Thank goodness the A-merry-can people haven't totally lost their minds. There is evidence out there that would tend to suggest that they know exactly who is to blame for the mess that we are in. I will give you a hint: it ain't the tall skinny guy with the Muslim sounding name.
"Father, our heart breaks for America," Perry said in 12 minutes of remarks that included prayer and Bible passages — but no direct mention of politics or his presidential plans. "We see discord at home. We see fear in the marketplace. We see anger in the halls of government and, as a nation, we have forgotten who made us, who protects us, who blesses us."
That wasn't a Muslim prayer, that was Governor Big Hair sending one up to the big gal on what is being styled as a National Day of Prayer. He even prayed for the president. How nice. Folks held hands and formed prayer circles while they wept. It was a sincere outreach to the gal up above.
"And Perry, himself, huddled on the stage in a prayer circle with several ministers who helped lead the event. It was Perry's idea and was financed by the American Family Association, a Tupelo, Miss.-based group that opposes abortion and gay rights and believes that the First Amendment freedom of religion applies only to Christians......
'We feel that God moved on him to do this'. It will be read by the enemy, the political enemy, as a tool to win votes,'said Gwen Courkamp of Houston, who plans to vote for Perry if he runs for president." [Source]
Of course "God moved on him" to do it. He needs someone to fight off those Socialist devils and heathens who are so prevalent in our society. All I can say is let us pray....
Prayer has been very much needed for a long time. I am glad Perry did it because there are a lot of frightened people in America. Turning to their faith is the natural thing to do. We certainly can't depend on any human in America to make things right.
that is the trouble with being human and trying to run on your unaided ego power: left to your own thinking, it ends up a mess and a lot of people get hurt.
I hope Perry will start a Prayer movement because Obama and the Dems certainly won't. They have no faith.
They don't have your brand of Faith. Obama was a regular church-goer. many Ds attend church. So, why are you lying? Wasn't st reagan noted for his absence from services...until it was political theatre?
Oh, my 'unaided' thinking works just fine, thank you very much. It keeps me from imposing any branch of belief on others...and includes Freedom from theirs.
AFA is agin' any modern stuff...so Stone Age misogynist patriarchy is jess fine wit dem. Exactly what the US needs...millions of Warren Jeffs.
FN, FYI:"NEW YORK (TheLFB-Forex) -- The big news late Friday and Saturday was that Standard & Poor's has downgraded the U.S.'s credit rating to double-A-plus and kept a negative outlook in response to the debacle that is U.S. politics.
There is no point playing the "what if" game. We will wait on the reaction in futures markets at 5 p.m. EDT Sunday. Investors and managers will need to be prepared to move quickly and have a plan in advance.
The downgrade increases the chance that the Federal Reserve will introduce another round of quantitative easing -- something that could stabilize equity markets but impact Treasury securities.
Investors will focus attention on gold and silver and -- obviously -- the response in Treasury markets, which saw the 10-year note close at 127.00 on Friday. Trading will be volatile, and moves will be quick. The great unknown is equity market reactions when Japan, Germany and the U.S. open.
Now is when investors and managers need a support program to offer a balanced view, and exposure spread across 24-hour global futures. On Aug. 1, TheLFB trade desk warned those who did not want to short equities to go into cash." TheStreet.com
Look for QE3...the Fed basically doesn't have a lot of choices. Meanwhile, as the article indicates, investors will be concentrating on gold and silver. The reason of course, is obvious. I predict gold's next upward move will be parabolic.
Blaming the tea party for the mess we're in?
Obama was the first president to lose AAA+ rating.Thats what history will note.
Liberal Tormentor - tormenting liberals with logic and facts since1982 ure a gottdam idgit jess like mildew over here! u know obama inherited a phukked up economy jess like his predecessor did the us debt has been growing for a long long time to blame this on anyone whether democrat or republican is historically inaccurate and foolish!
more proof that
hobama lies!!!
this was never about credit ratings
it was always about the super power of hobama's very own super congress
more proof that he is worse than gwb!!!!!!
After two and a half years of waging war against the Left half of his own party, while seeking a “Grand Consensus” with the GOP, President Obama has finally set “in motion a rolling implosion of Roosevelt’s New Deal and Johnson’s Great Society.” The final vote on the debt ceiling measure – actually a ruse to impose savage cuts in social spending – saw a substantial portion of the Congressional Black Caucus put the president’s prestige above their constituents’ vital interests. Ninety-five House Democrats, including 15 Black Caucus members, “voted for the certainty of losing trillions of dollars for tens of millions of needy citizens, rather than risk the possibility of unknown financial dislocations.”
Black Agenda Report and author Paul Street [7], among a very few others, warned long before the 2007 launch of Obama’s campaign that his own words, deeds, financial contributors and political associations showed him to be an eager operative of Wall Street and the Pentagon. As president, Obama has embraced or launched so many wars, he feels compelled to deny that his latest aggression, against Libya, is a war at all [8], lest he seem too full of bloodlust. Under the austerity regime jointly imposed by Obama and the GOP (his “Big Plan”) through a manufactured debt crisis (abetted by Obama over the years), the actual reins of the legislative process will pass to a Super Committee [9], a formalized version of the center-right senatorial “gangs” (health care and debt) and appointed commissions (debt reduction) favored by Obama as embodiments of his “grand consensus” politics. The formula guarantees a shutout of the Left – although, as long as Obama is around, the corporate media will continue to claim, nonsensically, that he represents the Left.
The most pitiful picture [10] to emerge from the mega-debacle just witnessed in Congress, is that of Black Texas Rep. Sheila Jackson-Lee, standing on the House floor in mid-July, asking “Why is this president being treated so disrespectfully” by Republicans, in the debt debate. As if insults to Obama’s dignity were the crisis ravaging her constituents and the rest of Black America. A report had just confirmed that 30 years of (meager) Black gains were wiped out between 2005 and 2009. One-third of Black America is without assets or has negative wealth [11], including half of Black single women, the people that raise the majority of Black kids, one-third of whom live in poverty [12]. Black unemployment sits at Depression levels. But Rep. Sheila Jackson-Lee was upset because of perceived disrespect to Obama, who offers nothing to Black people but the corporate crap-line, “A rising tide lifts all boats.”
