"Conservative activist Apostle Claver Kamau-Imani, chairman of the right wing blog RagingElephants.com, called the Democrats a racist party of the Klu Klux Klan at a Houston rally.
"They're the racists, not us," he said alluding to the Democratic party's past affiliation with Jim Crow and segregation." [Source]
Yes, the Democratic party was affiliated with Jim Crow and segregation back then. But that is until they allowed the tent to get too big. Guess which party they all ran to?
Anyway, my man was not finished with you black liberals:
"Kamau-Imani continued with his comments, name-calling prominent individuals.
'Somebody needs to get in Al 'Shakedown' Sharpton's face and call him a liar. Somebody needs to get in Cornell West's face and call him a bald face gap tooth liar.'
And that's not all.
'Somebody needs to get in front of Jesse 'castration' Jackson and call him a liar.'
Cain was not in attendance while Claver was speaking and his spokesman said he does not think the presidential hopeful was aware of Kamau-Imani's contentious remarks."
Herman, give that Negro a chill pill. You don't want him to be your Jeremiah Wright.
Speaking of "chill pill". I think that the po po in Oakland could take a few of them. Tear gas,flash grenades, and a US veteran in critical condition for taking to the streets to exercise a right he fought for. WTF?
And the republicans are saying that this 99% movement and Occupy Wall Street is all O's fault.
"Instead of appealing to the hope and optimism that were hallmarks of his first campaign, he has launched his second campaign by preying on the emotions of fear, envy, and resentment..."
Someone should tell Paul Ryan that the reason that these people are in the streets is because politricksters like himself have been bought and paid for by the 1% in this country.
Finally,I see that republicans on the Hill are still not serious about reducing the deficit.
"Democrats on the so-called "super committee" proposed during a closed meeting Tuesday a $3 trillion plan designed to slash the federal deficit but Republicans swiftly and decisively rejected it because it relied heavily on tax increases, according to several congressional sources from both parties.
One top Republican aide described the Democratic offer as "outrageously absurd" and a "non-starter," and a sign the super committee may ultimately fail." [Source]Failure is always good in these days of O if you are a republican. It's how they plan to return to power. Or, so they hope. Sadly for them, there are some people in the streets who might have something to say about that.
Yeah, I'm on "Apostle" Claver's e-mail list and that dude is a trip. Maybe now I won't be the only person posting on his website. He has the nerve to call anyone a liar after wasting money putting up billboards stating Dr. King..........well you know. I still don't understand why they think this tactic of accusing the Dems of being racists will somehow attract Black people to the Republican party. Oh, the Republicans supported emancipation over 150 years ago, who hoo let me run right out and sign up.
My only question is do we get to vote on this year's Coonies or are you gonna go all dictator on us?
This 'Super Committee' won't come up with any plan, so to the Neocons, there won't be any 'Bomb, Bomb, Bomb,- Bomb, Bomb Iran'.
Pat Buchanan has a chapter in his new book about the decline of White America because of demographic changes. One reason those demographics wont be voting Republicans is because of the constant race baiting.
That super committee is a joke. Why suddenly is everything a damned crisis? How many times has the debt ceiling been raised with no showdown? ODS has driven these fools even crazier. No doubt they will allow the military budget to be gutted just so they can blame the O. Their negotiating strategy is quite interesting, we won't accept any plan that raises revenue only cuts. Right off the top they paint themselves into a corner at least start with everything on the table before eliminating options. Signing pledges to Grover Norquist is no way to run a nation.
"One reason those demographics wont be voting Republicans is because of the constant race baiting."
Democrats are the kings of race baiting.
David Duke and the American nazi party are supporting the OWS'ers.
Racist of all colors have so much in common.
"Guess which party they all ran to?"
That should read
"Guess which party SOME of them ran to?"
Plenty stayed at home on the plantation. Who you thinkerate been keepin' the peeps in line all these years?
OPD Those are the white boys with badges who call black Oaklanders "Gorillas in the mist." Yeah, no surprise they're acting like jackbooted thugs.
"Herman, give that Negro a chill pill. You don't want him to be your Jeremiah Wright."
