Thursday, January 31, 2008

How and why was she killed?

I have really been getting some incredible stories lately.

The latest comes from Lima Ohio, and it's just another case of a person of color getting a raw deal from the long hand of the law.
Check it out:

" LIMA, Ohio — The air of Southside is foul-smelling and thick, filled with fumes from an oil refinery and diesel smoke from a train yard, with talk of riot and recrimination, and with angry questions: Why is Tarika Wilson dead? Why did the police shoot her baby?

Residents of Lima, Ohio, posted a sign at the house where Ms. Wilson, 26, was killed and her 14-month-old son was injured.

'This thing just stinks to high heaven, and the police know it,” said Jason Upthegrove, president of the Lima chapter of the N.A.A.C.P. “We’re not asking for answers anymore. We’re demanding them.'

Some facts are known. A SWAT team arrived at Ms. Wilson’s rented house in the Southside neighborhood early in the evening of Jan. 4 to arrest her companion, Anthony Terry, on suspicion of drug dealing, said Greg Garlock, Lima’s police chief. Officers bashed in the front door and entered with guns drawn, said neighbors who saw the raid. Moments later, the police opened fire, killing Ms. Wilson, 26, and wounding her 14-month-old son, Sincere, Chief Garlock said. One officer involved in the raid, Sgt. Joseph Chavalia, a 31-year veteran, has been placed on paid administrative leave.

Beyond these scant certainties, there is mostly rumor and rage. The police refuse to give any account of the raid, pending an investigation by the Ohio attorney general.

Black people in Lima, from the poorest citizens to religious and business leaders, complain that rogue police officers regularly stop them without cause, point guns in their faces, curse them and physically abuse them. They say the shooting of Ms. Wilson is only the latest example of a long-running pattern of a few white police officers treating African-Americans as people to be feared.

'There is an evil in this town,' said C. M. Manley, 68, pastor of New Morning Star Missionary Baptist Church. “The police harass me. They harass my family. But they know that if something happens to me, people will burn down this town.”"

"There is a evil in this town." Yes Rev. it's called racism.

I want to thank my girl Nichole Wicks from Brave New Films for sending me this story.

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

"I wanna hold your hand"

"That nigger ain't shit"

This is what I hear some knucklehead saying about me (I am sure he wanted me to hear) while talking to a group of other knuckleheads in the lobby area of my 9-5 plantation today.

Of course I would have loved to have done a pirouette, step in his grill, and ask the mother fucker just who the fuck he was talking about? But I couldn't. I had to take the high road and pretend I didn't even hear the little motherfucker. It's one of the things I hate about my job. I have to be the bigger man all the time and take shit like this from folks, who for whatever reason, feeel that I, or the system, messed over them at some point in their miserable ass lives.

So that little incident today, and watching all the pundits tonight, had me thinking about the "O" man's diss of Hillary. Of course it wasn't really a dis. Girlfriend, bright red dress and all, tried to grandstand the "O' man and pretend she was his friend by offering her hand (or so she says) while the two were getting ready for the State Of The Union Address. And this is when some photographer caught what he must have thought was the shot of a life time. [see sidebar] The "O" man, seeming to turn his back on the Ice Queen, right at the moment she was reaching out to shake his hand.

Sadly, the "O" man lied and said he didn't see her. “I was surprised by the reports this morning. There was a photograph in the [New York] Times about me sort of turning away. I was turning away because Claire [Senator Claire McCaskill of Missouri] asked me a question as Senator Kennedy was reaching for me.”......come on "O" man, you saw her. But so what? Now Hillary is making a big fucking deal over a small dis. Anything to score political points. "Well, I reached my hand out in friendship and unity and my hand is still reaching out,”... And I look forward to shaking his hand sometime soon.” That sound you hear is me throwing up. Are you kidding me? The truth of the matter is I think there is too much faux civility in politics. I would have respected Hillary more if she went over to the "O" man and Teddy Liberal and said: "So you two pieces of shits think that your little announcement today is going to slow me down? Well fuck both of you." I mean she could have just leaned over and whispered it, and no one would have been the wiser. But the phony ass I want to shake your hand move for all the world to see was just pure crap. And I would have respected the "O" man more if he admitted, as the New York Times reported, that he was dissed by the Ice Queen before, and wasn't trying to be dissed again. (Once bitten twice shy) I mean who would could blame him? But he is a politician, and they don't act like real people. Real people say stuff like...well, "that nigger aint shit". Not that Hillary would have said that, although I am sure she might have been thinking it :)

Sow now all the televison pundits have picked up on this little photo. It's getting more screen time than the Manning brothers for crying out loud. Some of these pundits are all over the "O" man for not being civil to the lady, and the National Organization of Women has made a cause celebre out of this shit: Men behaving badly. Funny how Hillary can be a poor damsel in distress when it suits her, and a tough as nails take no prisoner war-hawk when she has to take that route. Hey, that's why she is a politician I guess.

But this is the problem with politics, you can never be honest because you want to get elected. I am sure the "O" man's handlers are reviewing that little picture over and over again to see what the negative effects might have been. Now they are thinking; minimize the damage, get in nice guy mode to the quickness. Can't have all those women across A-merry-ca thinking the "O" man dissed a lady.

I bet they will be real nice and cordial to each other at tomorrow night's debate. The "O" man will be a perfect gentleman, and that hand Hillary claims she is holding out will finally be taken.

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

One big party and ZERO delegates.

Obamaholics hear me out on this one. I know you are thinking this is going to be a post saying I told you so about the Clintons strategy working (she is up by 20 points in Florida as I write this), because she is currently on my television giving a fucking victory speech.

But my question to Shrillary (that damn voice of hers is driving me nuts) would be why? Why are you giving a victory speech in a state where you won the most votes and yet got zero, yes zero delegates? Anything to stop the "O" man's mo right Hillary?

I mean how fucking sneaky can you get? You and all the candidates pledged not to even campaign in Florida. You did because you know that if you didn't you would not have been allowed to compete in Iowa or New Hampshire, because they guard their place on the political calender like the very future of their states depend on it. Yet you go to Florida and campaign (yeah I know you said you were just fundraising, but that's bullshit), and when you win the popular vote you have a big fucking celebration and declare victory? I see Alcee Hastings, I see Bill Nelson, and all the other usual suspects from South Florida; so it looks like you pulled out all the stops. Hillary please give me a break! You are trying to move the "O" man off of the news cycle by this little distraction, but I don't think it's going to work. Not this time. The other shit I gave you credit for, but I think people are seeing through this latest move.

And another thing Hillary; I am pissed at you for this little number. Why would you have one of your surrogates declare that Teddy Liberal and the "O" man are running a "gang bang" on you? "Let’s put a stop to the psychological “gang banging” of women and girls. Let's stand up and be counted by way of the hard-won votes we can now cast!" GANG BANG? I mean that was some tacky shit. And please don't tell me that girlfriend isn't one of yours (she is the President of New York's chapter of NOW for crying out loud), we all know she is.

But nice move sending Bill to New Jersey.--Yeah if you want to hide someone send them to Jersey---Now let's hope Bill keeps his mouth shut from here on out. And let's hope you start playing fair. I want to be able to tell these Obamaholics I told you so without having to listen to their bullshit about how you cheated.

Monday, January 28, 2008

If the "O" man became President

would the following kind of shit be happening in A-merry-ca?

Please read this story from the "land of the sun" and tell me what you think:

"Two cars collided last year on Cinco de Mayo.
Bryant Wilkderson,Laura Varker, and Felicia Edwards' lives changed forever. Bryant Wilkerson's life changed when he collided with a drunk driver. Considering the date, you might assume that at least one of the drivers was drunk — and you'd be right. Laura Varker was 17 years old, and she'd been tubing down the Salt River all day with her eight best girlfriends. Their T-shirts all read "Cinco de Drinko." Even an hour after the accident, Varker's blood-alcohol level was 0.09, over the legal limit for adults. And, as an underage driver, she was in violation of the law by having any amount of alcohol in her system.

One of Varker's girlfriends, 15-year-old Felicia Edwards, didn't drink a drop. But it was Edwards who died when Varker's Yukon Denali hit another car and flipped over and over like a tumbleweed before coming to a horrifying stop on the Bush Highway north of Mesa. Edwards was thrown from the SUV and pronounced dead at the scene.
When sheriff's deputies called Felicia's mother that terrible day, her first question was, "Was she wearing a seat belt?" She wasn't. Instead, Felicia had been in the back of the SUV holding down the tubes — a decision she paid for with her life.
That's a tragedy.

