I caught some of 1/2 of Reverend Inc's conference on TV One. It was the latest effort by the black community experts (or TBCE) to cure all that ails black A-merry-ca. All the usual suspects were there. (Except Tavis) And, of course, they talked; and talked; and talked some more. Black folks sure love to talk. 1/2 of Rev. Inc. said that his conference was different. He actually had a 12 month plan and goals that he wanted the participants who were there representing various organizations to meet.
"Among the pledges:
Sharpton said that NAN will launch a voter registration drive in key states with a goal of a 5% increase turnout in mid-term elections in November.
Marc Morial of the National Urban League said his organization will help 10,000 people find jobs over the next 12 months.
Debra Toney of the National Black Nurses Association said her organization would identify, train or re-train 10,000 people for the nursing field.
Dr. Lezli Baskerville, who represents HBCUs, said the network of campuses would provide 500,000 students for voter registration and get-out-the-vote efforts and that more campuses will make their facilities available to young people for after-school activities, including recreation." (h/t The Root)
Sharpton said that NAN will launch a voter registration drive in key states with a goal of a 5% increase turnout in mid-term elections in November.
Marc Morial of the National Urban League said his organization will help 10,000 people find jobs over the next 12 months.
Debra Toney of the National Black Nurses Association said her organization would identify, train or re-train 10,000 people for the nursing field.
Dr. Lezli Baskerville, who represents HBCUs, said the network of campuses would provide 500,000 students for voter registration and get-out-the-vote efforts and that more campuses will make their facilities available to young people for after-school activities, including recreation." (h/t The Root)
I sure hope that this isn't 1/2 of Rev. Inc. showing Tavis that two can play that game. Of course Tavis never accomplished much. (Except for Tavis.) Let's see if something meaningful can come out of this from some of the grass roots organizations that were represented. 100 Black Men is a fine group, and their leader was in the house. So that's a good sign.
ER Shipp writing for The Root said the following:
As the Rev. Raphael Warnock, pastor of the historic Ebenezer Baptist Church in Atlanta, told me after a ministers' luncheon Friday at the National Action Network annual meeting: "This conference is important at a moment like this because we are still confronted with major issues in the African American community, and in some ways they are more complicated than they were 30 or 40 years ago. Our coming together around shared struggle, sustained resistance and deep analysis - in some ways it takes more work."
In trying to tackle some of those "major issues," Tavis Smiley has been at it for years with his State of the Black Union summits that seem to draw from the same pool of leaders every year but which accomplish little. He held a pared-down version in March in Chicago, where the focus of 12 panelists was on pressuring President Obama to reward black support by explicitly addressing that elusive "black agenda".
The National Action Network came at it a little differently during the convention that concluded Saturday. It promised a 12-month action plan. I naively expected a plan in the form of a document prepared ahead of time that would be discussed, modified and endorsed. That was not the case. Instead, an impressive revolving panel of leaders of one thing or another and academics and journalists talked for two hours in a forum broadcast by TV One."
"A 12 month action plan" in the form of a prepared documents would have been nice. But then, if there was such a document, what would there be left to talk about? Black folks need to talk.
Hey Field, where's the "Dissent is the greatest show of Patriotism" quote? I always loved that!
On topic, if Dem's can get amnesty for illegals and felon voting rights in more states, they're good for a long time. How sad is that? Most citizens don't agree with their agenda so they cheat.
And talk and talk,while Skippy and Ray-Ray shoot each other for stepping on their new shoes!
Szpork, it's still there. Under the picture of the man who coined the phrase, Howard Zinn.
I think these conferences are just ploys to make money for rev. inc., these organizations and of course the tv station and hotels. No one actually DOES anything to solve the problems.
Who put rev inc. in charge? The media? I sure didn't.
Why not get a real cross section of black society for these conferences? Everyday people of all social classes and religions... We need to bounce ideas and see other points of view to understand the problems from all angles. Yes, I'm including black atheists, gov't officials, doctors, laywers, teachers, sahm/d, the elderly etc....
I'm so sick of the same lame talking heads going from network to network.
Why did I see nothing on business management or start up classes? What about basic financial ed? I know that it takes money to make money, but this last hired, first fired crap will happen as long as you don't do for your self and your family. Green is power. Don't kid yourselves. Sometimes when you're down, the only direction is up.
The roots of the problems in our worst sections of the community are behavioral and psychological imho. Somehow, we're socially pressured to accept EVERYONE and their DYSFUNCTIONS or we're not "real." The sad thing is the bougie and upper class are just as bad. Somehow, we're not allowed to be honest with ourselves.
The solutions have to come from many angles. Since religion is a large influence on many folk, the preachers have to hammer productive, healthy behavior. Logic and critical thinking skills have to be taught at home and school. I say we can still reach new families, adults who really want to turn things around (i.e. "this crap I'm doing doesn't work"), and the very young.
I think it can take 2-3 generations to turn this around, but it has to start in the home and community. We have to learn to shun ne'er do wells and crooks.
People laughed at Rev. Al Sharpton when he announced his bid to become president several years ago. But today is a new day, and it's safe to say that Sharpton is the one laughing. No he didn't become president of the United States. But today one has to be blind not to see just how he has positioned himself at the feet of Barack Obama as one piece puts it: Sharpton is Obama's link to the streets. Yes, Barack Obama, just like every successful hip hop label before him has put together a street team via Al Sharpton and his National Action Network. A street team, son; a damn street team with Al Sharpton as the man!
The zeitgeist that is post-racial America could not have created any stranger bed fellows, folks. It actually begs the question: will, and can this pairing actually work for Black America? More specifically, did Sharpton sell out to achieve political power, or did he buy in to what Obama is selling as an approach? That last question is essentially the center piece of concern and the arousal of skepticism.
Clearly, this was Rev. Al's coming out party, and he is now the official Obama endorsed and approved HNIC, folks. But the question is: The next time a black person gets shot 50 times by over zealous cops, who we gonna call... Al Sharpton or Barack Obama?
OK. field. My Bad. Love your blog
There's not allot that these particular black leaders (or any black leaders for that matter) can do. Many of the community's worst problems can be tracked to massive economic dislocations due to the erosion of manufacturing and blue collar jobs, white flight to the suburbs, the drug war, and the application of Reaganomics. It will take changes--bold changes-- at the federal level to correct these problems. Unfortunately there's little political will to do so.
Who let Wyclef in?
RiPPa said...
"The zeitgeist that is post-racial America could not have created any stranger bed fellows, folks. It actually begs the question: will, and can this pairing actually work for Black America? More specifically, did Sharpton sell out to achieve political power, or did he buy in to what Obama is selling as an approach? "
Obama once declared that he could no more disown Rev. Jeremiah Wright than he could disown the black community, or for that matter his white grandmother. Shortly thereafter, following more embarrassing comments by Wright, Obama did manage to disown Wright. However, the earlier message was clear - there is place in Obama's inner circle for a radical black racist, as long as he doesn't behave in too frightful a manner.
Sharpton has this situation all figured out. The only thing that has changed is he has lost weight and now wears business attire instead of track suits. As Sharpton explains, "you have to have core principles and everything else is a tactic." In other words, his core principles remain the same. And they fit seamlessly in the Obama administration.
@ FN:
1. What anon at 10:36 pm said is partly true.
2. The difference between Al Sharpton and Tavis Smiley...Sharpton has always had a seat at the table.
3. Politicians DO listen to Rev. Al...why...because he's going to make sure they do :) He can mobilze the people.
4. This is favor being returned for shutting up for over a year and 1/2 on anything concerning Obama.
5. This is the perfect time to bring forth the black agenda. We cannot afford to pay more attention to the tea partiers than we do ourselves...our agenda is of the upmost importance.
6. The Black Nurses Assoc. is working in accordance with what is a real problem in the nursing field...aging nurses that want out. 42% of the nurses have a bachelor degree and only 5% have a masters in nursing (where the real money is) and 19% are medical assistants (Where most black females are employed in this industry) (stats from: Nursing Economic$ 2010)
7. In order for us to sit these tea party people down, we need to register more voters across the nation AND GET THEM TO VOTE.
8. The president always had a black agenda... it was just not the right time to say so. But now with him having to look out of his window to see a bunch of white maniacs carr openly carrying loaded guns and rifles in his neighborhood... talking about taking THEIR country back...looks like a good time to me...(check out the Washington Post)
And this....:
"Black folks sure love to talk."
Now let me shut up :)
word verf: rerepo...lol
From agape
We cannot afford to pay more attention to the tea partiers than we do ourselves...our agenda is of the upmost importance.
But now with him having to look out of his window to see a bunch of white maniacs carr openly carrying loaded guns and rifles in his neighborhood... talking about taking THEIR country back...looks like a good time to me...(check out the Washington Post)
True. Funny. I think of it as Obama's reality check. After all, a person who doesn't care for his own home is no good.
@ anon:
Obviously you do not understand politics or governing...which are two different fields... public administration and science.
Obama was never upset by Jeremiah Wright telling the truth about America...not even Wright's WHITE COUNTERPARTS were upset with him...his church leaders stood behind him and his words.
Obama disowned Wright when he was asked to be quiet and did the opposite by taking his azz to DC to the National Press Club (of all places!) to gain more exposure for himself...in that he was very self serving...
and I love Wright...have many of his books and have been to his church...but that was just the wrong move for him if he wanted to help the agenda of America...which was (and still is) to move from a paternalistic society to a more progressive one...
sorry if you want to have things they way they used to be...go to Iran...I think the men still make all the rules over there :)
"white maniacs carr openly carrying loaded guns and rifles in his neighborhood... "
The only picture of a "maniac" I saw with a gun at a tea party rally was black.
agape: "and I love Wright...have many of his books and have been to his church..."
So you are racist?
@ Smashed:
Think of this...he leaves his nice neighborhood in CHICAGO...to come to DC...a majority black city...live in the White House...only to find white boys with loaded guns pointed at his direction...*smh*
However...I will say this for him...he's not afraid...at least that's what he relayed when in the deep south.
The organizer of one of the rallies is from the Atlanta area...I'm like WTF??? Try taking your city back first...lol
@ anon:
Bless your heart...
I explained what racism, discrimmination, prejudice and bias is in another one of field's posts...please check the archives on what racism means...
I don't get into pissing contests...
So have a banner day tomorrow :)
word verf: drawl...lol
"...please check the archives on what racism means..."
I know what racism is, and what a racist is, and it is clear where you are coming from.
Okay anon 11:33 since you are being persistent with this racism label of a black preacher who took issue with some US policy and racism itself, I will play devils advocate. What did Jeremiah Wright say or do that would make him a racist?
@ Mell:
Beofre you speak to that anon...ask him/her to define racism and racist...
