I swear folks are losing their minds in A-merry-ca. In the state of Arizona the state legislature is expected to pass a law that will make it legal to profile brown people.
Imagine, if you will, that you are a Latino man who just ran out to Home Depot to get some supplies to do some yard work. You just got your supplies and you are outside loading your Chevy F-150 and some local po po rolls up on you and demands that you prove that you are an A-merry-can. Can you imagine? Well, that is exactly what the law could allow them to do in Mr. Morton country in the next couple of days. These assholes in "the land of the sun" just told the federal government to go and f*&k themselves because they have a border control problem.
"Arizona’s Republican Governor, under pressure from right-wing rivals for her job, has until Saturday afternoon to sign or veto the measure. The Catholic Archbishop of Los Angeles, a leading champion of immigration reform, has denounced it as a mandate for “German Nazi and Russian Communist techniques” of snooping and betrayal.
Up to ten other states are said to be considering similar laws as pressure mounts on the Republican Right and along America’s southern border for state-based immigration crackdowns in the absence of federal immigration reform. The Arizona Bill would make it a crime for legal immigrants not to carry their alien registration papers, and would allow police to arrest those unable to produce them — potentially upending the presumption of innocence underpinning US law and the principle that its enforcement should be colour-blind. "
Up to ten other states are said to be considering similar laws as pressure mounts on the Republican Right and along America’s southern border for state-based immigration crackdowns in the absence of federal immigration reform. The Arizona Bill would make it a crime for legal immigrants not to carry their alien registration papers, and would allow police to arrest those unable to produce them — potentially upending the presumption of innocence underpinning US law and the principle that its enforcement should be colour-blind. "
For all you non-lawyers out there, let me break it down in really simple terms for you: This new law would make it a newly created misdemeanor under their criminal code to be caught without immigration documents if you are even a legal immigrant. All law enforcement officials would need to make life miserable for some poor Latino- who happened to leave home without their Immigration Express Card- would be a reasonable suspicion to check them. That's it. This poorly worded law is too broad and it's too vague. It will be challenged and it will be struck down. Just imagine two local cops talking in Arizona:
Hey Harry, see that guy over there looking like Ricky Martin? I bet he is a Mexican. Nah, he looks like a white guy with a really nice tan. Or, he could be Italian. Nah, if he was Italian he wouldn't be driving a Chevy. Those Mexicans really love Chevys. Yeah,you might be right....look he is talking to that other guy, can you tell if he is speaking English? Naw, I can't see from here....
The poor folks in law enforcement don't even want this bill, because guess what? It's actually going to make it harder to fight crime for all those dumb ass xenophobes in Arizona. And, so far, a similar national law has not even been working.
I agree with Ruben Naverette when he writes:
"The real tragedy in all this is that the bill, which professes to take a hard line against illegal activity, will almost certainly produce much more of it. By proposing a law that deputizes every local and state law enforcement officer in Arizona to enforce immigration law, Pearce has single-handedly destroyed the trust between law enforcement agencies and the immigrant communities they have spent years trying to better serve.Good luck finding people who are willing to report crimes and be interviewed as witnesses now that they are afraid they might be arrested or deported. That makes these communities easy prey for criminals and makes the job of law enforcement much harder."
Not to mention the fact that law enforcement officials will be overworked trying to find the illegal bogeyman while real crimes are taking place.
And why now? Why these draconian and unconstitutional measures now? I wonder if the the folks in Arizona realize that the illegal immigrant population has actually been going down. (About one million over the past two years) That might be due to the fact that they are actually doing better in their own damn country than they would have been here in the land of "milk and honey." But try telling that to the folks in Arizona. The brown people are the root of all of their problems. Can't get a job? It's those damn illegals? Crime rate going up? It's those damn illegals. Value of your home plummeted? It's those damn illegals. Wife banging the Gardener? Well, that just might be the illegal....let me stop.
"American people are fair-minded and respectful. I can't imagine Arizonans now reverting to German Nazi and Russian Communist techniques whereby people are required to turn one another in to the authorities on any suspicion of documentation,"
Thank you Cardinal Mahony. And this is the perfect time to end with a very famous quote from another man of god: Pastor Martin Niemoller:
"THEY CAME FIRST for the Communists,and I didn't speak up because I wasn't a Communist.THEN THEY CAME for the Jews,and I didn't speak up because I wasn't a Jew.THEN THEY CAME for the trade unionists,and I didn't speak up because I wasn't a trade unionist.THEN THEY CAME for me and by that time no one was left to speak up."
Fortunately, there are plenty people speaking up now; let's just hope that it makes a difference.
1 – 200 of 206 Newer› Newest»I don't think the law mentions color. Even my relatively melanin-challenged ass can be accosted by the police in AZ just cause someone doesn't like the look of my face. Pass, bitte! Halt! Haende hoch!
"And why now? Why these draconian and unconstitutional measures now? I wonder if the the folks in Arizona realize that the illegal immigrant population has actually been going down."
Remember the Arizona rancher that was killed last month, on his property, by an "illegal immigrant", allegedly?
After 9-11 here in the 'D' we have the largest concentration of Arab-Americican and for years they played the good white immigrant role often at expense of Black folks after 9-11 they realize at end of the day during duress white folks can and will become'good germans"..
Mexicans and other people of color are getting this wake up call from the anti-immigration folks to the the tea baggers to the conservative law and order types who wear flags and around thier badges....
One truth is real we know about the posse and laws like "seeking an opportunity" aka just looking inside a vehicle can get a negro arrested in America...
Yeah all of us could be next... White folks like getting in lines and following mind numbing rules without questions...Good Germans can surface even here..
In essence they are trying to bring back the zoot suit days. They did something similar to this back in the day. Finally, they got real bold with it and started rounding them up in trucks and shipping them back to Mexico. They did not stop and find out if they were legal immigrants or American born either. Facts of business, they did not care. Yup, they are up to their old tricks again. Different day, same song, but people don't have to take it sitting down.
If they get it passed, they'll be profiling blacks, gays, and all others that they've targeted as well. Don't think that if they get it pass that they will stop there. That will be only the beginning. Believe it or not!
The right wing nutters, otherwise known as teabaggers, have their star spangled underoos in a twist because Glen Beck tells them that Obama is a Nazi who is going to take their guns, round them up and send them to FEMA camps. No sign of that happening any time soon.
On the other hand, it looks like the right wingers that run Arizona are trying to get the jump on the O-man and start the actual round ups. I guess you are only a Nazi if you round up white people, not the brown ones. It all makes sense in the logic of WingNuttia.
Colour me unsurprised.
This law also makes it illegal to assist, accompany, or aid an undocumented person. Doctors, priests, social workers, EMTs... are all at risk of arrest if they assist anyone they know is undocumented... which then puts them in the position of asking about status before they can help.... How fucked up is that???!!! Can you imagine? A doctor telling an injured human being he cannot help them unless they can prove their status! Do these heartless bastards understand that they are asking service providers to violate professional codes of ethics??
The most amazing irony to me is this is taking place in Arizona. The largest population of Indigenous peoples, are in Arizona... For all who would like to deport the newer immigrants, I can only fantasize the original peoples would deport them!
I can only hope that the federal courts will strike this crap down and Obama will push ahead with Immigration Reform that provides pathways to citizenship.
Those Fema camps they keep talking about were really part of the rightwing folk's plans. They just didn't get to keep control of the Congress and White House like they thought they would. You see, they thought if they knocked Hillary out of the way, President Obama had no chance of winning, and it would be a piece of cake for McCain to win. But it didn't work out that way.
So, their plan had to be put on the back burner. Do not think that the game played on Wall Street, Bush & Cheney, deregulations, and the bankers was an accident, it was part of their plan to bankrupct America. Next, was round up everyone and put them in Fema Camps. Bachmann is a crazy chick, but sometimes even the devil tells on themselves, which she did when she accused this adminstration of using the census to target and round up folks and put them in Fema camps. I keep telling y'all that everything the ringwing folks accuse others of is what they themselves are doing or have planned and are guilty of. Their game is so shallow and easy to figure out.
Lord help, if they get control of the Congress and White House again.
Perhaps you could elaborate a bit on US immigration law. It is my understanding that being in 'Mur-ka illegally is a misdemeanor rather than a felony. Is this true?
Jody, thanks for that insight. I know your firm just loves having you.
Yes Gregory, it is misdemeanor. -Although running a criminal enterprise to harbor or transport illegals is a felony.- But it is still a federal crime and the consequenses of being caught in this country illegally for someone who eventually wants to come here can be devastating.
"Remember the Arizona rancher that was killed last month, on his property, by an "illegal immigrant", allegedly?"
That explains a lot.
"Thrasher said...
Yeah all of us could be next... White folks like getting in lines and following mind numbing rules without questions...Good Germans can surface even here.."
Say it again...
I have always said this country is a couple of recessions or calamities away from the ethnic cleansing witnessed in Bosnia, Rwanda and Germany. Of course, people look at me crazy when I say that. That could never happen in A-merry-ca.
Laws and rules don't mean shit to a 'posse' or a mob or a mass of white folks aka the 'silent majority'..
Hell we have an entire state ( Virgina)celebrating treason and the confederacy....
White folks turn in thier own parents for smoking weed...
Ironically Mexico has tougher immigration policy than we do. They annually deport more illegal aliens than the United States does. Under Mexican law, it is a felony to be an illegal alien. A Mexican who marries a foreigner with the sole objective of helping the foreigner live in the country is subject to up to five years in prison! Violate the term of your visa in Mexico? You can be sentenced to six years in prison for staying.
Yet, Mexico can continue to pumps its excess population our way and make money in the process: Illegal immigrants routinely send cash back home. We are getting played for chump.
Why would anyone want a pathway to citizenship for someone who is in the country illegally? They are citizens of another country, not this one. They should be repatriated. Very simple.
The federal government has refused to enforce the border so things like this are going to start happening. The Krentz murder was just the proverbial straw on the camel's back.
If the federal government was doing its job to secure the border and deport illegals, you wouldn't see legislation like this.
Yeah so what!!.. A large part of USA is thier land anyway...Yeah let them all come in shit pilgrims and puritans( america's original illegal aliens and domestic terrorists) had free passage..
Anon.. undocumented workers pay into our system without receiving the benefits... they do not file tax returns, they do not get social security, they do not receive unemployment, they do not get medicaid or medicare. They do not receive welfare, food stamps. They pay all the taxes we do every time they purchase a taxable item... so it seems to me we have several million people paying in that never get back... who is getting played???
Great Post of course idiots who believe a fence can keep them safe are the same clowns that seek confession froma catholic priest who could be thier daddy...
Illegal immigrants drive up the number of people without health care. If they have a medical emergency, the taxpayer foots the bill. Since they are ineligible for preventive care it's more likely that they will have a more costly medical emergency when they get sick. They often end large chunks of money outside the country, money that discourages their home country from improving internal conditions.
Illegal immigrants are most low skilled. They make little, and hence contribute little to spending. They also pay no income taxes of any kind. They also add to masses of low skilled who cannot find employment and they drive down wages.
Additionally, as the US standard of living declines--and it is declining--how will their children react to an American dream of middle class advancement that will be nearly impossible for them to achieve?
Will they happy as permanent members of the underclass?
BTW, Here's a summary of what illegals cost in one state Minnesota, put together by the state government.
Well written, Field. Glad you spread the message.
I will confess that my last question was leading. I just wanted to establish that in the big scheme of criminal law, being an "illegal" ranks fairly low. Certainly, every country has the right to establish and enforce its laws regarding immigration, but this is a debate that is overheated by inflating the crime to a capital status.
