Wednesday, September 11, 2024

it's not so sunny in Philadelphia for the felon.

"They're eating the dogs, the cats!"
  That was the former president of the United States parroting wacko right-wing talking points in his debate with Kamala Harris last night.  As Americans, we should all be embarrassed that we allowed this man to become the leader of the free world. The fact that his cult still do not realize that the emperor has no clothes is baffling to me. I mean I get it, they are not the best and brightest that America has to offer, but surely they have eyes and ears. Surely they see what the rest of us saw last night: A lunatic ranting and screaming lie after lie, while his opponent on the debate stage  beat him like a runaway slave.  (Figuratively speaking.)

The felon was complaining about the moderators to his base, and he tried to blame his cluelessness on the moderators who fact- checked him when he went off the rails. (Killing new born babies? WTF?)  He is now threatening to pull ABC's broadcast license if he ever becomes president again. Honestly, if that debate was on Newsmax the results would have been the same. Harris was on her game, and he did not see it coming.  Blaming the refs because your jump shot stinks is not the way to go. Donald, maybe next time you should prepare for the debate instead of running around in the right-wing echo chamber and surrounding yourself with sycophants and cult members. 

Neilson is reporting that sixty seven million people watched the felon make a fool of himself last night. And even though he is crying a river about how unfair ABC was to him, he had five more minutes to talk than Vice President Harris. Sadly for him, objectively speaking, he still got his ass kicked. 

The debate was in my hometown of Philly, so I am going to use a Rocky quote to end this post: " You, me, or nobody is gonna hit as hard as life".  But it ain't about how hard you hit. It's about how hard you can get hit and keep moving".

The felon can't be moving that well today.