That was Shepard Smith of Radio Rwanda to his colleague, Bret Baier.
He was talking, of course, about Mr. Jared Lee Loughner .(What is with these shooters and the name Lee?) A stark raving wingnut who took in upon himself to make some news today by killing six people (including a federal Judge, and a nine year old girl) and wounding twelve.
One of the wounded was a US Congresswoman. I am having 1995 flashbacks.
Poor Gabrielle Gifford was doing what a politician is supposed to do; meeting and reaching out to the constituents in the middle of her district. But in this toxic political climate, and thanks to- so called- main stream politicians threatening her and putting her in their "cross hairs", (yes Sarah, I am talking to you) one where popular talk show hosts who reach millions of people make a living off of ignorant and hate filled demagoguery, (yes Glenn and Rush, I am talking to you) she just didn't realize how dangerous the world in which she lives has become. Frankly, I am surprised that something like this didn't happen sooner. Remember all those tea party folks attacking their elected officials at those town hall meetings in the middle of the health care debate? Wingnuts, you are Jared Lee Loughner.
"I won't pay currency that does not involve gold and silver". Of course no one wants to jump to conclusions, but I will. This wingnut was exactly the type of ignoramus that the likes of Rush and Beck preach to everyday. With the help of the Jared Lee Loughners of the world, FOX NEWS and talk radio thrived; now watch how fast they will all try to run away from him.
One of the wounded was a US Congresswoman. I am having 1995 flashbacks.
Poor Gabrielle Gifford was doing what a politician is supposed to do; meeting and reaching out to the constituents in the middle of her district. But in this toxic political climate, and thanks to- so called- main stream politicians threatening her and putting her in their "cross hairs", (yes Sarah, I am talking to you) one where popular talk show hosts who reach millions of people make a living off of ignorant and hate filled demagoguery, (yes Glenn and Rush, I am talking to you) she just didn't realize how dangerous the world in which she lives has become. Frankly, I am surprised that something like this didn't happen sooner. Remember all those tea party folks attacking their elected officials at those town hall meetings in the middle of the health care debate? Wingnuts, you are Jared Lee Loughner.
"I won't pay currency that does not involve gold and silver". Of course no one wants to jump to conclusions, but I will. This wingnut was exactly the type of ignoramus that the likes of Rush and Beck preach to everyday. With the help of the Jared Lee Loughners of the world, FOX NEWS and talk radio thrived; now watch how fast they will all try to run away from him.
It won't work. Those of us in A-merry-ca -who actually use our brains to think- can see exactly what is going on. Pump up the ignorant, and when they do the expected go into your best Inspector Renault impersonation.
I must admit that two years ago if someone were to tell me that an elected official in Washington would be shot, I would have thought it would be the man giving his condolences from the White House this evening, and not some poor congresswoman from Arizona. Now, however, I am not surprised. This is the nation that we have become.
It is a nation where we are told to fear those other people because they are taking our jobs and our way of life. It's not them. The real threat to our democracy is coming from those individuals who are going to be falling through the "cracks". Cracks that are being made bigger everyday thanks to an ideology of hate and hysteria that benefits a few but hurts many.
"We need a drum roll for those front runners in the election; those illegal teachers, pigs, and politicians of yours are under illegal authority of their constitution. Those dirty pigs think they know the damn year. Thirdly, tell them mother fuckers to count from 0 to whenever they feel a threat to stop their count…Those illegal military personal are able to sign into a country that they can't find with an impossible date! How did you trust your child with them fraud teachers and front runners, listener? Did you now know that the teachers, pigs, and front runners are treasonous! " [Source]
Enough Jared, your 15 minutes are up. You can turn things over to your friends now.
Carry on A-merry-ca.
I am surprise this didn't happen sooner...I think the guy was just a loner nutter that picked up Fox News vibes...Oh, well just another day in hate filled America.
Words have consequences.
from previous thread:
someone up thread on friday's post wondered if the guy in the side bar was a deadbeat. i simply answered the question.
aside from that, the rantings about me being a 7 year old, blah, blah, ignorant, audacious ww, blah was best answered by these previous comment:
"i'm not wasting any more of time with you."
my sentiments exactly, in addition to:
"Please go away. You never have any idea about whatever it is you are discussing, and we are all dumber for having read your comments."
okey doke Maria?
Wait, he must have been a Muslim right? Only Muslims and Black people committ acts of violence, everybody knows that. No need to pat that fool down if he got on a plane because his name is not Muhammad. In fact if he is not Muslim I say we let him out of jail immediately and give him his gun back.
No-Slapz's intern.
Welcome back FP. Haven't seen you aroud for a while.
Yeah FN, as you mentioned, let us jump to the conclusion. He shares the same mentality of Tea Party members, the Palins, the Limbaughs, the Becks, the Fox News Kool-Aid drinker, et al.
This should cause congressmen/women to rethink how they interact with their constituency.
In closing, where are usual suspects who love to cite statistics?
"Conservatism is a disease."
Ignorance begets fear,
Fear begets hate,
Hate begets evil,
Evil begets death.
Violence is as American as cherry pie.
H Rap Brown
PilotX, from the previous thread (LOL FP). Since you hang out in the hoods of P.Rico and Brazil (Brazil being mostly diverse and has the highest black population in the South America diaspora), have you ever hanged out in the hoods of Mexico or any other South American country? I doubt it and you know why. And surely you are aware of the differences, right?
