self-chum and potatoes, self-chum burger, self-chum sandwich. That- that's about it. [/quote]
Great night in Philly!!!
I just looked at Philly.com seeking to "reprioritize" your self-indulgent focus and there were no assaults or murder that was present to report on.
Either the "Stop Snitching" is working effectively or the Street Pirates are in the house tonight watching the rebroadcast of the soccer game"
Awww Jeez, Not this shit again.
Annony: 11:23 PM said..."You misjudge Whites. They are not at all the way you think they are. They are every bit as good morally, if not more, as Blacks.
Besides, Whites are still in power and Blacks are not...you probably never will be. You just don't have the will, education or the unity to do so.
The Latinos will reign someday. Do you think Blacks will be better off 'under' them?"
I'm your huckleberry!
Well, we wouldn't want to misjudge whites, would we?
They've had such a stellar history of 'milk of human kindness' towards the planet's darker races, it would be a mistake to misrepresent them now, to castigate them unfairly.
Of course 'they are not all the way [I] think they are,' they're better, they all come here as little pink, chubby-cheek cherubs, having shiny little white wings, and sparkling halos.
Of course, too, whites are better than blacks in every category imaginable...morally, intellectually, physically, and culturally.
Under other circumstances, I'd call that 'racist' but, as you suggest, white's are just naturally better in these categories than blacks.
How can I argue with that?
Sure whites are in the seat of power! We blacks have a long way to go. Having a black president doesn't count, and neither does having all those black representatives at the state and local levels (of which Conflictive Feedback rail, because they're of the wrong party).
Hell, what would we do without you reminding us of our 'inferior status' in this country.
You're right about the 'unity' thing, blacks didn't vote for candidate Obama to such an extent (so overwhelmingly that many Republicans, and some blacks vociferously objected), that he almost wasn't elected.
If only blacks had been a unified force, a strong collective body, and had voted en masse for Obama, he wouldn't have had to struggle so hard to overcome McCain/Palin's electoral college voting edge.
If only...(You're bringing tears to my eyes.). If only....If only our 'will' had been stronger...more supportive of Obama.
And, of course, you're right about that education thing. I think field-negro ought to embarrass all the uneducated blacks that post here, and run a poll to see just how many of us never completed High school (dropped out), have graduate, and post-graduate degrees and in what disciplines.
That would show us. Oh, the embarrassment! I shudder just thinking about it! Of course, we blacks would lie about it. Whites wouldn't lie...they're such honest people.
They wouldn't lie about something like that. And that one white congressperson that fudged about the military honor he received, we all know that he was set up...he was just misunderstood.
You sure have us blacks pegged. Having Latinos in power in this country, rather than whites, whose magnanimity we've come to know and love, whose paternalistic care, and solicitous concern for us darkies will be an incredible loss for the black community, black culture, and black-white relations, which we all know, have always been a fine example for the rest of the world to follow.
How will we ever survive without you!
I wish you hadn't gone there. I'm shaking in my boots, and hot and cold chills are traveling up and down by back just thinking about it.
Kid, "Greta is a facist, ugly, moth-eaten,horse-face,racist bigot,and those are her good points.Just like her Godfather Joe McCarthy, that sorry ass racist Bill Oreilly lookalike.
When she sent her "spies" into Trinity United Church and got the new minister death threats, it made people in Cleveland sick.The Minister name is Otis Moss III, son of Otis Moss Jr. and Dr. Martin Luther King's BEST friend in college.That young man got death threats.
Beauty is as beauty does and Greta Von Frakenstein is tore up from the floor up."
Damn, Kid. You are really laying into poor Greta and she even had plastic surgery done to make herself look better. That cost a lot of money. You leave my girl alone, and she doesn't look like a horse, you midnight piece of shit.
Greta looks fine and I know you would fall at her feet if she gave your monkey ass a chance. You are one hatin' Negro.
You need more therapy than Woody Allen cause your mind is burnt toast. And where in the hell do you get your info about her sending spies, you lying purple fool?
I really don't appreciate the way you came down on my girl. From here on out, you show some respect for her, O'Reilly and Fox News, you insolent Negro.
@Zing - that was a thing of beauty and balance you just did there. Your name fits you well.
Landon Donovan's goal could not have come at a better time had it been scripted in Hollywood. We shall see what they are made of when they meet Ghana on Saturday. I expect it to be a memorable match.
In about 8 hours we have Portugal v Brazil. Both are a lock to advance, the only question will be who is on top of the group.
The interesting match will be the Group H finals. Spain v Chile has the makings of a classic upset. If Spain lose to Chile, the group leader, and Switzerland beat Honduras, then the Spaniards go home early. Given that Spain were favoured by many, myself included, this would be an upset for the ages.
Ooops, forgot to mention Côte d'Ivoire. Disappointment is all about failed expectations and the Elephants fit that definition. One can only hope that they get something out of their match against North Korea tomorrow.
Fox, flawed as it is, is the closest thing to the truth you can get through your television. Why can't there be one network that doesn't toe the line on lib-dem talking points? Obama-bots can't handle dissent.
Zing, "They've had such a stellar history of 'milk of human kindness' towards the planet's darker races, it would be a mistake to misrepresent them now, to castigate them unfairly."
No humans are perfect but they have done a few good things which you fail to acknowledge or give them credit for:
They ended slavery, even fought and died in a civil war so your black ass could be free.
They outlawed lynching; they integrated the military; they integrated the schools; they passed the Civil Rights bill; they ended Jim Crow.
They opened up the doors of corporate America to Blacks; they passed Affirmative Action; they helped to elect a black President.
And what are Blacks doing to show their 'human kindness' and good side, beside killing each other, abandoning the bf and families, degrading bw through their rap, hip-hop music, and blaming the white man for everything?
Those street pirates in the black communities are out of control and getting stronger every day. Blacks have fallen behind in education, despite the opportunities they have had since the days of Affirmative Action. Even in some black communities Blacks are so adverse to education that if a child acts like he/she is interested or 'desirous' of learning from books, they get criticized and labeled as "acting White." And they might get killed by street pirates for trying to be educated. Now, how DUMB is that?