In the context of other events, this is all the more troubling. The Arizona house voted to require evidence of US birth to run for President. I assume that they are not talking about the only candidate who was actually born outside of the US (McCain).
"The Arizona House on Monday voted for a provision that would require President Barack Obama to show his birth certificate if he hopes to be on the state's ballot when he runs for reelection.
The House voted 31-22 to add the provision to a separate bill. The measure still faces a formal vote.
It would require U.S. presidential candidates who want to appear on the ballot in Arizona to submit documents proving they meet the constitutional requirements to be president."
Anon... 3 things...
First, the very first thing this Minnisota report states is that it does NOT include benefits that undomumented workers contribute in preparing the report...
Second, it says, and I quote: A study released in 2004 showed that nearly 8,000 Minnesota residents used the numbers.62 Some illegal immigrants may also use false social security numbers to pay state income taxes.63 There is also information indicating that illegal immigrants do pay a significant amount of taxes through employer withholdings. However, because they do not file returns, illegal immigrants’ portion of “stranded withholdings” paid to the state is unknown.
And finally, I find it supremely ironic that the Seal of Minnisota shows a Native American on a horse and a white farmer being the logo for "Impact of Illegal Immigrants... God love the hypocracy!!!!
Wow, this is extreme and it's insane, even for me...
If only they could mandate these laws towards illegal "Russians" and other illegal white Europeans based on their own visual tactic.
That should keep them busy and quite occupied profiling one another in circles to even bother with the rest of us. Silly bigots.
I'm OK with the law. I think it expresses the frustration that some AZ residents have with the current situation. I understand and appreciate the objections, but enough is enough.
I don't think requiring an immigrant produce documents upon request is a good idea, but if we've decided that we have an illegal immigration problem, what's the best way to deal with it? Have we even decided there is a problem? What's problematic about residents who don't have the government's permission to be here? Is it only a problem if they engage in criminal activity or use government services?
I'm just a guy with questions here.
It's ironic Jody that as a white person you are the offspring of illegal aliens and shouldn't be in this damn country either. Perhaps you should pack your bas for Europe?
Great post Field you know I love that Niemoller quote.
Jody preach
Where are the tea baggers when you need them???? This is nig government and massive unfunded mandates..
Again Where are the Tea Baggers????
Doesn't this raise the spectre of that other boogeyman that fuels right wing conspiracy kooks, the national ID card?
This will drive the tin foil hat brigade nuts.
Tea baggers alert.Tea baggers alert..Big government overkill and unfunded mandate in AZ..
New nazi like law passed...Tea baggers we need your help to dismantle AZ law....
Anon.... indeed, many of my ancestors came from Scotland on my mom's side in the late 1800s... And, settled in Oklahoma as a part of the "land rush"..... But, on my dad's side, starting with his dad, they are Cree.... so, I guess maybe half of me should go, or a quarter..
I am not the one supporting these laws, and will be the first to tell you if I find myself in Arizona, or any other state that has laws prohibiting assisting people who may be undocumented, I will without hesitation violate said laws. I will not give up my sense of human decency to play a role in xenophobia. I will support any sanctuary movement that provides aid and comfort, and finally, I spent the better part of the last 20 years advocating for native land rights, both as a job at one point, and continue as an activist.
Anon said:
"They often end large chunks of money outside the country, money that discourages their home country from improving internal conditions."
"Illegal immigrants are most low skilled. They make little, and hence contribute little to spending. They also pay no income taxes of any kind. They also add to masses of low skilled who cannot find employment and they drive down wages."
-Anon the money that immigrants send back home to their families in no way prevents their ruling class from doing whats right.
-What actually hinders their doing right by their population is good old fashioned greed. The government in Mexico operates to protect the interest of the rich and the business class. Sound familiar.
- As Jody tried to point out to you, unlike the average poor worker who gets back the little they put in toward income taxes, they don't even get that back. and they spend their money here like everyone else and the things they buy are taxed as is everyone else.
- You are partly right the availability of a cheap labor pool does allow the bosses an excuse to lower wages. But anon this is not a law. They don't have to pander to the lowest common denominator. Ah but the laws of capital make it difficult not to exploit a favorable situation.
And if US workers and foreign workers banded together they could prevent the bosses from playing them against one another.
BTW many manufacturers and planters subtly encourage illegal immigration by consistently hiring them and even seeking them out. When they are exposed they pretend they didn't know what was going on while the government comes in and shamefully treats them like criminals.
Jody or somebody or does anyone recall the case in Iowa about two years ago, where the gov't raided a factory put everyone in handcuffs and then charged the poor workers with felonies for using false and made up social security numbers.
- And your health care scenario just points out how much more sense it would make to have a system of UNIVERSAL HEALTHCARE, we would all be paying a set price anyway and other folks using the system would not have to increase the cost.
John McCain is behind the measure. White is Right! Take our country back. What? I don't recall white folks being natives of America. This is the year that many white people will let loose and demonstrate who they really are.
Szpork are you really okay with this form of racial profiling?
Wow when the shoe is on the other foot.... Didn't you read the Niemoller quote. Don't you know that these folks hate and dislike black folks much more thant they dislike Mexicans. Do you really believe that if they get to pull this off that they aren't going to step up harrassment of our black behinds.
And if US workers and foreign workers banded together they could prevent the bosses from playing them against one another.
Only in marxist dreamlands. Workers in this country can't even organize themselves much less organize with foreign workers.
I just want to rephrase something, because I also need to be true to my over all feelings about immigration...
Even though I'm a black person who thinks other blacks shouldn't expend too much time and energy worrying about the state of other non-black minorities in America (because they don't usually give a shit about blacks either way, and wouldn't blink twice to oppress us if they ever got the effin chance, and considering if this was directed towards Haitians instead, I doubt other minorities as well as many on this very blog wouldn't even show the same concern), I honestly think this bill is extreme.
Sorry for the run on sentences...
I am with you.. I will give harbor to folks running from the nazi's 24/7
I respect your candid honesty..I agree with some of your rant but I do respect you for being candid and honest..
get ready to carry those papers in Arizona.
It's ironic that people who creamed the most from illegal immigration are black; they face the most competition from cheap, low-skill labor. What have Latinos done for blacks anyway? Check out the state of Dark skinned blacks in Latin countries and it will tell you all you need to know. Bu hey, they have black people on their stamps!!!!
For folks looking for alternatives, I suggest reading at a couple of sights, and if you can be in Detroit in June, the US Social Forum is a place where people will be sharing strategies of creating what we want, Another World is Possible, Another US is Necessary!
Mell said... "Do you really believe that if they get to pull this off that they aren't going to step up harrassment of our black behinds."
And this is something new? I don't see Mexicans whining on blogs about poor blacks being profiled by cops, or by immigration raids. Do you know how many illegal Africans and Haitians blacks in particular get deported from the US on a regular? I don't see the South American and Asian communities crying a river.
"I don't see Mexicans whining on blogs about poor blacks being profiled by cops, or by immigration raids. Do you know how many illegal Africans and Haitians blacks in particular get deported from the US on a regular? I don't see the South American and Asian communities crying a river."
You telling the truth there. They can't deny that either. In fact, they stand with those against us or remain silent.
@ FN:
So Arizona is trying to pass a law to do something they have always done...and will continue to do...laws on the books or not...
The way I see it...political posturing to make Obama address the issue of immigration next. It must be on the table now...if you remember that coalition was outside the White House gates when the tea partiers were spitting on government officials...
Must be something in the works now and those 10 states got wind of it.
Think of it...they would have to stop every man woman and child in the state of Arizona...every time I go there I think I am in Meheco...:)
And that's something that I don't understand Laaudio, because all of them are riding on our coat tail from the civil rights movement and the civil rights bill passsed because of it. But they seem to forget that and tend to look down us. Not all but most of them.
Field, even the spam bot/guy is profiling. What's with the Nikies and the Jordans? huh huh
Thank you to all of that Granny, that was my point. I sympathize because we are all human, but I could only be realistic and honest about this.
good point Granny and babygurl but two wrongs don't make a right.
And though they are a minority there are yellow folks and brown folks who have stood and do stand with blacks.
Its what hope is all about. Its what looking to the idea that another world is possible.
What is the case today does definitely not have to be the case tomorrow.
I know I sound silly believing that folks may one day change- the nerve of me hah- but I am trying to keep hope alive!
Jody I hope to join you at the conference in Detroit. I was in Atlanta for the last one. It gave me hope cause a lot of young people went with us but we didn't have a good mechanism for keeping the fire burning.
That event here in Detroit sounds like another yuppie themed driven tired white folks event folks here are tired of. White folks always trying to experts with shit..how about just defeating white racism?? How about a workshop, teachin, event for that issue???
Every decade white folks get an itch for something from whales to green soil to solar energy...
What drives this faddish behavior?? is it a cultural aspect of being white countless mind numbing meetings and fads???
That governor is nuts if she signs this bill.
"And this is something new? I don't see Mexicans whining on blogs about poor blacks being profiled by cops, or by immigration raids"
I do, but I don't have a blog.
Jody are you aware there will be a large anti-war meeting in Detroit during the Social Forum?
This one seems to hold promise.
Jody, How about you just getting on an airplane and fly into the capital and file a class action suit on behalf of those this nazi like law seek to imprision??
How about that..Perhaps just going to AZ and just protest 24 /7 in the lobby of the governor??
What is it about white folks and meetings? White folks with nebulus conferences to save the world but not white racism?? More white privledge just hiding under the cloak of being progressive???
You will be ignore by most Black folks here trust me on that if your conference does not address the core reaso for these kinds of laws white folks...
Black folks on life support in Detroit don't have the time for shallow anti-war shit in the hood...
What is it about progressive white groups why do thay emit such negrophobia vibes???
This must be a legacy of the civil rights movement when whites and jews sold out blacks after the 1964civil rights acts... The lost of trust has never been recovered..
But they seem to forget that and tend to look down us. Not all but most of them.
Every group needs someone to look down upon. Sad but true. Somebody always has to be on the bottom.
Cubans, Asians, Latinos etc. don't care about Hatians because those are not their people. They want to bring over their own cfamily and countrymen. That's where the idea of 'people of color' hits the rocks. An African is not an Asian is not a Latino. These are very different groups (filled with even more different nationalities) that have different loyalties and different cultures. So long as this is a world predicated on competition and capital, look for that to continue.
Hey Thrash you should sign up for a workshop at the Social Forum. The planning committee included much more than white folks, it actually included a lot of different perspectives peoples and ideas. They are still looking for workshop ideas. Check out the website.
Last year my man Omali Y --I can never spell the brothers last name-- put on some pretty good workshops, but his group puts out the Burning Spear newspaper and are based in St.Petersburg.
Whatever else it was last time it was pretty diverse and this year the black anti war groups will be meeting as well.
My problem with the Social Forum is that it doesn't go far enough. Its still a bit too liberal for me, the union groups were pitching Obama as the answer to our prayers. Just wasn't enough outside the capitalist box thinking for me.
If I could wave a magic wand: Bill Gates; Oprah Winfrey; Bill Cosby would pony up $$$$ for a "strike-fund" so that every Latino/a immigrant could stop working for say, three days: Stop picking, harvesting, and processing the food that each of us eats; stop doing the construction work that rebuilds New Orleans. Just a three-day work stoppage/strike.
Somewhere I read that, "Injustice to anyone anywhere is injustice to everyone everywhere.
damn illegals, they get more media attention than us nigs do anymore...
