
It's motivating by fear. "If you don't repent you will burn in hell". Or, "If you don't vote for me the other guy is going to make your life miserable".
Donald trump uses this tactic brilliantly to keep his minions and followers in line: "America is going to hell in a hand basket. It's in terrible shape, and if you don't let me do what I want, things are only going to get worse."
He was at it again today while visiting us here in Philly.
" President Trump said Thursday that Philadelphia's murder rate has been "steady, I mean, just terribly increasing.
By almost any interpretation, he's wrong.
First, let's look at his full quote:
The most accurate interpretation of his remarks about Philadelphia would be to say the murder rate last year was steady. That is correct: In 2015, the murder rate was about 17.86 per 100,000 residents, according to a calculation using police statistics and census data. In 2016, it was about 17.41 per 100,000 residents.
But after saying "steady" Trump added, "I mean, just terribly increasing," which is incorrect. It's true that 2015 and 2016 had higher murder rates than 2013 and 2014. But the earlier two years had the lowest murder rates the city had seen in decades: " [Source]
The Philadelphia Inquirer is being kind. He knows that he is "wrong"; he flat out lied.
But that's how trump rolls, he just lies for lying sake. He can't help himself. It's one lie after another. Lying has become the new normal for an American president. Facts be dammed, we have "alternative facts" to give you.
Today trump was in Philly, and there were thousands and thousands of protesters in the streets. He can't lie to me about that, I saw it with my own eyes. But we all now how obsessed he is with crowds. (Ordering a government agency to find proof to back up a lie is beyond the pale.) Soon he will go on some national cable show and try to convince us that there were no protests in Philly today. And the scary thing is that some people will believe him.
Is it any wonder, then, that his number two guy does not want the press to report anything and just "keep its mouth shut".
Hopefully no one in the Fifth Estate is listening, and everyone will just keep writing and talking.
Stephen Bannon is a reprehensible...I hesitate to call him a human being, so I'll just settle for...thing.
Media seemed to think that the desirable strategy when Obama was in office. Why shouldn't whites in America have the same rights as blacks in America? Damn racists are despicable. It's current year!
whooteemoos = trump shit eaters
Classic albino you love your pedophile president must remind you of your family
Albinos equal death
There's no such thing as a white person just pale albino devils
Just because your dumb asses can't admit who you are making Shit updated and passing that dumb Shit down to the next evil generation doesn't make it accurate or less stupid
Philly=dangerous shithole
More clowning from the Trumpettes. To shut them up he will have to raise the stakes as his Russky soulmate will remind him on Saturday. That said, a measure of the media's collective cojones will be whether they keep the pressure on his voter fraud investigation until he is forced to admit he is full of shit, or whether they let him off the hook.
His justification of the lies he tells is that "millions of people believe" the lies. Which may be another lie, but maybe not, as his supporters are 1) stupid and 2) infinitely reprogrammable repeaters of whatever lie is currently being circulated, even if that lie contradicts the previous lie from the day before. They are the careful product of 25 years of Fox News and hate radio, and are currently functioning exactly as designed. So perhaps there might be millions of them, and perhaps they may actually believe the lies he tells. His lies are still lies no matter who believes them.
So the upper levels of management at the state department have all either been purged, or quit in protest of the purges.
My question right now is will there be as many investigations of the carnage which will result from running off the only people who know how to keep it from happening as there were of Benghazi?
-Doug in Oakland
Was very proud of my Philly brothers and sisters today. And while President Trump and his band of not so merry men (along witj Kellyanne Conway) attempt to distract citizens with "alternate facts," those with integrity must focus on the bigger picture.
Getting caught up in every ridiculous tweet and the Trump administration's version of Celebrity Apprentice is utter madness.
Everything from the ACA to CFPB to EPA to civil rights is under major attack to the point it does not matter what parallel universe this administration presents to us.
The ultimate goal has to be narrowing the progressive divide in time for 2018 elections.
Similar to a more unsettling agenda underway when citing inaccurate data regarding Philly crime statistics, theguardian.com clarifies how this tactic also fuels the upcoming voter fraud investigation.
Here are the potential sinister motives behind Donald Trump's voter fraud lie | Lawrence Douglas | Opinion | The Guardian
White supremacy equals abject poverty for black people
But your cool with a pedophile president just got use an equal sign to represent nothing
I am thinking that most of you at least the age of 25 must have known at least one or more compulsive liars in your time. Not somebody that would lie to their parents or somebody who would tell little lies to their spouse or squeeze, or even to their best friends. But someone whose modus operandi just seemed to be lying their fucking ass off as cool as a cucumber, as if you must be crazy or stupid not to believe them. And a lot of the time, they pull it off, as most of us good people just wish to believe in a higher and more moral human nature. I think the take-away from a true megalomaniac like Trump and his laughable relationship with the truth is that lies are the most potent, albeit factually ridiculous, when the liar actually believes them whole-heartedly with every fiber of his or her being. Most of us tend to view a disingenuous person as a great conniver. Someone who understands that they are lying and purposefully seeks to deceive their listeners with a deliberate untruth.