If you don't know a thing you should not talk about a thing...:)
How are you? Did you read the Post yet?
And...remember...don't wallow in the mud with pigs...the pigs love it!...because it's what they do...:)
, I will play devils advocate. What did Jeremiah Wright say or do that would make him a racist?
Wright was a long time follower of Jame's Cohn's "Black Liberation Theology." Cohn said that Wright's church was the best example of black liberation theology at work. Cohn agreed with Malcolm X that whites were devils. He constructed Black Liberation Theology as a answer to "white devil" Christianity.
Hey Sister Agape what's up? You too Field!
I'm good, but have some tough days ahead got some projects/ideas that I am praying that I can get folks to buy into in my part of the world. After that I am headed back to seminary. Yep headed back!
That WAPO article is deep. Can you imagine if some left leaning radicals talked about bringing guns anywhere near the White House? And Lord let it be some black revolutionary minded brothers and sisters and it would have been on.
We are looking at the making of and the beginning of the organizing of brown shirts. Check it out. Why is the gov't being so coy with these folks?
If you think I sound alarmist just consider when you read what their beefs are, upon close examination they don't make sense. The gun fanatics are basically getting their way as the article points out. So what/who are they really opposed to? Hint; its not just the black president
Have you noticed how they treat the unarmed non-violent protestors at the Dem and Repub conventions and other gatherings.
This is why folks have to get off the fence, either the US government is interested in aleviating poverty, racism and injustice at home and real peace abroad or it isn't.
Here is the article
lol lol lol at the wikepedia "research" lol lol lol
Black theology will accept only the love of God which participates in the destruction of the white enemy. What we need is the divine love as expressed in Black Power, which is the power of black people to destroy their oppressors here and now by any means at their disposal. Unless God is participating in this holy activity, we must reject his love.
James Cohn
lol lol lol at the wikipedia "research" lol lol lol
The first paraphrase is from Cohn's "Black Theology and Black Power." The second quote is from "A Black Theology of Liberation."
I dont agree with every black person, but dont be a hypocrite FN, your blog is all talk too,at least Rev.Al is on the street.Why do you Feel it is OK to tell the Rev to shut up when your blog states 'Silence is never Golden' Stop critizing Blacks to show whitey how unbias your black ass are,very house Negro of you.
Anon you mean James Cone, Cone not Cohn.
Cone has never referred to whites as devils and even Malcolm X disavowed himself of that accusation before he died. In fact, he said that he would work with anyone who would work with him to bring about freedom and justice for all Americans.
I know its the in-thing for folks like you to rewrite history and when that doesn't work you just lie.
You have to try that kind of crap among the more misinformed Negroes I said the misinformed Negroes, or haven't you been paying attention, there are some mighty bright darkies responding to this blog? Isn't that your job? To watch what us Negroes are up to?
And Cone is no more a racist, than you are a harmless interloper.
I really believe you work for the government in some nefarious capacity.
Everyday rednecks --which you try to pass yourself off as --don't read Black Theology or James Cone. And you are lying you didn't get your info from Wikipedia. It may have some quotes from Cone but it is not where you got your info, you read the books.
You have been giving yourself away of late and this further exposes you, its why you don't identify yourself. You are intentionally trying to spread misinformation while information gathering.
In fact you are both anon 1:32 and 1:35,the same person. It too gives you away. The bourgeosie has obviously cut a deal with Sharpton, so you chide Field because Sharpton is you guys chosen Negro these days.
Oh yeah I am on to you!
But in case there are others who are misinformed, here is the truth!
Black theology was created as a way for black folks to look to God from their own perspective and out of their own experience. It does not seek to denigrate, or diminish anyone elses experience or knowledge of God.
The point G-man, is that black folks have been an oppressed nationality in this country and their theology should be reflective of that fact. It rightly points out that the God of the Bible looks out for the oppressed the down and out, the poor, the orphaned and the alien.
It looks to God through the prism of, "how we got over."
Because for many black Christians Africans surviving: the "ride" from Africa; the dehumanization and forced labor (chattel); the post slavery, post reconstruction attempts to re-enslave us; and the efforts to make us a permanent under caste (Jim Crow); and the ultimate triumph over the terrorist forces seeking our destruction, and the very fact that WE ARE STILL HERE, can only be attributed to God.
Just as the central theme of Israel in the Bible, is their Exodus/deliverance from Egypt and then the formation of an egalitarian community, which was built on its dedication to Yahweh and respect for their fellow human beings, the central theme for blacks as it relates to the Christian God is one of deliverance.
Such ignorance about liberation theology abounds and I hold some Black conservatives responsible for this misinformation. Black liberation theology wasn't started by one person; it was a movement and an elevation in consciousness for people worldwide. It sought to create a religion for the oppressed people where God was not a God to play favorites with anyone, but valued all of us equally before him. This was necessary to a psychology of freedom.
I truly get irritated when everyone calls Rev. Wright a racist. They don't know the meaning of the word.
[quote]Clearly, this was Rev. Al's coming out party, and he is now the official Obama endorsed and approved HNIC, folks. But the question is: The next time a black person gets shot 50 times by over zealous cops, who we gonna call... Al Sharpton or Barack Obama?[/quote]
Brother RiPPa:
Judging from the frequency of having a Negro get shot 50 times by the POLICE versus - the frequency of a NEGRO GETTING SHOT at the East Point Train station (which happened TO-DAMNED-DAY ......the second shooting at this same transit station in 2 months) WHO DO YOU THINK THAT I SHOULD CALL TO COMPLAIN?
RiPPa at what point does the SUPERIOR authority of the Police and their greater accountability get cross referenced with the far more frequent SHOOTING by the faceless Negro? IS he so INFERIOR that you continue to look past his indiscretions as you attack his brother who went through the police academy and now operates under the sanction of the government?
Despite being born from the same womb and now carrying the very same firearm I am not sure that you and others are prepared to see two EQUAL HUMAN BEINGS both capable of producing EQUALLY DEADLY RESULTS. All of this due to your own ideological bigotry and political agenda.
When are YOU going to change as Sharpton has shown that he can change?
Filled Negro:
Can I ask you a question?
Beyond the clear evidence that the Democrats and Progressives will benefit the most from the VOTING initiatives that Rev Al is promoting: HOW DO WE HOLD AL SHAPRTON AND OTHER OPERATIVES accountable for their strategy as it relates to the Permanent Interests of the Black community?
(I am talking to a co-conspirator folks - I realize this)
Filled-Negro - The theory is that by having BLACK FOLKS AND YOUNG PEOPLE increase our voting (for the Democrats) that our communities will improve.
* Our economic situation
* Our academic situation
* Our public safety
* Our relationships
Filled-Negro at what point do you separate from your own bigoted favor for Rev Al's plan which specifies a METHODOLOGY to get to the Promised Land (vote for Progressives) and instead evaluate HIS PLAN and your own - based on its EFFECTIVENESS at actually achieving your PERMANENT INTERESTS?
You and others are so inclined to PUT YOUR ADVERSARIES ON TRIAL. In doing so you rarely PUT YOUR OWN IDEOLOGY on trial.
Despite having control over the places where you live and STILL having massive grievances despite your "victories" - you are still able to get motivated by the FEAR that you can "self-chum" about your adversary than you are able to put forth an above board and honest appraisal of your own agenda - for the sake of managing toward effectiveness rather than progressive supremacy.
[quote]Such ignorance about liberation theology abounds and I hold some Black conservatives responsible for this misinformation.[/quote]
Please NAME these "Black Conservatives" that you speak of?
Please document the VENUES that they use to reach their large audience?
I am reading the book "Fidel Castro and Religion".
Guess which subject is contained within?
Get this MR - Despite the fact that the Cuban Revolution banished organized religion as it was a threat to the revolution - after the dust settled a group of leftist Theologians began to rewrite this history and thus the book was produced. Castro was able to make the case that his government program HAS THE SAME GOALS AS DOES RELIGION - helping the least of these overcome oppression and poverty.
MR - just as the case that religion has been hijacked for global imperialism - there is NO LESS OF A HIJACKING that takes place with Liberation Theory. It uses the machinations of religious dogma for political gains as much as any other movement that you are inclined to attack.
In most cases JESUS is the face which is unknown far too often.
CF you are starting to remind of Mikey of the old Chex commercials, you hate everything! And especially if it has anything to do with the advancement of all human beings (equal human beings as you call them, which is a misnomer because while we may be due equal rights and equal opportunity we aren't all born with equal abilities)
Jesus is obviously unknown to you.Its why you come off as uncaring and uncompassionate which I think most would agree is the opposite of what Jesus demonstrated on earth.
You talk out of both sides of your mouth. You admit that "religion has been hijacked by global imperialism" yet you are opposed to liberation theology, which simply seeks to advocate for the rights of the poor, the worker, the discriminated against.
Liberation theology simply affirmed that God indeed does have a special love a preference -if you will -for those that are oppressed and poor. Its in the Bible if you read it. The prophets are all over Israel for their treatment of the poor. God chose Israel after hearing their cries when they cried out for deliverance from their oppression.
If you want to call that seeking political gain, so be it. It's not a bad thing to try to get poor folks a bit more of the pie,equal rights and dignity which is what the Latin liberation theologians have attempted to do. Many priests and advocates were murdered for simply advocating for the poor in Latin America.
I think the Jesus who was executed for treason by the Roman state, would support a gospel that opposes global and local injustice.
You are wrong --which seems to be a habit of yours-- Jesus is very much the face of liberation theology and all doctrines that support the poor and the oppressed.
You should read up on Jesus, whatever folks want to say about him he did not sit on the fence!You have to take a side CF!
@ Anonymous 1:24. Every black person should own a gun and be ready to use it when the time comes. Best be assured these wingnuts won't stop at the "libruls". They'll probably go for the "illeguls" next i.e. anyone that even remotely looks Mexican, and then that train is going to keep barreling towards the next station,which is us. Make sure you and your family aren't sitting ducks.
Danget CF you are calling me out to ramble at me as usual eh? LOOK! You don't know what you are talking about and to answer your question I have seen articles from LBarber and JPeterson denouncing the very tenants of liberation theology based upon spurious reading of historical record and a faulty understanding of history at the worst.
Look! The minute any Black preacher in America told his congregation that they were special in the eyes of God and that they weren't just destined to be slaves, servants, sharecroppers or domestics, liberation theology was in the mix.
You really ought to read up on the origins of liberation theology in the USA and its role in the civil rights movement of last century.
Liberation theology buttressed the Black Church! It gave us a sense that it was OKAY to fight against structures of oppression because Jesus was righteous and didn't support people being abused.