Field, even the spam bot/guy is profiling. What's with the Nikies and the Jordans? huh huh
and if there wasn't so much emphasis on your white shoes and t's then this would not be profiling. Walk down my street, it's all about the foot gear. unless you are blind and stupid
@ anaon:
"Injustice to anyone anywhere is injustice to everyone everywhere
Here is the original quote, and every time someone gets it wrong it still sounds good...:)
"Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere."
MLK JR: Letter From A Birmingham Jail, April 16, 1963
mell, thanks for the offer..I am just not interested in that type of political action...
I am so past the cum ba ya roundtable talking shit to death paradigms of white folks...
Anti-war shit has zero currency in the 'D'...
Don't get me wrong, I am for all human beings on this earth having equal rights, being treated fairly. I'm not against them, but was merely agreeing and stating an observation in hopes that they will recognize that they can't always ask for help but then turn their heads when we need help too. I mean after all, we're all in this fight together, they need to recognize that, and there should be no wishy washy I want you to help me, but on issues concerning us all of a sudden get deaf, dumb, and blind. You understand what I'm saying.
anon aka coward who post and hides behind a pc..get lost you post like that slave catcher idiot CF..
Bring some value to this site a least some humor something..You yoyos bored the fuck out of me..
"Nothing in all the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity."
Martin Luther King Jr., Strength to Love, 1963
Please address my question to Jody if you so desire ( I guess raw racial questions scare her) How come progressive white groups emit negrophobia??
BTW It is interesting how she proved my premise....
"Let no man pull you low enough to hate him."
Martin Luther King Jr
Granny I feel you its why I get so frustrated. It seems like every difference gets exacerbated and becomes a reason why average people cannot get together and try to get the things we all so desperately want.
It frustrates the hell out of me too. And the ruling rich just laugh their butts off all the way to the bank.
Thrash- Can't argue with you man. D town needs some economic help and bad. Believe it or not I think that's why the conferences are being held their so that people can get a glimpse up close at what and where global capitalism is going.
If we don't wake up and work together we are going to wake up one day and find out that we too are part of the Third World. Hell that's the goal of the ruling class to have us on our knees just glad to be able to afford gas to get back and forth to work and bread and a little meat and vegetables.
Oh yeah its on the way. Its why they keep dividing us and dividing us and dividing us and dividing us. You get the point.
"The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy."
Martin Luther King Jr., Strength to Love, 1963
Considering your long line of stereotypical pejorative pieces regarding white folks, it's amazing you'd find it strange that negrophobia existed amongst progressives.
"When you are right you cannot be too radical; when you are wrong, you cannot be too conservative."
Martin Luther King Jr.
"We must learn to live together as brothers or perish together as fools."
Martin Luther King Jr.
Granny I feel you its why I get so frustrated. It seems like every difference gets exacerbated and becomes a reason why average people cannot get together and try to get the things we all so desperately want.
The main issue is the fact that class is trumped by a variety of different things--most notably race, nationality, sexual orientation etc. That's not just in this country either, it's everywhere.
So white folks want to use the "D' as a drive by..Wow that sounds so nice and white of them..Honey ..Yes dear today we are going to have a car pool to explore the decay and of a post industrial city perhaps we also seek some coloreds and negroes handing thier clothes on a line or maybe a colored child selling some weed..I may get some for a late nite snack...."....lol,lol,lol
Again what about my query? why do progressive white groups emit negrophobia???
Thrash its a good question and I don't really know if it fits Jody. It may not be fair to direct it at her.
Everything I know about her says she is a serious fighter for human rights and peace and justice. She has stood with the Mumia defense campaign, opposed capitalist wars, racism, homophobia, sexism and anti-immigrant hysteria according to her musings on Fields blog.
Jody has shown herself to be a big girl, I think she'll step if she so chooses.
Speaking of D-town I have been there a lot of times over the years. I used to love chilling in Belle Isle with my girl at the time a bad, bad D-town, brown native from the east side. I also used to dig the new downtown.
I can't believe folks bought into that bs about casinos, that they were going to uplift the Detroit economy. It look to me like it did more harm than good with all the new brothers and sisters with gambling jones.
Just thought I would inject some love on the blog...
Ya"ll know it can turn into a train wreck at a moments notice...:)
Have a Banner Day tomorrow...
and let's not forget to play some Jazzmatazz in honor of Dr. Dorothy Height...:)
Peace and out.
FYI never post anything to me..I don't give a fuck about cowards who post under anonymous..
So fuck off you coward...
Thrash you know the answer to your question. Its because racism infects all of society folks opposed to war or sexism aren't always aware of their blindness to racism.
It shouldn't be a big surprise its endemic to this society. The disseminators of information have done a very thorough job of preaching Negro inferiority, Negro criminality, Negro dependency, Negro irresponsibility, Negro culture depravity.
You know the story. But can't beat up on them more than the others who aren't even in the position to be awakened.
Listen I have kicked butt at a many peace and justice meeting or better yet so-called peace meetings. Some learned others didn't.
But they won't know if folks won't tell them.
Mel, Why not?Jody some special kind of white person?? Bullshit nobody gets a free pass in the marketplace...Jody took a bullet for nigger?
Belle Isle is a nice joint..
Agape don't leave so soon where is your optimism? lol
I am not beating up on white liberals or progressive they deserve the labels they have earned Most of them exhibit negrphobia up close and in person..I could care less about thier white guilt shit..I know this at end of the day white folks are white folks thier cultural dna is what it is..
Again anti war shit is not going nowhere in the "D' where folks are on life support..Playing games with conflicted white folks on yet another mission tosave the world is not going to cut it..
Remember the illegal up in Shenandoah PA? Why in the world was he there? If you knew the place, you'd know that plenty of local folk work for the same wages and benefits. So, when some pundit wonders how anyone but an illegal would work for the money...some citizens do. Just asking the question makes you an 'elite'.
I would wager that Arizona has the same political pressures...magnified. And crying about the poor, misunderstood, picked-upon illegal...sets you apart from the very citizens who do the same work for the same pay as said illegal. YOU may not scrub motel toilets...but the citizens who do find it really upsetting that you weep tons of tears for the illegal.
And you wonder why Sarey sells so well.
You, anonymous 12:34, and I are on the same page. Yes, it is frustrating and sometimes draining mentally. I have to take a break every once in a while to refresh myself mentally.
Oh wow, you are so brave! You post under the name "Thrasher." How open of you! I especially love your penetrating intellectual analysis.
"What is it about white folks and meetings? "
"White folks turn in thier own parents for smoking weed..."
You must really wow them in Detroit with such inane ramblings.
Anonymous 12:51:
You must be reading my mind. I swear I was thinking the same thing too. ^5
Who dat????. Say What...??lol,lol,lol
Yreah I dominate these fucks here in the "d'
Why should elevate my discourse with a bunch of garden variety rednecks,..Shit when in rome...lol,lol,lol
Mellaneous, Jody, Anony, agape, Farman, LaAudio:
This is the way I see it. Right about now, blacks, hispanics, gays, lesbians, Asians, Native American Indians, and all other minority groups ought to be sticking together as ONE. If we would do that, we would be able to make some serious changes because there is power in numbers. We're all fighting for the same things, the right to be treated equal and fair. The right to pursue our American dream in peace and enjoy happiness. A good education for our children and grandchildren, A good medical, good jobs, etc. We all want that American pie of liberty and justice for all to be divided equally among us instead of one group trying to hog it all for themselves.
Jody and Anon, after working on Democracy Rising, I have to agree with Thrasher. There are too many events that white liberals gather together, pontificate about the empathy and brilliance, then go back to their college town enclaves and overpriced hipster condos. To me, these forums are no different than the Black Agenda forums held by Big Al and Tavis, except even more tangential to the concerns and interests of working class people and with a worse sense of fashion and hygiene.
They'll get together in Motor City, beat their bongo drums, drone on about capitalism and its great evils, congratulate all the old stalwarts of these events (Amy Goodman, Ralph Nader, Noam Chomsky, etc.) and convince each other that they've done something against 'the man'. Then, they'll all go back to their college town enclaves having accomplished little more than selling more DVDs of Michael Moore movies.
Much like NOLA, Detroit will now be ground zero for well heeled guilty white liberals looking for feel good political theater.
I have about as much use for the guilty white liberal activist as I have for Big Al and Messy Jesse. To me their all in the same boat --educated liberal elites who have built a career complaining about injustice and doing little to change things (but a lot to sell books and mug for the cameras).
When the granola crunching latte liberal know-it-alls and the over-educated faux revolutionary chatterbox class do something more than run their mouths and quote dead poets and actually do something, then maybe I'll show up.
Jody's mia act is classic white liberal behavior always demonizing the usual easy prey white redneck slugs but never willing to examine the racism inherent within her bandwidth....
Again it is classic white cultural closet privledge shit ..I have evolved pass that state of being..I am not foot soilder for thier fantasies are you????
Good nite
Wow gee wiz another trite cum ba ya soundite from grannie..The world is shaking..The old sage has spoken...
WTF...makes you wanna hollar and throw up both your hands....
LAC as someone who has been in the middle of all kinds of fights. I have heard this before.
You say you will show up when folks do something more than run their mouths. Well brother there are folks all over the country doing more than running their mouths. Well they are doing what they can do.
Are you joining them, or are you going to wait until everything is done and folks have made the sacrifice and say I was gonna join ya'll?
Your analysis of the liberals is dead on. Black liberals also fit this criticism as well. But --and I think you know this-- there are real live radicals revolutionary minded folks and even some liberals who have laid thier beliefs on the line.
I have learned over the years that folks find it easy to criticize from the couch.
You are somewhat informed about movement folks so you know this to be true, you know there are folks out their doing all they can, to bring about a better world and they come in all colors.
You also know because you are well studied and understand class society and the ruling class, that our enemies are not going to just sit back and allow us to make real changes without fighting tooth and nail to hold on to their ill gotten gains.
What do you think really gave rise to the Tea Party and this right wing upsurge. Who is funding all this so-called outrage?
I hear you my brother,but while we can sit back and criticize those who failed to overthrow well entrenched, well armed, well propagandized global (capitalism) imperialism there are folks out there, busting their behind to make real change.
I know cause I have worked side by side with them.
Good night Field and all. Got work to do! Spending some time getting prepared to finish my lifes work. so if you don't hear as much from me over the next week or so know that I am getting ready.
And you all are in my prayers.
Another world is indeed possible, no its absolutely necessary.
liberation then peace
So white folks want to use the "D' as a drive by..Wow that sounds so nice and white of them..Honey ..Yes dear today we are going to have a car pool to explore the decay and of a post industrial city perhaps we also seek some coloreds and negroes handing thier clothes on a line or maybe a colored child selling some weed..I may get some for a late nite snack...."....lol,lol,lol
Well, white people would love nothing more than to reduce people of color to zoo exhibits and historical trinkets.
"Oh look, honey! He's gonna do one of those "drive-bys". OK KIDS, DUCK!"
If urban crime footage from CNN et al. could be played on Discovery or Animal Planet with a David Attenbourough voiceover, they would.
Jody's mia act is classic white liberal behavior always demonizing the usual easy prey white redneck slugs but never willing to examine the racism inherent within her bandwidth....
Again it is classic white cultural closet privledge shit ..I have evolved pass that state of being..I am not foot soilder for thier fantasies are you????
Good nite
Well, you're both being played by entities that want to see you both at each other's throats. That way, you'll both be too distracted to notice the rather long shaft being run in and out of both yall's asses.
Granny's right. There's strength in numbers, but the groups that benefit the most from banding together are too busy focusing on their own prejudices and internecine battles to even consider such an option.
