That old saying that "there is no place like home" is ringing true right about now.
I have enjoyed blogging over the holidays, though. You field hands kept my company and made me feel like I didn't miss a beat.
Anyway, I saw a couple of stories today that made me think of what a horrific few years we have to look forward to with the GOP in total control of things in Washington.
First, they tried to slip one by on us by gutting the ethics office which acts as an independent watchdog whose job it is to oversee them.
They did it behind closed doors, which was kind of to be expected. Burglars and thieves usually strike when no one is watching. Donald is going to just love this bunch. The party has already started down in South Florida in anticipation of things to come, and Donald and his shady business partners are rubbing their little fingers together.
Jump in the swamp, fellows, the water is fine.
Speaking of water, four children lost their lives tragically in Texas when water in their home mixed with a pesticide to form a deadly gas.
Folks, incidents like this will become more frequent but with the same deadly consequences if the republicans had their way and do away with the EPA and other regulatory agencies so that their big business pals can do as they please with our safety and the environment.
"Davis told the Amarillo Globe-News he wasn't sure how long the residents had been exposed to the phosphine gas before a visitor arrived Monday and found everyone sick and called 911. Phosphine gas can cause respiratory failure and in severe cases can cause a pulmonary edema, which fills the lungs full of fluid, he said.[Source]
The GOP has backed off their initial plans to gut the ethics watchdog committee. It's nice to see that they came to their senses. But I don't expect that this will last. As soon as the spotlight leaves they will be back to their old tricks.
*Pic from
Texas has extremely lax, regulations (like non-existing lax) regarding chemicals and pesticides, nukular waste disposal, etc. Former Texas Guv Gay Perry- the one in Texas, not France, Europe sold commissioner chairs to highest campaign contributors, regardless of qualifications.
Also, too still yet, if you sued a Texas korporation and by some miracle actually got a court date, the trial was in the korporations home town so they could have a friendly jury. No deck stacking with wingnuts.
Wow! That's news to me about the pesticide you can't mix with water!!! Scary! Never heard of that one before but its good to know these things!!! What a tragedy!
Not enough that tap water burns, is it?
Tap water doesn't burn!!! You mean hot tap water?
Have you checked the 50% jump in shootings and murders in Chicago during the last year? How about ethics by politicians in Democrat cities?
What do you think is the cause? What do you think is the cure
Maybe our Republican governor has a solution like when he refused to approve a budget that includes proven intervention programs that reduced violence in the past. Three cheers for theGOP.
We don't care about the environment, ethics, children, old people or the planet because there's violence in Chicago! And theDemocrat Party.
Screw oversight over banks and Wall Street because Bengahzi.
Have to give Traditional News Outlets credit. They had a major role in nipping this in the bud, don't you think?
You will know the media is doing their job when Tweety goes full Putin on them.
"The GOP has backed off"
Thanks to a Trump tweet while they were in session. This guy is a real leader.
And Field still hasn't learned not to jump the gun and look like a fool.
Perhaps Abject poverty for generations due to white supremacy and the drugs allowed into this country by albinos
Random is a fucking drug addict.
If you're white, especially male, the left already thinks you're a racist.
Might as well actively work in your racial interests.
Trump's tweet took issue with the timing not the substance. All he knows how to do is try to look good, to build his "brand". When he does Meet the Press, when the taping is done he makes them show it back to him with the sound turned off, so he can concentrate on how he looked. He's a narcissistic little creep.
Republicans always try to gut ethics rules when they get majorities. They did it the last time they gained majorities, and the result was so horrific that the incoming Democrats instituted the OCE to try and do something about the Abramoff/DeLay/Ney/Cunningham/Foley rat's nest.
So of course the Republicans hate it, even though it has been mostly non-partisan and caught some crooked Democrats as well (remember William Jefferson?)
But, really, ethics sort of cramp Republicans' style, so who needs an independent watchdog, they can police themselves!