As much as I feel that Mellaneous's commentary is biased by his or her Marxist lens, I can totally tell that he or she cares about other human beings and has a heart.
We can agree and disagree on certain things but one thing is for sure; mellaneous cares about humanity.
You sound like an insensitive person with no grasp of history and a major major major issue with acknowledging that Black people can do anything good at all.
I will no longer engage your bitter diatribes because it is a waste of keystrokes. Good day lad.
CF and anon,
White folks had liberation theology too. Pope John Paul even reprimanded the South and Central American Bishops for practicing it.
What was interesting most ignorant reporters never seem to have heard of it until they interviewed Rev. Wright. There was quite a bit of philosophical exploration during the first half of the twentieth century besides Ayn Rand's Objectivism.
Here is a snippet from a short PBS bio on Howard Thurman, preeminent Liberation Theologian of last century:
"In 1935-36, Thurman led a delegation of African Americans to meet Mohandas Gandhi. God-given faith, Gandhi proclaimed, could be used to fight the oppression of white American segregation. He challenged Thurman to rethink the idea of Christianity as a religion used by whites to keep black "in their place" with images of a white Christ and ideas of a land of milk and honey in the great beyond. Hindu principles offered Indians a basis for nonviolent opposition to British power, he said. Did Christianity have a similar power to overcome white racism?
Thurman continued thinking and writing about his conversation with Gandhi for the rest of his life. He passed on his thinking to James Farmer, founder of the Congress of Racial Equality, and Martin Luther King, Jr. In Jesus and the Disinherited, Thurman expounded on the idea of Jesus as a liberating figure, bringing new testament gospel together with non-violent resistance."
So now I understand you.
Despite the fact that the actual term "Liberation Theology" was coined in the 1960's by a particular person..........we should understand that it has been used by OPPRESSED people throughout.
Let me ask you MR - of the White and Jewish people who participated in the LABOR struggle in America - as they prayed to GOD that they might be free from their Industrial oppressor - would YOU call this "Liberation Theology" as well?
As far as that dog-on Lashawn Barber.....you are right - once we shut down the blog of that Black Conservative - our communities will PROSPER!!!!
[QUOTE]The term was coined by the Peruvian priest Gustavo Gutiérrez, who wrote one of the movement's most famous books, A Theology of Liberation (1971). Other noted exponents are Leonardo Boff of Brazil, Jon Sobrino of El Salvador, and Juan Luis Segundo of Uruguay.[2][3][4]
Although liberation theology has grown into an international and inter-denominational movement, it began as a movement within the Roman Catholic church in Latin America in the 1950s - 1960s. It arose principally as a moral reaction to the poverty caused by social injustice in that region. It achieved prominence in the 1970s and 1980s.[/quote]
Destructive Wingnut, it's never good to pretend to be an expert when discussing something you know nothing about. I have to thank M. Rigmaiden and mellaneous for checking you on this one. Reading one book by Fidel does not make you an expert.
Smashed The Tiny Black Box those were some great comments at 9:51 pm.
Interesting observation about Rev. Inc. Rippa, although I have to wonder about how much power he really has to mobilize folks for voting purposes. O was going to win the last election with or without Rev. Al.
"I dont agree with every black person, but dont be a hypocrite FN, your blog is all talk too,at least Rev.Al is on the street"
I was meeting with some kids from PAL yesterday; doing a little coaching and mentoring. Today I will be speaking to a group of young men who are "trouble makers" in the district and who are at risk of being thrown out of school. Where will you be?
As for Rev. Al. I bet he is in the FOX TV studios more than he is on "the street." I am just sayin.
Anon. 1:34 am, thanks for that Wapo link
[quote]CF you are starting to remind of Mikey of the old Chex commercials, you hate everything! And especially if it has anything to do with the advancement of all human beings [/quote]
If you were not so PIOUS with what you are spewing you'd open your eyes and see that what has been sold as ADVANCING the condition of HUMAN BEINGS in the name of GOD and POLITICS has grossly failed to advance anything more than:
* The dependency on the confidence men who deliver the message
* The advancement of the POLITICAL and IDEOLOGICAL party which is on the stage
It seems, Mellenous, that in the sight of a SYSTEMATIC FRAUD - you want me to BE SILENT, my CALLING OUT having the risk of derailing this fraudulent movement and thus the people being rendered back into slavery and oppression.
If you make a list of the PERMANENT INTERESTS that you have and then seek advancement of them in the places where this LIBERATION theory is most entrenched you'd too often see ANYTHING BUT!!!
Even when THEY ARE THE ESTABLISHMENT POWERS - they still find a THREAT and struggle against it. In your own bias Mellenous you are unable to ask this ESTABLISHMENT that you favor to DELIVER for you.....just as you demanded against the old establishment that you wore out your shoe leather protesting against. OR were you wearing Nike's during these protests because they were more comfortable on your feet?
SHOW ME "HUMAN ADVANCEMENT" and I'll support it.
SHOW ME B.S. and I'll make sure not to track it into the house.
Where did you get that quote? There were American theologians that weren't Catholic who developed liberation theology as well, in the fifties. I know for a fact the term Liberation Theology was use much before your quote, because as a Presbyterian in the sixties, it was much discussed. especially in the context of the Civil Rights struggle as MS has stated.
So much of the theology was propagandized by the segregationist as communism and now by the wingnuts as racism. To me, same difference.
all i gotta see is that thief wyclef in the photo to know this isn't going to amount to shit...is this his attempt to rehab is image?
Be thankful that you don't deal with judges who are as biased as you are. You cause would be screwed but our streets might be safer for it.
MR says:
[quote]We can agree and disagree on certain things but one thing is for sure; mellaneous cares about humanity.
You sound like an insensitive person with no grasp of history and a major major major issue with acknowledging that Black people can do anything good at all.
I will no longer engage your bitter diatribes because it is a waste of keystrokes. Good day lad.[/quote]
MR - When I look for a reference to MY BLACK CONSCIOUSNESS I certainly don't need you to affirm me.
What YOU judge as "insensitive" should be instead seen as a degraded tolerance for BS!!!!!
The real problem is that if I or anyone else doesn't play into the DAMAGED STATE OF THE NEGRO BASED ON HISTORY - as you, Mellaneous, Filled Negro and others find quite profitable then he can't retain his racial standing. At the same time NO ONE will ever be called out for constructing a model of the REAL WORLD in which the force from WHITE SUPREMACY as seen in 2010 is OVER REPRESENTED. There is no consequence in being a "Non-White White Supremacist" as is shown on this blog.
I am supposed to WATCH as certain fraudulent people GRASP MORE POWER over our communities yet after decades of having their POLICIES rule - the conditions that result are caused by the HISTORY OF WHITE SUPREMACY? Against a 20 year old born in 1990? PLEASE!!
The GREATEST THREAT TO THIS BLACK MALE today is that the MESSAGES that the "Hands That Rock The Cradle" feed to him.
It is clear to me that the biggest threat to some communities is to have the ECONOMIC, CULTURAL, ACADEMIC system that they have long struggled against to LEAVE THE AREA and have the PEOPLE WHO WON POWER having to PUT THEIR OWN THEORIES ON TRACK. In as much as they FAILED to develop a strategy for HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT after the VICTORY - they now suffer despite the 'WIN'.
THIS IS THE PROBLEM MR. You and others are too blind and jaundiced in your own ideology to see it.
IT CAN'T BE WHAT YOU BELIEVE that is flawed!! No way.
Is it possible that LIBERATION THEORY works well in a STRUGGLE against a named ENEMY.
HOWEVER when IT IS CALLED to be the PREVAILING ORDER after the VICTORY IS WON - it fails because it NEEDS TO FIND AN ENEMY to struggle against?
I thought that we were crafted in GOD's OWN IMAGE?????
What about this theory is working toward that end rather than DEPENDENCY?
Instead you need to use your time to THINK about what you actually believe.
[quote]Where did you get that quote?[/quote]
Wikipedia - Liberation Theology
The HISTORY of L.T. is ultimately irrelevant.
Its appropriateness for TODAY is what should be focused upon.
Upon taking control over your institutions, schools, police forces and having the greater system of justice enforcing the laws against anyone who violates you - there comes a time to develop a NEW theology that is more akin for the present time
OR - if you are Cornel West you merely expand your Liberation Theology to THE REST OF THE WORLD, because the pot of salt water has not started to boil yet.
The WORST indictment against those who hoist this THEORY upon us is to GO BACK TO THE PLACES WHERE THEY HAVE "WON" and inspect things now that THEY ARE THE ESTABLISHMENT that should be protested against.
Maria you know everything, how do you know Wyclef is a thief?
"And talk and talk,while Skippy and Ray-Ray shoot each other for stepping on their new shoes!"
And what are you doing about Skippy and RayRay besides yapping on the web?
"IT CAN'T BE WHAT YOU BELIEVE that is flawed!! No way."
Then show us how what YOU BELIEVE works!
Show us WHERE it has worked.
Show us how it will work.
Of course you will do none of these things because all you disgusting buckdancing coonservatives are about is yapping how screwed up black folks are because they don't listen to massa.
Steve, he cannot do that because he is utterly devoid of anything of consequence to say. He is a diversionary troll trying to take the topics to areas HE deems fit. Never answers anyone else, trying to Master Palinvoision I guess...
He's shown that:
1.History doesn't matter to him
2.History only matters when it proves his twisted points
3.Black people are fucking up even when a story is about a soon to be MD/PhD student
4.Solutions don't matter to him nor does taking actions in ones community
5.In other words he contributes nothing.
I like Al & Tavis they both have value ..I get so tired of this paradigm of creating a competition among Black leaders to be the HNIC.
I refused to give any validation to this false paradigm as a matter of fact since I have become a Black explorer seeking knowledge and value from the entire universe all of it the good, bad and ugly I am going to evaluate even the Tea Party as well ..
I am going to talk, chat, cheerlead, attend conferences, volunteer, fundraise, mentor, counsel, provide references, engaged, protest whenever/whereever/whatever/who ever/ how ever..It is what I do and how I live in the world as a Black man off the block who has evolved and makes a difference
I like Al & Tavis they both have value ..I get so tired of this paradigm of creating a competition among Black leaders to be the HNIC.
I refused to give any validation to this false paradigm as a matter of fact since I have become a Black explorer seeking knowledge and value from the entire universe all of it the good, bad and ugly I am going to evaluate even the Tea Party as well ..
I am going to talk, chat, cheerlead, attend conferences, volunteer, fundraise, mentor, counsel, provide references, engaged, protest whenever/whereever/whatever/who ever/ how ever..It is what I do and how I live in the world as a Black man off the block who has evolved and makes a difference
[quote]Steve, he cannot do that because he is utterly devoid of anything of consequence to say. He is a diversionary troll trying to take the topics to areas HE deems fit. Never answers anyone else, trying to Master Palinvoision I guess...[/quote]
MR - Can you detail what I am DIVERTING AWAY FROM?
