Thursday, October 06, 2011

"..the noise of others.."

"Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life. Don't be trapped by dogma — which is living with the results of other people's thinking. Don't let the noise of others' opinions drown out your own inner voice. And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition."~Steve Jobs~

As A-merry-ca and the world laments the loss of this industrialist/ visionary, maybe we should reflect on some of the words he spoke at that famous Stanford University commencement address.

A lot us are happy to be living the lives of others, and we have no problem dancing to whatever tune they are playing. It seems that we can't even function without the talking points

Consider the following: There is a growing movement in A-merry-ca to protest the nefarious acts of some folks on Wall Street. But [right] wingnuts won't participate because they think that it is funded by left wing politicians. There was (and still is) a right wing movement in this country called the tea party, and folks on the left won't participate because they think....Okay okay, it was funded by right wing groups and politicians, but you get the point. Folks only act when they get marching orders from the people pulling their strings. I wonder why there are so many puppets in A-merry-ca?

Steve Jobs was no puppet, and he was worth billions. Some poor working class stiff living in Morgantown, West Virgina, who thinks, like that idiot Hank Williams Jr., that Obama is a Nazi, will never be worth billions. In fact, he will probably never pay his bills on time. Why? Because he is a puppet. And his job in life is to keep other people in power, and make other people rich. Obama is not the one keeping him from becoming rich or paying his bills on time, the people he sends to Washington every time there is an election who are paid millions of dollars by lobbyist who are themselves paid by other people to protect their interest, (not his) are the ones keeping him from living the A-merry-can dream. 

Herman Cain is wrong, the folks on Wall Street are keeping a lot of people from becoming wealthy, because the system is rigged against them. And Wall Street is a perfect representation of the system. They are well represented on K Street.

I know a lot of hard working people in inner city Philadelphia who will never be as wealthy as Herman Cain, and I guarantee you that they have worked harder than Herman Cain all of their lives. Tell some poor single mother who works at Wal-Mart for four hours during the day then takes three buses to the burbs to clean some wealthy old woman's s*%@ for another eight hours that she doesn't work hard.--- FYI Herman, jigging 24/7 does not count as hard work. Negro, you done lost your mind.

Finally, I see that Barbara Walters dropped the N-word on The View. Apparently it led to a "tense discussion". I guess poor Sherri Sheperd did not realize that her boss could use the word with such ease.

"The conversation was centered around the controversy surrounding Rick Perry and a hunting camp he leased. The camp's entrance contained a rock with the term "Niggerhead" on it for many years. The Washington Post broke the story of the rock, and presented conflicting narratives about Perry's knowledge of what was written on it and his efforts to get rid of it.

Goldberg used the N-word (which was silenced throughout the conversation) first, while talking about Herman Cain's use of the word during a Sunday interview. It was when Walters used the word, though, that things got awkward. "It's very hard for me to say," she said. "It gives me chills." Goldberg said it was useless to "pretend" that the word didn't exist. "Let's call it what it said!" she said.

It was here that Shepherd cut in. "When I heard you say it, it was fine," she told Goldberg. Turning to Walters, she continued, "I didn't like the way you said it." In explaining this, Shepherd used the word several more times.
"I don't know if it's a semantics thing, but it's something that goes through my body," she said.

"It's because I'm white?" Walters said. Shepherd acknowledged that it was. "It's something about hearing you say it," she said. "I don't like it when you use the word ... when you say it it's a different connotation." [Source]