I'm not sure what Trump thinks to be "unfair" about the OCE, but damn guys, you're making me look bad by doing this right now, why don't you go gut some poor people first, that's all on the up-and-up, we cam deal with ethics later when everyone's too distracted by the gaping holes in their lives to notice.
-Doug in Oakland
Trump appears happy to let congressional Republicans take the heat for the moment and be forced to delay, though not abandon, their plan to get rid of the corruption watchdog in order to enable yet another GOP crime spree.
Why? Well, maybe it will take the heat OFF Crooked Donald's misbehavior, since the media recently spotted Donald hanging with his mobster buddy "Joey No Socks" (gotta love those mafia nicknames).
And when the fuck hasn't this been the case you racist asshole?
What the GOP said at 10:33PM.
Truer words....
And like Drake, The GOP went back to back in classic fashion. See what The GOP posted at 10:35 as well.👌
Sorry Leah, no spamming allowed. Not even for fellow members of the bar.
Lilacpr-where you been? In Texas. Pennsylvania and other states where fracking is allowed, the chemicals used (trade secrets prevent people from finding out what poisons their water) can cause the tap water to burn with flames and everything.
Of course wingnuts and the fracking industry claim there is no cause and effect relationship between their chemicals and water burning. They also claim fracking isn't responsible for all the earthquakes in fracking states, either.
White Jesus-what a contradiction. jeebus was a swarthy little Middle Eastern un-white person. Might have been Black. (if he existed at all) I am a white male bleeding heart liberal from the midwest and I don't get called racist. Traitor to my own kind, maybe. Racist-not so much.
Howz this for unethical arrogance of a wingnut nature-
GOP Bill Would Ban Supreme Court From Citing Its Own Obamacare Cases
iowa's very own 4th district pig fucking congressvarmint "Cantaloupe Calves" King is introduooshing this legislation. Apparently wingnuts have never heard of balance of power in the gubmint. When Tom Delay was SOH he was determined that congress would pick which cases the Scotus could hear. I tell you-these traitorious bastards never quit. Give them an inch and they take everything. gawd I hate rethuglicans.
mike from iowa said...
Lilacpr-where you been? In Texas. Pennsylvania and other states where fracking is allowed, the chemicals used (trade secrets prevent people from finding out what poisons their water) can cause the tap water to burn with flames and everything.
8:31 AM
Wow! I had no idea! Apparently it's a very well kept secret because I haven't heard about it from the media!
Fracking is a terrible thing, it shouldn't even be allowed, and for such a minuscule amount of oil as I believe is to be had, the cost to health is wayy to high!
Thanks for the info!
"Lilacpr-where you been? In Texas. Pennsylvania and other states where fracking is allowed, the chemicals used (trade secrets prevent people from finding out what poisons their water) can cause the tap water to burn with flames and everything."
This is questionable. I saw Josh Fox's fracking documentary, which was useful in calling attention to the unregulated nature of the fracking industry, but which contains very little hard science that could allow a person to evaluate the level of pollution risk associated with fracking.
In the movie, one or two people living near fracking sites did indeed end up with flammable tap water (these are rural people drawing their water from wells, not a municipal water supply). Environmental experts say that, most likely, their water is not contaminated with fracking fluid but the natural gas derived from fracking. If a fracking well isn't sealed correctly, methane can be forced into the earth surrounding the well on its way to the surface and dissolve in the groundwater, rendering it flammable.
This wouldn't make the water poisonous, but it's certainly disturbing. And, I would assume, dangerous, just because ... flammable tap water.
I should also point out that methane in tap water doesn't have to come from fracking, either. It can result from natural bacterial fermentation processes in the soil in some areas.
This was one of the controversies that swirled around that documentary, in that it isn't even proven that fracking was the cause of these people flaming tap water.
M of T - I don't recall any of these problems happening before fracking was allowed. As for fracking chemicals, since their names are not available to the public or public health services, one can hardly be sure they aren't a part of the problem.
How imagine the possible problems with large CAFOs (concentrated animal feeding operations) that have pits underneath them full of methane gas. Several people have died from limited exposure inside the pits w/o respirators. That gas gets vented into the environment.
