I am quite sure that she smugly wrote her hit piece to rip apart his Oness to her conservative friends, but I am going to post it word for word because I can find nothing but good in every bad thing that she said president Obama did.
"In November, after Donald Trump won the election, President Barack Obama met the president-elect in the Oval Office and told him: “If you succeed, then the country succeeds.”
What a bunch of hooey.
Since the Nov. 8 results, Mr. Obama has taken a blow torch to the Oval Office, ensuring through his last minute executive actions and agency rulings, that Mr. Trump will have anything but a smooth transition into office.
Mr. Obama — looking to protect his legacy — has unilaterally made several moves to undermine and undercut Mr. Trump’s ability to deliver on his campaign promises. Succeed, is something Mr. Obama definitely doesn’t want Mr. Trump to do.
Last week, Mr. Obama decided to wave his middle finger at Israel — our closest ally in the Middle East — by having the U.S. abstain from a United Nations vote which said Israel was in violation of international law by allowing Jewish settlements anywhere in the West Bank, including Jerusalem. Mr. Trump has vowed to move the U.S. Embassy to Jerusalem.
In regards to Russia, Mr. Obama sanctioned it for its meddling in the U.S. election, with the mind-set to make the sanctions as difficult as possible for Mr. Trump to roll back. It’s unlikely any punishment will be delivered in Mr. Obama’s term — it’s something Mr. Trump will inherit.
Part of the goal here is to make sure that we have as much of the record public or communicated to Congress in a form that would be difficult to simply walk back,” an unnamed administration official told The Washington Post of their goal in crafting Russia’s reprisal.
On Wednesday, the president grabbed 1.6 million acres of Western land in Utah and Nevada, declaring it national monuments. It’s really just a move to cordon off the massive area from energy development.
A similar stroke was made last week, when the Interior Department adopted a controversial last-minute rule aimed at making the coal industry cleaner. The regulations overhauled rules that have been in place for more than three decades, and even the agency admitted more coal jobs would be lost because of it.
A day later, Mr. Obama invoked what even The New York Times called an “obscure provision” in the 1953 Outer Continental Shelf Lands Act to unilaterally ban offshore oil and gas drilling along large swaths of the Artic and Atlantic sea borders.
Mr. Trump has aptly described Mr. Obama’s environmental regulations as “job killers” and has mocked the left’s unassailable belief in man-made climate change — to the detriment of the American economy and energy independence.
Mr. Trump pledged to coal country he’d help turn around their industry, which has been decimated by Mr. Obama’s environmental policies. Mr. Obama’s desperate 11th-hour rule making will make that pledge more difficult to deliver.
In an effort to help protect Planned Parenthood, last week the Obama administration issued a final rule that bars states from withholding federal money from the abortion-providers affiliates, which will take effect two days before Mr. Trump takes office.
The rule hinders the GOP’s ability to defund Planned Parenthood, requiring a time-consuming process to undo, according to the Times.
Mr. Obama’s team also canceled a Muslim registry run out of the Department of Homeland Security aimed at foiling Mr. Trump’s plans to impose “extreme vetting” on Muslim visitors.
The National Security Entry-Exit Registration System had been dormant for years, but activists demanded that the Obama administration take it off the books entirely. They feared Mr. Trump could have used the program as a shortcut to starting his own vetting.
Rescinding the NSEERS doesn’t stop Mr. Trump, but it does mean he would have to set up a new program rather than renew an existing one — a higher hurdle and a longer process.
What else does Mr. Obama have up his sleeve to try to deride a Trump presidency? Who knows — but we’re likely to see more executive action and agency rulings in the coming weeks aimed directly at Mr. Trump’s agenda.
Jan. 20 can’t come soon enough." [Source]
Good for you Mr. President! And here I thought that you were just rolling over and playing dead.
Unlike your wife, you now know that when they go low you must go lower.
I am not quite sure why those on the right would want you to be graceful and leave your ball for them to play with when you leave the playing field.
Remember how they treated you when you took office? They vowed to make your presidency a failure and obstructed you at every turn from day one. Remember that?
I do. And because I do, I say give them all a big middle finger as you go out the door and pray for them to fail. Just like they did with you.
No surprises here, we knew when Obama was elected they were going to blame him for the next white guy's failures.
And with Trump, there will be PLENTY more to come!
I like you Field. You're a buddy-boy! May the Goddess bless you.
Right on, bros.
Just an innocuous question to sate my curiosity. Will your blog be wholly devoted to anti-Trump posts for the entirety of his term, or is this just a gimmick you're riding out with the rest of the "progressive" left?
This isn't for me, of course; anyone who knows anything about me knows I can bitch about anything. But for your loyal followers you've built over the years, who show up here because it's a "black" blog, and thus expect "black" issues, you seem to be selling your core audience down the river just to be another lower-than-mediocre mouthpiece for the regressive left and their anti-Trump derangement.
I mean, we all get that Obama "dindu nuffin." Anything he does is fucking fantastic, the best thing in the history of humanity. But you've been basically a lower-level BuzzFeed and Vox since Trump got elected. You need to get back to your roots, son!
You're doing Toby's work.
Whatever happened to Kunta? You've volunteered to sit in the house and serve biscuits.
I like mine with apple butter, please.