So you can't blame Whitey for what some black dumb asses have done.
But you don't want to look at that. You'd would rather bitch and talk about something insubstantial and unimportant-- like a ridiculously stupid remark Grechen said on Fox about her Presidential responsibilities.
Yeah, Blacks really have a right to be self-righteous in their judgments because they really have their shit together. That's why the Latinos are going to leave surpass Blacks. They are too busy trying to get ahead to waste their time on bullshit.
Zing, FYI: Grechen has a fine education, is white, and making a lot of money and making outrageous remarks to goose Fox's ratings.
What about your lightweight black ass?
"What about your lightweight black ass?"
Zing is a border-line retard who lives in his mom's basement.
"Zing is a border-line retard who lives in his mom's basement."
Agreed. And considering how Race Traitor thinks his remarks are a "thing of beauty and balanced", she must be his mother.
WTF, Field? Do you have to post his name and picture? He might be innocent. Why dump on a poor bm?You should have more empathy for a brother.
Why don't you post pictures of bw who grope and rape men? There are plenty of them.
Who is this "Anonymous" that keeps up a conversation with him/herself? Odd.
And wasn't it big of us whites to fix all the messes we made in the first place?
They ended slavery (which they started), even fought and died in a civil war so your black ass could be free (which they had enslaved).
They outlawed lynching (which they practiced); they integrated the military (which they had segregated); they integrated the schools (ditto); they passed the Civil Rights bill (to share the rights which they had illegally hoarded); they ended Jim Crow (which they had put into law in the first place).
They opened up the doors of corporate America to Blacks (are you kidding me?); they passed Affirmative Action (and have never stopped fighting to take that one back); they helped to elect a black President (only when their other choice was a charlatan and his assistant).
Mighty white of us, eh?
There's nothing like being insulted by the mighty anonymous! LMAO! Oh, the testicular fortitude some people can muster up in the safety of anonymity.
btw, where is thrasher?
He spent the previous blog posts on Israel trying to get a rise out of the Field. And the Field kept ignoring his ass. When he couldn't get the Field or most other commenters to play with him, he declared "victory" and shortly thereafter took a "sabatical". It's all good though -- at least no one will have to be bothered with his egotistical timfuckery.
You misjudge Whites. They are not at all the way you think they are. They are every bit as good morally, if not more, as Blacks.
Besides, Whites are still in power and Blacks are not...you probably never will be. You just don't have the will, education or the unity to do so.
The Latinos will reign someday. Do you think Blacks will be better off 'under' them?
If Blacks never had the will or the education or the unity, then the words "separate but equal" will still be Standard Operating Procedure in the South and it will still be aceptable practice to consider Bla....ahem....Coloreds....to be second-class citizens deserving of only a scant few, if at all, of the rights and protections of the Constitution of the United States. Unity that appears lacking at one point will suddenly appear the next. But you seem to subscribe to the belief that Blacks are destined to exist only at the lowest rungs of society. Which, of course, makes it quite alright to do whatever you want to them, including exploit the living daylights out of them, since it seems they won't be doing anything else useful with themselves.
Said attitudes gave justification to slavery, "Black Codes", Jim Crow policies and the aforementioned "Separate but Equal".
As a collective, our energy has largely been wasted on getting people who don't consider us to be human beings to....well....see and treat us as human beings. And those people have a sad and rather nasty tendency to fall back into old patterns, as evinced by a large portion of America's backward march back to 1955 or thereabouts. And even though we can now walk the same halls as those people walk, they still see us as inferior beings. Seems like certain minds just won't be changed.
In other words, wasting time on the likes of you leaves little energy for other, more fulfilling pursuits.
As for the Latinos, I'm convinced that the PTB (Powers That Be™) have contingiency plans to keep Latinos in a mental and economic minority, even if they manage to achieve physical majority. Either that, or you'll suddenly see some real teeth on immigration reform.
They ended slavery, even fought and died in a civil war so your black ass could be free.
They outlawed lynching; they integrated the military; they integrated the schools; they passed the Civil Rights bill; they ended Jim Crow.
They opened up the doors of corporate America to Blacks; they passed Affirmative Action; they helped to elect a black President.
And what are Blacks doing to show their 'human kindness' and good side, beside killing each other, abandoning the bf and families, degrading bw through their rap, hip-hop music, and blaming the white man for everything?
Those street pirates in the black communities are out of control and getting stronger every day. Blacks have fallen behind in education, despite the opportunities they have had since the days of Affirmative Action. Even in some black communities Blacks are so adverse to education that if a child acts like he/she is interested or 'desirous' of learning from books, they get criticized and labeled as "acting White." And they might get killed by street pirates for trying to be educated. Now, how DUMB is that?
Distillation of the above:
"The benevolent White Man was gracious enough to release you niggers from the bounds of slavery, found you all useful enough to fight in wars, let you have the privilege of your nigger seed to sit next to our children and even passed laws to stop some of us from picking on you so much.
And what do yall do after we've done so much for you? You go and act like niggers.
Maybe we should bring Slavery back."
End of distillation.
You can stop posting as anonymous now, CF.
Annony said..."No humans are perfect but they have done a few good things which you fail to acknowledge or give them credit for:
They ended slavery, even fought and died in a civil war so your black ass could be free."
I'm your huckleberry!
You're making this way too easy. When you say, 'they,' I assume you mean whites. Let's stay with that assumption.
I suppose a history lesson is in order. Field-negro really should run that poll, so as to learn the educational achievements, and backgrounds of blacks that post here.
Perhaps in would stop folks like you from making statements that are light-years from the truth, and making a fool of themselves.
*sigh* Okay, let's have it. 'They' didn't "end" anything. When President Lincoln issued his 'Emancipation Proclamation," It wasn't long afterward that fugitive blacks, from 'disloyal regions' were employed by the Union where they were able to fight for their own freedom.
