Which is why it pains me to write a post ripping him for his latest pronouncement about the white working class and politics in this country.
"Anthony Bourdain, an outspoken critic of President-elect Donald Trump, has called out "privileged Eastern liberals" - including himself - for their "utter contempt" of working-class Americans that he says made Trump's presidency possible...
When people are afraid and feel that their government has failed them they do things that seem completely mad and unreasonable to those of who are perhaps under less pressure,....
I've spent a lot of time in gun-country, God-fearing America," he added. "There are a hell of a lot of nice people out there, who are doing what everyone else in this world is trying to do: the best they can to get by, and take care of themselves and the people they love. When we deny them their basic humanity and legitimacy of their views, however different they may be than ours, when we mock them at every turn, and treat them with contempt, we do no one any good."
I have been seeing a lot of this kind of commentary since the election: Sympathy for the "poor working class white guy" who has been left out of the political mainstream by the political class and the elites in Washington.
I call bulls**t.
First, they are white, and let's not kid ourselves, they are not missing out on any of the privileges in this country. The government, as it is currently structured, did not fail these people. They have, for the most part, failed themselves. They have held twenty and thirty dollar an hour jobs working in mines and steel factories for years, and they failed to see the global revolution coming. No one is denying them their basic humanity or mocking them. They are properly represented in Washington and the halls of power by a very conservative and republican legislative body.
I am sorry, unlike Bourdain and the other apologists, I view "God-fearing America" and "gun-country" a little differently than they do. To me, there is nothing "God-fearing" about these people. Their history tells me something quite different.
I suspect that the reason trump did so well among them had nothing to do with him running as an outsider who is going to shake up Washington, but had more to do with him running as the candidate for certain kinds of white people who was supported by the likes of David Duke and the folks in the alt-right movement. There is nothing wrong with wanting your race to be recognized and properly represented , but let's not pretend that it is something else. Trump built his political career on a campaign to delegitimize the president and has drawn like-minded people to his movement.
"We should be breaking bread with each other, and finding common ground whenever possible. I fear that is not at all what we've done."
Mr. Bourdain and others should be lecturing them, not us. I suspect that they don't want "common ground", they want things the way they were, and there was nothing "common" about that.
*Image from ModernMom.com
Bourdain is a show business chef with a television program.
Whenever I've seen him in the different countries he is always being wined, dined and invited to and by the ruling classes (whichever they may be) homes and restaurants.
When he goes to those sumptuous spreads in a family's home, that family is part and parcel of whichever government is in power. He did it here and he does it everywhere, so this does not surprise me. You Field, know how that works. He did it in Jamaica too. I saw that program.
Pissed me off when he came here 'cos he showed us in a very bad light, went to all the crappy places, and to see that show we looked like a third world hell hole, not that we're much removed, but we have better! :)
He even spelled waaay wrong the city where he mainly filmed, and to this day it is spelled that way on his videos! In other words we're shit, not to be bothered to even get the name of that city (happens to be my mothers birthplace) right!!!
I haven't watched him in a looong time, precisely because of that among other things. It's all about ratings and what appeals to the majority.
I really loved the Lonely Planet though, don't know if you ever saw it, with a short fellow by the name of Ian something or other. He was on the money, truth teller, I guess that's why he's not on anymore.
Bourdain: Thumbs down
Anthony Bourdain is a simpering liberal faggot who holds true to every condescending bit of dogma regarding blacks, but let him utter one sentence where he shows sympathy to someone other than blacks, and Field has to call him out.
This is the state of black American discourse: Self-centered, insular, and infantile.
They have, for the most part, failed themselves. They have held twenty and thirty dollar an hour jobs working in mines and steel factories for years, and they failed to see the global revolution coming.
I had to upgrade my career with the times and shift (with my Electrical/Software Engineering husband's support) from bench research to the computer science intensive bioinformatics to keep well paying employment opportunities. That's called common sense if working to support yourself and be successful is truly your goal.
But as I've said for decades now and observed when I volunteered in rural health clinics back in the day, poor white folks have some REAL entitlement/social/mental/health issues. And now that Trump has validated their delusions of racism towards Blacks and other minorities that are "taking all dere gov'ment benefits", things for them will only get worse. MUCH worse.
To be uneducated, poor, and White, has to be THE WORST since they're "expected" to be successful because of their White skin, BUT THEY AREN'T.
Thanks for the info on Bourdain PR, I'll never watch him again either.
Obama was a disaster for whites, which is why white people in Iowa, Michigan, Pennsylvania, Ohio voted for Trump, not because they are secret Klan members.
Trump will be a disaster for whites who are poor and uneducated, which is why it's just plain dumb why white people in Iowa, Michigan, Pennsylvania, Ohio voted for Trump, plus they are secret Klan members.
"They have, for the most part, failed themselves. They have held twenty and thirty dollar an hour jobs working in mines and steel factories for years, and they failed to see the global revolution coming"
The "global revolution" was a conscious choice made by those who control the financial sector to increase their profits by offshoring jobs and importing cheaper labor. If anyone failed to see it coming, it is because they were lied to by their government and its media. Even now, to opposing one's loss of employment and physical displacement is to be labelled racist by the lapdogs of the elite.
Whites losing their livelihoods and communities because of government policies designed to do just that deserve no sympathy, while blacks who have benefitted directly from government policies that discriminate in their favor deserve no blame for their failures.
You have zero moral credibility. You are nothing but a huckster.
Bourdain is an enigma. He hangs with Ted Nugent and asks THE President Obama if that is okay?
All the Rust Belt workers want is their very own granite topped stainless steel appliance kitchens with big screen TV's to watch Fox tell them how America is screwed by anything remotely Democrat.
In the meanwhile, the Midwest red state farmers and the corporations drive new pickups and wait for their subsidy checks courtesy of the blue states to not grow stuff. The littler farmers who grow organic stuff and produce safe food... struggle.
Midwest. Guns, God and the flag.
Bourdain at time does have flashes of brilliance, but he is not much more than an elevated tour guide. Chef or anthropologist? Not so much.
It's Yīshēng, Stalking B*cthes said...
I had to upgrade my career with the times and shift (with my Electrical/Software Engineering husband's support) from bench research to the computer science intensive bioinformatics to keep well paying employment opportunities. That's called common sense if working to support yourself and be successful is truly your goal.
Failing to get into medical school after 40 years of trying = upgrading your career.
Keep covering for your failures by denigrating the working class people whose labor was taxed so that you could go to college forever. It shows just what you are.
It's Yīshēng, Stalking B*cthes said...
"To be uneducated, poor, and White, has to be THE WORST since they're "expected" to be successful because of their White skin, BUT THEY AREN'T."
No one ever expected you to be successful.
You've proven them right. In spades.
Just saw the Rose Bowl parade. There was an old white Veteran driving the prop Tuskeegee airman's plane. They could not find an old WW2 Black vet to do the honors? We also did not represent for the military bands. I fear if the military return to the days before ww2, it will be easy to unleash them on people that look different. Twenty years from now i hope I am around to represent for the Black VN vets in the parades. That was just like having a float in the parade with an African American as George Washington crossing the Delaware River. We must return to this society if we are staying here.
"First, they are white, and let's not kid ourselves, they are not missing out on any of the privileges in this country."
I love it how black people have drawn this thick line in the sand and have proclaimed that they, and only they, have it tough in America, and that all white people have this mysterious thing known as privilege. Then they pretend that their problems are so unique to the entire history of the world and no one can understand any of them, while they can understand every single other race because they just get it.
You ignorant fuckers -- there are far more mountain hollers and skid rows than there are black ghettos. (But not for long. Every new generation of fatherless bastards brings with it more ghettos, so congratulations...)
When called upon to prove this mythical bullshit of "white privilege," the absolute best you morons can do is cry about some white band-aids or claim that employers discriminate over names like Tashewandaya and not Becky.
Let's be incredibly clear. "First, they are white" -- THIS is why Trump won! You negroid crybabies, and the other victim classes of SJW, run around pretending that if you're white, you don't have a care in the fucking world because the seas part for you wherever you go.
There is not a person here who can prove ONE SINGLE INSTANCE of this "white privilege," but like some sort of deity, you cling to its existence and claim that not being able to find it just proves that it's worse than expected.
Fuck you idiots.
Meet President Trump.
I don't have any sympathy for some poor bastard who voted for Trump because he lost his $80k job two years ago. Coal needs to be phased out. It's not just the pollution of the smokestacks and the CO2. Coal sludge in waterways devastates entire river systems killing everything in its path and leaving a toxic sludge soup that won't support algae, let alone frogs, fish and beavers. Even successful coal mining without any accidents or spills destroys precious earth habitat. It's mountaintop removal, open pit mining, dangerous mines that trap the men inside them and companies like Massey Energy that put profits above human safety.
The republican talking point guys again have a platform to promote the myth of clean coal.
Well said laurensd1!
SAP2, I saw a few Black musicians in the Marine Corp Band and my Dad used to be one of them waaaayyyyyy back in the day. Semper Fi!!