I don't get the analogy.
Do you think Claver's opinions on the Democrat party are as inflammatory as Wright's anti-American and ant-white people rants?
Do you think the media would cover up Cain's association with Claver like they did Obama's association with Wright?
"Herman, give that Negro a chill pill. You don't want him to be your Jeremiah Wright."
"Apostle" Claver wishes he could be like Rev. Wright. A successful church, a radio and tv ministry, overflowing church services, high profile members, ect. All Claver has is a website that gets no traffic and a few billboards that spread lies. No comparison whatsoever.
Claver speaks the truth.Rev. J Wright is a racist scumbag.
No comparison indeed.
"Someone should tell Paul Ryan that the reason that these people are in the streets is because politricksters like himself have been bought and paid for by the 1% in this country."
Actually Field, Barack Obama is the single largest recipient of political donations from Wall Street firms in history. It is your boy that has been "bought and paid for by the 1%".
Field, you haven't changed a bit. Always blaming the GOP for your ills. Don't you ever get tired of lying? Claver is absolutely correct in everything he has said. Cain has nothing to do with what Claver says...this is America. Everybody is entitled to their opinion.
Claver is a sharp Conservative that scares the hell out of black liberals like you and PilotX because he speaks the truth: The Democrats are the true baiters of racism in America. Sadly, you black Liberal Dems are too brainwashed to notice.
Field, that vacation didn't make you any more insightful. It made you blinder and confused. But carry on.
BTW, I am glad you are back, too. I missed laughing at your screaming progressive liberal thinking. LOL
BTW, your Killadelphia meter is low. It's much higher, thanks to those liberal Black and White Dems in Philly.
"Failure is always good in these days of O if you are a republican. It's how they plan to return to power. Or, so they hope. Sadly for them, there are some people in the streets who might have something to say about that."
Failure of Obama to continue with policies that have proven to be failures would qualify as a "success", would it not Field?
The Republicans were elected to the House precisely to stop this madness.
Obama cannot admit failure, and recklessly stamps on the gas as the car hurtles toward the cliff.
He is even willing to call out paid mobs of rabble and scum to threaten violence against the people who who won't go along with his insane plans.
The American people can see through this politcal theater and are revolted by the message.
George Bush badly damaged the Republican Party during his 8 years in office. Barack Obama has completely destroyed the democrat party in three short years. He may have destroyed the country. The shit is about to hit the fan.
Mr Field, thank you for posting the link to Raging Elephants. com! It is so inspiring to know that black Conservatives are on the move. Claver's blog is tops. I have never seen a more informative and insightful blog in my entire life. Black Conservatives are so bright, creative and insightful.
Quick question: Do you get your smart information from Claver's blog like PilotX does? I mean, are on Claver's email list like the closet Republican, PilotX?
Wesley R said...
One reason those demographics wont be voting Republicans is because of the constant race baiting.
Please provide an example of Republican "race baiting".
"Failure is always good in these days of O if you are a republican. It's how they plan to return to power. Or, so they hope. Sadly for them, there are some people in the streets who might have something to say about that."
These people are in the streets because Obama has let them down. It has nothing to do with the 1% and you know it. It has to do with Obama's failure to create jobs.
There is no doubt that Obama is toast. He won't see the WH again. But Herman Cain will because he is the best choice Americans can make to save our country. Most people can see that fact except you liberal brainwashed liberal fools.
Field Negro said..."Sadly for them, there are some people in the streets who might have something to say about that."
Maybe not the people you think.
If everyone ELSE is playing the ethnic nepotism game, you expect Whites not to play too? If everyone ELSE cries about racism, you expect Whites not to cry too? (and they have reason to as well).
Whites (save rich connected ones) are at the back of the bus, in pretty much everything. While being the majority of the country and paying for everyone else. This is what is called a pre-revolutionary condition.
Since we've already established that SOME people will ALWAYS be at the back of the bus, why not non-Whites be shoved back there and Whites sit up in front? Getting all the goodies, government spending, preferences, etc. FIRST? Really, why not?