Ok that's that end of it, just had to ask.
Typical FN exploitation of a tragedy to stoke hatred of political opponents.
What a hypocrite you are Field. What little credibility you had is gone.
he may never have "hanged out," but he might have "hung" out...
too bad, i'm not going anywhere. i like being the adult among so many children (LA, i think you're 4 yrs. old. that's about the depth of your compassion).
"Typical FN exploitation of a tragedy to stoke hatred of political opponents.
What a hypocrite you are Field. What little credibility you had is gone."
I don't need you to find me credible. Save your trust for someone who cares about you.
Although you are predictably doing your part to spin this as a “Tea Party" shooting, it doesn’t take more than a quick look at what Jared Loughner had been posting on You Tube to see he was completely out of his mind. Here he is burning the American flag and calling America a terrorist country like a good moonbat.
This was not a political shooting. The man was insane.
So the congresswoman was featured in Palin's crosshairs and suddenly TLC announced they're not renewing her 'reality' show?
Well LAA I haven't been to Mexico in over a year and Brazil has the largest Black population outside of Nigeria but according to you they don't consider themselves Black. I have friends from Costa Rica and have been invited to hang there so I might be making a treck there soon. Interesting, I heard the same warning when I was going "home" for the first time, "oh they don't like YOU over there". Most times the comments come from uneducated types that have never been out of their own county but I digress. There are good people of all races that want to work together to do positive things and those that don't, choose wisely.
But gotta run, found a match for the kidney and have to go to the hospital. David Haselhoff must have gotten skipped for some weird reason.
Oooops, meant liver. And yes I have very god friends I grew up with of Mexican descent that moved back to Mexico. So in essence I will have a place to stay good food and better company in Mexico. Maybe I'll shoot you an update from there.
"This was not a political shooting. The man was insane."
Well....yes, anyone who opens up with a gun like that on a group of total strangers has to have some mental issues. But what triggered his moment of insanity? I suggest to you, Grady, that it was his ideological buttons being pushed by like minded people who are not quite as unhinged.
"There are good people of all races that want to work together to do positive things and those that don't, choose wisely."
BTW, PilotX are you really going into the hospital?
People who knew the shooter described him as left wing, quite liberal & oddly obsessed with the 2012 prophecy.
Trying to paint this guy as a Tea Partier is pathetic, as would be calling him a liberal. He was all kinds of crazy.
I looked it up about Palin asking her friends on Facebook to get organized.
I wonder if she is sorry for that map now? Maybe this will wake up the larger silent majority in this country to start demanding that radio and television comentators and yes politicians be more responsible on the public airwaves.
Aloha from Makaii
In the mid-1990s, Al Sharpton led a protest on 125th street in Harmlem to drive out the owner of a clothing store. The store owner was Jewish.
Sharpton used his bullhorn to goad the crowd into action and after two days of goading one of Sharpton's followers ran into the store carrying a gun and a gallon of gasoline. He started shooting, them splashed the gasoline around.
He killed seven or eight store employees. They were black and hispanic teenagers who were happy to work there. Sharpton was never charged despite the fact that he was egging on the crowd up to the moment the black shooter/arsonist ran in and slaughtered his victims.
How do you explain Colin Ferguson, the black shooter who knocked off about a dozen white victims on a commuter train out of New York City back in the mid-1990s.
On that note, what's your take on the murder of Malcolm X?
One of his killers was recently released from prison. He now lives not too far from me in Brooklyn.
The Judge that was killed was a Republican.
Great Post Field. Foxnews and Right Wing Radio have blood on their hands. Is this how the Teabaggers plan on "taking their country back" by killing kids?
FN: ...It is a nation where we are told to fear those other people because they are taking our jobs and our way of life. It's not them. The real threat to our democracy is coming from those individuals who are going to be falling through the "cracks"...
I agree, but at its core, I think the real threat to our democracy is greed and self-interest. The greed and self-interest of those that foment the hate, as well as the greed and self-interest of those (mostly Corp.) who profit and get away with shitting on this democracy. Who then turn around and convince the Loughners of the country that it's those “others” that's taking their jobs and way of life.
@ Wesley R:
You are disingenuous idiot.
@ yeahright: Loughner didn't believe "that it's those “others” that's taking their jobs and way of life."
Not surprisingly, he's written on the internet. Check it out and see if you still think he can be identified with any politcal ideology. Not surprisingly, his writings amount to senseless ranting, sometimes in the form of attempts at syllogisms. Not too surprisingly, Mein Kampf and the Communist Manifesto are among his favorite books.
There is zero evidence that Jared Loughner had any connection to the Tea Party, the Republican Party, Sarah Palin, the Democratic Party, or anything else related to sane politics. this hatemongering over these tragic lkillings is outrageous.
Liz is right.
Liz said...
@ yeahright: Loughner didn't believe "that it's those “others” that's taking their jobs and way of life."
Mein Kampf? Hello?? political ideology?? Hello??
he was appointed by bush 2. that doesn't make him a republican. and WTF cares?
chances are, he was a random target.
this wasn't a political rally.
Liz and No_slappz,
I could care less what you hillbilly humping cousins think.
This is just a wild guess but I dont think this guy was a muslim. I wonder what the step and fetch house negroes like Juan Williams will have to say about that.
"The Judge that was killed was a Republican."