The Ministry of Truth9:51 AM
I should also point out that methane in tap water doesn't have to come from fracking, either. It can result from natural bacterial fermentation processes in the soil in some areas.
This was one of the controversies that swirled around that documentary, in that it isn't even proven that fracking was the cause of these people flaming tap water.
Laws have mercy! Ahahaha! The question then is, did this water have flames before the fracking?
Flammable water! Ahahahaaa! Now I've heard everything!
Field its the end times Field,time to get Jesus!!! xD
I swear you learn things on this blog!
And just exactly who allowed this fracking??? The Dems or the Repubs???x(
Inquiring minds want to know!
Hazards of Methane
in Water Wells
Methane gas may migrate through underground geologic
formations and be transported by ground water in
dissolved or pure gaseous states. Methane generally
migrates from areas of high pressure to areas of lower
pressure. Methane in groundwater is not explosive; however,
when water containing dissolved methane comes
into contact with air, the methane quickly escapes from
the water into the atmosphere. If this occurs in a confined
space, the methane could ignite at concentrations
between 5 and 15 percent, and result in an explosion. A
nearby electrical outlet, pilot light, well pump, or a match
can be the source for the ignition.
Now I know the end is near! I didn't believe these doomsdayers before, but now I believe it, because...flammable water! Water on fire!!! I mean...
I wanna know who's responsible! So I can affix blame!
"M of T - I don't recall any of these problems happening before fracking was allowed. As for fracking chemicals, since their names are not available to the public or public health services, one can hardly be sure they aren't a part of the problem."
Hard to say how prevalent the problem of methane in tap water is now. Again, that documentary wasn't a scientific study. Fox founds some people who had contaminated water and pointed them out, but how many are there?
But yes, the industry is not sufficiently regulated, and it's insane that they are allowed to pump chemicals into the ground and not disclose which chemicals specifically on the grounds their formulas are "proprietary." That's not acceptable.
"Hazards of Methane
in Water Wells"
Yup. I definitely wouldn't want flammable stuff pumped into my house. There are some risks associated with having to deal with well water, fracking or no fracking.
It's usually better to be on a municipal supply (unless you happen to live in Flint, Michigan, where a penny-pinching emergency manager thinks saving rich taxpayers a few bucks is infinitely more important than poor people's health).
mike from iowa said...
Lilacpr-where you been? In Texas. Pennsylvania and other states where fracking is allowed, the chemicals used (trade secrets prevent people from finding out what poisons their water) can cause the tap water to burn with flames and everything.
Ridiculous. As if frackig would be allowed if things like this really happened.
Methane is naturally occurring, and there have been a handful of cases over the last century where gas has migrated into someone's water well and come out their tap, but this has nothing to do with modern fracking operations.
I'm not so sure now! I'm gonna have to be convinced! Either way I'm taking this to Trump, he should def know about this! AND do something about it too!!!
FYI Field, Joker Josh IS spam!! 😈
"I'm not so sure now! I'm gonna have to be convinced! Either way I'm taking this to Trump, he should def know about this! AND do something about it too!!!"
Trump will NOT do anything about it. Trump is on Team "Drill, Baby, Drill." Hell, even his secretary of state pick is the CEO of Exxon! Foreign policy is now primarily about oil and gas development, apparently.
And the guy Trump wants for EPA pick is ANTI-environmental regulation, for crying out loud.
Hence Obama's doomed last-minute efforts to try and declare all these various places off-limits to drilling.
There is nothing to be done about it, fracking is good.
This gibbering idiot is the Democrat's House Leader:
I hope you are ready for all the losing.
Anymoose sez- Ridiculous. As if frackig would be allowed if things like this really happened.
Pipelines are notorious for leaks and spills of oil. As if any would be built if they leaked.