No system can survive for long (particularly in economic hard times extended) when the majority is screwed out of opportunities.
The times they are a changin'
fyi-even joe the plumber likes CAIN as the front runner in the GOP. CAIN has broad appeal across all racial lines and all class lines. I tell you, he is the next POTUS!
"Failure is always good in these days of O if you are a republican. It's how they plan to return to power."
I'm sorry, democrats didn't want Bush to fail when he pushed tax cuts? They didn't want the Iraq War to fail?
What is it you don't you get about politics?
The reason we were at 8% unemployment in 2009 was the mortgage crisis.
The reason we are still at 9% unemployement in 2011 is an anti-business government.
Failure has consequences. Bring on 2012.
Democrats on the so-called "super committee" proposed during a closed meeting Tuesday a $3 trillion plan designed to slash the federal deficit but Republicans swiftly and decisively rejected it because it relied heavily on tax increases, according to several congressional sources from both parties.
One top Republican aide described the Democratic offer as "outrageously absurd" and a "non-starter," and a sign the super committee may ultimately fail." [Source]
You are a good democratic lapdog, the real wording should be they want Trillions of dollars in tax hikes to pay for more stimulus spending. Do you honestly think this is good considering all the corruption, waste and absolute fuckery of the last two stimulus bills? How much more can they spend? They have already set the record for the most spending and highest deficit ever in U.S History.
@pilot the debt ceiling has been raised so many times before, but it isn't a joke. It's not just a name "the debt ceiling, it's what we owe and man are we way the fuck over our heads, stop spending, the spending corruption and cronyism of this administration is the joke.
"Herman, give that Negro a chill pill. You don't want him to be your Jeremiah Wright."
"Apostle" Claver wishes he could be like Rev. Wright. A successful church, a radio and tv ministry, overflowing church services, high profile members, ect. All Claver has is a website that gets no traffic and a few billboards that spread lies. No comparison whatsoever
Yep, proud to be a man who spreads racial hate, disharmony and feeds off the racist scumbuckets like you.
"@pilot the debt ceiling has been raised so many times before, but it isn't a joke. It's not just a name "the debt ceiling, it's what we owe and man are we way the fuck over our heads, stop spending, the spending corruption and cronyism of this administration is the joke."
Ah come on. It's all relative anyway. So what's the big deal? It's all play money and we can keep raising the debt ceiling "forever" and keep raising taxes forever. It's the Democrats way of solving the debt crisis. So let Obama do his thing, or should I say do his liberal black thing and everybody will be happy, esp PilotX. It's all monopoly money to PilotX.
Field, don't you think it's about time you break down and cross over to the winning side? You can't be that brainwashed and blind.
What political party, did the southern strategy of Republican POTUS Nixon and the southern strategy of Republican POTUS Reagan lead the racist white southern so-called KKK Democrats to leave the Democratic party, and then join?
@ NSangoma: That's a myth.
I lived in Atlanta for 7 years and all the Republicans were people that had moved from up north. All the old Jim Crow democrats were still running the party.
All republicans aren't racist but if you run across a racist they are probably a republican--Bill Maher
No truer words were ever spoken.
Seriously please provide one fact that will incent anyone here to switch parties. I don't care about Lincoln give a reason to vote for the party of welfare queens and Willie Horton.
BrookLyn said...
All republicans aren't racist but if you run across a racist they are probably a republican--Bill Maher
No truer words were ever spoken.
Seriously please provide one fact that will incent anyone here to switch parties. I don't care about Lincoln give a reason to vote for the party of welfare queens and Willie Horton.
All democrats aren't mindless idiots who blame others for the very traits they possess, but if you run across someone like this, it is a given they are a democrat.
Vote for whomever you like, you aren't talking to democrats who want to buy your vote and don't forget that. People like you should stay democrats, you don't have the juice to be a self sustained human being. Now go play your video games and wait for the mailman.
@Raj Sedra,
FoxNews aka GOPTV
"Vote for whomever you like, you aren't talking to democrats who want to buy your vote and don't forget that. People like you should stay democrats, you don't have the juice to be a self sustained human being.."