But only in its aftermath did the collision become a travesty. That's because, even after blood tests showed that Varker was legally drunk, and even after sheriff's investigators learned that it was she and another girl who'd flashed a fake ID and bought Coors Light and malt liquor for the group, Varker hasn't been charged with anything. Not underage consumption. Not drunken driving. And certainly not manslaughter. Instead of charging the affluent white girl, the sheriff's officers arrested the other driver, a black man, a guy who wasn't even legally drunk.

Bryant Wilkerson was a 28-year-old postal service clerk with nothing on his record worse than a fender-bender. That day, he was merely making a U-turn, in a place where U-turns are permitted, when a 17-year-old party girl in her daddy's SUV tried to speed around him.
Wilkerson's life has been upended. He's been charged with nine felony counts, including manslaughter and aggravated assault. He spent three months in jail because he didn't have the money to post bail, and he lost his job because of that. Now under strict curfew and random alcohol and drug screenings for the past five months, he has to get permission from the court just to attend his daughter's band concerts in the evening.
He's facing 21 years in prison.

Meanwhile, Laura Varker is posing on her MySpace page in a bikini.

That day on the Bush Highway, Bryant Wilkerson did one thing wrong. Admittedly, it was really wrong. He was making a U-turn — which, again, was legal — when he saw Varker's Denali come out of nowhere on his left side. According to the sheriff's report, witnesses suggest Varker saw his little Hyundai slowing and crossed over the yellow lines into the center lane to pass him. At least one witness, a friend of Varker's who was just behind her on the highway, told deputies that the other car was slowing too dramatically for her to stop; Varker had to lurch into the center lane just to avoid rear-ending him.

(Now, you'd think Varker would allow plenty of distance between herself and other drivers. Just seven months earlier, as a 16-year-old with a brand-new license, Varker had caused another accident. Police records say she failed to stop in time and slammed into another car on Cactus Road, which then hit the car in front of it.)

But back to Cinco de Mayo. As he went into the turn, Wilkerson didn't see the SUV veering into the center lane until it was too late. Amazingly, Wilkerson's Hyundai was just fine, other than losing its bumper. It grazed the SUV and hung on to finish the U-turn.
In their rear-view window, though, Wilkerson's passengers were horrified to see the Denali flipping over and over, according to the sheriff's report. And that's when, Wilkerson admits, he made a really big mistake. He panicked and took off. "I freaked out," he says. "That's no excuse; that's so not me. But I had the people in my car yelling, 'Go, go, go!' and I just freaked out and panicked." Sheriff's deputies caught up with him just 10 minutes later.

Because he fled the scene, it's understandable that the sheriff's deputies assumed that Wilkerson had something to hide. Their reports note that he smelled heavily of alcohol, that he'd admitted to smoking pot that morning, that he seemed drunk. The problem is, all the tests came back well under the legal limit. Wilkerson blew a 0.049 on the sheriff's Breathalyzer. By the time the sheriff's officers did a blood test, which is widely considered much more accurate, Wilkerson's blood-alcohol content was only 0.01. The presence of marijuana was just as minimal. Wilkerson had only trace amounts in his bloodstream.

Never mind. The sheriff's deputies had made up their minds: Wilkerson was to blame for the crash. They arrested him, charging him with manslaughter, aggravated assault, leaving the scene of a fatal injury accident, unlawful flight from law enforcement, and five counts of endangerment. (A sheriff's spokesman did not respond to a request for comment.)
He would spend the next three months in Maricopa County's Fourth Avenue Jail — in the maximum-security wing. His wife tried her best to raise bail, but $54,000 is a lot of collateral when you're a renter.

Wilkerson learned in jail that the SUV driver had been legally drunk. He'd initially been so shocked by the accident, he says, that he figured he must be to blame.
But when he heard that, he began to wonder just what was going on. He had only a public defender and no money for a lawyer. He questioned whether he was getting a fair shake.
Wilkerson contacted the Reverend Oscar Tillman, president of the NAACP's Maricopa County branch, who had much the same reaction. Tillman couldn't believe what he was hearing...."

I want to thank my man Christopher Spadone (I think he is an Obamaholic, he tried to recruit me) for sending me this story from The Phoenix News Times.

