"President-elect Donald Trump has tapped Bill Stepien — Chris Christie’s former campaign manager whom the New Jersey governor axed after becoming mired in the — as his White House political director, his transition team said Wednesday.
Stepien, who ran both of Christie’s gubernatorial campaigns and who the oversized guv fired after his name came up in emails related to the scandal over the George Washington Bridge lane closures, had been working with the Trump transition team in recent months and had previously worked on the presidential bids of George W. Bush and John McCain.
While Stepien’s hire had been expected, it was nevertheless ironic, considering Christie — who had supported Trump quickly after he abandoned his own bid and who became a prominent surrogate for the mogul — will be awarded with no title or responsibilities in the incoming administration." [Source]
Hey, he is male and he is white; that should be good enough for Herr trump.
In other news, republicans are gearing up to repeal the ACA, also known as Obamacare. I suspect that they will try to come up with something similar, but with a different name. Their "smart" supporters will be cool with that as long as it doesn't have Obama's name on it.
They better be careful, though, there are a lot of Americans who are pretty cool with the ACA. They keep saying things like "repeal and replace", but they haven't come up with a proposed replacement in eight years.
Pence was in Washington today rallying the troops, but so far we have heard nothing that remotely sounds like a plan coming from the republicans that is better than what we currently have. They will son learn that just being against something isn't enough, you have to give us an alternative, and one that actually works.
What the republicans are floating out there does not work in terms of guaranteeing health coverage for everyone, and it will be expensive to boot. According to CNN Money, repealing Obamacare will cost us $350 billion dollars.
Unfortunately for republicans, it seems the slogan that Chuck Schumer came up with for them ["Make America Sick Again"] might be all too accurate.
*Pic from vanityfair.com
Marsha Blackburn ✔ @MarshaBlackburn
Do you support the repeal of Obamacare? RT if you do, and share what you want to see as the replacement.
9:47 AM - 3 Jan 2017
Some wingnut's poll didn't turn out the way it was designed and Blackburn was caught redhanded without a plan to replace the ACA. Karma bats last.
60+ million dimwits voted for a P and VP who don't think anyone should be healthy and had no concrete plan to replace the ACA. They also voted for people who want to bring back filthy coal (and black lung disease) when the market trend for the last several years worldwide is towards clean green energy.
No sympathy. Die, useless dimwits!
"No sympathy. Die, useless dimwits!"
That's a very persuasive argument. And I thought liberals were supposed to be tolerant.
Anyway, same to you and have a great new year.
And I thought liberals were supposed to be tolerant. Phucking right wing talking points is all you got, Anymoose.
So let's take inventory. Retired, Whooteemoo coal miners who instead of retraining with the times, settled their tech knowledge on getting a new iPhone every year, are about to loose the health insurance they need to keep the COPD they developed working in the coal mines, in check.
Overweight/diabetic and heroin addicted, do they regally think Trump is going to save their asses?
Surprised dumbass had time to appoint anyone with all that tweeting. We've elected a spoiled kid. Let's hope we make it through the next 4-8 years.
Funny, Trump and Palin hated Julian Assange but suddenly both hail him as a hero. Hypocrisy is their currency.
Trump is dumping on America's intelligence community. That's a good move for an incoming President. Hoo boy.
Christ. Hiring one of Christie's disgraced goons. It's unbelievable how our next prez is going out of his way to recruit the incompetent and the despicable.
In any functional country, a large percentage of Trump's followers would already realize he's going to betray them, based on his awful cabinet and other staffing choices alone. They'd already be furious, and the guy hasn't even taken office yet. But not here in America, where, apparently, armies of clueless rubes only pay attention to a candidate's ridiculous campaign slogans and fail to notice that he's doing the exact opposite of what those slogans would imply.
I wonder what it will take for some of those voters to realize they got bamboozled and Trump is neither the friend of the working man nor opposed to corruption (lol). How bad will the shafting have to be before it sinks in that they screwed themselves? Or will they remain in a state of denial forever and just double down on racism?: "Trump could have helped us if it weren't for those dirty minorities and political correctness stopping him!!"