Soooo, are you an independent, or a registered republican?
"Yep, proud to be a man who spreads racial hate, disharmony and feeds off the racist scumbuckets like you."
How can you say that? Some of my best friends are...dare I say it; white.
PilotX @10:07PM, you are right.I think I was wrong about the Rev. Wright comparison.
Vote for whomever you like, you aren't talking to democrats who want to buy your vote and don't forget that. People like you should stay democrats, you don't have the juice to be a self sustained human being. Now go play your video games and wait for the mailman.
Check! There's not one reason on God's earth that anyone should be a republican other than desperately low self-esteem.
Lol they're already preparing the talking points if they all have to bite it and support Romney. The new meme is the liberal media is picking their candidate so it's not really their fault the field is so weak.
I'd really like to hear what real republicans think of their party's messaging. Is this who they really want to be.
BrookLyn said...
Vote for whomever you like, you aren't talking to democrats who want to buy your vote and don't forget that. People like you should stay democrats, you don't have the juice to be a self sustained human being. Now go play your video games and wait for the mailman.
Check! There's not one reason on God's earth that anyone should be a republican other than desperately low self-esteem.
Isn't the party that has convinced you that they know what's best for you and you can't possibly take care of yourself the party of low self esteem? As for me, leave me alone with democrats know better laws. If you are an idiot that doesnt know how to eat right, can't use power tools without cutting off your head, then don't take the things I need away to protect YOU from yourself. You must have really high self esteem to be the party that demands they outlaw things people might like because they don't know any better how to conduct themselves, but they do. Leave my salt on the table, I will decide and I will raise my kids I do not need you to tell me how to do it, that is unless you are just a mindless idiot and incompetent who needs the governement to steal from others to support you and take care of you, otherwise you would perish.
I've decided that Thursday & Friday should be declared "Occupy Field's Blog" days......(although AB does it EVERY day.)
So, all you dirty hippies, felons, gang-bangers, dykes & fags, Socialists, Communists & Pagans, Purple Cows, fake "Doctors" & "Pilots", illegal immigrants, mental rejects, sponges upon society, UNITE!
Oh. Wait a minute. We already have all of those.
* This Public Service Announcement would have been brought to you by ACORN, but, of course, we all know, ACORN doesn't exist anymore *
BrookLyn said...
Vote for whomever you like, you aren't talking to democrats who want to buy your vote and don't forget that. People like you should stay democrats, you don't have the juice to be a self sustained human being. Now go play your video games and wait for the mailman.
Check! There's not one reason on God's earth that anyone should be a republican other than desperately low self-esteem.
Check? Oh it arrived, good glad you took my advice and went to wait for the democratic stipend to control your life - it's easy as any democrat can see, just go swipe your ebt.
BrookLyn said...
All republicans aren't racist but if you run across a racist they are probably a republican--Bill Maher
No truer words were ever spoken.
Really? Really?
How about these words:
"I returned and saw under the sun, that the race is not to the swift, nor the battle to the strong, neither yet bread to the wise, nor yet riches to men of understanding, nor yet favour to men of skill; but time and chance happeneth to them all"
Bill Maher is a not very bright, hate filled, vile little man who makes a living affirming the mean spirited and misinformed prejudices of his audience.
I have travelled all over the world and I can tell you that deep seated racism is the norm almost everywhere. Only in America has the majority foregone the benefits of tribal solidarity.
Republicans imperfectly pursue policies that are designed to benefit the country as a whole, rather than explicitly pursuing policies that favor one class or one ethnicity over another. For this, they are are "racist".
Bill Maher is a cock-sucking Yankee. Figures BrookLyn would revere him, seeing as how they have so much in common.
"Check! There's not one reason on God's earth that anyone should be a republican other than desperately low self-esteem."
Maybe not low self-esteem but maybe low intelligence or hyper religious. Notice it's an "apostle" trying to gin up support for the Republican party. They are the party of right wing religious fanatics. People who want public schools to mirror religious schools, want to abolish a woman's control over her reproductive life and desire creationism taught in public schools are all Republicans. No secret. i only know a few Repubs and they're all hyper religious. If you hate diversity of culture, religion and thought you are a Republican. I agree with Lyn, they would have to do a whole lot of changing to make me vote for them.
