"....a mainstream African American who is articulate bright and clean..."
That quote came from my man, the prattler extraordinaire, Joe Biden, while he was talking about his opponent for the Democratic party nod for President, Barack Obama. Now first, I am glad to know Obama is clean, God forbid we have a dirty senator mixing with his colleagues every day. "Hey did that Obama fellow take a bath today? I think so, I don't smell him anymore" No seriously folks, I hope you are not surprised by this little faux paux. Biden is, after all, an old white man. And whether they be democrat,republican, or independent; old white men tend to think this way. You know, if a black mother f****r can put two words together-see Colin Powell-he is a f*****g rocket scientist. So please forgive old Joe, it's just that his mouth moves so fast at times, that he just slips and says what many of his ilk think, but don't dare say.
The sad thing about Joe's latest slip of the tongue, is that it's is going to give some gasoline to the republicans fire. See we aren't the only ones who make racially insensitive remarks, your guys do it too. -See Senator Robert C. Byrd- republicans love to play gotcha with this type of sh** as if it excuses all the crap they do. And of course, there are some of those conservative republican bloggers, defending Biden's comments, and declaring them to be true. So say what you will, at least Joe's comments brings the slime to the surface and out of hiding once again.
Anyway, here is one field negro who hopes Biden stays in the race, we need stuff like this. We need this type of honesty and openness on matters of race throughout the campaign. I see where Biden called Obama and apologized. And it seems Obama issued a statement to the effect that many other blacks have run for President and have articulated a positive and important message, blah blah blah, or something like that' I am paraphrasing here. But Obama's answer seemed to rise above the fray. Kind of like Tiger Woods did when Fuzzy made his black folks and fried chicken comments. (What is it with these half and half brothers ? So graceful, so classy. Damn the field wishes he could be like that!)
That quote came from my man, the prattler extraordinaire, Joe Biden, while he was talking about his opponent for the Democratic party nod for President, Barack Obama. Now first, I am glad to know Obama is clean, God forbid we have a dirty senator mixing with his colleagues every day. "Hey did that Obama fellow take a bath today? I think so, I don't smell him anymore" No seriously folks, I hope you are not surprised by this little faux paux. Biden is, after all, an old white man. And whether they be democrat,republican, or independent; old white men tend to think this way. You know, if a black mother f****r can put two words together-see Colin Powell-he is a f*****g rocket scientist. So please forgive old Joe, it's just that his mouth moves so fast at times, that he just slips and says what many of his ilk think, but don't dare say.
The sad thing about Joe's latest slip of the tongue, is that it's is going to give some gasoline to the republicans fire. See we aren't the only ones who make racially insensitive remarks, your guys do it too. -See Senator Robert C. Byrd- republicans love to play gotcha with this type of sh** as if it excuses all the crap they do. And of course, there are some of those conservative republican bloggers, defending Biden's comments, and declaring them to be true. So say what you will, at least Joe's comments brings the slime to the surface and out of hiding once again.
Anyway, here is one field negro who hopes Biden stays in the race, we need stuff like this. We need this type of honesty and openness on matters of race throughout the campaign. I see where Biden called Obama and apologized. And it seems Obama issued a statement to the effect that many other blacks have run for President and have articulated a positive and important message, blah blah blah, or something like that' I am paraphrasing here. But Obama's answer seemed to rise above the fray. Kind of like Tiger Woods did when Fuzzy made his black folks and fried chicken comments. (What is it with these half and half brothers ? So graceful, so classy. Damn the field wishes he could be like that!)
So on the eve of our month, (February) the field would like to thank Joe for saying what he really feels-even he took it back- America needs that type of honesty, I just wish more people would be like Joe and say what's on their minds.