Divide and conquer. It's how White American Exceptionalism has managed to rule over the world for the past century or so.
Nobody wants that shit. Get the fuck outta here.
All the people writing about Nazi this or racist that should at least be aware that the Arizona legislation in part mirrors a federal law already on the books.
(e) Every alien, eighteen years of age and over, shall at all times carry with him and have in his personal possession any certificate of alien registration or alien registration receipt card issued to him pursuant to subsection (d). Any alien who fails to comply with the provisions of this subsection shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and shall upon conviction for each offense be fined not to exceed $100 or be imprisoned not more than thirty days, or both
It also might be useful to listen to some of the citizens who actually live on the border and see if illegal immigration has actually improved their lives or not. It hasn't. Talk to the Krentz family or others and see what they think about illegal immigration.
No self-respecting country on the planet simply allows people to walk in without permission and take up residence. Enough is enough. If you're illegal in the US you need to be identified and sent home-the same as in every other country. That's true regardless of your race or national origin.
Doesn't this raise the spectre of that other boogeyman that fuels right wing conspiracy kooks, the national ID card?
This will drive the tin foil hat brigade nuts."
You know Gregory, I was thinking the same thing. Shouldn't their be some strange bedfellows hooking up here? BTW, I figured your question was leading. :)
Damn these spammers are relentless. Hold up, let me do some deleting.
Why are some people even telling us that the laws against illegals in Mexico is tougher? Who cares? Talk about apples and oranges.
Shady_Grady, that is exactly why the Arizona law is bogus and will be struck down if it passes.
"We must learn to live together as brothers or perish together as fools."
Martin Luther King Jr."
Amen agape...amen!
god, thrasher, you get drunk early at night!
quit attacking me, ubm, granny...much love to you as expressed in the last thread (LOL)
Watchu Talkin Bout Willis, I mean Field(u seen Gary Coleman lately??? you'd think Barack(Peace be upon Him) could send him a little cash like he did with his step brother, Oh yeah...never mind..
Y'all don't know cause you live up north and the Mexicans are worn out by the time they cross the Mason & Dixon Line...
We'll see how open minded you are when Julio brings your daughter home at 2am, then backs his low-rider into your umm I don't know, WHAT kind of Chrysler product DO you drive???
I just know in the A-T-L the Mexicans are about as popular as Strom Thurmond at a NAACP convention, and its not Whitey who hates em, if it wasn't for Julios I couldn't afford to keep my Pool/Yard/House/Car maintained...
its the N-words who be h8-n, cause another minority group pushed em down to the bottom of the food chain...
and y'know the BIGGEST racists??
Haitians, they hate Native-Born N-words with a Passion, you don't speak Creole so you wouldn't know, and they smile all the time, so you wouldn't guess there cursin y'all for the next 4 generations...
Frank "Bueno Trabaja, Julio" Drackman
Wow! I go to bed and wake up and read the blog over coffee and damn! Thrasher... I live on the east coast. I work during the day, and I am getting old... that means I go to bed. This does not mean I am MIA, good grief!!!
The only thing I want to say about the US Social Forum is, Thrasher, this is a case where you are making alot of assumptions that are just dead wrong... this is NOT an event organized by liberal white folks... don't believe me? Fine, but I think since you live in Detroit, you may just wanna go check it out.... As Mell said, there were lots of folks from all walks of life and the Social Forum in Atlanta was organized by a coalition of people of color in the leadership, on the panels and focusing on the direction... there were white folks involved, but there is no way you could ever say this was and will be a liberal white folks event... so... bullshit on that.
As for me and what I do and don't do... my actions are all that matter and speak for themselves. This is a blog. You do not know me. If you did, this would be a conversation I could engage with you. And, this is where the limits of the virtual world prevents truly building solidarity.... these after all, are just words.
These assholes in "the land of the sun" just told the federal government to go and f*&k themselves because they have a border control problem.
Filled Negro:
Add this to a long list of observations noted about progressive-fundamentalists.
You and others bytch all day about how the SYSTEM screws people who look like you, purposefully denying you employment and seeking other low cost workers to exploit. With this INDICTMENT in hand you are allowed to keep your hands clean from any blood.
If you consider the organized labor movement one of the fundamental elements of its effectiveness was for it to have a LABOR MONOPOLY. By preventing SCABS from backfilling the striking workers against the evil corporations the evil corporations had to deal with the MONOPOLY WORK FORCE or it shutdown.
The new talking point from the left is that the EVIL CORPORATIONS who employ illegals thus TRIGGERING THEM TO COME INTO THE COUNTRY thus THEY must be stopped not the individuals who are just looking for employment. Another "hand washing exercise" to allow you to remain free never having DISCRIMINATED against an illegal. (Oh sorry - "Undocumented worker")
Look over to our liberal friends in South Africa. The ANC which is as left as you are ALSO HAD NO BORDER CONTROL POLICY. Hundreds of thousands of "undocumented" Zimbabweans came into SA and took over jobs at the lower end. RECALL LAST YEAR there was a deadly riot - native South African against immigrant workers (mostly from Zim). THEY unlike YOU didn't have an EVIL REPUBLICAN faction to blame for their unemployment. They took things into their own hands.
It is TOTAL B.S. to note that "as the US economy slowed the immigrants have went home". THIS IS NOT A SOLUTION. This is a PUT OFF.
Recall the post that you did about Black male unemployment about 4 months ago Filled Negro. You pointed to the WHITE MALE unemployment and you noted that the gap could only be RACISM!!!!!
You fail to see that the market forces where certain jobs that must be done in America would have no choice but to provide more attractive wage rates for them to exist. (Oh I forgot. Granny did say that SLAVERY might come back. Forced labor would be another option. Just as they STILL DO in Cuba when harvest season comes in and yet they need workers to "Do it for the revolution". Hell at least the health care is free if they get hurt).
YOU TOO RENDER INDICTMENTS just as these evil Arizona Republicans have rendered an indictment against illegals. YOUR indictment is always against the amorphous forces of:
* Evil Corporations
* Oppressive Capitalists
* Greedy Banks
* Racist Republicans
* Conspiring Conservatives
* The United enSlavers Of America
Funny how YOUR POLICIES remain aloof from INDICTMENT.
I am forced to support a NATIONAL WORKERS ID CARD. Have this card constructed with enough countermeasures to prevent counterfeiting. The possession of this NATIONAL ID proves one's CITIZENSHIP, employability, age. This is actually what is being proposed in Congress.
someone please tell me what is wrong with EVERYONE having a photo ID with them at all times?
no matter if it's a state DL or ID or a resident worker card. I have no problem with migrant workers or the Mexican people coming across the border for work BUT there are some very bad people coming across the border and they aren't wanting legal work.there's also the problem with folks with no ID smashing into your vehicle and not properly ID'n themselves, then you have to file uninsured to get your vehcile repaired causing everyone's insurance to go up...yes yours to field.
you mentioned the police being over whelmed and more serious calls having to wait because ricky redneck called in on someone he thinks is illegal. i'm thinking the police most likly prioritize they're calls....don't you think?
of course that wouldn't have made your little story sound so serious....lol
some may call you a race chaser but i've been reading your blog for a couple of years now and have come to the conclution you are just a Drama Negro.....lol
hey when you was a kid and your mom told you not to do something i bet you flopped around on the floor like someone cut off your pinky.....lol
i'm just kid'n with you bro...hey i keep com'n back you know i love ya!!
loyal reader
Wow 101 comments over night :)
'someone please tell me what is wrong with EVERYONE having a photo ID with them at all times?"
I was thinking the same thing. I walk with ID at all times, I have nothing to hide, it's second nature to me.
Just an observation: There is a Notary Public who works across the hall from me, I can't tell you how many times I have seen black and black hispanic people get turned away for not carrying IDs, and these were not illegal people. Yet, I have never even seen the scruffiest of a white person get turned away for not having a basic ID. Ignorance.
"BUT there are some very bad people coming across the border and they aren't wanting legal work.there's also the problem with folks with no ID smashing into your vehicle and not properly ID'n themselves, then you have to file uninsured to get your vehcile repaired causing everyone's insurance to go up...yes yours to field. "
Exactly. And many would be surprised how much limb chopping, street pirating, child raping, nothing to offer, undocumented "boogeymen" who do cross the borders daily just to get away from their homeland prosecution. People who we would normally put needles in if they were actually in our penal system.
I the think the law the Arizona is considering, requires more than just ID. they could stop any person who looks if they are of Mexican descent (most people in the southwest) even if they have a state issued ID, since they are required to carry alien registration papers.
In Pennsylvania even though it is required to have your social security number and birth certificate to obtain a state issued ID, when one is applying for a job, the ID isn't sufficient to meet the immigration laws, one must produce a birth certificate and social security card.
I will say that I am opposed to the Arizona law. But I’m not for legitimizing illegal immigration. Sorry Toilers of the Field, but my liberalism ends here. Those who want this are not losing their jobs to undocumented labor. However, my aunt who lives in D.C. says African Americans are losing their jobs to this practice in droves. In Ohio, where I live, those McDonald’s jobs that employ a lot of single black mothers –are now going to undocumented labor. Furthermore, there are check cashing, thrift stores, and food buffets, whose clientele are predominately black, but owned by Mexicans.
I am going to go out on a limb here at the risk of being called a bigot. Yet again we find ourselves in the same dilemma. Our neighborhoods are occupied by business owners that do not look like us. They will grow wealthy from our money- on their way to being the next acceptable Whites. Therefore, during the 1960’s, all that marching, sorrow, and dying – have not benefited us to the degree it has helped others. After all, Rush Limbaugh Sean Hannity, and those millionaire right-wing radio host owe their career to the Civil Rights Movement. Oh yes they do! For it was under the context of the Civil Rights Act-that sedition laws were finally struck down. The fact that you could harm the state with speech was no longer valid.
I’m going to be sick.
Ms, Ann G. Myma, I am right behind of you. It is not a "limb" it is the truth!
Another thing, a lot of career secured black Americans on this blog don't seem to realize, the Latin immigrants may not be our job competitors at the moment based on the low income jobs they dominate, but their children won't be doing these type jobs and will provide competition to future black American/black children in the US. All I am saying, be careful who you fight for, and analyze the future repercussions.
"I don't see Mexicans whining on blogs about poor blacks being profiled by cops, or by immigration raids. Do you know how many illegal Africans and Haitians blacks in particular get deported from the US on a regular? I don't see the South American and Asian communities crying a river."
I debated Rippa, who I respect. on this issue once.
He chided black Americans for not being more vocal about immigration reform and even accused blacks of rejecting mulit-racial coalitions.
My point is we love and help folks who love and help us back.
We're not black tea partiers who grin and buckdance for folks who wouldn't eat at the same table as them.
Again it is classic white cultural closet privledge shit ..I have evolved pass that state of being..I am not foot soilder for thier fantasies are you????
Totally agree, get so sick of Jod's shit! Her and Maria...fuck em.
My point is we love and help folks who love and help us back
because that is what jesus would do...right?
we also (ie thrasher) scathe those whites who help us and call them privileged and fake.
Divide and Conqueor.... .works like a charm.
I am old , work hard, need sleep and my body of work as an acivist is just as important as yours is to you. Yes I do understand the limits of solidarity on the internet BUT I also understand honesty, truth, can be anywhere
The US Social Forum is a white organization sure there is some Black folks in critical layers but at end of the day it is still a white liberal driven vessel.
Again my reservations about white folks will always remain the same given my exposure to the diease of white supremacy and its derivatives white privledge etc.