So what?
n_s, do you have a link to that story?
"this hatemongering over these tragic lkillings is outrageous."
No Liz, the "hatemongering" led to the killings.
it is rage that felled her...
gg is very pro-gay
blind lost rage...
rage that comes from homohatred, sexism, racism, lies, apathy, name calling, evasion, poverty, ignorance, elitism, hobama worship etc...
and all of the worsening ills that we see herein daily...
and the bloodshed has just begun!!!
yes he was a a deadbeat and a junkie and a lush...and he is all 3 still
and fellow junkie and lush danny bonaduce nailed it all best
and he will never be called a man hater for telling the same truths that u do Queen
2011 will be more violent than most years in amerikkka
and none of us are safe anywhere.
"Well....yes, anyone who opens up with a gun like that on a group of total strangers has to have some mental issues. But what triggered his moment of insanity? I suggest to you, Grady, that it was his ideological buttons being pushed by like minded people who are not quite as unhinged."
What triggered him was his own dark conscience that was alive and well before any Palin or Rush or Beck ever showed up. There are plenty of Americans with guns like him in America. Haven't you noticed? With practically everyone having access to guns in the worst of times it is going to happen whether Palin, Rush or Beck says anything or not.
This is NOT about THEM. This is about US...a nation without a moral compass and conscience.
field negro said..:
"No Liz, the "hatemongering" led to the killings."
Right. A constitution-hating, flag-burning, anti-religion, Karl Marx devotee murders a Bush-appointed judge....Must be Sarah Palins fault!
You are an idiot preaching hate to morons.
Liz said...
"You are an idiot preaching hate to morons."
Indulging in a little of that "hatemongering" yourself, Liz?
@ Field, I'm going to the hospital to see a family member who's waiting for a liver transplant. While I was there a nice Latino gentleman informed me his son just died, he sat there rubbing his son's billfold that had the Marine emblem on it. Sad how some of us can have such lack of empathy. Your buddy asks whether it's worth it to give people a chance to live a few more years but I bet that guy and his family would settle for one more day with his son.
On another topic, this story highlights exactly why profiling doesn't work. In 1973 the FAA and airlines instituted security checks because of hijackings and also a few mentally unstable individuals brought guns on planes and people died and planes crashed. Focus on one group and get stung by another. When will we learn?
field, you wrote:
n_s, do you have a link to that story?
If you are referring to the Sharpton/Freddy's Fashion Mart story in which Sharpton led a mob to violence in Harlem on 125th St, you can google the episode.
He bellowed through his bullhorn -- Drive the Jew out.
As I mentioned, the outcome of Sharpton's protest was the deaths of a group of black and hispanic store employees who worked for the Jew who owned Freddy's. That one episode sums up the value of Sharpton's entire public life.
By the way, until he ditched his wife and daugthers, he lived only a few blocks from me -- in a house owned by another black preacher who's been scamming black New Yorkers for a long time.
pilotX, you wrote:
While I was there a nice Latino gentleman informed me his son just died, he sat there rubbing his son's billfold that had the Marine emblem on it.
You painted a picture, but left out the facts. Lee Harvery Oswald was also a Marine Corps veteran.
Did the recently deceased Marine succumb to combat injuries? Or was he shot by a local thug? And if he was shot by a local thug, you and I both know the shooter was black or hispanic. Not white.
Or did the Marine die of an illness? Inasmuch as you did not answer the obvious question, you either do not know or you are burying a part of the story that undermines your point.
Sad how some of us can have such lack of empathy. Your buddy asks whether it's worth it to give people a chance to live a few more years but I bet that guy and his family would settle for one more day with his son.
Nobody would "settle" for one more day. That's a pointless statement that goes all out for emotion, but is merely an expression of the wishful bargaining and deal-making that surrounds the lives of people during the rough moments of the death-and-dying process.
pilotX, you wrote:
On another topic, this story highlights exactly why profiling doesn't work.
Really? How? Nobody at the Safeway was profiled, therefore only you would claim that something that wasn't done had not worked.
How would profiling for nuts in Arizona work? Would that not require a review of all medical records that contain entries about psychiatric conditions?
Had Loughner ever been treated for psychiatric disorders? Did he have a history of violence? Had he ever waved a gun at anyone? Was he known for setting cats on fire?
In 1973 the FAA and airlines instituted security checks because of hijackings and also a few mentally unstable individuals brought guns on planes and people died and planes crashed.
Yes, there were a rash of hijackings in the late 1960s and early 1970s and in most of those hijackings in this half of the world, the hijackers diverted the planes to Cuba. Why? Because unlike most countries, Cuba would take the hijackers as its newest citizens.
Meanwhile, those hijacking led to almost no individual shooting deaths or plane crashes. Unlike muslims, the hijacker clowns wanted to keep living.
After a while muslims got in the act, most famously at Entebbe. That episode was another example of muslim depravity followed by a failure of their mission. Then they got in the business of putting bombs on planes.
You wrote:
Focus on one group and get stung by another. When will we learn?
You really take dumminess to new levels. The early hijackings were stopped as a result of the strategies and tactics used to combat the particular problem of that time. In those days hijackers wanted free transportation to a welcoming nation. Those hijackings were not acts of terrorism. Most often the planes were airborne getaway cars.
Then muslims got involved and went whole-hog into the terrorism business, which took things in a new direction.