This is is the one non-factual part of her piece with which you should take exception:
"Mr. Trump pledged to coal country he’d help turn around their industry, which has been decimated by Mr. Obama’s environmental policies."
This is untruthful. Or at least it is far from complete, a serious distortion.
Yes, obviously, liberal environmental environmental regulation will cost coal jobs. However, it is far from the case that that industry would be unchanged without federal government meddling; those jobs are utterly doomed in any event. The tipping point for the coal industry has already passed. Market forces are now destroying those jobs regardless of what government does.
It was recently announced that the UK now produces more electricity from renewables than coal. Wind and solar are getting cheaper and cheaper with every passing day, and coal is dirty, filthy power, bad from both a pollution/human health perspective and a global warming perspective. Global demand is dropping precipitously, and that process is never going to stop until coal has been killed.
At the same time, coal supplies in the traditional mining areas of the country are drying up. All the easy-to-remove coal has already been mined in places like Kentucky and West Virginia, so the stuff that remains is more costly to extract. Consequently, mining is shifting to the Great Plains states -- but when it shifts, the process of mining also shifts to different methods of mining like the grimly named "mountaintop removal" method rather than deep mines. And those different methods require fewer people to carry out per ton of coal, so, again, fewer total jobs.
The industry is getting hit on both the supply and demand sides and is going bye-bye, regardless of what anybody does. Coal miners are buggy-whip salesmen in the dawning age of the automobile.
In these circumstances, who is the real friend of the people working those mines? Is it liberals like Obama, who tell them truthfully, "Sorry about your job -- it can't be saved. But I'll work to find something better for you to transition into"? Or is it wingnuts like Mitch McConnell or Trump, who put on their capes and tell lies the miners want to hear -- "No worries, I shall save your job!" -- and then won't, leaving the miners financially screwed?
Unfortunately, for the Trumpkins, it seems to be the case that they prefer bullshit that sounds good to them, rather than truth that is less pleasant. And their Orange God delivers the bullshit, bigly.
“If you succeed, then the country succeeds.”
True statement which she and Trump are too stupid and crazy to understand. The generic term for Trump enacting any of the awful, awful Republican policies he's being fed by the zombie eyed granny starver is failure, which in this case is the opposite of success.
-Doug in Oakland
Oh, and this happened:
-Doug in Oakland
Barack Obama is an evil, evil man, spending every precious second of his last term sabotaging the country that elected him President. History will regard him as the lowest of the low. If there is any justice in this world, Obama will be swinging from the end of a rope before another year comes.
Wow, isn't THAT special, a death threat to the first Black president on a Black blog.
Think I'll forward that to one of those 3 letter govt organizations.
Send it to the DEA, and ask them for some more crack, you dumb bitch.
"a death threat"
It's not a death threat. Ask Field if you don't believe me. Because it's online, it could be a computer program, or a troll, or something. Death threats made via the Internet do not count. At least if they're threatening Trump. For Obama, I'm sure his Toby will start showing.
"'If you succeed, then the country succeeds.'
True statement which she and Trump are too stupid and crazy to understand. The generic term for Trump enacting any of the awful, awful Republican policies he's being fed by the zombie eyed granny starver is failure, which in this case is the opposite of success."
I think it's the other way around. Obama was lying to Trump, in this instance. If Trump SUCCEEDS, the country FAILS, and vice versa.
Out of Trump's announced policies, the bad ones are the ones he will actually deliver on: building an idiotic wall, persecuting Mexicans and Muslims, and reinforcing police officers' ability to shoot black people without consequence.
The good stuff, like resurrecting factory or coal mining jobs in rural America, is the stuff he wont accomplish -- and often won't even try to accomplish. It's a bait and switch, an ugly con that will leave these people angrier and even less reasonable than they were before they voted for him. And that's before the other Republicans in Congress start snatching their health insurance.
P.S. Mexico's previous president wants to tell everyone, again, that if Trump builds a wall, Americans will end up paying for it.
I'll give Trump this much: He has made Twitter great again.
See, that's been the plan all along: the Republican congress will only appropriate money for his walldoggle on the condition that offsetting cuts be made in the budget. When the morons howl about lost services, the reply will be "You wanted a wall, didn't you?"
That's how they roll. Us. That's how they roll us.
-Doug in Oakland
"See, that's been the plan all along: the Republican congress will only appropriate money for his walldoggle on the condition that offsetting cuts be made in the budget. When the morons howl about lost services, the reply will be 'You wanted a wall, didn't you?'
That's how they roll. Us. That's how they roll us."
I'm not even sure, at this point, that there is any such sinister plan. From where I'm sitting, congressional Republicans and Trump don't look like they are playing multidimensional chess. They look completely chaotic and clueless.
Just look at their "ideas":
*Build the super-expensive and useless wall. Pay for it with taxpayer money. Get the money back from Mexico by [insert brilliant plan here, to be determined later].
*Repeal Obamacare. Replace it with [insert brilliant plan here, to be determined later].
In almost every case, the actual Republican plan is:
1) Do really dumb stuff
2) Hope a miracle occurs later to save them from epic failure
3) No miracle arrives
4) Disaster predictably results
5) Retire, run away, and leave the mess for someone else
The Republican Party under Trump are not a party of governance with any kind of real cohesive vision. Half of them are just wreckers and vandals who only wanted to get elected for their own personal benefit, and really don't care if the country is left a smoking crater after they are gone.
