Sunday, February 28, 2010
Bad people.

Saturday, February 27, 2010
Friends should not let friends cry rape.

What the hell is the world coming to when you can't even trust Girl Scout cookies anymore? I swear the Apocalypse is upon us.
Anyway, tonight I want to talk about every man's nightmare. (At least one of them)
Gentlemen, imagine for a minute that you are out bar hopping with your boys, and you meet a honey who is willing and able to (maybe) get her freak on with you. She leaves her girls to go and hang out with you, but her girls get pissed because she broke off from the posse. Rather than fessing up and telling her girls that she thought you were cute and she wanted to hang with you, she invents a lie that you raped her.
You are tried and convicted, and you serve four years hard time in jail.
Such was the fate of one William McCaffrey. Thankfully, the poor guy, thanks to DNA testing , is finally receiving justice.
So what should happen to his accuser? Well fortunately you won't have to wait to find out:
Calling it one of the "worst things that can happen in our criminal justice system"; Judge Charles Solomon sentenced the woman who cried rape to 1-3 years in prison for perjury.
My only problem with what the good judge did is that he should have given her four years without the possibility of parole. She should have served equal time to what the poor man she accused of raping her had to serve.
If the Judge really wanted to live up to his name [Solomon] that would have been the sentence.
Still, 1-3 is better than nothing. Hopefully Mrs. Peguero-Gonzalez will take the time to reflect-while cooling her heels in prison- on how she ruined someone else's life.
*Pic courtesy of the NY Post.
Friday, February 26, 2010
That ain't "Flipper".

Thursday, February 25, 2010
Seeing red.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010
"Break Up To Make Up"

Tuesday, February 23, 2010
When wingnut obsessions go wrong.

As one of two independent investigations of the incidents which clear ACORN of wrong-doing noted, this one by former MA Attorney General Scott Harshbarger [PDF]"
You may also not have known that while both independent reports, the other one by the Congressional Research Service [PDF], found no criminal wrong doing by ACORN, they did find that O'Keefe likely the broke the law in at least two states by secretly recording the videos which had voice-overs deceptively edited into them later, "in some cases substantially," according to Harshbarger's report, so that it was "difficult to determine the questions to which ACORN employees are responding."
In other words, the videos were a scam perpetrated by both Breitbart and his employee O'Keefe, who now faces felony charges that Breitbart has been tweeting his adorable angry little heart out over the last few days trying desperately to downplay. Who can blame him? Nothing less than whatever little credibility he ever had is on the line after all. No doubt P.T. Barnum faced similar circumstances as he plied his trade to the suckers born every minute."

"Can you believe this guy? Our queen gave us this holy desk back when his people were still slaves or whatever, and now he’s putting his feet on it?
This is the rest of the forwarded email making the anger-bear trailer-park rounds today:Read more at Wonkette: http://wonkette.com/413753/black-man-puts-his-feet-on-desk#ixzz0gPjSSL8p"
Monday, February 22, 2010
I Spy.