Or is it a problem that I don't fall for FILLED NEGRO'S DIVERSIONS? It seems that while you would like me to continue along with the INDICTMENTS that he and other Black Quasi-Socialist Progressive-Fundamentalist Racism Chasers like to make - MY DIVERSION from the DIVERSION actually takes up BACK TO WHERE BLACK PEOPLE ARE IMPACTED THE MOST.
THIS is the problem that you have with me.
You want me to CELEBRATE the accomplishment of having PROGRESSIVE LEADERSHIP over our community.
I am messing up your cotillion - SELF-CELEBRATION by noting how VOID YOUR "victory" is!!!
DO YOU NOT SEE THE PERVERSION in your actions? It is YOU who dare ASK ME for "solutions"!!!!!
IF I can get YOU to begin to DEMAND SOLUTIONS from ANYONE CALLING UPON YOU before you prostitute your VOTE - this would be a VICTORY.
At least we all would get into the mode of a "quid pro quo". INSTEAD it seems that you are content with your pay off - which is PRIDE that FAVORABLE PEOPLE ARE IN POWER.
As a person who grew up in Philly and who has watched local politics in Atlanta I AM FULLY AWARE of the decades of PROMISES made to the community. Now after the VICTORY HAS BEEN WON - those PROMISES remain elusive. Instead these same PROMISES are being use to ENSNARE A NEW GENERATION OF VOTERS TO KEEP STRUGGLING. One difference - the LOCAL SEATS that they USED TO PROTEST AGAINST have now slid up to the higher rungs upon the ladder.
WhiteBowieSteve: Does the present occupant in the local seat of power make it an INFERIOR seat now?
He's shown that:
1.History doesn't matter to him[/quote]
My dear MR - I am a HISTORY BUFF!!!! I record DOCUMENTARIES and read HISTORY while others are watching American Idol. You probably get along with these other people because THEY WON'T CHALLENGE YOU.
When someone tells me that a 10 year old LITTLE BLACK BOY in Chicago is damaged MORE FROM HISTORY than from the fact that TO-DAMNED-DAY from local to county to state to federal government - HE HAS NO ONE "ENEMY" REPRESENTATIVE OR MAJORITY LEGISLATIVE BODY standing in his way - then I see a BIGOT who merely is USING HISTORY to cover their tracks from the ACCOUNTABILITY that should be rendered upon them.
2.History only matters when it proves his twisted points[/quote]
Which one is it MR? #1 or #2?
YOU are the guilt one here. HISTORY matters to YOU more than does the PRESENT MANAGERIAL ORDER over the HUMAN RESOURCES in question.
Each time they transact with you they have their resolve chipped away as you have them to be CONTENT with their condition. As long as they know that "THEY DID NOT DO IT!!! SOMEONE DID IT TO THEM" then your job has been accomplished.
MR - do you realize that what you do TO-DAMNED-DAY will be the HISTORY that someone in the future will look back upon?
How is the WHITE MAN'S HISTORY of abusing your ancestors more POWER than your PRESENT ACTIONS as a FREE HUMAN BEING?
3.Black people are fucking up even when a story is about a soon to be MD/PhD student[/quote]
MR - you are showing your desperation now.
What YOU have adopted as the AUTHENTIC BLACK IDEOLOGY (progressivism and/or Liberation Theology) is to me merely a tool
who's utility must be evaluated against the TASK AS HAND.
Us a power drill to fix a broken pipe in a flooded basement and you just might get electrocuted.
For you and WhiteBowieSteve when you attack a "Black Conservative" it is understood that you are talking about LaShawn Barber or Clarence Thomas.
LET ME attack a popular ideology of BLACK PROGRESSIVE-FUNDAMENTALISM and you would have me talking about ALL BLACKS.
I am one step ahead of your fraudulence:
4.Solutions don't matter to him nor does taking actions in ones community[/quote]
Are you sure I don't take actions?
More to the point though MR - what makes the BLACK MEN inside of these communities so INFERIOR to you that you are loathed to ask THEM what you ask of ME?
5.In other words he contributes nothing.[/quote]
MR - I seriously wonder if you would so attack a Black man who self-identifies as "The Least Of These" in such a away? I think that YOU would believe his character to be too frail to suffer an attack from you in such a away.
AS LONG as one agrees to assume the DAMAGE FROM HISTORY he fears no such attack from YOU. You can benefit as he allows you (and WhiteBowieSteve) to transact from his INFERIORITY.
It is when a Black man stands erect and REFUSES to put on the neck brace that you have for him during his court testimony that YOU desire to physically assault him so that he might really be injured.
The most perverted part of your ideology is that as you grown STRONGER in your control over where he lives your use of claimed DAMAGE FROM HISTORY as projected upon the NEW BORN BLACK PEOPLE intensified!!!!
This doesn't show the POWER OF THE WHITE MAN. It only shows the INCOMPETENCE of the dogma that you are bound to in instilling upon the people the notions of their FULL HUMAN EQUALITY.
As you DESTROY social order via your assaults upon tried and true traditions you expose those who WOULD BENEFIT THE MOST FROM ORDER AND DISCIPLINE to the harsh reality of chaos and dysfunction.
YOU all need to have the POWER TO SELF-DIAGNOSE, SELF-MEDICATE, SELF-EVALUATE your EFFECTIVENESS STRIPPED AWAY FROM YOU!!! You, Al Sharpton and the entire ESTABLISHMENT are sold-out and self serving for your ideology and party.
Stop diverting and deal with what I said...ie.....
"Then show us how what YOU BELIEVE works!
Show us WHERE it has worked.
Show us how it will work."
You have the floor CF.
@thrasher, hope you also have removed from your arsenal being an asshole and making personal insults about people's race, ala UBM.
may he RIP!
and no, he did NOT enjoy what you did to him. hopefully you know by now that the man actually paved the way for black writers in hollywood, if you read any of the tributes.
agitator need not equal asshole.
M. Rigmaiden
"Steve, he cannot do that because he is utterly devoid of anything of consequence to say. He is a diversionary troll trying to take the topics to areas HE deems fit. Never answers anyone else, trying to Master Palinvoision I guess."
You're absolutely right and his latest rant is prima facie evidence.
Rev. Wright can say whatever he likes at his church. Who cares? But why and the hell would he move into a nearly all white neighborhood? WHy would Trinity build him a million dollar mansion with an elevator and whirlpool? So much for US of KKKA huh? I guess god wants to him to be rich and live in whitey land.
Love of freedom is is not racist.
In 2009, Rev Wright gave an interview with the Newport News claiming "them jews" were Obama from contacting him.
[quote]"Then show us how what YOU BELIEVE works!
Show us WHERE it has worked.
Show us how it will work."[/quote]
Steve - I have chased after your carrot long enough.
I will do this NO MORE for you.
WHEN YOU can ask the same damned question of the forces who's DRUGS you are addicted to, REFUSING TO TAKE ANY MORE until they prove their EFFICACY then you can come back to me and ask me WHY you should take my FIRST PILL.
A BLACK father of 2 was MURDERED last night - right around the corner from the MLK Center For Non-Violent Social Change in Atlanta. I wonder if RiPPa will launch an investigation to see if THE ATLANTA POLICE were the ones who killed him during the robbery?
"As a person who grew up in Philly and who has watched local politics in Atlanta I AM FULLY AWARE of the decades of PROMISES made to the community. Now after the VICTORY HAS BEEN WON - those PROMISES remain elusive.":
So nothing has changed for black folks in 40 years, huh?
There is no black middle class in Atlanta????
Has the ration of poverty for blacks completely reversed in the last 40 years from majority in poverty to less than a fourth?
All you and that pathetic ass kissing Tom BigMac want to talk about is black dysfunction and street priates as if that alone defines Black people in America.
Fuck you Fraud.
I'm tired of your silliness.
I know that it must be hard to restrain yourself from answering some of these statements but you should try. LOL
Remember, an ignorant person can want to learn a stupid person thinks they know everything.
"SHOW ME "HUMAN ADVANCEMENT" and I'll support it."
CF there has been human advancement but you disagree with the society of folks who have actually figured out a way for everyone to at least be able to eat have shelter, get educated and have access to health care.
There is human advancement and enlightenment that takes place on this blog. Yet you choose not to avail yourself of it choosing rather to criticize any ideas that may actually benefit all of humankind and not just those in power.
And not only that in my experience people who are genuinely interested in change or human advancement have shown a genuine concern for humankind.
You consistently fail to show this concern which is why people continue to accuse you of being uncaring. Its why folks continue to ask you what your dream, your vision or your hope for a better world looks like. And time and time again you have no answer.
And for the record this attack on Liberation Theology is not just wrong headed. There are no places in which the Liberation Theologians reign. In fact nearly every time they raise their heads in Third World societies ruled by the free market they are harrassed and some even murdered.
Have you ever heard of Bishop Oscar Romero? MR was amazingly clear and perceptive when she pointed out to you that Liberation Theology has been actually lived out by the oppressed for generations and this has been true of black folks struggling to maintain their dignity in society determined to take it from them.
And not only was your attack wrongheaded it is shameful. How can a black Christian deny and denigrate the work of God among the oppressed, and the efforts of the oppressed to rely on a liberating vision of God to help them make it through?
With the possible exception of the representative from the black nurses, there's absolutely nothing concrete that's being offered by Sharpton here other than getting more folks registered to vote. As usual, the vote will be traded for something for him while the masses of black people continue in the same conditions they're in.
Sharpton holds no key for anything. Quite frankly the same could be said about Obama or anyone else. We hold the key, but have no plan to open the damn door (i.e. begin forthrightly addressing problems and building our communities).
The thing that is dismaying is the press and politicos appoint someone like Sharpton as the "leader" which allows whoever to say that they've "settled" with black folks when in fact all they did was settle with Sharpton. It's really the one "play" from "playbook" that gets run successfully again and again in the African-American community which is why we remain powerless. If it wasn't Sharpton, it would be someone else similar.
The only way this can be countered is with an indigenous movement that actually puts some points on the board using plays from our own damn playbook. Unfortunately, no one developing that--that requires real work, besides you can't get in the kleig lights and get your picture plastered all over the newspapers for that.
Anon said:
"Rev. Wright can say whatever he likes at his church. Who cares? But why and the hell would he move into a nearly all white neighborhood? WHy would Trinity build him a million dollar mansion with an elevator and whirlpool? So much for US of KKKA huh? I guess god wants to him to be rich and live in whitey land."