Sunday, January 27, 2008

Obamaholics Anonymous

"You want answers?........ You can't handle the truth"

~~~Col. Nathan R. Jessup-A Few Good Men~~~

I have a confession to make, I am one cynical son of a bitch. I keep a GPS device in my car because I never ask for directions. I rarely buy shit on sale because I know the price has already been marked up 100%. And if someone says: "jump in, the water is fine"; please believe that I am dipping my toes in that bitch before I jump.

So to all you folks calling me a cynic and labeling me a typical "Negadelphian", tell me something I don't already know.

But my negativity has served me well in life, and I never find myself getting too high or too low. My mind is like a boat that never gets rocked, because I am usually right about what lies beneath the ocean ahead of me.

Now lately I have been catching some heat from you Obamaholics for telling it like it is about your boy. You have been shooting at the messenger. But I want you to know that I have nothing but love for you. In fact, for the next few months, think of this site as the home of Obamaholics Anonymous. Before you comment or post, you can just say hi, I am [insert whatever name here] and I am an Obamaholic. And then you can spill your guts to me and all the other Obamaholics tuning in. You can tell me all about your fears and your disappointments, and why you can't shake your "O" man jones. Hey, I know his presidency is important to you, and if he were to lose.....well the thought of going cold turkey has got to be killing you.

Now don't get me wrong, I think it would be nice if the "O" man won the presidency. Although he isn't perfect. I have issues with him supporting the "Patriot Act"; I have some issues with him not supporting S-14 which would have raised minimum wage, and I have issues with his failure to support S-317 which would have stopped government agents from snooping through our library records. And when he says shit like "I'm not an ideologue, never have been", it's troubling. But unlike a lot of other people, I actually think the symbolism of a Barack presidency would be good. And I think having him in the White House would actually help U.S. foreign policy more than hurt it. But I am also a realist, and I know that the "O" man in the White House won't stop one single crack dealer in North Philly from dealing drugs. "Oh well, there is a black man in the white house, I am going to stop slinging now, cause I know he wouldn't like that" It won't help me or my firm to get one single bond contract with the city. " Hi Mr. City Solicitor, it's me the field Negro, and you have to give me some bond work now because Obama, a black man, is president." Nope, I don't think so. In fact, I am pretty sure that it will be business as usual in Washington, and the folks on "K" Street will be just as busy as they were before. But the typical Obamaholic doesn't want to hear that, because he(she) has bigger plans. The "O" man is the drug that can bring us all together and make us forget all the bad things that has happened to us in the past, and we need him now. Lord knows we need him. We need that Obama hit to feed our addiction. And damn it, some cynical black man posting on a blog called the field Negro will not spoil our show or dull our high.

But listen to me folks: when you do decide to kick the "O" addiction, just remember, the field is here. Think of me as your friendly neighborhood "O" man counselor; willing to give you the tough love and whatever else is needed to cure your addiction.

Now repeat after me: My name is [_________] and I am an Obamaholic.

Saturday, January 26, 2008

The Blackening of Barack.

I have been tricked! Hoodwinked! Bamboozled! Set up and played by the Clintons, and I fell right into their trap.

Oh don't act like they didn't trick the rest of you Negroes too. I read all the nasty comments and e-mails about Billary and their dirty tricks and racial politics. And the tone was all the same: "Why are you picking on one of us? Why are you racializing this election? Why are you playing the race card?"

I know you all meant well, and you were just looking out for one of your own. I read all the righteous indignation on your blogs, I heard it on black radio, and I heard it in your day to day conversations. But you were acting just like "Billary" wanted you to act, and you followed the script to a tee.

So what did we do? We helped to turn South Carolina into the 2008 version of Sista Souljah. The Clintons knew that by blackening up the "O" man, they would force us to come to his defense, and ultimately, make this election about race and nothing else. And what better place is there to set up a racial firewall than South Carolina, with black folks making up almost 50% of their democratic voters?

I heard it all night tonight from the lily white pundits and anchor people. "Boy race really played a part in this election." The blacks really came out for Obama." "Obama got 81% of the black vote which is far more than both of his opponents.... and on and on it went. When it was over, it was as if Jessie Jackson was running for president. Did I say Jessie Jackson? Oh yeah, and just for good measure; Bill mentioned him too. Just in case we forgot that Obama, like Jessie, is a black man.

A-merry-cans will wake up tomorrow and realize for the first time that Barack is black.
"Honey did you know that Beerack feller is black?""He is?" "Yep they have been talking about it on the news all night. Bout how he got 81% of the black vote, bout how all dem black folks are rallying around their own after the Clinton attacks." "Well I will be damned....I guess a woman president wouldn't be so bad after all."

Poor Barack, all that candidate of change stuff, all that morning in A-merry-ca rhetoric; and yet.....A-merry-cans will wake up tomorrow and see his Kenyan father and not his white mother from Kansas. His quest to achieve racial neutrality and to bridge the racial divide in A-merry-ca will be shot down by the politics of racial division and wedge issues. But the Clintons knew this all along. South Carolina was a small sacrifice to pay in order to blacken up the "O" man for their fellow A-merry-cans.

Honestly, listening to all those pundits tonight I wasn't surprised to see that Pat Buchanan was the only one who got it right. Think what you want about old Pat; he is, at least, honest. And he will usually tell you how white folks really feel. The other pundits were saying that the Clintons divisive politics of the nineties would fail, because this is a new day in A-merry-ca and blah blah blah. But Pat knew better, and said so. He told them that white folks will start seeing Obama as a "black candidate" now, and thus, their votes will not be as forthcoming. As a result, this little bump in South Carolina will be beneficial to the Clintons in the long run. I agree with him. And I bet Bill and Hillary agree with him too.

Damn those Clintons are good.

Obama like King? No such thing.

I received a wonderful e-mail from my man Mel Reeves about MLK and Barack which is cut and paste worthy. My man usually writes over at the web site blackagenda report, and he is always on point. Now I don't agree with everything he says in this essay, but I do agree with his point about King's speech and how it has been misinterpreted by most A-merry-cans.

**This picture of King was taken while he was announcing in 1967, that he wouldn't be seeking the presidency of these "Divided States". Mmmm, if he did run, I wonder how many votes he would have gotten? **

"The presidential candidacy of Barack Obama has spawned lots of banter about Martin Luther King Jr, whose birthday the country recently observed. Obama has been mentioned in the same breath as King, as the fulfillment and embodiment of the civil rights leaders’ dream. Obama’s supposed symbolism is misleading and represent gross misrepresentations of the truth.

So let me take a moment to set the record straight.

Now when we consider the idea of Obama as the fulfillment of Kings’ dream we should refer to the great one himself. In his now popular, “I have a dream,” speech delivered from the steps of the Lincoln Memorial at the 1963 March on Washington, King elucidated his vision of things to come.

“I have a dream,” proclaimed King; “that this nation will rise up and live out the true meaning of its creed, ‘We hold these truths to be self evident that all men are created equal,’”… that, “sons of former slaves and the sons of former slave owners will be able to sit down together at the table of brotherhood,”… that, “even the state of Mississippi, will be transformed into an oasis of freedom and justice”… and that, “my four children will live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character.”

The fulfillment of Kings vision has yet to come to pass. Even Obama admitted as much last Sunday in a speech at King’s former church, Ebenezer Baptist in Atlanta . Obama, explained that, “for most of this country’s history, we in the African-American community have been at the receiving end of man’s inhumanity to man. And all of us understand intimately the insidious role that race still sometimes plays – on the job, in the schools, in our health care system, and in our criminal justice system.”

However, the talk about the Senator’s possible election as president of the US as culmination of the civil rights movement reveals a popular misconception about King and a misreading of his most popular speech. It exposes how few people actually read the entire text. (If they had it wouldn’t be so popular) Because within it lies a radical critique of US society and a clarion call to continue the struggle. It is not the innocuous pablum, which the revisionists have assigned to it.

In actuality, King’s vision was about collective progress, not individual progress. Obama rightly pointed out during the South Carolina debate that MLK would probably not have endorsed either candidate including Obama. Obama is right King would not endorse anyone who was tied to the power structure, which he saw as the source of our problems as people (black, white, Latin, Asian, Native, women, etc.).

Obama --no matter how folks want to see him-- is still indeed tied to this social/economic/ political system and does not represent a break from the power structure. This is true despite his misleading and disingenuous mantra of “change” and “hope.” Recognizing this, the human rights leader would have viewed the idea of Obama winning the presidency not as a sign of the advancement of the race, but as nothing more than tokenism.

King enlightened us on the problem of tokenism in his essay “The Sword that Heals.”

“Still another technique had begun to replace the old methods for thwarting the Negroes’ dreams and aspirations. This is the method known as tokenism…Tokenism is a promise to pay. Democracy in its finest sense is payment. The Negro wanted to feel pride in his race. With tokenism the solution was simple. If all twenty million Negroes would keep looking at Ralph Bunche [insert Obama] the one man in so exalted a post would generate such a volume of pride that it could be cut into portions and served to everyone. A judge here and a judge there, an executive behind a polished desk, a high government administrator all these were tokens used to obscure the persisting reality, and discrimination.

Those who argue in favor of tokenism point out that we must begin somewhere; that it is unwise to spurn any breakthrough, no matter how limited. There is a critical distinction, however, between a modest start and tokenism. Its [tokenism] purpose is not to begin a process, but instead to end the process of protest and pressure. It is a hypocritical gesture not a constructive first step.”

Enough said!

Ironically, Obama’s race is merely a smoke screen making it harder for folks to see who and what he really represents. But in the process of fooling folks he is also standing the history and intent of the Civil Rights movement on its head. He is accomplishing this through revision and inference. "

OK Mel, I hear you, now be prepared to back up your musings. Because I just know that these folks in the fields will have something to say as well.

Friday, January 25, 2008

A couple of things have been on my mind

since last night, and I feel a need to get the shit off my chest before I head out to my nine to five plantation.

First, I heard former NFL great Jim Brown on a local sports talk radio program last night, and I am going to have to revoke Jim's field Negro card for now. The shit he said about the Rutgers basketball dust up with Don Imus wasn't cool, and although I have some respect left for Mr. Brown, I have to call him on it. Mr. Brown basically said that the Rutgers controversy was no big deal, and he thought Don Imus was basically right. He thought the women from Tennessee were pretty and the ones from Rutgers were not. Brown went on to take issue with the modern African American athlete and their apathy towards political ans social issues (we agree on that one) and was all over Tiger Woods (more on him in a minute) for the way he handled this latest...ahem ahem, little racial problem in A-merry-ca. To Brown, the Golf Chanel's host an dher lynching comment is far more serious than the Rutgers incident and should have be treated as such.

