Is your mama a ho? This is, in essence, what Dolphins GM, Jeff Ireland, asked potential NFL first rounder (and future Dallas Cowgirl) Dez Bryant on his interview with the club leading up to the draft.
Jeff, are you serious? WTF were you thinking? Were you trying to see if the guy could keep his temper in check when pushed? Did you really think his mother was a prostitute and it might affect his play on the field? Did you think that he would love prostitutes-because his mama is one- and he would spend all of his time in Miami's red light district instead of in his play book?
"Last Wednesday, the night before he was selected 24th overall by the Cowboys, former Oklahoma State wide receiver Dez Bryant(notes) told me that during one of his predraft visits, a high-level executive of one NFL franchise had asked him if his mother, Angela, was a prostitute.“No, my mom is not a prostitute,” said Bryant, whose background – including his mother’s lifestyle and past legal troubles – was under great scrutiny prior to the draft. “I got mad – really mad – but I didn’t show it.” The offender was Ireland, whose franchise apparently holds nothing sacred in regards to its evaluations of potential employees.
In recent weeks, we’ve heard about some preposterous questions that have been tossed at this year’s top draft prospects, including one team’s query to defensive tackle Gerald McCoy(notes) during an interview at the NFL scouting combine: Do you play in a G-string or a jock strap? (Creepy.)"
In recent weeks, we’ve heard about some preposterous questions that have been tossed at this year’s top draft prospects, including one team’s query to defensive tackle Gerald McCoy(notes) during an interview at the NFL scouting combine: Do you play in a G-string or a jock strap? (Creepy.)"
Yes, "creepy" indeed. I mean I know that these teams view these players in the same light that horse trainers view their horses. But they should try to add a little dignity to the process. I heard a house Negro on sports talk today saying what's the big deal? (I am sure that some folks will comment after this post and say the same thing) The Negro is going to be making millions of dollars, no question is off limits. "Mike" he said to the host, "is there any question you wouldn't answer for 40 million dollars?" Nothing like a few dollars to make the house Negro jig.
Can you imagine a potential associate at a law firm being asked a question like that? How about a potential bond trader at a major financial institution?
Look, I get it, teams have to make sure that they don't blow their investment. They don't want some knuckle head going out and getting arrested or letting his body go down because he spends all night chasing women and drinking. But surely there is a better way to find out where a young man's head is than asking him if his mother was a prostitute.
“I don’t care who you are or who you’re talking to – that kind of question usually gets your [expletive] teeth kicked in,” says former NFL lineman Kyle Turley(notes). “I mean, where do these people come from? That’s just completely [expletive] classless and totally unprofessional.”
“We need to make sure the men of this league are treated as businessmen," Smith said. "During interviews, our players and prospective players should never be subjected to discrimination or degradation stemming from the biases or misconceptions held by team personnel. NFL teams cannot have the free reign to ask questions during the interview process which can be categorized as stereotyping or which may bring a personal insult to any player as a man."
It's nice to see former players and the current head of the players association speaking out. I am waiting to hear from the commissioner next. Of course, now that he has been outed by Yahoo Sports, Ireland has also apologized:
"Dolphins owner Stephen Ross will “take appropriate actions if necessary” against general manager Jeff Ireland for asking former Oklahoma State receiver Dez Bryant(notes) whether his mother was ever a prostitute. Ireland apologized for the question, and the NFL players union raised concerns Wednesday about discrimination and degradation. Ross issued a statement saying he’ll look into the matter personally. “As an owner of many companies and organizations, including the Miami Dolphins, I have always strived to comply with the highest standards in all aspects of my businesses, including recruiting,” Ross said. “In interviewing employees, we always look to obtain relevant and appropriate information in adherence with the best industry practices.”
"Relevant and appropriate information"? Is your mama a ho? Was your daddy her pimp?
I hate the Cowgirls, but I can't wait to for them to play the Dolphins. Here is hoping that Bryant torches them for over a 100 yards and a couple of scores. And while he is doing his end zone dance he points to Ireland's box and says: I got your prostitute right here.