Even before the issuance of the Proclamation, a relaxation of the 'fugitive slave law' was put in force.
My 'black ass' as you term it, was 'free born,' and would have been free in, or out of, slavery. But you wouldn't understand that, and it would be futile to elaborate.
You're right...I will not 'credit whites,' or anyone else for that matter, for giving me that which is inalienably mine by right of birth, and by an assignment from our Creator, which is 'Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness.'
"They outlawed lynching; they integrated the military; they integrated the schools; they passed the Civil Rights bill; they ended Jim Crow."
'They' meaning whites, I take it! Because lynching was 'outlawed' didn't make it go away. During our turbulent history, whites, as well as blacks, where summarily lynched.
The first 'race riots' was a white against black phenomenon.
You really should acquaint yourself with your own history.
Much of what you credit whites for 'ending' or 'outlawing' as it were, came as a result of legal challenges from the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP), and the Civil Rights Movement and not as a result of some charitable handout from conscience-stricken whites (Remember Martin Luther King? Remember the sit-ins, 'freedom rides' and boycotts?).
"They opened up the doors of corporate America to Blacks; they passed Affirmative Action; they helped to elect a black President."
True, among the Fortune 500 Companies there are some black CEOs in corporate America. There have been eight total who have rose to the position of Chairman, one of which was a woman. As of 2009, only five remain.
Five out of 500. Not a lot to crow about.
A common misapprehension exists as to who receives Affirmative Action benefits. The 'protected groups' include 'persons who are African American, Asian or Pacific Islander, American Indian or Alaskan native, persons of Latino descent, persons with a disability and women.'
And women can be of any race, including white.
Although blacks aren't the only recipients of Affirmative Action, they have been the ones mostly identified with it, and have unfairly borne the brunt of the criticism that has been leveled against it.
Although the white vote was central to Obama's bid for the White House, more whites voted for the McCain/Palin ticket than voted for the Obama/Biden ticket.
Obama's victory was as much a 'race-appeal' victory, as it was an 'age-appeal' victory. Obama won 95% of black votes and 67% of Latino votes.
There's a strong likelihood that Obama's bid would have failed had this segment of the population not present the strong showing that it did on his behalf.
More to come.
"And what are Blacks doing to show their 'human kindness' and good side, beside killing each other, abandoning the bf and families, degrading bw through their rap, hip-hop music, and blaming the white man for everything?"
This is hyperbolic nonsense. All racial and ethnic groups kill each other, abandon wives, and families and, in some manner, degrade women, whether it's through the use of pornography, cheating on spouses, or resorting to spousal abuse.
And I challenge you to present proof that blacks blame the 'white man for everything.'
Everything is rather all-inclusive, wouldn't you say?
Although a great deal of what transpires in the black community can, directly and indirectly, be traced back to years of racial and racist animus against blacks, resulting in denials of opportunities, I still wouldn't lay at the feet of whites all the ills that you say beset certain black communities.
Unless blacks are brought into the fold, as it were, and made a part of the American family, in deed, as well as in name, a segment of the black community will always see white values, and white ideals as something to thwart, rather than support.
Fractious children are known to do this as well. Think of the attitudes of those who have been treated, on the part of the larger society, as children, and told to behave, but still aren't given full rights as citizens, but are seen as useless appendages, either to be exploited or to be ignored.
Many blacks are ignoring whites. And, frankly, I can't blame them. They do to whites what has been done to them.
"So you can't blame Whitey for what some black dumb asses have done."
Perhaps, but I can 'blame Whitey' for what some white 'dumb asses have done,' and are doing.
White supremacists. White militias bent on bringing back the halcyon days of white rule, and dominance.
I'm sure their actions are convincing blacks of the goodwill, and wholesome intents of white folks toward blacks.
"You'd would rather bitch and talk about something insubstantial and unimportant--like a ridiculously stupid remark Grechen said on Fox about her Presidential responsibilities."
Frankly, you care more about Gretchen's remark than I do. But, notwithstanding, you don't get to tell me, or any other black, what they should or shouldn't 'bitch and talk about.'
Those Glory Days exist no longer, where whites can dictate to blacks how they should act and behave.
More to come.
WTF, Field? Do you have to post his name and picture? He might be innocent. Why dump on a poor bm?You should have more empathy for a brother."
Dr. is that you? Hey don't blame me, that story (and pic) was taken from AOL Black Voices. Tell the Dr. if he wants to sue me his guns better be loaded. I will counter with a "New Matter". :)
Gregory, thanks for the update.
I bet the Destructive Wingnut sees "Street Pirates" in his sleep. Poor guy. :(
Big up Yawdie @ 11:31 p.m.
"Fox, flawed as it is, is the closest thing to the truth you can get through your television. Why can't there be one network that doesn't toe the line on lib-dem talking points? Obama-bots can't handle dissent."
You cannot be serious. :)
"Trapped in SC:
...that chick who looks like a retired porn star.
You mean Greta Van Susstern? She do look like a ninty five and a half year old porn star.
Oops I'm sorry . You said RETIRED porn star."
kid, I might have to let you join Rippa and write some materiel for me.
"FYI: Grechen has a fine education, is white, and making a lot of money and making outrageous remarks to goose Fox's ratings."
Yep, definitely living the A-merry-can dream. BTW, what do you call "a lot of money"? Isn't that relative term?
And your tone betrays you. You're angry that blacks have the temerity to disapprove of the actions of a white.
Further, you don't get to dictate to us what we should give our focus, and attention to. We make that call. We decide what's 'substantial' and 'important.'
I know that enrages you. Blacks by-passing your critical filter, having a mind of their own, and aren't afraid to speak without first being spoken to.
"Yeah, Blacks really have a right to be self-righteous in their judgments because they really have their shit together. That's why the Latinos are going to leave surpass Blacks. They are too busy trying to get ahead to waste their time on bullshit."
I can tell you don't know much about Latinos. Blacks and Latinos will, in the days, and years ahead, forge a relationship that will allow us to really make this country great.