But yes, the industry is not sufficiently regulated, and it's insane that they are allowed to pump chemicals into the ground and not disclose which chemicals specifically on the grounds their formulas are "proprietary." That's not acceptable
The industry has also claimed that not a drop of their secret chemicals leeches into the water systems. It all flows back into the pipe for proper disposal.
If fracking can force methane to migrate to lower pressure points, what's to stop the toxic chemicals from doing the same?
Drumpf believes Julian Assange versus America's intelligence committees and Drumpf claims today's intel briefing was postponed by intel until Friday. Intel says it was always scheduled for Friday and there is no reason Drumpf the petulant bawl baby can't get a briefing on intel every day except he is too busy fucking everything up to learn anything.
mike from iowa said...
Drumpf believes Julian Assange versus America's intelligence committee
My government has lied to me.
The CIA has lied to me.
The media has lied to me.
Julian Assange has never lied to me.
Who should be believed?
Add earthquakes to the possible dangers of fracking.
WMD- your government-Drumpf is a pathological liar. Every piece of foam flecked BS is foam flecked BS. How does that grab you?
17 intel agencies plus numerous wingnut congressweasels and sinators have seen the proof that Russia is/was behind the leaks. Are they all lying?
Fake Noize and Breitbart have lied to everyone all the time. SOP. Fake Noize and Breitbart just flat make shot up for their mindless consumers.
How do you know Assange has never lied to you? How many of those leaked emails were Breitbarted to change the entire context of the emails? How many were O'Keefed for the same purpose? Where is the child sex ring in the Pizzaria basement that doesn't exist? Where is all this proof that HRC has committed a single crime since she has never been arrested, indicted charged or convicted of a single crime. Amazing ain't it-since the vast right wing conspiracy has had over thirty years to get her to commit any crimes?
Meanwhile the Groper-Fuhrer just appointed another swamp creature from Goldman Sachs to chair the Securities and Exchange Committee. My how the swamp looks worse than before.
mike from iowa said...
17 intel agencies plus numerous wingnut congressweasels and sinators have seen the proof that Russia is/was behind the leaks.
No proof has been presented to the public. Even the CIA has not said they have definitive proof. This is a political hack job by Democrats and their politcal operatives in the CIA, allied with GOP establishment figures who still oppose Trump, the purpose of which is to cast in doubt the legitmacy of the election and to gain leverage in determining foreign policy decisions in order to advance the continuation of the Clinton/Bush/Obama neocon agenda of forcing globalism on the nations of the world and furthering Israel's interests.
Trump represents the interests of the American people, who want no war with Russia, no more endless wars in the Middle East for Israel, and no more meddling with the internal affairs of sovereign nations.
Fuck the CIA. Fuck the American government. Fuck the media.
I stand with Trump because he stands with the American people.
"Add earthquakes to the possible dangers of fracking."
Micro-earthquakes that can only be detected with seismographs, many orders of magnitude below what you could actually feel at the surface. Meaningless.
Well I spoke to Trumps people, (he was busy at the moment,but will call me back) and soons I hung up ( well not really 'cos cells don't 'hang up per say , but you know;) his people called and assured me it will be on his list of topics at the New York presser coming up, so we'll see what he's going to do.
But I think he'll outlaw all fracking :) as I was quite adamant. This firewater thing has really freaked me out...
"But I think he'll outlaw all fracking :) as I was quite adamant. This firewater thing has really freaked me out..."
Jesus woman, no one's water is catching on fire from fracking. This is nonsense! Please don't recommend policy changes on things you don't thoroughly understand! Especially if all you know on the topic came from an internet comment from the dumbest guy in Iowa!
The democrats I reckon, have learned nothing from Vietnam. Fighting just to fight isn't always reasonable or successful: Especially when you fight a useless battle not even considering or trying to find out if your battle plan was/is wrong.
PS: You been on fire folk. Happy new year
"This firewater thing has really freaked me out..."
Lilac, I urge you to look into this topic independently, far away from white corporate media, or partisans on this blog who cannot illustrate they have even a rudimentary understanding of middle-school science, even when challenged and given ample opportunity.