Again, I think Brown was a great player, and I love the work he did with inner city gangs in L.A. But Jim never had the greatest reputation when it comes to the treatment of women, and I think some of his previous issues might have tainted his perspective here.

Now the second thing that keeps bothering me, is this shit with Tiger and the Golf Channel. I honestly thought the shit was over. Girlfriend got suspended for two weeks, Tiger's sorry ass basically said through his agent that it was no big deal, and A-merry-ca was ready to move on.

But then some dumb ass Golf magazine chooses to put a noose on their cover, and Tiger, being Tiger, felt the need to make yet another statement saying it's no big deal ("Kelly [Tilghman]is a friend and I saw no malicious intent in her remark..."). Yeah whatever Tiger. I used to cheer for your sorry ass in all those tournaments, because I admired your skills. But fuck you! I hope you never win another tournament on the PGA Tour. And real field Negroes like Vijay Singh, out drives and out putts your sorry ass every weekend from here on out.
Oh, and another thing, can we get another spokes person besides Al Sharpton for these types of issues? I think he is becoming irrelevant.

I'm off to fight this Philly traffic.

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

The Dance Card.

"I have to say that you know,you know, I would have to, you know, investigate more of Bill's dancing abilities you know, ad some of the other stuff before I can accurately judge whether he was in fact a brother."

Those were the words which the "O" man uttered to the CNN moderator the other night in response to a question about whether Bill Clinton was actually the "first black president." Of course the "O" man caught some flack from some folks, but it didn't bother the field one little bit. Hell, I was just wondering what kind of test I would use to find out if Bill was really one of us in disguise: "Quick, what's your favorite EWF song? "And if the son of a bitch broke out with "Reasons" without even blinking an eye, I would quickly have another one for his ass: "Do you have to use lotion in the winter time?" Or, "how do you know when you are being followed in a department store?" Or, "have you ever been stopped by a very polite state trooper who just wanted to see your license, proof of insurance, and registration please?" See, there are other tests I could give Bill other than merely wanting to know if he could dance. I mean come on "O" man, some of us can't even dance, and we are brothers fo real. But I get it, Bill and Hillary are playing the race card, so you might as well play the dance card right back at em.

Of course Hillary had a come back for the "O" man. She wanted the "O" man to know that it could be arranged for a sit down with Bill to see if he was really a brother or not. if Hillary really wanted to set off some political fireworks, she could have said something like: "Hey, he sure seems like a brother to me." But then I am sure Michelle Obama would fire off a statement the next day saying something like: "Hillary I know what it's like to be with a black man, and trust me, Bill ain't no black man." To which Hillary might have then replied........ahh fuck it, I am going to leave this one alone. But you get the point. This is what happens when we combine race with our politics folks, there is just so much craziness we can endure in one political season. I know Toni Morrison regrets making that A-merry-ca's first black prez statement, because folks have been running with that shit ever since. And the scary thing is that Bill himself is actually starting to believe that shit. That's why he is so comfortable talking about the "O" man every chance he gets. He thinks he is one of us.

But I bet Bill couldn't pass my little pop quiz, oh he might be able to dance his ass off, but I used to see white boys on Soul Train all the time.

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

"A live boy or a dead girl."

Being caught in bed with one of the above is the only thing that former Louisiana Governor, Edwin Edwards, said could ruin his political career.

Now I caught the democratic debate last night, and for the first time this election season I actually got to see some passion. No one was backing down, and there was no love in the house. Just like I like it, and apparently I was not alone. Hell the stakes are high, and Obama finally cut his Mr. nice guy routine and fired off some rounds of his own.

Now Hillary was rough on my boy, and I gotta tell you, it's going to cost her some black votes come general election time.-- I sure hope she has enough votes to offset the Negroes that will be staying home--. But I gotta thank her for introducing Barack to the real world of down and dirty politics in A-merry-ca. If, and only if, he becomes the democratic nominee for president, he will see just how dirty A-merry-can politics can get. I know on the surface it seems civilized, but nothing could be farther from the truth. When the stakes are this high, these folks will do anything to win. Thanks for making Barack realize that all his talk of being above the partisan politics of the past is bullshit. It sounds nice for sound bites and the evening news, but at the end of the day, your fellow A-merry-cans will be influenced by the negative shit they see and hear about you (Just ask Harold Ford). So I sure hope there is no sex with a "live boy or a dead girl" in your past Barack, because if there is, it's coming out.

It's looking more and more like it will be either McCain or Romney come November. McCain is a war hero and Romney can print money. Trust me on this one, the rethuglicans will be fighting for every last vote. And no mud will be too dirty to sling to get it. So Obama I hope your people are doing their research and background checks on McCain and Romney, because they are sure as hell doing it on you. Now you will notice I didn't tell Hillary to do the same, because I don't have to. Hillary can get down and dirty with the best of them, and believe me, she will. It's you I worry about Obama, with your idealistic and quixotic views of A-merry-ca. It's nice to be a visionary, and dream of lofty and great things, but you gotta get elected first.

Now Mr. Edwards you might want to consider what your fellow Southerner, Fred Thompson, did today, and take a hike. I think it's over for you. I know you are hoping that you will be the last white man standing on the democratic side, but it doesn't look like it's going to happen for you this time around. But I know how you must be feeling. Hell as a white man you have to be thinking that at some point these people in A-merry-ca will realize what their choices are, and go with the white male over the rest of the field. But it looks like these democrats really want to do some historic shit, so maybe next time. There might even be a VP spot in all of this for you.

I am not a betting man, but if I were, I would say it's going to be Hillary vs. McCain come November. Now things could change between now and then; there might be some skeletons who want to come dancing out of their closets, or even a live boy who is willing to talk.

Monday, January 21, 2008

The deferment of King's dream continues.

I was going to post about black and brown (Latino) people coming together throughout the African Diaspora tonight. But then I got an e-mail from a regular from the fields named Kimberlie (I hope she doesn't mind me using her name), and she sent me this link.

Now I don't want to keep stating the obvious, because let's face it; people are sick and tired of being sick and tired about racism and all the bullshit that comes along with it. But let's be honest, there are some sick motherfuckers living among us who share the precious air that we breathe.

"Oh come on field, not another post about racism in America?" Yep, another post about racism in A-merry-ca. Because the shit these ignorant ass people are doing really bothers me. Think about it white folks; think about how upset you get when protesters show up at the funerals of dead soldiers, and shout out things that takes away from their memory and their service. This is how upset I get when on the day that we choose to commensurate the death of a great African American civil rights leader these ignorant mother fuckers choose to make their point by marching on Jena. "Oh come one field, there were just a few of them, they don't in any way represent the views of most Americans." Maybe they don't represent the views of most A-merry-cans, but they sure as hell represent the views of quite a few more A-merry-cans than were actually marching today.

I am sorry, there are people in this country who will never change (Sorry Dr. King), and knowing that makes me forever vigilant against these mother fuckers. Call it "Extreme Color Arousal Disorder" like my man Francis Holland , or just pure racism, but it ain't going away.

But I guess I shouldn't be so upset, because these racist- like the ones who marched today- are out in the open. It's the ones who are in the closet that I worry about. The ones who hold real positions of power. The morons who marched today have no real power. The only power they think they have is the color of their skin. That is what gives them hope. I might be a broke ignorant son of a bitch, but I have my whiteness.....ahh you gotta love it. But the racist with real power who hide behind mahogany desks, robes and boardroom walls, scare me. Because they don't strike by marching with their racist friends on the streets of some Southern town. No, they strike with pink slips, long sentences, and bank foreclosure notices. They have replaced the dogs and fire hoses with legislation and slick back room tactics. Our job is to be vigilant, and not be so blinded by what we dream about and what we want the country to be that we don't see the shit that's going on right now. What happened in Jena today was the tip of the ice berg. And I will spend every day of my life trying to melt that motherfucker.

Sunday, January 20, 2008

Just a dream?

I have been thinking about this post for awhile now. Unfortunately, knowing how sensitive some of you folks can get, I held back. But since tomorrow is the day we choose to recognize Dr. King's birthday, I think it is a good time to share it with you.

It has to do with Dr. King's speech. In that famous speech at the Lincoln Memorial on a hot day in August, he spoke of "having a dream." In his dream King envisioned a lot of great things happening in A-merry-ca when it comes to race relations and racial harmony. He dreamt of a country where "little black boys and little black girls could join hands with little white boys and little white girls as sisters and brothers..." He dreamt of a country where his four children would be judged "not by the color of their skin but by the content of their character." (White conservatives love that one, and they use it every chance they get. "Why should we give you affirmative action just because you are black? Shouldn't you be judged by the content of your character and not the color of your skin?")

In my humble opinion the brilliance of King's speech was that he never really expected his dream to be realized. He understood how truly fucked up the human condition was, and what he was dealing with in A-merry-ca. -"So we have come here today to dramatize a shameful condition."- All he could do was make A-merry-cans confront their unjust reality and at least try to implement laws to make things better. But King never really thought all the things he talked about in his speech would ever come to fruition. I mean let's face it, it was a dream. And the last time I checked, the odds of a dream becoming reality are very slim. Hell, if that wasn't the case, Lark Voorhies would have moved to Philly a long time ago.

If King really thought that the things he spoke about could become reality, he would have written his speech in a different way. He would have said something like; "one day in the not too distant future, my four little children will be judged, not by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character". He would not have prefaced the words "one day this nation will rise up and live out the true meaning of its creed: 'we hold these truths to be self evident that all men are created equal.' with that now now famous phrase, "I have a dream". By saying it was a dream he was telling us that the possibility of all of this happening was more remote. "The state of Mississippi transformed into an oasis of freedom and justice"? I don't think so.