When it comes to the carefully crafted lies of the American right-wing extremists of today, nothing could be further from the truth. Because the whole thing is a movement. A belief system. A lifestyle choice. Even the demon, Rush Limbaugh, rather than being a crafty old liar like Satan himself, is just another dupe who buys into this demented political belief system.
The best liars are the psychos who actually believe in the lies that they peddle.
You punk as albino devils have only to do two things and I am shut down, first create me I can have a genetic mutation and that's an albino second stop using sunscreen until then you fucking genetic recessive bitch know your place
And Josh pull that dick out your mouth and pretend they're your balls cause your a neutered bitch
We have genetic recessive bitches taking Shit while promoting elected officials that not only rape children but tossed up their own children this is evil
One show me rex Wilkerson doesn't have child rape accusations or you're racist president or he is not a stooge for the greater Israel agenda fuck until you can
Sorry missed a word Fuck off until you can
27th January 2017 - Meters of wall built = 0.
Hey PC, I got I touch with my DC contact last week, and I'm waiting on a follow up message. also need your email addy again.
Food thing obongo never lied,about healthcare,economy,shovel ready jobs,deficit,etcetcetc stooped negro
Food thing obongo never lied,about healthcare,economy,shovel ready jobs,deficit,etcetcetc stooped negro
Good thing obongo never lied,about healthcare,economy,shovel ready jobs,deficit,etcetcetc stooped negro
The "Philly is a crime-ridden hellhole" lie is bad enough, but in Chicago, the ramifications of Trumpian crime lies may end up being more serious.
The history behind this is that Republicans have been bashing Chicago non-stop since Obama became president, since that city is where his political career began and was based. It was always a dog-whistle of sorts (much like bringing up Detroit to imply that the presence of black people causes economic collapse):
Chicago has a history of corruption, ergo Obama must be corrupt. Chicago is the "murder capital" -- because black people are naturally evil and violent, obviously -- ergo, DANGEROUS BLACK MAN IN THE WHITE HOUSE!!
The latter claim was especially annoying because, on a per-capita basis, Chicago was nothing like the murder capital. Chicago's crime rate clocked in around the middle of the crime rate ranking for major American cities. But who cares, just keep calling it "Chiraq" anyway -- redneck Fox News viewers are dumb and can't do math and get migraines if you use confusing terms like "per capita" around them.
However, in 2016, that changed. I guess if you claim a given city is a really dangerous place, year after year after year, eventually you'll be proven right, because that city is bound to eventually have a bad year for crime. A broken clock is right twice a day, etc. And in 2016, Chicago did indeed have an epically awful year for violent crime -- a single year-on-year homicide increase of 60%. So congratulations, wingnuts, on endlessly lying until your offensive lie happened to come true.
So, anyway, now that Chicago is in the middle of a rather serious crime wave, Trump is offering federal aid to city authorities to deal with the violence. And from any other president, the help might be welcome. And yet ... it's Trump, so what would that help actually look like? Declaration of martial law? Shoot on sight orders? Sending accused gangbangers to Guantanamo? (Trump says he wants to fill Gitmo back up with "bad guys," including American ones.)
Honestly, absolutely nobody in Chicago is excited to hear what Il Duce Arancione has in mind. With friends like him, who needs enemies?
There is a truism that All Politicians Lie--whether they be Liberal, Conservative, or Moderate. This includes Barack Obama, George W. Bush, and the Clintons.
However, Donald Trump has taken America's political lying to another level and makes Obama, Clinton, or Bush seem like saints in terms of lying.
Tony Schwartz, who spent 18 months interviewing and observing Trsar Trump as the ghostwriter for The Art of the Deal, states that Trump is a sociopath and a narcissitic liar beyond all bounds"
"If he were writing The Art of the Deal today, he’d call it “The Sociopath” instead, Schwartz told the New Yorker in July, an interview that broke decades of silence on the matter. “I certainly felt a kind of moral imperative to step in and say what I knew about a man I considered to be so dangerous, and I am very relieved that I did.”
The Trump he observed was vulgar and vainglorious, a narcissistic liar with a short attention span, no appetite for reading books and an “extremely mixed” business record. A Trump presidency could, he warns, lead to martial law, the end of press freedom and the risk of nuclear war: “Staggeringly dangerous. Worse than I imagined when he began to run. Unthinkable. Horrifying. He’s way more out of control in the last couple of months than I’ve ever seen him. He doesn’t have any core beliefs beyond his own aggrandisement and power.”