Incredibly disgusting...
Field this is not even the half of what NFL GM'S are saying to potential draft picks. Myron Rolle from FSU who was awarded the Rhodes Scholarship and took off his senior year to attend Oxford. His stock in the draft dropped considerably because NFL people questioned his commitment to football. Are you serious? Was this young brother suppose to forego a once in a lifetime opportunity and complete his Senior year to show his commitment to football. When discussing his year at Oxford, the Tampa Bay Buccaneers asked Rolle how it felt to desert his team.
I guess the powers that be in the NFL want to keep it's draft picks to have no interest other than football, ie education and a future after football.
Jeff Ireland must need some free dental work. Does he practice equal opportunity and ask white players to be the same questions? After all, I see a lot of white prostitutes out on the streets too. Hoeing is definitely and equal opportunity occupation. Pimps don't discriminate! Dang, didn't Ireland watch "The Mack"? Smh!
Field, this article has aroused my curiosity. I plan to ask several of my relatives if they were asked questions like that before they became pro in baseball, football, and basketball.
I work for one of Mr. Ross's companies, Related Management. This business is high end rentals and condo's. With that said, Ross likes to put himself out there like he's this classy dude, so I'll wait and see what happens. I know if I were Dez, I'd jumped over whatever table that was that separated us and f'd him up royally.
Maybe Ol' Jeff learned everything about his selection techniques by reading Mandingo by Kyle Onstott.
Question: Are some of you men even offended over the fact that his mother, a black woman was disrespected, or just offended over the fact that Brant, a black man was disrespected by such a question?
And for all those apologist in all color spectrum, I wonder if they would see it in the same perspective if Bryant was biracial and his mother was instead white.
(Just thought I'd ask)
I sho hope Ireland doesn't ask any of those momma boys that specialized in tap dancing in folk's eye because his eye will be hanging out of socket if he do.
And for all those apologist in all color spectrum, I wonder if they would see it in the same perspective if Bryant was biracial and his mother was instead white."
Good question. Let me do some soul searching and get back to you on that.
BTW, the RB from Stanford- who happens to be white- felt that he was unfairly stereotyped by GMs becaause he is white, which hurt his draft stock and I happen to agree with him.
Malski, I saw that with Rolle, and I was disgusted then.
"Jeff Ireland must need some free dental work."
LOL@ Granny.
9:35 PM
Babygurl, you're better than Perry Mason and Matlock put together, I swear. I got to give you a ^5 on that one. President Obama needs to nominate you for that Supreme Justice Court position, I bet Roberts and Scalia would straighten up then without a doubt.
Mr. President if you looking for the right candidate and your reading this blog, look no further, Laaudio is the perfect one for that position.
Cowgirls? Really?
Look, I get that you don't like the Dallas Cowboys, but why do you have to stoop to this kind of insult? Your insult is no better than what this coach said. Both are slamming women.
beatfreak, comparing a dallas cowgirl football player to a girl, and calling out someone's mother as a prostitute is the same thing? Really?
Yep, you must be a cow-girls fan.
LOL Granny, I'll be sure to tell them you've been my inspiration. You're a true Granny on this blog, no tricks, nor wool has been able cover your eyes :)
Hey Field, when I said apologist, I meant the ones on Ireland's behalf, just want to clear that up.
I was just messing, I know you're always cool though :)
As a Cowboy fan from birth, I'mma have to cosign with beatfreak about the name change for Dallas, LOL!!!
Actually, the brotha' needs to be house negro of the day because what kinda man allows a another one to talk about his Mama like that without doing something?
And I do wonder if any white player ever faced the same question..............
"Actually, the brotha' needs to be house negro of the day because what kinda man allows a another one to talk about his Mama like that without doing something?"
M&M, I think ole Dez saw $ signs.
La~, I know that was meant for Ireland. But it gave me cause for pause as well.
Can I VOTE for house Negro of the day?
I would like to put his name in the ring ( or house )
Field, I just did some soul searching on my own second question. If that was the case, would I have been offended? Deep.
Well, if Bryant didn't punch the ass' teeth into his throat it was Bryant who acted like the human being.
