Friday, October 31, 2008

Thursday, October 30, 2008
Mr. Morton, you don't need an infomercial; just hire me.

My friends by now I am sure that you all have heard about al Qaeda's latest video tape wishing for an Obama victory. Yes my friends, those very people who seek to destroy us, are now openly cheering against the party of true patriotism and our forefathers. They are hoping that we will lose these upcoming elections for the heart and soul of our great country.
My friends, don't let this happen; on November 4th we can all be proud Americans again, and we can send a message to our Muslim enemies and their sympathizers. I am so proud of my friends in Texas, because they have not believed the lies perpetrated by the Obama worshipers in the main stream media.
But my friends, this is our country, we vote here, not al Qaeda. They tried to kill us, and now they want to "humiliate" us by encouraging you to vote for the cut and run party, led by a man who refuses to show us his birth certificate or his medical records. What is he afraid of?
Next Tuesday let's show al Qaeda what America thinks of their little video taped infomercial for Obama.
My friends, the real infomercial yesterday came from Abu Yaha al-Libi, not Barack Obama. That is what America should have been watching, and listening to; not Barack Hussain Obama. We have heard enough of his ---not proud to be American ---speeches, and his empty promises. It's time take our country back.
I don't know about you folks; but its "morning in America" from where I sit. We are still the greatest country on earth. A country where we are guided by our faith, and not the tyrannical hand of the state or the shallow cult of personality.
I am in the wrong business.
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Compassionate racism.

But the 75 skinheads - most of whom were male, bald and tattooed - didn't torch crosses, incite fights, burn houses or wear white hoods like the race-haters of the past.
Instead, they drank vitamin water and green tea, and chatted about plumbing, television and how to tell who's "shady" just by looking at them. They then paraded to the riverside statue of Icelandic explorer Thorfinn Karlsefni - among the first Europeans to set foot on North America, around 1010 - to lay a wreath in honor of their heritage.
Welcome to hate in 2008. Supremacists who used to express their loathing for blacks, gays, Jews and other minorities with fists and fire now post fliers, blog online, ramble on talk radio, commune at invitation-only white-power concerts and gather for subdued ceremonies with subtle messages, like the Oct. 11 wreath-laying organized by the Keystone State Skinheads (KSS).
But not all white supremacists share KSS' subtle-minded message.
On Monday, federal authorities announced the arrest of two neo-Nazis, Daniel Cowart, 20, of Tennessee and Paul Schlesselman, 18, of Arkansas, who were allegedly plotting a cross-country killing rampage of African-Americans, which they planned to culminate with their assassination of presidential hopeful Barack Obama.
Steve Smith, director of the Scranton/Wilkes-Barre chapter of the KSS, said that it was the type of plan that "makes us look like we're a bunch of loonies."
"They're a couple of loony bins that give our movement a bad name," Smith said. "I don't know anybody who would even think that killing Barack Obama would solve anything.
'Anyone who tries to kill Barack Obama does a lot more harm to the white movement than anything,' he said.
While Smith doesn't condone the assassination plot on Obama's life, he also doesn't support his candidacy for president - or John McCain's, for that matter, citing what he called McCain's support of "amnesty for illegal aliens.'
Immigration policy always has been a sticking point for white-supremacy organizations, especially those trying to reach white, mainstream Americans who fear marginalization.
As the immigrant debate raged in recent years, hate crimes against Latinos nationally rose 35 percent from 2003 to 2006, according to FBI statistics. Most recently, Luis Ramirez, a Mexican immigrant, was beaten to death last July in Shenandoah, Pa., allegedly by four white high-schoolers shouting racial slurs. And even as KSS tries to soften its image, many members have criminal records riddled with violent offenses, from bar brawls to racially motivated stabbings and beatings.
'The definition of a white supremacist is someone who wants to rule over other races,' Smith said. 'We don't wish to rule over others. We just want equal opportunities'"

Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Joe the selfish A-merry-can.