No one could argue that given the climate of the country at the time of his speech (1963) all he could have done was dream. No one could have envisioned how far we would have come in A-merry-ca. And this is where the cynical field Negro comes in. I don't think we have come that far in A-merry-ca at all. I think in terms of attitudes we might as well be in a time capsule which reads August 28, 1963. Sure laws have changed, but little else has. People are just more sophisticated about how they hide their ignorance now.

And don't even get me started about us black folks. I think if King were around today, seeing how we have self destructed as a race would be his biggest disappointment. He would know that white folks don't give a damn about us. But he would have expected that much. He was a preacher, I am sure he was quite aware of all the shortcomings that come with the human condition. But he would have been taken by surprise with all the shit he saw with us black folks. I am sure of it.

So I will be at an MLK breakfast tomorrow morning, and I will be volunteering my time to do some cleaning up at a local high school. I will be doing these things because I understand the significance of the King holiday and what it is suppose to represent. But sorry, I am not as optimistic about the future of race relations in this country. King's speech and the words in it were nice. But remember, he was dreaming.

He televised the revolution.

Brad Will died on a dusty street in Oaxaca, Mexico, while documenting a peasant revolt against the Mexican government. It seems like Brad Will was always in the middle of a protest or revolt in some form or another, because Brad Will was one angry motherfucker.

Brad Will would travel from country to country and city to city, agitating against powerful governments and institutions. According to Rolling Stone Magazine, he was one of A-merry-ca's 50 most dangerous anarchist. The government hated his white ass (he was on every watch list imaginable), and ABC News put his mug on the evening news to warn other anarchist to stay away from the Republican National Convention in 2004.

This young white boy from an affluent suburban Chicago family (his father was a Yalie) was ready for a revolution. He had been to countries like Venezuela, Brazil, and Argentina to help poor people organize against their governments. It was just such a protest taking place down in Mexico when he decided to go down there and film it all. Ironically, he ended up filming his own death and thanks to You Tube and other such outlets, it's what he will be most remembered for. After all the revolutionary shit he had done in his life, filming himself getting a bullet to the chest from the gun of a Mexican death squad member, is how most people will come to know the name Brad Will.

No one knew where Brad Will's anger came from. Lord knows he didn't have to be. Brad Will, with his Ozzie and Harriet upbringing and his bucolic surroundings, was just another rich suburban white kid living in A-merry-ca, pursuing happiness and the A-merry-can dream. But Brad Will saw the bigger picture, he saw the world for what it really was; a stacked deck against poor and disenfranchised people. People who have no voice or shot at changing their circumstances. So anarchy was his answer. Disrupt, and destroy. Tear down everything the rich and powerful built up, and screw them all.

Brad Will, you are my fucking hero!

HT Rolling Stone Magazine.

Friday, January 18, 2008

"The last angry black man"

A friend of mine was introducing me to someone today, and for some reason he felt the need to tell her that I blog. "He has a blog called field Negro. I think he is the last angry black man left in America." Ha ha ha ha, laughs all around.

Of course dude was right. At times it seems that there are no angry black men left in A-merry-ca. I think the angry black man has been ashamed into accepting his fate, and his place in the A-merry-can scheme of things. But there is nothing to be ashamed of. Not when your anger is driven by disappointment and not resentment. You see it's like this: most people think that the angry black man, like yours truly, is angry because he is somehow feeling left out and is disappointed with his station in life. While this might be true with some angry black men, it isn't the case here. (Although to be honest, I couldn't really blame any black man for being angry and pissed off for the state of his condition. The shit that some of us -and yes I say us because whatever that black man goes through effects me as well-go through, I wouldn't wish on my worst white enemy). I am quite happy with pretty much all aspects of my life, both socially and professionally, but I am still angry.

Seeing untapped potential and squandered opportunities makes me angry. You can't live in a city like Philadelphia and see all the urban decay and hopelessness in the greatest country on earth and not be angry. You can't look into the face of some of the beautiful children here, knowing that they have no shot in life, and not be angry. You can't see all the money at our government's disposal being wasted on bullshit, while people are struggling to make ends meet and not get angry. All that shit makes me angry and will continue to until the people with real power in this country act like they give a damn.

Of course there used to be lots of angry black men in A-merry-ca. The Black Panthers were angry. Hell they had to be, their survival depended on it. Some of our politicians from back in the day (Shirley Chisholm comes to mind) who really cared about our condition as a people were angry. There are no angry labor organizers like Cesar Chavez anymore. No angry social activist even. Why? Because A-merry-ca has moved forward, we have gotten past the little problems of race, and class, and poverty(did you hear Tim Russert). And everyone has a chance of achieving the American dream now...yeah right! Jim Brown was an angry athlete, that's why he ran like that; he ran with anger. Malcolm X was angry. He was angry at A-merry-ca, his own people, and even at his mentor.
Boy it sure would be nice to have some high profile angry black men in A-merry-ca. But we know how that is, it will never happen now. Money and independent wealth does wonders for that ailment known as the angry black man's decease. Now, instead of real anger, we have been given Barack, and Tiger as our modern day black icons. And they ain't angry. In fact, Barack is trying to unify A-merry-ca, and Tiger is trying to pretend he is not black. People making lynching jokes about Tiger won't make him angry, and instead of getting angry at the political process in A-merry-ca, Barack praises the fake ass cowboy from California.

People like Mrs. Field are always getting on me about my anger. I am called an ABM (her abbreviation for Angry Black Man) damn near every day I am maneuvering through Philly traffic. She wonders where it comes from. If she only had half of the things I did growing up, most people black and white could only wish they had it so good. Well....I hate to break it to Mrs. Field, but as I said before, this anger isn't about envy or victimology, it's about disappointment. And when your anger is fueled by things other than your physical condition or your station in life, what you have or don't have as an individual is irrelevant. It's about the collective, and what is being done to the people in the world that looks like you. It's about our apathy to it while we party and play our lives away. It's about turning our backs on an entire generation of our children, and not having the discipline to raise our families in the proper way. Yep, all this shit makes me angry, and if I ever stop being angry, I won't even know myself.

Thursday, January 17, 2008

Mitt is angry and Huck just wants to pray.

I caught the little dust up between the sociopath slash presidential candidate, Mitt Romney, and that AP reporter today. It seems the reporter, Glen Johnson, called Romney on his bullshit, and of course Romney didn't like it. There is nothing a poli-trick-ster hates more than being caught in a lie or having to take an uncomfortable position. (Remember Hillary and her little driver's license issue in that democratic presidential debate?)

"I don't have lobbyist running my campaign. I don't have lobbyists that are tied to my....and this is when the poor reporter couldn't take it anymore. "That's not true governor, that is not true. Ron Kauman is a lobbyist." Yes, and so is Barbara Constack who also works for his campaign."Did you hear what I said?" "Did you hear what I said Glen? (Yes I am sure he did, but you are such a fucking liar that I am sure he doesn't believe you) I said I don't have lobbyist running my campaign and he is not running my campaign." To which the incredulous reporter replied: "He's a senior advisor!" This is when Mitt made the distinction between working and being a senior advisor on his campaign, and actually running his campaign. Yeah, just like his dad didn't actually march with Dr. King, but was with him in spirit. A-merry-ca, there is something very dangerous about Mitt Romney. So you can fuck around and elect this guy if you want to. But if you do, I can gurantee you that you will regret every minute of those four years.

The irony of screaming against lobbyist of course, is that Mitt's own daddy was a lobbyist in Washington for the auto industry. And now he is acting like he is so far removed from K street and all its greed and corruption. Honestly, you gotta love these repukes. When you think that Mitt Romney might be the most viable candidate that they have, you have to admit that you want to just say a little prayer for the republic.

And speaking of prayer, just what the fuck is wrong with Mike Huckabee? That crazy SOB admitted to eating squirrels in college. And he worries about Gays marrying each other in A-merry-ca? Shit we need to be worried about his crazy ass and people like him. I would rather live in a town full of gay married couples than living with people like his ignorant ass around me.

"You don't like people from outside coming in and telling you what to do with your flag."

"YOUR FLAG?" Yeah well their flag represents something very tragic to people who look like I do. And for your ignorant ass to make a statement like that is just proof positive that you are not ready to lead this country and become president for all the people.

I mean how pathetic is the repukelican party? Mike stinking Huckabee? The guy thinks all AIDS patients should be quarantined. He doesn't believe in evolution. He tries to imply that homosexuals aren't normal people, and he wants women to stay in the kitchen and serve their husbands. And this guy wants to be my president? The scary thing is he actually won a primary. (Remind me not to go to Iowa any time soon).

And Mike, I was thinking; if you want to be president so bad, why not just ask god to make you president? Why go through all the bullshit? I mean you are the lord's candidate right? Shouldn't you be praying instead of campaigning ?

Just remember that when you start praying you should be careful, because the president we have now did a lot of praying too, and you see how that turned out.

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Flag Time!

Well here we are again my repukelican friends,back in South Carolina. And I know you know what that means. Yep, it's confederate flag time. It seems like every four years as we move through South Carolina we have to deal with this issue. And of course, the repukes, given their base, always have a harder time dealing with it. (Party of Lincoln my ass)

Now I have to give it to John McCain, he has remained principled with this issue, and he has refused to back down on his stance against flying that symbol of the confederacy on the top of South Carolina's state capitol. Even if it's down in the land of Dixie. Now it took old John awhile to come to this principled moment, and it took losing to the frat boy to do it, but he came around, and he is still taking that position, so let's give him some credit for that.

It should be fun to see how the other repukelican candidates approach this issue. I am sure they will do the wrong thing. I mean, come on, they are repukelicans (sorry cobb). And I think we have heard this song before. They will say it's a state's rights issue, and something that should not be decided by anyone else but the people of South Carolina. "Heritage not Hate". That flag still flies right near the capitol, and there are still quite a few folks down in South Carolina who don't think it was a good idea to remove it in the first place. They have been following McCain around waving confederate flags at him in protest and giving out fliers. I wonder how the other candidates from the grand old party will deal with this issue? I know that Mitt, for instance, previously came out against it, but I think that might have something to do with the fact that he has already written off South Carolina as a state where he can win the primary, and not because of some deep principled conviction.