In the city we have recently become a part of the tourist checklist drive by observe a post industrial city in decay flavor of the year travel agenda. As usual the white savior and messiah theme packages folks as well.
I view US Social Forum as part of this theme .
this law, the whole anti-immigrant climate in AZ, is being whipped up by the senate primary race.
they're out to get mccain, and are making hay out of the unsolved death of a white rancher.
The fatal shooting of rancher Robert Krentz has become a flash point in John McCain’s reelection bid. Terry Greene Sterling on the murder mystery firing the immigration debate.
Just a few short hours after a helicopter crew spotted the body of southern Arizona cattle rancher Robert Krentz slumped in his all-terrain vehicle on March 27, the unsolved murder became a flash point for the increasingly close Arizona Republican Senate primary election between incumbent Sen. John McCain, the 2008 Republican presidential nominee, and his militarize-the-border opponent, J.D. Hayworth, a former Arizona congressman, TV weatherman, and conservative radio talk-show host.
Although the Cochise County Sheriff’s Department, which is investigating the killing, refuses to speculate on the nationality or sex of the unknown person who shot Krentz and his dog (which was later euthanized), many in Arizona have already made up their minds that either a Mexican drug cartel thug or an undocumented immigrant killed the rancher. This is due in part to the sheriff’s revelation that Krentz’s last garbled radio message to his brother included the words illegal alien and hurt, and partly due to the fact that trackers followed footprints for about 20 miles from the Krentz murder scene to the Mexican border.
Hayworth adviser Chris Simcox says that McCain, the Bush and Obama administrations, and anyone else who supports “amnesty” for “illegal aliens” can be held responsible for Krentz’s death because amnesty advocates don’t support secure borders.
In death, Krentz has become a political football in the increasingly nasty GOP primary campaign.
Hayworth is attacking McCain for being a border-enforcement wimp who is partly to blame for the Krentz killing.
McCain hammers Hayworth for unethical demagoguery. Conservative bloggers, in the meantime, have turned Krentz into a saintly martyr, contending the good rancher delivered aid to an “illegal alien” and was murdered for it.
[quote]Divide and Conqueor.... .works like a charm.
Actually: "Make them all EQUAL.......EQUALLY POOR and keep them from moving away from the force of suppression" works a hell of a lot better Jody.
It appears that as long as you have some amorphous force to blame your problems upon and to permanently struggle against you are most content.
The Root.com (NOT FOX NEWS):
How Illegal Immigration Hurts The Black Community
JODY - I would love to see you, Granny, Mellaneous and Filled Negro to go to MEXICO CITY or San Salvador and deploy your theories for the universal uplift of all human beings.
Please spare me your Jesus loving bs..I am never feeling that marketing nonsense..Plus remember as an intellectual coward I will always discount anything you post..
With regard to my opinons about so-called white liberals who reach out to the poor ole grief stricken coloreds and negroes what part of this truth offends.
I am just being honest and candid about the legacy of white liberals after the civil rights movement...I am tired of the simple mantra of divide and conquer life on the ground is more complex than that equation
White liberals from my perspective should stay focused on white folks and thier decay and decadence..
White folks simply do not have any credit left for me to trust them any more..White folks in priest costumes, white folks in police uniforms, white folks in social services garments, My point is white folks liberals or conservatives have lost all credibility for me..
I simply no longer have any faith in them..How can I given the continued legacy of imhumanity with regard to just the race issue.
Our nation has been dealing with the 'race issue for fucking centuries!!!! Black folks are just 13% of the population even smaller percentages when we discuss significant policy making roles and occupations..,.
At the and of the day this is a white cultural equation yet they simply do not want to confront it, worship it, affirm it, become one with it!!!!!
My Big Ben Clock Example:
For 23 hours and 45 minutes white folks have dominated the american landscape from slavery, segregation, jim crow, man on the moon numerous wars, disparate treatment, profilig, ..They have been clustetfucks so for the last 15 minutes before a new day I have to make a difference..My clock is ticking..tic, toc, tic, toc
No Jody, people that look like you have made this more like "survival of the fittest" for someone that looks me. You and I may not be in the same position to see this on the same level (we've been here before), unlike you, I am not in the "protected class". When the "influx" becomes more job threatening to "Americans", white American children still won't have to speak a second language, they still won't have to prove they can leap tall buildings in a single bond in order to get a job in America. My black children will, and with even more black skin "discriminating" competition by people who look like you and others.
I am going to back away after this, but all I am trying to say is this. Black people in America need to understand that we still live in a black skin discriminating environment that doesn't seem to be going away in the next couple generations. We have made (still making) monumental achievements, but we still have not secured a prominent future for many of our black children in America. There are still too many black youths lacking in academics and without high achieving morals. Other minority groups lack as well, but they don't have our "skin" handicap, and their elders teach them how to grin teeth for the white man against us. Trust me.
Steve, the thing is with a lot of black immigrant people in general, they tend to get defensive to any hint of immigration laws in America. But the thing is, black Americans as well as black immigrants in America need to understand they will all be subjected to the same short end of the stick regardless.
"because that is what jesus would do...right?"
Anon, I knew Jesus.
Jesus was a friend of mine.
Anon, you are no Jesus.
So don't act like you are.
douche bag dumbass, never said I was, and for the record don't believe in him.
another example of a presumption that makes you look oh so stupid. again.
Thrasher.. I learned a long time ago, it was less important for you to trust me than for me to stay in my own integrity and be trustworthy. If we knew each other, you might or might not see that. It does not stop me from trying to do the right thing.
In solidarity...
You are a sad, your days are numbered, only you can choose how to live them. Sadness destroys the soul, of which you have very little left. You are a sad black man.
Jesus weeps.
stop sucking up to thrasher
"Although the Cochise County Sheriff’s Department, which is investigating the killing, refuses to speculate on the nationality or sex of the unknown person who shot Krentz and his dog (which was later euthanized), many in Arizona have already made up their minds that either a Mexican drug cartel thug or an undocumented immigrant killed the rancher. This is due in part to the sheriff’s revelation that Krentz’s last garbled radio message to his brother included the words illegal alien and hurt, and partly due to the fact that trackers followed footprints for about 20 miles from the Krentz murder scene to the Mexican border."
Hmmm. With this much information, I know MY first suspect would be a Lithuanian born & raised in Upper Northeastern Botswana.
Big mystery, there.
Jesus can kiss my ass..opps I meant Black ass...My gods work for me..
Hey, Thrasher. Did it ever occur to you that maybe the reason you sense "negrophobia" from whites is that you exude "anglophobia"? I mean, come on, if we're ever going to get past racism, prejudice, and discrimination, we ALL have to work on it.
And that Arizona law just gives me the crawlies. Gives the brownshirts carte blanche to hassle anyone for any reason. Brrrrr!
read the whole story. drug cartel is the likely prep, not an immigrant.
jody--how do you like representing the entire white race?
if thrasher has given up hope that the white race will save his ass, that's probably a good thing. his problem is that blacks don't like him, either.
I am not requesting or seeking from you anything certainly not the betrayal of your personal oaths and principals..
My verse was and is always about the people, the group, the unit, the organization , the culture, the ying, the yang
I respect all indivuals and the very essence of life..I harbor no ill will for you on any personal level this is a chat forum no more no less...
My clock is tickin..I got just little window to repair the clusterfuck carnage created in my orbit by white folks and thier stewardship of this place called AMERICA
OK. I should have said a drug-smuggling Lithuanian born & raised in Upper Northeastern Botswana.
I am love and respected by many ..Get over me.. Yes I matter to people..Yes I am a brand name in Detroit..Yes I have a presence..Yes I am the one and only Thrasher
So do me a favor just get over me or join the fan base...You can have my autograph anytime.....My soul siater...( hummmng to that tune)..
"Latin immigrants may not be our job competitors at the moment based on the low income jobs they dominate, but their children won't be doing these type jobs and will provide competition to future black American/black children in the US. All I am saying, be careful who you fight for, and analyze the future repercussions."
Bingo! The many children of immigrants will expect to be given ample opportunity to advance to the middle class. The only problem is that the middle class isn't advancing. We have millions of people right here in this country that are not being provided for. Low skilled black men and single black mothers have to carry the brunt of illegal competition now, but that will change. And the last thing we need is more competition for very scarce jobs.
mell -
Who are these folks and what is their plan and track record? I agree that there are folks who are making positive changes. But many 'street level activists' have little to no strategy. And often, many activists argue for bad ideas that have failed in the past (i.e. pure Marxism) while failing to critically analyze what went wrong.
Frankly, I expect the same level of professionalism, reflective honesty and results in politics that I get in my office place. I know this is going to make sound like an Obama-holic, but like the President, I'm interested in what works, not political grandstanding or ideological purity.
So, I'll be at the Black political round table in LA (Lemeirt park) this Saturday to scope the land. If I hear the same old dusty 60's clap-trap and no real plans, I'm bouncing.
Just curious bruh.
Is ANYBODY on the present black political landscape saying things and promoting strategies that interest you?
The reason why I ask is because there seem to be so many brothers and sisters whom I respect who seem to be very disillusioned with the state of black leadership and activism and I feel just the opposite.
I believe that black America is on the precipice of a great emergence.
I am personally very impressed with President Obama's savvy, vision and steel.
I like Van Johnson's "Green Jobs for the Inner City" program.
Innovative and it will work if we get the the committment from business and government.
Cory Booker has shown that we can make a big dent in inner city violence if you go after the GUNS.
If 60s style activism has bored you (and it has me) step away from them!
There are some brilliant minds and strong committment in black America today.
You just have to look.
Steve -
Great field Negroes think alike. I'm also impressed with the brother in Harlem who started the successful charter school. There are also folks in my hometown of New Haven CT who have started the Amistad Academy -- a charter school that typically outscores everyone in state tests.
I like Green Collar revolution that van Jones proposed, but he's too much of a mau-mau 'Storm the Bastille' Berkeley Panther type to have ever garnered widespread support for the idea. I also like an idea propose years ago in my hometown of New Haven -- retrain folks in the lab tech jobs required for biotech and build start up companies in the 'hood. It fell apart because white suburbanites and Yale U. didn't want to financially support Pokey and Paco getting Associate degrees in biology or networking.
I'm down for the cause, but I like results. Its going take real ideas and real commitment to these things, but I'm game.
It's interesting to whom you decide to give respect.
hey, dude, don't believe i asked you to puff yourself up AGAIN. i remain unimpressed. i will never be a fan of yours. i know all about you. i see you spreading hate and malice. even re-using your posts from here (on richard prince's blog...) shame.
who does he respect, hathor? seems like thrasher respects thrasher, but i really am going to quit feeding the NPD beast.
"There are also folks in my hometown of New Haven CT who have started the Amistad Academy -- a charter school that typically outscores everyone in state tests."
Don't forget the Urban Prep Academy in Chicago where four years ago most of the incoming freshman class could not read at grade level.
Isn't it amazing?
After all the racist bull$hit peddled by the Thernstroms, John McWhorter and Dinesh D'Souza that blacks had an "anti-academic culture" and children from white families making less than $10,000 (how many of them are there) score hire on standardized tests than middle class blacks (total garbage), when black children are placed in supportive environments where there needs are met and they have postive committed role models, they do just as well as any other kids anywhere.
Uptown Steve:
You stated, "when black children are placed in supportive environments where there needs are met and they have postive committed role models, they do just as well as any other kids anywhere."
I can only say, "Amen"...to that.
I would take me half the day just to unpack the depth of what you just wrote.