Too much of this nation's productive and creative energy is burned up, dissipated, countering the likes of you, you who represents this nation true problem.
Your attitude is combative, hostile, supercilious, condescending, controlling, and fearful.
You feel something that you've taken for granted for so many years is slipping away.
The ground upon which you stand is shifting, at first, almost imperceptibly, and then a lurch, a physical, tactile indicator that what you hoped would be a mild tremor in the earth, is going to be a wild pitching, a violent to and fro that will leave your heart in your throat, and a throbbing in your head, long after the shaking has stopped, and you stoop to pick up broken pieces of your life.
What about your lightweight black ass?"
Gretchen can't hold a candle to me, and neither can you. But take some solace in thinking so.
What you think is a branch that you're holding on to, is, in reality, merely a twig, and any second now, both you and the twig are going to come crashing down.
Unfortunately, no one will be there to pick you up.
Race Traitoress said...
@Zing - that was a thing of beauty and balance you just did there. Your name fits you well.
Thanks, Race. I'm a big fan of your writing as well.
And I though you said that I wasn't in your league?
You say that I only dislike Black politicians because they are IN THE WRONG PARTY?
YOU ARE CORRECT!!! With one alteration.
Many of them are in the American Political DOMAIN, seeking to VOTE their way into RACIAL SALVATION. When our communities are as FAVORABLY POLITICALLY CONTROLLED AS ONE COULD POSSIBLY GET - (See Chicago) - when things STILL are screwed up - they merely TRY HARDER!!!!!
The correct DOMAIN is the "Community Cultural Consciousness and Competency Development DOMAIN".
If more of our leaders focused on THIS, the domain which has suffered from benign neglect THEN I would express the support that you so desire that I show.
Today you pervertedly believe that I should support them because it is the "Black thing to do". In truth it is YOU who look past their failings for no other reason than they are Ideological in line with you AND Black.
[quote]People who love Fox remember a time when scary brown people had no power.[/quote]
I am a Fox News fan.
* We protested against the MAYOR when he failed us
* We protested against the School Board when they failed us
* We marched in general for Jobs and Justice.
Today, Low and Country - with FAVORABLE PEOPLE IN POWER, regardless of their color
* PEOPLE LIKE YOU - walk past City Hall and go to Sen Jim DeMint's (R-SC) office
* PEOPLE LIKE YOU - tell us why, despite running your schools they are still falling short and you enlist our help to get EXTERNAL money beyond your community.
* Now that you control the local economic policies you haven't learn that a JOB is not a creation of a MARCH. Instead it is the fruit of a balance between DEMAND for goods and services and the corporation that will SUPPLY IT - paying people in the process.
They remember a time when you got walked on at work and YOU LIKED IT. [/quote]
The people in Detroit LONG FOR THESE DAYS because AT LEAST THEY WERE WORKING. Now they have their kids walk on their backs at home because they are unemployed and the STRESS has their back muscles in a knot.
[quote]They remember when their only avenue of release for their frustration was to catcall the "n" "f" and "s" words.[/quote]
Now they go to ITUNES and download various songs made by "Hip Hop Voice of the Street Pirates" operatives that are laced with these words and words that threaten to kill Black people.
[quote] They miss the good ol' days when there weren't cracks in the white, Christian, heterosexual power structure.[/quote]
You are correct Low & Country. Those who protected the ESTABLISHMENT back then used to talk around the DEAD BLACK PEOPLE that were the "scars in the underbelly" of their lily White Establishment.
TO-DAMNED-DAY people like you would rather talk about OBAMA than to talk about the
* Dead Black people during this "Bloody Summer of 2010"
* Unemployed Black people despite the Stimulus of a Progressive infrastructure LOCALLY and Nationally
In other words it bothers them that their kids are embracing other cultures as well as their own.[/quote]
If ONLY this meant that in 20 years YOU would stop making hypotheticals about the past that is no more and work to confront the new terror threat to the cities of Columbia SC, Durham NC and Charlotte - Street Pirates who DON'T GIVE A DAMN WHAT YOU THINK and ain't gonna watch any of your BLACK AND WHITE CIVIL RIGHTS FILMS to learn the oppression of their forefathers.
IF Puffy, Kanye or TI is not in these films and the water hoses are not done as part of a wet t-shirt contest with young women - they are not interested in seeing them.
ditto!!!...she was dead wrong!
but she is just one member of a huge staff
we will never agree on fox news
they are still one of the FEW networks telling ANY real truths
about hobama/gwb 2.0
hopefully with gen betrayus back at hobama's helm, that may change...
"Many of them are in the American Political DOMAIN, seeking to VOTE their way into RACIAL SALVATION. When our communities are as FAVORABLY POLITICALLY CONTROLLED AS ONE COULD POSSIBLY GET - (See Chicago) - when things STILL are screwed up - they merely TRY HARDER!!!!!
The correct DOMAIN is the "Community Cultural Consciousness and Competency Development DOMAIN".
If more of our leaders focused on THIS, the domain which has suffered from benign neglect THEN I would express the support that you so desire that I show."
Not this shit again.
Hey Tom, errr CF,
If Republicans were running Chicago what would they be doing about the street crime (which has been going on for about 70 years)?
Don't worry folks, he's not going to answer.
He's a ranting pedanti troll.
Anon 11:23 PM says..
The Latinos will reign someday. Do you think Blacks will be better off 'under' them?
11:23 PM
I spent 3 mo in the Yucatan Peninsula in Mexico back semi-back packing and let me tell you them "light skinned" Mexicans (Spanish people) people didn't care for them "dark skinned" Mexicans (real Mexicans)so I suspect it wouldn't be much different here. Just saying.
"The Latinos will reign someday. Do you think Blacks will be better off 'under' them?"
Why are the white righties the ones most upset about immigration?
Project much?
[quote]If Republicans were running Chicago what would they be doing about the street crime (which has been going on for about 70 years)?[/quote]
Do you mind if I ask you a question per the antics of WhiteBowieSteve?