If its Trinity's and Rev Wright's business what he says and does in his church,then it stands to reason, that its their business what they want to do for their pastor and its Wright's business where he chooses to live.
Wright does not have a problem with white people. He called out the "ruling rich white" people who run this government and other governments that deprive the laborer of just wages and make no provisions for the poor and the sick and bomb other folks for mere money, land acquistion and power.
You realize that you shouldn't get angry when folks denounce the "Ruling Rich white folks" because you are not one of them. Of the phrase "Ruling Rich White Folks" only the White Folks part applies to you.
Your identification with the folks who would let you eat dirt rather than offer you a fair wage, shows how successful they are at duping all of us.
Wake up man! You are not one of them and never will be. Believe it or not, me and you and the other primarily black working class and even middle class professionals, that respond to this blog have more in common.
Eventually you are going to have to choose a side. I hope you choose based on reality.
Greg L.
"We hold the key, but have no plan to open the damn door (i.e. begin forthrightly addressing problems and building our communities).
What the hell are you talking about???
The fact that a majority of black Americans are working to middle class today instead of the majority in dire poverty 50 years ago is proof that one given the key the preponderance of black folks have seized the opportunities and advanced.
What do you consider to be "black problems" which haven't been addressed?
Underperforming inner city schools and street crime are socio-economic issues and I am sick and tired of black conservatives acting like every black person except them is dodging bullets in the ghetto.
You have some ideas for rebuilding the hood, let's hear them.
My black neighborhood is safe, clean and prosperous.
My children, as well as the children of most of the black people I know and associate with, are excelling and succeeding.
I am sick of Chicken Little negroes who do nothing but bitch.
>>>My black neighborhood is safe, clean and prosperous.
My children, as well as the children of most of the black people I know and associate with, are excelling and succeeding.
I am sick of Chicken Little negroes who do nothing but bitch.<<<<
Oh boy, here we go again. First, no one is talking about your particular neighborhood or even you. Of course, if every black neighborhood was like yours then there'd be no need to Sharpton to be meeting and holding conferences. The fact of the matter is that's not the case and my point is that solving the "socio-economic" issue, as you call it, is our issue to solve alone. No one else is going to do it, so continuing to beg, bow and moan like a stuck pig isn't going to resolve matters.
Greg L.
Do you believe the majority of black America to be dysfunctional?
"The fact of the matter is that's not the case and my point is that solving the "socio-economic" issue, as you call it, is our issue to solve alone. No one else is going to do it,"
The US Government financed the urban white ethnics and southern whites ascension into the middle class.
Study your history my friend.
All those "rugged individualism" and "bootstrap" stories are a smokin pile of crap.
There is presently a "New Homestead Act" bill on the table in the Senate which will:
Repay up to 50% of college loans for recent grads who live and work there for 5 years (maximum of $10,000)
Provide $5,000 tax credit for the home purchases of individuals who locate there for 5 years (or 10% of purchase price, whichever is lower)
Protect home values by allowing losses in home value to be deducted from federal income taxes
Establish Individual Homestead Accounts to help build savings and increase access to credit
Individuals can contribute a maximum of $2,500 per year for up to 5 years. Government can provide a match of 25-100% (depending on income). Tax and penalty-free distributions can be made after 5 years for small business loans, education expenses, first-time home purchases, and unreimbursed medical expenses. Accounts can grow tax-free and all funds are available for withdrawal upon retirement
Create Rural Investment Tax Credits to target investments in high out-migration counties
Why isn't anything similar proposed for the inner city?
@ et al.:
Say what you will about Sharpton...He still has to power to mobilize people and he has he ear of those in positions of power and authority (decision makers).
Sharpton brought the black Nurses Assoc., the National Urban League and the HBCU's to the table...that's what he does...bring people to the table that otherwise would not have a seat...or an ear to the power brokers/decision makers.
Like it or not..The only way to to change the system is from within...
How do you think those white boys were able to openly carry weapons in a NATIONAL PARK??? The system allowed them to do so...now if a lawsuit was filed by some citizens that also have rights to the same NATIONAL PARK...stating they don't want that in the park...what do you think would happen...A Ruling would have to come from the top (decision makers).
Hope everyone is having a banner day :)
[quote]Yet you choose not to avail yourself of it choosing rather to criticize any ideas that may actually benefit all of humankind and not just those in power.
And not only that in my experience people who are genuinely interested in change or human advancement have shown a genuine concern for humankind.
My focus on showing YOU that I "CARE" is NOT on the top of my list.
I am working hard to get YOU to show that you "GIVE A DAMN" about the FRAUD that is being hoisted upon you - that you have a measure of complicity in.
You seem to be a man who favors "GOOD INTENTIONS" over RESULTS.
Get someone to give you a speech that is adequately adorned with enough rose petals to hide the poisonous core contained within and you appear to be game to help deliver the message.
It seems that the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA - the "Beast" who's "BELLY" that you reside in is working to POSITIVELY CHANGE THE CONDITION OF MAN. It has a system that allows YOU - a person who believes his is forwarding the interests of mankind to reside within despite the graffiti attacks that you paint upon the inner-lining of the stomach.
I do not regret no apologize for calling out UBM ...I am quite sure he had no problem or regret in callig am a cockroach...UBM deserved the nickname of 'one drop rule"..You post like one of his clueless mascots..
Many are called but few are chosen;
Our problem is in the people we chose, and those we follow. Since Malcom, Martin, Fannie Lou and others, we have allowed others to chose for us and proclaim a so called leadership that does not belong to them.
The beauty of a blog is that it gives us an opportunity to express what we can believe is a truth.
Rev. al is makebelieve a person that is placed on a plantation to keep the people from seeing the truth.
What we need to do is to understand those comm. leaders and local politicans we place in office, and use the blogs to evaluate their worth and hold them accountable.
[quote]So nothing has changed for black folks in 40 years, huh?
There is no black middle class in Atlanta????
Has the ration of poverty for blacks completely reversed in the last 40 years from majority in poverty to less than a fourth?[/quote]
WHEN you, with your fraudulent self, allows an enemy Republican to talk about the mitigated misery among the Negro without YOU rebutting him with examples of our DAMAGED STATE - then I will believe that YOU BELIEVE in what you are saying.
Instead you fluctuate depending on the debate adversary.
When we are talking about Local Democrats you talk about the GLORIES within the Black community.
When we are talking about Conservatives you put on your neck brace that protects your neck that was injured during slavery.
At minimum show me that the places where your sold out establishment machine is in power that are uniformly prospering. Lets start with the 8th Ward or East Baltimore.
"I am working hard to get YOU to show that you "GIVE A DAMN" about the FRAUD that is being hoisted upon you - that you have a measure of complicity in."
And of course according to CF, the key for the black community improving and advancing ourselves is to align with the same racists who didn't even want to see the Civil Rights Bill passed.
The same folks who call universal healthcare "reparations".
The same goobers who want to take "the country back".
CF who do you think your buddies are talkking about when they say "take the country back"?
Who took the country CF?
From whom was it taken?
UBM had value but I will not genuflect nor worship any man except the guy in my mirror everyday..
UBM deserved the banter I gave him...Whereever he is right now I am sure he can handle it and of he could read this now I would post the same theme ..One drop you create a reason for liberal white bigots the license to trash and spit on Black folks that was wrong and I will not retreat from my premise about your posturing..One drop....BTW Do you pray for pagans like me....
>>>Why isn't anything similar proposed for the inner city?<<<
This is a very simple question to answer Steve. There are two reasons why:
1) We're not asking for stuff like this. We're too busy having conventions, meetings and etc so the politicos can settle up with Sharpton rather than the people.
2) We frequently don't have the capacity to accept the help mainly because the structures aren't in place to manage it. To maximize "help" one really has to have been helping themselves all along.
Notwithstanding this homestead act, I'm of the opinion that we're much better off coming up with an indigenous approach to address our issues. If we were to ever have even a small success doing this, money wouldn't be an issue as there'd likely be folks coming out of the woodwork with money if for nothing else other than to control the direction of the movement as their meal ticket leaves them--yes there are folks who have an economic interest in our condition.
As to the Homestead Act, this appears to be an effort to prevent depopulation of rural areas and rather than seeing as something benefiting only whites, why isn't it something we could take advantage of? What's to prevent black folks using this benefit ourselves, even if that wasn't the original intent?
As a matter of fact, I recall reading about a young hispanic guy who did just that, but couldn't stay the full five years because his family couldn't fit in. Of course, that's a different deal if you get a few of your folks to go with you. The Hassidic Jews do that all the time when they decide they're going to take over an area.
What I'm saying is this--a variety of approaches and strategies must be used IMO. It can't just be beseeching the government for assistance than having no other plan when they don't give up the goods. We can just be having a bunch of meetings or just being positioned to give up the vote for absolutely nothing. We have to have the structures in place to actually manage what we get to establish the capacity to even accept the help if given.
"Our problem is in the people we chose, and those we follow. Since Malcom, Martin, Fannie Lou and others, we have allowed others to chose for us and proclaim a so called leadership that does not belong to them."
This is ridiculous.
During Malcolm and Kings lifetime you could count the number of black elected officials on two hands.
Today there are thousands and despite CF's yapping the majority are honest civil servants working toward the interests of their constituents.
Jackson and Sharpton are not the heirs to King and Malcom because there is no need for that today.
Jackson and Sharpton are media figures more in line with the Limbaughs and Becks of the world just coming from the left.
I don't "follow" Sharpton.
Do you?
What we need to do is to understand those comm. leaders and local politicans we place in office, and use the blogs to evaluate their worth and hold them accountable.
Greg L.
"We're not asking for stuff like this. We're too busy having conventions, meetings and etc so the politicos can settle up with Sharpton rather than the people."
This is total bull$hit.
In PG County there have been numerous enterprise zones established, minority contract guarantees and small business loans that have resulted in humdred of blacxk owned business and minority participation in major projects such as the Largo Town Centre, Bowie Town Centre and National Harbor.
I will bet a limb that you will see similar projects and endeavors in suburban Chicago, Atlanta, NYC or wherever there is a thriving black middle class.
You are stuck on the notion that most blacks are in the ghetto and that is just not true.
"Notwithstanding this homestead act, I'm of the opinion that we're much better off coming up with an indigenous approach to address our issues"
Like what specifically?
"What I'm saying is this--a variety of approaches and strategies must be used IMO"
LIKE WHAT????????
Wait, I'm confused. At first you say this regarding the homestead act:
"Why isn't anything similar proposed for the inner city?"
Then you say this:
"In PG County there have been numerous enterprise zones established, minority contract guarantees and small business loans that have resulted in humdred of blacxk owned business...