As for Loughner, he would not have gotten on a plane carrying his weapon. Hence, today's security would have stopped him.
Of course, each new strategy does create new opportunities for muslim terrorists. As anyone who flies knows, if you want to find a big crowd all in one place at an airport, all you have to do is go to the security checkpoint at a busy hour of the day.
Why would muslim terrorists scheme to get on an airplane when they can cause massive terror by exploding themselves at a crowded airport security checkpoint?
The muslim terrorists became proficient at this game in Israel where they killed themselves and plenty of others in pizza parlors and on buses. In Israel they have had zero luck getting on airplanes, so they chose other easy-to-hit venues.
PilotX, do you have any thoughts on the murder of Malcolm X? Your "X" designation suggests you might feel at home with the NOI.
n_s, I googled that story, no mention of Sharpton causing the death of 7-8 people.
Sorry. :(
PilotX, glad to hear it's not you. I hope your family member makes out OK.
That was a sad story about the gentleman from the hospital. He isn't white, so n_s will have no empathy for him.
Liz, you can cherry pick all you want; all the cherries on your tree are sour. This guy was a wingnut pure and simple.
Apparently, Mrs. Gifford’s dad feels the way that I do.
Hi5 @ Southern Girl
This American culture is too uptight. Too rough on its people.
Do you hear about these barbarisms happening in Europe where the culture is more relaxed, more understanding? Just asking...
Also Slappy, in the other thread you accused me of not backing up my assertions with facts or data. Which statement did I make would you like me to source? Be specific, I like to know when I make an ommission or error. Point it out. And since we want to play this game you mentioned it was "inevitable" that my relative would be bypassed on the donor list by a person with a liver damaged by bad lifestyle choices, where exactly did you get this information? How did you make this conclusion? Please source. Thanks.
Oh yeah, you asked my opinion on the assassination of brother Shabazz? It was a bad thing.
Pilot X,
I think some people prefer to remain ignorant about disease, because if they know to much it might jinx them.
Ha! Good one my fair lady but methinks he just wants to remain ignorant, period.
Check this out all
field negro said...
"n_s, I googled that story, no mention of Sharpton causing the death of 7-8 people."
Your selective ignorance is astounding.
Did Barack Obama Cause the Shootings Yesterday in Tucson?
People who want to turn the actions of a crazy man into political opportunity want us to focus on the nation’s “caustic political climate” after the tragedy yesterday. Maybe they should start with the President. He may be the worst offender:
** Obama: “They Bring a Knife…We Bring a Gun”
** Obama to His Followers: “Get in Their Faces!”
** Obama on ACORN Mobs: “I don’t want to quell anger. I think people are right to be angry! I’m angry!”
** Obama to His Mercenary Army: “Hit Back Twice As Hard”
** Obama on the private sector: “We talk to these folks… so I know whose ass to kick.“
** Obama to voters: Republican victory would mean “hand to hand combat”
** Obama to lib supporters: “It’s time to Fight for it.”
** Obama to Latino supporters: “Punish your enemies.”
** Obama to democrats: “I’m itching for a fight.”
If you want to improve the “caustic political climate” you may want to start at the White House.
This incident should not be turned into a political issue. That is the lecture we get from left-wing advocates every time an Islamic terrorist or left-wing soldier with obvious political connections commits or attempts to commit an act of murder, violence and/or terrorism. But right on cue, the first chance the radical left has to become hypocritical while constantly lecturing the majority of America not to jump to conclusions in most other incidents, left-wing soldiers in the media and in the national spotlight are out there putting the blame on conservative personalities and political parties.
For over a year now the radical left and the media (in the rare case that there is a difference) have been trying to lay the foundation of belief that the Tea Party and its advocates are racists, violent, and a threat to the nation. With the constant bombardment of false allegations, trumped up charges and flat out made up stories of racist chants and violence which ironically have been found many times on the left and ignored by the leftwing media this is the type of incident they need to connect to their false template.
There are enough real problems to keep America busy for decades. Politics debated honestly is a requirement for a healthy democracy. The purpose of exploiting a tragedy like this is only political advantage and anyone who contributes to this is furthering evil.
Hey SouthernGirl2: This just in- Daily Kos to blame for Giffords shooting!
Excerpt: “My CongressWOMAN voted against Nancy Pelosi! And is now DEAD to me!” — eerie Daily Kos hit piece on Gabrielle Giffords just two days before assassination attempt; repeated use of word “dead” in relation to Giffords just 48 hours before she and a dozen others were fired upon. "
Not only that, but Daily Kos actually put a “bulls eye” on Gabrielle Giffords back in June of 2008!
You want to sign the petition to indict the Daily Kos?
I didn't think so.
Liberalism is a mental disorder.
pilotX, you wrote:
And since we want to play this game you mentioned it was "inevitable" that my relative would be bypassed on the donor list by a person with a liver damaged by bad lifestyle choices, where exactly did you get this information? How did you make this conclusion? Please source. Thanks.
Your reading and comprehension skills are so bad that you really need some remdial work.
I said it is "inevitable" that your relative is in line for a new liver BEHIND someone who needs a new liver due to a bad lifestyle BECAUSE anyone who needs a liver -- with the exception of people dying of cancer -- is permitted on waiting lists. Inasmuch as 50% of people needing organ transplants need them due to their own self-abusing lifestyle choices, it is INEVITABLE that your relative has to wait a little longer because one of those self-abusers was ahead of him in the line. Pretty simple concept for most people.