@PilotX: Yep, nothing worse than someone with morals
funny thing, so many people confuse morality with religiosity. Most of my friends are agnostic and/or atheists but some of the most moral and goodhearted people you can find. Many Republicans prove my point daily, they talk about being moral and religious but support military occupations that kill furners and support the death penalty. Not that outrightly that makes people bad but morality is in the eye of the beholder and if someone doesn't need the threat of an invisible deity and eternal punishment to do good then that's as good as the person who needs to be tols that by a book or preacher. TomAto toMAHto. Conservatives tend to paint in only two colors so in their minds you either go to church or are evil. No wonder there isn't much diversity in their party and they like it that way.
Also explains why Republicans are strong in the south and rural areas. In urban areas we have more diversity. In major cities you have numerous religions, ethnicities, languages, ect. In rural areas you have monolithic culture and many of those people fear diversity, read Pat Buchannan for examples. These people tend to be Republicans while those who embrase and prefer diversity tend to not vote GOP. I like diversity so I don't vote GOP but each his own.
PilotX said...
If you hate diversity of culture, religion and thought you are a Republican
Actually, X, isn't it the left that demands conformity of thought? Where did politcal correctness come from? Who came up with the idea of speech codes? Which side clamps down on all nonconformist ideas on college campuses?
Leftists hate all religions except their own humanism, which in America is merely puritanism with belief in God removed.
Believing in a common culture, in the "melting pot", or understanding that a divided house cannot stand is not exactly hating diversity of culture. Multiculturalism at heart is merely a way of attacking and weakening the common culture.
"STL said...
PilotX said...
If you hate diversity of culture, religion and thought you are a Republican
Actually, X, isn't it the left that demands conformity of thought? Where did politcal correctness come from? Who came up with the idea of speech codes? Which side clamps down on all nonconformist ideas on college campuses?
Leftists hate all religions except their own humanism, which in America is merely puritanism with belief in God removed.
Believing in a common culture, in the "melting pot", or understanding that a divided house cannot stand is not exactly hating diversity of culture. Multiculturalism at heart is merely a way of attacking and weakening the common culture.
1:53 PM"
What you say is 100% correct.
BUT...trying to get some numbnut liberal like PilotX to understand that, much less admit it,....well you're just wasting your time.
hey fn:
trump ALL repub plans for 2012
For the average borrower, the impact would be small. In 2011, Bachelor's degree recipients graduating with debt had an average balance of $27,204, according to an analysis done by finaid.org, based on Department of Education data. That average has ballooned from just $17,646 over the past decade.
Using these values as the high and low bounds of average student debt over the last ten years, the monthly savings for the average student loan borrower would be between $4.50 and $7.75 per month. Clearly, this isn't going to save the economy. While borrowers with bigger balances would save more, this is the average. And even someone with $100,000 in loans would only cut their monthly payments by $28.50.
hobama lies!!!!!!!!!
President Obama is claiming at political rallies that he has fulfilled “60 percent” of his campaign promises from 2008, but the scorecard of an independent arbiter suggests Mr. Obama is grading himself on a curve.
The watchdog organization Politifact.com, which evaluates the veracity of politicians’ statements, said Mr. Obama made 506 promises during the campaign three years ago, and he has kept 151, or 30 percent. Add the campaign pledges on which Mr. Obama has compromised to get part of what he wanted, and his “mission accomplished” tally rises to 39 percent
A product of the Republican educational system that rewrites history books and neglects to teach critical thinking skills, perhaps?
Quick! Someone call the History Channel! We just had a Bigfoot sighting on this blog!
Vérité Parlant is Nordette Adams said...
A product of the Republican educational system that rewrites history books and neglects to teach critical thinking skills, perhaps?
It's easy to dismiss someone's critical thinking skills without displaying any of your own. Care to elaborate?
For instance, is it actually "Republicans" who write the history books used in schools?
Gawd, It's Ugly! said...