Geithner needs to resign. Obama is done.
Who can save the country in 2012?
hobama nazis incessantly blame anyone and everyone except hobama and his banksters for all they do!
ab, you are so very wrong about Obama. how can you and others be so blind? he is truly the modern day messiah. he is Christ in a suit, and you know it. be thankful, ab. be thankful for he will deliver you from the darkness of the night.
surely you can see that?
mold: "They don't have your brand of Faith. Obama was a regular church-goer."
Yes, but that was the church of the vile Jeremiah Wright, a hateful "christianized" Afro-centric rascist money maker that had more in common with the teachings of the Nation of Islam than the Bible.
Obama is no Christian. He is an atheist with a preference for Islam.
"Obama is no Christian. He is an atheist with a preference for Islam."
oh no. the truth is starting to worm its way on to FN blog. this does not look good for field.
coon fool uts/lickless prideless vdlr:
u 2 lost hobama nazi nigs are not in my tribe
u have no honor!!!!
my goodness. can't a black man caught a break?
... an atheist with a preference for Islam.
An oxymoron from a moron.
Rick Perry's personal Negroe was there at his side, so what is the problem?
silly hobama nazi assnon:
cc that to the soldiers who died for oil/opium/gold in iraq/afghanistan/libya today
President Obama seems positively eager to dismantle the safety nets put in place in the Thirties and strengthened by a Black-led movement in the Sixties. He calls it “Winning the Future” – a future that “holds nothing but further pain and decline for Black America.” By virtually all indices, Black fortunes have plummeted under the First Black President, whose policy is to let the (chocolate) chips fall where they may.
hobama nazi assnon:
cc that blind bs to that perpetual rock star partier/golfer hobama
It was a gloomy day for the economy, with traders yesterday battling against plummeting markets which threatened to spark a double-dip recession.
So perhaps it would have been more appropriate for President Barack Obama to have been at his desk, working hard and eating some humble pie - rather than celebrating his 50th with a giant slice of birthday cake.
As the Dow Jones suffered its biggest drop since the start of the banking crisis, Mr Obama is said to have been getting down with a host of celebrities in the Rose Garden, mingling with Tom Hanks, Jay-Z and Chris Rock and doing the Electric Slide with Michelle as Stevie Wonder gave an impromptu performance.
After the President came under fire for hosting a lavish fundraising dinner on Wednesday night, yesterday's additional birthday celebration was billed as low key. But despite attempts to keep details under wraps, some of the stars in attendance couldn't help but divulge what they had seen.
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2022879/Obama-hosts-birthday-party-featuring-Tom-Hanks-Chris-Rock-Jay-Z-Stevie-Wonder.html#ixzz1UJTwKVoI
As long as we have Millionaires making all of rules there won't be any changes. Liberal or Conservative, a millionaire will look out for his interest first and foremost. A third party organized by the people will have to be made inorder to break the Washington cycle.
Wesley R said...
As long as we have Millionaires making all of rules there won't be any changes. Liberal or Conservative, a millionaire will look out for his interest first and foremost. A third party organized by the people will have to be made inorder to break the Washington cycle.
Want some sugar with that tea?
It is a real shame that alicia banks, does not believe in self-promotion.
Wesley R said...
As long as we have Millionaires making all of rules there won't be any changes. Liberal or Conservative, a millionaire will look out for his interest first and foremost. A third party organized by the people will have to be made inorder to break the Washington cycle.
I believe you meant multi-millionaires.
Wasn't there a study that showed that during the past 3 or so years, there's been MORE multimillionaires created, particularly those uncertain industries (gas and oil)? I imagine this would get very much press these days since "they" don't want "us" to form a grass roots campaign (like the Tea PArty) against them. And the hold the US hostage with this if you tax us we won't create jobs/it would be more hurtful to the economy BS.
And why hasn't there been a grass roots campaign formed against the tax breaks of millionaires and multi-millionaires?
I really do hope Perry clutters up the Rethuglican field. Did everyone see this article?
Seems our scholar got a lot of C's, D's and F's at Texas A & M, "not exactly Harvard on the Brazos," anyway, according to a former classmate.
rick perry would be a better president than bongo and his gang of commie traitors.bongo goes to "church" that is run by the racist,former member of screwy louie"s cult of pisslam the none christian phony rev wright.funny thing field the biggest racists i see are people like you.i wish ab would purge her self of marxism bgull shit which is the cause of our problems today however she does have bongo's number.
Anon @ 8:33 AM, wouldn't that just make Governor Big Hair more popular with his core constituents?
field negro said...
Anon @ 8:33 AM, wouldn't that just make Governor Big Hair more popular with his core constituents?
HA really, yes we know how intelligent liberals are. They have vision and dreams, only can't understand how to mix the two with reality.
I really like this though, I hope they make Rick Perry's Academic scores an issue, cause then we will have reason to demand Obamas super secret scores.
Or they could just compare Obama's leadership to Perry's, what did he do? Oh yeah, half the new jobs in the U.S come from Texas, oh yeah he also had Texas credit rating upgraded due to his fiscal responsibility. I don't know, I don't think liberals can handle this one with the normal attack and marginalize tactics. Obama pales in comparison to Perry's results.
field negro said...
Anon @ 8:33 AM, wouldn't that just make Governor Big Hair more popular with his core constituents?
By the way,you bring it up often, do you think his having "good hair" even at his age will be an issue with Black voters? Should he like crop it and get a weave or something :)
An atheist would have eradicated the Faith-based scams. An atheist would have eliminated the subsidies for 'churches', religio-skools, and the like.
Keep repeating the magickal words.
Most Rational adults blame bush for the economy he and his staff created. We blame Obama for not being Keynesian enough to end the crash.
TaxBaggery is astroturf. If you want to see what Third Party from the grassroots would be...look to Progressive.
Gee, let me check into the wite churches...like Pastor Ricky Warren, Hagee, Robertson, etc. Seems that you get a pass for being wite. Warren whines that people too poor to pay...don't pay. Hagee loves him that racism. Roberston, well...a degree from his skool lets you perform for the good revrund...for free. I'd list more, but others already have.