I did NOT say your relative was BYPASSED.
I said your relative had to wait longer.
Are you sure you're not a baggage handler or part of the crew de-icing wings before take-offs?
OK genius, provide the proof my relative had to wait longer and is behind someone who made lifestyle choices. I'll wait.
Maria, while I was out last night with my boyfriend getting my kicks, you were plotting to get some on this blog. Instead of clearing the cobwebs from between your legs, and do something useful with what you have left, you choose to attack me. I thought I told you to stop pressing the L and the A keys.
PilotX gave you a mere shout out in a previous thread and you took it for something and offered your services. Typical. I'm always amazed at how you initially attack people, and then declare victimization after all is said (you would have been the treacherous type to get them hanged, or should I say hung). Perhaps you were in need of a quick diversion from your personal problems, as usual. Next time call your therapist and leave me be.
PilotX said: "Well LAA I haven't been to Mexico in over a year and Brazil has the largest Black population outside of Nigeria but according to you they don't consider themselves Black. "
I never said that about the Afro-Brazilians, and I doubt you were also referencing them when you stated black Latinos. Brazilians do not nessasasrily consider themselves as "Litino" (even though Portuguese, Spanish and Italian etc. fall under the Latin umbrealla), and most of them do not consider themselves "black people" either. Apart from colorism and self-hate due to world wide black skin denigration, black Hispanic/Latino people tend to define themselves culturally away from the "black race". I have an older sibling who deliberately checks off "Hispanic" or "other". The mentality runs deep among black hispanic/latino, so you could imagine the non-black Latinos collectively.
My entire point again, black and black identified people inside of America need to wake up, and should concentrate on expending their energy towards the issues they are STILL facing before they go "see about others" who will eventually compete and not give reciprocation. That's all folks.
And under what capacity were you in Mexico, professional, tourist? There is a difference. I doubt you lived there and had the full experience being black, living and financially competing among them. Anyway, I wish your family member well. The love and support you are giving is priceless and will grandly help in their recovery. Blessings.
As for verification or credibility of your tales and stories, it appears you believe if you state something, it must be true.
Or you might think you are supporting your nutty claims by offering some irrelevant statistics in your post.
For example, if I reference the FBI figures that show blacks commit more than half the murders in the US, you attempt to refute the claim by throwing out irrelevant figures that show the total number of ALL crimes in every category committed by whites exceed the total for blacks.
pilotX, you wrote
OK genius, provide the proof my relative had to wait longer and is behind someone who made lifestyle choices. I'll wait.
What state does he/she live in? Not that it matters, unless he/she lives in a state that refuses to give livers to drunks and drug addicts -- of which there are none.
No_Slapz, give me the proof you have that my relative is waiting longer due having other people on the waiting list that made bad lifestyle choices simple request.
As far as your "example" I did not ask for an example I asked you for a specific instance where you need me to provide data. It's not hard junior.
@LAA, I have been to Mexico for business and pleasure. If you want me to leave you alone that's perfectly fine by me. Thanks for the well wishes, appreciated.
By the way, first you claimed I said your relative was BYPASSED due to drunks getting livers first. Then, by your next post you realized you were wrong about being BYPASSED so you switched back to the actual issue of waiting longer. Being delayed by cirrhosis sufferers.
You really need to improve your grasp on the obvious.
Why do you need the state? You made a claim so I figured you had the information already.
Ah, more cowardice.
If you give me an honest response to the question -- in what state is your relative getting the new liver -- I will get the organ transplant policy, which will include information that answers the question.
On the face of it, even you should be able to understand that if virtually all people with diseased livers are eligible for liver transplants, then you should have no trouble concluding that a large percentage harmed their own livers with drinking and/or drugs.
But, it's appearing the obvious is too much for you.
Steve Jobs got his new liver in either Tennessee or Kentucky. He had to become a resident to get on the recipient list and he chose one of those two states because it had the shortest list of recipients AND, because he has plenty of money, he was able to establish residence. Moreover, I'm sure he has donated generously to the good offices of the helpful state.
Thus, we know Jobs bumped someone else back a step.
My firend who received two livers lived in Massachusetts. As I said, he contracted hepatitis as a soldier in Vietnam. But, frankly, if he had developed a liver-destroying drug problem after his discharge no one in the organ transplant bureaucracy would have known.
In any case, inasmuch as Jeff was getting his new livers when Mickey Mantle was getting his, Jeff gave me an education in the workings of organ-transplant programs.
In short, though Mickey Mantle got his two livers legitimately, other people, who were not drunks, had to wait a little longer. And Mantle died not long after getting his second liver.
Rev Right:
Whenever put a quote in a comment, it is best to also supply the source of the quote. Did the quote for the columnist who wrote the piece, or someone who commented on columnist's piece. Stating that that person is dead to me is more of a personal feeling than actually saying that she should be killed. Statements such as I hope someone kills her it is more worrisome, or someone has some kind of death fantasy and acts it out with puppets is also troublesome. One thing that this country does not discuss is the number of mentally ill people who are walking around this country and if he or she has an irrational view about a politically ideology makes that individual more dangerous particularly if he or she takes the comments of a person speaking figuratively as permission to commit heinous acts.