I will bet a limb that you will see similar projects and endeavors ....wherever there is a thriving black middle class."
If that's the case, why do we need a damn homestead act? If thriving black communities are normative for black folks, why the hell are we even here talking about Sharpton and a black agenda? According to you, everything is hunky dory as long as we can keep begging, slopping and eating whatever leftovers someone decides to throw us.
"If that's the case, why do we need a damn homestead act?"
How many black folks do you know living in the Dakotas and Nebraska?
Is this penetrating your skull?
You black conservatives have bought hook line and sinker that white folks advanced on merit and it's black folks who are always begging for government handouts and it's exactly the opposite.
And just what are these leftovers and handouts that you keep referring to?
Cuz nobody ever gave me $hit.
Read and Learn Greg
The New Homestead Act is for the revitalization of the dying Plains States.
thrasher, i know now even better why they hate you in detroit. you have no credibility there and are indeed treated as nothing more than an annoying self-aggrandizer.
funny, right after he died you actually felt bad. guess that self-reflection was fleeting.
UMB's positive legacy lives on forever. yours? pitiful.
"5.In other words he contributes nothing.
9:47 AM"M. Rigmaiden
I stand by what I said earlier. I cannot engage someone whose assertions are utterly vapid. Can I? If there is nothing to see then I consider anything you say a nullity CF.
I encountered this problem with you the last time we had a discussion. You have a tendency to shift the ground and attempt to introduce new strawman arguments in a very thinly veiled attempt to obfuscate issues.
I might remind you that you suggested that the homestead act was something that was "given to whites" while a similar program for blacks was never offered. When I suggested that we never asked for a homestead program, you got in a huff and insisted that your community is thriving because of minority set asides and etc. When I queried you as to what you were complaining about if that's the case, you throw up a link on the homestead act and insist that I "read it".
I believe I'm entitled to request that if you're going to engage that you do so forthrightly and in an honest manner.
Again, the homestead act is not exclusively for white people. Black folks can take advantage of that. There's a great history of black folks creating all black towns in rural areas and I'm sure that these pioneers would have loved to have enjoyed some of the provisions of the homestead act. There's nothing preventing black folks to take full advantage of that.
Various business consultants have said that if the tasks of your job can be scripted out into a decision tree you risk being outsourced to a foreign nation. FOR YOU - your debate techniques are scriptable.
Would you rather that I send your script to China, India or Pakistan?
[quote]And of course according to CF, the key for the black community improving and advancing ourselves is to align with the same racists who didn't even want to see the Civil Rights Bill passed.[/quote]
Actually the major flaw is cavorting with people who SEE YOU AS INFERIOR. Civil Rights can be enforced by law. Having someone RESPECT YOU AS AN EQUAL HUMAN BEING rather than as a necessary cost for their own ideological advancement is a much greater obstacle to surmount.
The same folks who call universal healthcare "reparations".[/quote]
Actually I am more offended by:
1) The people who TOOK OVER OUR SCHOOLS and yet has FAILED to produce more Medical Professionals
2) The people who TOOK OVER OUR LOCAL ECONOMIES and destroyed the economic base that the community could use to fund their own health care
3) The people who seek REPARATIONS yet can't see that THEIR TYPE OF "repair" is actually a DEPENDENT state where the Negro has no more COMPETENCIES than today DESPITE being "FULLY SERVICED" by those who won the government contract for his care and feeding.
The same goobers who want to take "the country back".[/quote]
You need to look up the book by James Carville and Begalla. Tell me when did "Take Back Our Country" become RACIST?
I hear more BLACK PEOPLE on the news talking about "Take back their COMMUNITY" from Street Pirates. THIS is who you need to be focusing upon - if you were conscious.
CF who do you think your buddies are talkking about when they say "take the country back"?[/quote]
FOR ME - I am hoping that the entire nation doesn't become like Trenton NJ - run by progressives but in a state of anarchy where Blacks are murdered with little thought to our civil rights.
[quote]"indigenous approach...."
Is that like "ORGANIC"?[/quote]
Low & Country:
Do you find it interesting that both terms are an anathema to you?
What happens when Obama starts putting the USAID label onto what you consume?
Why isn't anything similar proposed for the inner city?[/quote]
What about the Homestead Act is exclusive to White folks?
Why don't you more directly OPPOSE this throwback to the "When Affirmative Action Was White" days?
Greg L and CF
How many black folks live in the rural plains states?
Answer to your question about whether the act is for white folks only.
Why isn't anything similar being proposed for the inner city?
Because the folks there are predominately black and brown.
Either you negroes are deliberately being obtuse or you're just plain dumb.
[quote]There's a great history of black folks creating all black towns in rural areas and I'm sure that these pioneers would have loved to have enjoyed some of the provisions of the homestead act. There's nothing preventing black folks to take full advantage of that.[/quote]
The consciousness where Black folks only ask to be LEFT ALONE and not have our CIVIL RIGHTS MOLESTED are gone!!! But its not just Black folks.
After the Progressive-Fundamentalists struggled to take over the institutions of the cities, saw the consequences of having their leftist economic theories being forced to PRODUCE a favorable economic climate after their long time enemy - the corporations - chose to move away and leave them on their own......they will NEVER AGAIN make the mistake of going it alone ever again.
Today they are on an "boil the ocean" approach. Taking over the NATIONAL reigns and driving their ideology downward at the national borders so that no one can exit the tax and regulation district is their Job #1.
Now they see your demand to "do it themselves" in terms of BLAMING THE VICTIM.
Steve is not serious. He merely seeks to debate. He and others will never admit to their establishment power and suggest that they should be expecting more until there is no more threat to sounding like their critics.
Cf said the following:
"1) The people who TOOK OVER OUR SCHOOLS and yet has FAILED to produce more Medical Professionals
2) The people who TOOK OVER OUR LOCAL ECONOMIES and destroyed the economic base that the community could use to fund their own health care
FOR ME - I am hoping that the entire nation doesn't become like Trenton NJ - run by progressives"
For anyone who comes to this blog because they think this guy knows what he is talking about be aware that the above statements have no basis in truth.
CF progressives don't have control of any local economy in this country, nor do any real progressives have control over any school boards.
The folks who control the local economies in our locales are capitalist. All of these local economies are tied into the larger one. Please stop with the making up of stuff.
If the nation were run by people who were really progressive we would be in much better shape.
CF said:
"saw the consequences of having their leftist economic theories being forced to PRODUCE a favorable economic climate after their long time enemy - the corporations - chose to move away and leave them on their own...."
CF this is a lie! Why do you continously make up stuff. You said that you are down with things as they are, okay I get that. But stop pretending that another political/social/economic system has been tried in the US.
Really if you are not going to tell the truth why don't you take yourself out of the discussion.
Maybe that is your purpose on this blog to prevent real conversation about real things.
Cut out the straw men and the straw progressives. Do you live in some kind of fairy tale world?
[quote]Why isn't anything similar being proposed for the inner city?
Because the folks there are predominately black and brown.[/quote]
You have a Democratic President
You have a Democratic majority House
You have a Democratic majority Senate
WHAT ABOUT this Homestead Act PREVENTED the powers who have your best interests in mind from crafting the bill to benefit where Black folks live?
IF there were opportunity opened in the plain states would YOU ever encouraged those who are unemployed within the inner city to migrate to go take advantage of opportunity?
WAIT A MINUTE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Steve - Did the Homestead Act Of 2003 ever get passed?
STUNNING!!!! Back in the year 2003 they called a $455billion deficit a RECORD DEFICIT.
Today we are up to $1,400 billion in yearly deficits.
Mellanous - If you were a Republican you'd be saying "George Bush was not a Conservative".
Let me ask you a question Mellaneous - as a resident of Michigan - not sure which city you live in - Benton Harbor or Detroit.............
DID YOU find the prevailing Democratic candidates "progressive enough" for YOU, a self-described Progressive, journalist and Christian to VOTE FOR?
Save this "Lesser of two evils crap". After you have erected an entire establishment power of LESSER EVILS you still have EVIL running your affairs and the campaign t-shirts of these evil forces in your clothes closet.
Can you tell me which voting district around the nation has PROGRESSIVES running it? Or do I need to do a Google Map search looking for unicorns?
Greg L I see where you are coming from and I think you and Steve missed each other because you were talking about different aspects of the black community.
While I am sure blacks can take advantage of the Homestead Act many black folks for good reason don't feel comfortable in rural areas.
I understand Steve's point. We talk with the elephant in the room all the time and that is the fact that in 2010 there are ghettos in the US. It would seem that a government interested in the welfare of all of its citizens would in fact make some kind of attempt to eliminate an area that is so socio/economically deprived.
Steve I don't know whats wrong with CF he gets more and more obtuse and he even flat out lies to make his point. He is really a bit disturbing because he tries so hard to defend what simply cannot be defended.
I mean everybody knows what folks are really talking about when whites, esp. right leaning rights, say they want their country back.
Though in the good old days they caught hell too what they are implying is going back to the days when women had no rights, and black and brown folks knew their place, which BTW definitely does not include the White House.
Steve, quite a few Blacks live in Kansas and they have programmes to acquire land there sponsored by the US govt. I haven't seen such programmes in California, but admittedly I haven't looked for them.
There have always been pockets of Black people in rural areas and these pockets persist to this day. I mentioned Weed, CA as an example a few days ago.
There are a lot of Blacks who live in rural areas in the South too.
CF said:
"Save this "Lesser of two evils crap". After you have erected an entire establishment power of LESSER EVILS you still have EVIL running your affairs and the campaign t-shirts of these evil forces in your clothes closet.
Can you tell me which voting district around the nation has PROGRESSIVES running it? Or do I need to do a Google Map search looking for unicorns?
Don't you read what anyone writes in response to your posts. I don't believe in the Democrats or the Republicans you mean to aim that lesser of two evils argument at other people on the thread.
Why don't you pay attention. I don't believe or buy into the socio/political/economic system known as free market capitalism.
That is your position or did you forget?
What are you talking about there are no Progressives leading any cities in the US. The term you mean is liberal. There is a differnce between liberal and progressive. Look it up. Its an important distinction.
Stop this nonsense! Really when you get to the point when you don't know what you are talking about just do what everyone else does just sit it out.
What are you some juvenile seeking attention. Cut it out!~
Steve appears to be badly afflicted with a "beggar thy neighbor" philosophy with the idea that the government's role is to make everyone "equal", hence the homestead act is exclusively for whites because "we don't live there" while we need something "special" that's all our own, while not realizing that until we help ourselves we won't develop the requisite capacity to accept the help, let alone being in position to actually get real help.