I was talking to one of my clients today, and the more I spoke to the poor woman the madder I got. Not so much at what she was saying to me, but because I started thinking about the latest rethuglican code words (wealth distribution and Socialism )in the middle of our conversation.
This poor woman was in the welfare to work program, was raising three children by herself (two of them teenagers), and she had to scrape out a $9.50 an hour living by cleaning up old people's shit out in the burbs. (I think they call what she does being a CNA, but you and I know that it basically means cleaning up after old people who can't clean up after themselves). Ahhh come on field, the woman made bad choices, how did she get stuck with three minor children and no husband at home? Nope, not this lady. She was married to the father of all three of her kids, and the poor guy died in a house fire a few years back. Sadly, he was the only bread winner in her family. But this post isn't even about this poor lady.
Here is why I was pissed: For the past few days I have had to listen to Mr. Morton and his minions try to push this new mantra about wealth redistribution on the A-merry-can people, and about Obama being a Socialist (I wish). All this when you and I know damn good and well that the biggest redistribution of wealth that ever took place in this country took place a few days ago. Remember folks? Remember when our government bailed out a bunch of billionaires on Wall Street? Remember when they were (and still are) pushing all kinds of government subsidized programs to save companies that well compensated CEO's fucked up? Talk about socialized banking system. And I have to listen to the Joe the plumber, dog whistle, bullshit, (yes it's a dog whistle. Hard working blue collar white guy,takes his hard earned money and has to give it back to the government to take care of those people.) for the last remaining days of this campaign. The shit is infuriating. Especially when I know that Joe the plumbers $40,000 a year salary is what some of us pay in taxes every year. Of course, we aren't complaining, but Joe is, because he thinks that his money is going to take care of people like my client. Hey Joe, how is this for a trade off: when you put your mama in the nursing home, because you don't want to be bothered with her anymore, who do you think is going to clean her shit? I know who it won't be. It won't be you, it won't be your wife, and it won't be Sarah fucking Palin. Nope, it's that poor former "welfare Queen" earning $9.50 an hour, who you don't want to give your "hard earned" money to. So how about helping her make it easier to get on her feet, Joe? How about a little help with child care subsidies, some food stamps, and maybe a little help with her transportation pass? That seems like a small sacrifice to have someone clean your mama's shit, doesn't it Joe?
But this is what happens with politics in A-merry-ca. One candidate makes a statement about fairness, and states the obvious,and he is demonized by his opponent for it. And the demonization works because his opponent's supporters hear all the code words that plays on their innermost prejudices and fears. Our hard earned money that we worked to get, has to go back to those people so that they can buy fancy cars, watch color televisions and buy bling. My client didn't have a car. In fact, she takes two different forms of public transportation to go to her job every morning. Poor Joe, little does he know that most of his tax dollars are going to bullshit pet projects that people he sent to Washington supports. And of course, to fund the army which protects him from those rock throwing Iraqi children in the Middle East. ("Freedom isn't free", Joe). I sure hope you stay healthy Joe, because I am guessing your health insurance policy is pretty fucked up. And since you want to keep all of your hard earned money and not get government involved in your life, if you ever have a catastrophic health issue, you are pretty much screwed.
***Quick note: I will be on NPR tomorrow with Farai *Chidey[a]. Please don't ask me when it will broadcast in your area, because I have no idea.
*I would like to thank a commenter on this post for correcting me on the spelling of Farai's name. Farai I apologize for misspelling your name, girl. You know I have nothing but love for ya.
Monday, October 27, 2008
Matt's October surprises aren't surprising anybody.

Sunday, October 26, 2008
Sarah, it's time to go solo.