Plus, besides, what 21 year old who is talking to a supposedly adult and figure head of the age of Ireland is going to start punching away at a person who asks a question they would never suspect be asked?
this is done to ' emasculate' these athletes and ' put them in their place'.
asking them to take a drug test? fine.
asking them if they partake in 'dangerous' sports like motorcyling or skiiing -that could endanger their physical specimen and thus make them ineligible to play - fine.
but, this bullshyt?
it's done to keep the athlete' in his place', because if one actually challenged them on this bullshyt, then suddenly, they would have ' attitude problems'.
like I've said, I've been Black in America longer than 3 days.
"Plus, besides, what 21 year old who is talking to a supposedly adult and figure head of the age of Ireland is going to start punching away at a person who asks a question they would never suspect be asked?"
Please don't try to rationalize with the resident dingbat.
I'm gone say this, I don't care if the child was trying out for the Chip n Dale strippers that question was totally out of line. No child trying out for anything or seeking employment should be ask that type of question regarding their momma. I don't care if his mother stood out in the middle of Time Square and pulled her dress up and told them to kiss it, that question was classless and very offensive. First of all, his mother isn't trying out for the team, he is. Dez is who they would have to deal with on a professional basis, not his mother.
"...what 21 year old who is talking to a supposedly adult and figure head of the age of Ireland is going to start punching away at a person who asks a question they would never suspect be asked?"
Don't fool yourself, there are some who would when it comes to their momma. We're living in an age that young people feel you got to give respect to get it, and they not playing. Most of them feel they have nothing to lose because the world is close to ending anyway. You'd be surprise how young people nowadays think.
Amen, that is what it is all about emasculation. So that, when he is picked he'll be beholden to whoever picks him. The first time any little minor incident comes up or if he sneezes too hard, they'll throw it up in his face.
Old days: they put us on the auction block and poked and prodded as they saw fit.
Present day: they draft us into the NFL and poke and prod as they see fit.
Some things never change.
NO, I don't even like football. But it seems to me that men think it's okay to put down other men by calling them girls. Like being a girl is an insult.
That's what I'm saying. Both of these issues are about sexism. One of them just gets a health dose of racism included with it.
This is completely off-topic but check this out:
I would love it if someone asked Jeff Ireland if his mother was a prostitute. And what's up with that creepy question to Gerald McCoy? I hope the team that drafted him wasn't the one who asked him.
I gotta cosign with beatfreak on this one, field.
I'm not a Dallas fan, at all, and barely pay any attention to professional sports, but when you're searching for an insult and what you come up with is Cowgirls instead of Cowboys, it just hurts my heart.
There is a long history of the greatest insult to a man is to be called a woman. It's at the root of homophobia and homophobic slurs.
You might not think it's a big deal, but, truthfully, I don't think it's your call. I don't get to decide what Black people perceive is racist, and men don't get to decide what women perceive is sexist.
Love ya lots, field, but that's my two cents.
Does Jeff Ireland still have his teeth?
@ FN:
Forty Million Dollar Slaves: The Rise, Fall, and Redemption of the Black Athlete by William C. Rhoden
Sports stardom has brought black athletes wealth without progress and prosperity without freedom.
Mother Jones
Well said Val.
RT, thanks for your .2 and I respectr it.
But honestly, yes, playing football like a girl (if you are a professional football player) is supposed to be an insult. Sorry, that's just what we call the team with the stars on their helmets here in Phily. Would I have made the same analogy with tennis or basketball? Probably not. But with football, on the other hand, I think it's quite fitting.
"Dark Frosty", did I ever tell you that I love that name? :)
" agape2010 said...
@ maria:
Let me just put this out there...
When I came to this site YOU were the FIRST one to start contention with me... and I left you alone...except for one time...I tried to make ammends with you when someone said something nasty to you...
When you did not have the courtesy to give even a simple response I left you alone again...
Now let me put this out there...YOU always mention YOUR skin color...I never would have known you were white...until you stated it... again... and again...
