I suspect that if trump--- or someone in his administration---- were to ask someone how to be president, the simple answer would be, to stay with my metaphor, just play the damn piano.
All these Executive Orders just to show his loyal followers that he is not Obama (even though he has followed some of Obama's word for word) is not working out so well.
Trump, in the first few days of his presidency, has been trying to play every damn instrument in the band, and, instead of mastering just one, he has been making a mess of every instrument that he has touched.
The latest disaster for team trump, is his racist and possibly illegal ban on travelers from certain countries with populations that he considers a threat. It's actually a Muslim ban but he can't say it because that would be unconstitutional.
Needless to say that it has been an unmitigated disaster.
I am not sure what made him think that this would be a good idea, although I think that moving the white supremacist in his inner circle to his National Security Council might have had something to do with it.
Mr Bannon, I am sure, has his own ideas about who should be let into this country, and trust me, it has nothing to do with our safety.
I have been watching trump's minions appear on television all day while they try to defend him, and needless to say that it has not been going well. This might be because it's hard to defend something that is morally indefensible.
The trump administration is doing what you would suspect is the next step in what could be a short march to totalitarianism. They are upset with the free press, and they want journalists fired if they disagree with him. The above mentioned Bannon actually said that the press should keeps its mouth shut.
Through all this, Herr trump, (to stay with my analogy) should be working on his piano skills, but instead he was watching Finding Dory and tweeting about World War III today, and that is not a very presidential thing to do when the country is going through a crisis.
"Senators should focus their energies on ISIS, illegal immigration and border security instead of always looking to start World War III."
No Führer, the person "looking to start World War III" might be you.
*Pic from huffingtonpost.com
Even George W. Bush didn't start out this bad.
It's official albinos love Nazi pedophiles and desperately want Armageddon through a Zionist agenda
I can agree with the fact Trump should not have signed this Order so suddenly. He should have warned these people you have 90 days to get the F*** out, or get the F*** in.
After then, a SERIOUS vetting would begin, starting with the get-out & ins first. No immigration after that....at least, until after going serious vetting.
A mistake...but, if you like your home country so much...STAY THE HELL IN IT!
Don't feel bad they bankrolled the naacp and the kkk isis and every conflict since Napoleon
All indigenous population agrees with you and there's no statute of limitations
And make amends for every life you took every natural resource you stole albino hypocrites
That reminds me of a classic example of the evil of albinos they forget the boxer rebellion when the Sassoon family backed by England through the east India company fought and forced opium addiction to China to maintain a trade system of oppression more easy Bing Google material for you devils if you wonder why you are going extinct
Will you quit with the "Albino" shit? It's a negro trait. It doesn't refer to Caucasians. Unless, of course, they have spawned the nasty progeny of black men and white girls. Zebras.
No look at the color white your not that color your pale and the presence of all colors equal black clown, your racist stupidity is easily refuted
But you could read my statement any its the albino part that gave you pause and they wonder why i want them extinct not murdered but death by your own actions
I never said I was "white". I'm 1/2 Italian, I/2 German. (unlike you, I know where my tribe came from). I don't burn easily. Eyes are brown.
I ain't pale. I've had white women tell me they wish they had my complexion...just before they went for my wallet.
You tree monkey.
"Disguised Muslim ban..." that did only what Obama started during his presidency. LMFAO!
The stupidity is astounding! :D
Oh I so hurt I have been insulted by a racist who can't stand any truth such devil
When you can speak, use English, punctuation and grammar, come on back.
Until then, stick to your bananas.
Your so funny please continue the name alone will helps
Your so hurting my feelings and not proving how racist albinos are whenever confronted with historical facts of such evil do your worst devil you always do
If it was disguised, it was a thin disguise.
The scariest part is that the airport security teams seemed to have advance knowledge of this. Maybe there is a vast, right-wing underground of secret Obama-haters just waiting to be tapped into. I dunno. You explain it.
That it was poorly authored seems inevitable, given that Trump called on his old girlfriend, the poor, doddering Julie-Annie to draft this. What would a reasonable person expect?
I am thinking about universities. The greatest centers of learning in the history of humankind are mostly centered in the U.S. This is a distinction that we hold today without any appreciable competition. We are a big country. We are an inclusive country. We have the best schools. Maybe not the best high schools. Meh...