You seem like one of the few people here who have sense. Naturally occurring methane gas in ground water has been a phenomenon in America for as long as we've tapped ground water. The "fire water" thing is not from fracking. In fact, it's because of water catching on fire that scientists knew to examine the grounds for gas. It's not a chicken or egg, either; we know which came first. Water with methane in it has always been around. Fracking is a result of this awesome observation.
Fossil fuel companies are responsible for a lot. Tanker spills, oil pipes burst in the ocean, well fires, etc. The business is dirty and needs to be better handled. But this "fire water" bit is like Al Gore's polar bear propaganda.
So Cali has retained Holder in preparation to do battle with Trump.
How dare they put Holder up against such an intellectual lightweight.
But it'll be YOU-GE!!!
The democrats I reckon, have learned nothing from Vietnam. Fighting just to fight isn't always reasonable or successful:
Especiall ywhen the right wing war criminal Tricky Dick is doing everything in his power to disrupt Dems peace plan in 1968 and have the slaughter of innocent SE Asians and America's young men continue for another 5 years. And then get a pardon.
When Josh says it isn't true, it is true. Wingnut truther. Before you try to convince anyone earthquakes aren't happening, maybe you should check with anyone in Oklahoma not associated with the 'we don't believe in science' wingnut party. Nuts in Oklahoma led by Guv Failin prayed to god to pay Oklahoma's bills. Retarded is too nice a word for what these people? are.
gures who still oppose Trump, the purpose of which is to cast in doubt the legitmacy of the election and to gain leverage in determining foreign policy decisions in order to advance the continuation of the Clinton/Bush/Obama neocon agenda of forcing globalism on the nations of the world and furthering Israel's interest
Do you wingnuts ever read what you spew on here? The election is not legitimate. A foreign power with the help of wingnuts and the FBI threw the election to get let's deregulate everything in the fucking world so the wealthy can have more taxcuts party in total power.
You don't hand out top secret intel to just anyone in the public. That should be understood by anyone with two brain cells. If the intel was published Russia and others would have a good idea how they were caught and what US capabilities are. Of course, with Putin Jr headed to the WH this info will be sold for profit by Drumpf and family and wingnuts will gladly legalize it it all until a Dem gets back in the WH.
Dealing with wingnuts is worse than trying to describe colors to a blind person.
Oklahoma, United States has had: (M1.5 or greater)
0 earthquakes in the past 24 hours
23 earthquakes in the past 7 days
75 earthquakes in the past 30 days
1,828 earthquakes in the past 365 days
M3.5 6km from Guthrie, Okla 1/2/17
M 3.7 13 km from Pawnee, Okla 1/2/17
M 3.3 11 km from Pawnee, Okla 1/2/17
M3.2 11 km from Pawnee, Okla 1/2/17
M 2.6 El Reno, Okla 1/1/17
M 3.0 20 km from Perry Okla 1/1/17
M 3.0 15 km from Pawnee 1/1/17Pawnee 12/31/16
M 3.1 7km from Perry, Okla 12/30/16
M 2.6 6km from Perry 12/30/16
M 3.0 8km from Edmund Okla 12/29
M 2.8 51 km from Enid Okla 12/29
All coincidental, I'm guessing.
M 2.6 6 km from
Yes, moron from Iowa, that's why Oklahoma has been completely destroyed, reduced to a smoldering pile of rubble by thousands of earthquakes. No one can live there anymore, it's so bad. Not even Indians in their teepees.
BTW, you can't even feel an earthquake below 4.0 on the Richter scale.
mouthbreather from iowa said...
A foreign power with the help of wingnuts and the FBI threw the election
Yes!!!! And Russia clogged your toilet!!!
People with a reasonable amount of trust in social and governmental institutions were far less motivated to accept such theories. The study’s authors asked approximately 2,200 Americans who self-identified as either liberal or conservative to consider eight conspiracies. Four were designed to appeal to conservatives and four to appeal to liberals (for example, respectively, Obama was not born in the U.S. and the Bush Administration knew about 9/11 before it happened). The authors also created a “trust index” based on how much the individuals trusted the federal government, law enforcement, media and the public to do what is right.