It's that bad.
Not content to ruin our country, alt-right (aka Nazi) website Breitbart is also ginning up racism in other countries.
They published an article claiming a Muslim mob had burned down a Christian church because, of course, "those people" just hate Christianity.
Back here in real life, some errant fireworks accidentally started a small fire on the roof of the church on New Year's, which was easily extinguished. No Muslim hate incident occurred.
Nauseating. I hope that that left-wing de-funding campaign succeeds in bankrupting Breitbart. They all need to become unemployed, ASAP.
*Not content to ruin our country, alt-right (aka Nazi) website Breitbart is also ginning up racism in other countries (Germany).
The man is just trying not to let the angry jack-o-lantern destroy the country and planet. And for the record Nyetenyahoo talked way too much shit for a man receiving billions of US dollars. He was pissed Narack didn't kiss his ass. We all know the real reason righties love Israel and that's because they need it to bring Jeezus down from heaven. Republican foreign policy based on the bible. What could possibly go wrong.
"We all know the real reason righties love Israel and that's because they need it to bring Jeezus down from heaven. Republican foreign policy based on the bible. What could possibly go wrong."
That and basically an open hatred of Muslims. It's an increasing feature of both the Republican Party and Israel's right-wing government. It's the main thing they've got in common.
The irony is that the Trump administration includes some people who aren't crazy about Jews. But they definitely hate Muslims even more.
Field, I don't think Obama is "going lower." He's just trying to steel the country against the coming CALAMITY that will be the Trump wrecking machine. His designation of national monmuments, for example, is to try to make them off-limits to Exxon drilling and Koch Industries' forestry division. I think Michelle would whole-heartedly approve. There's no spite involved at all--he just a Kenyan who loves his adopted country!
"Remember how they treated you when you took office? They vowed to make your presidency a failure and obstructed you at every turn from day one."
You mean, like unanimously approving a whole bunch of his cabinet appointees on 1/20/2009?
Oops, guess you forgot that little thing.
The real fun is going to be finding Zero's REAL birth certificate (the Hawaiian one is a forgery, copied from the BC of Johanna Ah'nee). Obama registered as an Indonesian citizen in college. When it turns out that he was never a US citizen and not eligible to hold office, EVERYTHING HE'S DONE is up for nullification. This means Obamacare, every other law he signed, every pardon... and every appointment and every act by his appointees.
Every judge, every bureaucrat, every regulation... rolled back to 1/19/2009.
Every case tried by his judges, every plea bargain and consent decree... thrown out and set for re-trial.
Gonna be YUGE!
"*Build the super-expensive and useless wall. Pay for it with taxpayer money. Get the money back from Mexico by [insert brilliant plan here, to be determined later]."
The plan is already out there: put a withholding tax on remittances to Mexico, which come to $25 billion in 2015. A fair levy based on evaded Social Security and federal and state income taxes would be 40%, making about $10 billion/year for the wall.
That would fall off as Mexicans and OTMs went home, but those jobs would be filled by Americans who would pay legitimate taxes.
Of course, you dumbasses are going to keep howling about "no way to pay for it" because you just don't understand (a) logical reasoning and (b) even much of the English language.
"That and basically an open hatred of Muslims."
Muslim Arab slave traders took 140 million black Africans to markets from Tunis to Mecca and beyond. Yet for some reason, you save all your hate for Whitey.
Probably because the Arabs would just cut your wangs and ballsacks off like they used to. The problem is, that actually works to shut you up and make you go away, and it's giving Whitey ideas.
"Death To Traitors", it's going to be a little harder to lynch the Negro in 2017. But u can try. Let's see how far that gets u.;)
The rabble has been roused. OMFG there's a black guy in the White House who claims he lives there. The world is gonna end. Maybe not.
Love those white supremacists. They grabbed a pic off the internet, lightened the guys skin color and then accused CNN of racism for posting the pics of the shooter and his lightened skin. The pic released wasn't even of the actual shooter, but of another guy 13 years older than the shooter with the same name. And CNN hadn't released any pics at all up until this fake news report came out.
Of course it will be all Obama's fault because Drumpf is too stoopid to walk and chew gum at the same time. Imagine the transition from Obamacare to nothing insurance based on what you've seen of Drumpf's clusterfuck of a transition.
When they go low- Have they ever gone anywhere else? They live, eat, breathe and breed in the muck.
"it's going to be a little harder to lynch the Negro in 2017."
Hypothetically: Why? Just because white America is SO RACIST in 2017 that the overwhelming majority of white people will literally allow you to get away with MURDER, so long as you don't call them racist, that doesn't mean the Negro has gotten tougher or something.
Don't forget: White people are the ones who went to FUCKING WAR and were willing to literally DIE rather than pay taxes. Black people are the ones who never even birthed ONE SINGLE Spartacus in all the years of out-and-out chattel slavery.
Tough guys. lol
Hypothetically: It works to the advantage of the Negro that only one of the races--in a Caucasoid-Negroid dichotomy--has had behavioral modernity sweep through the population as a phenotypic change. But the same thing that makes whites seem docile and the Negro seem so artificially strong in today's age could certainly revert back to Jim Crow or worse if whites were so inclined. Y'all are 13% of the population, and nearly half of that is obese women running around with Indian hair stitched into their scalps. Not exactly the revolution you're masturbating over, should white folks on the whole ever get upset en masse at the Negro.