If anything, Obama adheres far too closely to the tighty-righty notion of Christianity. But that's OK. You-all keep seeing invisible Mooslims...and the rest of the world, particularly the Islamic parts, will howl with belly-shaking laughter at your self-imposed ignorance.
Oh, what you wet your Vitters over is Fundies. Just like the unwashed christian 'Merican kind. Bravely attacking women and children.
"By the way,you bring it up often, do you think his having "good hair" even at his age will be an issue with Black voters? Should he like crop it and get a weave or something :)"
No, not really with the"Black voters", but who cares about them? I think the Big Hair adds a certain panache to him.(A kind of poliitcal Wayne Newton)It makes him look like one of those preachers we see on TV every Sunday morning. I think it's a good look for him.
I went to AB's blog yesterday. There was one post that had 868 comments.
They were ALL BY HER. Were just dopey links!
No one reads her blog. It's like the Diary of a Mad Blackwoman. So she comes over here.
I saw some research a couple of years ago that said 89% of the world's blogs are only ever read by the person that wrote them.
field negro said...
"By the way,you bring it up often, do you think his having "good hair" even at his age will be an issue with Black voters? Should he like crop it and get a weave or something :)"
No, not really with the"Black voters", but who cares about them? I think the Big Hair adds a certain panache to him.(A kind of poliitcal Wayne Newton)It makes him look like one of those preachers we see on TV every Sunday morning. I think it's a good look for him
Cool, maybe we can have just for shits and giggles mind you a Rev Al Sharpton (he is still a rev're-run right? and Perry on a split screen, now that woudl be pretty damn funny, they can give advice on grooming and how long it takes each of them to get ready in the morning.
I mean really looks aren't everything, if it were half the CBC would be out of work, shit most of congress and the senate, you ever see these people? ALthough there are those who no doubt will immediately get jealous of Perrys good looks and start talking about them as if they were a liability. What did they say about clintons hair? I forget, the people, not the girl who blew him in the whitehouse that he had to redifine the word did not and sex for?
No, not really with the"Black voters", but who cares about them
your kinda right in a sad way about this, it is a given no matter what the politics or the issue black voters will go with the black guy, its genetic code, cant risk being independant and or being called a tom or marginalized. Kind of limits the options though in a lot of cases, lets see, crack dealing, pimpin mack daddy for mayor or the white guy, nah vote black.
field asks:
It goes to the mindset of many of the tea party folks, who, all of a sudden, decided (after eight years of George Bush) that spending large sums of money unchecked wasn't such a good thing. Why now?
S&P evaluates sovereign debt on a continuous basis, as do the other credit-rating agencies (Moody's, Fitch, Egan-Jones, et. al.).
The agencies change their ratings changes when the creditworthiness of the borrower changes. Before issuing a change, they issue an alert that the creditworthiness is under review. Then, after an interval, the results of the review are announced announced.
The creditworthiness of the US has been under review for several months. S&P issued warnings that it might downgrade our credit.
The actual announcement surprised no one, though the Obama administration naively claimed it was "blindsided" by the action.
What liars they are. And how blind to the realities of creditworthiness they are.
The chief issues leading to the downgrade were the political uncertainty AND the nation's debt relative to GDP.
When you take a home equity loan, it's not viewed as a problem till the amount of the loan gets close to the value of the house. Our debt now equals GDP, but debt is rising rapidly and may remain close to 100% of GDP.
The situation is a result of Obama's spending.
His healthcare program will raise government spending to unsupportable levels. And his anti-business policies will send more jobs out of the country.
But by opening up all our oil & gas territories to drilling, we can create many thousands of high-paying jobs will reducing our imports of oil.
How can anyone think this is bad? What lunacy exists in Obama's head to allow him to choke the economy with his idiotic views on energy?
In a letter to the Appropriations Committee, Webb and Inhofe highlight the fact that since 2001, the U.S. has provided more than $275 million to China for various projects, such as expanded Internet service and transportation infrastructure.
In 2009, U.S. agencies provided more than $65 million in grants to China, the world's second-largest economy. China also receives billions of dollars from multilateral institutions such as the United Nations and World Bank, to which the U.S. is among the largest contributors.
What's wrong with this picture?
Now after we yank aid to China, let's slap on a 25% tariff on all their inferior products that are being shoved down Americans throats..
I know, I know, that's not the free market way.
Rottnkid said...
In a letter to the Appropriations Committee, Webb and Inhofe highlight the fact that since 2001, the U.S. has provided more than $275 million to China for various projects, such as expanded Internet service and transportation infrastructure.
In 2009, U.S. agencies provided more than $65 million in grants to China, the world's second-largest economy. China also receives billions of dollars from multilateral institutions such as the United Nations and World Bank, to which the U.S. is among the largest contributors.
What's wrong with this picture?
Now after we yank aid to China, let's slap on a 25% tariff on all their inferior products that are being shoved down Americans throats..
I know, I know, that's not the free market way.
12:50 PM
Right on, this is insanity, we borrow money then give it to them, we are bending over and kissing it at the same time. I agree 100% with you. These are the sort of things that drive me crazy, we fling money around the world and then fight about helping our own...
I am a family man, I will help anyone in a time of need, god knows others have helped me, but my family is taken care of first, if not that is irresponsible, cant expect someone else to take care of my family while I am out being a hero to someone else.
Perry has to be attractive to men. Manly men. Who are totally not gay...because they TELL us they are not.
Clinton was being specific. What they did was not defined as 'sex'. Duh. And your whine is that....you have to pay? Or that even with cash, you are refused?
UncaMiltie, your claim would have more merit had S&P done the same for the quantum debt increases with st reagan and bush. What is sooo unique about Barak Hussein Obama? The one aspect that makes him the first President to have this occur.
Rttn, Butters...it makes sense if the goal is to crash US wages, break unions, and bring about Mexico Norte' (Badtux).
Rottnkid said...
In a letter to the Appropriations Committee, Webb and Inhofe highlight the fact that since 2001, the U.S. has provided more than $275 million to China for various projects, such as expanded Internet service and transportation infrastructure.