All Trump is is the reaction to 8 years of having a negro in the WH. All of their lives they've been told they are superior to us darkies and it was just incomprehensible that one of us could be the leader of the free world for two terms. Trump will complete what the Republicans in congress have been doing since the day he took the oath of office, erasing any legacy Obama could hope to have no matter how many people get hurt in the process. Trump will immediately overturn any and all Obama policies so racist whites can say he didn't do anything but live off the government and play basketball for 8 years like all other niggers. This isn't shocking or surprising. Just look at the names he was called here, president affirmative action, ect. We knew Clinton would continue and even strengthen his policies so no matter what she couldn't win. White resentment and backlash as a result is as reliable as the sun rising.
Preach PX, PREACH!!!!
This white iowan did not vote for the barking yam, pathological lying scumbag. Nor do I feel any sympathy for those who did vote for the misogynistic, racist, narcissistic POS crook. They will get their just rewards when the scum of the Earth wingnuts take their Medicare and SS away from the stoopid bastards.
"All Trump is is the reaction to 8 years of having a negro in the WH"
If white America were going to react to a black president by voting in someone else, they would have done it in '08, not waited 8 long years to vote against Hillary. This Van Jones logic doesn't even carry much weight among the whiner contingent of the black community. Only the most touched among you try to spin two white candidates into anti-black discrimination.
But it's to be expected: World Ends, Black People Most Affected, after all. No matter what the results were, you people were going to find a way to call it racism. No matter what the fuck happens in the country, you people always figure out a way to call it racism.
That's why Trump won, and in a LANDSLIDE of gargantuan proportions!* Most of America is sick and fucking tired of hearing people whine about being a victim. And not just blacks, of course. Your victimhood has been appropriated by upper-class young white women who cry patriarchy. It's been stolen by trannies who claim there are infinite genders and that sex chromosomes are socially constructed. It's been hijacked by Muslims whose paranoia over Islamaphobia is so unfounded that the last 200 supposed "hate crimes" against them have been hoaxes. Holy fucking shit. Regular people are sick and tired of hearing you people whine and cry. We're not talking about homeless people lashing out on society from their cardboard box. We're talking about black millionaires in college, and women who take gender studies courses funded by the government. The entire fucking globe is getting sick of you people. Brexit, while Remainers try to spin the same "dat's waycis" yarn, went the same way. Brits were sick of you people.
And it's not only that you people won't STFU about being the worst victims in the history of the planet, but poor white people are not allowed to have problems; they're not allowed to vote for their interests.
You lack in totality the self-awareness necessary to gauge properly the reasons for your defeat on such a grand scale. The more you whine and complain over fake shit, the more we see liberals losing. It's causation, not just correlation.
*This is why so many want to do away with the Electoral College. Once you remove California and its 30 million progressive liberals, what we find is that Donald Trump won in every conceivable category, all around the nation. Even the popular vote, once adjusting for what were likely illegal immigrants voting in CA for continued sanctuary and welfare. The EC map for Trump, and the crime statistics map of the US, is shocking! Everywhere we see high crime--which is not surprisingly the same places we see denser populations of blacks--were the places we saw blue specks. Every other spot on the entire map went to Trump.
The people have spoken. We're sick and tired of your non-problem problems. No, we DON'T give a fuck about your schools, and shouldn't. No, we DON'T give a fuck about your employment, and shouldn't. No, we DON'T give a fuck about your children, and shouldn't. Y'all don't, so why should we?
stillaPanther2 said...
That was just like having a float in the parade with an African American as George Washington crossing the Delaware River.
Or making a play about Alexander Hamilton where all the founding fathers were black!
That would never happen!
PilotX said...
White resentment and backlash as a result is as reliable as the sun rising.
Obama has no one to blame but himself for pursuing 8 years of a War on Whites.
White Americans are so not racist that they elected him twice, and still give the guy over a 50% approval rating even though they hate his policies.
Hillary lost because all she offered was more anti-white policies without the virtue signalling compensation of having a black President.
He failed. Horribly. What a waste of an opportunity.
Why did HRC lose? She did not lose. She won in a landslide. Not even the Russians and the FBI interfering in the election can keep HRC from her pre-ordained status as the first female Potus in America history.
All HRC needs to do is completely ignore reality-like wingnuts and pretend she actually won and then lie her ass off.
Josh needs to relax and enjoy eating crow.
mike from iowa said...
Josh needs to relax and enjoy eating crow.
Who? The Non-Mutha-F**kin Factor, itself?
I'm convinced you guys lose a few IQ points reading that bullshit all the time.
He succeeded in fixing the terrible economy that was losing 800,000 jobs per month. It's funny how the racist white crowd can indict Barack as being anti-white (with no evidence of such) but give Trump a pass who used blatantly racist language and hired a guy who gives white supremacists a platform. Just wow. We've had klansmen and blatant racists in the WH but the sole negro is tagged as the racist. White racists are a special bunch.
BTW, your logic is flawed. No one suggests all whites are racist but some definitely are and they did not vote for Barack. Also anon, what anyi-white policies did Hillary propose?
"who gives white supremacists a platform."
This ignorance seems it would necessarily boil down to two things:
1) You don't understand WTF "platform" even means
2) You're just regurgitating lines from your white corporate media masters
By this same logic--re: Trump is a racist because Bannon's a racist because Bannon gives a platform of supremacists--The Field Negro himself is also a white supremacist. (Yeah, I know, logic dun cownt win uzed genst u cuz reesens)
Offering a platform is simply allowing someone to speak. Are you suggesting white supremacists shouldn't' be allowed to speak? And if so, should black supremacists be allowed to speak? Field, for instance, offers a platform to white supremacists! It's true. He doesn't censor comments from them; he allows them to post here, therefore he is offering a platform to white supremacists. But also for black supremacists, like the guy who posts here every day calling for--begging for!--the genocide of over one billion people based on nothing but their skin color. I notice that you folks don't accuse Field of being a white supremacist just because a white supremacist may get a platform here. But it's 100% identical.
Black supremacists get platforms to speak all over the fucking place. You don't hear white folks pitching a fucking fit about it. You will not find white people allowed to stand out in the street, in front of stores, etc, calling black people niggers, threatening to rape their women and murder their children, and calling for the genocide of all whites. Police would shut it down and call it a hate crime. But it's incredibly common practice for the moronic black melanin theorists to do that to white people. The same way it's shut down when people go preach the dangers of Islam in public, yet Islamic clerics and suchlike can stand up on a podium and preach the annihilation of the Jews, and it's protected.
The only type of "supremacy" you people are against is white supremacy. For every other moron who believes their race or religion is superior, and who run everyone else down, you think it actual justice for them to have a platform.
Nobody takes you morons seriously anymore. Your echo chamber is shrinking.
President Obama is the BEST president in modern day history.
I think folks need to STOP looking for others to validate what is already a fact among those who don't see life in "color".
Yeah, our trolls are pretty pathetic. I thought Field was going to upgrade in 2017 but we have the same dimwitted and illogical racist trolls as before. Notice the binary thought process but that is also common among most conservatives, nuance and complexity escape them. One idiot thinks that because Barack was elected there is no more white racism or that when we criticize racist whites we are indicting the entire race. Why am I even wasting my time on such a dimwit? Peep the black/white zero sum thinking. No wonder an angry jack-o-lantern with an animal on his head was elected POTUS. Check the states he won, poor uneducated dimwits like the trolls here. "Whah whah whah, they make fun of us" well guess what Bubba, you need to be made fun of. Just wait til they lose their Obamacare then we'll really see some crying but I won't feel sorry because they did it to themselves.
"She won in a landslide."
Holy shit, the stupid is strong with these people.
She did not win in a landslide. She DID NOT WIN! At all! The only place that makes it appear as if HRC won the popular vote is fucking California. And they allow illegals to vote. The Motor Voter Act saw at least 800,000 illegals vote. And for whom were they voting? The person who wants to deport them, or the person who wants to put them on the taxpayer dime and make them citizens? LOL
HRC did not win. Don't take my word for it. Look at the EC map of states. Look at the EC map of counties. Look at the actual popular vote once you adjust for illegals and Hollywood's celebrity contingent. (Sorry, assholes, but rich WHITE PEOPLE in California don't get to decide the fate of all 50 states, no matter how many people they shove into the state.)
I know you people, even if you actually live in middle America, only believe the coasts exist and matter. That's why you think all white people have privilege, because to you "white people' only live in NYC and LA. At least the whites that matter. Everyone else is a backwoods racist, apparently with millions of dollars in the bank that they just can't get because they're stupid. You buffoons are led around by the nuts by white corporate media. Sure, if you ONLY count the coasts, HRC won in a landslide. But if you actually do something radical and allow Americans to have a say over America's president, it's objectively the case that Trump wiped the floor with Clinton's corrupt ass.
I was at the DMV here in VA getting my ID renewed. On the computer screen is says, "Are you a United States citizen? (If not, that is okay. Being an undocumented immigrant will not affect your chances of receiving state-issued identification). I had to have a birth certificate (but the fucking PRESIDENT doesn't! LMFAO). I had to have an SS card. I had to have proof of address. I had to have ANOTHER FORM of photo ID, which they barely accepted with my outdated photo ID. All this needed from a citizen. What's required of an illegal? Put any name in the box, no SSN, no proof of residency, and pay $10. Your ID/license will be shipped to your stated address in 3-5 business days. Oh, and don't forget to register to vote!