They don't have a Republican plan because the ACA IS the fucking Republican plan. Thought up by Heritage, instituted by Romney as a hail Mary pass to avoid "socialized medicine" while still trying to do something about the mess that was US healthcare at the time, albeit using only right wing approved "market based" approaches.
And that's the real difference: back in the '90s when they thought it up, there actually were some Republicans who wanted to fix the healthcare system and help out their constituents. Now they don't give a rat's ass unless they have to.
So that's our job right now, to make them have to.
-Doug in Oakland
"Hey, he is male and he is white; that should be good enough for Herr trump."
Well, they did build America up into the greatest nation on earth. We should probably sit back and let them run things, it will be better for all of us.
If the Chicago kidnapping races were reversed, about seven Hollywood films would currently be in pre-production by now.
If the Chicago kidnapping races were reversed, Field would have creamed in his pants before he could his post up.
His silence will be deafening.
For those who haven't seen it:
Chicago investigators are questioning four African-Americans after a Facebook Live video shows a group of people torturing a white mentally disabled man while someone yelled "F*** Trump!" and "F*** white people!"
"It's sickening. You know it makes you wonder what would make individuals treat somebody like that," Police Supt. Eddie Johnson added.
Throughout the video, the victim is repeatedly kicked and hit, his scalp is cut, all while he is tied up with his mouth taped shut.
At one point, the victim is held at knife point and told to curse President-elect Donald Trump. The group also forces the victim to drink water from a toilet.
The suspects can be heard saying they want the video to go viral.
The retarded kid was a classmate of one of the suspects. He considered the people who tortured him friends.
Where would they get the idea that this would be something cool to post to Facebook? Why did they think it would be popular?
The coverage of BLM kidnapping will be the definitive illustration of who is really the Fake News media.
Unlike the fake A&E show about the Klan, the BLM kKidnapping tells us an "Inconvenient Truth" about race in America.
>Where would they get the idea that this would be something cool to post to Facebook? Why did they think it would be popular?<
Many black Americans are indoctrinated from childhood to see whitey as an evil oppressor responsible for all their misfortunes. That's what.
Many white Americans are indoctrinated to feel guilt and to be terrified of being called racist.
The elites train minorities feel they are justified in hating and attacking whites. Field himseld has justified black on white violence as payback for past discrimination.
If four Trump supporters kidnapped and tortured a black kid, blacks would burn down half of America and the media would tell us why we deserved it.
If that white kidnapping victim said the "N-word" while being tortured he could be in some real trouble with the law.
Anonymous said...
Where would they get the idea that this would be something cool to post to Facebook? Why did they think it would be popular?
Maybe lying to black children teaching them they made everything under the sun and whitey stole everything. Just a thought.
Where is Loretta Lynch when our country's disadvantaged minority kidnappers are suffering racial epithets through their victim's mouth tape?
""It's sickening. You know it makes you wonder what would make individuals treat somebody like that," Police Supt. Eddie Johnson added."
Well if he really wants an answer to that question, perhaps he should talk to his former colleague Jon Burge, who according to Wikipedia has been out of prison since '14, and "gained notoriety for torturing more than 200 criminal suspects between 1972 and 1991 in order to force confessions."
-Doug in Oakland
I can't wait until something like this happens to Doug.
Google is going around deleting every video on YouTube showing the 30 minutes of torture the BLM kids did to that white kid.
Of course they are.
weird that the anti-trump hate crimes are always caught on tape, and the pro-trump hate crimes never are.
must be a coincidence
You do realize that this is not true or the county would be on fire because of Dylan Roof, especially after his statement today.
No, I hate to break it to you, but the only time black people tend to angry about murder, is when the police shoot unarmed citizens and get off.
White folks are always so worried about the police state but you have yet to wake up and realize that the police have been practicing on black communities for years.
But the shooting of unarmed white people is becoming more common, especially the poor and mentally ill. Beware. What you accept for us, you are eventually accepting for yourselves.