Here were some of their conclusions:
Conservatives are more likely to endorse ideologically congruent conspiracies than liberals.
Individuals with a high level of trust in institutions are less likely to endorse conspiracy theories.
Conservatives knowledgeable about politics are more likely to endorse ideologically congruent conspiracy theories. There is no evidence of a similar correlation among liberals.
Conservatives knowledgeable about politics who also have little trust in institutions are most associated with endorsement of ideologically consistent conspiracy theories: “Highly knowledgeable conservatives are more likely to engage in ideologically motivated endorsement, especially if they believe that the world is an untrustworthy place.”
For liberals, greater knowledge about politics and greater trust in institutions both appear to decrease their tendency to endorse conspiracy theories.
Anymoose- moving the goalpost some more, sport? No one said Oklahoma was a steaming pile of horseshit, well maybe I was, but fracking is responsible for earthquakes no matter what yer shrinks at Breitbart tell you to the contrary. Dumbass!
Thanks Mike. Some liberals got together and put out a study that says conservatives are biased toward believing conspiracies that conform to their ideology while liberals will believe anything.
Very useful information.
If an earthquake happened under the forest, and nobody felt it, did mike say anything?
No ethics allowed in Arkansas-
What a damn mess in Arkansas. It seems that some Republican members of the State House and the State Senate conspired to dump a ton of money on rightwing Christian colleges in the state. For about $600,000 of taxpayer money to tiny Ecclesia College in Springdale, Arkansas, the Republican politicians got about $38,000 each in kickbacks.
On the Board of Ecclesia college is David Barton, key advisor to Donald Trump, and major contributor to Louie Gohmert. There is even a David Barton School of Political Science at the college. Bribery 101 is a required course.
The Republican House Member, Micah Neal, pled guilty today and faces 20 years in prison and a $250,000 fine
Jack, I'd have posted the article that study came from, but I am not convinced wingnuts can read. Really surprised you didn't tie it into Russian hacking the election and Benghazi with an earthquake or a thousand for good measure. You want the study I will get you an url tomfind it.
McConnell Warns Dems: Americans 'Just Won't Tolerate' SCOTUS Block
Hang a wreath on this guy's nose, hiz brain has passed away entirely.What unmitigated, fucking gall!
All your base are belong to us.
Another Arkansas judge resigns for trading sex for leniency in court. California wingnut congressweasel Dana Roordabooker plans to go to Russia to see if their DUMA can work with our DUMA to push Putin's agenda in Russia America. What ethics?
Assange said it wasn't the Russians or Putin!
You know the Democrat party has hit rock bottom when it is so obvious that the KGB is telling the truth and the DNC is lying.
Black Lives Matter activists kidnap special needs white guy and beat and tortue him while saying “Fuck white people! Fuck Donald Trump!”:
This is where your deranged progressive hate talk leads.
The name of the woman who posted the video of the kidnapping to her Facebook page is Brittany Herring.
If this was any other race it would be 24/7 live coverage. Disgusting media we have!
The fact that the media broadcasts hoaxes when they're blamed on Trump but downplays this is sick.
The only sites with any shit about Black lives matter are racist, white supremacist sites. Why is that? Cernobitch, Pamela Geller, Maga, WND etc. All perfectly responsible, even handed in their repior.... who the hell am I kidding?
We are also at a time of war. Why do traitorious wingnuts side with the enemy during this time of war? Why do you scumbags hate America? Have you no shame, turncoats, Blackguards, traitors?
If the kidnapping was a racist white hate crime, why didn't those thugs say fuck Clinton?
And how do you know they were BLM activists or is that just what white racists call any/all blah people?
Racists called the civil rights movement communism influenced and unamerican.
So no surprises here as to what they're trying to use to bring BLM down, doing so takes the spotlight off Sessions' mulatto ancestry having ass.
