"We want to make sure that all our pages are safe and the page system is safe"
So says Dennis Hastert R-Ill, and Speaker of the House of Representatives. Now why would the Speaker have to make such a statement? Well, I will tell you why. It seems one of his troops, Mark Foley, R-Fl., had some rather interesting e-mail exchanges with a sixteen year old boy who also happens to be a page on the hill.
Here is a sampling: "Do I make you a little horney?" and "You in your boxers too?....well, strip down and get relaxed" Geez, where is Nancy Grace when you need her? Yep folks this is some sickening stuff from one of our elected Representatives, but it gets worse.
For instance, as it turns out, the rethuglicans seem to have known about my man Mark and his penchant for young boys for some time. According to Rodney Alexander R-La., he was told by the boy's parents not to pursue the matter. But he admitted to telling Representative Thomas Reynolds R-NY, who happens to be chairman of the Republican Campaign Organization. Now of course, Reynolds isn't talking, but John Shimkus, R-Ill, who by the way, is Chairman of the Page Board-is every one in Washington a Chairman of something?- said he spoke to Foley, and Foley lied to him when he told him that he was only mentoring the boy. Shimkus, by the way, has admitted to knowing about this since 2005. And as it is becoming more and more apparent, so did Speaker Hastert.
So my question is this: Are these the same zealots who went after blow job Bill with all the passion and righteous indignation reserved for only the most fanatical among us? The question is a rhetorical one. Of course they are, and these dirty rotten scoundrels, who are supposed to be our leaders, have no shame. You will see them all on T.V. now of course, acting like the police inspector from Casablanca; "shocked, shocked, that these types of things are going on". But we know better. At least most of us do. We know what a bunch of low lifes inhabit Washington right about now, and just how slimy and slick they all really are. -Where is Cynthia McKinney when you need her? We could use her cell phone smack down right about now on her former colleague,the aforementioned Mr. Foley-

But how is this for irony? This guy, Mark Foley, was the Chairman-yep another one- of the Missing and Exploited Children's Caucus, and he actually introduced legislation to protect children from Internet predators. -Do as I say not as I do- You couldn't make this stuff up folks. Now the rethuglicans are scrambling to find another candidate in Florida, and they are in complete spin and talking points mode as well. "We were shocked to hear of this type behavior, and it will not be tolerated, it is regrettable....blah blah blah. Yeah right, until you got outed by ABC news, and Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington -Thank God there are still real journalist in this country. I mean did you really think you would have heard this on FAUX ENTERTAINMENT?- it was business as usual and no one would have been the wiser, but those in your little.... ah ah am ah am, boys club.
So Mother's, do not send your young son's to Washington. They are not safe from the very people who are supposed to protect them. Monica was an adult, and she was quite capable of making decisions on her own. If she wanted to give the leader of the free world a BJ, that was on her, and the leader of the free world. No harm no foul as far as the field is concerned, as long as he did his damn job. Which is more than I can say about a certain frat boy right about now. But I digress.
Anyway, I hope Nancy Pelosi follows up and demands a full investigation. I know the rethuglicans can be slick, (See how they engineered a vote to allow the ethics panel to decide whether there should even be an investigation) but it's election season for crying out loud, and you should be trying to score political points with this one. And please, I don't want to hear about scoring cheep political points with such a sensitive subject. Score em; hell, rethuglicans use a war to score points -"cut and run"- and what can be more serious than the loss of someones life?
So here is hoping that the slime ball Foley, and all his hypocritical rethuglican friends get voted out of office. Our children are not safe as long as they are around. As if it's not enough that you send them off to die at eighteen, but now you want to corrupt them at sixteen too?
"I am deeply sorry, and I apologize for letting down my family and the people of Florida"
Translated: ~ I am sorry to my rethuglican friends for possibly causing us to lose the house in these upcoming elections. And why didn't that damn page just hit the delete button? ~
field, do you think the republicans will win the next election? about them having no shame, that is definitely true but just like all politicians the world over, they succumb to that addictive elixir of power. remember that saying `once u go black, you never go back` -- that is how politicians feel about power [minus the racial overtones lol for the white ones...covert racists lol!]
but before anyone jumps on me saying not all white politicos are racist -- im aware of that but in this tiny french island that im living on, they might as well be ;)
10 02 06
Hey Aulelia:
I agree. I also agree with Field Negro's post. If morality is to be a cornerstone of the GOP, then they should all be up in arms about this incident. One of my GOP buddies Patrick did a story about it, but he was the only one that I can think of. I guess preaching morality is a whole helluva lot different than living a morally upstanding life.
The hypocrisy of these jerkwads astounds me. Which is why I remain obstinately, and Independent.
Co-sign with both of you about power corrupting; be it GOP or Dem. My problem with this whole episode is the apparent cover up. People have weaknesses and we know that. If Mark Foley has a problem he should get help and I wish him all the best. But if his party-or anynoe else in Washington- covered up his sins for the sake of power,they should all rot in hell.
Aulila, yes I do thnk the repubs will win the next election. It will be close of course, and the dems will gain some seats. But I still think Karl Rove has a little surprise up his sleeve :)
Somebody please get me a shovel. It's starting to get deep in here. It's getting deeper as the excuses pile up. Today's excuse is that Congressman Foley is both gay and he was molested as a child by... wait for it... the clergy. Yesterday's excuse came not from Congressman Foley but from Dennis Hastert and the rest of the Republican leadership.
The whole Republican leadership in the House could go down over this. The Republicans are known as the party that can manipulate the media. They're going to have to do some fancy manipulating to get out of this one.
Where's the Outrage?
Republican hypocrisy! To let a child molester roam among them and not do anything to stop it. It's so disgusting and just plain sick. Mark Foley and all who knew of his acts needs to go to jail.
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