However, before we jump into any conclusions, we have to find out the shooter's motive. I do know that he shot the Congresswoman at point blank which indicates that that he intended to her, and we just have to find out way she was a target. We are making an assumption that it is political, but let us hope that Congresswoman pulls through and recover.
Liberalism and conservatism are not mental illnesses, let's begin of toning down statements such as these. If I do not agree with your political ideology, then that's fine, but let's not make it personal. I do not believe that we are going to learn anything from this, and that's the utterly pitiful and unfortunate thing about this matter.
I found it odd that Fox had an entire piece on how there was "no political motive" before the police had even begun to interrogate said Perp.
Why spin so early? Is there a trail of wingnut clews such as the GoldBug writings?
The stuff seen so far indicates mental illness.
Still, let us give him a fair trial...and if found guilty, an end.
With respect to your inability to successfully google the Sharpton/Freddie's Fashion Mart murder, all I can say is your sudden infirmity looks like willful blindness:
Freddie's Fashion MartIn 1995, a black Pentecostal Church, the United House of Prayer, which owned a retail property on 125th Street, asked Fred Harari, a Jewish tenant who operated Freddie's Fashion Mart, to evict his longtime subtenant, a black-owned record store called The Record Shack.
Sharpton led a protest in Harlem against the planned eviction of The Record Shack.[45][46][47] Sharpton told the protesters, "We will not stand by and allow them to move this brother so that some white interloper can expand his business."[48]
On December 8, 1995, Roland J. Smith Jr., one of the protesters, entered Harari's store with a gun and flammable liquid, shot several customers and set the store on fire.
The gunman fatally shot himself, and seven store employees died of smoke inhalation.[49][50]
Sharpton later expressed regret for making the racial remark, "white interloper," and denied responsibility for inflaming or provoking the violence.[13][52]
PilotX, I was talking to Maria, it's for her own safety.
You don't bother me.
Umm...many transplants are NOT done to those who have outstanding 'behaviour issues'. Tells me the writer has the knowledge gleaned from outraged bloggers instead of the actual, hands-on, sitting in the DeathPanel discussions of transplant options.
Oh, for the Hint...most jurisdictions have pretty strict guidelines on who gets the continuation of existence...and wites don't always get front of line privileges. Lindsay Lohan would lose if the other person on the list was an Obama child...because Ms Lohan is still abusing drugs.
Like the soapy story sold to teatards about how the management 'had to give the job to an icky minority'...it is more to shut up the whine of teh stoopid.
Here's another item from a long list available by simply googling Al Sharpton Freddie's Fashion Mart
Al Sharpton - Freddie's Fashion Mart
It is also alleged that after calling a Jewish shopkeeper a "white interloper," he looked on while an associate of his suggested the Jew's shop should be burned down.
When a black member of the crowd did so, killing several people and himself, Sharpton initially denied having been present.
When confronted with a video tape showing his presence, he said: "What's wrong with denouncing white interlopers?"
Other such controversies center on purported offenses by Jews against black Americans, although in one case it is alleged he verbally attacked Korean shopkeepers. [9] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14] [15] [16] [17] [18]
anonymous, you wrote:
Umm...many transplants are NOT done to those who have outstanding 'behaviour issues'.
The key part of your sentence is "outstanding behavior issues."
But as I said, Mickey Mantle and other drinkers, people who may have been bone dry when their livers began to fail, get new livers.
Yes, there are some limitations. Old people. But Mantle was no kid when he got his livers. And people with other illnesses that would destroy the new liver. Yeah, there are limits.
But, until we can clone our own organs, there will be organ supply problems -- shortages -- which, as we know, means that some eligible people will die waiting.
And, as I said, my experience with liver transplants is tied to witnessing a friend go through the process twice and then dying.
@ hennasplace:
First, I provided a link to the materials that were posted on the Daily Kos site. Kos, as usual, has thoroughly scrubbed any unpleasant records down the memory hole, but thankfully some were able to preserve the pages for posterity.
Second, I agree with you regarding jumping to conclusions. My point was rebut an earlier call to convict Sarah Palin and to show how easily the story could be spun, and that to do so obfuscates the truth and dishonors the dead.
field negro said...
"n_s, I googled that story, no mention of Sharpton causing the death of 7-8 people."
Your selective ignorance is astounding."
Stone, maybe you can provide a link. I read what n_s provided and still no proof that Al Sharpton was DIRECTLY involved- or was the cause- of 7-8 people losing their lives.
But I will wait....
omarion is not out...yet...
more homohater bs:
hobama and all dc pols have gg's blood on their hands!
u made my day
a song for hobama inc and all their ilk in dc
@LAA, sorry bout that. I will continue to bug you then.
Just, nicely said, Field.
Rev Right:
In there lies the problem, since source where you got the quote from isn't properly cited, then it becomes difficult to make argument. Again, there is a different if the quote came from the blogger or a person who made the comment. If the quote came from a someone who commented, then the Daily Kos isn't responsible who makes comments on its blog. If you can give me evidence, then your argument is valid otherwise you cannot support your argument. In addition, unfortunately for Sarah Palin she did not her comments so there is some proof that she said it.
In the finally, it is the person who pulled the trigger that is responsible for taking lives, but understand that words have meaning and power, and there are consequences. Threatening to kill someone is not protected speech, and other than that I am not for quilling speech even hate speech. Now whenever I hear Glen Beck, I know to pay him any attention because he's been provocative, but for that unbalance person listening to him may take him to heart and that's the risk. Intellectually, Beck had no control over anyone who may decide to injury or kill someone because of something he said, but Beck can curtail violent fantasies yet still make an effective arguments about the other political view.
