If that person is Donald trump, I am sure that we could think of a million things, all of them starting with a myriad of personality disorders.
"Don’t let Donald Trump give you the slip: There are plenty of dresses in Washington, D.C.
The media’s assignment-editor-in-chief made a bizarre comment to the New York Times this morning, claiming that his coming inauguration is so “unbelievable” and “record-setting” that “all of the dress shops are sold out in Washington.”
“It’s hard to find a great dress for this inauguration,” he concluded.
As Trump himself might say, “Wrong!”
I spent about an hour calling dress shops in Washington — something Mr. Trump apparently didn’t have the inclination to do because facts don’t really matter — and found that there are plenty of dresses to suit all tastes and price ranges in the D.C. metro area.
Even a shop just a few steps from the White House is full of party-worthy garments." [Source]
The guy just lies for lying sake. And while it might seem like a big joke to most of us who follow this clown, we are talking about a man who will have access to the nuclear codes, and the one who will be in charge of the most powerful country on earth.
With all due respect to Kellyanne Conway, we have no choice but to judge him based on what is coming out of his mouth. It's kind of hard to "look what's in his heart" as she is suggesting. First of all, I doubt if the guy has one. And second, why should we have to play trump translator to this deranged and unhinged buffoon?
Now he is going after Meryl Streep for crying out loud. And all because she had the nerve to call him out for his boorish behavior towards a disabled reporter. He called her "overrated" and a "Hillary flunky".
Now he might be right about her being a Hilary flunky. But Overrated as an actress? Come on, Donald; that's like calling Aaron Rodgers an overrated quarterback. You lack all kinds of credibility when you do that. Not that you had any to begin with. Especially when just a year and a half ago you were singing her praises and saying how great she is.
"When asked by The Hollywood Reporter in August 2015 if there are any actresses that he loves, Trump praised the Florence Foster Jenkins star. “Julia Roberts is terrific, and many others. Meryl Streep is excellent; she’s a fine person, too,” he said." [Source]
But now she hurt his feelings, and like a certain little leader in North Korea, when his feelings are hurt he lashes out. (RIP Jang Sung-Taek) Fortunately for us, unlike the other little leader, all he can do for now is tweet.
For now.
*Pic and image from salon.com
Is this guy gonna last 4 years? So where you gonna hang for a while Field? I just back from Paris and it was ok.
Holy shit. If this weren't a white guy, you wouldn't be so obviously racist, berating white people every single day.
The racism is shameful.
It's... it's -- CURRENT YEAR!
Wow, it's Josh flashing her tits for attention. I'm shocked.
"Is this guy gonna last 4 years? So where you gonna hang for a while Field? I just back from Paris and it was ok."
Paris is okay for now. But if Marine Le Pen takes over ... How far right are the Front National? Let's just say they're still mad about the French Revolution.
It's hard to be completely sanguine about anything at the moment. Lot of angry knucklehead voters around.
Well I think I would still be ok, very diverse city and country. I still feel ok wandering London too. Thanks for the heads up.
This fictional Washington dress shortage is right up there with the Muslims Trump saw cheering on 9/11 in New Jersey ... which also didn't happen, but whatever. Donald isn't on speaking terms with reality.
Can't wait for Breitbart to try and back up Trump's lie. They'll probably argue that there IS SO a dress shortage, OBVIOUSLY caused by perverted libtard transvestites buying up all the dresses, and the LAMESTREAM media refuse to cover this very important story, the bastards.
Alternatively, perhaps this is Donald Trump prepping everyone for the revelation that there will, in fact, be naked chicks at his inauguration: Had to go naked -- not enough clothes available.
Donald Trump lies because he only likes to say and hear things that make him look good, and true things just don't fit that description.
-Doug in Oakland
Ha! That's why Beyonce won't be performing at the inauguration.
"Paris is okay for now. But if Marine Le Pen takes over ..."
There won't be nearly enough car-B-ques to cook the kebabs the rapefugees demand.
They will have to go HOME! Oh, horrors!
What a joke. No mention of the black animals who tortured a disabled guy, and what their sentence should be, while screaming racial hatred for whites and Trumps for FREAKING 30 MINUTES on Face book should be..
The Ministry of Truth said...
This fictional Washington dress shortage is right up there with the Muslims Trump saw cheering on 9/11 in New Jersey ... which also didn't happen, but whatever. Donald isn't on speaking terms with reality.
Can't wait for Breitbart to try and back up Trump's lie. They'll probably argue that there IS SO a dress shortage, OBVIOUSLY caused by perverted libtard transvestites buying up all the dresses, and the LAMESTREAM media refuse to cover this very important story, the bastards.
Alternatively, perhaps this is Donald Trump prepping everyone for the revelation that there will, in fact, be naked chicks at his inauguration: Had to go naked -- not enough clothes available.
12:25 AM
Please post something to back this up.