You remind me of all the white girls I went to school with...relying on their TANNED white skin and boobs so they could be the one the boys like...
In all hoestly...I think you are a bit dull and ill informed...I think you ride on any wagon that looks like it might go around the block...I think you're writing skills are limited...My first degree was in Journalism...and at the age of 12 I was writing better than you do now...I find it very hard to believe you write for a living...I find it so hard to believe that I see you as a wanna be writer....
I think you are a wanna be in other areas as well...you wanna be smart...you wanna be in the mix...you wanna beleive the lie you tell yourself that you LOVE BLACK PEOPLE...you wannna be the smartest in the room and cannot...you wanna be A LIGHT SKINNED BLACK WOMAN...you wanna be the lone white women on this site...you probably wanna be F'in a black man from this site...
I am working on my own personal biases...one of which is people like YOU...
maria...I love you..I have to because I really am a Christian...
HOWEVER, I do not have to like you...that's not part of the deal...
Since I do not like you...I will reverse the mistake I made with you...and ONCE AGAIN...leave you alone...
For the record...there is NO WAY I WOULD EVER allow a white girl to co-sign on any conversation I would have with a black woman that has to do with color....I am simply not there yet...further, I really am a FIELD NEGRO...and I intend to stay in the field...do yourself a favor...do not try to figure that one out...ask your black friends...
You are trash to me...I have just thrown you out.
Still PEACE.
ok, i used quote marks. yipee.
i didn't even see this shit til late last night. it can't be left unresponded to. i don't agree with anything you said here, and i want folks to see what you are really like--a race baiting, ignorant, hypocritical fool and LIAR.
and i want everyone to see it.
i don't WANNA BE anything. i am an established, working journalist had have been for 25 years. i am a respected civic activist in my community on local as well as state issues.
you don't know me or my sexual desires. i don't need to defend myself to YOU. this attack was so unnecessary, so uncalled for. you should be ashamed of yourself. you hid it at the end of a four-day old thread that no one was even reading anymore. there are so many things going on here related to your colorism, then hatred of me...as you're fond of saying, it's projection and deflection.
your stinkiness needs sushine. that's the greatest disinfectant for the likes of YOU.
in a way, i almost thank you for putting all your craziness out there for all to see.
Field, I know you N-words watch Hoops 13 Months/year but have you ever SEEN an NFL "Combine"(rhymes with Concubine)???
Saw one this year and thought I'd tuned into "Mandingo" by mistake..
Just like an 18th Century Slave Auction except there not in chains and noone cares howmany teeth they have;
Seriously, does the NBA season ever end???
and what r ya bitchin bout' 28 out of the 30 first round picks were illegitimate, I mean, N-words, how about a little Affirmative Action for a White Cornerback???
Frank "How Come there's not a White History Month?" Drackman
"what kinda man allows a another one to talk about his Mama like that without doing something"
No a real man, that's for sure. Luckily, in my city, we got lots of "real" men. That'd pull a gun and shoot the f#cka dead who talks about his Mama. Not his baby's Mama, but his Mama.
You cut them off in traffic, you look at them funny, you ask them to stop cursing on the bus, you asking them to stop smoking weed on the subway, "bang!"
Real men indeed.
Bryant handled this situation with class, something the Dallas Cowboys (sorry I'm neutral in that fight FN) can't say. For all the folks here saying he should have taken a swing ... the jackass from Dallas would have proved whatever sick point he thought he was trying to make...
MeandMyMicroscope: Actually, the brotha' needs to be house negro of the day because what kinda man allows a another one to talk about his Mama like that without doing something?
Uh, Dez still has time. I am sure there are people out there who could have something happen to Ireland and make it look as if it were an accident and would probably do it for free since he talked about somebody's mama.LOL
I've watched white folks for years and they plan their work and work their plan. Black folks are too emotional and get caught up in the moment. See if Dez were white he would have a date on his calendar say March 15, 2012 when the deed to Ireland would be done, but some of us bash him for not reacting immediately.
"Question: Are some of you men even offended over the fact that his mother, a black woman was disrespected, or just offended over the fact that Brant, a black man was disrespected by such a question?"