Donald Trump's ghostwriter on being the 'Dr Frankenstein' who made a monster
Schwartz — who spent 18 months observing or interviewing Trump — says the tyrannical tycoon is a serial liar who spins stories about everything from his business dealings to his relationships with his family.
"Lying is second nature to him," he told the New Yorker. "More than anyone else I have ever met, Trump has the ability to convince himself that whatever he is saying at any given moment is true, or sort of true, or at least ought to be true."
‘Art of the Deal’ co-author calls Trump ‘sociopath' in interview
The treatment of President Obama and the election of PEEOTUS, is a constant reminder that America is filled with more misogynist, racists pricks than it was during slavery.
Seems the Trump administration is looking into easing sanctions on Russia. I know I know you're just as shocked as I am. Rex Tillerson was nominated for Sec of State and this wasn't telegraphed? I guess we have to rely on Lindsay Grahm to save the republic.
Wingnuts always lump Chicago, Phillie, Baltimore, Detroit and Flint together as proof Blacks can't govern.
If wingnuts controlled Chi town they would have the NRA selling guns on every street corner because the only way to stop the bad guys with guns is for armed wingnuts to duck for cover when the bullets fl.......is with good guys with guns. If a wingnut gets elected mayor again, be sure to buy stock in gun makers.
Sounds like Drumpf is turning Radio Free America into Drumpf propaganda machine.
Talking to a few Trump supporters they actually had the gall to say they were impressed Tillerson and Trump only take a dollar salary. Really? I'm supposed to be impressed that multi multi multi millionaires don't need $200,000 a year to live? That should tell us who we're dealing with when a six figure salary is chump change.
FYI- Drumpf's Muslim country immigrant ban does not happen to include those Muslim countries where Drumpf has buildings or permits to build. Not a surprise since Drumpf is using his position to enrich himself and family.
"The treatment of President Obama and the election of PEEOTUS, is a constant reminder that America is filled with more misogynist, racists pricks than it was during slavery."
Okay, let's not get carried away now. That's definitely not true.
But it seems we haven't come quite as far as we'd hoped as a country. It's like the 2016 election was an official "dickhead count," and the total came up with disappointingly more dickheads than some of us had been expecting.
However, as consolation, it's helpful to remember that not all of the dickheads that voted for Trump did so for equally bad reasons. Some voted for him in spite of his bigotry, not because of it. They engaged in magical thinking and bought into his fantasies of bringing back the booming and much-fairer-than-now economy of the 1950s, more so than for the hateful racial and gender attitudes of the 1950s. They will soon find out that Donald conned them when his "chicken in every pot" promises fail to put a chicken in their pots and their health insurance gets cancelled and all manner of other really stupid stuff starts happening. When all that "winning" Trump talked about only materializes for rich people, make no mistake that they're not going to be very happy.
Don't get me wrong, those foolish voters should still be very ashamed for turning a blind eye to Trump's bigoted policies in return for the other goodies he seemed to be offering, but I'd say they're still not as bad as the other Trump voters who actually wanted the bigotry.
Should have been Voice of America tv instead of Radio Free America. My bad.
Sergei Mikhailov ha been arrested and charged with treason in Russia.
-Doug in Oakland
Didn't PEEOTUS behave as if he was on xanax or something during the press conference?
"Talking to a few Trump supporters they actually had the gall to say they were impressed Tillerson and Trump only take a dollar salary. Really? I'm supposed to be impressed that multi multi multi millionaires don't need $200,000 a year to live? That should tell us who we're dealing with when a six figure salary is chump change."
Yeah, and they also failed to reckon with the possibility that some of these jokers, Trump in particular, likely plan to use the powers of government to loot the nation's economy. If you're planning on engaging in massive federal corruption to reward yourself to the tune of billions of dollars in taxpayer money, why the hell would you care about the $400K presidential salary? It's chump change.
The naiveté and ignorance of Trump voters is painful to behold.
"White supremacy equals abject poverty for black people"
Liberia, Rhodesia and South Africa have Black supremacy. Why don't you pick one, move there and tell us how it's working out for everyone?
"But someone whose modus operandi just seemed to be lying their fucking ass off as cool as a cucumber, as if you must be crazy or stupid not to believe them."
Trump is playing N-dimensional chess. He says something that is true in general, but deliberately errs in the specifics... and the media go nuts over it while broadcasting the larger point that destroys The Narrative (which is a far greater and more pernicious lie).
He's destroying you, and you don't even realize he's doing it. AAMOF, it won't even dawn on you for some time even after I've explicitly told you about it here. That is how dumb you are.
"The latter claim was especially annoying because, on a per-capita basis, Chicago was nothing like the murder capital. Chicago's crime rate clocked in around the middle of the crime rate ranking for major American cities."
