No folks, Mr. Thin Skin did not have me arrested. Yet.
I suspect, though, that if he does start rounding up bloggers, writers, and activists; "Baghdad Sean Spicer"will be out in front of the American people to tell us yet anotherlie.
“'It's unquestionable,' Spicer said of his argument that Trump's inauguration had the largest viewing audience, although he did not provide exact numbers or comparisons with previous inaugurations to back up his assertion. 'And I don't see any numbers that dispute that when you add up attendance, viewership, total audience in terms of tablets, phones, on television. I'd love to see any information that proves that otherwise.'”
Criminy. We're now in the land of "I don't have to back up my statements; it's your job to prove I'm lying."
No, sir, that is not how it works.
However, among Republicans, unfortunately, that does seem to be the standard. Facts are whatever I feel. Burden of proof is on everyone else, and even when proof is provided, it'll be ignored anyhow: I feel that the black Muslim Marxist foreigner president must have done a bad job, so the national unemployment rate must be terrible. The economy in West Possum Holler, where I live and never set foot outside of, is bad, so the national unemployment rate must also be terrible. And if the numbers say it's not? Well, that dastardly Obama must have done something to the numbers.
Also, crime must be terrible. I'm scared criminals are going to get me, so crime must be terrible. Wait, you say crime has been steadily falling for decades? I don't care. That nice Mr. Trump says everything is "carnage," and that's how I feel about crime, so fuck the facts.
That's true in some places but not in others. Some parts of rural/small town America really have gotten hammered for decades.
But it's certainly not the case that rural America has uniformly done badly out of the Obama years. Some rural states never got hit by the housing crisis and recession. Some places, like the Dakotas, saw an oil and gas boom. Et cetera.
There is a term for the latter group of people who are whining about how badly they've been doing when they objectively have nothing to whine about: entitled assholes.
You folks honestly believe that Trump is going to round you all up. LOL The vanity on you! Field, if by some miracle these predictions came true and Trump started rounding folks up, you wouldn't even blip on the radar. He'd round up the people who create the material, not one who copy-pastes it to his blog and adds words like "fuhrer," "Hitler" and "trump" to them. LOL
The vanity of you SJWs. It beggars all belief!
You people are not important enough to matter. How can you not see that? There aren't enough of you in the nation to keep Congress from a Republican majority or to give the presidency to Hillary. You really think Trump is worried about you folks?
You each believe you're the bellcow of the herd. You're not that important. There's not enough brain power among you black SJWs here to operate a successful fast-food restaurant. I really think you might be safe!
But it's still the dream of you SJWs to be that important that the president himself will snatch you up.
Obviously, everyone here is important enough to matter to you--you've made it a point to seek out a "black SJW" blog to harass the commenters. You wouldn't bother if it didn't matter. Yet here you are...
The Trumpenvolk get quite angry when it is pointed out to them that they have voted for a very bad man who intends to do very bad things.
On some level, they have to know that voting for our vile ogre of a president was effectively a fuck-you gesture to a huge number of their fellow citizens. And yet they become outraged and claim victimhood when the harm they have done is pointed out, and their immediate response is to accuse everyone who opposes Trump of being delusional and hysterical.
I remember Jade 15 a year or so ago, wingnuts screamed Obama was using the military exercise to inflict martial law on Texas and a bunch of other western states. They claimed that abandoned WalMart stores had tunnels from China and dissenters would be rounded up and put in these tunnels for the Chinese to have. I also remember evry election year the NRA and their wingnut sheep screaming Obama was going to take away yer guns and that HRC was going to take yer guns.
The Netherlands trolled Donnie Dumbfuck using his very own words. This is four minutes of yer life you can enjoy wasting while the Dutch toast Drumpf's pastey white hide brown.
Runours going around Kelleyanne Conweasel punched a guy in the face several times at the inaugural brawl. Apparently 2 dudes got into it and Conway went after one of them. Her hands are bigger than Drumpf's. Maybe she is his personal security.
Thank you, Aurora, for believing me the POTUS. But I assure you I'm not.
Just because I get my kicks watching the stupidity unfold on this blog--something I am open about and don't pretend otherwise--doesn't make you important enough for the fucking PRESIDENT to throw into a concentration camp.
Let the stupid unfold! I make a comment that you people aren't important enough to be herded up by POTUS, and here comes the stupid saying, "Obviously WE ARE, lest you wouldn't be here!"
LMFAO! The lulz continue...
And I take it you folks aren't smart enough to see why that's funny to boot...
Word of advice, Josh- lighten up on the hairspray. When you sit and stare at a carton of frozen orange juice for hours, you need to try an alternative deifinition of concentrate. 'Kay?
"I remember Jade 15 a year or so ago, wingnuts screamed Obama was using the military exercise to inflict martial law on Texas and a bunch of other western states. They claimed that abandoned WalMart stores had tunnels from China and dissenters would be rounded up and put in these tunnels for the Chinese to have. I also remember evry election year the NRA and their wingnut sheep screaming Obama was going to take away yer guns and that HRC was going to take yer guns."
Jade 15 = big bad gummint comin' fer our guns!!!! Agenda 21 = the UN is using claims about climate change (which doesn't exist) to impose global communism!!!! The Amero = our currency is going to be replaced with Mexican money!!!! Shariah law = the 1% of Americans who are Muslim are going to make the other 99% of Americans follow their religion because that's how powerful Muslims are!!!!
Approximately 90% of the things conservatives panic about liberals wanting to do are completely fictional conspiracy theories. Which they readily believe because they (the ones who are not wealthy elites, anyway) are dumber than a bag of hammers.
Meanwhile, approximately 90% of the things liberals panic about conservatives wanting to do are the things conservatives actually want to do. Not all that much hysteria involved.
dinthebeast- c4p is conservatives for Palin and a swingers website. The way right wing nutters lusted after Snowdrift Snookie its a wonder the site isn't utilized more.
Because Field is serious about the Donald himself slapping the cuffs on him. Jesus, Josh is either a complete moron or is in serious need of constant attention.