The first immigrant scholars touched down upon our fair shores in the 1960s. Fifty years later there is a strong culture of bringing in talent from overseas. We have a system that rewards intellect and achievement. Something that Trump may not understand. Beginning in the mid 1960s and developing in a healthy academic environment ever since, by the 1980s many of our best students and graduate studies students began coming from Sri Lanka, India, Germany, and yes, Iran. There is a brain trust that is being held back at our airports.
Trump didn't predict that. That's how clueless he is.
There is a rumor that those with valid green cards will soon be admitted once again.
This is the worst thing a President has done since lying about WMDs.
I say watch what is happening in congress and the cabinet. Whenever Trump pulls stupid, offensive shit it covers for the evil shit coming down elsewhere. He's not very smart in other areas, but he has the art of political distraction down, and he learned it from the very worst.
-Doug in Oakland
"Through all this, Herr trump, (to stay with my analogy) should be working on his piano skills, but instead he was watching Finding Dory and tweeting about World War III today, and that is not a very presidential thing to do when the country is going through a crisis."
It is hard to see how Donald Trump can do anything about the crisis, since Donald Trump IS the crisis.
I mean, of course, he could resign, but that doesn't seem terribly likely, given that he's a malignant narcissist whose fundamental nature is to blame the consequences of all his bad acts on someone else.
The Muslim ban should give everyone a clue as to what an clownish scumbag we have in the White House. Not only was this wrong in principle, but he's managed to make it as disruptive and chaotic as possible. He didn't just stop issuing visas to people from seven countries, oh no. Instead, he pulled up the drawbridge without warning, blocking people with visas already issued AND those with legal permanent residency, leading to stories like the following:
"Nazanin Zinouri was visiting family in Iran when she heard about Trump’s plan to impose visa bans. She wrote on her Facebook that she booked tickets quickly but was taken off the plane in Dubai.
'After almost seven years of living in the United States, I got deported,' she said. 'No one warned me when I was leaving, no one cared what will happen to my dog or my job or my life there. No one told me what I should do with my car that is still parked at the airport parking. Or what to do with my house and all my belongings.'
Amin Karbasi said his wife and their newborn daughter had gone to Iran three weeks ago and were no longer able to return. 'It is not clear they can come back to the US. And this feeling eats me alive.'”
Keep in mind that despite what he claims, these people were already subjected to "extreme vetting" in order to enter the country long before our lying-ass president took office, and collectively pose little risk to U.S. citizens -- unless you are a closet Klansman who believes even one Muslim on U.S. soil is one Muslim too many. The idea that the U.S. has ever just let in any old person without any kind of scrutiny was a Trumpian fiction.
But according to one Trump official, the Muslim ban has been a "massive success story in terms of implementation on every single level."
The obvious punch line: If this was a massive success, just wait till you see Trump's massive failures!
In honor of Trump's hostility to the world outside our borders, I dedicate to him this national anthem of "America First" xenophobia.
POS Steve Bannon is probably just as much behind this as tr**p is.
On his very best day, Drumpf wouldn't be man enough to carry Obama's soggy jock strap.
I can hear the mangled apricot hellbeast screaming, "I'm not in this for the popularity." Then tweeting up a storm about how everyone hates him and it is all the lying medias fault.
30th January 2017. Meters of wall built = 0
Fauxtrage Judge. Remember President Obama's Six month immigration suspension for people of the same region? Face it, your color/ (R) arousal know no bottom.
"Fauxtrage Judge. Remember President Obama's Six month immigration suspension for people of the same region? Face it, your color/ (R) arousal know no bottom."
Nice try, but no. Obama put a six-month hold on refugee applications from one country on the basis of an actual, concrete failure of the vetting process in that specific country, so that the process could be revamped before restarting it.
Trump has no concrete evidence of "bad guys" being let in. He is acting on a case of the "feels" about the scariness of Muslims -- which is pretty plain since he's barred the majority of the Middle East from entry. And he's frankly unlikely to ever restart visas or refugee acceptances from any of those countries unless he is forced to by public pressure, because keeping Muslims out is the actual goal, not improving vetting.