The wall just got ten-feet higher.
"nuance and complexity escape them."
He says before going on to craft weak straw-men arguments based on shit nobody said. LOL
So, yeah, "nuance and complexity escape them." But not irony and hypocrisy.
The cognitive dissonance is STRONG.
Josh is full of more shit than a christmas turkey and is alive in the stste of denial. That, plus I'm in his head. That has to hurt.
@PX, I'm just happy Field has decided to keep stories like this coming because there are few sources I trust for info/news these days.
Yeah well Mike apparently you and others like playing in shit, ijs. A LOT, ROTFL!
And EVERYONE smarter than Josh (which literally means EVERYONE) is in his head, that's extremely easy to do. But again, shit!
"what anti-white policies did Hillary propose?"
1. Increasing replacement-level non-white immigration
2. Increasing federal government mandated discrimination against whites in education
3. Increasing federal government mandated discrimination against whites in employment
4. Increasing federal government mandated discrimination against whites in healthcare
5. Focussed targeting against industries located in rural, white areas
6. Embraced anti-white hate groups such as BLM
She preached hatred against white men, and surprise! white men and he white women who love them did not vote for her.
It's Yīshēng, Stalking B*cthes said...
And EVERYONE smarter than Josh (which literally means EVERYONE) is in his head, that's extremely easy to do. But again, shit!
No one here is as dumb as Yisheng. She proves that with every comment.
It's Yīshēng, Stalking B*cthes said...
@PX, I'm just happy Field has decided to keep stories like this coming because there are few sources I trust for info/news these days.
The others being chicken entrails and fortune cookies.
Josh said...
"nuance and complexity escape them."
He says before going on to craft weak straw-men arguments based on shit nobody said. LOL
That's PX's schtick. It never gets old. Apparently.
I have to disagree with this, in part. I also heard Bourdain's statement and had a strong reaction to it, but I think your take is flawed, too.
It's easy to say that people should just "adapt" to massive and sudden economic shifts, but this is unrealistic. Everyone is not equally well-placed in terms of either resources or psychology to somehow change to a new career and industry when the old one is pulled out from under them. Geography plays a huge factor; it's just not realistic to have huge swathes of the country suddenly rendered economically unviable, whole towns gutted, and tell everyone in those towns they need to move elsewhere to survive. I mean, you can do that, but don't expect the people affected to just be fine with it.
And it's not just a matter of adaptation. Our economy is becoming more elitist. The rewards are going increasingly to the just the people at the top of the pile, while everyone else's income stagnates or shrinks. You can't tell everyone, "it's okay, you just need to be the top of your field." Most people, by definition, cannot be at the top.
So there does need to be a change in economic policy to address this. We cannot keep going on as we have. We cannot continue to ignore class and regional inequality in this manner. Industrial and labor policy will have to be put in place to make sure that wealth is shared out more fairly, even if that means inefficiency and lower economic growth for the country as a whole. It does not do any good to tout brilliant economic growth figures if that growth is coming at the cost of mounting anger over unfairness that rips the country apart.
Interesting interview with Trevor Noah. He points out many of the themes that are being missed by the mainstream media.
"That's PX's schtick. It never gets old. Apparently."
Yeah, my schtick is pointing out what the fucking anon just said. How the fuck is that a straw man? Jesus, troll logic is worse than I thought.
Field, new trolls stat!
"As a computer, she calculated the trajectory for Alan Shepard, the first American in space. Even after NASA began using electronic computers, John Glenn requested that she personally recheck the calculations made by the new electronic computers before his flight aboard Friendship 7 – the mission on which he became the first American to orbit the Earth. She continued to work at NASA until 1986 combining her math talent with electronic computer skills. Her calculations proved as critical to the success of the Apollo Moon landing program and the start of the Space Shuttle program, as they did to those first steps on the country's journey into space."
Go see Hidden Figures! Great movie and all three women portrayed are AKA's. Shout out to my ski-wee sistas!
Where I cannot get on board with Bourdain is on the "respect" aspect of the equation. His argument is that the culture of rural America is disrespected, and that this is a major problem.
The reality is that, on one level, this is unfixable. It has always been the case, and always will be the case, that urbanites look down on rural people as uncultured and unhip, because culture is by and large created in urban areas and filters out to the rural ones. This predates the existence of the United States. It was true in Europe, going back centuries. I would imagine it has been true in most societies. Redneckistan will simply have to deal with the reality that they will never be cool.
On another level, the "culture" that Bourdain is talking about being disrespected is culture that fucking DESERVES disrespect. It is racism, sexism, homophobia. It is all varieties of small-mindedness and hate that thrives in Middle America. This is not to say that all rural people are bigots, but there is a lot of it out there, and no, this is not just "an alternative point of view" that deserves to be debated. This is immorality. This is, frankly, evil. There can be no backing down or compromising on bigotry. I will accept that some of the Social Justice Warrior Brigade uses unhelpful, often needlessly confrontational language that only inflames emotions (I don't think the "privilege theory" frameing has been particularly successful, unless you define success in terms of pissing off white people and making them more racist). A rethink on how to address bigotry in terms of policy may be useful.
But we cannot back down from the basic principle that bigotry is wrong. And, unfortunately, that is an ugly component of Trumpism that Bourdain is glossing over. You've got Trump followers arguing that we should "respect" their hate as just as valid as opposition to hate. And that we should accept scapegoating of "enemies," both inside and outside the U.S., and nationalistic happy talk from Trump in lieu of real economic policy that would help people, including those white rural Trump supporters.
No, sorry, I won't accept or respect your racism and love of get-rich-quick con-artistry, Mr. "Real American." That part of your culture SUCKS and it needs to die.
"Interesting interview with Trevor Noah"
Trevor Noah is anything but interesting.
Seriously, is Comedy Central where you get your news?
1. Increasing replacement-level non-white immigration
2. Increasing federal government mandated discrimination against whites in education
3. Increasing federal government mandated discrimination against whites in employment
4. Increasing federal government mandated discrimination against whites in healthcare
5. Focussed targeting against industries located in rural, white areas
6. Embraced anti-white hate groups such as BLM
She preached hatred against white men, and surprise! white men and he white women who love them did not vote for her.
1. Replacement level? WTF does that mean? Can you show me anywhere where Hillary suggested replacing white people? C'mon. Be serious.
2. What exact policy discriminated against whites in her education policy? Did she specifically paln to allocate money to this plan? Please provide details, I would LOVE to see this.
3. Once again please provide a specific instance in which Hillary planned to specifically discriminate against whites in federal employment.
4. OK, broken record here, please show me how whites could be discriminated against.......
This may be a stretch but could it be Hillary didn't do anything you accused her of and you just made all of this up? If not show me specifics. Thanks.
Oh and for the record BLM isn't an anti-white..........never mind, you wouldn't get it.
Field! Please get some better trolls!
The Ministry of Truth said...
"On another level, the "culture" that Bourdain is talking about being disrespected is culture that fucking DESERVES disrespect"
That's what's great about America today, you can hate and despise the lower classes openly, as long as you limit it to the white portion.
You can stand with the oppressed and display how much better you are at the same time, because claiming moral superiority while indulging your need to demean others is progressive.
"Trevor Noah is anything but interesting.
Seriously, is Comedy Central where you get your news?"
Did you watch the clip? Watch it first then decide whether or not it was interesting. And yes, I get all of my news from Comedy central. Doesn't everyone?
"Field! Please get some better trolls!"
PilotX always calls out to Field for help when he is being made to look like a fool.
Field will eventually post something like "FACTS" (as if he knew what a fact was) and declare PilotX the winner.
It's pretty sad, really.
"That's what's great about America today, you can hate and despise the lower classes openly, as long as you limit it to the white portion."
Only certain portions of it. The parts that are openly racist and ignorant. Instead of just accepting this pathology in your poor white communities why not do something about it? We could take white people more seriously if they stopped allowing this bad behavior. You will never rise as a people if you don't get these people to act right.
PilotX said...
"And yes, I get all of my news from Comedy central. Doesn't everyone?"
No, actually, just middle-brow progs.
PilotX always calls out to Field for help when he is being made to look like a fool.
Which has never happened. Cowardly anonymous posters post stupid shit and "claim" victory. Funny how none of these anons have the balls to create a name and challenge X. Why is that? I think we know why.
No, actually, just middle-brow progs like John Leibowitz.
"Only certain portions of it. The parts that are openly racist and ignorant. Instead of just accepting this pathology in your poor white communities why not do something about it?"
What portion might that be? Hillary's 50% deplorable?
How many do you think are openly racist and ignorant? Probably a tiny fraction of the openly racist and ignorant black population. In case you haven't noticed, white racism is not tolerated in America, and hasn't been for over a half century. Perhaps you examine the kind of pathologies that are accepted in your own communities.
It is vile slander to accuse a people of being racist and ignorant for merely wanting the government to stop actively working against their interests.