"Probably the worse advise I've ever given myself....I knew it was a symbol that was offensive to so many people...And afterwards I went back and apologized."

OK Mr. McCain, I am going to take your word for it. But I am not sure about the folks running against you from your party. And given the party of Lincoln's history lately, I know you can't blame me.

Tuesday, January 15, 2008


There is a classic song from one of my favorite R&B groups, the Spinners. And the words go something like this: "It takes a fool to learn that love don't love nobody..." Now I don't know if my man Barack knows that song or not, but I would suggest that if he doesn't, he might want to listen to it.

I saw the debate tonight. I saw how the "O" man made nice with Hillary, and how they were both saying all the right things to each other. It was truly a Kumbaya moment for the dems. Hillary looked presidential in the debate, and in the eyes of many pundits, she probably won it.

Obama played nice. He rose above the pettiness and chastised the people in his camp for fighting back against the Clinton machine. Barack turned the other cheek. Way to go "O" man, that's what Jesus would have done. But then, Jesus isn't running against Hillary Clinton for President of these Divided States. But I get it, in order to win the presidency you will need a miracle, so you might as well act like the man that can give it to you.

Still, I don't totally blame Barack. What was he going to do? He was running as the race neutral icon, America's Bagger Vance, he had to put down this racial dust up by saying, enough! White folks were not going to vote for him if he was perceived as the angry black man who called out Hillary for her racially insensitive attacks. After all, to white folks, what Hillary and her minions did wasn't so bad; why are black folks so sensitive? Barack you aren't like that are you?
You heard Tim Russert tonight after the debates; "it's time to move on to more substantive issues than race." "MORE SUBSTANTIVE ISSUES THAN RACE"? OK Tim, at least you are honest.

So the truce between Barack and Hillary is in full effect, and now all Hillary has to do is hope that black folks have a short memory.

Monday, January 14, 2008

We never trusted them.

The irony of the latest little racial problem in A-merry-ca is rich. Here we have the first black man running for the highest office in the land with a legitimate chance of winning. And not only has he predicated his entire campaign on being race neutral, but he has built his entire movement around a future in A-merry-ca where everyone looks past race and show nothing but love for each other. But then, to get to that office, he has to beat the first woman candidate with a legitimate shot at winning the highest office in the land, a woman who will stop at nothing to achieve her goal. And here is the irony; she has actually used race to attempt to derail the race neutral man's campaign.

People always accuse me of being a "racialist" (like that's a bad thing). In fact, my white friends (yes I have some) will tell you that me being a "racialist" is why we get along as well as we do. They know where I stand on issues of race. There is no hypocrisy, no hidden agenda, and no bullshitting with each other. They take me as I am, and I do the same with them. We know that in order to be able to communicate with each other and to develop any type of relationship, the racial component of our relationship has to be dealt with honestly. Straight no chaser.

Unfortunately for the Clintons it doesn't look like they ever developed that type of trust and goodwill from us black folks. Oh I know the conventional wisdom was that they did, and that Bill was the first black Prez. But now we are seeing that it's not true. That was never the case, it was just another phony racial front; one of many that we put up with when we deal with each other here in A-merry-ca for the sake of just getting along. If there was that goodwill, and if the Clintons had it like that, we wouldn't be experiencing the democratic version of "Ali Frazier Two" right now. Black folks wouldn't be so offended when other black folks come out on behalf of the Clintons. Black folks would have given the Clintons the benefit of the doubt when all of this was going on. Instead, like that old PE song says; we just "can't truss it".

But black folks we know that we never trusted the Clintons all along. We just pretty much tolerated them because our natural enemies in the white supremest party hated them so much. What's that saying? "the enemy of my enemy is my friend"? It was a friendship of convenience if you will. But now it looks like that friendship is over. Don't listen to the high profile black folks coming out in their defense, listen to the man on the street. Listen to black folks talking at the water cooler at the offices. Listen to what we are saying amongst each other if you really want to know what's going on. (Sorry white people, I know some of you can't listen because you don't know any black folks like that. But just take my word for it on this one, you will have to just trust the field)

Today I saw Sheila Jackson Lee, and Charlie Rangel coming out for lady Hillary. She is not a racist, Hillary is committed to civil rights.... and on and on. That might or it might not be true. But the problem for lady Hillary is that the people who seemed to have been her most loyal supporters all along, never really trusted her in the first place.

Sunday, January 13, 2008

I told you this would happen.

I have a confession to make, I haven't watched BET in almost five years. And please believe me when I tell you that I am proud of that shit. In fact, I suspect that there are quite a few black folks out there who feel the same way that I do about A-merry-ca's minstrel network. - Bob, looks like you sold it to the white man just in time-

But now comes word that A-merry-ca's first black billionaire and founder of minstrel T.V. has actually come out and slammed the "O" man for having the audacity to think that his peeps, the Clintons, aren't down with MLK and the civil rights movement. Boy I swear the hits just keep coming from these folks, and I suspect that they will be trotting out quite a few more surrogates and house Negroes to tell us black folks how we should be thinking before this is over. But I told you all this was going to happen, so you shouldn't be surprised.

Now I understand that politics is a blood sport, and that the stakes are high . Believe me, I come from a country where that shit is literal, and where people kill motherfuckers who are their political opponents on a regular basis. But something about this slimy kind of back door dealing and nefarious plotting is very unseemly to me. I think it's the hypocrisy that bothers me. Just the thought of you sending out your surrogates and henchmen to do your dirty work, and then appearing with the main stream media and declaring that you are above that sort of dirty politics. I mean if you run your election that way how will you lead when you are the president? I would respect you more if you just came out and said: "yes I said all that shit, and I believe every fucking word of it. Hell I am trying to become president of this bitch. I will be damned if some half and half mother fucker whose father wasn't even born here is going to take away my rightful place in history." I still wouldn't vote for your triangulating ass, but at least I would respect you.

So Bob Johnson has decided to come out and lead the house Negro parade. And why not, he made quite a lot of his billions when his benefactor, blow job Bill, was in office. So it seems only natural that blow job Bill would call in some chips now. And not a moment too soon for Hillary's campaign. She needs the boost. That uppity Negra is acting like he really wants to win this bitch.

What, he didn't get the memo? Nope, it seems that uppity Negra is starting to believe his own damn press clippings. But those press clippings are starting to change: "Obama smoothly,strategically and subtly mines the well of white guilt. In his acceptance speech after his Iowa sweep-Which sounded an awful lot like the speech of a president, or at least a nominee, rather than the pick of a few sturdy Iowans-Obama liberated his inner Martin Luther King. Launching into the singsong cadences of King's 'I have a dream' speech, Obama crooned: They saaaad. They saaad...Obama's speech was grandiose prose and inspiring rhetoric. But what does it mean?It means nothing..."

~~Kathleen Parker~~Washington Post.

I told you "O" man. I told you the shit wouldn't be easy. But just wait, you ain't seen nothing yet.
There are quite a few more Bob Johnson types to come.

Saturday, January 12, 2008


I was reading some of the comments from the previous thread on this blog, and I was amazed at what a difference just eight years make for black folks. The venom and the vitriol (well deserved I might add) being thrown at the Clintons was surprising in scope and its level of passion.

This is what us black folks do when we think someone in the majority is beating up on one of our own. Regardless of our politics we always seem to go into race protection mode. Because, hey, let's face it; it's really all about self protection if you live in A-merry-ca.

I have been reading quite a few African American blogs and the comments on them for the past few days, and I am pretty convinced that if a general election were held today and Lady Hillary was the dumbocratic nominee, she would lose. Why? Because she would need to have African American votes to win swing states like Michigan,Pennsylvania, and Ohio, and the way things have been going lately, that just ain't gonna happen. Black folks will be staying home (of course we can't vote for the party of David Duke and the fake ass cowboy from California either). And black folks staying home spells trouble for the dumbocrats in a general election.

After all the screaming black folks have been doing by way of blogs and word of mouth, the main stream media has finally caught on to this little story. (They are always a day late and a few dollars short when it comes to reporting on black issues) So Hillary and all the "blue blood" yuppies around her are on to it too. So you know what that means: time to trot out the house Negroes, poverty pimps, and lawn jockeys to tell black folks that everything is OK. Don't abandon the good ship Clinton just yet. There is plenty of mon.....whoops, I mean good will to go around. The couple from Wal Mart country really do love black people, and they didn't mean all the insensitive things that was said by them and their minions about black folks.

It's all a lie of course; they meant it, and I suspect that even their surrogates who have been summoned to the big house to go out and quiet those restless field slaves know they meant it. Honestly, I am finding myself despising the couple from Wal Mart country more and more my damn self. What happened to the "first black President"? Surely he can't be that out of touch with his own people?

Now don't get it twisted; if I saw blow job Bill and the frat boy in a sinking boat, and I had only one life vest to throw, I would sure as fuck hope that the frat boy knows how to swim. It's that deep with the frat boy and I. I think they call it "Bush Derangement Syndrome." Yep, I am one deranged mother fucker when it comes to the frat boy. But I digress.

Hey all I know is that Hillary is hoping that all will be forgiven after the primary season, and the dumbocrats and their black folks will be reunited again. (Where is Peaches and Herb when you need them?) I am not so sure we will be back this time though. I think it all depends on how much they beat up on the "O" man, and how he reacts to it.

Still, it should be interesting. The Clintons have a ton of money to throw around, and church building funds need stocking. The pastor has to get that new Chrysler 300 with the soft top to drive to church in style come Sunday morning. Make no mistake, the Clintons will use their money wisely.

"I think James Brown said it:I'd rather die standing than live on my knees. That is what this is about. It's about being insulted by supposed ' friends'. I said, in the beginning, if this was a Republican, it would be one thing. Because Republicans are SUPPOSED to do this sort of shit. But, to accept this from a Democrat?Unacceptable. Period. And, yeah, I know, 'innocent' comments that we ' imagine'. I know the drill, but unlike 40 years ago, we can speak up now. THAT is one thing our forefathers and mothers obtained for us. As my fellow blogger ABB says about the Clintons and their shills:The Shit Ain't Subtle, and You Ain't Slick. "

