Well played Mr Bannon; well played.
Anyway, folks in some quarters are raving about what a bright and great conservative mind Neil Gorsuch has. But you know who else had a brilliant mind? Josef Mengele, so I am not sure what that means if you don't use your "great" mind to do good and not evil.
I need you liberals to understand, that in many respects this man is to the right of Scalia if you can imagine that. He is only 49, so the court is going to be leaning right for a long time to come. But what might be even more problematic, is that trump has over 100 federal court appointments still to come, and he has vowed to fundamentally change these courts as we know them . These are lifetime appointments, so Herr trump will be putting his stamp on the American judiciary and there is nothing any of you well meaning liberals can do about it.
The joke in liberal circles is that trump shouldn't be allowed to pick a Supreme Court Justice in the last year of his presidency, but the truth is, trump isn't going anywhere for at least four more years. And even if democratic senators try to block this pick, there is a little nugget called the nuclear option which will make it damn near impossible to do that. The republicans in the senate only need 51 votes to push this nomination through.
It's sad, but that's where we are.
"The outrageous obstruction of Merrick Garland’s nomination to the Supreme Court — the 10-month-long stonewall by Senate Republicans that not only stymied the high court’s ability to do its job but effectively stole the nomination of a new justice from President Obama — is now delivering its rewards to the cynical politicians who carried it out.
Having denied Garland even a committee hearing from the time of his nomination in March until Obama was safely out of office, the GOP-controlled Senate is now smugly offering that opening to President Trump to fill. The new president, who has repeatedly promised to select a new justice in the mold of the late conservative Justice Antonin Scalia, has said he will announce his nominee Tuesday evening.
It’s hard to express how head-shakingly unfair this is. Trump will now have an opportunity to affect the balance of the increasingly polarized court for the next 30 or 40 years — influencing rulings on abortion, the rights of gay and transgender people, free speech, corporate and union spending on elections, labor issues, the separation of church and state, the ubiquity of guns, criminal justice reform and endless other hot button subjects.
But Trump never should have been handed this opportunity. The seat was Obama’s to fill subject to Senate “advice and consent,” and he fulfilled his constitutional responsibility in good faith, only to be kneecapped by a body that would neither advise nor consent but merely gummed up the machinery in a transparent effort to preserve the court’s conservative majority. The GOP’s feeble justification for its behavior — that an appointment made by a duly elected president was somehow illegitimate because he had only 10 months remaining in office — was believed by no one." [Source]
The people who support Mr trump believe it, and for now, that's all they need.
*Pic from twitter.com