Quick! Someone call the History Channel! We just had a Bigfoot sighting on this blog!
No, I think it's a Bighead, the kind they call Bancksquatch.
Hey AB. I noticed you never did answer my question from the previous thread. I'm going to keep asking until you do, 'cause I need to know these things:
"alicia banks said...
notice how the vdlr erases all of my most intellectual posts
and saves only the vulgar banter she can comprehend with her nominal IQ???
5:33 PM"
What in the world makes you think that ANYONE can erase a post on Field's blog, besides Field himself?
You're so stoopid.
PilotX said...
In urban areas we have more diversity.
Which is also the reason why you have more crime in urban areas.
PilotX said...
If you hate diversity of culture, religion and thought you are a Republican.
Tell that to the next black person that dares to leave the Democrat plantation.
Black Americans should be the last people on earth talking about liking diversity of culture, religion and thought.
Hey AB. I noticed you never did answer my question from the previous thread. I'm going to keep asking until you do, 'cause I need to know these things:
"alicia banks said...
notice how the vdlr erases all of my most intellectual posts
and saves only the vulgar banter she can comprehend with her nominal IQ???
5:33 PM"
What in the world makes you think that ANYONE can erase a post on Field's blog, besides Field himself?
You're so stoopid.Hey AB. I noticed you never did answer my question from the previous thread. I'm going to keep asking until you do, 'cause I need to know these things:
"alicia banks said...
notice how the vdlr erases all of my most intellectual posts
and saves only the vulgar banter she can comprehend with her nominal IQ???
5:33 PM"
What in the world makes you think that ANYONE can erase a post on Field's blog, besides Field himself?
You're so stoopid.Hey AB. I noticed you never did answer my question from the previous thread. I'm going to keep asking until you do, 'cause I need to know these things:
"alicia banks said...
notice how the vdlr erases all of my most intellectual posts
and saves only the vulgar banter she can comprehend with her nominal IQ???
5:33 PM"
What in the world makes you think that ANYONE can erase a post on Field's blog, besides Field himself?
You're so stoopid.Hey AB. I noticed you never did answer my question from the previous thread. I'm going to keep asking until you do, 'cause I need to know these things:
"alicia banks said...
notice how the vdlr erases all of my most intellectual posts
and saves only the vulgar banter she can comprehend with her nominal IQ???
5:33 PM"
What in the world makes you think that ANYONE can erase a post on Field's blog, besides Field himself?
You're so stoopid.Hey AB. I noticed you never did answer my question from the previous thread. I'm going to keep asking until you do, 'cause I need to know these things:
"alicia banks said...
notice how the vdlr erases all of my most intellectual posts
and saves only the vulgar banter she can comprehend with her nominal IQ???
5:33 PM"
What in the world makes you think that ANYONE can erase a post on Field's blog, besides Field himself?
You're so stoopid.
Hey AB. I noticed you never did answer my question from the previous thread. I'm going to keep asking until you do, 'cause I need to know these things:
"alicia banks said...
notice how the vdlr erases all of my most intellectual posts
and saves only the vulgar banter she can comprehend with her nominal IQ???
5:33 PM"
What in the world makes you think that ANYONE can erase a post on Field's blog, besides Field himself?
You're so stoopid.Hey AB. I noticed you never did answer my question from the previous thread. I'm going to keep asking until you do, 'cause I need to know these things:
"alicia banks said...
notice how the vdlr erases all of my most intellectual posts
and saves only the vulgar banter she can comprehend with her nominal IQ???
5:33 PM"
What in the world makes you think that ANYONE can erase a post on Field's blog, besides Field himself?
You're so stoopid.Hey AB. I noticed you never did answer my question from the previous thread. I'm going to keep asking until you do, 'cause I need to know these things:
"alicia banks said...
notice how the vdlr erases all of my most intellectual posts
and saves only the vulgar banter she can comprehend with her nominal IQ???
5:33 PM"
What in the world makes you think that ANYONE can erase a post on Field's blog, besides Field himself?