When there are literally thousands of videos of people crying over the election of Donald Trump, moaning and complaining that they're going to be thrown out of the country, arrested, put in concentration camps, etc, it's not automatic that Field is being facetious. He's a dyed-in-the-wool pro-black progressive, which means he holds firm to certain beliefs, including but not limited to:
- Black people are being actively oppressed by white supremacy - Black people's culture does not dictate their issues; it's the fault of white people draining their resources and unfairly targeting them - Racism can only happen if the perp is white; it only works if there's a white power structure, only then can white people--and only white people--be racist - All blacks shot by police are innocent victims of white people's "color arousal" - OOW birth rates, dropout rates, and high crime rates are all unimportant issues, inflated by white people to slander blacks, and the more important issue at hand is racial inequality - Blacks would do just as well in school as whites if only black schools were as well funded as white schools
A person holding these political beliefs actually believing Donald Trump wants him arrested is in no way a stretch of the imagination. Here's a guy who says it's white racism to blame that a black police officer, getting drunk for breakfast, experienced racism because he was asked to pay, per restaurant policy, for his alcoholic beverages in advance. This is a guy who literally believes that fewer than 1% of blacks murdered by police is a more pressing issues--of epidemic levels!--than over 90% of blacks being murdered by other blacks. Here's a guy who has never once in his life spoken about how blacks commit 90% of hate crimes in America yet focuses his blog for a month straight on white students using the word "nigger." Here's a guy who refused to admit he was wrong about the Mizzou CS1950 group, even when it was proven beyond all reasonable doubt that they had lied their asses off about everything.
And this hard-left ideological demagogue doesn't really think he's being targeted by Trump? LOL Dude's probably been using a proxy since Nov 9 because he's scared he's atop Trump's enemies list.
This is Field we're talking about here. The guy who quotes literally five words from an entire paragraph, not even able to read a complete sentence, just so he can straw-man an argument to feign indignant outrage. "Why I never!" LOL It's Field we're talking about, not a normal apolitical person whose thought process is rational and logical. It's the guy who puts blacks into two groups: House nigglets and field nigglets, because he has appointed himself the arbiter of what being "black" really is. This is the guy who calls a black person a white-acting house nig for even speaking to Donald Trump.
And you're arguing Field doesn't really believe Trump will have him arrested?
Well, Yishag, unlike you, I can actually demonstrate a masters-level understanding of my fields of study (biology, evo-bio), whereas you, with the entire Internet at your fingertips, cannot even spell properly the most rudimentary biological terms that even middle-school students know. You subsequently blame it on your AAVE blackspeak, but anyone honest here can see you for the fraud you are. Any time the topic broaches anything even remotely close to science, you're a no-show. You'll come back to spam the latest weave-wearer to be inducted into the AA Hall of Fame. You'll pretend to ignore me while using others as a proxy, a go-between to run your cocksucker. But if ever we're speaking about science and technology, you're not even able to spell properly, much less demonstrate you understand STEM whatsoever. You go into hiding and only come back when it's safe to spam nonsense. How many black women got into STEM this month, dumbass? About 97% fewer than whites and Asians? LOL
I have challenged folks here on multiple occasions to "debate" with me about evolutionary phenomena such as behavioral modernity and culture's genetic roots, and to date there doesn't exist a single "progressive" person who frequents this blog who can even answer the grade-school entry-level fundamental question of evolution: What is a mutation's relationship to natural selection?
You can't answer it. You get around being challenged by speaking to other people about me while pretending you don't read what I write. You obviously do; it's objectively evident in your posts. But you can't answer it. You don't know the answer. You're another owner of a borderline retarded IQ who, because she's on the Internet, has decided to big-up herself with the equivalent of a seventh-grade education.
You're another weave-wearing welfare queen with four bastard children from four fathers, tattoos and stretch marks and 50 pounds overweight. Don't front. Leave the babies with big mama while you go get your drink on after the Lil Wayne concert. LOL Then come back and tell us all how the doctorate is going...
"Because Field is serious about the Donald himself slapping the cuffs on him. Jesus, Josh is either a complete moron or is in serious need of constant attention."
We're a ways off from Trump jailing journalists.
But will he work to delegitimize press outlets that are hostile to him? Deny them access to press conferences, send his flying monkeys to harass them? Oh, hell yes. That's already under way.
And then there's always abuse of the legal system. Donald says he wants to "reform" libel laws to tame an out of control press -- by which he doesn't mean the lying jackasses like Fox that actually are out of control, but the sections of the media that care about facts, because facts are not Donald's friends.
If he manages to achieve such legal changes, then him suing newspapers and networks into bankruptcy is a real possibility. Even without legal changes, this can already happen by exploiting some badly written, already extant laws. Just ask the people over at Gawker. Oh wait, you can't ask them much, because Trump's buddy Peter Thiel helped Hulk Hogan sue Gawker into bankruptcy out of revenge (because they outed Thiel as queer) and Gawker doesn't exist anymore.
Josh must be a Drumpf. One of Donnie Dumbfucl's woods colts when DD was earning his purple heart not getting vd while shagging everything with 2 0r 4 legs.
Or maybe he is a master of mimicry and can quote big Daddy Dumbfuck verbatim.
Why wouldn't Trump target black bloggers? Although Josh's list of qualifications is a bit satirical and narrow-minded, if it doesn't contain one sand grain of truth, at the very least it illuminates the way that reactionary, racist Trump supporters think. I'm not sure if it provides any insight into how Trump thinks. No one may actually understand that. But I think it is safe to say that he is at odds with the BLM movement and perhaps pandering to the whole blue lives matter thing.
I don't think anyone will be arrested tomorrow. First will come a series of Trump fatwahs in the form of executive orders to the people of the U.S. Next television, cable, radio, print and internet sources of news and commentary will come under strict federal regulation with severe guidelines and harsh punishments for disobedience. Eventually all media sources will be controlled by a one-party government agency.
Next will come something more reminiscent of renditions than actual legal arrests. Thousands will simply be disappeared. Trump may actually commit cold-blooded murder with several witnesses yet the U.S. House of Representatives will refuse to impeach.
Next the twenty-second amendment will be repealed although perhaps not in the prescribed manner. After Trump serves a second term after a questionable second general election, he will be elected to a third term in time to relinquish the reigns of power to Mike Pence. I guess then comes WWIII if we can wait that long.
Well, with the buggering already well underway at the EPA, CDC, and elsewhere, here's a bit of prescient advice from the dearly departed Frank Zappa to all of you wide-eyed Trumplets as you line up for yours:
The question folks need to answer, if we're going to pretend to think logically, is why would he target them?
The burden of proof is on the claimants here. That's how these things work. You don't just get to blurt out like a 'tard that Trump's comin' after ya. Why would he?
You paranoid folks have deluded yourselves into thinking he really is Hitler. You need someone to be the enemy so badly, to justify your political dogma, that you'll end up making Alex Jones look sane.
And lol @ cramming the "racist" drop in there. I mean, that's a necessity in any rebuttal from a progressive leftist. That's rule #1 at this point: Make sure you call them racist!
It's a meaningless term. You folks have overused it so much, even insisting fucking Pepe the Frog is racist. It has no more bite. When's the last time somebody gave a fuck about the label, other the ones handing it out?
What used to count as racist: Shut up, nigger. What now counts as racist: You're not important enough for Trump to worry about.
I guess in a world of "implicit bias" and "white privilege," everyone's racist -- so long as they're white.