Steve is essentially asking me to prove that, had the Black community TAKEN THE RED PILL that we would be any better off than having consumed the BLUE PILL.
Here is my view. Steve and other operatives had an ACTIVE role in selling us the BLUE PILL. They stated that the red pill would kill us if we took it.
2) Promote that we go COLD TURKEY FROM EITHER PILL
3) Develop the branch of ORGANIC/ALTERNATIVE MEDICINE to heal the Black body that is not DEPENDENT UPON THESE PILLS
Can't you all see WHO IS THE REAL SELL OUT in this debate?
RK "I spent 3 mo in the Yucatan Peninsula in Mexico back semi-back packing and let me tell you them "light skinned" Mexicans (Spanish people) people didn't care for them "dark skinned" Mexicans (real Mexicans)so I suspect it wouldn't be much different here. Just saying."
Yeah, you are right. That was my point. IMO, it will be worse. But a couple of folks on this blog thinks there will be a kumbaya togetherness between Blacks and Latinos. Good luck. LOL
MackisLying, "Distillation of the above:
"The benevolent White Man was gracious enough to release you niggers from the bounds of slavery, found you all useful enough to fight in wars, let you have the privilege of your nigger seed to sit next to our children and even passed laws to stop some of us from picking on you so much.
And what do yall do after we've done so much for you? You go and act like niggers.
Maybe we should bring Slavery back."
End of distillation."
That's YOUR opinion and feelings. I said what I meant. It's YOU who uses the N-word against yourself and your people. Can you not see that, or are you so confused about who you are that you can't tell the difference?
Zing, "Further, you don't get to dictate to us what we should give our focus, and attention to. We make that call. We decide what's 'substantial' and 'important.'"
Please continue to keep your focus on what you think is substantial. If you think what Grechen said was important compared to street pirates, by all means continue on with your superb thinking. LOL.
Zing, "I can tell you don't know much about Latinos. Blacks and Latinos will, in the days, and years ahead, forge a relationship that will allow us to really make this country great."
No Zinger, it is YOU who doesn't know much about Latinos, you poor sap. Most Blacks are keenly aware of what Latinos feel about Blacks and it ain't good...and they will snuff your black ass out and not feel a thing.
When they take over, you'll be yearning for the days when guilty feeling Whites were in charge. LOL.
Annon 11:06 says..
But a couple of folks on this blog thinks there will be a kumbaya togetherness between Blacks and Latinos. Good luck. LOL
Yep, let 'em thinking that, I saw that shit first hand. It was like I stepped back into the 1950's and that was back in 1997-98! But on the flip side, my boy,whose is 100% Puerto Rican, is going through some shit with his job as a CO in Connecticut and it has a lot to do with the white men in charge. A quote from him, "I never thought I would say this in my life but I don't trust and lost respect for white men" And this dude is part of a crew, including myself, of mixed races of about 15 boys that literally grew up together from preschool to where we went our separate ways at 18. If you knew this dude, you'd be sadden by his statement. I'm sensing some sort of fear now and days bubbling up myself and it isn't from the people of color.
The folks who vote for the Emmys need to wake up and forget shows like "30 Rock" and "The Office". "Fox and Friends" and damn near every show on that channel should be getting nominations in the Outstanding Comedy Series category.
Since the stereotypical Fox News viewer doesn't bother with the so-called lame stream media (in other words, outlets that aren't pushing a pro-conservative agenda), they'll never learn of Gretchen's checkered past of higher education.
By the way Field, that pic attached to the "certain segment" link was scary as hell. Scary, but fairly accurate.
Rottenkid, " A quote from him, "I never thought I would say this in my life but I don't trust and lost respect for white men" And this dude is part of a crew, including myself, of mixed races of about 15 boys that literally grew up together from preschool to where we went our separate ways at 18. If you knew this dude, you'd be sadden by his statement. I'm sensing some sort of fear now and days bubbling up myself and it isn't from the people of color."
Puerto Ricans are an interesting race. Some actually believe most Whites have no prejudice against them. Other PR's who look to be of African decent, know better.
In any case, I can relate to your experience with some Mexicans. They are some of the biggest racists on the planet, imo. And they are the ones who will probably get immigration laws passed with the undying support of good ol' Blacks, of course. Some Blacks out of ignorance, support people who they see are fighting the White man and assume they must be ok. They never question, "will they support Blacks, or will they not give a damn about us?"
Read UTS and Zing's comments regarding Latinos, and it's clear that they can't tell the difference between a dream they have carried in their head and what is real.
The problem with 24 hour news is that to fill it with actual news from around the world, would be boring. Consequently we have talking heads to fill dead air, who cater toward a particular audience, which apparently the more ignorant the talk the better.
The ones who have problems with Obama will short circuit their own intellect to present the so-called rational argument. As shown by Carlson's statement, about what ignoramus was, on Daily's skit.
Gretchen Carlson is the typical bobble head Stepford Wife buffoon that you find on the right -- Michelle Bauckman, Sarah Palin, Michelle Malkin, Anne Coulter. These women have used their looks to get ahead, playing 'the dumb cheerleader' and becoming rich while championing the same misogyny that would have kept their asses barefoot and pregnant in the 1950's.
The problem I have is that for the most part, these are not stupid women -- at least not on paper. Okay, Bachmann went to Oral Roberts School of Law (there's a million jokes in that one) but unlike Sister Sarah, these women are the very well-headed over-educated careerists they rail against.
Its one thing to be an educated conservative -- lord knows you'd have to grad degree in economics or history to figure out what some of the old school intellectuals in the National Review or the Economist are even talking about. (You could say the same thing about Mother Jones or the new Republic too. Damn, journalism has sunk since I was child.)
I honestly don't believe an Oberlin College alumnus could actually defend the detainment of Japanese Americans -- especially if she's Asian American. But Malkin did a few years back and defends that nonsense to this day.