You're so stoopid.Hey AB. I noticed you never did answer my question from the previous thread. I'm going to keep asking until you do, 'cause I need to know these things:
"alicia banks said...
notice how the vdlr erases all of my most intellectual posts
and saves only the vulgar banter she can comprehend with her nominal IQ???
5:33 PM"
What in the world makes you think that ANYONE can erase a post on Field's blog, besides Field himself?
You're so stoopid.Hey AB. I noticed you never did answer my question from the previous thread. I'm going to keep asking until you do, 'cause I need to know these things:
"alicia banks said...
notice how the vdlr erases all of my most intellectual posts
and saves only the vulgar banter she can comprehend with her nominal IQ???
5:33 PM"
What in the world makes you think that ANYONE can erase a post on Field's blog, besides Field himself?
You're so stoopid.
Hey AB. I noticed you never did answer my question from the previous thread. I'm going to keep asking until you do, 'cause I need to know these things:
"alicia banks said...
notice how the vdlr erases all of my most intellectual posts
and saves only the vulgar banter she can comprehend with her nominal IQ???
5:33 PM"
What in the world makes you think that ANYONE can erase a post on Field's blog, besides Field himself?
You're so stoopid.Hey AB. I noticed you never did answer my question from the previous thread. I'm going to keep asking until you do, 'cause I need to know these things:
"alicia banks said...
notice how the vdlr erases all of my most intellectual posts
and saves only the vulgar banter she can comprehend with her nominal IQ???
5:33 PM"
What in the world makes you think that ANYONE can erase a post on Field's blog, besides Field himself?
You're so stoopid.Hey AB. I noticed you never did answer my question from the previous thread. I'm going to keep asking until you do, 'cause I need to know these things:
"alicia banks said...
notice how the vdlr erases all of my most intellectual posts
and saves only the vulgar banter she can comprehend with her nominal IQ???
5:33 PM"
What in the world makes you think that ANYONE can erase a post on Field's blog, besides Field himself?
You're so stoopid.Hey AB. I noticed you never did answer my question from the previous thread. I'm going to keep asking until you do, 'cause I need to know these things:
"alicia banks said...
notice how the vdlr erases all of my most intellectual posts
and saves only the vulgar banter she can comprehend with her nominal IQ???
5:33 PM"
What in the world makes you think that ANYONE can erase a post on Field's blog, besides Field himself?
You're so stoopid.Hey AB. I noticed you never did answer my question from the previous thread. I'm going to keep asking until you do, 'cause I need to know these things:
"alicia banks said...
notice how the vdlr erases all of my most intellectual posts
and saves only the vulgar banter she can comprehend with her nominal IQ???
5:33 PM"
What in the world makes you think that ANYONE can erase a post on Field's blog, besides Field himself?
You're so stoopid.
STL said...
Vérité Parlant is Nordette Adams said...
A product of the Republican educational system that rewrites history books and neglects to teach critical thinking skills, perhaps?
It's easy to dismiss someone's critical thinking skills without displaying any of your own. Care to elaborate?
Vérité Parlant is Nordette Adams is a poser.
With nothing to say.
PilotX, "funny thing, so many people confuse morality with religiosity. Most of my friends are agnostic and/or atheists but some of the most moral and goodhearted people you can find."
Do you even know what morality is? If your friends are atheists they believe they are the alpha and the omega of the universe. No way to have a moral conscience like that. However, they can be goodhearted like everybody else.
pookies rule the world
they are proudly illiterate and fatally bored...and increasingly violent!!!
this is what the vdlr and her fertile dreg clones breed to doom us all!!!!
Hey AB. I noticed you never did answer my question from the previous thread. I'm going to keep asking until you do, 'cause I need to know these things:
"alicia banks said...
notice how the vdlr erases all of my most intellectual posts
and saves only the vulgar banter she can comprehend with her nominal IQ???
5:33 PM"
What in the world makes you think that ANYONE can erase a post on Field's blog, besides Field himself?
You're so stoopid.Hey AB. I noticed you never did answer my question from the previous thread. I'm going to keep asking until you do, 'cause I need to know these things:
"alicia banks said...
notice how the vdlr erases all of my most intellectual posts
and saves only the vulgar banter she can comprehend with her nominal IQ???