Holding the CRM and BLM up as equal just proves the retard is too strong in some people.
CRM was needed because there actually were laws and institutions discriminating.
BLM claims that it's open season on blacks being shot by white police but can't even be honest about the statistics, which do not back them up.
CRM activists practiced civil disobedience and were peaceful for the most part.
BLM rioters chant for dead police, go out and murder police, and burn down and riot and steal and loot every fucking chance they get.
CRM folks rallied around decent people.
BLM folks rally around thugs and hoods that try to kill police.
CRM dealt with real issues.
BLM is on some made-up shits.
BLM is pretending to be the CRM. It's LARPing. All these progressive leftists today are live-acting role-players. They all have their cause. They all have their fake characters interacting in their fake universes, and so they create a fake enemy and put on their fake uniforms and bellow out their fake chants. From the faggot-ass 95-gendered queersacks to the extra crispies pretending America is against them after it gave them undeserved placement in college and money to get in, the entire progressive culture today is about LARPing.
It's only make-believe.
Chicago PD confirms that the kidnapping WAS NOT RELATED IN ANY WAY TO BLACK LIVES MATTER!!!
Chicago PD confirms that the kidnapping WAS NOT RELATED IN ANY WAY TO BLACK LIVES MATTER!!!
Chicago PD confirms that the kidnapping WAS NOT RELATED IN ANY WAY TO BLACK LIVES MATTER!!!
Chicago PD confirms that the kidnapping WAS NOT RELATED IN ANY WAY TO BLACK LIVES MATTER!!!
Chicago PD confirms that the kidnapping WAS NOT RELATED IN ANY WAY TO BLACK LIVES MATTER!!!
Chicago PD confirms that the kidnapping WAS NOT RELATED IN ANY WAY TO BLACK LIVES MATTER!!!
Chicago PD confirms that the kidnapping WAS NOT RELATED IN ANY WAY TO BLACK LIVES MATTER!!!
Chicago PD confirms that the kidnapping WAS NOT RELATED IN ANY WAY TO BLACK LIVES MATTER!!!
Chicago PD confirms that the kidnapping WAS NOT RELATED IN ANY WAY TO BLACK LIVES MATTER!!!
You know it's a pitiful day for the phony aesthetic of "only whites are racist" when the only silver lining Yishag can find with four blacks kidnapping and torturing a white person, for being white, is that there's no apparent connection to Black Lives Matter. LMFAO!
Would it matter if there were? Y'all would be spinning the same yarn Muslim apologists do. BLM is a religion of peace! Just read the website! No, those people burning cities, beating whites and murdering police are not part of BLM! They're reading the Quran wron-- umm, I mean, they're doing it wrong.
"When Josh says it isn't true, it is true"
When your only knowledge about fracking comes from a liberal blog that uses a snippet of a fake documentary, you really have to be a shameless twat to dare speak up on the issue.
But, please, as I urge EVERYONE: Don't take my fucking word for it. The Internet can find more for you than just tranny porn.
The links to actual scientific articles explaining this well-known phenomenon are in large abundance. Fracking being responsible for this has been debunked more times than the Kennedy magic bullet.
You're another one, along with Yiscunt and Random, who pretend to know about these sorts of issues but couldn't explain middle-school-level science if your life depended on it. Even with the Internet right there, y'all are too stone-fucking-stupid to figure out how to research something. If it isn't fed to you in partisan snippets, like little children, it doesn't exist.
Don't lash out at other people for your stupidity. Maybe it's laziness; maybe it's poor genetics. Whatever the case, it's no one else's fault. You can at least TRY to learn.
Obama: Live-streamed Chicago torture video "despicable
Head Negro says what happened in Chicago id "despicable". Despicable people respond with racist remarks about what took him so long, when we see Blacks commit crimes everywhere with our own two eyes 9and fevered imaginations).
Well... what took him so long?
Are these young men NOT what his sons would look like too? (We know that's what his daughters would look like, hair-hatted weaveafarians.)
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