Saturday, August 10, 2024

The switch.


One of my favorite songs of all time is Copacabana by Barry Manilow. (Don't judge) Yes, I love Barry Manilow.  Anywhoo, there is a verse in that song that I keep thinking about every time I see the felon holding a presser or giving a speech. "Her name was Lola, she was a showgirl, but that was thirty years ago when they used to have a show, now it's a disco, but not for Lola, still in the dress she used to wear faded feathers in her hair. She sits there so refined, and drinks herself half-blind. She lost her youth and she lost her Tony, now she's lost her mind."

The felon's shtick has gotten so old, that even some of his MAGA faithful are starting to be turned off. He is like that comedian with the same old cringy and grown-worthy jokes. They used to be funny to some people, but now nobody is laughing at them anymore. 

I was watching his press conference the other day, and dare I say it? I actually felt sorry for the felon. The lies, the desperation, it was all, in a word, cringeworthy. This Harris/Walz ticket has really thrown the felon and his people for a loop. The guy is clearly shook. Harris and Walz are sucking up all the oxygen, and are now, officially, the cool kids on the block. They drew twenty thousand people in Arizona last night, and it was one hundred degrees outside. Standing room only. Meanwhile, the felon is having a hard time finding enough people to fill a venue in...wait for it.. Bozeman, Montana. The same slurred speech, the same sloppy takes and lies. It has to be getting old, even for the MAGA cultists.  Now that he is officially the only really old guy in the race, it's putting the focus on his mental acuity and stamina. 

Speaking of guys in the race, Kamala has picked hers.   As someone who actually knows Josh Shapiro, (Yes, I'm name dropping) I was a bit disappointed. I mean who is this Walz fellow? But then I watched his speech at the Temple University rally in Philly, and I was like...good pick, Kamala. I tweeted this right after I watched him: Walz is that dude you meet at an airport bar, and you almost miss your flight because of him. Instant chemistry and likeability. As my sister would say: He is good people.

Not so much for the felon's VP pick. JD is scary, and, yes, weird. So much so, that even though you know it's probably not true, you almost want to believe that couch story. The thought of the vice president of the United States getting his rocks off on a Rooms To Go catalog is not something I ever want to think about again. Ever.

So we're off. The race is on to November. Expect it to get really ugly from here. The felon is trying to stay out of jail, and winning is the only hope that he has. The switch by the democrats has really thrown the felon for a loop. He was hoping for Uncle Joe, instead he got younger, darker, Kamala. The ugliness started already. The felon has already injected his racist birther like challenges to his opponent's racial identity.  And his post election plans are already in place to thwart the wishes of the American people by any means necessary. The Russians and Elon Musk will do everything in their powers to make sure that happens. What this all means is that if Kamala Harris wins, she better win by a lot.  If you think January 6th was bad, wait until you see what happens this time.

In Manilow's song,  Lola could only sit and drink herself half-blind. Not this aging lounge act. He will be doing a lot more than drinking and lamenting his losses. He will be kicking and screaming right to the bitter end.