It was bound to happen. It happened to Beyonce with Destiny's Child. It happened with Diana Ross with the Supremes, and it happened with Patti Labelle, and her former group, Labelle. At some point the star of the group realizes that it's their show, and as a result, they decide to break off and go solo.
Well, we can add Sarah Palin to that list. Girlfriend has realized that it was her, and not Mr. Morton, who has been the star of the republican show. And now she wants to go solo. She wants to break away from the restraints of the RNC's grip, and do her own thing. As a result, there has been some serious infighting between the beauty queen and Mr. Morton's people; and now, rethuglicans from coast to coast, are starting to turn on each other like a bunch of robbers caught red handed by the po po. From where I sit, it couldn't have happened to a nicer set of folks. Go figure, just a few months ago Sarah was supposedly electrifying the base, but now she is a drag on the party, and republicans are jumping ship faster than the rich folks on the Titanic. Apparently, Sarah just doesn't have it anymore. (I am sure Beyonce can relate), and she needs a hit. It's been a couple of bad weeks for poor Sarah. (Tina Fey, may you rot in hell) I bet she can remember when she was packing them in all by her lonesome, and raising the roof while the party faithful chanted her name. But now, the McCain folks are acting like their failure to gain some traction is all her fault, and it's only her negatives that are hurting the salty ones chances. They made her the designated attack dog, but now the the rest of A-merry-ca is turning on the attacker, and the RNC is in a bind.
Still, it doesn't seem Sarah is buying it. Like Patti, and Beyonce, girlfriend is a Diva (or at least that's what RNC operatives say) and you how Divas can be. The world centers around them, no matter who else is in it. Even pesky RNC operatives.
Personally, I never believed the Sarah hype (as you all can see from my multiple posts about Ms. Thing), maybe it's the Philly in me, but I knew she was a fraud all along. She might have been the lead singer in the RNC band, but unlike Beyonce, and Patti, she didn't have any talent, and it was just a matter of time before the rest of the country saw what was so obvious to us field Negroes. (Thank you Tina Fey)
And I am not crying for Sarah, she will be fine. I hear she might end up being the leading figure in her party after these elections. And while she waits to be crowned as the rethuglicans version of George W. Bush, she can cool her heels doing a talk show on FAKE NEWS like the rest of her washed up republican friends.
Should be fun. Hey, maybe she can even do some Tina Fey impersonations.
Saturday, October 25, 2008
I never usually do this but.....

Friday, October 24, 2008
Another white person cries wolf: Or,in this case, Obama.

Thursday, October 23, 2008
The Empress and her new clothes.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008
"No Child Left Behind": even the ones we can't understand.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008
A hanging chad might not be so bad after all.

Monday, October 20, 2008
Colin Powell is a racist.

So Rush Limp-boy thinks that Colin Powell's endorsement of the O man was all about race. Go figure; one of A-merry-ca's most revered figures, a military icon, and a man who just a few years ago, according to A-merry-cans, transcended race, is now being accused of tribalism. Wow! What a difference a few years make.
The fat boy (That's fat boy not frat boy. That title is reserved for a certain President) almost burst an artery today screaming about the Colin Powell endorsement of the O man. "Secretary Powell says his endorsement is not about race," Limbaugh wrote. "OK, fine. I am now researching his past endorsements to see if I can find all the inexperienced, very liberal, white candidates he has endorsed. I'll let you know what I come up with."
Rush, please let me know when you come up with the senile old white guy, with a fucking trailer park trash for a running mate, who Powell endorsed as well. Please! Don't even get me started with this madness.
But Powell should have known that the rethugs would turn on him. See what tokenism gets you Colin? One minute you are their darling.--- The kind of black man every other black man should aspire to be--- And the next minute you are just like all the rest of those niggers in the tribe. Forget those four stars on your chest, and your years of service to your country; not to mention, your service to all those rethuligcan presidents. For endorsing that skinny Negro with the Muslim name, you go straight to the back of the bus.
"I come to the conclusion that because of his ability to inspire, because of the inclusive nature of his campaign, because he is reaching out all across America, because of who he is and his rhetorical abilities -- and you have to take that into account -- as well as his substance -- he has both style and substance,...He has met the standard of being a successful president, being an exceptional president."
I wonder if Mr. Morton will come to Colin Powell's defense. I wonder if he will get a fellow military man's back and tell Rush and the people like him in his party to back off? I wonder if he will admonish Rush and the people like him in his party for implying that Colin Powell can't see beyond race, and that he is guilty of playing the race card? "Let me say it louder, and let me say it even more plainly. IT WAS TOTALLY ABOUT RACE!" Let me say it even more plainly: RUSH LIMBAUGH IS A FAT DRUG ADDICT... sorry, I just had to do that. The charge itself is totally ridiculous,of course. I mean does that mean that all the former secretary of states who endorsed Mr. Morton did so because he is white? Of course not....well, ahh, let me stop, I don't want to be guilty of what I am accusing Rush of doing.
But what am I thinking? Rush Limp-boy gets anywhere from 10-20 million listeners per day, and damn near everyone of them will vote rethuglican. There is no way in hell that Mr. Morton will disavow anything that Rush says. None! The republican presidential candidate has made deals with many devils, and Rush just happens to be one of them. Albeit the fattest one with the most listeners. So this is the hand he was dealt. And the longer this campaign goes on, the more the ugly underbelly of rethuglican politics exposes itself, and the harder it is for the faces of the rethuglican party to hide the ugliness that is right below the surface. Fortunately, like the zits that eventually appear in the adolescents face, they can't stay hidden forever. Thank you Rush, for allowing the rest of A-merry-ca to see the zits, too.
Sunday, October 19, 2008
Searching for a black friend in the age of Obama.