You people are not important enough for Trump to go after! In the event he decides to go after blacks, it won't be barely literate bloggers. It'll probably be inner city thugs who are responsible for 50% of America's violent crimes. That's not you, right? I take it you folks here aren't violent criminals.
I hope he goes after the big business of bastard black mothers spitting out multiple bastard babies to leech off welfare. But that's another story.
Gee whiz, Josh. Other than you, there was only one person (read blogger) in my eleven years of blogging, that I ever called a racist. Nor have I ever called a person a racist in person. At least directly. I've tangled with some hard-core conservatives. People that think slavery was hundreds of years ago and is no longer relevant. People that didn't feel that their own ancestors were responsible for slavery, nor did they profit from it. People that honestly felt that guys like Freddy Gray and Michael Brown got what they deserved or even worse examples such as the poor lady who was pulled over for an unsafe lane change and ended up committing suicide in jail.
I have even discussed the Trayvon Martin murder with the opposing side in a genuine and honest way. Most of the time these exchanges have been civil, if not an opportunity to reach out to the other side.
But you are in a class by yourself. The other blogger that I termed racist is known as "Radical Redneck." He is too stupid to be paid any attention. But your brand of racism is extreme and dangerous. It is valuable to get inside the mind of a person like you to understand the enemy. You are a serious and hard core racist just like the Breitbart crowd.
It is valuable to get inside the mind of a person like you to understand the enemy. You are a serious and hard core racist just like the Breitbart crowd. >>>>>>>>>>>>
How could it possibly be valuable to get into the mind of a racist psychopath? I'm sure Field can track his IP, but outside of that, where's the intellectual or civil value?
You are spot-on. There is no intellectual or civic value. I'm not talking about a Kum-ba-yah moment.
The only value is strictly military. Strategic. This way of thinking must be eradicated. The perpetuators and villains of this hateful, racist philosophy must be vanquished and destroyed.
This is not something that we need to teach to our children.
"But your brand of racism is extreme and dangerous."
Yep. It sure is. I don't agree with the pro-black progressive victims that whitey is to blame for their problems. Now THAT'S the type of racism that must be called out and eradicated at all costs! It's "strictly military." Hyperbole much? LOL Someone disagrees with victim ideology. Uh oh!
Seeing as you provide no examples of this dangerous, extreme "racism," I have to call complete bullshit on your obvious lies of not accusing others of it. It's par for the course for your types. Anything said you don't like, call it racist.
IDGAF. "Racist" is a meaningless slur. Might as well pull a Yiscunt and call me "faggot." Has the same net result.
It's intellectual laziness. It's a crutch. And it has less power than it's ever had before.
About black women, Josh says: White women know they're atop the pecking order, with a shit-load of room to spare. They are not the least desirable women in America, as you and your sistas be, yo. They do not need to stand around in a huddle, throwing their fist in the air, and pretending that it's 1946. They don't need to get pregnant and have bastards for financial gain. … You, on the other hand, need to practice twerking in the mirror, trying out different lace fronts, so you can go get a thug n da club to knock you up with your 7th baby from the 7th man in 7 years. On the sexual attractiveness of the races, Josh says: White women are my preference. I've dated two black girls in my life. They were easy and sleazy. I think they have about 9 kids between them now. DNA -- that's what they want. Dick 'n attention. (You know it better than I do.) …Any data around concerning online dating and hook-ups and whatnot show black women at the bottom of the heap as the least desirable market. Maybe not in Somalia, but certainly the West. That's not my standard. I personally hold black girls above Thai and Vietnamese and Filipino and that region of Asia, though Japanese are my #2. White women are the most desirable women in the Western world, far and away.
Nobody knows this is a fact more than black men. Are you fucking kidding me? White girls are the prize. Even most of the black men who choose black women are doing so out of sense of racial solidarity so they don't make the "sistas" angry. Everybody wants a white woman, or they're lying to score points. ...
White women are the beauty standard of the modern world. Hey, don't blame me that black women, in a never-ending mission to straighten their hair like white women, spend billions upon billions of (taxpayer) dollars every year on weave.
These are things that black people know to be true far and away more than I know them. But because it's a white person saying them, it'll just be "racist." On evolution, Josh says: eck old Jo By and large, Europid Caucasians have very scant amounts of African DNA. Typically around 0.1-1%. What does this mean? There have been so many trillions of changes to the nucleotide sequence of DNA that, generally speaking, "white" DNA has abolished almost every conceivable trace of "black" DNA. Do you realize how many generational variations, how much fucking time it takes, to change 99% of the genetic code? (Rhetorical question; of course you don't.) DNA doesn't just disappear or anything; it's changed over successive generations of natural selection. The fact that whites have, at best, 1% of their DNA attributable to Africans pretty much sums up that these reproducing molecules thought it advantageous to DUMP--to get rid of!--African DNA….Natural selection dictates that an organism will adapt via picking up traits which are advantageous to its environment. Even if what you're saying is true--which it's not--that really, really puts Negroids in a HORRIBLE light. It means that African DNA--black traits and characteristics--are so incredibly toxic and unsuited for an Earthly environment that the human genome changed itself to get rid of being African, because African DNA was so unsuited for survival…. The deoxyribonucleic acids changed themselves by a factor of trillions through selective breeding for one sole purpose: To no longer be African! That was the quote that blew my mind. Fucking William Shockley back from the grave. I gave some examples of what I considered to be less extreme forms of racism, (denial of relevance of slavery,) for instance. In my opinion, and it is only an opinion, your views are on the edge of extreme. Dangerous? Well, yes. Maybe not on this website, but this type of thinking is what radicalized Dylann Roof. I don’t believe this is the only mass murder or lynching since 1963. Let’s fact check old Josh on that.