In other words, we're paying them to commit cyber warfare against us?
How illogical is that?
Like it or not, Chian is poised to be the next super power and I'll give it 50years tops!
Field, I know you are leftist and typically see things while looking to your left but i just saw a simply awesome video that I wanted you to see. I watched this business woman speak from her heart and I was blown away by the simplicity of truth that she speaks. She talks about real leadership and I think drives home the point of what leadership really is.
Now I am not being sarcastic but it is given Soros Mantra to attack sources especially when content is undeniable, really would appreciate refrain from the usual mantra of anti fox this and that and just view the video with an open mind focusing on the content.
Leadership is not crying about problems or fingerpointing leadership is motivating people from all walks of life with various objectives rallying towards a common goal.
Sorry BetterMan, I always consider the source and their agenda. It would be a waste of time to watch this woman that you are talking about as I am sure that it's just more of the same talking points with a little emotion thrown in for good measure.
An atheist would leave out "endowed by our Creator"when quoting the Declaration of Independence.
rottnkid says:
Now after we yank aid to China, let's slap on a 25% tariff on all their inferior products that are being shoved down Americans throats..
First, if Chinese products were "inferior" consumers would buy other products that are superior.
Second, when the government puts a tariff on an imported product, only one change results -- the price of the US product is adjusted to equal the total of the price of the imported product plus the tariff.
Get it? Tariffs only lift prices that American pay. They do not drive out imported goods -- unless the imported product is truly inferior. As most people know, most Chinese products are of good quality.
Those Chinese products -- you know -- iPods, iPads, iPhones, computers, flat-panel TVs, digital cameras, etc.
"What is sooo unique about Barak Hussein Obama?"
To ask that question shows how little you really know.You still want to claim to know economics?
Keep up the good work mold.We are laughing at you.Not with you.
The biggest threat to the future of China is China itself.
As its national wealth and GDP get closer to that of the US, its growth will slow.
Why? Because growing prosperity is measured in rising internal costs. Thus, China's internal expenses -- social security, medical coverage, education -- will consume more and more of its capital, forcing it to raise the prices of its exported goods.
With 1.3 billion people all hoping for state support, China's costs will explode over the next 20 to 40 years, making Chinese goods much less of a bargain than they are today.
Thus, China will impose a tariff on itself, which is the way it ought to be.
For a number of years Japan was in this boat. They made low-priced products of uneven quality that rapidly became products of high quality, and then their social costs increased and ate up the advantages they had developed.
China faces the same reality, but on a much larger scale. The population of Japan is about 175 million. China's population is so huge it will consume everything the government is willing to provide. As all 1.3 billion Chinese get a taste of modern society, they will demand more, and the government will have to give it, or face big problems.
field negro said...
Sorry BetterMan, I always consider the source and their agenda. It would be a waste of time to watch this woman that you are talking about as I am sure that it's just more of the same talking points with a little emotion thrown in for good measure.
1:36 PM
Right and because you are lefty and it is forbidden to have an open mind and divert from the party plan and agenda you just simply know what is going to be said. One must always consider sources and judge if they in fact have an agenda and what that specific agenda is, but of course being precognitive is something that must be exclusive to those who follow your narrow political line.
Allright, thanks anyway, never mind, I suppose I learned a few things today, or rather had at least one reaffirmed.
One of the biggest headaches faced by the Chinese government is the threat that comes from advancing communications.
The Internet and everything related to it will -- eventually -- seep into every part of China and the Chinese will learn much more about the free world than their leadership would like.
The leaders want to go slow on the road to liberalization. The Internet takes things up to super high speed.
As leaders in the middle east and North Africa have learned, that speed is dangerous, and it does not necessarily lead to democracy, freedom and prosperity. Just ask the Egyptians.
LT, yes. I know Econ...and not from the Skool O Beck or the wingnut newsletters. Classical, Keynesian and the Chicago Skool...as starters. And the unique attribute of Obama is easily visible.
Trying to claim that gullibility in beleeverating the wingnut/Con lines on Econ is the 'exact same' as earned knowledge. Gee, next you'll TELL me it am 'common sense'...the catch-all for when Reich-wingers can't back it.
UncaMiltie, perhaps instead of mindlessly repeating what your Massa orders you to...you could read some US History. Tariffs in particular.
Butters, I did review our Glorious Capitalist MiniSkirt. Seems she entered a fairly mature market and got her stoopid revealed. She also runs a 'consulting business' that offers only buzzwords. Pretty much she shills for FAUX. Field was correct, this was a waste.
No matter how often Warren Jeffs TELLs me to have an open mind...I will not agree that minors should 'marry' creepy Geezers like him.
Selling poo as diamonds...only works on gullible rubes. The rest of us point out that the material is still poo...no matter how nicely FAUX sells it.
I don't think the Egyptians were doing that for you...or your dreams. And not everyone on the planet wants a compensatory pick-up with matching bass boat.
Butters, I did review our Glorious Capitalist MiniSkirt. Seems she entered a fairly mature market and got her stoopid revealed. She also runs a 'consulting business' that offers only buzzwords. Pretty much she shills for FAUX. Field was correct, this was a waste.
You couldnt' possibly understand a word she said about problem solving and real leadership. In fact the only things you have to say is miniskirt and she is "stoopid" SHE is stupid? All you have are your lame obvious character assasinations as if you have any ground to stand on. YOU and your type is what is killing the democrat party, you are a vile hateful person who when faced with his own incompetence creates fabricated blemishes on others to compensate for your intellectual inferiority, as opposed to choosing to learn something.
Now, did I not tell you never to address me again you penguin headed insane fucking ninny hammer? If I wanted to waste my time talking to people with your vile personality and inability to think not to mention very evident sanity issues, I would talk to my dogs. Do not ever forget this again, do not address me, in fact skip any post you see with my name on it, the content is bound to be over your capabilities of understanding and you simply disgust me.
How many times do you talk to Warren Jeffs,mold?
If mold knew what she speaks of,her post would be filled with facts.Not hyperbole.
@Mold you are exactly right, Obama has not strayed from the latest capitalist models he is in line with the Chicago school.