Basically, I think these women follow the Gingrich/Limbaugh rule book on right wing demagoguery -- say the most ridiculous bullshit, even if you know better, because race baiters and general terrified white suburbanites will eat it up and make you rich.
So, I'm not surprised that a Stanford and Oxford alum comparing her dimwitted morning chatter hour to being the leader of the free world. She can get away with such an asinine statement because there's some numb nut white guy with a GED who somehow thinks he could do a better job than a Harvard educated Law Professor, because, you know -- "he's an Arab".
Do you mind if I ask you a question per the antics of WhiteBowieSteve?
Steve is essentially asking me to prove that, had the Black community TAKEN THE RED PILL that we would be any better off than having consumed the BLUE PILL.
Here is my view. Steve and other operatives had an ACTIVE role in selling us the BLUE PILL. They stated that the red pill would kill us if we took it.
2) Promote that we go COLD TURKEY FROM EITHER PILL
3) Develop the branch of ORGANIC/ALTERNATIVE MEDICINE to heal the Black body that is not DEPENDENT UPON THESE PILLS
Can't you all see WHO IS THE REAL SELL OUT in this debate?"
Awwww Jeeeezzzzz, More of this shit???????
Anon says 12:59....
Puerto Ricans are an interesting race. Some actually believe most Whites have no prejudice against them. Other PR's who look to be of African decent, know better.
Yep, he's the dark skinned version PR, so he's was probably experencing that love us Black folks feel sometimes from "the man".
In any case, I can relate to your experience with some Mexicans. They are some of the biggest racists on the planet, imo. And they are the ones who will probably get immigration laws passed with the undying support of good ol' Blacks, of course. Some Blacks out of ignorance, support people who they see are fighting the White man and assume they must be ok. They never question, "will they support Blacks, or will they not give a damn about us?"
Read UTS and Zing's comments regarding Latinos, and it's clear that they can't tell the difference between a dream they have carried in their head and what is real.
12:59 PM
And you're right, we'll be only as good when we're needed for their "cause" after that we'll be back to be known as "coculos" or what ever the hell that phrase is some of them the use
CF is a total fuckin fraud.
Case closed.
"Some Blacks out of ignorance, support people who they see are fighting the White man and assume they must be ok. They never question, "will they support Blacks, or will they not give a damn about us?"
Read UTS and Zing's comments regarding Latinos, and it's clear that they can't tell the difference between a dream they have carried in their head and what is real."
Sounds like a scared white racist to me.
Sure there are racist latinos.
People like you don't have a problem with the few black fools who grin with the Tea Partiers and I know damn well they don't like black folks.
I do know this:
Obama got almost 70% of the hispanic vote.
In my hometown of NYC, Charlie Rangel's district has been predominately hispanic for years.
African-American Bob Johnson has been the elected District Attorney of predominately hispanic Bronx County for over 20 years.
People like you hate both blacks and hispanics are a scared shitless of a political coalition of the two groups.
Malkin said that anyone that "look " Muslim should be put in a detention camp. Half the Muslims in the world are Asian.
Bachmann also attended Regent University ,who founder Rat Robertson constantly says on his show that the President is the anti-Christ.
One good way to stop Glenn Beck from his March on Black People is to contact his church and tell them to Excommunicat him. Mormons take it seriously.Let them know about his race baiting since the church is trying to get away from it's racist pass. Then let them know how he's complicit in the deaths of three patrol officiers.His lies about the Presidnt taking away white peoples guns and putting them in a FEMA camp are false.
"One good way to stop Glenn Beck from his March on Black People is to contact his church and tell them to Excommunicat him."
What a joke.
Beck will be lucky if he gets 10 people in his march.
In freakin' WASHINGTON, DC????
On the anniversary of the original March on Washington?????
There are going to be a whole lot of angry black folks down there on that date.
AL Sharpton has been whipping 'em up on the TJMS for the last couple of weeks.
I'll definitely be there.
It promises to be interesting.
uptownsteve said...
"I'll definitely be there.
It promises to be interesting."
Oooh, you bad, Uptown! I'll keep a look out for your big brown head and an ear out for some old goofball bellowing out confused racist mistatements. This should be fun.
First the Mall in Washington is a park, people can bring guns to a national park. That's what Glenn Beck is hoping for, he has already killed(technically).
The Excommunication thing, that would hurt him real bad.He wouldn't risk that.They would have to throw his family out of the church.
Man kid, take your meds already!
[quote] Michelle Malkin, Anne Coulter[/quote]
I have read the works of these two women and I have read YOUR line of thinking.
My view: Either of these two women would smoke you in your attempts to defend your position on the majority of the major issues that confront us as a nation.
You dismiss Anne Coulter as having survived by little more than her looks?
She hangs around many of the Intellectual Liberal people that you believe are gifted. (Maher, I am drawing a blank on the woman from The View and CNN Headline News)
Its interesting that when people you favor are called dumb there's always a bit of HATRED behind that charge. When you do it is that you are "Hating a Hater" and thus you are justified.
Funny how that works.
Conflictive Feedback said..."In truth it is YOU who look past their failings for no other reason than they are Ideological in line with you AND Black."
Didn't one poster upthread opine about how 'imperfect' we humans are?
Let me see if I have this right.
I should find candidates who're flawless, and possibly infallible, and elect them, although they represent a political culture, and ideology that's foreign to me, and don't perfectly match my political agenda.
I've got it.
I should surrender my political will to Republicans...although they're not 'ideologically' aligned with me...because of their unquestioning, superior track record as winners.
Republicans are just too smart to fail, and too perfect to screw up.
Who needs a two-party, or multi-party, system when you have this sterling Republican demographic to choose from?
A zinger from Zing:
Don't rain on my head and tell me it's pissing outside.
I have read the works of these two women and I have read YOUR line of thinking.
My view: Either of these two women would smoke you in your attempts to defend your position on the majority of the major issues that confront us as a nation.
You dismiss Anne Coulter as having survived by little more than her looks?