Who said anything about "tough guys"? Methinks doth project too much.
Relax, the white race is safe. Just live your life and try to enjoy yourself. :)
Mike from Iowa, they do live down there, and they do most of their work down there as well.
The Ministry of Truth said...
"Out of Trump's announced policies, the bad ones are the ones he will actually deliver on: building an idiotic wall, persecuting Mexicans and Muslims, and reinforcing police officers' ability to shoot black people without consequence."
Protecting the border = idiotic
Enforcing the law = persecution
Responding to attacks from criminals = condoning murder
You are truly a ridiculous person.
That's why you will keep on losing.
Anyone heard the NRA's statement on the shooting in Florida?
No Doc, I did not. I see the idiot gov. called the president-elect for help, though.
Not sure how that is going to happen since he is still NOT the president.
"Not sure how that is going to happen since he is still NOT the president"
He knows Obozo won't help him, he is too busy stabbing America in the back on his way out the door.
13 days.
Special needs white kid "idolized" the black friend who tortured him:
"13 Days". Sounds like a horror movie, I suspect that living in America will soon feel like one.
"Russian Hacking" truly has to be one of the most ridiculous propaganda offensives in modern US history:
No Doc, I did not. I see the idiot gov. called the president-elect for help, though.
Not sure how that is going to happen since he is still NOT the president.
My bad Field, I was being sarcastic, LOL!!!
A CBS Radio News report on the video of four young Chicago people torturing a mentally disabled man falsely implied that the victim was black and his attackers were white, when in fact the opposite was true.
In the brief Thursday morning report– which attracted attention when a listener posted the clip on Reddit Friday– here’s how CBS characterized the attack:
The viral video of a beating and knife attack in Chicago suggests the assault had racial overtones. CBS’s Dean Reynolds tells us the victim is described as a mentally-challenged teenager.
In the video he is choked and repeatedly called the n-word. His clothes are slashed and he is terrorized with a knife. His alleged captors repeatedly reference Donald Trump. Police are holding four people in connection with the attack.
The report is technically correct, but widely misleading. By noting the attackers used the n-word during a racially-motivated attack while “referencing” Donald Trump, the clear implication is that the victim was black and his attackers were racist Trump fans.
They will never stop lying.
"Methinks doth project too much."
Methinks this is the most overused and useless context snippet aphorism in history, typically used by people as an illogical--yet hopeful--end-all to a discussion when they don't have an actual reply.
You're the one who framed it as if blacks in 2017 are some new breed that wouldn't fall victim to the same atrocities of the past. I'm simply trying to ascertain why you feel that way.
So, are you tough guys all the sudden? I'm not asking in any assholish, snarky, condescending way. I want to know what's different about blacks in 2017. That's not a fair question?
Do you blame me for being curious about your statement? I honestly am curious as to what makes 2017's blacks tougher?
My postulate: They're not. Whites, by and large, aren't racist and aren't looking to do you harm, so it creates a false sense of security among your people. I know it sounds racist, but fuck it. It is what it is. Blacks are a pretty easy people to conquer, at least historically speaking. Now, if there's a reason that has changed suddenly, I'd be interested to know what it is.
"the white race is safe."
1) There is no "white" race. White is an adjective. The people you call "white" are Europid Caucasoid.
2) No doubt. Maybe not individually, but as a whole, yes. The Negroid pose no threat to the Caucasoid. On any tangible level. The Caucasoid have literally developed weapons which could lay waste to entire continents. The Negroid, however, has perfected the spear. Can we put that "war" through a computer simulation?
Mr. Field, our First Lady is perfection and elegance at the art of being herself. The "when they go low" works for her. While she has imparted some of that skill to President Obama, he has a few skills of his own. His ability to play three dimensional chess while the goobers are scratching in the dirt failing at tic tac toe is classic.
As the Liberal Redneck said, "History will favor Obama, especially compared to the sentient tire fires that bookended him."
Wingnuts have gone low on Obamacare, claiming it has/is/was a failure except when reality and facts are examined. It has been a godsend to millions of people still stoopid enough to voter against their best interests.
Nearly every state is has been implemented have seen employment rises and healthcare costs decrease. Less people use emergency rooms which saves taxpayers mucho dinero. What lying scumbags these wingnuts be. The best Potus ever challenged wingnuts to come up with a better HC plan and he would publicly denounce Obamacare. Wingnuts can't better Obamacare so they will publicly accuse Obama of taunting them for working so hard to fix America.
The pervert Drumpf chose for Sec of the Army is facing another ethics investigation. Typical.
Well, as far as the definition of "geechie" goes, no one seems to answer. Google is ambiguous as well.
What does it mean, you Bell Curve flat-liners? Since field likes to throw theses euphemisms around, I thought he might explain.
I'm the one who mentioned "A Soldiers Story", originally.
What about the four geechies who tortured and abused the white disabled guy? Were they "geechies"? Is that not a hate crime?
Albeit afterwords, field seemed to feel a need to answer itself...maybe I missed it, but he seems to have deleted the reference. If I missed it....my bad.