Major US institutions — our schools, the Mainstream Media, Hollywood — constantly stoke black resentment of whites.
Field, why do you let these idiot white supremacists camp out here? They have all of Stormfront. Let then go there.
yisheng bleated...
"are about to loose the health insurance"
"loose" LOL
All that affirmative action "educumacashun" and still can spell "lose".
Feelz finally got some talent on his blog. Porter is one of the best bloggers out there. You are a very privileged negro Mr. Feelz.
Brittany Herring...the epitome of an African negress in America.
TDG, we must not hide from ignorance . Let them troll and expose themselves, it helps us to understand what we are up against.
Hmmm, still looking for some type of confirmation that these four thugs were a part of BLM.
It seems that contrary to the wingnut narrative, there is no connection.
Carry on.
@Deborah, if they didn't post here we wouldn't all be able to trust and verify how inherently stupid they all are. And I actually think it's kinda nice to be reminded of how great my life is in comparison to theirs!😃😃😃😃😃😃😃😊😊😊
They faked the BLM association to discredited that organization, fire up their idiot base, and distract from Dylan roof!
Good article detailing lesser known cost cutting feature of Obamacare (too esoteric for Tweety to tweet about). And for good measure a couple of typical low information Real Americans who were anti-Obamacare even though it saved one of their lives.
After Obama, Some
Health Reforms
May Prove Lasting
More white privilege at its finest- https://www.memphisdailynews.com/news/2016/dec/27/ap-investigation-eric-trump-foundation-flouts-charity-standards/
Baby Hitler took money for cancerous kids and funneled it to one of Dad's golf courses and other family members.Dear old Hitler Senior took to Tweeter last week and complained how unfair Eric was being treated because he loves those cancerous kids so much. Apparently not as mych as his own family.
I love the smell of "sploding wingnut heads in the cold. clear sub-zero dawn.
Looks like Hidden Figures is set to record record numbers!!
If James Byrd being dragged behind a pick up in Texas until his head fell off is not a hate crime (and intellectual dumbass dubya sez it weren't) then what may or may not have happened in Chicago is clearly not a hate crime.
As for Drumpf's lies about the CIA not being ready to brief him on Tuesday or Wednesday, the briefings were clearly scheduled for today with the Senate having 2-one behind closed doors and the other for tomorrow with dumbass Drumpf. These were scheduled quite awhile back. So Drumpf was clearly lying some more.
Many black Americans are indoctrinated from childhood to see whitey as an evil oppressor responsible for all their misfortunes. That's what.
A very stark reality for many Blacks and other POC. Even poor,white kids have been badly treated by whitey wingnuts.
So, is Porter a personal pro-noun or a job description?
mike from iowa said...
If James Byrd being dragged behind a pick up in Texas until his head fell off is not a hate crime
The guys who did this were executed by the State of Texas. That's not enough for you?
It's Yīshēng, Stalking B*cthes said...
And I actually think it's kinda nice to be reminded of how great my life is in comparison to theirs
Yeah, it's great!!! Really, really great!!!! Couldn't be better!!!!! Really!!!!!! Wooaaaahhaahaaoo!!!!!!!!!
Tweety knows shit about hacking that no one else does, so if he can't brief the CIA until tomorrow then the Senate briefings will have to wait until after that.
he guys who did this were executed by the State of Texas. That's not enough for you?
Nope. dumbass dubya told both of them they did a heck of a job and fellated both just before the ban hammer came down. Bush got their last meal-a double racist slurpee.
OMFG! Yer Wonkette has officially condemned four Blacks torturing a white guy. The world is so over. Now racist whites will be patting themselves so hard on the back for guessing right once they will all injure themselves and then whine when Drumpf's crooked gubmint won't pay them for their work related arm injuries. Drumpf's rules clearly state only arms injured patting the mangled apricot shitgibbon are worthy of disability payments. Too bad, so sad-SUCKERS!
Those thugs who tortured the disabled white kid are disgusting.