Fuck you, you selfish piece of shit.
1. Increasing replacement-level non-white immigration
2. Increasing federal government mandated discrimination against whites in education
3. Increasing federal government mandated discrimination against whites in employment
4. Increasing federal government mandated discrimination against whites in healthcare
5. Focussed targeting against industries located in rural, white areas
6. Embraced anti-white hate groups such as BLM
She preached hatred against white men, and surprise! white men and he white women who love them did not vote for her.
Teh stooooopid in this one is strong.
How many do you think are openly racist and ignorant? Probably a tiny fraction of the openly racist and ignorant black population. In case you haven't noticed, white racism is not tolerated in America, and hasn't been for over a half century. Perhaps you examine the kind of pathologies that are accepted in your own communities.
Well, whatever that population is you seem to be included. I bet you voted for that ignorant racist, homophobic, sexist asshat who screws over working people. Just reading your post shows that ignorant white racists exist.
Irony is lost on stooooopid people.
It is vile slander to accuse a people of being racist and ignorant for merely wanting the government to stop actively working against their interests.
You are way too stupid to realize how racist and ignorant this statement is. Then again ignorant racists probably don't know they are ignorant racists. Now go back to your klan meeting and STFU!
"You are way too stupid to realize how racist and ignorant this statement is."
Maybe you could explain how racist and ignorant it is, if not to me, than to those you deam capable of realizing it.
What exactly is "racist and ignorant" of wanting your government to stop actively working against your interests?
What exactly are "your" interests and how exactly is the government working against them?
Oh this should be rich.
Soooooooo, they vote for a billionaire who is all about screwing the average working man because they think that will work out for them? Good luck with that.
I grew up in a town where the economy was held up by the lumber and fishing industries, and I lived to see both of them crash in the early '80s, so I have some empathy towards folks who have seen their way of having a relatively good life yanked out from under them.
I can understand why certain people really wanted to believe Trump's lies about bringing their livelihoods back.
Still, what you want to believe has no impact on what reality actually is.
Trump's lies were obvious. Coal mining is never coming back. Regardless of whether using coal is good or bad, it's not profitable any more. Gas is cheaper and safer and easier to use, and solar will be cheaper in a year or two, if it isn't already.
What coal is still mined is extracted with much larger tools which require far fewer jobs to work. These are not Democratic policies, they are the fucking free market.
And manufacturing? You know who was a good president for American manufacturing?
Barack Obama was.
So I have to wonder what is going to happen to all of those programs specifically designed to help American manufacturing and those workers who used to make good livings there now that job one for the Trump administration is the wholesale repeal of Obama's legacy in retribution for being made fun of at the dinner.
It's not my fault that "rust belt" voters weren't aware of these initiatives; you'd think that if they felt such overriding insecurity about their livelihoods they could overcome their, uh, distaste for the president and tune in to some of the massive pile of work he did on their behalf.
But as the post I linked to pointed out, they would have had to look for them themselves, because the media sure wasn't gonna tell them about it. No money in doing so, I would imagine.
But now, coal miners are talking to the media about how they voted for Trump because he lied to them that they could have their jobs back, but are terrified that their black lung benefits will be taken away with the repeal of the ACA.
That was easily available information before the election, and they voted for him anyway, so while I feel for them (I stand to lose a big chunk of my health insurance also), I also have to identify them as a big part of the problem.
So I will close with a couple of quotes:
"If Something Seems To Be Too Good To Be True, It's Best To Shoot It, Just In Case." -- Fiona Glenanne
And I told Driftglass in a comment that I would be stealing this, so here it is:
"Once Fox News and Hate Radio had manufactured a critical mass of fact-proof idiots,...the Party of Lincoln irrecoverably reshaped itself to accommodate them.
They have passed beyond the reach of reason, so the only viable way to impede their stampede to ruin is to trash their getaway car.
The Big Lie of "Both Sides Do It" is their getaway car."
-Doug in Oakland
"What exactly are "your" interests and how exactly is the government working against them?"
1. Secure employment and rising wages for all Americans, which the government works against by importing surplus labor and incentivizing the export of jobs as well as by working against certain industries for purely ideological reasons.
2. A stable and safe environment for myself and my progeny, which the government works against by eroding established cultural norms while promoting foreign cultures of varying degrees of incompatibility.
3. Equality before the law and freedom from unfair discrimination, which the government works against by establishing protected legal classes and bestowing favortism based on race, gender or sexual practices.
dinthebeast said...
....so I have some empathy towards folks who have seen their way of having a relatively good life yanked out from under them.
Go ahead and have empathy for a group of people who largely think minorities and muslims are the reasons "their jobs/livelihoods" aren't coming back.
THAT is where the lack of empathy comes from on FN IMHO.
That sounds great but as you know there has always been discrimination in this country and we all need to work to eliminate it. I guess we agree on this.
It's Yīshēng, Stalking B*cthes said...
Go ahead and have empathy for a group of people who largely think minorities and muslims are the reasons "their jobs/livelihoods" aren't coming back
Who is to blame for your failure to get into medical school?
Expound upon #3. It would seem that no specific group, gays for example, would have to have specific laws to protect them if there weren't some working to discriminate against them right?
"No one here is as dumb as Yisheng"
I've been challenging Yiscunt for over a year now to show and prove that she has STEM education. So far, she's only proven that she can't speak English properly (which she blames on culture); that she cannot name accurately rudimentary biological terminology (which she blames on Ebonics); and cannot perform basic math (which she blames on white people).
She's had the perfect opportunity here lately to showcase her intellect. What does she do instead? Babble incoherently in broken niglish about waycism and trolls.
The more these people talk, the more James looks prophetic. If you don't hold racial stereotypes, just hang around black people for a little bit. You'll get there! LOL
yisheng does have a Masters in Kentucky Fried Chickenry.
The tragedy of Yisheng is that she has occupied a space in higher education for 40 years and achieved nothing. She has never been able to move on the productive world. To this day she harbors the delusion that she will one day be a real doctor. Think of all the worthy people who could have been educated in her place, and all the things they could have done to make this a better world. Despite the great largesse America has bestowed upon her, she has nothing but contempt for the majority population who has made her life possible. On top of all that, people like Yisheng diminish appreciation of the real achievements of black people of merit, whose accomplishments are cast in doubt by her glaring example of incompetence and unearned privilege. She and her ilk are truly a plague on all humanity.
Loving you commentary, Field!
Go to these Red Zones and you find 50-60, even 70% of the Trump white folks on disability, SNAP, or some other form of welfare.
The Great White Ghetto...Indeed.
@btx3, you left out heroin addiction.
PilotX said...
"She continued to work at NASA until 1986 combining her math talent with electronic computer skills. Her calculations proved as critical to the success of the Apollo Moon landing program and the start of the Space Shuttle program, as they did to those first steps on the country's journey into space."
When are they going to make a movie about the black women who did all the calculations for the Manhatten Project?
Wingnuts want to eliminate overtime, family leave, health insurance and minimum wage. They want to eliminate unions and/or collective bargaining. They want to make union dues voluntary and they don't want unions to charge non-union members for the collective bargaining unions are forced to do for non-members. They want to defund unions so they can't spend money on campaigns and have made campaign contributions a matter of majority votes, unlike korporations who have no restrictions on campaign contributions.
Sounds to me like voting for wingnuts is in direct conflict with the average Joe's best interests. Not to worry, Some brilliant mind will jump in here and claim HRC is going to take your guns by way of defending wingnuts.
"I can understand why certain people really wanted to believe Trump's lies about bringing their livelihoods back.
Still, what you want to believe has no impact on what reality actually is.
Trump's lies were obvious. Coal mining is never coming back. Regardless of whether using coal is good or bad, it's not profitable any more. Gas is cheaper and safer and easier to use, and solar will be cheaper in a year or two, if it isn't already.
What coal is still mined is extracted with much larger tools which require far fewer jobs to work. These are not Democratic policies, they are the fucking free market.
And manufacturing? You know who was a good president for American manufacturing?"
This is my view almost exactly, Doug.
I can easily understand their anger, but I won't extend much sympathy to how they decided to express this anger -- by using their presidential vote as a middle finger to the rest of the country.
Sure, we can blame Trump's victory on right-wing politicians and their plutocratic economic policies. Sure, we can blame it on left-wing politicians who compromised with those plutocratic right-wing policies (although, the hard-left critics in this country should be a bit realistic about how much choice Clintonite third-way folks really had in the matter, given that failure to compromise would simply have kept them out of power and resulted in even more unfair policies being enacted). Sure, we can blame the degradation of our media, which is allowing us to slide into a disastrous "post-fact" universe.
But none of this completely takes the blame off of one other party: the dumbass American voter. If you are financially struggling, that is NOT a blanket excuse for being utterly politically illiterate and foolish. (And keep in mind that lots of Trump voters aren't all struggling -- many are the standard middle-class-to-wealthy Republican voters who knew damn well how awful and incompetent Trump is, but held their noses and voted for him anyway, for the tax cuts or the hope of a right-wing Supreme Court or whatever other rotten reasons.)