Here in our neck of the woods there is a story creating quite a buzz, not only locally but from what I can tell; nationally as well. You might or might not have heard about it by now.
Lower Merion is a school district just outside of Philly. Lower Merion High School is where Kobe Bryant (He of the LA Lakers) played ball, and it is, for all intents and purposes, a somewhat affluent part of our great state. They are so affluent, in fact, that they could afford to outfit everyone of their students with a brand new computer. And not just any computer; the fancy kind with built in cameras and the whole nine.
Well, it seems that the authorities from The Lower Merion School District might have been doing a little spying on their students with these cameras, and suburban parents being suburban parents, have literally made a federal case out of it. Yep, there is a class action lawsuit making its way through federal court as I type this.
"The suit alleges the remotely controlled covert cameras violate everything from the Fourth Amendment to wiretapping, electronic communications and computer fraud laws.
It was filed Tuesday on behalf of Harriton High student Blake J. Robbins and all Lower Merion students by Robbins' parents Michael and Holly Robbins of Penn Valley.
Named as defendants are the school district, the district's nine-member Board of Directors and Superintendent Christopher W. McGinley.
The Robbins seek unspecified compensatory and punitive damages, as well as an end to the "spying," according to the 17-page complaint.
The family first learned of the embedded webcams on Nov. 11, when Harriton High's Assistant Principal Lindy Matsko reprimanded Blake Robbins for "improper behavior in his home," according to the lawsuit. Matsko cited as evidence a photograph from the webcam on the boy's school-issued laptop."
Oh ohh, "remotely controlled covert cameras" can't be good. If this is true the folks in charge at Lower Merion might be in deep you know what. There are just certain aspects of the Constitution that should not be messed with, and certain lines that should not be crossed. Our right to privacy is one of them. I understand that these are students, and teachers have a certain amount of responsibility when it comes to policing their behavior, but not when they are off school property in the privacy of their own homes. Apparently the Vice Principal let the cat out of the bag by telling Blake Robbins that she saw him popping pills in his room, and that he might be a.....gasp! Drug dealer. (Memo to suburban teacher: you do not want to accuse a suburban kid of being a drug dealer. Mommy and Daddy will sue.)
"Because the webcam can capture anything happening in the room where the laptop is, district personnel could illicitly observe plenty more than a student's online activity, the lawsuit alleges."Many of the images captured and intercepted may consist of images of minors and their parents or friends in compromising or embarrassing positions, including, but not limited to, in various stages of dress or undress," the lawsuit charges."
Now you all know me I have to play devil's advocate a little bit: What if the teacher saw Blake making a bomb and writing a note that he was going to blow up the school the next day? Would we object then? And what if everyone got got a lap-top signed a disclaimer saying that the school could use this camera to track their computers because some have been stolen in the past? Would we feel the same way? I am sure that this is one of the arguments that the school's defense team is preparing to make. Wait....
"The school district says it has only utilized the security features to track stolen or missing laptops.
But the Robbinses' attorney, Mark Haltzman, "It's absolutely not true that this was a lost or stolen laptop."
Oh ohh, they might have to go to Plan B. Especially in light of this:
" Meanwhile, the superintendent of schools, Dr. Christopher McGinley did say in a letter to families that "there was no explicit notification that the laptop contained the security software. This notice should have been given and we regret that was not done." [Story]
Oh Lawd! Can you say settlement boyz and girls? I swear the rich always get richer.
Sunday, February 21, 2010
Calling "The Drop Squad".

This wasn't a mistake. It was deliberate. It was the clearest example you could hope to find of partisan politics trumping common sense and civic duty.
The key detail about this is that the precinct in question includes Lincoln University, the nation's oldest black college, home to roughly 1,600 students. This is the largest bloc of African American voters in any precinct in predominantly white, Republican Chester County. Blacks tend to vote Democratic. Republicans don't mind making it harder for them to cast ballots.
This kind of political chicanery is standard fare, of course, but it assumes an uglier cast when race enters the story. "
Saturday, February 20, 2010
Joe vs. The White House and the "big fat idiot" strikes again.

A White House official "vociferously" denied his account yesterday as Sestak insisted on national television that he had told the truth, but declined for a second day to divulge details.
"I was asked a direct question . . . and I answered it honestly," Sestak said in a Fox News interview. "There's nothing more to go into."
Sestak made his startling claim Thursday during the taping of Comcast Network's Larry Kane: Voice of Reason, a public affairs show televised on Sunday evenings.
"Yes," Sestak answered." [Story]
Friday, February 19, 2010
WOODS and "WOO".

Thursday, February 18, 2010
I don't like paying my taxes either, but....