~~~rikyrah, commenting in the fields~~~

Yep, it's ugly already, and the repukelicans haven't even played their race card yet. Willie Horton or Harold Ford anyone?

**Insert picture of blond bimbo here** Cue in sound:

"Barack, call me!!"

Friday, January 11, 2008

True Feelings!

"The field negro must have sunstroke! (0 / 0)
I won't pick a candidate just to redress his feelings of anger and cynicism. His quoted comments are at the same time vain and petty (once more I'm reminded of the National Lampoon cover: "Buy this magazine or we'll shoot this puppy!"), and hopelessly naive (as if the election of Barack Obama, or Jesse Jackson for that matter, would redress the actual problems of racism in America).

by Rich in PA on Fri Jan 11, 2008 at 10:11:48 AM PST"

Whatever Kossack man. Let's make a deal; you can call me whatever you want as long as you don't call me "collect".

This messenger has a bullet proof vest, so you folks over at Big Orange can't shoot me. I realized a long time ago that some of you white folks on the left are no different to your racist comrades on the right. Your racism and ignorance can take a different tone at times than your more openly bigoted friends, but its effects are the same. Unfortunately, it always takes incidents such as the latest Sistah Souljah moment from Lady Hillary and her minions (see sidebar) to expose you all for the loofs (that's a backwards fool in case you were wondering) that you are.

And to think, I am not even on the "O" bandwagon. But as is always the case in A-merry-ca, it's not "O" that's being attacked or disparaged, it's everyone that looks like him, and everyone that shares at least half of his heritage. Of course the folks on the left will tell us that it's not about the "O" man's race, it's about his politics, and that someone like John Edwards would be a much better President policy wise for the progressives. Now that might or might not be true, but on our way to deciding who should be our President, it would be nice if people like the Clintons (who everyone swears should know better) would show a little fucking sensitivity. Hillary did you really say that the "O" man should "do the necessary spade work"? I mean we expect this type of blatant racism from the repukes, not you. We expect your racism to be softer, and more subtle. Unlike the repukes, we at least expect you to pretend that you love black folks.

But I suppose that is too much to ask now that we are in the middle of a presidential race with the stakes being so high. It's time for people's true feelings to come out. It's time to win by any means necessary. And then after the coronation we can make nice and pretend that all is well in A-merry-ca again.

Thursday, January 10, 2008

"Poorly chosen words".

"On Friday during our golf broadcast, Nick Faldo and I were discussing Tiger's dominance in the golf world and I used some poorly chosen words. I have known Tiger for 12 years and I have apologized directly to him. I also apologize to our viewers who may have been offended by my comments."

"Poorly chosen words". It seems we have been having a lot of that lately.

"Lynch Tiger Woods in a back alley"?
Kelly, your little apology is nice, but you really shouldn't be apologizing to Tiger. Instead, you should be apologizing to all the relatives and ancestors to the black men who have been brutalized and lynched in this country, from Thomas Shipp to William Brown. When you trivialize something as abominable and inhumane as lynching, you set us all back 50 years, and you insult us all. Not just Tiger. Mr. Woods will be fine. Money fame and power makes it easy to forgive those who have wronged you. But I don't forgive you, because although these were just some "poorly chosen words" to you; the shit is personal to me.

So you will be back at work in two weeks and your ratings will probably go up, because more people know who you are now. You will be smarter the next time though, because you will know better than using "poorly chosen words" when speaking in public. You will remember that "poorly chosen words" should only be spoken in private.

Wednesday, January 09, 2008

Missy's world and the "Bradley Effect".

I guess black folks are still feeling dissed after the folks in lily white New Hampshire pulled a Bradley Effect move on them. I mean just when we were ready to crown King Obama as our leader, A-merry-ca brings us back to reality. And every one seems so shocked that this could have happened. I mean wasn't Hillary down by double digits? They are calling this one of the greatest political upsets in history. It caught every one by surprise.....yeah well it didn't surprise me. And I suspect that quite a few of you reading this blog feel the same way.

The truth of the matter is that the more powerful Barrack's movement becomes, the more irrelevant angry and cynical black men like the field Negro will become. A-merry-ca could shut the field up tomorrow by rising above petty racial and gender politics and and embracing a truly unifying change in her politics. But it ain't happening; you know it, and so do I.

So you all are angry now, and you are turning on your first black Prez. Just read this from Donna Brazile:

" I could understand his frustration at this moment. But, look, he shouldn't take out all his pain on Barrack Obama. It's time that they regroup. Figure out what Hillary needs to do to get her campaign back on track. It sounds like sour grapes coming from the former commander in chief. Someone that many Democrats hold in high esteem. For him to go after Obama, using a fairy tale, calling him as he did last week. It's an insult. And I will tell you, as an African-American, I find his tone and his words to be very depressing..."

She was talking about BJ Bill of course, and her sentiments are being echoed by quite a few African American bloggers and others out there. Bill and Hilary Clinton can use code words with the best of them, and they know what buttons to push to bring out the racial bogeyman lurking behind every corner in A-merry-ca. And in case you were wondering, there is no gender bogeyman. Yes women have been discriminated against in this country, and they have suffered mightily at the hands of the all powerful white male. But don't for a minute think there is a fear of women out there. There isn't. But ask me if there is a fear of black men and you know what I will tell you.

So when I see columns like this one from a popular hometown columnist here in Philly, it gives me cause for pause. I really have to wonder what makes the white A-merry-can woman think that she has all of a sudden become the victim in her precious country. Memo to white women: You have nothing to worry about, next to house pets you are the most protected class in this country. So let's stop with the beat up on Hillary shtick. No one is beating up on Hillary. I know some people on the right think that she is a witch, but she still looks like a white woman to me.