My heart goes out to the families of those injured and killed in the shooting, especially the family of the 9 year old. No family should have to suffer the loss of a child, not like this.
I hope this Loughner character is legally found to be of his right mind for a trial, convicted and sentenced.
LAA, you and your friend (FP) are being especially bitchy towards Maria lately. And now that I've mentioned that, I expect you two to come down on me as......well, whatever your wonderful minds can whip up. Not that any of it is of any consequence.
"On the face of it, even you should be able to understand that if virtually all people with diseased livers are eligible for liver transplants, then you should have no trouble concluding that a large percentage harmed their own livers with drinking and/or drugs."
And what data did you use to come up with such a theory?
I lost a comment.
Is there a problem with the file transfer?
@Hathor, ok I thought it was just me. I lost two. I thought it was because of too many f-bombs.
Sharpton had organizerd a protest against Freddy and stood outside Freddy's store using a bullhorn to urge the crowd on.
As the articles stated, one member of the crowd was moved deeply enough to shoot up Freddy's and set it on fire, killing 7 or 8 people.
I did not say Sharpton pulled the trigger or poured the gasoline on the store shelves. But he was there egging on the protestors.
It's remarkable that you want to create links between Limbaugh, Hannity etc, and Loughner, even though there is not the slightest suggestion Loughner had ever listened to any of them, but you want to obfuscate over Sharpton who was at the scene of the crime, and, had in fact organized the gathering for the purpose of creating trouble.
I do not think Sharpton had figured he was about to incite someone into a murderous rage, but as far as these things go, he did the job.
If there had been no protest outside of Freddy's then the dead black and hispanic employeees would very likely be alive today.
That's black leadership for you. And, of course, even though news video coverage showed him at the scene at the time of the shooting and burning, he said he wasn't there. What a guy.
mack lyons, you wrote:
And what data did you use to come up with such a theory?
Try reading the standards for transplant eligility. Some people are excluded. But being a former drug addict or former drunk does not stop a person from getting a liver transplant.
If you need an example, check Mickey Mantle. He was a long-term drunk whose boozing was chronicled as far back as Jim Bouton's "Ball Four" and then again in every subsequent Mantle biography.
Nevertheless, he got two livers.
La♥audiobooks said...
Maria, while I was out last night with my boyfriend getting my kicks, you were plotting to get some on this blog. Instead of clearing the cobwebs from between your legs, and do something useful with what you have left, you choose to attack me. I thought I told you to stop pressing the L and the A keys.
plotting to get some? you mean by what i said here:
maria said...
he may never have "hanged out," but he might have "hung" out...
too bad, i'm not going anywhere. i like being the adult among so many children (LA, i think you're 4 yrs. old. that's about the depth of your compassion).
8:45 PM
my how you do go on! such a personal (and as usual, off target and ridiculous) response. this is really entertaining!
anonymous wrote:
am surprise this didn't happen sooner...I think the guy was just a loner nutter that picked up Fox News vibes...Oh, well just another day in hate filled America.
The last time a Congressman was assassinated was in 1978 in Jonestown, Guyana, where Rep Leo Ryan was killed while visiting the crazy commune.
However, there have been plenty of assassinations and attempts to kill public figures.
Two attempts were made to kill President Ford. He escaped uninjured both times. Reagan and James Brady were both wounded.
Teddy Roosevelt was shot, but saved from injury due to the folded-over 40-page speech in his pocket.
Puerto Rican nationalists tried to shoot Truman. They missed but they were captured and at least one was shot to death trying to get away.
A group of muslims plotted to kill Bush 41 during a visit to the middle east.
A couple of crackpots went after Clinton. One fired shots at the White HOuse. Another may have been trying to kill him by flying a small plane into the White House.
However, if you want to focus on homicidal aspect of "hate-filled America" then you have to focus on the 12% of the population that commits over 50% of the homicides.
PilotX, You really are a dunce and a Liar. You know NOTHING about Latinos or Hispanics. They do NOT consider themselves Black and carry a deep prejudice against Black Americans. Have you ever heard their jokes about Blacks like you?
If Latinos or Mexicans related to the Black cause, they would be on this blog. Not ONE has shown up in defense of Blacks. Do you know why? Because they don't give a damn about us. Yet you, Field and stupid ass Mack Lyons are passionately defending and praising them like ignoramuses. People like you remind me of HNs who support the abusers...except this time they are Mexicans!
You will do anything to keep Blacks on the bottom don't you?
@Mack, your buddy Slapped Silly makes up his own data. He is an expert cause his friend had a transplant. We gave him info that he refused to research and chooses to remain ignorant. If you want to know the truth google the term MELD scores and see what he doesn't know.
Maria, why do you attack LAA and taunt FP? They are good people and have done nothing to you. you must be jealous of LAA.. there could be no other reason.
@Mack, our esteem resident genious brings up Mickey Mantle who died in 1995. I guess Slapped Silly's expertise does not extend to the medical arena as the procedures for donor lists have changed in the 15+ freaking years since the Mick died. Dear god does the stupid EVER end?
I'll try one last time. Mack, Mickey Mantle died in 1995 and since then the rules regarding organ donation has changed.