Field said...
"I do. And because I do, I say give them all a big middle finger as you go out the door and pray for them to fail. Just like they did with you."
*Sigh*...Field Field Field, you know the Good Book (New Testament)says, turn the other cheek,right? Forgive, do not seek revenge for only the Lord will do justice. Do not holdeth up thy middle finger for...hehehe I made that one up :) Love everyone and yadda,yadda,yadda...(forgive me Jesus)
Okay now let's talk about the Old Testament! Quite another story there huh :) That in turn says, 'an eye for an eye!' 'Turn them to stone!' 'Bring fire, drought and plagues!' 'Holdeth up they middle finger' oops I made that one up;)
Oy vey! yeah,well,I guess it's okay then...
1) There is no "white" race. Yeah, there is and it is in an all out race to the bottom of the swamp. They are so ashamed of their whiteness and actions they want to become brown and be assimilated so people stop hating them for being totally despicable. No chance of that ever happening.
Now that donnie dumbass was educated on how and why Russia hacked the election to get him in the white house and control him, he has changed his argument to saying the hack didn't change the outcome of the election. Apparently he still thinks he knows more than all our intelligence agencies combined. What s dumb fuck stone waste of white.
Right John... with a little bit more. Geechie and Gullah are languages
developed by the slaves who were broght to South Carolina. Gullah is
more prevalent in the Charleston area and Geechie in the more rural
areas, particularly southerly towards the Beaufort area.
It is interesting that some white people also refer to themselves as
"Geechie" as a term of being from the Lowcountry area.
Gullah is a fascinating language, with its own grammar and syntax, and
in recent years there has been a strong movement to preserve it. There
are many tapes and books available here.. and even a video of "Porgy and
Bess" performed in Gullah.
A familiarity with Gullah or Geechie can help - not always cure - in
figuring out some of those hard to understand lyrics on the older blues
Another dictionary sez "
"Geechy or Geechie" was developed around Charleston SC by early white settlers. There is a book out there with examples in it. I will see if I can find it.
I mean, we all get that Obama "dindu nuffin." Anything he does is fucking fantastic, the best thing in the history of humanity.
Wait, so does the J-Troll actually read this blog? I figured the line from our blogger:
...And here I thought that you were just rolling over and playing dead. would have tipped of the reader about how 'fantastic' things have been. (Hint: not really...).
And anyone talking about 'Trump Derangement' has clearly been asleep for the last 8+ years.
p.s. It must really irk the J-Troll that he's too stupid to start his own blog and has to use, of all things, the comments section of a black man's blog who is smart enough to create one;)
Feelz feels...
"I suspect that living in America will soon feel like one."
Best get out while the getting is good.
Jamaica is calling, Field....
When the disaster of Obamacare is your signature "achievement", you know your reign has been a failure.
"... challenged wingnuts to come up with a better HC plan and he would publicly denounce Obamacare. Wingnuts can't better Obamacare so they will publicly accuse Obama of taunting them for working so hard to fix America."
I can come up with a better HC plan than Obamacare with one word: Medicare.
One more time with feeling: The Republicans don't have a plan to replace the ACA because the ACA IS their plan. Thought up by Heritage, implemented by Romney. It's such a complicated Rube Goldbergian bill because Republican lawmakers will go to any lengths to avoid the dreaded "socialized medicine", while their garden variety Republican voters are about to go all up in arms again over theirs: "Keep your Government hands off of my Medicasre!!!"
Too late, my pretty little morons, Paul Ryan will have his way with your health insurance, just like he has been saying he would for, I don't know, his entire Ayn Rand loving career. And you voted to let him, so spare me, OK?
So when the Republican assholes (Turtle McConnell) say that the ACA has to go because they didn't have any say in enacting it, they are (lying) leaving out the fact that they fucking WROTE it.
That's the kind of pig ignorant dishonesty the government is being stuffed full of right now, and any measures Obama can pull off right now to impede the infection will pay off in multitudes when the mess is actually being cleaned up.
-Doug in Oakland
Time to go said...
Jamaica is calling, Field....
He's never going back to that shit hole. Field is so white he lives with white people.
Doug, Medicare and Medicaid. along with SS is in wingnuts sights. They are socialist entitlements and only the well to do deserve entitlements.
Pat Bagley @Patbagley
Don't think you know how influential RT is among Christian Right, most of whom don't know what RT means
7:58 PM - 6 Jan 2017 · Salt Lake City, UT
4 4 Retweets 3 3 likes
And this email:
I think you underestimate the influence of RT on the Jill Stein and "Never Hillary" crowd among Bernie supporters. This is only one aspect of delegitimizing the center. A leftist progressive friend who works on Syrian refugee issues was really disturbed by how many on that part of the spectrum think Putin is just dandy.
And this from Vox's Zack Beauchamp:
The ODNI report focuses, to an almost surprising degree, on RT — the Kremlin’s international, English-language propaganda media outlet. The report contains several striking observations about RT’s reach, message, and proximity to the Russian government.
....According to the report, RT — as well as Sputnik, another Russian government–funded English-language propaganda outlet — began aggressively producing pro-Trump and anti-Clinton content starting in March 2016. That just so happens to be the exact same time the Russian hacking campaign targeting Democrats began.