About black women, Josh says: White women know they're atop the pecking order, with a shit-load of room to spare. They are not the least desirable women in America, as you and your sistas be, yo. They do not need to stand around in a huddle, throwing their fist in the air, and pretending that it's 1946. They don't need to get pregnant and have bastards for financial gain. … You, on the other hand, need to practice twerking in the mirror, trying out different lace fronts, so you can go get a thug n da club to knock you up with your 7th baby from the 7th man in 7 years. On the sexual attractiveness of the races, Josh says: White women are my preference. I've dated two black girls in my life. They were easy and sleazy. I think they have about 9 kids between them now. DNA -- that's what they want. Dick 'n attention. (You know it better than I do.) …Any data around concerning online dating and hook-ups and whatnot show black women at the bottom of the heap as the least desirable market. Maybe not in Somalia, but certainly the West. That's not my standard. I personally hold black girls above Thai and Vietnamese and Filipino and that region of Asia, though Japanese are my #2. White women are the most desirable women in the Western world, far and away. Nobody knows this is a fact more than black men. Are you fucking kidding me? White girls are the prize. Even most of the black men who choose black women are doing so out of sense of racial solidarity so they don't make the "sistas" angry. Everybody wants a white woman, or they're lying to score points. ... White women are the beauty standard of the modern world. Hey, don't blame me that black women, in a never-ending mission to straighten their hair like white women, spend billions upon billions of (taxpayer) dollars every year on weave. These are things that black people know to be true far and away more than I know them. But because it's a white person saying them, it'll just be "racist." On evolution, Josh says: By and large, Europid Caucasians have very scant amounts of African DNA. Typically around 0.1-1%. What does this mean? There have been so many trillions of changes to the nucleotide sequence of DNA that, generally speaking, "white" DNA has abolished almost every conceivable trace of "black" DNA. Do you realize how many generational variations, how much fucking time it takes, to change 99% of the genetic code? (Rhetorical question; of course you don't.) DNA doesn't just disappear or anything; it's changed over successive generations of natural selection. The fact that whites have, at best, 1% of their DNA attributable to Africans pretty much sums up that these reproducing molecules thought it advantageous to DUMP--to get rid of!--African DNA….Natural selection dictates that an organism will adapt via picking up traits which are advantageous to its environment. Even if what you're saying is true--which it's not--that really, really puts Negroids in a HORRIBLE light. It means that African DNA--black traits and characteristics--are so incredibly toxic and unsuited for an Earthly environment that the human genome changed itself to get rid of being African, because African DNA was so unsuited for survival…. The deoxyribonucleic acids changed themselves by a factor of trillions through selective breeding for one sole purpose: To no longer be African!
That was the quote that blew my mind. Fucking William Shockley back from the grave. I gave some examples of what I considered to be less extreme forms of racism, (denial of relevance of slavery,) for instance. In my opinion, and it is only an opinion, your views are on the edge of extreme. Dangerous? Well, yes. Maybe not on this website, but this type of thinking is what radicalized Dylann Roof. I don’t believe this is the only mass murder or lynching since 1963. Let’s fact check old Josh on that.
"White women know they're atop the pecking order, with a shit-load of room to spare." - Hard data from online dating backs this up. For relationships, white women--in America--are atop the pecking order by loads. If you can't figure out the rest of the context to be a personal smear against an individual (Yisbitch) and not an entire race, I can't help you.
As for everyone knowing this: Hey, who better than black people to speak on this!? It's common knowledge that there's long been a rift in the black community, with black women leading the charge (mostly), of wanting black men to be with black women, to stay away from the white girls. I'm not sure how you're reading racism into this. Insensitivity? Okay; maybe. A bit too general and not qualified well enough? Probably. Racism? LULZ
"Even if what you're saying is true--which it's not--that really, really puts Negroids in a HORRIBLE light. It means that African DNA--black traits and characteristics--are so incredibly toxic and unsuited for an Earthly environment that the human genome changed itself to get rid of being African, because African DNA was so unsuited for survival."
I appreciate someone who takes the time to make their case. I mean that sincerely. 99% it's just "racist, jealous, lil dick, homeless, loser," etc. However, this particular portion of the conversation, which I'm assuming you're judging as the "racist" bit, was in direct reply to someone saying just the opposite, talking about white albino mutants going extinct and whatnot. My response: EVEN IF what the guy is saying is true, that blacks are godly, what that means, per a scientific standpoint, is that African DNA was not advantageous to evolution in areas outside of Africa.
Do you understand how natural selection works? I was trying to make a point to this guy: IF being "black" is the best-suited form of homo sapiens for the planet, then Europid Caucasoid people would not have evolved, and the genome wouldn't have underwent such a gargantuan change to purge itself of African phenotypes. Not sure how it's racist. But I understand that people always read this as a superior-inferior argument. And that's because, by and large, American schools aren't allowed to teach these subjects, so no one learns nuance or how to navigate the facts. It's simply factual. If being African were better than being Europid, there wouldn't have been any evolution. Is this rocket science? Granted, it's a "hard" scientific, natural discipline, but you strike me as intelligent enough to grasp it.
The tone of that comment was in reply to a guy who has been in here BEGGING for white genocide for months now. You know the context. You chose intentionally to quote-mine the context, to act as if I just started a racist rambling rant out of the blue clear sky. No. That entire tone there is a thumb in the eye to a moron who was claiming white people are mutant freaks who aren't suited to live on the planet. I was giving him a taste of his own medicine, only using an actual genetic argument and not just bare assertion.
You act like I just mailed you a manifesto and that these comments don't exist in a MUCH BROADER body of context.
It's important that we document Trump's bullshit. He and his supporters are going to try and gaslight the fuck out of us to try to make us feel crazy and thus totally reliant on Trump for his version of "reality". I know that game.
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Money is nice, but being able to speak my mind is better.
"Real talk: Daniel Rubin has a great little piece up wherein he chats with The Field Negro, the Philly-based blogger who sharply ponders all things black on a daily basis. (Seriously, if you’ve never checked in with TFN, you should: Its author, Wayne Bennett, is a fantastic read who can cut through bullshit like a hot knife through butter, which is a far grosser analogy than I wanted to make, but there you have it.)" ~Philebrity~
"One of the most precocious and hilarious Black political minds on the net. Ive been a long-time fan!" ~Asad Malik~
"..While most of what he writes is tongue-in-cheek, his space is a safe house for candid discussions about race, especially in the comments section, where people of all colors meet." ~~Daniel Rubin, "The Philadelphia Inquirer"~~
"To white people, Bennett's musings are like kitchen-table talk from a kitchen they may otherwise never set foot in. To African Americans, he is part of a growing army of black Internet amateurs who have taken up the work once reserved for ministers and professional activists: the work of setting a black agenda, shaping black opinion and calling attention to the state of the nation's racial affairs."
~~Richard Fausset, "L.A. Times"~~~
"That's why I love the blog "Field Negro" so much. Field, as he's known to his fans, has the sense of reality that it takes to call out the (CowPuckey) of blame beating by those who are in positions of power and their lackeys. Because of his handle and his unabashed way of writing about racial issues, Field is often cited as a "Black blogger." What he is, however, is a first-class detector of blame deflection and an excellent student of history. If you want to write about the past and future of repression there's really no other perspective to take - which is why everyone should read Field."
Raised in the house, but field certified. Jamaica is the land of my birth, but I consider myself a citizen of the world. I currently practice law in the city of "brotherly love".
"Half a century after Little Rock, the Montgomery bus boycott and the tumultuous dawn of the modern civil rights era, the new face of the movement is Facebook, MySpace and some 150 black blogs united in an Internet alliance they call the AfroSpear.
