I know there are a few well known poverty pimps in America who have made a pretty good living pimping the "man" in the name of civil rights. (Jessie Jack$on, and Al $harpton come to mind)
But did you know that pimps come in many different colors, are of many different political persuations, and are not all pimping poverty like the usual suspects? No, some are pimping ideology, some are pimping fear, and some are even pimping religion. So it's getting harder and harder out here for pimps like Jessie, and Al, who are basically one trick ponies in the pimp game. So what I think they need to do, is start branching out and diversifying their game a little.
For instance, one of the biggest pimps in America is a white talk show host who struts his stuff on FAUX news every night. This pimp goes by the name of Bill Olielly, and he has been making angry white men all over America his bitches for awhile now. Hustler Bill, has actually convinced his stable of "hoes" that there is a culture war raging in America, and unless they wake up, the dirty bogeyman on the left is going to get them. He gets paid millions to host his show; sell his books, key chains, and lord knows what else to a gullible group of kool-aide drinkers who are all too willing to buy into his hustle.
I mean how sweet of a hustle is that? I thought Jessie was good, but this guy is better. And like true "hoes", all those FAUX NEWS listeners just worship the ground that pimp daddy OLielly walks on. Yeah one December 25th morning in the not too distant future, we are going to wake up and there will be no presents under the tree folks, because there will be no more Christmas in America.
Keep pouring the kool- aide Bill, the "hoes" are still drinking.
Here are a few more pimps I added to the list with their area of hustle in parenthesis next to their names.
1. Ru$h I need a fix Limbaugh- (Politics)
2. Michelle Malkin -women can be pimps too - (Politics)
3. Laura Ingram-(Politics)
4. T.D. Jakes -oh yeah pastor you are on this list too- (Religion)
5. Ann camel neck Caulter-(Politics)
6. Armstrong Williams-(Politics)
7. Harold Ford, Jr. -yeah slick you too- (Politics)
8. Sharp James-(Politics)
9. Don King-(Sports)
10.Pat Robertson-(Religion)
11. Jerry Falwell-(Religion)
12. Larry Elder-(Race, politics)
13. Martha Stewart-(Homemaking)
14. Paris Hilton-(Popular culture)
15. Dr. Phil-(Health)
16. All division one NCAA coaches-(Sports)
17. Andrew Young-(Race, business)
18. Tavis Smiley-(Race, business, popular culture)
19. Dr. Eric Dyson -Cos was right- (Race)
20. Shawn droopy Hannity-(Politics)
And the biggest pimp of all is:
Frat boy of course; for having almost half of a country full of his own personal bitches. Now that's pimping. Snoop would be proud.