Saturday, October 18, 2008
Does sacrifice only come from Pro American places?

Friday, October 17, 2008
The republican season of ignorance continues.

11:39 PM PDT on Thursday, October 16, 2008By MICHELLE DeARMONDThe Press-Enterprise
The latest newsletter by an Inland Republican women's group depicts Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama surrounded by a watermelon, ribs and a bucket of fried chicken, prompting outrage in political circles.
The October newsletter by the Chaffey Community Republican Women, Federated says if Obama is elected his image will appear on food stamps -- instead of dollar bills like other presidents. The statement is followed by an illustration of "Obama Bucks" -- a phony $10 bill featuring Obama's face on a donkey's body, labeled "United States Food Stamps."
The GOP newsletter, which was sent to about 200 members and associates of the group by e-mail and regular mail last week, is drawing harsh criticism from members of the political group, elected leaders, party officials and others as racist.
Story continues below
Special to The Press-Enterprise
An Inland Republican women’s group sent out a newsletter showing this fake $10 “food stamp” with Barack Obama’s face on it.
The group's president, Diane Fedele, said she plans to send an apology letter to her members and to apologize at the club's meeting next week. She said she simply wanted to deride a comment Obama made over the summer about how as an African-American he 'doesn't look like all those other presidents on the dollar bills.'
'It was strictly an attempt to point out the outrageousness of his statement. I really don't want to go into it any further," Fedele said in a telephone interview Tuesday. "I absolutely apologize to anyone who was offended. That clearly wasn't my attempt.'
Fedele said she got the illustration in a number of chain e-mails and decided to reprint it for her members in the Trumpeter newsletter because she was offended that Obama would draw attention to his own race. She declined to say who sent her the e-mails with the illustration.
She said she doesn't think in racist terms, pointing out she once supported Republican Alan Keyes, an African-American who previously ran for president.
'I didn't see it the way that it's being taken. I never connected,' she said. 'It was just food to me. It didn't mean anything else.'
She said she also wasn't trying to make a statement linking Obama and food stamps, although her introductory text to the illustration connects the two: 'bama talks about all those presidents that got their names on bills. If elected, what bill would he be on????? Food Stamps, what else!" Club Member Cries
Sheila Raines, an African-American member of the club, was the first person to complain to Fedele about the newsletter. Raines, of San Bernardino, said she has worked hard to try to convince other minorities to join the Republican Party and now she feels betrayed.
'This is what keeps African-Americans from joining the Republican Party," she said. "I'm really hurt. I cried for 45 minutes.'
The Obama campaign declined to comment. It's the campaign's policy to not address such attacks, said Gabriel Sanchez, a California spokesman for the campaign.
The newsletter prompted a rebuke from another African-American member of the organization, which is well recognized in the community for its philanthropy and efforts to register and turn out voters in the Rancho Cucamonga and Upland areas.
Acquanetta Warren, a Fontana councilwoman and member of the women's group, said the item is rude and requires a public apology.
'When I opened that up and saw it, I said, 'Why did they do this? It doesn't even reflect our principles and values,' said Warren, who served as a Republican delegate to the national convention in September and is a regional vice chairwoman for the California Republican Party. "I know a lot of the ladies in that club and they're fantastic. They're volunteers. They really care -- some of them go to my church.'