Older, familiar leaders such as Rev. Jesse Jackson, Rev. Al Sharpton and NAACP Chairman Julian Bond, are under challenge by a younger generation of bloggers known by such provocative screen names as Field Negro, thefreeslave and African American Political Pundit. And many of the newest struggles are being waged online." ~Howard Witt-The Chicago Tribune~
"I had no idea, for example, of the extent of the African-American blogging world out there and its collective powers of dissemination.But now, after reading thousands of anguished, thoughtful comments posted on these blogs reflecting on issues of persistent racial discrimination in the nation's schools and courtrooms, what's clear to me is that there's a new, "virtual" civil rights movement out there on the Internet that can reach more people in a few hours than all the protest marches, sit-ins and boycotts of the 1950s and 60s put together." ~Chicago Tribune Reporter, Howard Witt~
Don't you mean Spicer will be out in front of the American people to tell us yet another alternative fact?
Alternative fact? Isn't that some BDSM website?
-Doug in Oakland
He's too busy getting into twitter beefs.
“'It's unquestionable,' Spicer said of his argument that Trump's inauguration had the largest viewing audience, although he did not provide exact numbers or comparisons with previous inaugurations to back up his assertion. 'And I don't see any numbers that dispute that when you add up attendance, viewership, total audience in terms of tablets, phones, on television. I'd love to see any information that proves that otherwise.'”
Criminy. We're now in the land of "I don't have to back up my statements; it's your job to prove I'm lying."
No, sir, that is not how it works.
However, among Republicans, unfortunately, that does seem to be the standard. Facts are whatever I feel. Burden of proof is on everyone else, and even when proof is provided, it'll be ignored anyhow: I feel that the black Muslim Marxist foreigner president must have done a bad job, so the national unemployment rate must be terrible. The economy in West Possum Holler, where I live and never set foot outside of, is bad, so the national unemployment rate must also be terrible. And if the numbers say it's not? Well, that dastardly Obama must have done something to the numbers.
Also, crime must be terrible. I'm scared criminals are going to get me, so crime must be terrible. Wait, you say crime has been steadily falling for decades? I don't care. That nice Mr. Trump says everything is "carnage," and that's how I feel about crime, so fuck the facts.
Except it's not as bad in West Possum Holler as they say, they've just been told it is and don't know how to not believe it:
-Doug in Oakland
"Except it's not as bad in West Possum Holler as they say, they've just been told it is and don't know how to not believe it:"
That's true in some places but not in others. Some parts of rural/small town America really have gotten hammered for decades.
But it's certainly not the case that rural America has uniformly done badly out of the Obama years. Some rural states never got hit by the housing crisis and recession. Some places, like the Dakotas, saw an oil and gas boom. Et cetera.
There is a term for the latter group of people who are whining about how badly they've been doing when they objectively have nothing to whine about: entitled assholes.
You folks honestly believe that Trump is going to round you all up. LOL The vanity on you! Field, if by some miracle these predictions came true and Trump started rounding folks up, you wouldn't even blip on the radar. He'd round up the people who create the material, not one who copy-pastes it to his blog and adds words like "fuhrer," "Hitler" and "trump" to them. LOL
The vanity of you SJWs. It beggars all belief!
You people are not important enough to matter. How can you not see that? There aren't enough of you in the nation to keep Congress from a Republican majority or to give the presidency to Hillary. You really think Trump is worried about you folks?
You each believe you're the bellcow of the herd. You're not that important. There's not enough brain power among you black SJWs here to operate a successful fast-food restaurant. I really think you might be safe!
But it's still the dream of you SJWs to be that important that the president himself will snatch you up.
OMG, thank you so much for the LULZ!
Obviously, everyone here is important enough to matter to you--you've made it a point to seek out a "black SJW" blog to harass the commenters. You wouldn't bother if it didn't matter. Yet here you are...
Didn't take long for Josh to flash her tits to get attention huh? Don't worry sweety, one day he will notice you.
The Trumpenvolk get quite angry when it is pointed out to them that they have voted for a very bad man who intends to do very bad things.
On some level, they have to know that voting for our vile ogre of a president was effectively a fuck-you gesture to a huge number of their fellow citizens. And yet they become outraged and claim victimhood when the harm they have done is pointed out, and their immediate response is to accuse everyone who opposes Trump of being delusional and hysterical.
I guess it really is true that in real life, the bad guys usually don't realize that they're the bad guys.
Now even the NHL are having a laugh at the expense of President Liar.
I remember Jade 15 a year or so ago, wingnuts screamed Obama was using the military exercise to inflict martial law on Texas and a bunch of other western states. They claimed that abandoned WalMart stores had tunnels from China and dissenters would be rounded up and put in these tunnels for the Chinese to have. I also remember evry election year the NRA and their wingnut sheep screaming Obama was going to take away yer guns and that HRC was going to take yer guns.
The Netherlands trolled Donnie Dumbfuck using his very own words. This is four minutes of yer life you can enjoy wasting while the Dutch toast Drumpf's pastey white hide brown.
Runours going around Kelleyanne Conweasel punched a guy in the face several times at the inaugural brawl. Apparently 2 dudes got into it and Conway went after one of them. Her hands are bigger than Drumpf's. Maybe she is his personal security.
Thank you, Aurora, for believing me the POTUS. But I assure you I'm not.
Just because I get my kicks watching the stupidity unfold on this blog--something I am open about and don't pretend otherwise--doesn't make you important enough for the fucking PRESIDENT to throw into a concentration camp.
Let the stupid unfold! I make a comment that you people aren't important enough to be herded up by POTUS, and here comes the stupid saying, "Obviously WE ARE, lest you wouldn't be here!"
LMFAO! The lulz continue...
And I take it you folks aren't smart enough to see why that's funny to boot...
This is the link for the Dutch video.
Word of advice, Josh- lighten up on the hairspray. When you sit and stare at a carton of frozen orange juice for hours, you need to try an alternative deifinition of concentrate. 'Kay?
"I remember Jade 15 a year or so ago, wingnuts screamed Obama was using the military exercise to inflict martial law on Texas and a bunch of other western states. They claimed that abandoned WalMart stores had tunnels from China and dissenters would be rounded up and put in these tunnels for the Chinese to have. I also remember evry election year the NRA and their wingnut sheep screaming Obama was going to take away yer guns and that HRC was going to take yer guns."
Jade 15 = big bad gummint comin' fer our guns!!!!
Agenda 21 = the UN is using claims about climate change (which doesn't exist) to impose global communism!!!!
The Amero = our currency is going to be replaced with Mexican money!!!!
Shariah law = the 1% of Americans who are Muslim are going to make the other 99% of Americans follow their religion because that's how powerful Muslims are!!!!
Approximately 90% of the things conservatives panic about liberals wanting to do are completely fictional conspiracy theories. Which they readily believe because they (the ones who are not wealthy elites, anyway) are dumber than a bag of hammers.
Meanwhile, approximately 90% of the things liberals panic about conservatives wanting to do are the things conservatives actually want to do. Not all that much hysteria involved.
dinthebeast- c4p is conservatives for Palin and a swingers website. The way right wing nutters lusted after Snowdrift Snookie its a wonder the site isn't utilized more.