If you're white and working-class, there is just no way around the fact that you are an absolute political imbecile if you bought into any of Trump's phony economic promises. They are self-evidently laughable. He is an obvious charlatan. This does not require a damn PhD to see through. Voting for his Wayback Machine promises about returning to a 1950s-era economy is about as sensible as managing your personal finances via the Psychic Helpline, or sending all your savings to a "Nigerian Prince" from whom you received an unsolicited email.
And all this gives people credit for merely voting stupidly. But a lot of them also voted racist-ly, and there's no getting around it. Unfortunately, it's not only our political system that is broken. A lot of Americans citizens are, themselves, severely dysfunctional in their attitudes. Scolding alleged "metropolitan elites" for pointing out the underlying, ugly facts about their fellow citizens will not change those facts or heal the partisan divide.
Bourdain's comments fall into a category of writing I can only call shooting the messenger, announcing that it is mean-spirited to be honest about dumb people being dumb and racist people being racist, even though they are. Compassion for poor people's poverty cannot ultimately undo the reality that some of those poor people are major dickheads.
JOshkosh, where do u get this "landslide of epic proportions" narrative from? He lost the popular vote by almost 3 million.
So there is that.
Carry on.
Illegal alien votes won't count next time.
So there is that.
It will be intersting to see how The Ministry of Truth handles it when we MAGA and it turns out he is the imbecile.
Probably look something like this:
Biggest part of my day today, loading Lubuntu on a 2001 Toshiba laptop computer and configuring it to run RStudio, Windows 7 (on separate partition), and Virtualbox for fun.
Biggest part of my stalker's day: ME!!
Biggest part of my stalker's day, yesterday? ME!!!
Biggest part of my stalker's day tomorrow? ME!!!
"So there is that."
It's amazing to me how dishonest partisans are. From the same response you quote-mined that, exists the FACT of the outcome; i.e. only because of California's 20 million progressive liberal Hillary stooges, and its millions of illegal voters, was Hillary able to win the "popular vote." (And that's why the fuck we don't count the fucking popular vote.)
If we're judging by state, Donald Trump won in a fucking landslide.
If we're judging by county, Donald Trump won in a fucking landslide.
Only when we judge by the total number of Americans, is the stat skewed tremendously by California's enormous population, which has more liberal progressives registered to vote than Canada, the UK, Australia, Sweden and Finland have people period! You remove California from the equation, and Trump won the popular vote by millions.
This is the entire basis of the "change your vote" argument, which hilariously resulted in more changing their votes from Hillary! LMFAO! But it's basically rich white liberals, and their house niggers all over the country, who want the coastal areas of the USA to represent the entire nation. But once you remove California from the equation, Hillary didn't do a damn thing. She lost in every single conceivable category EXCEPT having millions more liberals living in California. That's it. That's the entire extent of her campaign. She won California! (Democrats ask: Who the fuck hasn't?)
"even 70% of the Trump white folks on disability, SNAP, or some other form of welfare."
Make up your fucking minds. Are white people privileged because they're white, or are they mostly poor and reliant upon welfare? Holy fucking shit, the retard on this blog is perhaps the strongest online, even surpassing the fluid gender and otherkin communities.
It's Yīshēng, Stalking B*cthes said...
Biggest part of my day today, loading Lubuntu on a 2001 Toshiba laptop computer and configuring it to run RStudio, Windows 7 (on separate partition), and Virtualbox for fun.
What's next, signing up for Earthlink?
Has`anyone who's`seen the`Hidden Figures movie also read the book? How does the movie compare to the book?
"How does the movie compare to the book?"
They are both fake.
Yisheng: I really tried to like Linux. I had Ubuntu on two of my machines, and I had a dedicated IBM (P4, I think) loaded with a Debian-derived OS made for multimedia work called 64 Studio. My thinking was that Linux is free, and I'm way too poor to be able to afford current commercial digital music tools. I spent two years and untold hours trying to integrate that machine into my sound system without the least bit of success. My XP machine with FL Studio on it worked really well, and turned my old ass PA system into a 5.1 surround rig, and my old-ass G4 with Ableton Live on it worked fine even though it was only 350 MHZ, but the Linux boxes never seemed to do what they were supposed to do. Then, right about the time it dawned on me that writing command lines was not compatible with playing my instrument, I read an article by a major developer titled "Let's Just Admit It: Linux Sucks For Digital Audio" and I gave up and reinstalled Windows on that IBM...
-Doug in Oakland
Trump was the perfect candidate for many of the "deplorables" because he was a major figure in the process of trying to delegitimize the first negro President. He was the birther in chief and went so far as to claim he sent private investigators to Hawaii to prove Barack was not birm there. The irony of the President elect being the guy who tried to delegitimize the current President isn't lost on those who pay attention.
What's fake?
@Doug, my husband turned me on to Linux/Ubuntu when I started learning programming years ago, I LOVED it, and things went well until I transitioned from Bioinformatics to Clinical Informatics.
BIG URGH!! Because so much of the clinical/medical world is stuck like stink on shit to windows environments, I stopped using it for many years until today when I realized that the TSA f'ed up the graphics card on my laptop a couple days ago. So I decided to see if I could bring my old Toshiba back to life.
So far, so good! :)
I STILL think Linux is the best operating system out there
but yeah, you might have a hard time composing music at the terminal, LOL!!
The irony of the President elect being the guy who tried to delegitimize the current President isn't lost on those who pay attention.
The dream that many people of color started to believe about a race blind society has been put to rest by BOTUS. PERMANENTLY!!!
I told y'all in 2008 America wasn't "ready" for a Black president and electing him twice didn't end up meaning jack shit. 'Cause when push came to shove and the whooteemoos who voted for Obama (all 1000 of them) needed a scapegoat for their professional failures and heroin addictions, the Black man with the funny name from Africa was destined through BOTUS' rhetoric, to be the blame!
"The more these people talk, the more James looks prophetic. If you don't hold racial stereotypes, just hang around black people for a little bit. You'll get there! LOL"
Really Josh? How exactly did you "get there"? Do you actually know any black people? Based on a lifetime living and working amongst black people you (and that other Nazi) are full of shit.
Smithsonianmag and NPR both say the movie and book are real- Hidden Figures. What I can't figure out is why NASA doesn't investigate the vast emptywastelands between wingnut's ears. Specially dumbass dubya and this fucking Russian cockhound, masngled apricot hellbeast who lives only to make money and to bang his daughter, Ivanka. Sick fuck!
Law and order wingnuts huh?
In one of their first moves of the new Congress, House Republicans have voted to gut their own independent ethics watchdog — a huge blow to cheerleaders of congressional oversight and one that dismantles major reforms adopted after the Jack Abramoff scandal.
Despite a warning from Speaker Paul Ryan (R-Wis.) and Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.), House Republicans on Monday adopted a proposal by Judiciary Chairman Bob Goodlatte (R-Va.) to put the Office of Congressional Ethics under the jurisdiction of the House Ethics Committee.
The office currently has free rein, enabling investigators to pursue allegations and then recommend further action to the House Ethics Committee as they see fit.
Now, the office would be under the thumb of lawmakers themselves. The proposal also appears to limit the scope of the office’s work by barring them from consider anonymous tips against lawmakers. And it would stop the office from disclosing the findings of some of their investigations, as they currently do after the recommendations go to House Ethics.
Josh is just trolling for attention. She'll say racist shit and swear she's not a racist. She does that when she doesn't think anyone is paying her any attention. Drama queens are like that.
You seem surprised. Republicans are currupt and idiot mouth breathers keep voting for them. They elected dumbass because they were tired of people calling them dumb. Just look here, we have the likes of James, his bitch Josh and a host of other dimwits. They fucked the world because their candy asses couldn't take a few well deserved insults. That's how thin skinned white dudes roll. Just look at their orange leader.
"are full of shit."
Yeah, Lance. All the stereotypes are just inventions of white racists' imaginations. All the crime statistics are just made up. Those women aren't really being raped; forcing a cock into a pussy against its will is a term of endearment. IQ tests really are biased, from the ones given in the heart of Africa to the ones given to black adopted kids raised by white parents. The knockout game isn't even real; Alex Jones made it up with CGI before turning the frogs gay. Black single mothers are actually fantastic! Their bastards don't grow up to populate prisons and commit murders at all! Black kids don't trash their schools and their neighborhoods at all! Everything we know about blacks in the aggregate is just misinformation created by racist white people.
Because the negative stereotypes don't apply to 100% of people, therefore they cannot apply to any percentage of people (unless it's negative against white people). The sophistry used to make blacks victims makes sense by blacks themselves who enjoy their status as America's biggest victim class. But what's in it for white people?
You whites believe, down to your very core, more negative shit about blacks than white racists EVER could! You believe they're too poor to afford $5, too dumb to use the PC, and too inept to find the DMV to get an ID. You assume that cultural differences really do mean that blacks cannot learn on the same pace as others, and that all curricula must be adjusted for social justice. You believe, to your very molecular levels, that having bastard babies is just what black women are going to do, so we can't do anything else but provide more entitlements to single mothers. You all believe--you know--that judging people by individual merit will result in blacks being second-tier choices to Asians (first) and whites (second), and with this knowledge you seek to social-justify the "playing field" by forcing employers to hire based on quota systems and vague discrimination laws that enable lawsuits to be filed at the drop of a hat.