5:33 PM"
What in the world makes you think that ANYONE can erase a post on Field's blog, besides Field himself?
You're so stoopid.Hey AB. I noticed you never did answer my question from the previous thread. I'm going to keep asking until you do, 'cause I need to know these things:
"alicia banks said...
notice how the vdlr erases all of my most intellectual posts
and saves only the vulgar banter she can comprehend with her nominal IQ???
5:33 PM"
What in the world makes you think that ANYONE can erase a post on Field's blog, besides Field himself?
You're so stoopid.Hey AB. I noticed you never did answer my question from the previous thread. I'm going to keep asking until you do, 'cause I need to know these things:
"alicia banks said...
notice how the vdlr erases all of my most intellectual posts
and saves only the vulgar banter she can comprehend with her nominal IQ???
5:33 PM"
What in the world makes you think that ANYONE can erase a post on Field's blog, besides Field himself?
You're so stoopid.Hey AB. I noticed you never did answer my question from the previous thread. I'm going to keep asking until you do, 'cause I need to know these things:
"alicia banks said...
notice how the vdlr erases all of my most intellectual posts
and saves only the vulgar banter she can comprehend with her nominal IQ???
5:33 PM"
What in the world makes you think that ANYONE can erase a post on Field's blog, besides Field himself?
You're so stoopid.
You gonna answer the question or not, butt-face?
Here, in case you forgot:
"What in the world makes you think that ANYONE can erase a post on Field's blog, besides Field himself?"
How do you think the "vdlr" erases your "billiiant" posts?
pookies rule the world
and they are taking over all arenas
Vérité Parlant is Nordette Adams said...
"A product of the Republican educational system that rewrites history books and neglects to teach critical thinking skills, perhaps?"
Right on!
For the first time ever a Boy joins the girlscouts - because he is living life as a girl.
Thank you atheists and your push for lack of morals.
Thank you Democratic Politicaly Correct insane party.
This society is fucked or as Pilot would say diverse....wait did you mean perverse?
PilotX said...
Vérité Parlant is Nordette Adams said...
"A product of the Republican educational system that rewrites history books and neglects to teach critical thinking skills, perhaps?"
Right on!
You are aware that critical thinkers can perform simple calculations and see cause and effect? Not live in liberal/socialistic/progressive/demoncrat I wish I may and wish I might land? Changing the name of what you call the guy with no legs doesnt immediately qualify him to run a marathon - even he in contrast to demonrats know that.
PilotX said...
Vérité Parlant is Nordette Adams said...
"A product of the Republican educational system that rewrites history books and neglects to teach critical thinking skills, perhaps?"
Right on!
How so, Mr. Critical Thinker?
being a white conservative gives you the ability to be a closet racist
Well, someone needs to quote Lee Awater to Apostle Claver, Herman Cain and every other dumb ass negro running BACK to the plantation, (sorry, I ain't joining the suicide run).
In case you don't know, Lee Atwater was the political consultant and strategist to the Republican Party as well as advisor of George H.W. Bush and Ronald Reagan, both of whom employed the South Strategy. The following quote is Lee Atwater explaining the Southern Strategy and politics in the south.
You start out in 1954 by saying, "Nigger, nigger, nigger." By 1968 you can't say "nigger"—that hurts you. Backfires. So you say stuff like forced busing, states' rights and all that stuff. You're getting so abstract now [that] you're talking about cutting taxes, and all these things you're talking about are totally economic things and a byproduct of them is [that] blacks get hurt worse than whites.
And subconsciously maybe that is part of it. I'm not saying that. But I'm saying that if it is getting that abstract, and that coded, that we are doing away with the racial problem one way or the other. You follow me—because obviously sitting around saying, "We want to cut this," is much more abstract than even the busing thing, and a hell of a lot more abstract than "Nigger, nigger".
Those Southern politics took hold in the North as well.
Now, quote Lee Atwater to Apostle Claver and Herman Cain and ask them where the plantation is now: ask them who the racists are. Last words: black folks should be Independent.
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