Sorry, but the only things with no bottom are your dishonesty and Trump's racism.
moron bleated...
"I can hear the mangled apricot hellbeast screaming, "I'm not in this for the popularity." Then tweeting up a storm about how everyone hates him and it is all the lying medias fault."
That's not all your hearing dipshit. Listen to the voice saying kill yourself and act on it.
As a nation a country has borders and defends them or you can have third world hellhole just like...Zimbabwe.
White House removed references to Judicial Branch from White House site. Staring at a constitutional crisis of wingnut make and all but a couplke wingnut senators are maintaining radio silence.
Time to start watering the tree of liberty with wingnuts-early and often.
Hey Shit fer brains, ewe got me confused now. Is that voice a stage I can act on? Speaking personally, I am not good at acting. But you can't possibly know that because you are stoopid.
Drumpf fuck only likes Muslim countries whose citizens have actually carried out killings in America plus those countries have Drumpf fuck businesses.
Lesson to be learned for the 7 countries who haven't attacked America-get with the program, Kill Americans (start at the top if you like) and then do business with the Drumpf fuck boys and yer home free.
Steve Bannon is to tr**p what Dick(less) Cheney was to Dubya.
Forget Finding Dory.
Donald Trump actually is a big fan of the movie Idiocracy--so much so that he is attempting to reenact a real-life version of this comedy!
Donald Trump for president: Idiocracy is coming true http://www.telegraph.co.uk/films/0/donald-trump-for-president-idiocracy-is-coming-true/
Further adding to Brigade Fifteen's comments at 8:47am is CNN link below on "How Trump's travel ban affects green card holders and dual citizens."
It's ultra scary when these anon-trolls post what they deem as information in the form of "Obama did it, too," that's devoid of nuance and clarity.
"that's devoid of nuance and clarity."
(Not important or on topic, but I've always wondered why folks write "devoid" instead of just "void." Is it because "de" makes it sound like a more expensive word? Never understood that. But anyway...)
Nuance: Trump's list was Obama's list.
Clarity: Trump's list was Obama's list.
Nuance: You didn't even know Obama was plotting it too.
Clarity: You didn't even know Obama was plotting it too.
Nuance: Obama could do no wrong; Trump can do no right.
Clarity: Obama could do no wrong; Trump can do no right.
Nuance: You'll only believe what white corporate media tells you to believe.
Clarity: You'll only believe what white corporate media tells you to believe.
Nuance: Coming to America isn't a right; it's a privilege.
Clarity: Coming to America isn't a right; it's a privilege.
Nuance: Nobody here respects sovereignty.
Clarity: Nobody here respects sovereignty.
Which wingnut Sinator has the most appeal to white racists? None other than the racist AG nominee- Sessions.
http://www.motherjones.com/politics/2017/01/jeff-sessions-close-ties-white-nationalists-twitter Lynch dem darkies, men.
MotherJones. LOL
Hey, look at this article I found on StormFag that says all blacks are X! Concrete proof!
Don't lose your MoJo, homes. Keep on fitein' da man, cuz da man fite back!
"It's ultra scary when these anon-trolls post what they deem as information in the form of 'Obama did it, too,' that's devoid of nuance and clarity."
They always do this lame false equivalence dance. "Liberal action A is EXACTLY THE SAME as Conservative action B."
Yet it always takes only about 30 seconds of Googling to prove that A is not remotely like B.
This is sinister on the part of the people who cobble together these lies, and pathetically stupid on the part of the wingnut rank and file who believe them and credulously regurgitate them. The latter are people who, as children, must have gotten seriously confused during the "one of these things is not like the other" portion of Sesame Street.
Another problem that didn't need to happen. Pretty sure Bannon and his ilk are behind this mooslim ban because refugees are already subject to extreme vetting. It takes 18-24 months of vetting that includes biometric screening and interviews by the CIA. Donald, I need you to stop stepping in it.
"They always do this lame false equivalence dance. "Liberal action A is EXACTLY THE SAME as Conservative action B."
Always always always. And then its the typical binary thinking that is common on the right. There is no nuance and everything is either black or white though most things in life are shades of grey.
