Well well well, looks like the "slave catcher" who inspired me to blog is kind of leaving the game. I read this while snooping in on another blogger. I love how he didn't link girlfriend, and I refuse to link her as well. So here is a little gem written by Ms. Thing from that blogger's site:
"This blog is undergoing a transformation. I love blogging and writing, but I’ve grown increasingly dissatisfied with this blog’s format. I’m running into the same issues I dealt with about a year ago: disenchantment with politics, finding time to do more off-blog and faith-focused writing while keeping up with client work.
My blogging has slacked off the past few months because I feel directionless. My intent in starting this blog was to share my views, and that goal has been accomplished. Plenty of people know exactly how I feel about race preferences, race hustlers, illegal aliens, child killing-supporters, and people who call “good” that which is perverse.
My focus in life is gradually shifting away from maintaining a daily political blog and everything that goes with being a “top” blogger: recognition from other political bloggers, invitations to political events, blog conferences, lots of links, high traffic, etc. It’s startling to think my desire for those things is receding when I’ve spent the past three years pursuing them. Who in her right mind, one may ask, would give that up?
Maybe turning 40 (in May) has something to do with it. Certain birthdays seem to signal big changes for me. As I approached 30, I was determined to stop drinking before my birthday. When I turned 35, I knew I had to get serious about writing. Now that 40 is approaching, it’s time for another change.
I doubt I’ll ever give up blogging, but perhaps it’s time to give up La Shawn Barber’s Corner as it currently exists. I’ve been thinking of closing shop and reopening under a new banner, so to speak, a blog that is less focused on politics and more on faith, writing, and things that make me happy instead of what makes me angry (although this blog would remain accessible as archives). While I could just as easily do that on this blog, LBC has too much baggage attached to it. Starting a whole new blog would feel like a proper “new beginning.”'
Hey LaShawn, don't let the type key hit you where the good lord split you. My only regret is that you didn't stay around long enough for me to lay a royal smack down on your ass. I say this, because I despise everything about your phony sanctimonious behind. Like some of the other African American bloggers out here (you know who you are) who think their shit doesn't stink, you were a legend in your own mind. (Check out how the blogger I lifted this post from exposes LaShawn for the liar that she is about her daily hits) And in case you didn't know it, you are someone who has been propped up by right wing white males out here to say: "See, some of them think just like we do."
And what really sets me off, is when you throw religion and faith into the mix. Like you know Jesus (if there is such a person) anymore than I do, and he gave you the right to speak for him about all things political and social. Give me a f*****g break! I do believe that if the big guy wanted someone to speak on his behalf, the last person he would choose is LaShawn f*****g Barber ~~~Ohhh just typing your name gives me the Willies~~~
So bye LaShawn, I wish I could say that I will really miss you, but I won't......well I take that back; I will miss you, because you banning me from your blog, inspired me to start my own. So hey, I guess I should thank you for your IP banning fetish (You have been celibate for how long?)
"LBC has too much baggage attached to it. Starting a whole new blog would feel like a proper "new beginning"'
Amen sister.
"This blog is undergoing a transformation. I love blogging and writing, but I’ve grown increasingly dissatisfied with this blog’s format. I’m running into the same issues I dealt with about a year ago: disenchantment with politics, finding time to do more off-blog and faith-focused writing while keeping up with client work.
My blogging has slacked off the past few months because I feel directionless. My intent in starting this blog was to share my views, and that goal has been accomplished. Plenty of people know exactly how I feel about race preferences, race hustlers, illegal aliens, child killing-supporters, and people who call “good” that which is perverse.
My focus in life is gradually shifting away from maintaining a daily political blog and everything that goes with being a “top” blogger: recognition from other political bloggers, invitations to political events, blog conferences, lots of links, high traffic, etc. It’s startling to think my desire for those things is receding when I’ve spent the past three years pursuing them. Who in her right mind, one may ask, would give that up?
Maybe turning 40 (in May) has something to do with it. Certain birthdays seem to signal big changes for me. As I approached 30, I was determined to stop drinking before my birthday. When I turned 35, I knew I had to get serious about writing. Now that 40 is approaching, it’s time for another change.
I doubt I’ll ever give up blogging, but perhaps it’s time to give up La Shawn Barber’s Corner as it currently exists. I’ve been thinking of closing shop and reopening under a new banner, so to speak, a blog that is less focused on politics and more on faith, writing, and things that make me happy instead of what makes me angry (although this blog would remain accessible as archives). While I could just as easily do that on this blog, LBC has too much baggage attached to it. Starting a whole new blog would feel like a proper “new beginning.”'
Hey LaShawn, don't let the type key hit you where the good lord split you. My only regret is that you didn't stay around long enough for me to lay a royal smack down on your ass. I say this, because I despise everything about your phony sanctimonious behind. Like some of the other African American bloggers out here (you know who you are) who think their shit doesn't stink, you were a legend in your own mind. (Check out how the blogger I lifted this post from exposes LaShawn for the liar that she is about her daily hits) And in case you didn't know it, you are someone who has been propped up by right wing white males out here to say: "See, some of them think just like we do."
And what really sets me off, is when you throw religion and faith into the mix. Like you know Jesus (if there is such a person) anymore than I do, and he gave you the right to speak for him about all things political and social. Give me a f*****g break! I do believe that if the big guy wanted someone to speak on his behalf, the last person he would choose is LaShawn f*****g Barber ~~~Ohhh just typing your name gives me the Willies~~~
So bye LaShawn, I wish I could say that I will really miss you, but I won't......well I take that back; I will miss you, because you banning me from your blog, inspired me to start my own. So hey, I guess I should thank you for your IP banning fetish (You have been celibate for how long?)
"LBC has too much baggage attached to it. Starting a whole new blog would feel like a proper "new beginning"'
Amen sister.