There won't be nearly enough car-B-ques to cook the kebabs the rapefugees demand.
They're right up there with imaginary Muslim no-go zones in Birmingham, England, and the impending conversion of Europe into "Eurabia" on the list of crap that only Nazis worry about.
What a joke. No mention of the black animals who tortured a disabled guy, and what their sentence should be, while screaming racial hatred for whites and Trumps for FREAKING 30 MINUTES on Face book should be..
Seriously? This was discussed in depth the last few days in the comments section. You white boys are kind of slow. Tell you what, either start your own blog and discuss whatever it is you want to discuss (lemme guess negro on white crime?) or go to stormfront or some other white racist site where I'm sure this is being discussed right now. That being said which do you choose?
When will these white boys learn that every single site does not have to focus on their paranoid obsession with negro crime. Get a life.
"They're right up there with imaginary Muslim no-go zones in Birmingham, England..."
It's true. The insane branch of the right-wing pitches this as if Muslims have barricaded themselves in someone else's nation and refuse to let anyone in. This is false. You can go in there if you want.
However, if you happen to be:
- Female
- White
- Jewish
- Christian
- Hindi
- The wrong sect of Islam
Well, you wouldn't want to go in there. You're orders of magnitude more likely to be raped or assaulted in some way than in the UK in general. Muslims are disproportionately more violent and vile than other citizens in all of Europe. And, by and large, they're allowed to be -- unless you want to purchase a king-size tube of tinfoil and argue that there wasn't a government-wide cover-up of perhaps hundreds of Muslim men raping--often gang-raping!--over one-thousand four-hundred little kids. Children! For sixteen years authorities ignored it, government ignored it, and parents who went in to try to Bruce Willis their children free were actually fucking arrested themselves and lambasted as racists.
But it's okay. Islam is the religion of peace. Anyone who shines a light on how third-world ethic groups fuck up the West, while extracting maximum payment from whitey, is called some name, typically ending with an "ism," and virtue signaling takes place of actually solving problems or even attempting to help real victims.
"Look how tolerant I am! I just called people Islamaphobic for saying Middle Eastern Islamic theocracies and their cultures are wholly incompatible with Westernized liberal values! Up-vote me! Like me. Look how virtuous I am!"
Some people's ideology is so incredibly ingrained that they refuse to see a problem, no matter how large it grows, and sometimes no matter how close it hits to home. It always reminds me of that white woman who said white racists were overstating the rape problem by blacks in Haiti, so she went there. Her first night, she was violently raped and beaten. Her conclusion: White American imperialism left this poor black Haitian so disenfranchised that the poor thing never learned not to rape.
I guess she liked the way that bull bred her.
4 animals in Chicago. Four Americans Benghazied by HRC. 4 dead in Ohio. When are all these 4 this and 4 that whiners gonna shut the fuck up and do something useful- like die?
`0 days left for the greatest Potus ever. That's like two and a half four days time. See what I did there, whiners?
ps you can return all them dresses you stole for Drumpf if you haven't tried them on yet.
I looked in Drumpf's imaginary heart and all that is in there is lust for Ivanka and Putin-in equal measures.
I hope 2017 is the year you finally get treatment for your Leukophobia Judge.
What wingnuts do best-cover their own asses from the rules. Of course no Dem could ever get away with this shit. There'd be millions of investigations and trillions of taxpayer dollars wasted to falsely accuse HRC of jay walking or some such shit.
John Erlichman, Nixon buddy on how Nixon's henchmen waged war on hippies and blacks by criminalizing pot and heroin so the police could harass both groups constantly.
Anon@9:30, u are so wrong about me.
Most of my dress shirts are white.
And I actually owned a white car once.😏
People Magazine, who are the recognized expert in these areas, called a few dress shops in DeeCee.
“No, we’re not sold out,” Mae Shipe, owner of the D.C. Mae’s Dress Boutique, told PEOPLE. “We have 200 dresses, if not more, in stock.”
Not only, it seems, are dresses in stock, but people aren’t flocking to the stores to pick them up, either.
“We have not gotten a huge influx of traffic specifically related to shopping for inaugural dresses,” Anastasia Thomas, an employee at Betsy Fisher, a D.C. women’s wear shop, said.
In fact, Peter Marx, owner of Saks Jandel, a D.C. area boutique, told PEOPLE that there have been fewer people seeking inaugural gowns.
“There’s never been less demand for inaugural ballgowns in my 38 years,” Marx told PEOPLE.
Give it up, Donald. No celebrities are coming to your inauguration. Hell, you’ve got Kid Rock, Gary Busey, the Duck dudes, and two members of the Rockettes. Enjoy!
Shit-this has to hurt. Lowest demand for gowns in 38 years all because of the extremely crooked, pelt wearing lying gasbag who actually believes he was fairly elected and can't not break rules for everything. Pathetic POS!