"Donald Trump actually is a big fan of the movie Idiocracy--so much so that he is attempting to reenact a real-life version of this comedy!"
Next stop: Famines caused by irrigating our crops with sports drinks.
"Brawndo™'s got what plants crave. It's got electrolytes!"
"Another problem that didn't need to happen. Pretty sure Bannon and his ilk are behind this mooslim ban because refugees are already subject to extreme vetting. It takes 18-24 months of vetting that includes biometric screening and interviews by the CIA. Donald, I need you to stop stepping in it."
Sometimes ridiculously more than 24 months.
I was reading an article about some Somali would-be refugees who have been on the U.S. waiting/vetting list for SEVEN YEARS. And now are being told no, they can't come, even though they were previously approved, because the White House is racist now. I can't imagine how they are feeling at the moment.
Oh well. Donald says you picked the wrong religion, so back to the war and famine.
80% of Americans support banning terrorists from immigrating here.
20% of Americans are mentally-deficient America-hating progressives who throw tantrums when terrorists can't waltz into the country.
Guess who wins this issue?
Didnt Obama do the same thing in 2011???
From Paul Krugman's twitter:
"I was expecting a constitutional crisis from the Trump administration, but not within the first 10 days.
Philip Gourevitch
Philip Gourevitch Retweeted Damon Silvers
Now what? If Judge grants contempt order & sends Federal Marshals against CBP & WH sides w/CBP in defiance—who/what defends Constitution?"
Then there was homeland security saying you can't ban people who already have green cards but being overruled by president Bannon.
Then there was the mosque burned to the ground, and then the slaughter at the mosque in Quebec.
All because a pathetic geriatric old fuck got made fun of at a dinner. Perhaps he should grow up a little.
-Doug in Oakland
I used to consider myself a moderate who leaned right. I put up with eight years of disagreeing with just about every decision Obama made. I didn't act like a baby. Didn't protest. Didn't burn anything. Didn't attack anyone. Didn't try to create mass hysteria.
After all that has transpired over the past year, I now really hate the Left.
They like to call the right fascists but they are the ones committing the vast majority of the political violence, property destuction, and social disruption. But because it is for the "right" causes, it is all overlooked. They fervently believe that they are so morally superior that any and all means justify their ends.
"Didnt Obama do the same thing in 2011???"
Yes. The media knows this, but they push Fake News to support their agenda.
Every day liberals call more explicitly for political violence. Every day I'm more amenable to the idea of them getting it good and hard.
Josh 2 Smart sez- look at me, I'm a dumbfucking dumbfucker. I fuck dumb. Something something something dumb and fucker. I got 150 dumbfucks or something dumbfuckerlike. I dumbfuck real good. Come smell the dumbfuck.
In better news gerbils have been found to be crazy.
The AClU has made out like bandits, raking in nearly 20 million bucks and signing up new members. The ACLU usually only brings in 3-4 million bucks a year. Thanks to them, Dumbfucks like J2S and his gallant butt buddies on here have the freedom to impress the world with their staggering IQs.
Where were the protests when Obama attacked Libya, the war that caused the refugee crisis?
You all supported it.
Where were the protests when Obama & Hillary armed jihadists in Syria, a civil war that exacerbated the refugee crisis?
You said nothing.
Where were the protests when Obama banned Iraqi refugees for TWICE the amount of time Trump did?
You didn't even know about it.
Isn't it amazing how you only protest when there's an opportunity to virtue signal about it?
You did and said FUCK ALL when Obama dropped 100,000 bombs on Muslim countries.
Fuck right off you utter cunts.
Not sure if the left is "morally superior" , but I do know that the right is full of immoral neanderthals.Just look at their leader in the WH.
But, Paul...nuance! Codeword meaning: White people are racists so it can't be the same thing!
But, to be fair, Obama's always received that free pass. Ever since the campaigning days (that's not to say they ever stopped) when he didn't like Hillary's healthcare, until which point he beat her, then he loved it. And the people against ACA who pointed out, "Well, Obama was against it too!" were told they couldn't spot the "nuance."
Yep. He's all sorts of nuanced. If I had a son, I bet he'd be just as nuanced.
