If you were wondering why the "O" man got killed in Pistolvania in our recent primaries here, you might want to consider the latest controversy surrounding one of our dumbocratic state senators from Philly. Seems state senator, Vincent Fumo, gave us a little insight into how our state legislators really think ,on the floor of the capital today.
The good senator revealed to us that if his fellow state senators were to cast a secret ballot it would be unanimous that they would vote to bring back slavery. (I guess the state motto, "Virtue, Liberty, & Independence" isn't exactly true now is it) He was talking to a pastor from Philly, Gilbert Coleman, Jr., who was in Harrisburg lobbying on behalf of a rethuglican sponsored bill to outlaw gay marriage.
Now if you think I am going to side with he good reverend on this one you would be wrong. This Negro is in Harrisburg lobbying to take away rights from gays while his city is going to hell in a hand basket. He should have been in his community where his church sits trying to pray and minister to families. Instead, his black ass was in Harrisburg supporting a dumb ass rethuglican bill to take away the rights of some of our fellow citizens. Like gays being married is going to cause me to get shot going to the store. Or cause my damn taxes to go up, or the services I receive from my government to get worse.
So when the state senator called out the reverend I was glad he did it. Yes he (Fumo) was being antagonistic and ignorant, but hey, he told the truth. Who knows his fellow colleagues better than a powerful senior senator who sits in the same body? When he says that if they had a secret vote to bring back slavery they would vote unanimously for it, please believe that he didn't just pull that statement out of the air. Hey he is a big NRA and hunting guy. I am sure he has spent a time or two with his colleagues from the central and western parts of "Pennsyltucky" (someone gave me that word I forget now who it was) , and I am going to trust him on this one.
So thank you senator Fumo, thank you for once again ignoring the white memo, and telling us black folks what goes on behind closed doors.
I saw the reverend on T.V. tonight saying how offended and surprised he was, and how the senator tried to throw him off message. And what message would that be? That I am an ignorant bigoted pastor who instead of preaching a message of tolerance, I preach one of ignorance and bigotry? That message?
Anyway, it might be time for the field to start thinking about moving to another state. (Preferably a blue one). Because I am not feeling the slavery thing. Lord knows I do enough free work as it is.