I can't believe the racist Friedman guy passes himself off as the economic expert but makes statements likes this:
"And (Obama)his anti-business policies will send more jobs out of the country."
What a erroneous statement. Who does this "expert" think has benefited from the policies of this administration? What are banks not big business? Didn't GE just get away without paying any taxes? When the smoke cleared on the Gulf Oil spill, BP has still been playing games with folks its supposed to compensate I don't see the government intervening to help the poor small business fisherman in LA.
And the so-called Health care reform act only puts money in the hands of the health care and insurance industries, or are they not big business.
This guy is an example of "a little bit of knowledge being dangerous." What would he do if Field didn't give him a regular platform to feel self important?
Because he sounds so confident, I bet a reader or two is drinking his kool aide.
BetterMan, having an open mind should work both ways, no?
Tell you what;I will open up my mind if you open yours first. Deal?
field negro said...
BetterMan, having an open mind should work both ways, no?
Tell you what;I will open up my mind if you open yours first. Deal?
Absolutely sounds good, honestly I think I am trying, thats why I am here.
Butters, I did understand her blithering stoopid. while you beleeverate her for being a MiniSkirt on FAUX, I see her spewing out buszzwords as a scam.
Must be by existing I show your fantasy to be untrue. How about using Facts as a basis?
Why do you call me penguin headed? And why do you expect to be able to ORDER me around on someone else's blog?
Mell, exactly. For your last query, they see fake-perts like Beck, OReilly, FAUX and Friends, and the host of politcos get paid for not knowing. Bluster, a bow tie, and the inability of the audience to discern the difference.
Wayne Bennett, being a black racist and a born liar, insists that the black-on-white cowardly gang attacks in Phila are not racially motivated.
Now we have similar but larger attacks at the Milwaukee state fair.
The national media will not cover the story, as usual - whenever black racist attacks occur.
The same happened at the Iowa state fair, when some lowlife black racist state legislator got himself immediately involved and the racial angle was quickly censored out of the story. The police who had made comments about the racial nature of the attacks were even punished.
That's how deeply embedded reverse-racism is in this sick country... as you gutter apes run wild.
But the public is finally waking up. The stranglehold that the liberal media exercises cannot extend to the whole internet.
Oh yes, you gutter apes are rioting in London, too - but the race of the gutter ape rioters is barely mentioned.
did Wayne Bennett violate professional ethics when making public comments defending the black juveniles who attacked whites in Philadelphia? Does he also make defensive private comments at the building where he works, possibly the very same building where legal proceedings against the black thugs occur?
No matter, he's privileged by being a negro and he can't be held to account for anything racial that he says. After all, he stirs up anti-white hatred every day and now that we are seeing the black mobs attacking whites across the country, he still will never be criticized for stirring up hatred.
That's "black privilege" for you.
"Absolutely sounds good, honestly I think I am trying, thats why I am here."
Ok, great! Baby steps are good.
Maybe we are on our way to something: open and honest communication.
What? No mention of heroic brave wite dude who bravely heroically shot children? No honours for Jeffy D? What about all those Glorious Galtian wites who crashed the economy?
So...your entire 'proof' is that you SAY it is racist? Wow, wish I could do that in a real College! Just make stuff up to assuage my inner racist Goober.
Why yes, dozens of secretive small appendage illiterates are able to set up websites TELLing us that the race war am coming and the hordes will soon come froth from the eveel citees and steal our wimmens. Though, if I was dating Holle Berry...why would I want the wite and Real version of meth-head Pwecious?
Or a used trailer? Or move to a countryside when the rurals are the most affected areas in almost any catastrophe?
oh yeah, according to you black racists, Foxnews is Fauxnews.
Let's look at CNN:
no mention at all that the rioters are black, of course.
So let's look at AP:
the word 'black' only appears in the second to last paragraph - certainly NEVER in the headline.
But sure, there's no such thing as reverse-racism and the media isn't liberal. Sure.
@better man
I looked at that video and the woman was expressing frustration of small business. Small businesses always catch the brunt of recessions along with workers. Folks are spending less so they get less spent with them even more which hurts their bottom line. But this a function of the system which always suffers from one crisis or another.
Small business was struggling under the last administration.
But the president has done a great job of helping big business and the big banks. I guess everything depends on which side you're on.
Of course if you are worker, life is always tenuous.
black racist douchebag "mold" can't read the accounts with witness statements. Scumbag nigger even brings up Dahmer from the previous century, as fellow niggers run wild without ever being charged with racism enhancement to their crimes.
yes, I am a nigger to the end, and proud of it. I will defend fellow niggers no matter what they do, they be my bruthas.
@gutter ape
Let me see if I understand you correctly. You have climbed a soap box to talk about the violence of black youth against whites (as you have categorized it).
I will ignore for now the fact that
basically all of the troops in the Iraq and Afghanistan that have been accused or convicted of murder in those war zones, have been white. And I will ignore the fact that white helicopter pilots were caught on a Wikileaks video murdering in cold blood unarmed Iraqi's and then turning around and shooting at kids in a van which had tried to tend to the wounded. And I will ignore the fact that these upstanding US citizens tried to kill folks who were trying to help the wounded --which just about every conflict acknowledges that the enemy should be allowed to tend to the wounded and dying in the field without being being shot.
But then you proceed to call black folks gutter apes.
Okay I admit I am a stupid asshole, jsonline is a newspaper site, Milwaukee Journal Sentinel. But you can't blame me for commenting without even reading the thing, I am a mental defective and a racist after all. (But I'm the cool kind of racist, being black.)
mellana is yet another black racist, conjuring up nonsensical arguments about Iraq to defend black racist thugs. What a douchebag.
It's no wonder that you people produce offspring who are gutter apes. You have no morals or even logic in you.
On the subject of this post, let me go on record and say this may be Christianity in the minds of the people attending this forum.
But it is clearly not in the mode of the Biblical record. It is not consistent with the Old Testament nor the New Testament which both cast a cautious eye toward being too close to Ceasar and/or mammom.
And they dance perilously close to not loving their lesser off brother and sisters.