"Approximately 90% of the things conservatives panic about liberals wanting to do are completely fictional conspiracy theories."
He says not noticing the irony of liberals actually fretting over being arrested by Donald Trump because they disagree with him politically. LOL
Self-confidence = infinity
Self-awareness = negative fiddy
Josh wasted years of college so he could get a degree and troll on the internet. Money well spent. Bucko. Brilliant!
NYT finally called bullshit on Drumpf and accused him of lying. One small step for sanity......
So, here's President Troompa-Loompa. Still lying his apricot-colored ass off, but now with extra sass.
Because Field is serious about the Donald himself slapping the cuffs on him. Jesus, Josh is either a complete moron or is in serious need of constant attention.
When there are literally thousands of videos of people crying over the election of Donald Trump, moaning and complaining that they're going to be thrown out of the country, arrested, put in concentration camps, etc, it's not automatic that Field is being facetious. He's a dyed-in-the-wool pro-black progressive, which means he holds firm to certain beliefs, including but not limited to:
- Black people are being actively oppressed by white supremacy
- Black people's culture does not dictate their issues; it's the fault of white people draining their resources and unfairly targeting them
- Racism can only happen if the perp is white; it only works if there's a white power structure, only then can white people--and only white people--be racist
- All blacks shot by police are innocent victims of white people's "color arousal"
- OOW birth rates, dropout rates, and high crime rates are all unimportant issues, inflated by white people to slander blacks, and the more important issue at hand is racial inequality
- Blacks would do just as well in school as whites if only black schools were as well funded as white schools
A person holding these political beliefs actually believing Donald Trump wants him arrested is in no way a stretch of the imagination. Here's a guy who says it's white racism to blame that a black police officer, getting drunk for breakfast, experienced racism because he was asked to pay, per restaurant policy, for his alcoholic beverages in advance. This is a guy who literally believes that fewer than 1% of blacks murdered by police is a more pressing issues--of epidemic levels!--than over 90% of blacks being murdered by other blacks. Here's a guy who has never once in his life spoken about how blacks commit 90% of hate crimes in America yet focuses his blog for a month straight on white students using the word "nigger." Here's a guy who refused to admit he was wrong about the Mizzou CS1950 group, even when it was proven beyond all reasonable doubt that they had lied their asses off about everything.
And this hard-left ideological demagogue doesn't really think he's being targeted by Trump? LOL Dude's probably been using a proxy since Nov 9 because he's scared he's atop Trump's enemies list.
This is Field we're talking about here. The guy who quotes literally five words from an entire paragraph, not even able to read a complete sentence, just so he can straw-man an argument to feign indignant outrage. "Why I never!" LOL It's Field we're talking about, not a normal apolitical person whose thought process is rational and logical. It's the guy who puts blacks into two groups: House nigglets and field nigglets, because he has appointed himself the arbiter of what being "black" really is. This is the guy who calls a black person a white-acting house nig for even speaking to Donald Trump.
And you're arguing Field doesn't really believe Trump will have him arrested?
@12:22, you know damn well that white supremist sycophant didn't attend college, least not one that's accredited.
I just thought it might be a spin-off of
-Doug in Oakland
Well, Yishag, unlike you, I can actually demonstrate a masters-level understanding of my fields of study (biology, evo-bio), whereas you, with the entire Internet at your fingertips, cannot even spell properly the most rudimentary biological terms that even middle-school students know. You subsequently blame it on your AAVE blackspeak, but anyone honest here can see you for the fraud you are. Any time the topic broaches anything even remotely close to science, you're a no-show. You'll come back to spam the latest weave-wearer to be inducted into the AA Hall of Fame. You'll pretend to ignore me while using others as a proxy, a go-between to run your cocksucker. But if ever we're speaking about science and technology, you're not even able to spell properly, much less demonstrate you understand STEM whatsoever. You go into hiding and only come back when it's safe to spam nonsense. How many black women got into STEM this month, dumbass? About 97% fewer than whites and Asians? LOL
I have challenged folks here on multiple occasions to "debate" with me about evolutionary phenomena such as behavioral modernity and culture's genetic roots, and to date there doesn't exist a single "progressive" person who frequents this blog who can even answer the grade-school entry-level fundamental question of evolution: What is a mutation's relationship to natural selection?
You can't answer it. You get around being challenged by speaking to other people about me while pretending you don't read what I write. You obviously do; it's objectively evident in your posts. But you can't answer it. You don't know the answer. You're another owner of a borderline retarded IQ who, because she's on the Internet, has decided to big-up herself with the equivalent of a seventh-grade education.
You're another weave-wearing welfare queen with four bastard children from four fathers, tattoos and stretch marks and 50 pounds overweight. Don't front. Leave the babies with big mama while you go get your drink on after the Lil Wayne concert. LOL Then come back and tell us all how the doctorate is going...
"Because Field is serious about the Donald himself slapping the cuffs on him. Jesus, Josh is either a complete moron or is in serious need of constant attention."
We're a ways off from Trump jailing journalists.
But will he work to delegitimize press outlets that are hostile to him? Deny them access to press conferences, send his flying monkeys to harass them? Oh, hell yes. That's already under way.
And then there's always abuse of the legal system. Donald says he wants to "reform" libel laws to tame an out of control press -- by which he doesn't mean the lying jackasses like Fox that actually are out of control, but the sections of the media that care about facts, because facts are not Donald's friends.
If he manages to achieve such legal changes, then him suing newspapers and networks into bankruptcy is a real possibility. Even without legal changes, this can already happen by exploiting some badly written, already extant laws. Just ask the people over at Gawker. Oh wait, you can't ask them much, because Trump's buddy Peter Thiel helped Hulk Hogan sue Gawker into bankruptcy out of revenge (because they outed Thiel as queer) and Gawker doesn't exist anymore.
Josh must be a Drumpf. One of Donnie Dumbfucl's woods colts when DD was earning his purple heart not getting vd while shagging everything with 2 0r 4 legs.
Or maybe he is a master of mimicry and can quote big Daddy Dumbfuck verbatim.
Why wouldn't Trump target black bloggers? Although Josh's list of qualifications is a bit satirical and narrow-minded, if it doesn't contain one sand grain of truth, at the very least it illuminates the way that reactionary, racist Trump supporters think. I'm not sure if it provides any insight into how Trump thinks. No one may actually understand that. But I think it is safe to say that he is at odds with the BLM movement and perhaps pandering to the whole blue lives matter thing.
I don't think anyone will be arrested tomorrow. First will come a series of Trump fatwahs in the form of executive orders to the people of the U.S. Next television, cable, radio, print and internet sources of news and commentary will come under strict federal regulation with severe guidelines and harsh punishments for disobedience. Eventually all media sources will be controlled by a one-party government agency.