Were you offended when FocusedPurpose boldly stated that most black men were irresonsible brutes?
"Actually, the brotha' needs to be house negro of the day because what kinda man allows a another one to talk about his Mama like that without doing something?"
Good Point.
Because had another black man said that to him you know they would have been scrappin.
When I interview for a job, the interviewer is checking me out....and I am checking them out. I am making determinations, like "Do I like this guy?" "Could I be happy working here?". I have been offered and turned down positionis because the interviewer failed the interview. When that question was asked, Dez Bryant in myopion had every right to say to himself "this employer failed - I don't want to work here" And this is the problem - in the NFL the draftee has little recourse- if Miami did draft him, he really can't turn them down or he would identify himself as a "problem already".
Didn't AMerryKKKa just swoon over the "Blind Side"?
What up Brother Field? Interesting post as always. I think Val said it all when she pointed out the similarities of the football industry to the slave auction.
These guys professional athletes are gladiators in essence and are basically treated like pieces of meat commodities. I think that more than anything else thats what this question reveals.
It also reveals how some white folks have a real double standard when it comes to black folks. I am not sure the question would have arisen with a perspective white draftee. So its a little deeper than just being a commodity its about being a black commodity and they have to examined even closer.
Its still hard to believe that anyone would ask that kind of question but my guess is that this kind of personal insulting question has been asked before in the corporate world. You know they are always concerned about whether someone who may be representing them comes from so-called good stock.
And I didn't understand the point of MMM's question. What is the point the question was outrageous on the face of it. It was just plain disrespectful to the young man and his mother and family. What is the point of trying to differentiate why the outrage?
Man we can always find a way to be divisive can't we.
When Tony Dungey was coaching the Colts they would conduct background checks on Black players and he would not draft them...
Tony played the Jesus card but he did the same thing to young Black athletes ...
Where was the hue and cry?? Where was FN when TD was doing this? Why did the media both Black and White ignored this racial profiling?
Where is the media now and Black folks now when these same teams conduct these "good negro "backgroud checks??
"What you talking about Willis?"
Sticks and Stones may break my bones but calling my Mother a "Hoe" or Prostitute (same thing), WILL cause me to SNAP first, think later.
I read on another blog that this guy's mother, although not a prostitute, is a former DRUG DEALER and addict. I think it said that she had done time in prison. I think maybe that's where that question came from.
BTW, his mother is also a lesbian. He was quoted as saying that he started out not liking the fact that she was a lesbian but that he had since come to terms with it (or something along those lines).
No excuse because only God is perfect and only he is worthy enough to judge someone.
Every Mother deserves to be respected regardless of their past or lifestyle.
"Were you offended when FocusedPurpose boldly stated that most black men were irresonsible brutes?"
Oh Steve, you just wanted to give me a special hug today :)
Every time I say I am going to take a long hiatus from this blog, someone keeps pulling me to engage in more ruckus.
Maria, do you mean the foolishness that has been going on at the bottom half of this thread comment?
What does Dez's qualifications to play football have to do with his mother? Dez and his mother are two different people. It's about Dez, not his mother! There are kid's whose parents might be messed up who do not follow the same route as their parents. They walk a straight and narrow line and try to make something of their lives.
Ireland's line of questioning was way over the top, inappropriate, demeaning, degrading, and totally out of line. Yes, Dez did right not to knock the soup out of Ireland, although, many would have been tempted too and followed through with. Ireland is lucky that he was not interviewing a hot-head young man, and that is my point as far as that part goes.
Nevertheless, the question he ask Dez wouldn't be even asked had he been interviewed for a law enforcement job. Ireland shouldn't even have the position he is in. Of course, Ireland will get a pass because he is white.
Again, I have to ask the question does he interview whites the same way? Hoeing is an equal opportunity occupation, pimps do not discriminate, and oddly enough they practice more equal opportunity than legitimate jobs do. We never hear of them questioning whites like this, and please don't give me that BS that it's because ALL of them come from wholesome families with responsible parents and the rest of that jive, because that won't fly with me. I've lived long enough and seen enough with these two eyes of mine to know better.