I was glad to see a few preachers stand and say this is not the Christianity that promotes love of one's neighbor or a just political/economic/social system.
@parenting skills
Actually I think what the kids did was wrong in fact, very wrong. And I don't excuse it!
I was trying to make a pretty clear point --which you somehow muddled-- that violence, all kinds of unjust violence is wrong and offensive.
Love how you have to inventerate a sockpuppet. Should you be Pouting Baby or WATB? ;)
Mell is correct.
Bluster away, oh great and powerless wite dude. Mayhaps you shall be rewarded by your Massa. Or, he will continue to refuse your calls. 'Plausible deniability' he tells you.
As far as the 'small business' scam artist...she thoughterate that by entering a fairly mature market with no skills, business acumen or education...she would be the Chosen One. Watta maroon! Then...when her beleefs met harsh Reality...she inventerated consulting, using buzzwords picked like MadLibs. Sure, she can write off nearly all her checks from FAUX...but the big money eludes her. Now, why would that be?
She reminds me of some of the gullible Crusaders who went to the Holy Land expecting to be feted. Yep, they sold their land to the Church (much reduced price!), found the trip to be a bit more than the FAUX of the time said, and ended up as slaves (and worse).
Darwin Award for her!
I object to the white racism being expressed here today. It's a proven fact that when people of other races mingle with blacks, they always end up being bettered by exposure to black culture and mores.
Just look at Amy Winehouse. She's a jewish wigger - a jigger. That worked out really well for her.
However, it's also a known fact that when black folks 'act white' they end up terribly, getting good grades and staying away from crimes and such. They gots no soul.
mellano dishonestly avoids the fact that when racism is done by blacks, that never gets reported as such by the national media... instead it gets covered up.
Look in vain for coverage by CNN et al on the black racist mob attacks in Milwaukee. If it were white on black, that would be the headline everywhere and every day.
Even Fox does not report it for fear of being labeled as 'racist'.
simpleton 'mold' calls the newspaper site a white racism site. Typical brainless negro can't even read, but all negroes stand up for fellow nig thugs by ape instinct - at the least by claiming they are not motivated in their violent attacks by racism.
"And I will ignore the fact that white helicopter pilots were caught on a Wikileaks video murdering in cold blood unarmed Iraqi's and then turning around and shooting at kids in a van which had tried to tend to the wounded. And I will ignore the fact that these upstanding US citizens tried to kill folks who were trying to help the wounded'
Ignore much and your ignorance shines.Just ask mold.
Watch the complete and unedited version of the video.The one wikilinks didn't edit.
Oh joy, the 15 is here to 'piss off the adults'. Hurrah.
Hope that helps him with his low-wage, dead-end job as the assistant underling to Massa. Or when he watches women prefer nearly every AfAm to him.
Hint: hygiene.
Or when he can't be promoted...as the prima facie for stoopid is still what he clings to.
Mell, this is Sunday. Aren't you suppose to be in church? This is the reason people lose faith because of ministers like you who clearly forgets God and spends their time judging and criticizing others to make some kind of point. What that point is, no body knows.
Supra Field Negro said, "I object to the white racism being expressed here today. It's a proven fact that when people of other races mingle with blacks, they always end up being bettered by exposure to black culture and mores.
Just look at Amy Winehouse. She's a jewish wigger - a jigger. That worked out really well for her.
However, it's also a known fact that when black folks 'act white' they end up terribly, getting good grades and staying away from crimes and such. They gots no soul."
Wow! Ouch! For some reason that really hurts! Must be the love behind the comment...love hurts when there is too much of it. But thank you anyway.
Wow, write your own sockpuppet and then 'respond' to it? Now, why am I not that lazy and deceitful?
LT, keep trying to sell your brand of poo. It only works when the audience is FAUX fans. Unedited by Breitbart?
Love how the MSM is Liberal because they refuse to push the Left Behind/Con/wingnut agenda. Poor much self-described victims of much victimerating. You must be the most put-upon group in, like, ever. Just ask you! Oh, we didn't need to...you volunteered this slant. Often. Without being asked. And you repeated it. In case your pain and suffering went unnoticed.
MSM is a business and coastal. In fact, your only value is as chicken-neck biting freaks.
Supra Field Negro said, "I object to the white racism being expressed here today. It's a proven fact that when people of other races mingle with blacks, they always end up being bettered by exposure to black culture and mores.
Just look at Amy Winehouse. She's a jewish wigger - a jigger. That worked out really well for her.
However, it's also a known fact that when black folks 'act white' they end up terribly, getting good grades and staying away from crimes and such. They gots no soul."
Wow! Ouch! For some reason that really hurts! Must be the love behind the comment...love hurts when there is too much of it. But thank you anyway.
3:58 PM
Yeah, it hurt a lot of folks.
Wow, write your own sockpuppet and then 'respond' to it? Now, why am I not that lazy and deceitful?
LT, keep trying to sell your brand of poo. It only works when the audience is FAUX fans. Unedited by Breitbart?
Love how the MSM is Liberal because they refuse to push the Left Behind/Con/wingnut agenda. Poor much self-described victims of much victimerating. You must be the most put-upon group in, like, ever. Just ask you! Oh, we didn't need to...you volunteered this slant. Often. Without being asked. And you repeated it. In case your pain and suffering went unnoticed.
MSM is a business and coastal. In fact, your only value is as chicken-neck biting freaks.
Why do so many wingnuts/Cons do this?
http://tbogg.firedoglake.com/2011/08/07/thug-life/ Wingnut welfare at its typical.
Sure, they will claim to be terrified of secret Liberal Lefty armies...like the antibortionists who murder....but who the heck is scared of physical violence from Al Franken/Barney Frank/Paul Wellstone/Bernie Sanders?
Unless you a chickenpoo Chickenhawk.
mold, "but who the heck is scared of physical violence from Al Franken/Barney Frank/Paul Wellstone/Bernie Sanders?
Unless you a chickenpoo Chickenhawk."
Whatever, mold. Call them what you want. People are still afraid of physical violence, Period.
From Page 4 of Standard & Poor's research report.
“We have changed our assumption on this because the majority of Republicans in Congress continue to resist any measure that would raise revenues, a position we believe Congress reinforced by passing the act.”