Next will come something more reminiscent of renditions than actual legal arrests. Thousands will simply be disappeared. Trump may actually commit cold-blooded murder with several witnesses yet the U.S. House of Representatives will refuse to impeach.
Next the twenty-second amendment will be repealed although perhaps not in the prescribed manner. After Trump serves a second term after a questionable second general election, he will be elected to a third term in time to relinquish the reigns of power to Mike Pence. I guess then comes WWIII if we can wait that long.
Well, with the buggering already well underway at the EPA, CDC, and elsewhere, here's a bit of prescient advice from the dearly departed Frank Zappa to all of you wide-eyed Trumplets as you line up for yours:
-Doug in Oakland
"Why wouldn't Trump target black bloggers?"
The question folks need to answer, if we're going to pretend to think logically, is why would he target them?
The burden of proof is on the claimants here. That's how these things work. You don't just get to blurt out like a 'tard that Trump's comin' after ya. Why would he?
You paranoid folks have deluded yourselves into thinking he really is Hitler. You need someone to be the enemy so badly, to justify your political dogma, that you'll end up making Alex Jones look sane.
And lol @ cramming the "racist" drop in there. I mean, that's a necessity in any rebuttal from a progressive leftist. That's rule #1 at this point: Make sure you call them racist!
It's a meaningless term. You folks have overused it so much, even insisting fucking Pepe the Frog is racist. It has no more bite. When's the last time somebody gave a fuck about the label, other the ones handing it out?
What used to count as racist: Shut up, nigger.
What now counts as racist: You're not important enough for Trump to worry about.
I guess in a world of "implicit bias" and "white privilege," everyone's racist -- so long as they're white.
You people are not important enough for Trump to go after! In the event he decides to go after blacks, it won't be barely literate bloggers. It'll probably be inner city thugs who are responsible for 50% of America's violent crimes. That's not you, right? I take it you folks here aren't violent criminals.
I hope he goes after the big business of bastard black mothers spitting out multiple bastard babies to leech off welfare. But that's another story.
Record number of Oscar nominations for people of color thi year and it's about damn time!!
And Ava Durvarnay is EVERYTHING!!!
Black Girl Magic!!!
Butt Trumpet had the bigger crowd. Just looked half empty because they had white sheets on.
Gee whiz, Josh. Other than you, there was only one person (read blogger) in my eleven years of blogging, that I ever called a racist. Nor have I ever called a person a racist in person. At least directly. I've tangled with some hard-core conservatives. People that think slavery was hundreds of years ago and is no longer relevant. People that didn't feel that their own ancestors were responsible for slavery, nor did they profit from it. People that honestly felt that guys like Freddy Gray and Michael Brown got what they deserved or even worse examples such as the poor lady who was pulled over for an unsafe lane change and ended up committing suicide in jail.
I have even discussed the Trayvon Martin murder with the opposing side in a genuine and honest way. Most of the time these exchanges have been civil, if not an opportunity to reach out to the other side.
But you are in a class by yourself. The other blogger that I termed racist is known as "Radical Redneck." He is too stupid to be paid any attention. But your brand of racism is extreme and dangerous. It is valuable to get inside the mind of a person like you to understand the enemy. You are a serious and hard core racist just like the Breitbart crowd.
It is valuable to get inside the mind of a person like you to understand the enemy. You are a serious and hard core racist just like the Breitbart crowd.
How could it possibly be valuable to get into the mind of a racist psychopath? I'm sure Field can track his IP, but outside of that, where's the intellectual or civil value?
You are spot-on. There is no intellectual or civic value. I'm not talking about a Kum-ba-yah moment.
The only value is strictly military. Strategic. This way of thinking must be eradicated. The perpetuators and villains of this hateful, racist philosophy must be vanquished and destroyed.
This is not something that we need to teach to our children.
"But your brand of racism is extreme and dangerous."
Yep. It sure is. I don't agree with the pro-black progressive victims that whitey is to blame for their problems. Now THAT'S the type of racism that must be called out and eradicated at all costs! It's "strictly military." Hyperbole much? LOL Someone disagrees with victim ideology. Uh oh!
Seeing as you provide no examples of this dangerous, extreme "racism," I have to call complete bullshit on your obvious lies of not accusing others of it. It's par for the course for your types. Anything said you don't like, call it racist.
IDGAF. "Racist" is a meaningless slur. Might as well pull a Yiscunt and call me "faggot." Has the same net result.
It's intellectual laziness. It's a crutch. And it has less power than it's ever had before.
Blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah flash tits blah blah blah blah blah.
About black women, Josh says:
White women know they're atop the pecking order, with a shit-load of room to spare. They are not the least desirable women in America, as you and your sistas be, yo. They do not need to stand around in a huddle, throwing their fist in the air, and pretending that it's 1946. They don't need to get pregnant and have bastards for financial gain. … You, on the other hand, need to practice twerking in the mirror, trying out different lace fronts, so you can go get a thug n da club to knock you up with your 7th baby from the 7th man in 7 years.
On the sexual attractiveness of the races, Josh says:
White women are my preference. I've dated two black girls in my life. They were easy and sleazy. I think they have about 9 kids between them now. DNA -- that's what they want. Dick 'n attention. (You know it better than I do.) …Any data around concerning online dating and hook-ups and whatnot show black women at the bottom of the heap as the least desirable market. Maybe not in Somalia, but certainly the West. That's not my standard. I personally hold black girls above Thai and Vietnamese and Filipino and that region of Asia, though Japanese are my #2. White women are the most desirable women in the Western world, far and away.
Nobody knows this is a fact more than black men. Are you fucking kidding me? White girls are the prize. Even most of the black men who choose black women are doing so out of sense of racial solidarity so they don't make the "sistas" angry. Everybody wants a white woman, or they're lying to score points. ...
White women are the beauty standard of the modern world. Hey, don't blame me that black women, in a never-ending mission to straighten their hair like white women, spend billions upon billions of (taxpayer) dollars every year on weave.
These are things that black people know to be true far and away more than I know them. But because it's a white person saying them, it'll just be "racist."
On evolution, Josh says:
eck old Jo
By and large, Europid Caucasians have very scant amounts of African DNA. Typically around 0.1-1%. What does this mean? There have been so many trillions of changes to the nucleotide sequence of DNA that, generally speaking, "white" DNA has abolished almost every conceivable trace of "black" DNA. Do you realize how many generational variations, how much fucking time it takes, to change 99% of the genetic code? (Rhetorical question; of course you don't.) DNA doesn't just disappear or anything; it's changed over successive generations of natural selection. The fact that whites have, at best, 1% of their DNA attributable to Africans pretty much sums up that these reproducing molecules thought it advantageous to DUMP--to get rid of!--African DNA….Natural selection dictates that an organism will adapt via picking up traits which are advantageous to its environment. Even if what you're saying is true--which it's not--that really, really puts Negroids in a HORRIBLE light. It means that African DNA--black traits and characteristics--are so incredibly toxic and unsuited for an Earthly environment that the human genome changed itself to get rid of being African, because African DNA was so unsuited for survival…. The deoxyribonucleic acids changed themselves by a factor of trillions through selective breeding for one sole purpose: To no longer be African!