Warren forwarded an electronic version of the newsletter to the California Republican Party headquarters, where officials also were outraged Wednesday and denounced the illustration.
Hector Barajas, the party's press secretary, said the party chairman likely will have a conversation with Fedele, and Barajas will attend the statewide California Federation of Republican Women conference this weekend in Los Angeles to handle any news media there to cover the controversy. Obama in Turban.
The newsletter is not the first such episode Barajas has had to respond to this week. The Sacramento Bee on Wednesday posted an image it said was captured from the Sacramento County GOP Web site that showed Obama in a turban next to Osama bin Laden.
It said: "The difference between Osama and Obama is just a little B.S." The site also encouraged members to 'aterboard Barack Obama,'a reference to a torture technique. The Sacramento County party took down the material Tuesday after being criticized.
Mark Kirk, a spokesman for the San Bernardino County GOP chairman, said he expects Chairman Gary Ovitt to also have a talk with Fedele and to attend the group's local meeting next week to discuss the issue with members, although the county GOP has no formal oversight role over the club. Kirk said these kinds of depictions hurt the party's ongoing efforts to reach out to minorities.
'It's very damaging and we're going to take steps to correct this,' Kirk said. 'Unfortunately, I don't know what you do to correct ignorance like this, but we will do what we can.'
Assemblyman Bill Emmerson, R-Redlands, and state Sen. Bob Dutton, R-Rancho Cucamonga, both criticized the illustration as inappropriate and irresponsible.
Dutton pointed out that his wife, a member of the club, is of Mexican heritage and has battled criticism that the Republican Party is not the party for minorities. The club's newsletter undercuts efforts to rise above racism, he said.
'Bias and racial comments and even suggestions are frankly what weakens us as a people. I think we as Americans need to rise above that,' he said.
Emmerson said he was extremely offended and sickened by the newsletter.
Barbara O'Connor, director of the Institute for the Study of Politics and the Media at Cal State Sacramento, said it's imperative that people speak out about these kinds of depictions no matter how small the organization. She praised Raines for doing so.
'It's a statement about what is civil discourse and can you get away with doing something under an organizational banner,' she said. "You have to cut it out at the root and the root is often small organizations that are local and they then become larger.'
Reach Michelle DeArmond at 951-368-9441 or mdearmond@PE.com. "
Thursday, October 16, 2008

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Tuesday, October 14, 2008
"KILL HIM"! The Sarah Hate Tour, continues.

Monday, October 13, 2008
Addie, if you live you can keep your home.

Sunday, October 12, 2008
America's hockey mom gets checked.

'And there have been things that of course that have allowed those standards to be violated from both sides,'"
Saturday, October 11, 2008
Who is really being divisive?

He said Lewis' comparison between criticism of Obama's record and Wallace's segregationist policies 'unacceptable and has no place in this campaign.'
McCain called on Obama "to immediately and personally repudiate these outrageous and divisive comments that are so clearly designed to shut down debate 24 days before the election"
George Wallace never threw a bomb, he never fired a gun, but he created the climate and the conditions that encouraged vicious attacks against innocent Americans who were simply trying to exercise their constitutional rights. "Because of this atmosphere of hate, four little girls were killed on Sunday morning when a church was bombed in Birmingham, Alabama."