This is me explaining J2S and others. Bwahahahahahahahahahaha
Well, seems the name troll gave himself away.
field negro said...
Not sure if the left is "morally superior" , but I do know that the right is full of immoral neanderthals.Just look at their leader in the WH.
Enforcing existing immigration law in order to fulfill the government's prime responsibilty of protecting CITIZENS is "immoral" and primitive according to Mr. Field Negro.
This is why your side lost.
Obama was a front man for the Soros machine to disrupt America.
Now that Soros' successor lackey lost, he has to lash out in desperation at a resurgant American society.
You progressives are all just useful idiots for those who would enslave us all.
People are mad because Trump temporarily suspended immigration from countries that Obama bombed.
100% of people don't want terrorists here, even ones that blow up federal buildings and shoot 9 church goers. I think we all agree and would win on that issue.
Holy fuck Trump supporters are fucking stupid.
"People are mad "
Not really. The media is conveying that, but in truth the majority supports the ban.
You mean Josh posts a bunch of non sense and then flashes her tits? Noooooooo, I don't believe you.
If putting your own country first is "fascism" then I can guarantee tens of millions of people can be called fascists. Insanity.
The irony of all this is once you let in the poor suffering refugees, they rent seek for eternity about how evil your society is.
Americans have to accept more refugees so that their grandchildren can one day lecture our grandchildren on how evil and racist America is.
Jesus was an immigrant. Think about that. Also here's a picture of a dead kid. Also my grandpa was an immigrant. Also white people are bad.
“Last April, perhaps in a surge of Czech nationalism, Ivana Trump told her lawyer Michael Kennedy that from time to time her husband reads a book of Hitler’s collected speeches, "My New Order", which he keeps in a cabinet by his bed” .
Enforcing existing immigration law
In a word, no. They are not enforcing existing law. They made new laws contingent on Drumpf's business activities overseas, they did not vet this cluster fuck through existing legal offices and they have lied about it ever since. Nothing this band of crooks and outlaws have done so far is legal. Where is the outrage from the "law and order" right?
I have said it before and it bears repeating, there is no law a wingnut can break that will result in that wingnut being charged with a crime. Not even investigated. Fucking jokes, every last one of them.
Rhetoric meets reality: Most Americans support President Trump's temporary refugee ban, ergo most Americans are nazis.
Good work, progs!
The liberals whole world is crumbling and all they can do is cry about it.
Stockpile 556!!
Progressives have gone from imaginary oppression to imaginary villains to imaginary achievements.
Racism is when the black unemployment rate is DOUBLE the national average but you give jobs to foreigners.
Boycott Starbucks.
If you're blocking traffic and preventing people from getting to work, you're not a "protester," you're a fucking asshole.
"I think we all agree..."
I once thought the same way. I would think, for example, "Well, American feminists might get a little carried away with the patriarchy, and they might ignore real rape cultures like Muslim theocracies, but they still know better than to embrace Islamic Sharia Law and everything that comes with it."
Then I saw the Women's March where thousands of women were holding up posters of a girl wearing an American flag hijab, and chanting Allahu Akbar with those phony Chuck Schumer tears. And then I thought to myself, "FUCK! There's really nothing at all on which we Americans can universally agree!"
Here we have feminists, who believe white frat boys are a rape culture, begging and pleading for America to operate under Islamic rule because it's just so progressive to be that "diverse." But, hey, fuck the fact that Saudi women can't drive, or that homosexuals are executed, or that apostates are put to death! Did you know that it's illegal in Saudi Arabia for banks to accrue interest on student loans? "OMG!" scream the snowflake millennials. "We want Sharia NOW! It's, like, soooooooo much better than capitalism. And those hats are, like, sooooo ethnic and cool!"
Paul J Watson is fullovit. Obama didn't ban Iraqis. Learn to read and comprehend. http://foreignpolicy.com/2017/01/30/sorry-mr-president-the-obama-administration-did-nothing-similar-to-your-immigration-ban/
Anonymous Hotep Jesus said...
Racism is when the black unemployment rate is DOUBLE the national average but you give jobs to foreigners.
Boycott Starbucks Another white supremacist pretending to care about POC. ROTFLMAO
"Boycott Starbucks Another white supremacist pretending to care about POC. ROTFLMAO"
Somebody has to care about POC, progressives sure don't!