But my question for you wingnut pinheads is, why are you surprised? Millions of white people elected President Hate to inflict punishment on people of color. They voted to make black people sit down and shut up, and to go to prison at increasiing rates. They voted to kick Latino and Muslim people out of the country entirely.
Did you expect the people targeted by Trump would sit meekly back and wait for misery to rain down on them? Hate breeds hate. Why are you shocked that the response to the actions of evil white bastards is the creation of more evil black bastards? This is basic human nature.
Repealing ACA makes no logical sense. Of course "logical Republican" is an oxymoron.
The Ministry of Truth said...
"Did you expect the people targeted by Trump would sit meekly back and wait for misery to rain down on them?"
In what way has President Trump ever indicated his aim is to rain down misery on blacks? On the contrary, he has promised to address the problems of poor balcks head on. He has been in public life for 30 years and no one called him racist until it looked like he had a shot at winning.
This kind of crazy rhetoric is what inspires thugs like this to commit these atrocities.
A bi-partisan group of people have discovered at least 50 Drumpf electors were not eligible to serve as electors because they did not live in the right place and other stuff.
Heard this last night and now Salon has a story out about it today. So much cheating, so little time.
Uh-oh, someone is in trouble. http://crooksandliars.com/2017/01/dni-chief-james-clapper-russia-involved
Russia not only hacked but they are still engaged in hacking. Blame Obama.
"He has been in public life for 30 years and no one called him racist until it looked like he had a shot at winning."
You're kidding, right? The Justice Department sued him for housing discrimination against blacks -- back in the '80s. Trump ran full page ads in multiple papers -- back in the '80s -- demanding the execution of five black men for a crime of which they'd been proven innocent.
That he managed to land a reality TV show after that doesn't prove Trump isn't racist. It proves some network execs are greedy dirtbags who only care about money.
That you don't see his campaign as racist only proves you LIKE racism.
His plans to "help" black people are the the kind of help no actual black people want (like more impunity for violent cops).
China plans to invest 361 billion bucks(US) in renewable energy sources by 2020.
Former congresscritter and Drumpf's pick for HHS traded hundreds of thousands of dollars of stock as a congressman while making legislation that benefitted those companies and Price's bottom line. Another phucking wingnut crook in charge of the chicken coop.
Stone is pushing more fake news stories. Someone needs to end this charade with a 2nd amendment solution. Water the tree of liberty with tainted wingnut bodily fluids.
moron from iowa asks...
"So, is Porter a personal pro-noun or a job description?"
See how easy that was.
"Former congresscritter and Drumpf's pick for HHS traded hundreds of thousands of dollars of stock as a congressman while making legislation that benefitted those companies and Price's bottom line. Another phucking wingnut crook in charge of the chicken coop."
Then their first order of business was to gut the OCE. Hmmmm.
So Ryan has admitted that the defunding of Planned Parenthood will be included in the bill repealing the ACA. Are you listening yet ladies?
-Doug in Oakland
ee how easy that was?
Talking about your girlfriend or your dog, or both? See how easy that wuz?
Well, I bet this guy never videotaped the kidnapping and torture of someone just because they were a different skin color.
So there's that...
Wingnuts brought back a bill from 130 years ago giving a simple majority of both houses of congress the right to cut civil servant's pay and/or agencies budgets to $1. federal workers of the lib persuasion are in danger of being forced out and replaced by loyal wingnuts with fully restored pay. The original law was changed to protect civil servants from political whims of dingbat wingnuts in the first place. Bad,wingnuts, bad!
Put up or shut up wingnuts.
Here is a real funny- http://wonkette.com/610191/wikileaks-really-mad-somebody-leaked-cia-report-before-russia-could/wikileak-meta-1
Wikileaks claims Obama administration leaked top secret details to NBC news. Drumpf doesn't want an investigation of Russia. No no. Putin wants Drumpf to investigate US intelligence for leakers.
Here's another funny. Wingnuts have a bill that slashes embassy security funding in half until they get a new embassy in Jerusalem, just in time for the Rapture. Apparently four dead Americans in Benghazi wasn't really a serious problem for these treasonous devils.
Gawd I hate rethuglicans.
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