She hangs around many of the Intellectual Liberal people that you believe are gifted. (Maher, I am drawing a blank on the woman from The View and CNN Headline News)
Its interesting that when people you favor are called dumb there's always a bit of HATRED behind that charge. When you do it is that you are "Hating a Hater" and thus you are justified.
Funny how that works."
Still with this shit?
CF - as usual you're as dense as doorpost. It's one thing to be a conservative of color or female conservative. For example, many Black church ladies could be called pro-life.
Its another thing to advocate for positions that are directly opposed or mock advancements that have helped you and/or protect you from the worse instincts of our country.
For God's sake, Michelle Malkin, the Asian American daughter of Asian immigrants, is arguing its fine to lock up Asian people because cops might think they're terrorists. What kind of knucklehead crap is that?
Even for all your bitching about 'Street Pirates', CF how could you logically defend this type of position? Do you feel cops should arrest every young Black or Latino man with their baggy jeans and white t-shirts? Is every Chicano kid in yellow and black a Latin King? Should I take off my blue shirt b/c I'm under 35 and Black and the cops have a right to suspect that I'm a Crip?
That's just the tip of the iceberg...
UTS-"Sounds like a scared white racist to me."
No, just a concerned black person. You are such an idiot. Be careful when you show up for the march on Washington. Some tiny old white person might end up kicking your big mouth noisy negro ass.
Or worse, maybe AB might be there to beat your ass the way she does on this blog. Hell, CF might just take a quick flight in to get a piece of your dumb ass.
For all of you liberals it is now official: "Conservatives Now Outnumber Liberals Two to One"
Surprised? I'm not. You liberal thinking folks are done. Pro-life, end of illegal immigration, and our Judeo-Christian values appeal to the majority of Americans. You liberals lose.
Why do all you racist, homophobic,mysogynist,anti-Islamic, anti-Arab bigots think you won?Fifty years ago MOST Americans thought black people shouldn't have Civil Rights of the Right to Vote.
Below is a link to what Glenn Beck want to do with black folks.
So the World Cup then...
The French give up, the Americans decide to turn up at the last minute and English are left to face the Germans alone...
Does that ring any bells...?
Annony said...
"For all of you liberals it is now official: "Conservatives Now Outnumber Liberals Two to One"
Surprised? I'm not. You liberal thinking folks are done. Pro-life, end of illegal immigration, and our Judeo-Christian values appeal to the majority of Americans. You liberals lose."
Surprised? No. It merely confirms what I already know is true about this country...the inescapable, unvarnished truth of who we are...we spread hate faster than love.
What did you say about those "Christian values"? They have mass appeal?
Here's a Christian value...'Love ye one another, even as I have loved you.' Jesus.
Yep, you conservatives certainly won, and should be proud of yourselves.
We liberals gotta make sure that you conservative Christians are placed at the front of the line to be the first to greet St. Peter at the Pearly Gates!
[quote]Beck will be lucky if he gets 10 people in his march.[/quote]
It is clear that you don't know how to process information to a logical conclusion:
Glenn Beck is a total wash out and won't manage to bring more than 10 (Klansmen) people to Washington DC
Why is it that the NAACP, NUL and National Action Network planning to provoke their members to COME TO WASHINGTON DC on Aug 28 to hold a COUNTER-PROTEST
With "Bloody Summer 2010" in full bore with a constant stream of 'Black Blood' staining the sidewalk and being washed off - WHERE ARE THESE ORGANIZATIONS protesting against the PEOPLE WHO ARE KILLING BLACKS?
"You dismiss Anne Coulter as having survived by little more than her looks?"
"Her looks"? Please tell me that you are not suggesting that she is somehow attractive. 0:
BTW, I would take La-Coincidental over that wingnut in an intellectual debate, anytime.
"Conservatives Now Outnumber Liberals Two to One"
So what?
[quote]For example, many Black church ladies could be called pro-life.[/quote]
Perhaps I should provide YOU with MY concept of "Conservator-ship" for you to be able to make your decision as to if the prevailing Black social disposition is more as "conservators" OR "perpetual strugglers" (for the sake of retaining unity)?
A 'conservator' has defined a set of social and economic policies that serve their interests. They work to FIELD these interests and then PROTECT them from being eroded by those who have competitive theories which can't exist in the same time and space. (Note: I am not putting a 'moral value judgment' on these actions pro and con. I am only discussing the mechanics".
Today's prevailing Black activist disposition is one of OPPOSITION to this order which has a history of rolling over their interests.
In my assessment, LACking, this struggle milieu is VALUABLE when your rights are attacked. You actively seek to liberalize the status quo and force them to respect you.
HOWEVER, as the balance tips and YOU become 'DA MAN' per your control over the key institutions - those who STILL seek to retain the PERMANENT STRUGGLE milieu because of its UNITING power (they never have to stand against their Permanent friend who is now in power. Instead they can join with him and help him to fight against the external enemy).
You see, LACking, at some point YOU WILL OWN IT. You finger prints will be all over the steering wheel.
The character and integrity of the package that you put in play must stand up to the scrutiny of IT being the LAST MAN STANDING - the rule of the roost for all of the equal human beings that are alive under your watch.
The problem with your claim that the Black Church is CONSERVATIVE is that beyond TALKING (judging) you can point to FEW SOCIAL SANCTIONS that the church puts forth in support of this CONSERVATISM.
Instead as a liberal you are more inclined to point to its INACTION (ie: HIV prevention) as proof of its conservatism at a time when you want them to be NON-JUDGMENTAL ACTIVISTS. Accept all who are diseased and come to their door - without ever suggesting that they put down the wine bottle which casts them as t town drunk.
Its another thing to advocate for positions that are directly opposed or mock advancements that have helped you and/or protect you from the worse instincts of our country. [/quote]
Fair point.
Now what about the people who, during their multi-decade long STRUGGLE for "protection" can't enumerate any key COMPETENCIES that they have built up WITHIN these same people?