That was the quote that blew my mind. Fucking William Shockley back from the grave. I gave some examples of what I considered to be less extreme forms of racism, (denial of relevance of slavery,) for instance. In my opinion, and it is only an opinion, your views are on the edge of extreme. Dangerous? Well, yes. Maybe not on this website, but this type of thinking is what radicalized Dylann Roof. I don’t believe this is the only mass murder or lynching since 1963. Let’s fact check old Josh on that.
About black women, Josh says:
White women know they're atop the pecking order, with a shit-load of room to spare. They are not the least desirable women in America, as you and your sistas be, yo. They do not need to stand around in a huddle, throwing their fist in the air, and pretending that it's 1946. They don't need to get pregnant and have bastards for financial gain. … You, on the other hand, need to practice twerking in the mirror, trying out different lace fronts, so you can go get a thug n da club to knock you up with your 7th baby from the 7th man in 7 years.
On the sexual attractiveness of the races, Josh says:
White women are my preference. I've dated two black girls in my life. They were easy and sleazy. I think they have about 9 kids between them now. DNA -- that's what they want. Dick 'n attention. (You know it better than I do.) …Any data around concerning online dating and hook-ups and whatnot show black women at the bottom of the heap as the least desirable market. Maybe not in Somalia, but certainly the West. That's not my standard. I personally hold black girls above Thai and Vietnamese and Filipino and that region of Asia, though Japanese are my #2. White women are the most desirable women in the Western world, far and away. Nobody knows this is a fact more than black men. Are you fucking kidding me? White girls are the prize. Even most of the black men who choose black women are doing so out of sense of racial solidarity so they don't make the "sistas" angry. Everybody wants a white woman, or they're lying to score points. ...
White women are the beauty standard of the modern world. Hey, don't blame me that black women, in a never-ending mission to straighten their hair like white women, spend billions upon billions of (taxpayer) dollars every year on weave.
These are things that black people know to be true far and away more than I know them. But because it's a white person saying them, it'll just be "racist."
On evolution, Josh says:
By and large, Europid Caucasians have very scant amounts of African DNA. Typically around 0.1-1%. What does this mean? There have been so many trillions of changes to the nucleotide sequence of DNA that, generally speaking, "white" DNA has abolished almost every conceivable trace of "black" DNA. Do you realize how many generational variations, how much fucking time it takes, to change 99% of the genetic code? (Rhetorical question; of course you don't.) DNA doesn't just disappear or anything; it's changed over successive generations of natural selection. The fact that whites have, at best, 1% of their DNA attributable to Africans pretty much sums up that these reproducing molecules thought it advantageous to DUMP--to get rid of!--African DNA….Natural selection dictates that an organism will adapt via picking up traits which are advantageous to its environment. Even if what you're saying is true--which it's not--that really, really puts Negroids in a HORRIBLE light. It means that African DNA--black traits and characteristics--are so incredibly toxic and unsuited for an Earthly environment that the human genome changed itself to get rid of being African, because African DNA was so unsuited for survival…. The deoxyribonucleic acids changed themselves by a factor of trillions through selective breeding for one sole purpose: To no longer be African!
That was the quote that blew my mind. Fucking William Shockley back from the grave. I gave some examples of what I considered to be less extreme forms of racism, (denial of relevance of slavery,) for instance. In my opinion, and it is only an opinion, your views are on the edge of extreme. Dangerous? Well, yes. Maybe not on this website, but this type of thinking is what radicalized Dylann Roof. I don’t believe this is the only mass murder or lynching since 1963. Let’s fact check old Josh on that.
"White women know they're atop the pecking order, with a shit-load of room to spare." - Hard data from online dating backs this up. For relationships, white women--in America--are atop the pecking order by loads. If you can't figure out the rest of the context to be a personal smear against an individual (Yisbitch) and not an entire race, I can't help you.
As for everyone knowing this: Hey, who better than black people to speak on this!? It's common knowledge that there's long been a rift in the black community, with black women leading the charge (mostly), of wanting black men to be with black women, to stay away from the white girls. I'm not sure how you're reading racism into this. Insensitivity? Okay; maybe. A bit too general and not qualified well enough? Probably. Racism? LULZ
"Even if what you're saying is true--which it's not--that really, really puts Negroids in a HORRIBLE light. It means that African DNA--black traits and characteristics--are so incredibly toxic and unsuited for an Earthly environment that the human genome changed itself to get rid of being African, because African DNA was so unsuited for survival."
I appreciate someone who takes the time to make their case. I mean that sincerely. 99% it's just "racist, jealous, lil dick, homeless, loser," etc. However, this particular portion of the conversation, which I'm assuming you're judging as the "racist" bit, was in direct reply to someone saying just the opposite, talking about white albino mutants going extinct and whatnot. My response: EVEN IF what the guy is saying is true, that blacks are godly, what that means, per a scientific standpoint, is that African DNA was not advantageous to evolution in areas outside of Africa.
Do you understand how natural selection works? I was trying to make a point to this guy: IF being "black" is the best-suited form of homo sapiens for the planet, then Europid Caucasoid people would not have evolved, and the genome wouldn't have underwent such a gargantuan change to purge itself of African phenotypes. Not sure how it's racist. But I understand that people always read this as a superior-inferior argument. And that's because, by and large, American schools aren't allowed to teach these subjects, so no one learns nuance or how to navigate the facts. It's simply factual. If being African were better than being Europid, there wouldn't have been any evolution. Is this rocket science? Granted, it's a "hard" scientific, natural discipline, but you strike me as intelligent enough to grasp it.
The tone of that comment was in reply to a guy who has been in here BEGGING for white genocide for months now. You know the context. You chose intentionally to quote-mine the context, to act as if I just started a racist rambling rant out of the blue clear sky. No. That entire tone there is a thumb in the eye to a moron who was claiming white people are mutant freaks who aren't suited to live on the planet. I was giving him a taste of his own medicine, only using an actual genetic argument and not just bare assertion.
You act like I just mailed you a manifesto and that these comments don't exist in a MUCH BROADER body of context.
It's important that we document Trump's bullshit. He and his supporters are going to try and gaslight the fuck out of us to try to make us feel crazy and thus totally reliant on Trump for his version of "reality". I know that game.
"feel" libtards are batshit krazy!!
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