So it categorically the Tea Party's fault that your credit rating has been degraded.
mold, "Wow, write your own sockpuppet and then 'respond' to it? Now, why am I not that lazy and deceitful?"
what are you talking about? maybe you think so because you do it all the time you lying white freak.
PC-"From Page 4 of Standard & Poor's research report.
“We have changed our assumption on this because the majority of Republicans in Congress continue to resist any measure that would raise revenues, a position we believe Congress reinforced by passing the act.”
So it categorically the Tea Party's fault that your credit rating has been degraded."
Good point. But I bet the DEMs and Obama will hardly mention it, or bring it to the attention of the American people. Instead, they will bend to the will of the Tea Party extremists.
Thanks for the invaluable info. If only the Congress and the American people would make good use of it and rid themselves of this deadly cancerous Tea Party.
FYI, Field and FN investors:
Article titled, "INVESTORS SHOULD BRACE FOR MONDAY SELL-OFF"--Robert Holms, The Street
"We could wake up on Monday morning and see the futures down precipitously, but I want to believe some of this was priced into the market," Rubin said by phone Friday after the S&P announced its decision to cut the rating on U.S. debt to double-A-plus from the coveted triple-A rating.
Jeffrey Sica, president and chief investment officer of Morristown, N.J.-based Sica Wealth Management, says that investors are not caught completely surprised by the downgrade, yet he still expects a "substantial selloff" in equities on Monday as market participants begin to understand the ramifications of the first downgrade of U.S. debt in history.
"We maintained the triple-A rating through the Great Depression and all the wars and recessions, so you have to believe it's going to concern people," Sica said by phone late Saturday. Investors were bracing for a downgrade all week, but "there will be a lot of fear and worry," he adds.
A late Friday downgrade announcement by the S&P was a premeditated move that was designed to allow investors to digest the news."
Poor baby, so scared in your Vitters over the imagined physical threat from Al Franken, Barney Frank, Bernie Sanders and Paul Wellstone. Such terrifying Boogedy-men! Well to chickenpoo Chickenhawks, maybe. Though...one might wonder about the self-imposed fear. Is it real...or is it inventerated? After all, for years they were whining incessantly about the Red Menace...and that turned out to be simply a fund-raising scam.
I don't use sockpuppets. That is almost entire a Reich-wing/wingnut/Con habit. How many Twitter followers does Newt/Santorum/Palin/Romney/Perry/etc have? How many are paid? How many are bots?
You do know Paul Wellstone is dead.Don't you mold?
Democrats turned his funeral into a fundraiser.Remember mold?
LT, yes...which is why it is funny that chickenpoo Chickenhawks are still askeered of him.
Though, I don't recall Wellstone stealing my money like Cantor, Santorum, Bachmann, Palin, et al did. He used the taxes for citizens.
Anon said:
"Mell, this is Sunday. Aren't you suppose to be in church? This is the reason people lose faith because of ministers like you who clearly forgets God and spends their time judging and criticizing others to make some kind of point. What that point is, no body knows.
Come on Anon can't folks talk on Fields blog "after church".
And speak for yourself or just say you disagree with me, but the points I try to make simple. I think everyone who works should get a fair wage, the rich should pay their fair share, there ought to be healthcare for all and that we all ought to enjoy equal rights and equal justice under the law.
And today I made the point that all senseless violence is wrong not just the kind perpetrated by folks you don't like.
And the other point was that the Bible does not encourage sectarianism, it encourages us to love all of our neighbors,esp the downtrodden. That is if you are opposed to abortion you should support the rights of humans to have health, shelter and food after they come out of the womb.
mellaneous said...
I think everyone who works should get a fair wage, the rich should pay their fair share, there ought to be healthcare for all and that we all ought to enjoy equal rights and equal justice under the law.
What exactly is a "fair wage"? When I worked at Wendy's to help pay for college, I made "Wendy's money" just as I should have.
I obviously wanted more for myself which is why I kept going to school. And I was not only motivated by what I had the aptitude to do well, but I wanted to LIVE well while I was doing it.
Personally, I think the idea of a "fair wage" without any conditions such as acquiring an education beyond high school, is financially perilous for minorities. The phrase in itself implies being rewarded for something you haven't necessarily earned.
DrQ, the problem with that assumption is that all persons are as gifted. Some of your co-workers may still be at Wendy's. Should they starve or have to work four jobs?
And how does 'fair' equate to 'unearned'?
While it may be a given that we assume higher education should result in higher wages...should it mean that all those who aren't born bush need to be impoverished?
field importunes:
Let us pray for good credit.
Why? Jesus was clear on what to give Caesar and what to give your god. As he pointed out, the two are separate.
Here's some advice. If everyone in America were to quit smoking, cut back on the drinking, give up drugs, eat right and get a little exercise, our Medicare and Medicaid bills would drop by far more than the $4 TRILLION S&P wanted to see cut from spending over the next 10 years.
It's that simple. And it's free.
milton friedman said...
Here's some advice. If everyone in America were to quit smoking, cut back on the drinking, give up drugs, eat right and get a little exercise........
Now THIS is change I can believe in!
Sure, it will make a vast difference to the 90 yo on Medicare.
Nice tale.
mellaneous says:
I think everyone who works should get a fair wage
Define "fair wage."
...the rich should pay their fair share,
How much is a "fair share"?
there ought to be healthcare for all
Why? For smokers? For drug users? For obese people?
and that we all ought to enjoy equal rights and equal justice under the law.
Yeah, it's true. Whites should receive per-capita social welfare benefits at the same rate as blacks. After all, receiving welfare is a right.
And today I made the point that all senseless violence is wrong not just the kind perpetrated by folks you don't like.
Wrong. You attempted to create an equivalence between the level of crime committed by whites and blacks.
Your position is so tortured you tried to hang your hat on unauthorized killings in a war zone.
However, as usual you are oblivious, probably willfully oblivious, to the fact that when it comes to US military personnel killing each other, the killing has been perpetrated by US soldiers who are muslims.
Poor Baby, yes..Universal is health care for closeted Queens who are HIV positive. It is health care for ManDumpling. It is for everyone...and you can't say 'no'.