....During the 2016 campaign, RT aired a number of weird, conspiratorial segments — some starring WikiLeaks’ Julian Assange — that cast Clinton as corrupt and funded by ISIS and portrayed the US electoral system as rigged.
Put this all together and you have a portrait of a sometimes Alex Jones-esque "alternative channel" that appeals to fringe elements on both the left and right and successfully hides its identity from them. As the charts from the ODNI report show, it's also one with a growing social media presence, even if the precise numbers in the report aren't wholly reliable. I still don't know whether this translated into more than a negligible impact on the race, but I thought it was worth passing
Drumpfuck claims Dems are mad because he beat them so bad in an election he barely squeaked by in. Then he claims Russia couldn't hack RNC computers because they were too secure. This guy can't open his mouth without lying. And he hasn't been coronated yet!
Since Obama's farewell party will have so many A list guests than the coronation of Drumpfuck, wonder how many skinheads/ racists/ white supremacists show up to disrupt the festivities, and then blame BLM?
Rumour has it Drumpfuck is considering George "I murdered Trayvon Martin and got away with it" Zimmerman as his outreach to African Americans coordinator. Drumpf feverishly has no clue how bad a choice this is, but, then he is like a "smsrt" person.
President Obama's achievements:
- Maintained class and dignity if the face of 8 years of race based obstruction and ignorance.
- Killed BinLaden
- Decimated AlQaeda
- Saved auto industry
- Avoided a depression
- Tripled stock market
- $2 gas
- 15M jobs
- 20M insured
One more with gusto- http://talkingpointsmemo.com/livewire/office-government-ethics-senate-republicans-rushed-confirmation-hearings-trump-picks
That is correct. Crooked wingnuts trying to slide ethical nightmares through confirmation w/o being vetted. It takes 2 fucking years to vet Syrian woman and children for immigration to America and wingnuts howl that ain't enough. Fucking asswipes.
Actually Anon@5:26, I just got back, and Mandeville is as beuatiful as ever. And FYI, our PM is smarter than your president-elect.
Carry on.
Josh, you better start worrying about things like Isis, the North Koreans, and a nation full of of mall- rats and video game players. The future is not too bright for "your" America. The Negroes are not your problem.
field negro said...
Actually Anon@5:26, I just got back, and Mandeville is as beuatiful as ever. And FYI, our PM is smarter than your president-elect.
So why did you come back?
The future is not too bright for "your" America.
ALL poor/middle class whites are up shit's creek, so stupid boy has LOTS of company.
From Trump to LOTUS, Liar of the United States:
Trump's national security pick is accused of plagiarizing.
I'll bet her pussy is his type!
"I think you underestimate the influence of RT on the Jill Stein and 'Never Hillary' crowd among Bernie supporters. This is only one aspect of de-legitimizing the center. A leftist progressive friend who works on Syrian refugee issues was really disturbed by how many on that part of the spectrum think Putin is just dandy."
I don't actually think they LIKE Putin, per se. Not most of them, anyway. It's more a matter of "the enemy of my enemy is my friend." And their enemy, unfortunately, is the U.S. or other Democrats/left-of-center people.
They hate the U.S. for foreign policy reasons -- they hold the U.S. government responsible for literally every bad thing that has ever happened in the world, not only the bad things it actually has done.
Or they're sulky babies who hate Hillary Clinton to the point of blinding insanity, because she beat Bernie.
Although not an American, this characterizes Julian Assange also, which is why he did Putin a solid in dumping all those hacked emails during the election. He has some kind of personal vendetta against Hillary Clinton (possibly he thinks she arranged for him to be charged with rape?), and his hatred for her is irrational and apparently endless. Assange is pro-Trump as well -- not because he thinks Trump will succeed, but because he thinks Trump will fail catastrophically, and some sort of beautiful utopian flower will rise from the ashes of a ruined America. He doesn't seem to care too much what will happen to all the people burned up in the fire. (See also: Susan “some people feel Donald Trump will bring the revolution immediately” Sarandon.)
These are the arsonist dickheads of the Left, too consumed with bitterness and indignation over political frustration or personal slights to behave like grown-up, responsible citizens.
I think Jamaica in the moonlight
Sandy beaches drinking rum every night
There is a Jamaica in iowa -a small town within a consolidated school district. Like the real Jamaica I have never been there, either.
Wingnut America is similar to Hell. It just needs more water and a better class of people.
"Rumour has it Drumpfuck is considering George "I murdered Trayvon Martin and got away with it" Zimmerman as his outreach to African Americans coordinator."
You Africoons are so dumb, you believe your own propaganda. You probably got it from this since-removed article at the satire site National Report.
The next-closest you get is this reference to Sean Hannity who is labelled an apologist for George Zimmerman. And that's all there is.
But you're dumb enough to believe it anyway, because you'll believe anything.
"Josh, you better start worrying about things like Isis, the North Koreans, and a nation full of of mall- rat"
Our mall-rats aren't a problem. Yours are. This is why I see segregated malls in the very near future; America is sick of building nice new things only to see them destroyed by you.
Government ethics agency: We ‘seem to have lost contact’ with the Trump team
Drumpf's scummy SIL is pushing a multi-million dollar deal with Chinese while advising PLOTUS-elect. Bad form, guys. That's right you lost contact with the Ethics people and it isn't your fault, right?