Boycott Starbucks!
Whitey wingnuts privilege. Do the crime, skip the time. Jails are for black and broen brothers.
Somebody has to care about POC, progressives sure don't!
Wingnuts care? They care enough to lynch the very best. Hallmark racism is indelibly etched in whitey wingnuts DNA
Remember when Chuck Schumer sobbed when Obama shut the door to Iraqis, and Jimmy Carter to Iranians, for the very same reason as the current restrictions?
I think I do!
Acting AG will not defend illegal Muslim ban in court. Wingnuts have this superiority complex that tells them whatever they do is perfectly legal and then they ignore the courts when they are told they are acting illegal. Flat out corrupt fucking bastards who should all be in jail immediately.
Several pieces of legislation signed into law in 1996 marked a turn towards harsher policies for both legal and illegal immigrants. The Antiterrorism and Effective Death Penalty Act (AEDPA) and Illegal Immigration Reform and Immigrant Responsibility Act (IIRIRA) vastly increased the categories of criminal activity for which immigrants, including green card holders, can be deported and imposed mandatory detention for certain types of deportation cases. As a result, well over 2 million individuals have been deported since 1996.[7]
Anonymous Hotep Jesus said...
Racism is when the black unemployment rate is DOUBLE the national average but you give jobs to foreigners.
6:56 PM
Wildhog does not work.
With one phone call, Trump gets the Saudis to reverse their postion and commit to funding Safe Zones in Syria, ending the refugee crisis.
WTF was Obama doing for the past 8 years?
Viva Trump!
teh stooooopid is strong in this one.
Hopefully we won't need safe zones here after Trump.
All crimes committed by racist albinos
Obama's overall average approval rating for his time in office was a dismal 47.9%.
Only three presidents scored worse than Obama since Gallup started doing these surveys in 1945: never-elected Gerald Ford (47.2%), one-termer Jimmy Carter (45.4%), and Harry Truman (45.4%).
Obama even did worse overall than Richard Nixon, whose average approval was 49%, and was less popular overall than George W. Bush, who got an average 49.4%.
91.4% of Muslim refugees in the US are on food stamps, 68.3% are on cash welfare.
That's deplorable!
If only we had the Muslim ban 20 years ago, 9/11 could have been avoided.
Bill Clinton should have done after the first WTC bombing in 1993. But he didn't because he was a traitor.
From powdered wigs to empowered pigs:
Time to invest in rope manufacturer stocks.
Wtf, Trump doesn't want to import an insane, expansionist Middle Eastern death cult into our country? Fuck this, I hate Trump now.
The majority of American support Trump's BS? Take a look at the airports around the country, morons. I swear, wingnuts and trump supporters are the dregs of society.
Update: Former Obama administration official Jon Finer denied that any ban in Iraqi refugee admissions was put in place under Obama. “While the flow of Iraqi refugees slowed significantly during the Obama administration’s review, refugees continued to be admitted to the United States during that time, and there was not a single month in which no Iraqis arrived here,” he wrote in Foreign Policy. “In other words, while there were delays in processing, there was no outright ban.”
If only we had the Muslim ban 20 years ago, 9/11 could have been avoided.
If the fucking morons in dumbass dubya's administration could read, 9-11 could have been avoided. Condie Rice waving a PDB around that specifically said terrorists were going to hijack planes and fly them into buildings in the US. What part of that presidential daily briefing is so hard to understand? Bush had warnings all summer long that something big was afoot. Arrogant wingnuts didn't want any advice from Clinton's administration.
The blood spilled on 9/11 is on Clinton's hands.
Obama banned Muslim immigration for twice as long as Trump has proposed, and you assholes didn't say a word. You probably never even noticed, as you just bark at what your masters tell you to.
Bark slave, bark!
Obama didn't ban anyone. There was never a month when some refugees didn't get into America. The process was slowed down,but the flow never stopped, shit fer brains.
Did you know all millionaires and billionaires receive government assistance? 100% of them are collection billions of bucks. Wingnuts can't throw money at them fast enough to make them happy.
Wingnuts are pathological fucking liars.
