When someone mentioned the story I am about to post about in the comments section of this blog, I thought it was a joke. There was no way, I thought, that this story could be true.
Well, as it turns out, it is true.
"I was loathe to comment since I know that no rational discussion will follow. How could it? It was clear from the beginning that this was not a case of voter intimidation against anyone who might vote for John McCain. As many observers noted on that day, no matter how badly those two New Black Panters[sic] were behaving (and the police were called and responded), it’s a HEAVILY DEMOCRATIC PRECINCT. As blogger Ben Smith noted way back then, “You don’t typically intimidate your own voters.”But solid reporting from Media Matters and Adam Serwer of The American Prospect ought to put this nonsense to rest (it won’t, but it should). The charges against the New Black Panthers were downgraded by the Bush Department of Justice:The decision not to file a criminal case occurred before Obama was even in office.This means that the case was downgraded to a civil case 11 days before Obama was inaugurated, 26 days before Eric Holder became attorney general, and about nine months before Thomas Perez was confirmed as head of the Civil Rights Division." [Source]
Say what? The case was downgraded 11 days before his O ness took office?
Wait, you mean the wingnuts over at
Radio Rwanda manufactured a story with a hint of some racial spice thrown in for good measure?
"The fact that the Bush administration also felt that this wasn’t the “open and shut” case that Fox News would have you believe may take some wind out of their sails, but not as much as Olbermann implies here. Also, Fox News (and our own Steve Krakauer) has been making a good point about the lack of coverage that the rest of the media has been giving this story. Olbermann gets his own good point in though, by remarking that some of Fox News’ coverage has had a bit of an uncomfortable racial tinge to it." That's not the field talking, that's a conservative
website. So where do we go from here, wingnuts? Where will we get our next faux story to fire up the base? Wait, what's that you say? You have
another one already?
"So far Michelle Obama and the NAACP have offered three shreds of evidence that the Tea Parties as a whole are a racist movement.1) Supposed "slurs" yelled at black congressmen in Washington, which the media jumped all over. Raw video suggests otherwise. I suppose yelling or disagreeing with black men counts as racism. FAIL.2) Tea Party backed Rand Paul's opposition to the 1964 Civil Rights Act. Forget that Paul voiced the utmost contempt for discrimination of any kind. I guess believing the government has no right to force businesses to serve anyone and everyone counts as racism. FAIL.3) Racist signs and posters seen at Tea Party rallies. I suppose one racist sign out of 100 makes the entire movement racist. FAIL.So Michelle Obama, you have given us three ridiculous arguments and still cannot prove in any way, shape, or form that the Tea Parties are racist.What really irks me?Michelle Obama stands before a racially exclusive organization whose sole focus is the advancement of one race above all others and has the gall to accuse another group of people as being racist. This is hypocrisy of the highest order. I challenge you Michelle.
You tell Herman Cain the Tea Parties are racist. You tell Kevin Jackson the Tea Parties are racist. You tell it to Alan Keyes, Charles Lollar, Thomas Sowell, Deneen Borelli, Michelle Malkin, Allen West, Charles Butler, Lloyd Marcus, Angela McGlowan, Timothy Johnson, and Clifton Bazar..."
[Well, I would tell them for her, but they are too busy cleaning the big house. That's a lot of work.]
".. A few questionable signs. A phantom "slur". A candidate's opposition to government intrusion. Apparently these are valid accusations to conclude an entire movement of hundreds of thousands of people is based on bigotry. "
Ahhh, excuse me
wingnut, but it seems that you are living in a parallel universe. Where exactly is Michelle Obama accuse the tabaggers of racism in
this clip? Keep digging, I will wait.....
But this is what happens when one manufactured story goes to the dogs; they just invent another one. But field, Michelle Obama gave a keynote speech at the NAACP and the NAACP is adopting a resolution condemning the tea party folks as racist. Isn't that close enough?
I guess. Hey, she is black and it's a black organization. What else do you need?
But back to this New Black Panther story: Remember our wingnut lawyer friend,
J. Christian Adams? " On Tuesday, Mr. Adams argued that the New Black Panther Party case was solid. He also portrayed the civil rights division as a place where many officials are hostile to the idea of using civil rights laws to go after black perpetrators with white victims.
Tracy Schmaler, a Justice Department spokeswoman, said the department enforces voter intimidation laws “based on the merits, not the race, gender or ethnicity of any party involved.”
Sorry Mr. Schmaler, that's not good enough for the wingnut lawyer with a letter for a name.
"Mr. Adams, a Republican who had previously worked for South Carolina’s secretary of state, was hired in 2005. But he insisted on Tuesday that his political beliefs had had no bearing on his work. The investigation has divided the commission. In a statement on Tuesday, one of its two Democratic members, Michael Yaki, called it “incredibly shallow, expensive, and partisan” and a “one-sided farce.” [Source]
Mr. Yaki, you have just described the wingnut agenda to a tee.