That is why I,strongly, loathe stereotypes and especially those exaggerated ones regarding black people. The ones which paint ALL blacks as pimps, hoes, drug dealers, drug addicts, gangbangers, and thugs. That is a lie and overly exaggerated. However, this is the way we're portrayed in the societies eyes, what many whites and others seems to believe and what is highlighted in MSM as a normal way of life with black people. These images do more harm to the black community than anything. Furthermore, this is an image that has been played in re-runs since slavery ended and are nothing more than obstruction tactics.
Facts of business, I don't care if his mother was selling her behind 24/7 or selling drugs 24/7. Ireland had no business asking him that type of question because the interview was supposed to be about Dez, his qualifications for the position, and Dez only. That line of questioning was classless and mean-spirited.
I'm pretty sure Bryant's mama is a ho. They paying all that money, they got the right to ask what kind of bullshit comes along with it.
It does not matter if they presenting him with his own personal MINT, that question was totally out of line, and no, they do not have the right to ask that type of question either.
How do you know for sure his mother is a hoe? Can you show proof?
la books said:
"Maria, do you mean the foolishness that has been going on at the bottom half of this thread comment?
2:19 PM"
yes. i sent you an email.
What the NFL is really afraid of...
laud i love your obsession with skin color, it make me lol.
loling a way now.
Agape, you are no real christian, thank you maria for showing this. Sad, you don't even know the love of Jesus in your heart, yet you have convicned yourself you do.
"I'm pretty sure Bryant's mama is a ho. They paying all that money, they got the right to ask what kind of bullshit comes along with it."
Anon. were you on the radio here in Philly a couple of days ago?
Well, we know who anonymous is by the misspelling of words. The games people play. Smh!
Now, let me move on to what I really wanted to say. ArtMaggot, thanks for that link to that article. It reminds me how sports agents practiced drafting young men before they finish college, and how many young men jumped at the chance and forget about their education. Nevertheless, when they failed to make pro and are dropped from the team for whatever reason, they have nothing to fall back on because they quit school. There are many young men who have gotten caught up in that type of scenario and regret it.
Yet and still, Dez's situation is somewhat different in that his mother was brought up in an interview that should have been about his qualifications and his alone. And it was a question that should not have even entered the conversation, regardless, if his mother was one or not.
I'm looking at Dez's case in another perspective. Why do some whites in authority think it is okay to treat our black children any kind of way they feel and without dignity and respect? He asked Dez a question that he wouldn't dare ask a white child. In fact, more than likely he would have praised a white child for trying to make something better of his life.
GrannyStandingforTruth said...
Well, we know who anonymous is by the misspelling of words. The games people play. Smh!
Yeah Granny, folks be trippin, LOL!!!!
Yup, folks be trippin, for real!
I meant to say *from another perspective*
Field check out this post. I don't know why this hadn't occurred to me before. Hope someone picks this up and makes this point in a mass media forum.
Dark Frosty thanks for sharing the video link. At a blog called Field Negro, this is the type of stuff you expect to see. Whoa!
I'm not going to go into a racial topic here although subliminal racism is probably present here. I just wonder if anyone asked this question to Jake Long a couple years ago. Or rather, ANY white player. I mean, this is the kind of question you only ask if you already know the answer to, and even then you only think it and keep your mouth shut.
"ok, i used quote marks. yipee."
This...coming from a "writer"...lol,lol,lol
While Rudy Giuliani was mayor of New York City, it became known that his father had been affiliated with the mafia.
After Bernard Kerik became the NY City Police Commissioner, it became known that his mother had been, for a while, a prostitute.
Okay, so the question about Bryant's mother was invasive and rude. But now that the question has hit the media, it's likely an answer will surface.
Oh Lawd! What happened to your belief that "blacks are not equal to whites"? I see you are willing to flip-flop when it comes to those family skeletons that is when it's negative. Anything positive you dismiss or ignore. Can't have those darkies sharing the positive spotlight with white folks can we Ms. Bigot.
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