I do comment much anymore on these forums, but I sometimes feel compelled to give a shout when I read something that hits me.
Excuse me...
"It would take me half the day..."
"I do NOT comment much...."
McWhorter has to take that stance, otherwise he would not be a unique Negro.
Just another comment...
Though I live here in Illinois, my and wife and I keep her Naturalization certificate (clearly showing that she is a citizen) within arm's length...well...just in case.
Ok all you brown people (tanners too) I hope your shoe game is tight when you roll through Arizona.
It is interesting you think I respect white woman instead of Black woman...Same tired theme from bruised Black woman...
I respect people who respect me if you don't than fuck off.
I have a brand name..I post, write, draft, compose, write, rewrite, blog, post, draft, compose..
Whatever of takes to make me an Icon in Black Circles
Yeah I am a nigger that worships and loves me some Greg Thrasher 24/7
I have a brand name..I post, write, draft, compose, write, rewrite, blog, post, draft, compose..
Whatever of takes to make me an Icon in Black Circles
Yeah I loves me some Greg Thrasher 24/7
That endless jawing around has a purpose, in that it brings the issues to other people's minds and seeps into the general consciousness. Eventually some people that hear of it get from lip service to ingrained principle. This is not a particularly principled country, but having equal opportunities for everyone is something that most people feel is right and some of those will do something to ensure that and other will do still more. Take every bit of goodwill, however slight and apply it to your need, until you get the actions.
In my opinion, the class wars here and everywhere are the most critical. If the poorest and lowest classes everywhere could solidify for social justice, then there would be a much better chance of progress.
The implication up thread was that "brown's" took jobs from "blacks" and that was a bad thing. So it was the case that the Germans took jobs from the early English colonests and then the Irish, then the Italians... Is it right to protect your group? or not? Is everyone that pushes for justice against their own group a traitor? a liberator?
Everyone in this society knows Black folks have lost thier edge..We no longer are the civil rights icons ..The other people of color have notice our slippage and our failure to leverage the outcome of the civil rights movement for future gains. We lost our edge in part because of civil rights fatigue..Fighting white folks is no joke...
None of these groups never acknowledged or paid any respect or props to us on a national or public stage... They laid back and learned from our misteps and they became calibrated brokers with whites
These folks road our coattails and used our pain and suffering and our skilled tatics in dealing with white racism as a tool to cut thier own deals..
Now with the entire specter of the white empire in peril they are going to use us as doormats and wedges...
We are in peril and vunerable becuase of the laws of the universe no one or group is spared these truths..What goes up comes down..
Our best posture is to squeezed the remaining power out of white folks for they know what is coming ..The sun has set on them either we go down with them or learn how to kiss some brown ass..
I am still trying to make up my mind..lol,lol,lol
This is the "pull it out of your bigotry" that I speak of. READ STEVE'S ASSESSMENT.
(You see IF I ask Steve for PROOF to back up his claims then "I HATE BLACK PEOPLE".
Yet if some of you were able to promote a TRANSPARENT SYSTEM OF APPRAISAL you tell Steve that the NUMBERS don't back up what his rose colored glasses (that he purchased on Jan 20, 2009) is showing him.
[quote]I believe that black America is on the precipice of a great emergence.[/quote]
With all due respect - CONSTRUCT A MODEL for us to APPRAISE your claim. I do indeed HOPE YOU ARE RIGHT.
* Document the Academic Component while will prepare the people to hit the ground running
* What is the measure of productive Use of our Human Resources toward this "precipice" that you speak of
* What is the INFRASTRUCTURE that is in place to measure this net OUTPUT and adapt as the feedback is obtained?
I am personally very impressed with President Obama's savvy, vision and steel.[/quote]
YOU'RE impressed. Get outta here. We never would have guessed. What about Obama's machine mates in the cities? Are you impressed with them? Or just happy that they are mostly liberal Democrats, to your liking?
I like Van Johnson's "Green Jobs for the Inner City" program[/quote]
I created a blog post previously:
I WOULD BE MORE IMPRESSED WITH VAN JONES IF he were to come up with a new SCIENTIFIC PROCESS for the smelting of METAL into processed form. At present these processes consume a HUGE AMOUNT OF DIRTY ENERGY.
I was stunned as someone said the other day that GREEN JOBS are going to one day replace the FACTORY AND STEEL WORKING JOBS of the past.
The depressing part about it all is that they are never made to provide SUBSTANCE beyond the HYPE and the hopes for billions of dollars from the Federal Treasury to make it work.
* Steelworkers were UNION employees making very, very good money
* They worked on a specific commodity product that was sold in the USA and Around the world
* The private industry and government customers paid billions of dollars to these firms to produce various infrastructure and consumer items.
I BEG YOU STEVE - please make the parallel between the Steel Industry, for example and this amorphous "Green Jobs" initiative that is going to save the day?
Joe Biden said "Green Jobs are going to pay BETTER than the dirty jobs they replace AND will produce energy that is CHEAPER".
Well imagine that. Two concepts that on the face look MUTUALLY EXCLUSIVE. But hey - everything is possible when you have "Hope".
Interested in discussing the topic of race in today's America?
Tonight the topics of discussion on the PBS show Basic Black are the impact of bullying and potential solutions to keep children safe and the economic and health impacts of environmental racism and activism. Watch the show TONIGHT at 7 30 pm EST LIVE at www.basicblack.org or on channel 2 in Boston. You can also participate in a live chat at basicblack.org starting at 7: 20 pm.
[quote]We no longer are the civil rights icons ..[/quote]
(Damn I said I was not going to waste my time on this guy after reading his works yesterday. What the hell)
Can I ask you a question?
Would you agree that these CIVIL RIGHTS ICONS are a function of your quest for CIVIL RIGHTS.
If you were to yield your power of what you label "civil rights violations" and instead make note of the:
* Murder of Blacks at a rate above the norm
* The failure to manage the eco-system of our schools (and communities around them) so that EQUALITY EDUCATION is the expressed by-product
* The assault upon businesses in the Black community as "klan-like forces" steal from them, driving them out of business
IF we were to evaluate the RECEIPT OF THESE BLOWS without affixing a RACE of the assailant or the MOTIVATION or the assailant (or in the case of Mellenous - the INFERIOR STATE of the assailant per what history has done to him - despite him being born in 1991).....
can you honestly say that a CIVIL RIGHTS LEADER - with an effort to eliminate CIVIL RIGHTS VIOLATIONS that impact Black people is the key force that are going to EQUALIZE our outcomes????
Lastly - WHAT will you ask of the Negro in support of this higher living standard? Must he do anything other than struggle against his outward antagonist?
[quote]White folks simply do not have any credit left for me to trust them any more..White folks in priest costumes, white folks in police uniforms, white folks in social services garments, My point is white folks liberals or conservatives have lost all credibility for me..
I simply no longer have any faith in them..How can I given the continued legacy of imhumanity with regard to just the race issue.[/quote]
Thrasher - can you articulate to me what SPECIFIC increased Competencies from Black people will be required to deliver to us these new "Health Care benefits"?
It is frustrating that for all of the "Black Power" meme that some of you all promote upon closer inspection it is the state of BEING ALL BY YOURSELF and having to put your theories to work as THEY ARE THE PRIMARY PILLARS lifting you to the desired standard of living - all hell breaks loose when "WHITEY" is no longer around for you to render your indictments against.
Show me the ORGANIC COMPETENCIES that are being developed for use when you depart the belly of the beast?
I don't stand against YOU.
I stand against FLAWED THEORIES initiated by CONFIDENCE MEN that lead desperate people along without demanding EARNEST MONEY.
"Yet if some of you were able to promote a TRANSPARENT SYSTEM OF APPRAISAL you tell Steve that the NUMBERS don't back up what his rose colored glasses (that he purchased on Jan 20, 2009) is showing him."
You're a pathetic liar.
The Dow is up.
Umemployment is down 0.7 from the high on 16.2% under the last year of Bush and it's still declining.
Violent crime is down.
The economy is slowly improving.
But CF the professional TOM is still buckdancing for massa.
Damn I was going to ignore this slug after visiting this site for monthhs observing his anal analysis and his belief he is really making sense..
Unlike you I did attend law schools and I know the question is often more important than the answer.
You have some intellect but it is conflicted by your lack of people skills and the ability to harness your talents.
Now slow down and take some time to frame some basic questions you seek me to address.
I will give you this one opportunity to interact with me or I will cotinue to treat you like the loser you are and I may even send you back to the store and get another inflatable...
Now go for it
[quote]We're not black tea partiers who grin and buckdance for folks who wouldn't eat at the same table as them.[/quote]
Let them turn their restaurant into a private member-only club. Then we'll see WHO will drive past the various underutilized eateries in his own community in order to set up a picket line detailing the DISRESPECT that he received from not being allowed to eat in the place because in not allowing baseball caps cocked to the side in THEIR restaurant he was racially discriminated against.
This fool has the nerve to claim BLACK POWER by his ability to eat next to some one and PAY THEM for the privilege. The real question, WhiteBowieSteve is "Will they come and eat at a place that YOU own? And YOU are not playing an instrument and dancing?"
we are witness to the end of the catholic church as a dynasty not because folks have lost thier belief in Jesus but because the secular state is going to treat the church as an inc and invoke the RICO act soon.
Once this entire collapses than other religions inc will fold as well.
I expect this to end by middle of century...
It's interesting to whom you decide to give respect.
Again, hiding out, waiting for a crumb (much like a pigeon), you jump out, make a stupid comment then back to the dungeon you flee. You are a waste of space. I can just see you hiding, looking for little tidbits to challenge, then run in the hole like a rabbit.
The Dow is up.[/quote]
Wow what a change.
I used to hear "The stock market is not a measure of direct economic activity. It only measures the interests of the CAPITALISTS. If a company has a mass layoff of workers - their STOCK MIGHT RISE on the news".
Which one is it Steve?
Umemployment is down 0.7 from the high on 16.2% under the last year of Bush and it's still declining.[/quote]
Steve - unemployment of the most loyal Democratic constituency that has more favorable people controlling their local institutions now than ever before ROSE from 15.8% up to 16.5% last month. Are you sure that this is a good news story? (For the record - I don't assign the unemployment rate to any president. There are far more forces that determine this stat.
Last month - record credit card defaults
Last month - record home foreclosures.
Public schools all over the nation preparing to cut staff and spending.
do you see that you have no credibility Steve?
Those who have an ARBITRARY model for eval will have their enemies FILING and their friends doing a hell of a job. I told you that you were a member of the "Neo-All White Jury". Why is this problemtic for you? You fit the part.
The power of the Tea Party and Black folks decay...
I have longed argued that Black folks have reached our apex as a collective during the civil rights movement and as such because of this iconic shift in the relations of humanity our work was finished and the collective got closure..
Now fast forward the Black indivual has been liberated from the collective of the civil rights aura to now make or break it based in part on one's merit and skill set of course there is always a level of residual( victimhood, entitlement) from any massive cultural changes but the transformative aspect has taken place.
So what then happens to the Black collective in the post industrial and civil rights era?
Enter the Tea Party movement once this movement liberates itself from the racism of the fears of the collapse of the white middle class and the obsolence of the white working class the Black collective can partner with the generic themes of the Tea Party movement.
This is where we fly our flag and where as a colective our next movement will take place...
I love hathor and grannie( if she is real person posting for black seniors) but my love has limits and standards..