From all accounts, Representative Gabby Giffords was a lady of class, compassion and caring. I was impressed with the concept of her "Congress in your Corner". We need more Representatives like Rep Giffords -- who clearly cares deeply about her constituents, and makes the effort to be accessible and connect with them one-on-one.
The alleged shooter, Jared Lee Loughner, according to initial reports, identified with the left and was a registered Democrat.
We do not know what compelled him to do what he did. Anything at this point is conjecture and speculation.
In any event, it was a senseless tragedy.
It should be a call to come together, not to engage in partisan gamesmanship.
Too many of us, who read this blog, have felt first-hand the collateral damage of a deranged individual's act of senseless violence.
What do you think all this venomous discourse is doing to the families who are trying to come to gripes with what happened?
"An appeal for kindness and empathy".
There's several things in life that I dislike. But, there's ONE thing that I HATE. That's field goal kickers.
Wingnuts, you are Jared Lee Loughner.
I love that statement because the evidence at the town halls, tea party rallies speaks for itself. I'll give you ONE guess why Amerikkkan MSM won't be calling this TERRORISM.
I'll try a fourth time. Slapped Silly uses Mickey Mantle as an example but the guy died in 1995! Typical wingnut logic, don't even know that the rules regarding organ donations has changed. Boy, the stupid never stops.
"LAA, you and your friend (FP) are being especially bitchy towards Maria lately. And now that I've mentioned that, I expect you two to come down on me as......well, whatever your wonderful minds can whip up. Not that any of it is of any consequence."
LOL. nope. not a lot to say to you either brotha. i am all too familiar with the fact that an out of order, disrespectful, entitled, brazen, ignorant, distressed as a direct result ww routinely flips the dominated, defeated negroes' "protective" switches. lol. especially when these poor ww need to be protected from bw that don't take too kindly to the entitled, willfully ignorant antics.
maybe when you are done noticing LAA and my RESPONSE, maybe you could try to notice who reserves the right to start the fire each time. i simply extinguish and keep it moving. i don't address the nitwit first because i understand it resonates like fist fighting with a premature infant. but protect on silly negro...protect on...even the weakest lying ladyboy need to feel like a man sometimes. LOL.
Maria, are you saying 4 yr. olds don't have compassion? You're a moron.
mareally has a lot of drone bodyguards and multiracial mammy maids herein:
maria is allowed to be a wicked swirled bitch whenever she chooses
and anyone who returns her venom is slandered as a bully...
so be it...speak my name with a capital B-U-L-L-Y ALWAYS!!!
i will gladly be that before i let this wannabee teena marie/mother theresa with jungle fever/mareally a moron EVER EVER wild on me herein
anon @ 1805. Do you mean Black Latinos hate themselves? Funny, I keep hearing how Latinos hate us but having several Latino friends and having dated a few lovely Latinas maybe I just hang out with the wrong ones huh? As far as keeping Black people on the bottom how exactly am I doing that? Is it when I go into Black schools and do career presentations? Maybe I just judge people as individuals and try not to stereotype. According to your logic I love watermelon, fried chicken, playing basketball, was born out of wedlock and on welfare. I don't like being stereotyped thus I give others the same respect. Seems you have enough racial hatred for the two of us.
PilotX, stop calling no_slappz names. Respect him and call him by his proper name. It's time to stop the vitriol.
Uh oh anon, the nurse watching my relative tonight is a Latina. According to you she might try to kill her, I'd better keep an eye on her. Tough job but somebody's gotta do it.
FP-"maybe when you are done noticing LAA and my RESPONSE, maybe you could try to notice who reserves the right to start the fire each time. i simply extinguish and keep it moving. i don't address the nitwit first because i understand it resonates like fist fighting with a premature infant. but protect on silly negro...protect on...even the weakest lying ladyboy need to feel like a man sometimes. LOL."
Oh how it would be a great day if Mack were to notice the guilty one who starts the flame throwing. But I wouldn't hold my breath on that. By protecting Maria, he gets a false 'feeling' that he is an exceptional man, a cut above his own race.
And who knows? Mack figures he might get 'lucky' with her and have an 'intimate' relationship. And who knows what will happen after that? Mack has dreams...poor guy.
I think Sarah Palin is at the very least chargeable with conspiracy to commit murder. I don't like hearing NFL players saying "it's war" because it ain't, it's a game. And I really don't like gun sites next to the Congresswoman's name. Sarah, your 15 minutes is up too. Go home.
LOL FP, this is the only way the relationship-challenged insipid one is able get attention from the opposite sex inclined. It's like a vicious cycle with her. She attacks, run, cries and wait behind the bushes for a negro to save her indeed. And you know, lady boys just love collecting more reason to attack the mean ol black woman. You know me, I love to play along the act. LOL
Notice not even Steve, PX and RT are taking her on anymore, only that one lady boy. Soon she'll get desperate. She might carve her face and throw acid on it like the other dimwits. I won't be marching or wearing any color coded T-shirts, that's for sure. Lady boys and their mammies need to learn the hard way.
Thank you.
la, you are out of your mind. the things you write about have no basis in reality. that's what four-year-olds are like, i guess!
Opps, I meant to say RK (the only negro friend on Maria's her facebook), not RT.
LOL at AB.
And Anony 9:57, you know Mack is going to come along and accuse us of being the same person, because he can figure out anything. He's such a clever one.
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