What you all-blacks-are-great-100%-of-the-time white people truly believe about black people would make a fucking Grand Wizard Klansman blush! But because you want to discriminate against them to their monetary benefit, whereas Klansmen just want to discriminate against them because fuck them, you exist in some air of self-righteous contentment. And because blacks so willingly whore their souls into government-funded slavery so they're showered with attention and entitlements, they don't care that you feel this way about them. They want you to pity them. That's literally the #1 goal of Field and folks like him: PITY BLACK PEOPLE! The more pity you have, the more willing you are to create an alternative version of reality in which blacks exist. They're eating this shit up!
There are no more racist people on the planet than you whites who support the black whiner contingent by pulling their sleds for them out of a sense of guilt.
They don't like you. They don't respect you. You're their useful idiot. You're a joke to them. You're selling out your own race to help them extort guilt. You don't think they find you pitiful? Just take a look at what they do to members of their own race who speak against the cause! And they actually have black pride; they loathe white people. You are the husband who calls them up to pleasure your wife.
You are a disgusting cuck.
"That's how thin skinned white dudes roll."
Yeah. That's why when whites are thrown out of classes at campus, because 2016 was the year of "no whites allowed," you don't hear a fucking peep from them. But take MILLIONAIRE blacks at places like Mizzou and Yale, and you literally cannot disagree with them without crying, protesting, rioting, shutting down the entire school, and pretending that they're slaves.
Thin-skinned? There has never existed a people on this planet who cried more about meaningless shit than blacks. For fuck's sake, the blacks who were ACTUALLY SLAVES and ACTUALLY SEGREGATED didn't cry and moan as much as you blacks who live the most privileged lives in the history of the planet. Slaves had a couple songs. You modern-day house nigs have double albums by the time you're out of middle school (which is when most whites and Asians are sophomores): Victimhood's Greatest Hits, Vol Iv - Dat Freestile!
Whites have a thin skin. LOL I've heard it all now. This, my friends, is the best example of projection you'll ever read.
Josh schools y'all every night and most of you are too stupid to get it. Keep up the good work Josh!
In other words (like your soulmate) you don't actually know any black people. As a matter of fact personal experience does count for more than your bogus statistics and drama queen bullshit. With very few exceptions I have not known black people to match your stereotypes. But if rotten to the core Nazis are more your type then there is no point talking to you.
More trolling of Trump about his lack of A-list celebs at the inauguration.
Black British singer Rebecca Ferguson has offered to sing at the event if she can perform anti-lynching anthem Strange Fruit.
I called it on the other thread. I wasn't making fun of you in person, Josh. It was just a general lampoon of people who believe everything that Generalíssimo Juan Orlando Triunfo tweets. Truth be damned. You said yourself there really is no longer such a thing as a fact, right? Who can say? Reality is subjective.
The Trump people can only allow that HRC won California. Josh challenges even that notion. Yeah, we allow illegals to vote. You should be lucky enough to live in a state where the vote can be trusted as much as it is in California. My ballot has big bubbles that I filled in with a felt-tip pen. It goes through an optical reader, but it can easily be counted by hand.
Surely Hillary could not possibly have won in New York? Must be a mistake. That's Trumptown, baby!
Fuckin' called that one!
Notice Josh's continuous use of the word cuck. Either she has some sexual insecurity issues or she just really likes thinking about Black dick. Which one do you guys think it is?
What did you call, exactly?
Hillary won a little bit more than CA. Sure. (Although the EC map IS a fucking bloodbath of epic proportions! Just Google the fucking thing and look!) The point: CA is the ONLY REASON she won the "popular vote." If you take CA out of the equation, Trump wins by well over a million. These are just the facts of the matter.
I'll hazard a guess here that fewer than 1% of the people who visit this blog live in CA. But ever since Trump won, you buffoons are begging and pleading for California's grossly inflated population to start overriding the democratic processes of everyone else by having their votes count MORE! That's precisely what y'all are after here, and what you're implying when you moan that HRC won the "popular vote." You're saying Californians matter more.
Fuck Californians. They do not matter more. There are 49 other states to consider, and thousands of counties therein. The reason we have the Electoral College is so that 53 million people living in a west-coast bubble can't fuck up the lives of everyone else by mandating that their voice matters more.
Nowhere do I challenge Clinton won CA. I obviously say she won CA in an amazing fucking landslide. And of course she did. Which Democratic presidential nominee doesn't? They'll always have the black vote there. They'll always have the Latino vote there. They'll always have the Hollywood elite there. That's pretty much an additional 10 million voters ahead of anything Republicans have. But one state doesn't fucking get to decide anything nationally.
You folks just gotta get over it. (Which you won't. For fuck's sake, people can't get over slavery, which didn't even happen to them! LMFAO! There's no way people are going to get over this. In perpetuity we're going to hear how the "popular vote" should elect a president, until which point the "popular vote" elects a Republican, then they'll be shouting that we need better protections on the Electoral College!)
Hillary Clinton will never be President.
Should Dylan Roof be executed?
Anonymous said...
Should Dylan Roof be executed?
Surprised Josh isn't too busy sucking Black dick. Maybe she types and sucks at the same time. Wow, multi-tasker she is.
It's Yīshēng, Stalking B*cthes said...
The dream that many people of color started to believe about a race blind society has been put to rest by BOTUS. PERMANENTLY!!!
The last thing you want is a race blind society.
In fact, blacks have never wanted a race blind society.
"bogus statistics"
I was saying it tongue-in-cheek, being sarcastic. But lo and behold, you really are going to hold the line that all the stats are made up. LOL
So when it comes to the FBI, you'll believe them saying Russia hacked the DNC, but won't believe them about black perpetrators in the USA? Fact: Wherever you find densely populated areas of blacks in America, you also find higher levels of crime, higher levels of poverty, and higher levels of unemployment and welfare than the median.
"Oh, that's because of white supremacy!" you scream? Okay. Explain it in Canada, Australia, the UK, Haiti, Sweden, Denmark, Germany, and the list goes on and on. American white racists sure do have a fuck of a reach! Or could it be maybe, just maybe, the average black culture is not compatible with western society? Like Islam.
But we already know where you stand. These stats are just made up by racists! You know the majority of black people and so you know they're made up.
I grew up in Suitland, MD, by the way. I'll give you $500 cash upfront to walk down Parkland Terrace after dark. I'll videotape it with a flying drone; I ain't going back around those fucking lunatics for the rest of my life! Make sure you tell them, "I've known some of your people. They've been very good people." LOL Tell them how you're all against waycism and think they're so swell.
Of course not all blacks are bad! Just like not all Muslims are bad. But for fucking fuck's sake, ISIS is an issue! Saudi Arabia is an issue! Pakistan is an issue! Iran is an issue! Admitting such doesn't make ALL Muslims bad, you pussy. And calling out the disproportionate levels of violence in Islam doesn't make you Islamaphobic, just like citing the accurate statistics that blacks, in the aggregate, are more violent than everyone else doesn't make you a racist. Facts are racist?
Not all cultures are the same. Some cultures are bad. Some cultures are better than others. Islamic theocratic culture is inferior to western culture. Black ghetto culture is inferior to western culture.
Please, Lance, I beg you -- get everyone you know to call that racist for the next four years. Go ahead and guarantee the reelection of Trump.
WIthout white people, there is no America. Without black people, there is no gun violence in Chicago.
Yeah especially when white males benefitted from affirmative action for centuries.
Without whites there are no meth OD's.
If you peckerwoods are dumb enough to re-elect Trump you white hillbillies are dumber than anyone thought. Even you animal fuckers aren't that dumb are you?
The concept of "Racism" plays same role in USSA/EU as "Capitalism" played in the USSR: The excuse for totalitarian control.
Anti-Racism *is* Marxism
At least these greyboys admit they voted for Trump out of spite. Are all white guys thin skinned drama queens like Josh? Sure seems like it. They don't give a fuck about the country, it's all about not being called a cuck by their prissy ass friends. White guys are sooooo weak.
But ever since Trump won, you buffoons are begging and pleading for California's grossly inflated population to start overriding the democratic processes of everyone else by having their votes count MORE! That's precisely what y'all are after here, and what you're implying when you moan that HRC won the "popular vote." You're saying Californians matter more.
Quit conveniently forgetting New York. Manhattan is Trump's stomping grounds. He got stomped on by the people of New York alright, despite strong conservative strongholds in rural New York. BTW, did you ever notice that Trump doesn't own any pets and he doesn't sleep with his own wife very often?
I haven't called for an end to the electoral college, but this election makes a good case for abolishing it.
No. The popular vote margin enjoyed by Hillary isn't only because of California. It's simply a tally of all voting Americans. I don't want for my vote to matter any more than does yours.
You guys won. I am coming to terms with that truth. Most of us are scared shitless. Happy New Year.
"No. The popular vote margin enjoyed by Hillary isn't only because of California."
Correct, it is also due to voter fraud across the country.