Actually, the whole reason the homestead act exists is instructive as it points out deficiencies in our basic approach to solving problems. The homestead act exists mainly to address the issue of depopulation in rural area which really revolves around the economic viability of those areas. Many urban centers in the nation are facing depopulation as well, with Detroit being a prime example. Did Detroit's political leaders think of how to manage any of this with incentives for folks to stay? Nope, homeboy was too busy cavorting around with his girlfriend while everyone is being chased away by the miscreant element that's in the streets. Did Sharpton, Smiley or anyone else propose how to address the depopulation of the inner cities? Nope, too busy posing for the damn kleig lights. We don't have these things because we're not organized enough to either request them or manage them if we got them. So that means that all we'll continue to do is "call and beg" for this or that, without putting in some work. Calling and begging for this and that does not create the power structures and expertise needed to address our issues. As a matter of fact, when you don't have that, the only position you can be in is to call and beg, because you've not done what you needed to do help yourself. This is what we see with the various "conferences" and "forums" really--a bunch of talk because that doesn't require much.
That's cool that those "leaders" came together to discuss a common goal. But what needs to be addressed is how Asians can come here and within a generation they're prospering, whereas the "Black" experience in Amerika is centuries old and we're still lagging behind everyone else in all the major fields. For once I wish someone would put that $hit on front street.
Steve said:
"You black conservatives have bought hook line and sinker that white folks advanced on merit and it's black folks who are always begging for government handouts and it's exactly the opposite."
Steve good point and add to that Big Business and corporate welfare and the handout in the form of a no-bid contract. Like the Haliburton folks and other who have received military and defense contracts in which they sign an open ended contract in which they get to charge practically whatever they want.
Its also interesting how some folks assume that a black person who has taken advantage of Affirmative Action is somehow unqualified. What they assume is that whites who have been sometimes just given positions are always qualified.
They also don't consider that if black folks had been able to compete on equal footing in the first place a lot of them would have not been able to compete.
Oddly it is white folks who have been the benefit of a kind of affirmative action only it was for whites only.
Speaking of you should read the book "When Affirmative Action was white" it does a good job of explaining and documenting how white middle class were given a leg up financially by the government.
Abu people like CF would be the first to deny that Asians might be subject to specific loans and programmes conducted solely in their language and many Blacks don't have those opportunities. Vietnamese nail shops are a good example. I think that they're doing well for themselves but when I asked one of my nail techs back in the day why there were so many Vietnamese nail techs, he said because when they came over the government put them in cosmetology training programmes and they took their exams in their native language.
If they were put on the same level as regular average Americans and had to take their exams in English etc, I doubt very seriously if they'd have advanced to that level.
As to the Asian presence in America, they've been here quite some time like two hundred years or so! So they've had time to build foundations for their communities etc.
1.Chinese and Indians worked on the railroads
2.Japanese lived in the valleys of western states and farmed
3.They have their OWN languages and CULTURAL mores from other places.
4.They transmitted that once they got here.
5.Of course they'd be better off than most Blacks.
Abu Amirah the answer to your question is not all that mystical.
Asians that you mentioned came from seperate Asian countries and cultures in which they share a common culture, common customs, common mores, common heritage and common language and in many cases even a common religion.
Before I go on let me say this is not excuse making but trying to bring some light to your question.
Africans living in America on the other hand came from different regions, different locales, different tribes and different countries while, observing a myriad of different customs, mores, values, cultures, languages and even religions.
What the vast majority of Africans living America had in common was only their common oppression; slavery.
After slavery they lived in a country whose economic system sought to use their race/ their mark, as a way of keeping a permanent underclass of workers who could be both exploited because of their color and could be used to hold down the wages and the desires of their fellow white workers.
This attempt to regulate the Africans living in America has continued to this day. Black folks have been literally terrorized and discriminated against institutionally and individually.
So why didn't they come together like say the Koreans? Because they unlike the Koreans have bought into the American idea of rugged individualism. I'll get mine and you better get yours. And because of they are brought together and put together only because of their common color. Whatever culture we have we have hammered together from just being around one another and out of necessity to share something and to protect ourselves from the racist society we found ourselves in.
The newly arrived immigrant on the other hand, still feels affinity for his/her countrymen and more often than not the more successful ones offer their brothers and sisters a hand up.
And ironically when Africans living in America have tried to band together the capitalists using their racist ideology and their racist lackeys, have done everything in their power to undermine their efforts. YOu can look it up.
The race riots in the early 1900's were aimed not at the "ne're do well" black folks, but the middle class and successful black folks. White folks literally rioted and attacked black folks in 1917, 1919 throughout the US because of jealousy. They thought that Negroes should not be able to get ahead of them.
All of these uprisings were started under the false pretense of black rape or ill intention toward white people, but it was a smokescreen.
Rosewood was attacked because black folks were thriving. Black Tulsa was attacked because their was a thriving middle class. There are some good books on this subject that tell how blacks were run out of town.
Another example of the society's efforts to discourage black success is the history of the black farmer. Why was the black farmer denied loans? Why were black farms stolen sometimes at t he point of a gun? Have you noticed they still haven't been compensated for being ripped off and denied the loans that white farmers could regularly count on.
What seems like an indictment of black folks actually has an explanation. History teaches us that things don't just happen there is always a cause for the effect.
MR thanks for that example of the Vietnamese nail shops. Folks need to know the whole truth before they go beating up on black folks.
Steve does a good job of pointing out black middle class progress and I think that the progress of black folks in the midst of such hostility to our success is a near miracle.
A lesser people would have folded their tent!
Its easy for folks who have had it a little easier to point the finger. And its easier still for those black folks who are filled with self hate to waste time denigrating the race and railing at it for its failures.
We are painfully aware that we have a long way to go, esp if we count all of us. Too many upper middle class blacks these days appear to look at poorer blacks like other folks who don't mean us well do. This should never be, but its also a hurdle we have to overcome.
While we are not all we could be thank God that we are better for the most part than we were.
Judge a man not by the heights which he has failed to obtain but from the depths he has risen. A paraphrase of Benjamin E Mayes
"Greg L I see where you are coming from and I think you and Steve missed each other because you were talking about different aspects of the black community.
While I am sure blacks can take advantage of the Homestead Act many black folks for good reason don't feel comfortable in rural areas."
The Hassids (hassidic jews) can relocate in mass anywhere and make it theirs. I've personally witnessed this in Crown Heights Brooklyn. The key is that they don't come alone. They come in force and with a plan.
There's nothing to prevent a group of black people from moving to a rural area and doing the same.
Hey Field that sounds like some real Field Negro work talking to troubled youth. God bless you brother I meant to give you props earlier,but got sidetracked.
ON the post I think you are on to something when you suggest that Al is competing with Tavis. All of the talking is definitely a part of the problem.
But we can't be too hard on these would be leaders because what else can they do beside talk. Cornel West comes to the doorstep of the problem and stops short of drawing his obvious conclusion.
And I guess I can say this now that the right wingers throw it around without getting arrested for sedition and that is what is needed is a restructuring of our society. Without a real redistribution of the wealth and a restructuring of society so that everyone benefits Sharpton, Smilley et al will continue to host forums on Blacks in America and yes their bellies will be full while inner city America will still go without.
The Last Poets implied forcefully that Negroes are afraid of the real solution.
"White folks literally rioted and attacked black folks in 1917, 1919 throughout the US because of jealousy. They thought that Negroes should not be able to get ahead of them."
"All of these uprisings were started under the false pretense of black rape or ill intention toward white people, but it was a smokescreen."
I could share a few real life stories pertaining to both of those comments you made that happened with a few of my own ancestors about how they were murdered, cheated, and run out of town behind their land and businesses when whites caught them with their guard down and by themselves late at night. Yup, it happened to a few in my family, but not all. For the most part, mine fought back, kept, maintained what they had, and passed it on to the next generation, which is still in our family to this day.
Funny, how back then there were no laws to protect blacks, mainly, because the law was in on it too, and some of them were the ones who committed the murders. Back then, the laws were slanted in favor of whites and in some ways still are. That hasn't changed much.
BTW, I like that quote by Benjamin Mayes because it really describes the struggle of blacks in this country and like Maya Angelou said, "And yet we rise!"
Hey Field, referring to your 4/13 post in which you offer 10k and to quit blogging if the Tea Party can prove ther was no use of the "N" word during their DC rally, why not just offer to RUN NAKED DOWN BROAD ST? We are all still waiting. LOL
Without a real redistribution of the wealth and a restructuring of society so that everyone benefits Sharpton, Smilley et al will continue to host forums on Blacks in America and yes their bellies will be full while inner city America will still go without.
Bingo. That's all that needs to be said. Of course, what are the chance of that happening? They are hovering around zero.
What will be the next headline post for Filled Negro?
ANSWER: The same information that has Jack & Jill/Mirror On America pissed off!!
NO. NO. NO. Not the fact that a shooting spree in Chicago in one day killed 8 as 16 people were shot.
Don't say I never gave you any CHUM Filled Negro.
All Good Mellaneous. We can disagree on structural solutions but I don't think we disagree all that much on structural inequalities. I think they might be limited to certain spheres but perhaps in saying this my analysis was incomplete.
I looked for legal help today for a friend. Last year I helped another buddy get out of a debt collection lawsuit pro se. Our justice system is to be by and for the people but unless you can afford an attorney you are truly screwed. Legal aid doesn't handle certain matters and oft times their staff might be well meaning but will screw you over with local rules of civil procedure. Trust. At least in my neck of the woods.
Middle class people are suffering because we cannot necessarily afford a stellar attorney but we don't qualify for legal aide either. We are in a crunch.
I thank the Lord above that I am literate and can see through bs and that is how I can help my loved ones. Much of the time the attorneys will try to railroad people into bankruptcy where they will be further screwed down the line. Chapter 13's in particular have been shown to be rather ineffective in helping people hold onto their homes.
Without rambling too much, there are many issues of class discrimination practiced by structures of oppression.
A rich person can maneuver the legal system and a poor person can get access to representation. But a middle class person oft has to rep themselves in specific matters.
I spoke to over twenty folks today and was advised that my friend should file for bankruptcy. But the debt is only six thousand dollars!
Inequalities exist indeed and if I had more time on my hands, I'd probably start some class action suits myself!
Can you point out the LIES that I have told on this post? I asked you to specifically call me out previously so I can put you to bed.
YOU said previously that the distinction between a Liberal and a Progressive is that the PROGRESSIVE is more LEFTIST.
I then ask you to justify YOUR valuation for one who is FURTHER LEFT as some intrinsic attainment of a higher degree of perfection. I wonder if you would agree that in a parallel universe to yours there are those who believe that a person who is more RIGHT-WING is better than one who is to the left of him?