I think that we can all agree that trump is an idiot who attracts like minded people. Just look at some of the asinine comments above.
" President Fourth Worst Ever" comes to mind.
Trump's own acting AG is not backing his immigrant ban.
Anonymous said...
Trump's own acting AG is not backing his immigrant ban.
8:52 PM
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Trump's own acting AG is not backing his immigrant ban.
8:52 PM
Not Trumps pick.She was an Obummer appointee.Bye Bye
In a stunning policy reversal, President Donald Trump has withdrawn his "Muslim ban" and replaced it with a ban on immigrants, refugees, and other individuals from White majority nations!
Explaining his change in policy, Trump explained that "since there is a greater possibility of US citizens being murdered by crazy White males [see Dylan Roof, James Holmes, Adam Lanza, Kleybold and Harris]rather than by people from my Muslim ban nations, it's obviously in the best interests of protecting the American people that we prevent more White males from flooding into this country."
"There was never a month when some refugees didn't get into America."
You're right, Mike. With Obama, it was more like six months they didn't get in. Good call.
Why can't America be more like Canada! Just let them all in! You heard their Cuck-in-Chief on Twitter, didn't you? "Come to Canada. Diversity is our strength."
Unless you're a single male. LMFAO! Then Canada won't let you in. Have to be married, a female or a female child to be let in. I guess males in general aren't "diverse" these days.
And have any of you seen that puff piece on the little Syrian girl and wheelchair boy who are in America doing well in school? Hey, I'm all for allowing those types of folks to come in. But for fuck's sake, they live in a nicer house than I fucking do! I work my ass off six days a week. I pay in over 40% in taxes which I don't get back. And they throw these people into a safe cul de sac in a McMansion, in a great school district, and I'm picking up the tab when deciding which discount Shop 'n Save brand item is the best deal. LOL
Yeah, 'Murica! Give us another two million of those! It will make the black people SO HAPPY! (Until they realize the refugees are doing better than they are, then they'll be crying in old negro hymnal rhythm that dat's waycis. Straight from the welfare office, Children. Straight from the office.)
Now I see why Obama banned them in the first place.
What is this ban on Muslims bullshit....over 40 other Muslim nations are not affected.Liberals are a funny delusional bunch.
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Trump's own acting AG is not backing his immigrant ban.
8:52 PM
What ban,why do you intentionally distort the truth.These are travel restrictions from 7 countries for short period of time until proper vetting can be implemented.
Yeah, field. Trump is an idiot.
How much are you financially worth? Are you POTUS?
Let's compare, shall we?
What ban???
(a) IN GENERAL- No nonimmigrant visa under section 101(a)(15) of the Immigration and Nationality Act (8 U.S.C.1101(a)(15)) shall be issued to any alien from a country that is a state sponsor of international terrorism unless the Secretary of State determines, in consultation with the Attorney General and the heads of other appropriate United States agencies, that such alien does not pose a threat to the safety or national security of the United States. In making a determination under this subsection, the Secretary of State shall apply standards developed by the Secretary of State, in consultation with the Attorney General and the heads of other appropriate United States agencies, that are applicable to the nationals of such states.
The roll call House vote is here.
And these senators, including weepy Chuck Schumer, voted for this legislation in 2002:
Cantwell, D-Wash. (F, 4%)
Cardin, D-Md. (F, 2%)
Carper, D-Del. (F, 10%)
Markey, D-Ore. (F, 17%)
Menendez, D-N.J. (F, 6%)
Murray, D-Wash. (F, 2%)
Nelson, D-Fla. (F, 4%)
Reed, D-R.I. (F, 4%)
Sanders, I-Vt. (F, 17%)
Schumer, D-N.Y. (F, 2%)
Stabenow, D-Mich. (F, 8%)
Wyden, D-Ore. (F, 6%)
Durbin, D-Ill. (F, 2%)
Feinstein, D-Calif. (F, 0%)
Leahy, D-Vt. (F, 6%)
Udall, D-N.M. (F, 4%)
So these same hacks who are leading protests against Donald Trump’s refugee pause voted to block visas from Muslim states in 2002.
What shameless hypocrites.
Fuck the gooks and chinks!
We will always wait until the current newest information .
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