We're gonna fix that, though.
"Of course not all blacks are bad!" but fuck them anyway, they all have to go, because you and your new soulmate decided they are not compatible with western society? I didn't take you for a hater Josh, but you are crossing the line when you keep channeling the resident Nazi village idiot.
"Of course not all blacks are bad!" but fuck them anyway, they all have to go, because...
...they have thrown in with those who want white genocide. You have left us no choice.
Herr Trumpening,
Voter fraud?
You're not very intelligent, are you?
Which would you prefer, Stalinist CCCP or the Third Reich? Either one is a proven winner! You would make a wonderful loyalist!
The United States of America will self-correct. We will live through the Trump presidency and restore as much justice as humanly possible after the devastation. The republican party as it is known today will eventually die with the monster Trump.
Much suffering will intervene.
"But ever since Trump won, you buffoons are begging and pleading for California's grossly inflated population to start overriding the democratic processes of everyone else by having their votes count MORE! That's precisely what y'all are after here, and what you're implying when you moan that HRC won the 'popular vote.' You're saying Californians matter more."
Er, no. If you want to get technical, not "more than" -- "equal to."
The Electoral College currently guarantees that a Californian's vote for president counts LESS THAN that of a resident of, say, Wyoming. That's how the Electoral College works. It boosts the voting power of residents of small states relative to those of big states.
One Wyoming vote counts for 1/187,923 of an electoral vote, while one California vote counts for 1/677,355 of an electoral vote. A Wyoming vote for president is worth 3.6 California votes, for absolutely no good reason. There's frankly no good democratic justification for it. It is an inherently undemocratic measure that resulted from arguments at the founding of the Constitution that mostly have no relevance in the modern world.
A larger population overruling a smaller one is democracy. It isn't somehow "unfair" if the government of America is the one most Americans want. But I'm sure this will only send you into yet another paroxysm of nonsensical rationalization, because you live in a weird fantasyland where things you don't like must not be real.
Stupidity must be the in thing with racist white guys.
Republicans are moving to dismantle the Congressional Office of Congressional Ethics, because now Trump is president and ethics are sooooo 2016.
Time to steal everything that's not nailed down!
"Congressional Office of Congressional Ethics"
Oops. Only need one "congressional."
But Republicans still thin we need no "ethics."
You're JUST NOW figuring out Josh is a racist piece of shit? Wow, she's made that pretty clear long ago.
Republicans have no ethics.
Flying Junior said...
The United States of America will self-correct.
We just did, Einstein.
You also missed the fact that Trump has destroyed the Republican party "as it is known today" and is replacing it with a party based on the novel idea of supporting the interests of the citizens.
Conservatism is dead because it failed to conserve anything.
Progressivism is dead because its idea of progress is nihilism.
Nationalism is the future. Try to keep up.
Drain the swamp? The gop is getting rid of all oversight over Wall Street and big banks, cutting Medicare, cutting the ACA and privatizing the VA. Oh well, hope your hatred of the negro on the WH was worth it because a lot of you hillbillies are gonna suffer badly.
Trump is a scam artist who's screwed everyone he's done business with. Idiots like you are in trouble.
Whatever Trump does, it can't be as bad as Obama's War on Whites.
Free at last! Free at Last!
17 days.
Oh you white people are sooooooo fucking stoooooopid. You really love your stoooooopid.
Yeah, let's bring in a pussy grabbing trust fund baby that screws the common man. Racial animosity is strong with dimwitted whites.
"because you live in a weird fantasyland where things you don't like must not be real."
Yeah. Because it's me and people like me rioting over Trump, sending death threats to the EC members, and wailing incessantly about how America is so unfair.
Another example of the phenomenon of Progressive Projection: The things of which they accuse you are objectively the things of which they are themselves guilty.
"they all have to go"
More straw-men. You illogical fuckwits sure do supply the typing fodder.
No, they don't have to go. Those factions that are anti-western have to assimilate! Hey, Lance, is it okay for a Muslim community in America to throw a homosexual off a roof or to stone a woman to death? Of course it isn't. Those are not western cultural values. We reject them.
You know what else aren't western cultural values? Single mothers having multiple fatherless babies and spreading STDs like wildfire. Uneducated criminal gang-bangers murdering more black youth in a year than the cops have this fucking century.
There are things about black culture that are necessarily incompatible with western culture. But it's not a conversation we're ever going to have. Guys like me will point out the facts; guys like you will decry us all as Hitler.
Meanwhile, who's suffering? The little black kids who actually LIKE school and LIKE to learn who can't sit in their fucking living rooms without being shot in the head by stray bullets. The black youth who can't even go outside without stepping into a war zone. The black youth who, at an average of 3 out of every 4, are growing up not only without fathers but uneducated, irresponsible single mothers who ARE NOT EQUIPPED to raise them.
Who cares more about black people, I wonder? The guy who wants to see these anti-western things change about black culture? Or the guy who wants to pretend there's nothing wrong except racist white people?
Yes, my language is more than a little provocative. Fuck y'all. Yes, I'll say nigger if I want. This shit we see all the time, "n-word" is a stain on humanity; being scared to say a word just because it's a word! Yes, I'll point out the dangerous elements of the black community.
But I'm not Random. I don't want black people to die. I don't want the Negroid race to go extinct from the planet. I happen to love sports. I grew up on hip-hop music. I love Denzel Washington and Idris Elba and a ton of other black entertainers (Will Smith, please make another good movie!) I don't want blacks to go away. I WANT BLACKS TO DO BETTER!
I want Neil deGrasse Tyson to be looked up to more so than Lil Wayne. (Ironically, Lil Wayne agrees more with me. LOL So, sorry, Weezy!)
Stop having bastard babies. Stop bangin' in your communities. Stop dropping out of school. Stop pawning all your problems off on white people. About half of my neighbors where I currently live are black. We have 4 families here out of about 9, no single mothers. The daddy's in each home. They're not violent. They're not loud. They're not stupid. They're contributing members of society. And not because they're black, but because they're regular people who embrace western values.
Sorry, but this is the MINORITY of blacks. At absolute most, this is only 1/4 of blacks. I don't want the other 3/4 to die. I want them to be like the 1/4.
But to y'all it's only whites who have to change.
So apparently, according to H.R.Haldeman's notes, Nixon did "monkeywrench" (his word) the Vietnamese peace talks that were due to end our involvement in that war in late '68, while Nixon, realizing how unpopular the war was and trying to capitalize on it politically, campaigned on the stump saying he had a "secret plan to end the war". Thanks to his fuckery, the war outlasted his ill-gotten presidency by most of a year. That's seven extra years of war and no plan, secret or otherwise, forthcoming. That's a lot of dead motherfuckers just to steal an election.
Trump is a Nixon fanboy, and plans to hang a framed letter from him in the oval office. His secret plan to defeat ISIS sounds a lot like Nixon's secret plan to end the Vietnam war, and was used for the same purpose.
Nixon, though, at least had some idea of what he was doing, as he had been VP. I never thought I would look back at the Nixon administration as more competent than whoever was in power, but I would jump over a gang of Bannons to get to a Rebozo.
-Doug in Oakland
Very benevolent of you Josh. But the individual you are identifying yourself with, who you refer to as "prophetic" says as a matter of fact they do have to go. I don't think this good cop / bad cop horseshit is going to get you anywhere. And I think you numbers are horseshit as well. Is 75% the Suitland MD population waiting to jump you on the street after dark? On the other hand during the day you will no doubt find the same thing as in Brooklyn where I grew up or Harlem where I went to school, which is people peacefully going about their daily lives.
Stoopid wingnuts looking at the world through stoopid colored glasses. Wingnuts supporting the citizens? Better check Drumpf's A-Hole card to see how citizens is defined. Bet it has everything to do with the wealthy and nothing (favorable or polite) about the Drumpfening.
Draining the swamp- the 17 common working class white billionaires Drumpf chose for his cabinet and as WH officials are worth more than the bottom third of all Americans combined. STFU lib, yer just jealous cuz you weren't born a billionaire.
Wingnuts have stoopid branded on their foreheads as a reminder.
Back in the day when Marg. Sanger was establishing birth control clinics in black neighborhoods, whitey wingnuts accused her of wanting to eradicate blacks. They still lie about Sanger today. Today they claim all those black birth control clinics were abortion mills for black genocide. Abortion was not legal until several years AFTER Sanger died in the late 60's.
The only time abortions should be plentiful is when it comes to whitey wingnuts, in which case it should be retro-active and mandatory.
Bet wingnuts are salivating at the thought of freshly aborted fetal tissues, since it is well known fact that numbnut wingnuts eat their own and this post was about show biz chef and sumptuous dining.
We aren't waiting for January 20th, we are Making America Great Again right now!
Ford canceling plans for $1.6 billion plant in Mexico, investing $700 million in Michigan expansion instead:
Blogger Flying Junior said...
I don't have any sympathy for some poor bastard who voted for Trump because he lost his $80k job two years ago. Coal needs to be phased out...