Of course with regard to cowards who post under ANONYMOUS..I will always have contempt for people who hide behind a mask and fear thier own selfworth....Low self esteem has murdered more than any redneck in a posse
"Let them turn their restaurant into a private member-only club. Then we'll see WHO will drive past the various underutilized eateries in his own community in order to set up a picket line detailing the DISRESPECT that he received from not being allowed to eat in the place because in not allowing baseball caps cocked to the side in THEIR restaurant he was racially discriminated against."
Idiot, are you aware that there are literally THOUSANDS of private clubs in America which bar people of color outright?
When is the last time you saw a protest?
We just don't like our elected officials holding fundraisers at them which some Republicans have done.
The Obama equation for the Black collective:
At a quick glance it represents the end of long war the spoils of victory...yet after a long analysis is represents the end of the collective political power and the emergence of specific partnerships based upon specific objectives..
For the Black Upper and Middle Class the Obama era has ushered in a new bandwidth of federal and corporate visibility and employment.
For the Black Underclass it is a last signal that this group has any clout..The new negroes and coloreds are the other people of dark hue for now they are going to shape the new world order...
Opportunities for the self centered being is unlimited... I intend to flourish in this new post civil rights era...
[quote]Unlike you I did attend law schools and I know the question is often more important than the answer.
You have some intellect but it is conflicted by your lack of people skills and the ability to harness your talents.
Now slow down and take some time to frame some basic questions you seek me to address.[/quote]
Barrister Thrasher:
The "people skills" that I display are a function of "the people" I interact with. As Filled Negro can tell you - in Philly you don't go walking around into every community with a smile on your face and you hand stuck out to shake hands. It is best to assess the situation and dish out what you receive in. Room Temperature if you will.
The topics being "chum fed" by my good friend Filled Negro ARE a "frame job" from the outset. Why do you ask ME to frame my arguments? It would be grand if you and others would bother to ask some others what they believe and to frame it to some sort of workable plan.
Short term advantage through unity of thoughts does not always translate into long term attainment. It may lead to PERMANENT UNITY AND STRUGGLE THOUGH. The struggle becoming the unifying force as it provides the fleeting sense of advancement - until you "win" and then go home and note that you are in charge of the conditions under which you live..
We just don't like our elected officials holding fundraisers at them which some Republicans have done.[/quote]
Now if only you'd get as pissed when the Democrats bring YoungJeezy and TI to the stage to assist them in "Getting the Black Vote out for the Democrats". Their drug dealing past and their PRESENT lyrics that would get a Tea Party member airtime on Rachel Maddow - doesn't seem to disqualify them for some reason.
Enter the Tea Party movement once this movement liberates itself from the racism of the fears of the collapse of the white middle class and the obsolence of the white working class the Black collective can partner with the generic themes of the Tea Party movement.
Why exactly do I care?
What exactly do you think the Tea Party is going to bring me that I want?
To be brutally frank, once you reach the "post civil rights" Parthenon - and separate yourself from that black political hegemony...
The the Tea Baggers have nothing to offer either.
porche' Perambulates -
Last month - record credit card defaults
Last month - record home foreclosures.
You didn't happen to look at the bracket level of those home forclosures, now - did you?
The problem right now is Jumbo foreclosures...
That is hardly (or at least it was) poor black folks.
YT has slipped. For the past thirty years some other country has paid for his domestic representatives who in fact are legitimately pledging allegiance to another country. For their years, we have been bombarded with Kill that Muslim, Somebody help us, etc. While America's borders were left wide open like a whore in a whorehouse. Now they take notice. Personally, if I were in power I would have stopped the anchor baby shit, just knowing as a single parent, that too many freeloaders will exhaust my check before payday. I'm not a big fan of illegal immigration, I have lived in a sanctuary city (Newburg, NY) and cops stop you because you speak English and they can fill their ticket quota. And I do know that while everyone thinks it will be all brown, renown and happy as clowns in
America, some of these latin countries are very very color struck. We need to get up in there and let our place in America be known while there still time.
You start off disrespecting, before I had even given you reason and now you take the high road.
Now I know one issue that you have. You reveal yourself more and more. No amount of scatology will hide it.
Be proud in your ignorance.
anon 3:48,
People do have lives outside of the net.
AB, I man Thrasher, I mean....ah, shucks, I think you are the same psycho.
Please spare me the weak attempt at pity...I gave back to you the same contempt you gave me while I was in the middle of a heated discourse you posed a redneck question not of your making but some unk black blogger..SO Please bite me if you want to embrace me
I intend to reveal more about me cause I like the exposure..I thrive on it..I love to be the trigger it feels good..Plus I have that dna ..I am good up close and personal and Yes I like you have a life outside the net
btx3, Have you ever had a macro thought in your life? Is this ned to be a constant state of angst and battle a internet facade...
Please step away from yourself...I do quite often it actually fuels me when I return to the battle..
Tea Baggers as well as other things all have value in the universe of course you can put whater price on life as you so desire..
"You start off disrespecting, before I had even given you reason and now you take the high road."
"Now I know one issue that you have. You reveal yourself more and more. No amount of scatology will hide it."
I co-sign with you on that Hathor. Yesterday, he called us hoes. Today, he loves us. I don't know or have any people who love me calling me a hoe or disrespecting me without cause. I see where he got up early this morning to tell us to "F" word ourselves too. Smh!
Whether he believes it or not, I am a senior citizen and my kids are probably older than him. I've dealt with some of the roughest kids in my daily life working to get them to turn their lives around, been in some very rough territory and none of them have ever disrespected me and called me a hoe.
I know people in Detroit and have a lot of family there. Like I've mentioned before I come from a very huge family.
CF said;
"or in the case of Mellenous - the INFERIOR STATE of the assailant per what history has done to him - despite him being born in 1991)....."
CF if you are going to repeat what I say get it right. I contend that the conditions of inequality and inequity help produce folks who are ill prepared to compete. And who may consequently take their anger out on society.
CF at least I understand you today. I actually agree with your point about Green Jobs being a smoke screen. But CF in a society that was serious about the preservation of the environment (and actually planned what it was going to do rather than the willy nilly destruction that occurs because of a lack of planning and a simple and narrow focus on profit making alone) this would not be a bad idea.
Steve I too am curious about the source of your optimism for Black America though I suspect that what you really mean is middle and upper class Black America.
SO in other words you are unable to frame a question or my presence puts you on edge cause you are still reeling from that assualt I laid on your mindset last nite..
Be bold ..Have some guts step outside of your barricades and the fortress image you have constructed in here...Either way I already know and you know I own your ass in here after how weak you reacted to me last nite..
So be liberated now bring your best shit..Live for the now...lol,lol,lol
Field I think your assessment a few days ago about the economy improving and unemployment steadying may have been a bit optimistic.
Stories being told all over the country say there are a lot of folks facing hard times and other are on the precipice.
Check out this NYTimes article:
grannie I am 60 years old you old crazy fart..Please spare me the tired I am old broad bit!!!!
This is the fucking internet not reality so what I fucked with your feelings..Yeah I slapped the shit out of you but get real this is a fucking internet chat forum...Have you lost your mind?? White folks have convinced you that shit matter and is real..WTF!!!!
BTW I could give less than a fuck about your peeps here in the 'D" I run this mutherfucker...lol,lol,lol
LOL! Nah, you the one crazy. You lost sleep last night and decided to get up and tell us to "F" ourselves. BTW, you do not run "D", I asked around this morning, no one has ever heard of you, not even in the hood. Therefore, that must be in your fictitious mind.
CF said:
"I would love to see you, Granny, Mellaneous and Filled Negro to go to MEXICO CITY or San Salvador and deploy your theories for the universal uplift of all human beings."
CF is that a threat? You should know silly rabbit, since you are an restricted supporter of the unrestricted free market and free enterprise and capitalism that is absolutely free of any constraints at all, which is practiced in Mexico and El Salvador.
Its part of the reason that they can't or won't get a handle on the drug war. Its capitalist big business.
Mexico can be pretty harsh on folks who don't support their idea of a free market.
And in El Salvador, the government in the 80's and 90's murdered priests and anyone else who had the nerve to talk about just giving peasants a few rights like freedom of expression, freedom from state repression. And those who advocated labor rights and supported decent wages have been shot down like dogs in that country.
Ever hear of ArchBishop Oscar Romero? So you aren't familiar with the civil war in El Salvador in the 1980's and how the US imperialist used a pig by the name of Roberto D'abussion to put down the unrest? Pig is the only word to describe the kind of human being he must be to do the things he did to folks that he disagreed with in El Salvador.
You are amazing!
You would fit in well with the Nazis and I guess you can't wait for fascism to get here in full bloom.
Anything oppressive you are all for. No wonder you rail against street criminals so much, it is a form of SELF HATE. You are the ultimate street criminal!
You really have a great disdain for anything that supports human beings ability to thrive as equals. Its why when you talk about equal human beings it just doesn't come off right. You don't believe in equality, you believe in hierarchy and its why you are so comfortable with the oligarchy in this country.
It must be difficult knowing that though you are as ruthless in your philosophy and as heartless in your assessment of the human family as they are but you will never, never, never, never, ever be able to sit your black behind to the table with them as their equal.
LAC you know Great Field Negroes look for a third way. I understand your criticisms. But I ain't mad at people who say we need a real change or as Martin would put it a structure that continues to produce beggars (lack of opportunity, second class education for some) needs restructuring.
The accomplishments of the guy in Harlem in education and the guy in Hartford who was featured on CNN and the academy in Chicago are all great and I applaud their efforts.
They are saving those who have been thrown into the river to drown.
But brother LA there are some of us who think that we should find a way to stop them from being thrown in. Now because we at least figured out that we ought to stop folks from being thrown in, didn't make us PHD's, but it did reveal that we had guts enough to say the obvious and decide to do something about it. Hell most folks trying to stem the tide of folks being tossed into the sea of inequality and thwarted opportunity, found that there is no real school to attend, that will teach them exactly how to do this. So they roll up their sleeves and do the best they can.
They are buoyed by one thing however, GOT TO STOP THEM FOLKS FROM BEING THROWN IN!!
granny, stand on your own two feet stop looking for peeps to protect you as you try to build alliances. My ass is smarter than you. Just as brown, but smarter. Hathor, you are just as fucked up.
I like CF, I really do and I'm serious. But I am hoping and praying that you can reach him and talk some sense into him.
Malcolm X that truly GREAT FIELD NEGRO put it another way.
In the rest of Malcolm's speech on the Field Negro and the House Negro. Malcolm says (my paraprhase) the Field Negro says come on lets run away from here (slavery) but the House Negro says where we gonna find a better place than this, better clothes, better food, a better massa than this one. The Field Negro says anyplace is better than this.
The Field Negro thought too, that it was better to eat a little than to starve, but he also wanted something more, real freedom, real dignity and was willing to risk the known-- which did offer a measure of security-- for the unknown, which offered the possibility of complete freedom and security.
Anonymous 6:20:
I don't know what gave you the notion that I need someone to protect me. Granny has always stood on her own two feet. That hasn't changed. BTW, if you think by switching names that you're fooling someone, you not, you fooling you!
I swear, I've been trying to be good. When I try to do good, evil is always present.
Who did you ask some more old big titty black woman..The hood has many blocks but hell an old senile chick like you don't know that..lol,lol,lol
BTW I felt goos waking up this morning crushing you and others... I thrive on internet excercise..lol,lol,lol
I remember Malcolm X, when he was living. Strange but the establishment tried to demonize him because he spoke out against injustice. But then, they tried to demonize Martin Luther King. Malcolm did not bite his tongue, he said what he meant and meant what he said.
I admired him, a man who was self-educated and a dynamic speaker. When he was assassinated, I cried.