Best response to the Liar-In-Chief's latest absurd comments:
Trump: "All the dress shops are sold out in D.C. It's hard to find a great dress for this inauguration"
@LivingBlueinRed: "KKK calls them robes not dresses FYI"
That wuz funny, M o T. Bet it went right over the head of Drumpf's minions. too.
They're right up there with imaginary Muslim no-go zones in Birmingham, England"
Let's see....
We have the mass sexual assaults outside the cathedral in Cologne in 2016 (this is a "game" that Arabs call "taharrush").
We have the fact that Sweden is now the "rape capital of Europe" due to "men of immigrant background".
We have a German man's recent heroic rescue of his daughter from a Syrian rapist.
We have gangs of Somalis invading neighborhoods in Minneapolis and threatening women.
We have the carefully covered up sexual assault of a disabled woman in Aberdeen, SD by a Somali rapefugee who had only been in the town one day.
And then we have the usual suspects claiming that there is no such thing as a rapefugee. We know them. They're the ones who've been pushing fake news on us for the last 50 years.
As for the no-go zones, you can find videos of those yourself.
Tarzan, Lord Of The Apes said- not much. Hey, Buddy, did you hear Bill Orally and a Fake Noize VP settled sexual harassment lawsuits. Again-in Orally's case. Man you right wing nut jobs know how to treat them wimmens, doncha?
As for the Chicago 4, you don't get to add more thugs to the total every time you repeat the same old tired song. Unlike George "I Murdered Trayvon Martin and Got Away With it" Zimmerbutthole, the Chicago thugs were arrested promptly. I know you wanted them executed by white cops immediately, but you'll have to wait for that awhile.
I bet all the dresses with the areolas/nipples cut out are gone.
Nipples in Chief AKA spouse of Putin's bitch, doesn't want ANY competition on Inaugural day!
We have the carefully covered up sexual assault of a disabled woman in Aberdeen, SD by a Somali rapefugee who had only been in the town one day.
Not true, This was covered in South Dakota heavily. BTW of the 77 people signed up as sexual predators in Aberdeen, 71 of the motherfuckers are Honkies. One woman, two Indians and two Blacks. But its an epidemic of POC raping their way through states, right?
Soo Falls police tipped local news about an impending arrest of a newly elected Democrat state senator for sexual assault. The cops handed the reporter the warrant so they could serve it and set up the cameras to record the arrest. Problem was the complaining witness was totally unreliable white woman and charges were dropped. No apologies so far.
This has gotsta hurt. White men commit 69% of violent crimes. WTF?
"But its an epidemic of POC raping their way through states, right?"
1) Mostly Europe.
2) The black victimhood dossier explains this properly.
You see, it's not about saying X doesn't do it at all; it's about saying X is held to account for it, arrested, tried and convicted for it. But when Y does it, it's ignored, covered up, forgiven, or blamed on X. So why want Y around? X doesn't rape with impunity (unless you ask feminists who use flawed social science that calls regret rape). Y usually does.
Buh bye Roofie Roof Roof Roof. Too bad they didn't give you life without parole, although it will still be a good long time before they get around to actually offing your slimy little ass. Hope you hate every god damned minute of it.
-Doug in Oakland
-Doug in Oakland
FBI director Comey dropped a bombshell today telling Senators he couldn't comment on whether there was an investigation into Drumpf's campaign and Russia. He claims the FBI doesn't comment on what might be an ongoing investigation. Really. Since when? Last Oct 28th maybe?
"FBI director Comey dropped a bombshell today telling Senators he couldn't comment on whether there was an investigation into Drumpf's campaign and Russia. He claims the FBI doesn't comment on what might be an ongoing investigation. Really. Since when? Last Oct 28th maybe?"
Yeah, longstanding policy of not commenting on ongoing criminal investigations ... of Republicans.
Investigations of Democrats, totally fine.
But no bias here in the FBI, no sir, folks!
So there's proof Trump surrogates worked with the Russians BEFORE the election to insure his win.
And that the Russians have damaging info on him too!
Welp, absolutely NOTHING NEW!!!
Countdown to Trump's impeachment!!
Doc, we were just tweeting about that.
Will post on that tonight.
Here is a hint:#GoldenShowers is trending on twitter. :)
OMG!!! So I guess Trump has something in common with your trolls Field.
No wonder they like him soooooooooooooomuch, ROTFL!!!!
Meryl Streep gave a standing ovation to Roman Polanski at the Academy Awards in 2003, years after an this 40 something man who was convicted of having sex with a 13 year old girl.
Twitter is hilarious and it couldn't happen to a better guy!
Josh, so what you are actually saying is whites do commit heinous crimes, but blacks commit some of the same crimes whites are capable of committing if blacks didn't do them first?
Orally? Or Anally?
No, I think you should look at percentages, Queenie Mike.
If you have one apple that is rotten, one that is ten that are rotten, you take the barrel that is less rotten.
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