Friday, November 30, 2007
"Lost Boys"

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Tuesday, November 27, 2007
Another dead black man.

Monday, November 26, 2007

Sunday, November 25, 2007
A conservative jumps on Barack.

Steele also argues that blacks in America typically wear one of two “masks”: He goes on to say that they are either challengers or bargainers. Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson are challengers: Such blacks assume whites are racist until they prove otherwise. Bargainers, on the other hand, make a deal with whites by not rubbing their faces in a history of racism — think of Louis Armstrong or Oprah" he says. What is this Shelby, a new twist on the old house Negro field Negro dichotomy among us black folks? If this is the case, you might want to add Shelby Steele and all your conservative brothers and sisters to the list of "Bargainers", or should I say house Negroes? I mean honestly, what's the difference? You call Obama a bargainer? Pot, meet kettle.
I heard George Will on one of these Sunday talk shows declare; if Obama wins the presidency it will put Sharpton and Jessie out of business. In your dreams Mr. Will. Electing a black man to be president won't change the heart of the millions of bigots in this country. In fact, it will only serve to harden it. And Reverend Inc. will probably be busier than ever. Civil rights is not a business Mr. Will, and Barak isn't some CEO you can put in charge to do away with the problems that make our civil rights hard to come by.
But on one point I will agree with Steele. Obama will never win by trying to appeal to the conscience of the well meaning white folks among us, or to the white A-merry-cans fear of being thought of as racist. Besides, if he does win, and white A-merry-cans can use his victory to excuse racism, what would be the point? We would still be the same fucked up country we were before he got elected. The only difference is that our country would be led by one of us. Or, well, a half one of us.
*****Hat tip to my man over at African American Political Pundit for turning me on to this story.
Saturday, November 24, 2007
Who will televise the revolution?

Friday, November 23, 2007
Ready to shop?

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Tuesday, November 20, 2007
I got an e-mail from a young buck

I really like Dr. Dre and I advocate for his record label. My career was really down but Dr. Dre basically rescued it. Just because Fifty Cents isn't with that label anymore it's still OK I can more than carry my own. I will rock the entire club like a 1964 Chevy Impala that uses Hydraulics to bounce up and down. I like to drink very expensive champagne and just throw it in the air, and just pee it out. I really love my hometown of Compton, and I really get off on the things I do there like spit out crack cocaine and relieve myself after smoking lots and lots of ganja I don't really like you new artist with Fifties crew, the Gorilla Unit. I am very happy on the West Coast, I sold five million albums, and I am very clean and well put together. I have a very expensive chain around my neck, and I wear a Los Angeles Dodgers cap while riding in a Lamborghini sports car with fellow L.A. rapper, Snoop Doggy Dog. L.A. just wouldn't be L.A. without the crips and the bloods riding together.

Monday, November 19, 2007
Every Thanksgiving

Sunday, November 18, 2007

Saturday, November 17, 2007
Barack and the field Negroes.

Friday, November 16, 2007

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Wednesday, November 14, 2007
I know you have heard of Megan Williams but

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Monday, November 12, 2007
As long as YOU understand me it's cool.

Sunday, November 11, 2007
A couple of things.
It's like this, I have this partner who is having some serious "spider web sex" (his words, I guess it means she has him hooked) with this jump off. So Friday evening he leaves a message on my cell phone and tells me not to answer my calls for the rest of the evening. He doesn't want me to answer because he told his wife that he is hanging out with me, and he doesn't want me talking to her by accident. The nerve of this mother fucker, I can't answer my cell phone because he wants to spend the evening playing Michael Douglas with his jump off.
But I am still torn with this shit. Who wants to contribute to the downfall of yet another black family? On the other hand, my man and I go back a little, and lord knows I don't want to make the shit any harder for him at home.
Hey, I have been there, but as Bernie Mac says, that was a "long long long time ago". And I am sure there are many of us (men and women) who used to, or are still doing that same juggling act now. But I am too old for that shit, and so is he.
My man is supposed to be me calling today with a story, but I swear I don't even want to hear it.
I just hope I won't see his wife any time soon. I am just not as good at lying as I used to be.
Now on to a separate issue I want to share with you all.
It seems that I attract more than a normal amount of white supremacist and racist to my site. (I think it has something to do with my handle, and the fact that when they google words like Negro, and nigger, my site pops up) These cretins always end up e-mailing me or trying to engage me via comments on this site. They like to make threats and tell me what the will and will not do to me when they come to my hometown or if they ever meet me wherever.
Here is the deal my racist friends; if you do come to my hometown, and I find out who you are, I will have your ignorant asses arrested. Because you are not worth losing my career or my freedom over. And I think I will be doing the public a favor by getting your type off the street. Ten years ago if you stepped to me with the bullshit, your bodies could have been found burning in the trunk of a car in South West Philly somewhere. But this is the kinder gentler field; so rather than coming down to your level, or entertain your ignorance, I will just let the authorities do their job.
But please keep coming to the fields (I will never ban you, that's not my style). I think we all need to know that you are out there, and what you are capable of.
Oh, and if you happen to see me at any event or function (in or out of Philadelphia), please feel free to approach me. You can tell me everything you have been saying via e-mail and comments to my face.
Friday, November 09, 2007
Can you niggers hold it just a little longer?