Is it a bigger crime that one Filipino woman has uttered these words despite not having any POWER or for a MACHINE that has an array of power that has gained power over the key institutions of their people, yet after erecting PROTECTIONS from the racist assaults that their people once suffered they are relatively silent about the new vector of attack of their people which is occurring at the hands of INTERNAL TERMITES - those who Kid says were MADE TO ATTACK THEIR OWN KIND per the antics of the powers that you ran out of power?
[quote]"Her looks"? Please tell me that you are not suggesting that she is somehow attractive. 0: [/quote]
NO. This is not what I was saying at all.
Now please tell me that you don't believe that Joy Bayheart is the reference for "Progressive Intelligentsia"
What is your e-mail address?
I want to submit a message to you with the hopes that you'll post it.
I was going to ask if you can marshal the forces of "AfroSpear" and "Color Of Change" to return to the State of South Carolina as a follow up to your protest against Republican governor Mark Sandford and his threatened cuts of education funding as he refused to take the deficit money from Obama.
This time I was hoping that your two groups would do another "collabo" but this time with the intention of pressuring the DEMOCRATIC PARTY of South Carolina - cajoling them to provide funding for the campaign of Alvin Greene.
After all he is BLACK and he is their officially elected representative for the general election for the US Senate in November.
Per YOUR view - If the Republican party finds a way to provide campaign funding for all of the fools that they put into play for their general election campaigns - CERTAINLY the Democratic Party should show Alvin Greene this same respect as their ELECTED candidate.
This time I WILL JOIN YOU.
I have my family reunion in South Carolina in July. If you print up some fliers on AfroSpear letterhead I will agree to pass them out all over the Atlantic coast of SC.
Do we have a deal?
"Per YOUR view - If the Republican party finds a way to provide campaign funding for all of the fools that they put into play for their general election campaigns - CERTAINLY the Democratic Party should show Alvin Greene this same respect as their ELECTED candidate.
This time I WILL JOIN YOU.
I have my family reunion in South Carolina in July. If you print up some fliers on AfroSpear letterhead I will agree to pass them out all over the Atlantic coast of SC.
Do we have a deal?"
Why would I support Al Green? If he could sing me a few bars of "Let's Stay Together" I might think about it.
See, there you go again thinking in political terms. Unlike you I am not married to a candidate because they belong to one politcal party over another.
Take off those republican blinders Destructive one, take them off. They are hurting your credibility. I keep telling you that.
Constructive Feedback :
"I have my family reunion in South Carolina in July."
Tell everyone in Strom Thurman's family the Afrospear still don't like their ass.Sorry,I didn't mean to be so harsh on your Granddaddy.
kid said...
"Tell everyone in Strom Thurman's family the Afrospear still don't like their ass.Sorry,I didn't mean to be so harsh on your Granddaddy."
I'll bet old Sperm Thurman knocked your mama up too, kid! You half-cracker son of a bitch!
PC, "The French give up, the Americans decide to turn up at the last minute and English are left to face the Germans alone...
Does that ring any bells...?"
That's how Americans win. They wait until everyone is exhausted from fighting and THEN they show up to save the day.
[quote:Anon:That's how Americans win. They wait until everyone is exhausted from fighting and THEN they show up to save the day.[/quote]
Yes I know that's how it works, I'm married to an American.
Filled Negro:
You disappoint me yet again.
Didn't you see the campaign support that the Keith Olbermann Show gave to Greene over DeMint?
You are forcing me into a place where I did not want to go.
I am now going to start an Internet petition AGAINST "AfroSpear" and "The Color Of Change" - demanding that you all return to South Carolina and protest FOR the Democratic Party to fund the Alvin Greene campaign as the rightful Democratic representative in the election AND while you are at it you can campaign AGAINST Tim Scott - the Black Republican. If we get any Black Republicans in the federal congress it will mean SPLIT LIABILITY. I won't be able to blame the "Democrats who are Black" for failing us per their exclusive presence.
You have been warned.
PC "Yes I know that's how it works, I'm married to an American."
LOL. If you had married a Jamaican you would have a lot more energy like CF! LOL
@Anon 7:54
For all of you liberals it is now official: "Conservatives Now Outnumber Liberals Two to One"
I'm sure that's often been the case. And those in the top 5 percentile of intelligence are outnumbered by those less intelligent 20-1. Damned intellectuals.
"Everybody says there is this RACE problem. Everybody says this RACE problem will be solved when the third world pours into EVERY white country and ONLY into white countries."
"The Netherlands and Belgium are more crowded than Japan or Taiwan, but nobody says Japan or Taiwan will solve this RACE problem by bringing in millions of third worlders and quote assimilating unquote with them."
"Everybody says the final solution to this RACE problem is for EVERY white country and ONLY white countries to "assimilate," i.e., intermarry, with all those non-whites."
"What if I said there was this RACE problem and this RACE problem would be solved only if hundreds of millions of non-blacks were brought into EVERY black country and ONLY into black countries?"
"How long would it take anyone to realize I'm not talking about a RACE problem. I am talking about the final solution to the BLACK problem?"
"And how long would it take any sane black man to notice this and what kind of psycho black man wouldn't object to this?"
"But if I tell that obvious truth about the ongoing program of genocide against my race, the white race, Liberals and respectable conservatives agree that I am a naziwhowantstokillsixmillionjews."
"They say they are anti-racist. What they are is anti-white."
"Anti-racist is a code word for anti-white."
RT-"I'm sure that's often been the case. And those in the top 5 percentile of intelligence are outnumbered by those less intelligent 20-1. Damned intellectuals."
There are TWICE as many intellectuals who are conservatives than liberals. I can see why you curse them, you liberal loser.
"Anti-racist is a code word for anti-white."
'Specifically,' it can be a "Black" code word for anti-White.
Only if you are terminally stupid.
"There are TWICE as many intellectuals who are conservatives than liberals. I can see why you curse them, you liberal loser."
Thank goodness you're backing up all these statements with credible sources! Oh, wait. . .nevermind.
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