I believe healthcare should be "regulated" and NOT free for smokers or those who are morbidly obese.
However, I also don't think Black men should pay into social security since most don't live long enough to collect it.
It's not 'free'...we choose to use our taxes to pay for health care instead of Bachmann's prayAwayDeGay fakery. Or the giveBux2Wingnuts of Walker.
Ummm...that was part of how Social Security got past the Southern racist Goobers...the ideer that not one deserving US AfAm ctizen would get one thin dime of the money.
It's sick out there folks, and it's getting sicker:
Teen Charged with Murdering Blind Man
The suspect has been charged with first- and second-degree murder and three other crimes.
By Brad Gerick
August 6, 2011
Donnell Graham, 17, is being charged as an adult for the murder of Patrick Xavier Ward.
—A 17-year-old Bel Air, MD, boy has been charged with murder in connection with the Friday night stabbing death of a blind man.
Donnell Graham of the 200 block of Fairwood Road has been charged with first- and second-degree murder of Patrick Xavier Ward, according to Monica Worrell, spokeswoman for the Harford County Sheriff's Office.
Graham was arrested Friday at his apartment on Fairwood Road by police, who tracked him with a K-9 unit.
Worrell said in a press release that Graham was trying to burglarize Ward's apartment.
Ward startled Graham, who then allegedly stabbed him multiple times and fled the area.
The stabbing took place at about 8:50 p.m. in the 900 block of Redfield Road. Ward, who was legally blind, was 29.
Graham is being held without bail at the Harford County Detention Center.
Ward was stabbed four times in the chest. He was pronounced dead upon arrival to the Upper Chesapeake Medical Center, Worrell said.
FYI: Mr. Field and FN Negroes--
"NEW YORK (CNNMoney) -- Stock futures tumbled more than 2% at the start of electronic trading Sunday, signaling a nasty investor response to the Standard & Poor's downgrade of U.S. debt."
Prepare for a possible repeat of last week, if not worse. It isn't going to be pretty. People probably will be flocking to gold for the remainder of the year. Also, the Fed needs to consider QE3 to keep the economy from going over a cliff. Bet on it.
Phillip Garrido?
Warren Jeffs?
Jeffy Dahmer?
Mark Foley?
Should we not castrate wites before puberty? They all so creepy!
dr queen says:
However, I also don't think Black men should pay into social security since most don't live long enough to collect it..
They don't pay.
mold asseverates:
Should we not castrate wites before puberty? They all so creepy!
Give me your address and I'll send you my rusty fish knife. You can perform your own emasculation.
This won't be America's last downgrade. There will be more due to gridlock in Congress with the Tea Party. Serves us right for electing uncompromising extremists.
Hyuck, hyuck...why would I offer any address to a wite dude who thinkerates women are men.
I would wager most working AfAm men have placed far more into Social Security than you. And more AfAms work than you and your entire non-branching family twig.
Not all TaxBaggers were elected as racist nonsense...some were stealth candidates. Though, to be honest...a large number of Goober siilies thinkerate Bachmann is as smart as it gets.
"Though, to be honest...a large number of Goober siilies thinkerate Bachmann is as smart as it gets.
Michele Bachmann IS smart, you dummy. If she were President we wouldn't have gridlock, nor would America have lost its coveted AAA rating! You know this to be true but you are too scared and proud to admit that the President and the Democrats are on the losing end. They have lost big time.
They are no protection for the poor and downtrodden. They are no help or protection for Blacks and Latinos. They are helpers and have surrendered to the Republicans and Tea Party.
mold sorry. but it's over. This time CHANGE is coming. The Republicans always keep their word, and you know it. It's the Democrats who don't keep their word. they lie, lie, and lie some more and more.
wonder why Desertflower is so quiet. She must be afraid of what's coming for America and PR.
Anonymous said...
Phillip Garrido?
Warren Jeffs?
Jeffy Dahmer?
Mark Foley?
Should we not castrate wites before puberty? They all so creepy!
Riots are happening in the UK! Imagine that! That's where the civilized people live, according to Purple Cow.
Riots never happen in America over an economy. We are far more civilized than those Brits.
Anonymous said...
DrQ, the problem with that assumption is that all persons are as gifted. Some of your co-workers may still be at Wendy's. Should they starve or have to work four jobs?
And how does 'fair' equate to 'unearned'?
While it may be a given that we assume higher education should result in higher wages...should it mean that all those who aren't born bush need to be impoverished?
life aint fair pengiun head you dont get to make someone else work for you cause you retarded lazy didnt do much had parents who didnt care bout anything but the crack you dumb so you get to force someone else to pay for you? fuk dat noise you dont earn it you dont get it and noone is gonna be forced to be a slave to pay for your bein useless if all u do is clean floors then do it good cause u aint gonna get paid like a DR cause you aint a DR penguin head maybe you learn and care and teach your kids cant afford 500 rims? den u dont get em
Dr.Queen said...
I believe healthcare should be "regulated" and NOT free for smokers or those who are morbidly obese.
However, I also don't think Black men should pay into social security since most don't live long enough to collect it.
7:35 PM
Oh, brilliant! So how well do you think that would go over?
Is that what they teach you in medical school? Oh, wait, are you still trying to get into Howard?
I'm sure your husband won't live to be 50. Perhaps you're unaware that SSI payments go to people who are disabled?
Awww come on Field, let the psychos have their say. I'm sure it's the ONLY time many of them get to communicate with folks who have college degrees.
I recognize few on FN blog are interested in such information but nevertheless here it is for those of you who may be interested what is going on with our Treasury, Congress and S&P's downgrade of USA.
Forgive me for trying to stay with the spirit of Field's post. I realize it's hard for some Negroes to stay focused for too long.
A scattered mind like mold and Dr. Queen loves to go off on tangents because it is just too painful to concentrate.
It is for this reason mold sounds weird and all over the place. And poor Dr. Q will never get a college degree from anywhere. College requires focus and concentration. She has yet to prove on a blog like FN that she can stay focused on a Post. Hence, while she has aspirations, college is just too damn hard for her mind to handle.
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