Coal ain't coming back Jr. It has already been banned as a fuel source in half a dozen countires including Canada, France, Germany, the Netherlands, Austria and now Finland, have all recently announced the imminent phase-out of all coal-fired power plants. And China, the principal consumer of coal the last 20 years is tearing down coal plants an installing solar as fast as 1 billion hands can plug in solar panels.
So the white boys from coal country are double fucked - both by believing the Chumph and a dead industry.
Julian Assange says none of the DNC or Podesta email leaks came from Russia:
So this is all just a bunch of lies being told to delegtimize the incoming administration.
History will show Obama to have been the lamest punk ever to live in the White House.
Anonymous stillaPanther2 said...
"Just saw the Rose Bowl parade. There was an old white Veteran driving the prop Tuskeegee airman's plane. They could not find an old WW2 Black vet to do the honors?"
They are all dead kitty-cat. There are no more Tuskegee Airmen who were pilots alive.
btx3 said...
"And China, the principal consumer of coal the last 20 years is tearing down coal plants an installing solar as fast as 1 billion hands can plug in solar panels."
No they aren't, you moron. China is still building dozens of new coal fired power plants every year.
Solar power is still next to useless, and will probably remain economically unviable for at least several decades.
There is a place for coal in the world's energy mix, and the use of coal will start to increase again once the ideological constraints are shed.
Julian "the rapist" Assange being fluffed by Fake Noize Sean Hilarity. Journalistic hystery at its finest.
Miss Puerto Rico suspended for making true statements about Islam:
In a time of universal deceit - telling the truth is a revolutionary act.
--George Orwell
mike from iowa said...
Julian "the rapist" Assange being fluffed by Fake Noize Sean Hilarity. Journalistic hystery at its finest.
Assange was a hero when he was a thorn in the Bush administration's side, but after he showed what a criminal their God Obama was, he became the Worst Person Ever.
Progs can't handle the truth.
Bourdain isn't interesting enough to watch.
"Obama was a disaster for whites, which is why white people in Iowa, Michigan, Pennsylvania, Ohio voted for Trump, not because they are secret Klan members."
Most don't call themselves secret klan members, but if it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck...
My Michigan family voted for Trump because it will be easier to outsource jobs to Nepal. Making America great again, right?
Josh I think you might be addicted to the FN blog. It might be a good idea to get help. Consider all therapist, don't just jump to Becky.
"I don't want black people to die. I don't want the Negroid race to go extinct from the planet. I happen to love sports. I grew up on hip-hop music. I love Denzel Washington and Idris Elba and a ton of other black entertainers (Will Smith, please make another good movie!) I don't want blacks to go away. I WANT BLACKS TO DO BETTER!"
Ativan must be kicking in. You are a shameful mess today. I second Elba though.
We are looking forward to the day when moderate Muslims will be able to take control of their governments, their educational systems, and their law and order, so the Western world could resume mutual constructive relations based on friendship and respect. The whole world is looking forward to that day and praying for a peaceful Middle East. The ball is now in the Muslim world's court.
----President Elect Donald J. Trump.
Things are going to be different from now on.
@ The Ministry of Truth 3:54 PM
Ine year ago in September there were reportedly between 200 and 600 pilots alive-no one could pinpoint the exact number. One year later in November it was claimed the last one passed. How would anyone know if they didn't keep accurate records?
I'm sure they could have rounded up a person of color-pilot or not to handle the parade route if they had chosen to.
Amazing how fucking nutjobs fling the words crook and criminal around and yet cannot get a viable charge against any Democrat ever. Wingnuts myst all be adjudicated at Liberty School of Scofflaws and are the most incompetent prosecutors the world has ever seen. They can't even stack the deck against a Dem and convict them of anything.
Racist whitey wingnuts- too stoopid to successfully breed or breathe.
HONG KONG — Coal-fired power plants have propelled much of China’s economic rise for decades, helping make the nation the world’s biggest emitter of greenhouse gases. Even with economic growth slackening, and other energy sources taking hold, new coal plants have been added.
Now Beijing is trying to slow things down.
In guidelines released on Monday, China halted plans for new coal-fired power stations in many parts of the country, and construction of some approved plants will be postponed until at least 2018.
The announcement, by the National Development and Reform Commission and the National Energy Administration, means that about 200 planned coal-fired power generators — those seeking approval and those approved but not yet under construction — may not be completed, said Lauri Myllyvirta, who analyzes China’s energy production for Greenpeace.
The total of 105 gigawatts of power those plants would have been able to produce is considerably more than the electricity-generating capacity of Britain from all sources. April 25, 2016
I WANT WHITES TO DO BETTER! Stop the meth OD's, get off welfare, fix your teeth. I like listening to James Taylor and watching Rob Schnider movies.
dimwit from iowa said...
"may not be completed"
But actually will.
The Chinese aren't stupid enough to do without affordable electricity.
mike from iowa said...
I'm sure they could have rounded up a person of color-pilot or not to handle the parade route if they had chosen to.
Actually, no, there are no real black pilots, just guys like PilotX who they let wear the uniform and sit up front. They could have gotten a fake one though, like Denzel Washington.
If Assange didn't get his leaks from Russia, why is his website hosted there?
-Doug in Oakland
Because that's where it's safe from the communist government of the USSA.
I hope someday we get back to policing ourselves for actual sins like sloth, pride, greed, etc. rather than contrived ones like "racism."
"But the individual you are identifying yourself with..."
All I said was that black commenters here on this blog make James look prophetic. He types into this little box how they're going to act and react, and you can set your clock to half a dozen of them doing exactly that. That's all I said. I didn't say we're identical twin cousins about to start an ABC sitcom.
numbnuts anonymoose says- The Chinese aren't stupid enough to do without affordable electricity.
They are already overproducing power and many of the plants are operating only about half the time. They don't need more capacity. They need more consumers. Go teach them how to breed like wildcat wingnuts.
dumbass Hannity had to insert hizself into Equadorial Africa- the heart of Black Africa to smoke the pole of a black hearted traitor and rapist. Too funny.
Gee, lemme guess. No one was giving any attention to Josh so she posts something outrageous to get attention like the little queen she is. And damned if she didn't put the outrageous comment in all caps to get attention. Well that's what teen girls do.
"You are a shameful mess today"
So: I don't want black people to do. I want black people to do better.
Shameful shit!
What, I wonder, isn't shameful?
I want white people to die? I want white people to do better?
It seems that anytime someone points out blacks themselves are responsible for fixing their own issues, there's some sophist crawling out of the woodwork to shoot that notion down. Wanting black people to do better is shameful! Don't you know it's white people FORCING 3/4 of the kids to be raised by single mamas? It's white people's fault that less than 6% of America's population is responsible for over 50% of its murders! That stat isn't shameful though. Apparently, that's "keepin' it real, yo." Doing better, as in 6% NOT committing over 50% of murders, is white racist rhetoric.
Those people aren't really dead. It's all a white racist hoax to make young black males look more violent than everyone else.
Too bad the previous generations of whites didn't want negroes to do better because if they had they wouldn't gave designed systems to destroy any chance at success for them. james crow laws, intimidation, segregation and all other manner of dehumanization they could think of to make sure darkies didn't prosper. These systems worked and now their progeny wants to pretend this didn't happen or have the desired effect. This mother fucker had a head start in life and wants to act like he's a goddamed track star. Your success is based on years of determined effort to destroy an entire race. DUH!
You are one clueless man, Wayne. You have enjoyed and benefited from all this country has to offer and still hate America, or so it seems by your blog. Every day you enjoy your very good life because your parents were immigrants and did not choose to stay in Jamaica. Every day in this blog you are ungrateful to the country who let them in and provided you an opportunity you wouldn't have had anywhere else in the world.
President Trump should receive the 2017 Nobel Peace Prize for bringing us back from the brink of WWIII. Obama failed miserably in the Middle East, got rolled by China, and needlessly provoked Russia.
We should all be grateful that the adults are about to be in charge again.
And damned if she didn't put the outrageous comment in all caps to get attention. Well that's what teen girls do.
Especially when people keep reading its garbage.
Nobody reads her massive bullshit which is why she has to flash her tits to get attention. Nobody gives a fuck what she has to say.
I guess you don't believe on freedom of speech do ya Captain America?
We should all be grateful that the adults are about to be in charge again.
Actually, Sven any adult in charge would have paddled bawl baby poopy pants Drumpf's ass and sent him to bed for his petulant, childish tantrums and then they would have permanently banned the dumb ass from ever Tweeting again. The doosh needs a rest in the nearest mental institute and needs to get help before he starts his own wars with everyone.
But, like alcoholics, you can't fix his problems when no one admits he has them.
So you are on a mission to be the savior of the black race are you Josh? That's a good one. Keep channeling The Thin White Duke, let's see how you make out.
Josh is trying to get the cute guy in Geometry class to notice her. Way too busy to save an entire race.
"That's a good one"
More straw-men.
"Just saw the Rose Bowl parade. There was an old white Veteran driving the prop Tuskeegee airman's plane. They could not find an old WW2 Black vet to do the honors?"
Col. Charles McGee is still alive and kicking at 97 years old. He would have loved to do it.
Pilot: Damn shame! It'd be nice if u write to them with that info, they must have an email somewhere.
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