Actually Despicably Deplorable, I made it up to get a rise out you right wing,racist traitors to America. And predictably, you came through for me.
Although Zimmerman, the murderer, would be Drumpf's total slap in the face to POC. Drumpf is so conditioned to race hating and baiting, he can do this in his sleep, like you and Troll Josh and a few others. Try a spoonful of baking soda in a glass of warm water. It'll sweeten yer disposition some. All that hate brings on ulcers and yer about to lose yer healthcare.
"The Negroes are not your problem."
Which I flatly said. The Negroid is not a threat to the Caucasoid. But why would you ignore every single word I typed just to assert some prefab response?
I'll ask again: Why would the Negro be harder to lynch in 2017?
I'm not advocating lynching. I'm not hoping for lynching. I do not want to see ANYONE lynched. I'm simply asking what makes 2017's Negro more of a handful than, say, 1617's Negro.
There are some tangible answers I might imagine one giving me:
- A lot of blacks have guns now
- You can't exactly take blacks by surprise, since many live their lives in a paranoid deluded state
- Blacks might get some backup from other non-whites in America
I'd accept and consider any of those legitimate. But it's like I'm speaking to my three-year-old nephew here. Ask a question about one thing, get an answer so totally unrelated that it ends up being cute.
"Our mall-rats aren't a problem. Yours are. "
I don't own a mall, although that would be nice.
I am not a big mall person. I only visit KOP from time to time, so I am not sure what you are talking about when you say "my people" are destroying them.
I suppose you would know. You seem to be the mall- walking type.
"I'll ask again: Why would the Negro be harder to lynch in 2017?"
I hope, for your sake, that was a rhetorical question.
"it's like I'm speaking to my three-year-old nephew here. Ask a question about one thing, get an answer so totally unrelated that it ends up being cute."
And that kind of completely unintentional comedy is what keeps me coming back.
"I am not sure what you are talking about when you say "my people" are destroying them."
Are you really so stupid that you've forgotten the 9-state mall riots less than 2 weeks ago?
I guess you are.
"You seem to be the mall- walking type."
I wish I was counting all the things you've claimed about me. So far you're 0-for-all.
"I hope, for your sake, that was a rhetorical question."
Hypothetically, why would you think that your hangs-out-on-street-corners and walks-down-the-middle-of-the-street population of dindus wouldn't be far more vulnerable to Mohammed/Malvo tactics than White people?
Because it sure looks to me like pavement apes and porch monkeys make much easier targets than people inside their homes and at work.
Just interested in your thoughts here. Target-rich environments are something I've done quite a bit to get away from, so it's entirely theoretical. For me.
When DON"T they go low?
Wanna know why insurance premiums went up so much right around election time? Ask Paul Ryan. He deliberately withheld 2,5 billion bucks for risk pools (claims he couldn't find the money in the budget) and forced insurance rates to shoot up just in time for the election. After the election he managed to find plenty of money for other stuff. Ryan has freely admitted this.
Right mike.
Don't forget to breathe.
"I hope, for your sake, that was a rhetorical question."
Why for my sake? You're the one who said it. I'm asking what you meant by it.
What makes blacks in 2017 less vulnerable than blacks centuries previous?
I really believe that some folks are reading a false positive in the way white people are so incredibly docile after decades of guilt-inducing berating. White people have made more concessions than anyone in history. If, for instance, five-times the number of blacks in America decided they wanted to lynch blacks in America, what makes it more difficult in 2017?
Why is this not a legitimate question? You're the fucker who said it. If, theoretically, the people who built western civilization and modern society and the economy, et al, decided that they wanted to lynch blacks, what is it about CURRENT YEAR that makes it a more difficult prospect?
Why would it be a rhetorical question? I mean, I can say why it'd be hard to do it to whites on the whole:
- There are a fuck-ton more whites
- Whites are by and large better stocked on weapons
- Docile, whites may be, but whites still have the phenotypic behavioral modernity traits which led to aqueducts and roads and cities and agriculture and domestication and society, etc, etc; i.e. whites know how to war better than any motherfuckers to ever live
Your turn...
Oh, for fuck's sake. Never mind. This isn't anything you'd bother answering, despite how many times I asked. Your answer is the boilerplate SJW answer for everything: "Because reasons."
I love the smell of burnt numbskulls of an evening. Can't refute,but you can pollute. Classy.
Talk about LOW...
I'm repeating this post from the thread above, so no negro can say they didn't see or hear about it:
Lt. Commander Johnson said...
Oh, my goodness...now, it appears the animals that attacked the disabled white guy were shouting anti-Trump slurs as they were doing so!
Surely...that can't be true. Field would have reported upon it.
Apparently, Hate Crimes only count for some.
By the way, Queenie from Iowa, you are so obvious, it stinks.
You wanna know what leftard delusion is?
If you yell "Fuck white people" while torturing a special-needs white kid, the city of Chicago won't call it a "hate crime" and the superintendent will say it's "just a bunch of kids".
If you yell "Allahu akbar!" right before blowing yourself up in a public area, POTUS won't call you an Islamic terrorist.
If you burn down cities and destroy property, you're a misunderstood protestor fighting oppression.