Thursday, November 08, 2007

RUSH: Yesterday on The View, the female chick chat show, the actor/comedian Damon Wayans talking about the Don Imus situation. WAYANS: It's freedom of speech. What happened to that? What happened to expressing yourself? At least I know where he stands.BEHAR: Yeah.WAYANS: And you know what? When he called them that, he called them nappy headed hos, I went, wow, he's right. (laughter) BEHAR: They're not hos. They're very smart girls.WAYANS: No, you see, we say that. I'm saying black people can say that about each other.BEHAR: These girls are not hos. They're highly respected sports girls. WAYANS: Listen, listen. It's a joke. You know what? Black people at home laughing right now. White people are sitting there going, "That's not right," you know? (laughter) This is -- it's all cultural. It's cultural.RUSH: I'll bet he's right about that. I'll bet black people were laughing themselves silly about this whole thing. "Look at how the white people are going nuts over the -- (laughing) here's why we can say it's true." He was right. Later on Whoopi Goldberg said, "You're a single guy, but you said you're having a hard time settling down with a woman. I don't believe that. What are you talking about?" WAYANS: Women today, most women I run into, don't want to do the fundamentals. They don't cook … BEHAR: The fundamentals.SHEPHERD: Damon!WAYANS: It's a joke trying to get a woman to cook.WALTERS: Why don't you cook?WAYANS: Why don't I cook? ALL: Yeah!WAYANS: Because I make the money so she can make something to cook. (screeching audience)RUSH: Okay, this is funny, this is great stuff, but, do you realize, he says this, there was not a peep. They're laughing about it. They're having a grand old time. Nobody was offended and so forth. You let somebody else go on that show and say these exact same things and their career might be over. Here are all these babes, they're laughing, there's Barbara Walters and Whoopi Goldberg and Joy Behar laughing and having a wonderful, wonderful time.
Wednesday, November 07, 2007
I couldn't make this shit up: Please buy the book.
Later on in the day I found myself thinking; what if there was a book, what would I write about?
Would I write about the 28 year old grandmother who appeared and demanded that the court act more responsibly in finding the defendant in her case? Would I write about the half brother and half sister who appeared as parents in a case, and didn't know that they were related until their son was born? A son, by the way, who is on SSI for obvious reasons . Apparently, their father had laid his seed all over the city, and they had never found out about each other until it was too late. I could also dedicate a page or two to the gentleman who fathered six children by six different women, (Five of them receiving cash assistance from the state) and still found time to hit on some of the female workers in our court. Yeah my man was funny.
Then I could dedicate an entire chapter to all the defendants out here who are paying support for children that more than likely aren't theirs. How do I know? Let's just say that when a plaintiff comes in on three different cases and all three of the defendants are excluded as the father after they opt for a DNA test, but a fourth defendant doesn't take the test and starts paying support. It's a pretty good chance that contestant number four might not be the father either. Then I could write about the ones who actually take the test, are excluded, but they are ordered to pay support anyway because they had held themselves out as the father to begin with. (Hey, "the law can be an ass" what can I tell you?)
I would dedicate another chapter to female defendants (Kitty feel free to comment after this post) and how hard it is to get them to pay child support. "I carried that child for nine months, I will be damned if I am going to pay support to a no good father who wasn't in his life for the first few years." In that same chapter, I would talk about the differences between sisters and white women. A sister will always be willing to come down on the child support order if the brother will just agree to spend more time with the child. Not a white woman, she will come to court with two lawyers if she has to get every penny that she thinks is owed to her. Now to be fair, this might be an economic phenomenon. Because I have seen wealthier sisters do the same thing. It seems that the poorer the litigants the more they are willing to come to a compromise and have outside agreements with each other. Which is somewhat ironic, because you would think the folks that needed the money the most would be willing to fight harder for every penny that's owed to them.
Finally, I think I would close the book by writing about all the wonderful grandparents (particularly grandmothers) who are holding it down out here, and who are increasingly becoming custodial parents of their own grand children. Most of these children were abandoned because their parents were either on drugs, in jail, or were just incapable of holding it down. Grandparents, by the way, make very good plaintiffs. They always cooperate with the court, and you can tell they always have the child's best interest at heart. Hey considering what the body of the book will be like, it will be important to end it on a positive note.
Now if I can just find a publisher and a way to promote this bad boy. Hey is Oprah still in South Africa?
Tuesday, November 06, 2007
Sorry Dennis, you are no Russell Crowe.

Monday, November 05, 2007
The Dog tour continues.

In cold blood.

Sunday, November 04, 2007
A weighty issue.