Now I leave you with some comments left on the POLITICO'S blog after they (the commenters) read Donna Brazile's posts:

"Sounds like bitter loser pill Donna is what Carville is to HRC . . . race race race . . . "as an African-American" way to interject race into a non racial story . . . shut up! "
Posted By: January 08, 2008 at 08:04 PM

"Awe, I am such a fan of Donna Brazile (even at one point wanting to draft her as chair of the DNC) and I'm saddened that it seems like she played the race card here :-\ As a minority, that's depressing to me too Donna . . . "
Posted By: LawSchoolDem January 08, 2008 at 08:08 PM

"I ususally really like Donna, but she really played the race card on this one. Not cool. "
Posted By: Elizabeth January 08, 2008 at 08:17 PM

"Donna Brazile had an article in WaTimes yesterday that proves she writes about topics of which she has no clue. Her opening paragraph mischaracterized the economy of our country the past few years to an extent of embarassment. She's disgraceful for spouting such myths. Who can take her seriously, other than another myth-believing Bush-hater? And why above, is she bringing Bill Bennett into the fray? He's a highly principled man whose wife works in inner city Newark NJ schools to try to improve things, and Bennett would like nothing more than to improve the lot of inner-city blacks. DBrazile's a total farce. "
Posted By: sbourg January 08, 2008 at 08:24 PM

"Oprah (black)::Obama (black): Brazille (black):: Obama (black)"

"Donna, Obama was never a college professor. He was a lecturer. Big difference. "
Posted By: Allie January 08, 2008 at 08:34 PM

"When are negroes going to stand on their own merits and quit using the race card?"
Posted By: Bigmarunga January 08, 2008 at 08:35 PM

"I'd like to know how Hillary and Bill have bypassed the writers strike? Just look at all the pre-written fiction that they have been acting out on the national stage."
Posted By: Writer January 08, 2008 at 08:35 PM

"Brazille is a racist and Bill and Hillary are your typical plantation master dems OB they dont plan of letting their slaves run the show. They make me sick. I am sick of Dems playing white against blacks and poor against rich. It is disgusting,but someone keeps voting for them. Just amazing. The Dem party is proof of how horrible the US educational system has become. You have to be drunk or an idiot to vote for any these conmen."
Posted By: jack January 08, 2008 at 08:37 PM "

"How pathetic that Brazile immediately has to resort to the hoary racism card to criticize Bill. No wonder the networks treat Obama with lamb skin gloves, they're all afraid of being called racists if they so much as show any criticism to Obama. His campaign knows this and they have benefited from a cowering media. Bill called out Obama on the falsies in his campaign, he never called Obama a kid, he simply said that Obama's claims were a fairly tale. Only in the mind of a professional race baiter can that be construed as racism. "
Posted By: Joe Nada January 08, 2008 at 08:37 PM

I lifted all those comments from the folks at POLITICO (Don't try to sue me, you will lose).

I hope you took the time to read them. They are quite revealing :)

Tuesday, January 08, 2008

A funny thing happened on the way to Pennsylvania Avenue.

Hold those Luther CD's for the White House. It might be still early, but I am watching these returns from the New Hampshire Primary, and it looks like the folks from Hope might still have a few tricks up their sleeves.

I just read this article over at Slate magazine:

'Gender," writes Gloria Steinem on the op-ed page of the Jan. 8 New York Times, "is probably the most restricting force in American life." That is incorrect. Poverty is the most restricting force in American life. It's become somewhat unfashionable to point this out, but I don't see how it could be otherwise. Given the choice between being born poor and being born female, which would you choose?

Steinem's occasion for making this wildly obtuse statement is the New Hampshire primary, which Hillary Clinton will likely lose to Barack Obama, a black man. Steinem's column can be read either as a desperate last-ditch appeal on Hillary's behalf or (more plausibly) as an anticipatory complaint that sexism did Hillary in. "I'm not advocating a competition for who has it toughest," Steinem writes, but her enshrinement of gender as the No. 1 obstacle to the pursuit of happiness in the United States gives lie to that. So does her remarkably petty observation:

Black men were given the vote a half-century before women of any race were allowed to mark a ballot, and generally have ascended to positions of power, from the military to the boardroom, before any women (with the possible exception of obedient family members in the latter)...

So the Clinton's have called out their big guns-- such as Steinem --to make the case for gender over race. If you are a suburban white *woman* [thanks woozie] in A-merry-ca, you must be really torn now. You love Oprah, you love the rosy feeling that "O" gives you, but you are a woman who wants to see one of your own in the White House before you die, and this might be your last chance. So far women are breaking for Clinton 47% to 34% in NH, and regardless of the final results, the coronation must be held up for the "O" man.

Now as a trial lawyer, I have always wanted to be able to cry on cue. In law school we used to joke about putting an onion in our handkerchiefs and being able to use it judiciously during closing arguments. I am not saying that's what Hillary did with her little break up moment, but it sure worked. And let's not forget BJ Bill coming out and wagging those fingers at the voters of NH. Demanding that they support his wife after those wonderful years of prosperity he gave them.

Word to my man Christopher and all the other "O" supporters out there; it's not over. And it's not just Hillary. Don't sleep on the "Breck Boy", I just caught his speech, and it was good. Don't forget; he is a white male, and this, after all, A-merry-ca. There are also urban areas and cities to be fought for, and big city party machines like the one here in Philly, are squarely in the Clinton camp. Then there are all those greedy preachers with their hands out; always willing to sell out to the highest bidder. In this case it could be the Clintons.

OK, so 2 down, 48 to go. And even though "O" lost. The field is feeling more and more like he is back on that bandwagon. Call me crazy, but I always love an underdog.

It should be fun.

Monday, January 07, 2008

What would Obama do?

My "O" happy day was going fine until my ride on the way home from the train station with Mrs. Field. As is always the case on Mondays, I had a very busy day, and my mind was on all sorts of things. I should have let Mrs. Field drive, because when she drives she is so busy concentrating on the traffic that she doesn't find time to talk much. But of course I didn't; the dumb field Negro was behind the wheel.

"You know my girlfriend ******". "Yes I know her". "Well she joined one of those dating sites to see if she can hook up with somebody." "Why would somebody do that?" I wanted to know. "Do what?" "Join a dating site. Isn't that like a loser move? I mean it's kind of like cheating the dating game. She should just go out into the dating jungle and capture her prey like every one else." "Oh is that what you did?" I look over at Mrs. Field and she has her fight face on. "No, I am just saying; ****** is an attractive lady, why would she have to do that?" "Oh, you think ****** is attractive do you? What exactly about her do you find attractive?" Yep, I walked right into this one. Although the truth of the matter is that ****** is Mrs. Field's most attractive friend, and I could never figure out why she never got hitched. I always thought she was never interested in settling down and was just working on her career. "No field, tell me what you find so attractive about her?" There was no getting out of this. "Look, I am just saying... most people would find her attractive." "Oh they would? Why, does she look like your little friend Lark Voorhies? Don't think I don't see your stupid blog Mister." "Oh come on now, Lark Voorhies?" "Excuse me, what's so great about Lark Voorhies? " "Look, let's just drop it, I can't really concentrate right now." "Why, too busy thinking about Lark Voorhies?" *Actually yes* "No! Look, you had a hard day too, let's just forget it." "And you still didn't tell me why dating services are so bad. ****** is a very busy woman. If she has to join a service to find a mate that's her business" " So she makes a video and markets herself like a damn infomercial?" It's the fight face look again. "You have some issues you might need to work on there big guy."

And it's right about this moment that some clown in an SUV bigger than a damn school bus swings right into my lane and cuts me off. Of course this is right around the time I speed up to catch up to the mother fucker. Mrs. Field, of course, is quite familiar with my road rage issues and she is daring me to catch up to the other motorist. Of course I am not hearing it, and I am testing out the theory that Mrs. Field's car is built for safety and speed. I am speeding up to get right next to the mother fucker that cut me off and ask him just what the fuck his problem is. Mrs. Field is pissed, I am pissed, and pretty soon the driver in the school bus SUV is going to be pissed. Because I fully intend to cut right in front of him and slow down just like he did to me.

But then, I start to think; it's still "O" happy day in A-merry-ca. What would Obama do? Hey, I saw how he defused a potentially volatile situation with that FAKE NEWS piece of shit news hound yesterday. So I slow down, let the SUV go on it's way, and return to my normal driving pattern. Saved by Obama.

"Hey mister, you still didn't tell me what you find so attractive about ******"

I think my "O" happy days are officially over.