Bait-and-switch. "Murder" switches to "crime".
Chimpcongo's crime rates have been falsified by simply ignoring them, refusing to take reports. It's called the Compstat scandal, look it up.
Bodies are hard to falsify. Chimpcongo had over 800 homicides in 2016. That is more than New York City and Los Angeles combined.
Chimpcongo had 27.7 homicides per 100k in 2016. This is still lower than South Africa at 33.9/100k, and considerably lower than "chocolate city" New Orleans, but the common factor is... Black people.
"some of these jokers, Trump in particular, likely plan to use the powers of government to loot the nation's economy."
Funny, you didn't think it was a problem when Hitlery was doing just that. You know that the Clinton foundation is closing down, don't you? She has no influence left to sell; her $200 million is all she's gonna get.
The common factor is GUNS and more guns and even more guns and even more after all those guns and then more guns for dessert. Handy, readily available, easily accessed, easily concealed, easy to buy or steal and gun makers and the NRA laugh all the way to the bank.
Why shouldn't they. Guns were made to kill people for fun and profit.
Someone needs to beat this ho' DOWN, lying whooteemoo BITCH!!!
White people ain't shit.
Trump and his ilk are going to start keeping track of every crime an immigrant makes, just like Hitler and the Nazis did with Jews. And yet people get pissed when you try comparing Trump and his administration to Hitler and the Nazis. Losers.
Why do white people suck so much ass?
Donald Trump's nominee for secretary of labor is chairman of the parent company of restaurant chains Hardee's and Carl's Junior. This week alone, 33 lawsuits across 10 different states were filed against the company for ... wait for it ... labor violations.
But, you know, Donald Trump, champion of the little guy. LOL
Hah, hah. Great time to delete the Killadelphia Meter from your sidebar, don't you think?
Jeffrey Wood, the new assistant attorney general of the Environment and Natural Resources Division of the DOJ (aka the guy in charge of prosecuting environmental crimes) is ... wait for it ... a former coal lobbyist.
Of course.
Anonymous said...
Why do white people suck so much ass?
4:08 PM
Do they?? How much salad did you toss in the county lock up??
Guns were made to kill people for fun and profit.
2:29 PM
How so??
random said...
Classic albino you love your pedophile president must remind you of your family
11:43 PM
No that is Hillary and others.
"The common factor is GUNS and more guns and even more guns and even more after all those guns and then more guns for dessert."
Funny, in Rwanda it was machetes and more machetes and even more machetes. It seems that Black people can get creative, as long as it involves murder, torture, cannibalism and the like.
Meanwhile, people in N. Dakota, Maine and W. Virginia have tons of guns but almost never use them on each other. The difference is that they aren't Black. Apparently White people can make really great guns (show me a Black gun manufacturing company—and no, I don't mean one that makes "black guns") but only Black people have figured out that they're for committing murder.
"Guns were made to kill people for fun and profit."
My carry weapon is going out with me in a few minutes. For some strange reason it hasn't killed anyone since I bought it 8 years ago. Maybe I've totally misled and deceived it about its reason for existing. Probably because I'm one of random's evil albinos, not Black.
You all need to return to Afreaka, so you don't have to have the example of civilized people and their accomplishments in your face every day making you jealous and resentful.
Notice Rwanda starts with an R, just like despicable wingnuts. Rs want to kill where ever they R. R as in Ruger. Killers. R as in Remington. Killers. Everywhere you go there are Rs waiting and wanting to kill you, me and the guy behind the tree.
James gun hasn't killed anyone. How the fuck would he know? He is a wingnut. The goofiest god damn critter every put on Earth. He doesn't know what his gun does when he isn't looking. Guns have souls. Something wingnuts lack. Poor little James. Even his gun hates him. Sad.
Can any Nazi explain to me why they expect anyone but fellow Nazis to read or believe anything they say. I mean honestly it's like trusting vampire to give you a blow job
And just for kicks who believes James Nazi or Josh Nazi has had sex without a business transaction first because I'm certain the only time that these Nazis has seen vagina without paying for was during their mothers failed abortions
Fuck Whitey said...
White people ain't shit.
3:50 PM
Why bite the hand that feeds you and provides?? Where do your checks come from and public housing??
What about your free cell phones and free 1000 minutes a month....Angola??
mike @ 7:16 PM.... oh, man, laughing SO hard right now!
I never took you for a gifted satirist until tonight. Seriously, that's GOLD.
It's double platinum if you actually meant it.
You know what's even funnier? Your claim of having an IQ of 150! Bwahahahahahahahahahaha! gasp bwahahahahahahahahahahahaha! oh god! BwahahahahahahahahahahahHahahahahahahaha!
The working class American provides for the negroe.
The liberal press should stop spreading them......
If you place a loaded gun in a locked room it will harm no one.
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