Personally, I am as Libertarian as it gets on social issues, but I don't need the black helicopter crowd telling me to put away my currency and start using gold.
Or that the government is trying to put me in a death camp in Mississippi.
Anyhoo, it seems like every day Rand Paul finds himself stepping into some new pot of hot water.
This latest brouhaha comes with some statements he made about sanctions on foreign governments.
"A top adviser to Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) said Monday that Paul's comments about American sanctions and World War II are being taken out of context.
The Washington Post's Jennifer Rubin reported Sunday on a 2012 video in which Paul said that sanctions against Japan and Nazi Germany might have contributed to their aggression.
"There are times when sanctions have made it worse," Paul said. "Leading up to World War II, we cut off trade with Japan. That probably caused Japan to react angrily. We also had a blockade on Germany after World War I that probably encouraged some of their anger."
After some criticism, Paul's senior adviser, Doug Stafford, issued a statement to The Washington Post clarifying that Paul is not opposed to having fought World War II and that the blame belongs on the shoulders of Adolf Hitler.
"World War II was a necessary war, a just war, a fully declared war, and an entirely victorious war; the megalomaniac Hitler was to blame for the war and the Holocaust," Stafford said. "Anyone who misstates Sen. Paul's position otherwise is writing fiction."
Stafford added that Paul has made clear that he believes sanctions are warranted in some cases." [Source]
I am glad he straightened that out. But I am afraid it might be too little too late for the always colorful Mr. Paul. The fact that he is being exposed by Jennifer Rubin of all people means that he is probably not the republican establishment's guy.
They all seem to be trying to clear the way for Jeb these days. Chris Christie, fresh off of being exonerated by...wait for it, his own investigation, must be getting nervous. There is only so much big money out there, and it takes millions and millions of dollars to run for president.
It didn't help that Chris might have pissed off one of the republican's biggest money guys whose ring they were all kissing this weekend. Just think, before all this Bridgegate stuff, Chris was turning away donors. What a difference a few months make.
Hillary's people, who are already measuring the drapes at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, would do well to remember that 2016 is far out. Two years is an eternity in politics.
Bush v. Clinton in 2016? Wow! And here I thought that only the Brits loved royal families.