When they exhumed Megar Evers body, I've often wondered if Malcolm X and MLK's bodies are also in tact because they spoke out against injustice in America. They told the truth. In my book the truth breathes life. The story of Ezekiel speaking life to the dead bones reminds me of them because we have a lot of walking dead bones in America.
Thrasher is the new AB.
I'm conflicted on illegal immigration. One half of my ancestry is made of the decendents of kidnapped slaves that were dragged here against their will to perform unpaid manual labor, while they were stripped of their identity. The other half immigrated here from Northern Africa and suffered through indignities because they didn't look like anyone else, had a rough time learning the language and sure as hell didn't worship like anyone else. With that said, I have a hard line opionion about this subject. I feel that illegal aliens (yes I used that term) shouldn't be allowed any kind of access to our society. The shouldn't be allowed to send their kids to our schools, they shouldn't be allowed to own property or start businesses, they shouldn't be issued driver liscenses, their kids shouldn't be granted citizenship, businesses and people that hire them should be jailed, we should charge their countries of origin a fee for keeping their criminals in our jails or face economic sanctions and they should not be able to enroll in our various entitlement programs.
Thrasher sez - btx3, Have you ever had a macro thought in your life?
Other than it's what I do for a living, you mean?
You seem to be saying that somehow - as we progress into this post racial fairyland - black folks need to realign themselves...
That is probably correct.
Then you say with Tea Baggers...
That isn't going to happen - and it has nothing to do with the racism. It has to do with the structure (or lack of in most cases) of their platform...
And a lack of commonality of interest at the economic level.
They are angry because they are angry - not because they want anything, or even seriously want to change anything except to somehow time travel back into a mythical view of the 60's.
You take away the "oppressed white person" meme - and the whole thing falls apart.
Think in terms of 4 parties, likely coalescing into 3 over the next 5 years - with two seriously competing for the black vote based on economics.
Thrasher said...
"grannie I am 60 years old you old crazy fart..Please spare me the tired I am old broad bit!!!!
"This is the fucking internet not reality so what I fucked with your feelings..Yeah I slapped the shit out of you but get real this is a fucking internet chat forum...Have you lost your mind??"
Are you saying that Granny isn't real? That she's a figment of your imagination?
Has the Internet, and "chat forums," as you call them, alienated you that much from your own humanity, and the humanity of others, simply because you can't see them?
Would you show this level of disrespect were Granny sitting across from you?
I would expect more respect, not less, simply because so much space do separate you and Granny--that thing we call cyberspace.
Because they couldn't see the carnage that took place below, it made it a great deal easier for pilots to drop two A-bombs on an unsuspecting civilian population.
Perhaps in the future you should draw upon your imagination to fill in where your civility fails you.
You are nothing but a foolish and silly old man. I bet you still wearing a jeri-curl, an a polyester suit,pointed toe shoes, and chasing young girls thinking you younger than you are. Yeah, you probably have a beer gut and try to suck it in when you see some young girl. Because your afraid of growing old.
Facts of business, I don't know any men sixty years old going around calling women hoes and disrespecting women without cause,especially, their sistas like you did. Nope, I don't! The men I know your age are mellow and act like gentlemen because they've been there, did that, done that. But then, I am not going to sit in the company of men who have no respect for women.
I read CF post and he told the truth, he might argue with the women on here fiercly, but I give him credit and that is what I like about him. Most of all, I like him because even though we disagree, he does not take it so personal that he feels the need to disrespect the women on this blog and call them hoes or any other foul name. When I tell CF that I like him, I am serious and sincerely mean it. He and I might be arguing in the next two seconds, but I mean what I say.
Yesterday, you disrespected Hathor and me for no reason. I did not insult or disrespect you for you to come at me like you did. And you not even man enough to apologize. However, you disrespected Hathor and I. But I'm just not one of those mealy mouth, passive sistas that is gone sit back and take it.
Yeah, this is the internet, I do not know you and you do not know me. That's neither here nor there. I have experienced and observed more in life than you can imagine. Sometimes I wonder to myself, why I don't look hard, old, and rundown because of some of the things I've been through. God has preserved me and took care of me and for that I thank him.
As for you thinking you performed a great feat on here and played with my feelings well...I hate to be the one to rain on your parade, but you did not. I don't wear my feelings on my sleeves and life has prepared me for such a day as this. You see, in my book you made yourself look bad and gave us a real close up look at you. Yeah, I bet you did feel good waking up this morning seeing how you probably never went to sleep. I bet you was on one this morning. You act like a recovering crack addict who has switched from crack to alcohol judging from your unnecessary disrespectful actions because that is how they act...just like you!
You jest right..No I don't think grannie is real and no shit I post on the internet has nothing to do with my being or humanity..
Sorry just becuase you define your self worth in a electronic format that does not meant I have to comport to your references to anything..
Perhaps from this point forward instead of lecturing me from the sidelines to exhibit your shallow sense of nobility to a internet creation you sould step away from your machine and wake up out of your trance...You are fucking serious and that part truly disturbs me it should you as well
You dolt protest to much... It is obvious and apparent to me and you in that your obession of me is in part because my raw chatter about your phony pretentious nobody artifical creation in a chat forum has right on..
Your tired bravado about your senior status worn thin with me 15 minutes into your tired and boring act...
You remind of men who chatter and yell all day long about fucking chicks but never been close to any pussy other than a playboy magazine or peeping in thier sister's bedroom...
It is quite apparent some man has fucked your life up and you wear this holy ritual of manhood around your tits becuase you have been scorned..So what!! get over it cause I will not be your whippin boy fuck that...No I will crush your phony make belive I am the toughest Black ER screaming bitch routine in the ground...
This is a goddam internet experience it has nothing to do with real life ..I refuse to allow you to make me give a fuck about an internet reality..I do not find love or mates on harmony.com
You can posture , lecture, demonize my black ass every fucking nite for until forever ..You are not a person that breathes life on an internet...Wake the fuck up!!!!
Grannie and your mascots,
This is my last post with you after this you will be ignored by me...
I am truly troubled that a slew of black folks have made this mode of communication have a soul and a reality...I am sadden that real people with real needs have been ignored and reduced to break times just so posters on chat sites can get personal on an internet...
People are actually lecturing to me about humanity, dignity,on the inernet while these same real truths are absent in thier real lives away from thier pc's and the internet.
I am humbled by what I have encountered with people this week on my vacation while I gone on the internet..I had no idea the depth of loniness and alienation, anger, rage and loss of reality on this thing called the internet.
I am truly sorry..I really am..
I shall return next month....
Peace & Love
I see that your not use to holding a decent conversation free from your vulgar sexual images with women. Tourettes syndrome, maybe? Or does disrespecting women come natural to you? You seem to suffer from severe illusions. I don't know where you come up with all of these fictional illusions. I'm trying to make you my whipping boy? But yet, it is you who has verbally abused me and Hathor from the jump for no reason and continues to do so. Smh!
BTW, my husband I were married until death did us part. He died a couple of years back. We had been together straight out of high school. I had a good husband, he was my best friend. I think you are projecting your love life on me or straight out tripping.
I truly understand that you have some issues and that your mind is out of wack, but don't flatter yourself too much thinking that I wish to converse with you, because trust me I definitely don't. You are not even the type of caliber of people that I would consider fooling with period. People I converse don't disrespect each other and we definitely don't call each other hoes. Nope!
Your last post really lets me know that you have some serious issues. However, I am not the cause of your issues. Don't take it out on me. However, you have let me know that disrespecting women in your old age comes natural to you. You not a woman abuser are you? Smh!
BTW, I am who I say I am, regardless, if you believe it or not. Who cares! Did I tell you that I know field is real, because he knows my cousin-in-law. I know that a few others on here are real because I communicate with them outside of this blog. I would tell you something else, but I'll pass and let you remain in your fantasy world. BTW, I know your not gone yet and your read this.
You sound so pitiful with that tale of yours BTW remember what your grannie told ya..."You play with fire babygirl you will get burnt"...
See ya in a month...
What's the matter Thrasher, you trying to save face? Just be a man and apologize because you was wrong as two left shoes.
Thrasher said...
"Grannie and your mascots,
"This is my last post with you after this you will be ignored by me..."
I guess I'm one of the "mascots." You can't "ignore" that which you refuse to acknowledge, or give reality to.
But please do make the effort.
"I am truly troubled that a slew of black folks have made this mode of communication have a soul and a reality...I am sadden that real people with real needs have been ignored and reduced to break times just so posters on chat sites can get personal on an internet..."
I'm pleased to know that some things "trouble" you. I was beginning to believe that you were beyond that human emotion.
Just so you know, there're "real" people with "real souls" on the other end of this mode of communication, just as there are real people who write letters, talk on phones, and chat with neighbors across a common fence.
Our mode of communication doesn't make us any less human, any less real.
And why are you "saddened"? Are you projecting what you see missing in your world upon us? And why would you say that we're neglecting the supposed "real people" for make-believe people on the Internet?
You presume to know more than you're privileged to.
Yet, I'm encouraged to know that you have the capacity to be "saddened."
It's another of those human traits that shouldn't be left behind just because you've decided to communicate with soulless and unreal people via the Internet.
And you do know the irony of all this, don't you? You're here with the rest of us. Why are you spending so much time in this unreal world, with unreal people, and leaving the real ones behind?
"People are actually lecturing to me about humanity, dignity,on the Internet while these same real truths are absent in thier real lives away from thier pc's and the internet."
It's good to be omniscient. You'll have to teach me that trick some day. Not only do I maintain my dignity and humanity here, but in my "real life" as well.
You see, my so-called "real life" doesn't end when I'm online. I carry it with me, here, there, and everywhere.
I called you out because it was obvious you had misplaced yours. I believed you to be a better person than that.
Despite my snarkiness, I believe that you do have dignity and humanity, but that it had become momentarily obscured.
Had I thought otherwise, I wouldn't have responded to you at all.
"I am humbled by what I have encountered with people this week on my vacation while I gone on the internet..I had no idea the depth of loniness and alienation, anger, rage and loss of reality on this thing called the internet."
"Humble" is good.
I can't speak for others, but I'm not lonely, alienated, angry, enraged, or divested of reality.
I maintain the same sense of decorum on the Internet as with any other method of communication.
Further, I don't use the Internet for escapism, or to do here what I wouldn't do elsewhere, or to say here that I wouldn't say elsewhere.
"Peace & Love"
Those are two of the best things to sow, no matter where you reside, no matter to whom you speak, and no matter the means by which you do it.
Right back at you!
I pray you are not threatening me either Thrasher with your comment regarding "fire". Big bad daddy...all the bad folks is in boot hill. It's always someone badder than you. Although, I can tell from your conversation that you didn't learn much in life except how to disrespect women and call them out their names.
Thrasher.....hoo boy, Thrasher. Willing to verbally manhandle old women, but not willing to spar with men of his own size. I guess he's rotating blog posting duty with AB. Funny how he comes around and she's nowhere to be found. Ah, but it's whatever.
The nigga's just not all there in the head. That's all I can really say about him.
I got one extra day left on my hiatus. I hope you felt elevated and empowered by your self serving nonsense you post not for me but for your own self aggrandizement and the applause of grannie's mascots...
I am not feelin it nor impressed on any level.My personhood has nothing to do with you nor this chat forum , your subjective and arbitrary measure of what accounts for anything means nothing to me.
You are a chat room poster end of tale. Your validation, presence, means nothing to mean ever.
Please save your pastoral drippings for yourself and grannie's mascot or better yet send them to some inmate they need the love even if it is artifical..
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