Now I will cede to you that this right-wing person.....what did you day before........"doesn't care about HUMANITY" as much - as you do IN YOUR VIEW but the point of relatively remains.
One fact we know for sure UBM and Me have more footprints and matter than you ..
I was unhappy One drop passed away I was not unhappy with my cogent remarks about him kiss white folks ass at the expense of Black folks...
[quote]While I am sure blacks can take advantage of the Homestead Act many black folks for good reason don't feel comfortable in rural areas.[/quote]
Stunning but not surprising seeing who this is coming from.
In his mode of "caring for people" the man from the mountain notes that some people are not COMFORTABLE with the rural areas. He says MOST but has no means of justifying his quantification.
[quote]It would seem that a government interested in the welfare of all of its citizens would in fact make some kind of attempt to eliminate an area that is so socio/economically deprived.[/quote]
In his bigotry Mellaneous won't dare entertain the point that as these same "Inner-city people" installed the CONTROLLING ESTABLISHMENT in the cities where they now reside the policy priorities that they chose JUST MIGHT HAVE had some impact upon their eventual fate.
I mean - its just a coincidence that these once great industrial cities were productive enough to draw people - Black and White from RURAL AREAS into these cities as part of the hearth furnace of American industry. After the STRUGGLE was won and a series of victory laps of self-congratulation the wheels fell off of their utopia.
NOW we have the great visionary one - Melleanous - suggesting that the FEDERAL GOVERNMENT cast a kind eye upon "the Least Of These" who are economically deprived.
I wonder if he will ask that those who lead them astray NOT be allowed to remain with their authority? Its not like they are banks or corporations who ran aground so don't expect the wrath from a progressive to be cast upon them in kind.
I wonder though. If Obama and the Federal Democrats do give them money will we hear the words "WE ARE GOING TO GET EVERY CENT OF MONEY SPENT ON THEM BY THE GOVERNMENT BACK. WE ARE GOING TO TEACH THEM A LESSON"?
Of course these words would be seen as HATEFUL and MEAN-SPIRITED. Good thing that despite corporations are "humans" under the law.....they don't have feelings that can get hurt.
One fact we know for sure UBM and Me have more footprints and matter than you ..
you matter more than me (and a dead guy, a pioneer)?as i said, you're a self-aggrandizing asshole.
M Rig thanks for the props. You are sure right about that legal tangle especially if you are trying to get out of it.
While volunteering with the NAACP in one of their local offices we ran into some really wild cases around the debt collection issue. And we ran into people who had problems around Chapter 13 they were made some bad promises.
You are right poor folks get ripped by the legal system and sometime unscrupulous lawyers.
I found that many folks need more than Legal Aid help when they have real legal problems. And the EEOC is probably loaded down with labor disputes and employment discrimination. We used to get a lot of those as well.
When I ran a local black newspaper folks could always at least count on us to look into their complaint. I was able to help a few poor brothers and sisters just by telling their story.
Granny- wow you have done some living. YOu have to write these stories down either in a book or archive them somewhere.
Your anecdotes and personal experiences help remind us of how far we have come. It also helps those who are open minded to understand clearly that black folks have had no walk in the part, despite what they "believe."
Damn I thought that I was a nullity?
[quote]because when they came over the government put them in cosmetology training programmes and they took their exams in their native language[/quote]
I am going to take my video camera on my drive to work one day this week and will film a cosmetology school that has a large crowd of women. I will allow my former friend to see WHO consumes the bulk of the classroom seats at this and other schools in the metro area.
THEN I will try to dig up the "Creative Loafing" newspaper article from several years ago that documented the "MACRO-LOANS" that the Korean churches share amongst their members so that all who participates receives somewhere near $50,000 to start a business.
All white folks are evil, doncha know that? That is what Jesus says. He's my Mexican gardener
Pioneer my ass being a one drop person is an old occupation in the Black community..
What is pitiful is you fighting for a dead man who kiss a lot of white folks arse at the expense of many Blacks to often..
It was apparent I hit a nerve with UBM and he respected my banter and honesty...Folks like you who kiss his ass and play the role of his mascot he did not really respect..
Call me whatever as UBM told me once it is never a right time to tell a hard truth
I guess now you can take UBM place now being a Black mouthpiece for white writers like Simon and others...
Rent a negro is still a growing industry in Hollywood and in the MSM
[quote]What the vast majority of Africans living America had in common was only their common oppression; slavery.[/quote]
(Note to self: I realize that this is a tactical mistake in my argument before I even type it.)
Did you watch the PBS 4 part series entitled "The Jewish Americans" over the weekend?
They came to northern cities and lived in squalor. They were treated to horrible work and living conditions.
They saw the need for improved health care and thus was developed the "Traveling Nurses Of New York".
With reference to the present PROTECTED RIGHTS and POLITICAL POWER from "the least of these" communities - can you tell me what about this entire situation might PREVENT US ALL from looking back 100 years from now and seeing the masses of people standing tall from this present FOUNDATION?
Do you see the vacuous and perverted viewpoints that you and others work off of? YOU are so adept in telling us about your "soft tissue injury" and how it is COMMUNICABLE across generations - where the neck braces are handed forth as family heirlooms that you never get around to detailing HOW THE PRESENT ORDER will be leveraged into a CORRECTION in the future.
This would require you to withdraw you INDICTMENT on the PAST and begin to roll out EFFECTIVE HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT SCHEMES for the FUTURE.
Hell - we might even see Mellaneous need to become a FACTORY OWNER that employs thousands of people.
So called famous nobody who posts as an intellectual coward hiding behind a pc..Please do me a favor get over me..I always make a difference before UBM and after UBM..
Since you claim to be an alleged journalist in DC you need to read WSJ commentary today about civility and intellectual cowards like you who attack posters and hide behind a pc and alias
fuck these black millionaires who think they understand the plight of the average black man simply because they are also black. Do you think Donald Trump understands and wants to help working class white people? The vast majority of black people are working class, so their interests would be better served by creating a multi-racial class based group in order to present a united front among all working people. Racial politics is a tool used by the ruling classes to divide the masses in order to stop a powerful mass movement capable of threatening their dominance.
One of my buddies thanked me for helping him with his debt collection suit because he didn't understand the language. That is half of the problem too; people get caught up in legalese and lawyers who want to get over on them confuse them more with technical jargon that is indecipherable. Then a well meaning but uneducated person in this lexicon, could easily be taken advantage of.
I told my friend that bankruptcy for a six thousand dollar debt was the most ridiculous thing I'd ever heard and that the attorneys were definitely trying to run game. He said he would have never known to ask certain questions etc on his own. That is sad that the language of the law makes it inaccessible to normal people.
Greg L
"The Hassids (hassidic jews) can relocate in mass anywhere and make it theirs. I've personally witnessed this in Crown Heights Brooklyn. The key is that they don't come alone. They come in force and with a plan."
Aren't there black folks in Crow Heights as well?
How is Crown Heights anymore Hassidic than black?
"There's nothing to prevent a group of black people from moving to a rural area and doing the same."
You see any Hassidics in rural areas?
What other areas have you seen Hassidics take over?
Are you planning to move to a rural area and start a community?
Of course not.
You're all mouth.
"YOu have to write these stories down either in a book or archive them somewhere."
My cousins and I are working on it. Yes, I have lived and experienced life, been there, did that, done that as the saying goes, and met a lot of people along the way. You'd be surprise who all I know and what these eyes of mine have observed. However, the book won't be about me. It will be about our family history. I don't want my life's story wrapped and bound in a book, stories have endings, and I'd like to think of everyday that I wake up as a new beginning.
Anonymous 8:12:
"All white folks are evil, doncha know that? That is what Jesus says. He's my Mexican gardener"
I don't know about all white folks being evil. At least that is not the way that I think. There is good and bad in all groups of people and that is the way I see it. BTW, your gardener's name is not Jesus and is only spelled that way. Your gardener's name is pronunced "Haysus".
What in the world are you talking about? BTW, Bush and Cheney's policies were instrumental in sending many people to Bankruptcy courts and in all shades and colors, gender, and ages that is if they were lucky to file before Bush's administration tampered with the laws regarding them. BTW, do you ever have anything good to say about black people? You know those people that you claim to share skin color, but I really do not believe it.
Can you cook?
It was apparent I hit a nerve with UBM and he respected my banter and honesty...Folks like you who kiss his ass and play the role of his mascot he did not really respect..
what a bunch of BS. UBM was a friend of mine, IRL, for 20+ years, and i am not even black, asshole? so how am i black mouthpiece? i am not a coward, i am not hiding.
you will never be fit to have even tied his shoes. that's the truth--and as jack nicholson famously said YOU CAN'T HANDLE THE TRUTH!
now you go get over your own damn self. we are so over you and your negativity, hate and NPD.
the only person who tossed out was you ..I could care less if you are a whitwe woman who kissed Mills ass that has nothing to do with me..
My issue was with his 'one drop' rule posturing for white folks at the expense of Black culture etc..
Apparently your lack of hue makes this hard for you to grasp of course that is not my problem..We are so over people like you who cannot handle the truth and your negativity, hate and NPD
BigmacInPittsburgh:And talk and talk,while Skippy and Ray-Ray shoot each other for stepping on their new shoes!
And what the heck are people other than Skippy and Ray-Ray's parents supposed to do about that situation?
Your scenerio is an example of home training fails. No one can go back and re-raise two teenagers.
I passed by Sharpton on 42nd Street one day. He was preparing for a tv news shoot. I was so excited (this was in his protest days) I ran up to him and said,"Hello Mr. Sharpton!" He looked at me, rolled his eyes and turned his head! I was shocked at his attitude, but I still admire him after seeing his responses in his presidential debate. What he said made more sense than the other four other candidates. It was astonishing, but the next day there was no coverage of it on the news. Mr. Sharpton, Mr. Jackson et al. make money by holding these so-called conferences. Nothing will happen with these conferences until we can take over our own communities and raise our children with more lofty ideals. All of the African American community knows how to get out of poverty--by education. Not by buying rap records, and having tats all over your body. As far as the black bougie: just like my bougie relatives told me, Those niggas over thaaaar---they stinkkkkkk." Don't look for them to help blacks at all (well maybe if the person is celebrity connected/related), all they can do is squander any grants or monies given to a cause on themselves.
[quote] BTW, do you ever have anything good to say about black people? You know those people that you claim to share skin color, but I really do not believe it.[/quote]
I sleep next to one every night and she doesn't even kick me out of bed when I snore any longer.
When I sit back and see the agenda that you and others use and I am critical of it I am attacking this LEFTIST agenda not YOU - a genetic Black woman.
You use your majority position to feign an attack against all Blacks.
Don't know if it's just me but Al does not look well in that picture.
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