But if you voted for Trump, you're a violent racist and white supremacist.
You whitey wingnuts hatriots repeat the same shit over and over and wonder why no one pays attention to you.
Let me be the first to say this- the kidnapped whitey wingnut was a fucking radical Muslim terrorist! I said it. Happy now? Did the problem suddenly disappear? If not why not. You piss and moan that saying magic words makes the problems disappear. I think you been lying like typical right wing fucking liars. There are no magic words to make hate disappear. If there was-you sonsabitches would've been gone decades ago. Get over your bad selves!
Sunday news gets better. Israels liar in chief HathanJehu was caught on tape offering to restrict one Israeli paper's circulation for favorable coverage from another.
Wingnut Reince Prevert sez ethics commission doesn't need any info on Drumpf's cabinet picks because people voted for change-from the honesty of Obama to the total fucking liar Drumpf.
A 20 year old concealed carry advocate was shot in his own home where guns and drugs were found. Guess he didn't have quite enough guns to pertect his own self.
The following is from the Authors Preface in “An American Dilemma” by Gunnar Myrdal (New York: Harper & Brothers Publishers, 1944) p. xviii:
“The scope and direction of this book will be explained in the “Introduction.” There are, however, some few notes of a more personal character, for which the proper place is at the close of this preface. To invite a foreigner–someone “in a nonimperialistic country with no background of domination of one race over another” who, presumably “would approach the situation with an entirely fresh mind”; I am here again quoting Keppel’s first letter, August 12, 1937 [I was born 4 days later] –to review the most serious race problem in the country, is an idea singularly American. In any other country, such a proposal would have been defeated by afterthoughts of practical and political expediency. Many will deem it a foolish idea. But more fundamentally it is a new demonstration, in a minor matter, of American moralism, rationalism, and optimism–and a demonstration of America’s unfailing conviction of its basic soundness and strength. Early in the course of this work, when I found out the seriousness of the task before me, I proposed to Mr. Keppel [Board member of the Carnegie Corporation who funded the study] that a committee be formed of a Southern white, a Northern white, and a Negro. In such a group we could have allowed for political considerations and worked out a basis for practical understanding, to which each one could have subscribed, since the representation of different viewpoints would have accounted for the intellectual compromises involved. This was, however, not at all what he wanted. He told me that everyone would generously help and advise me–and there he proved me right–but that I would have to find out for myself, and upon my own responsibility, the truth in the matter without any side glances as to what was politically desirable and expedient.”
No intelligent, ethical, rational, person in America can deny, at this point in time, the fact that Donald Trump is a racist and that he is replacing our democracy with a racist/theocratic, neo-fascist system. Do we need to publish another book to prove it? If that’s the case we’re doomed.
"No intelligent, ethical, rational, person in America can deny, at this point in time, the fact that Donald Trump is a racist and that he is replacing our democracy with a racist/theocratic, neo-fascist system"
I think that's a little too much to hope for, but I admire your optimism.
"Let me be the first to say this- the kidnapped whitey wingnut was a fucking radical Muslim terrorist! I said it. Happy now?"
Congratulations. You managed to construct something even further into cloud-cuckoo land than the actual examples of official government claims that I was quoting.
"You whitey wingnuts hatriots repeat the same shit over and over and wonder why no one pays attention to you."
So why are you responding to me again? Some lack of attention.
"No intelligent, ethical, rational, person in America can deny, at this point in time, the fact that Donald Trump is a racist and that he is replacing our democracy with a racist/theocratic, neo-fascist system."
Yes, Donald J. Trump, who gave stage time to African-American mothers of victims of illegal alien violence, is a "racist" by your standards because he blames criminals for their crimes instead of "society", and the criminals are majority Black and brown. He wants to actually solve the problem of crime which means either altering the behavior of criminals or removing them from society, and according to you, expecting Black people to behave be rayciss.
Cloud-cuckoo land.
If you weren't so obviously stupid, you'd be scary. OBTW, who came up with "hatriots" for you? It's far too clever to be from a NAPA. I bet it was one of your (((handlers))).
You fucking whitey wingnut morons are simply fucking pathetic. You bitch they won't call all Muslims terrorists., like thatis really going to solve the problem, fucking moron.
I get in yer fucking pea brain head so easily and then you throw a fucking moron fit because you finally realize you got played and can't save face because you are a fucking whitey wingnut moron.
If you were a female as easy as you are to manipulate, everyone would call you a whore and fuck your tighty whitey ass, you fucking moron.
No offense to actual women intended.
"You bitch they won't call all Muslims terrorists"
Are you really so dumb that you didn't realize that the "authorities" refuse to call islamic terrorism, accompanied by cries of "allahu akbar", islamic terrorism? Yup, you are. Let me quote the comment again:
If you yell "Allahu akbar!" right before blowing yourself up in a public area, POTUS won't call you an Islamic terrorist.
"I get in yer fucking pea brain head so easily"
The only functional head you have is between your legs. Your obsession proves that it's all you have to think with.
"If you were a female as easy as you are to manipulate, everyone would call you a whore and fuck your tighty whitey ass, you fucking moron."
Blacks never fail to prove that they're single-handedly the reason feminists believe we live in a rape culture. It's just against their religion to blame blacks, so white people take the hit for you, time and again.
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