We have no idea what this man’s ideology was…he could be from the left, he hates capitalism, he has an anti-business creed that goes on and on. It sounds like anything you could hear in a speech from Van Jones. When you read his anti-tax ravings and his anti-tax or IRS stuff it sounds like you could be reading bumper stickers off the cars or the signs of the Tea Party. We have no idea. But here’s the point. I have no idea if he’s left or right. Is he a communist or a radical constitutionalist. Here’s the point: it doesn’t matter. The guy is a killer.
Beck went on to compare Stack to Osama bin Laden and Timothy McVeigh and warned against rationalizing any of their actions: “I don’t like the IRS either, but I don’t kill people.” Taken all together it sounded to me like a bit of a shot across the bow to anyone who wants to suggest Stack is representative of a larger disgruntled populous. "
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
Ain't no party like a Compton party....

Tuesday, February 16, 2010
Throw Kevin from the plane. And have you punched a republican today?

"The man seated in front of Mrs. Romney pushed his seat back, and when the GOP politician asked that he put his seat upright for take off, the passenger became "physically violent," according to Canada's The Globe and Mail.
The ex-gov did not retaliate, his spokesman said, as the airline crew intervened. The plane returned to the gate, the man was ejected, and the flight resumed."
Monday, February 15, 2010
When black is not beautiful.

".. All eight open House investigations involve caucus members, and most center on accusations of improper ties to private businesses.
On a visit to Washington, Larry Carrico, then president of the rent-to-own trade association, offered to donate computers and other equipment to a nonprofit job-training group in Chicago named in honor of Mr. Davis, the Illinois congressman who in 2002 voted in favor of tough restrictions on the industry.
Mr. Davis switched sides. [...]
While some caucus members still oppose the industry, 13 are co-sponsors of the industry-backed legislation that would ward off tough regulatory restrictions — an alliance that has infuriated consumer advocates."
The caucus says its nonprofit groups are intended to help disadvantaged African-Americans by providing scholarships and internships to students, researching policy and holding seminars on topics like healthy living.
But the bulk of the money has been spent on elaborate conventions that have become a high point of the Washington social season, as well as the headquarters building, golf outings by members of Congress and an annual visit to a Mississippi casino resort."
Sunday, February 14, 2010
"all Americana" girls.

The handling of the case prompted back-and-forth claims from the current Braintree police chief, Frazier, and the former chief, John Polio.
Frazier said Polio instructed officers to release Amy Bishop to her mother, who had once served on a police personnel board. That move upset officers who remembered the 1986 shooting, Frazier said.
"The police officers here were very upset about that," said Frazier, who was a patrolman at the time and spoke to officers who remembered the incident that day, including one who filed a report on it.
Frazier also said the police records of the shooting have disappeared and he planned to meet with the local district attorney over the possibility of launching a criminal investigation into how the Bishop case was handled.
Polio, now 87, said Saturday at his Braintree home that he was astonished at any implication of a cover-up. He said he didn't instruct officers to release Bishop and wasn't close to her mother, who he said served on the police board years before the shooting."
Saturday, February 13, 2010
One Flew Over The Teabag Nest

Friday, February 12, 2010
The power of the bling.

Thursday, February 11, 2010
Dear John: No apology is needed.

While performing his tune "Gravity" Wednesday at Nashville's Sommet Center, Mayer, 32, stopped playing and apologized to his bandmates.
"In the quest to be clever," he began, "I completely forgot about the people that I love and that love me.".." [story]
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
Newt's truth problem, and Hip Hop Mike's race card.

Except, as Stewart later pointed out, that's simply not true.
Richard Reid was a British citizen.
"Reid, 29, a British citizen and convert to Islam, was arrested for allegedly trying to light a fuse to set off explosives concealed in his sneakers while on American Airlines Flight 63 from Paris to Miami on December 22."
This information of course completely nullifies Gingrich's point.
As Stewart said to Gingrich later in the interview in regard to one of Gingrich's opinions, "don't let reality get in the way". [story]
Near the end of the story, called "Up In The Air" by Paul West, Steele implies that he and the RNC face more scrutiny because he is black:
Steele acknowledges that at times he has a tendency to take things too far. "And I get checked on that, just as when I was a young boy and I pushed the envelope too far and my Mama was there to check me."