They are calling it "Linsanity" in New York, and even for the hype capital of the world this is major.
I say this is a good thing. Anytime you get something out of the box and busting up stereotypes it's all good as far as I am concerned. Of course Asian dudes from Harvard don't usually go off in the NBA. So yes, dude is an anomaly, but he is an anomaly in a good way.
Floyd Mayweather is catching heat for these comments he made via a tweet:
"Jeremy Lin is a good player but all the hype is because he's Asian. Black players do what he does every night and don't get the same praise," Mayweather wrote on his Twitter account on Monday afternoon. [Source]
Yes Floyd, all the hype is because he is Asian. And not just any Asian riding the pines on an NBA bench in Charlotte. He is starting for the Knicks! That makes what he is doing special.
Sorry Floyd, you don't always have to call out the elephant in the room.
Personally, I want more whites, Asians, and people of all of other races getting their shine on the NBA. And I want more African American neurosurgeons like Ben Carson getting their shine on in hospitals all over the country. That's progress.
Finally, more from the color arousal department: (Thanks Francis)
" A white grandfather says he wound up in cuffs after being accosted by police, all for walking home with his black granddaughter.
Scott Henson, a former journalist who now researches for and blogs about the criminal justice system, wrote about the experience on his popular blog, "Grits for Breakfast."
Henson, who describes himself as "an almost stereotypical looking white Texas redneck," said he was walking home from a roller skating rink with his 5-year-old granddaughter Ty, who is African-American, on Friday night.
On the blog, Henson explains the relationship. Ty's mother is his goddaughter, and Henson and his wife often find themselves "tasked with unplanned impromptu babysitting duties, like hundreds of other parents and grandparents around Austin."
That night, Henson opted to walk home from the rink instead of having his wife come pick up him and Ty.
"This was a terrible mistake on Grandpa's part," he said.
According to the blog post, which was published Saturday, Henson was stopped by a deputy constable, who told him that there were reports of a white man kidnapping a black girl. He was ordered to step away from Ty, and the officer began to question the girl.
"He's my Grandpa!" Ty said, according to the blog post.
Satisfied, the officer released Henson and Ty, who continued to walk home until they were stopped again -- this time, by five flashing police cars and a crowd of police.
"The officers got out with tasers drawn demanding I raise my hands and step away from the child," Henson said. "I complied, and they roughly cuffed me, jerking my arms up behind me needlessly."
"Meanwhile, Ty edged up the hill away from the officers, crying."
Henson said he provided officers with phone numbers they needed to verify that Ty was his granddaughter, "but for quite a while nobody seemed too interested in verifying my 'story.'"
Police again questioned Ty, and Henson was eventually released.
Corporal Anthony Hipolito of the Austin Police Department verified that Henson was stopped on Feb. 10, as police were searching for a kidnapper who'd allegedly snatched a young black girl nearby.

"Officers verified that the man was her grandfather through a phone call to her mother, and they were released," Hipolito said to the Daily News.
Still, Henson, who has written about a similar experience on his blog before, isn't satisfied.
"How hard would it have been to perform a safety check without running up on me like I'm John Dillinger and scaring the crap out of a five-year-old?"
He also noted that he was released without an apology.
"I hated for a five-year-old to be subjected to such an experience,” Henson said. “I'd like her to view police as people she can trust instead of threats to her and her family, but it's possible I live in the wrong neighborhood for that." [Source]
Hmmm, this story is deep on a lot of levels. The po po could have done a better job of handling this situation. But were they wrong? This is, after all, A-merry-ca, and we are all color aroused in this post- racial world that we live in.
Let me know what you think.
Let me know what you think.
I think you left this out on purpose:
Jason Whitlock apologizes for Jeremy Lin tweet
Some lucky lady in NYC is gonna feel a couple of inches of pain tonight.
Did you hear about the guy in the white house who feeds Michelle O'Bamas? Apparantly she bit his fingers
21st century Texas, sure, but Austin Texas?
And cops wonder why folks don't trust or respect them. I've only ever known one (cop) who got it, a Highway Patrolman who testified against certain LAPD officers in 1992 & 93 before I went to law school with him.
I think this is a non-story, Field. This is white guy getting hassled by police in an attempt to protect a black girl. It doesn't fit the narrative of this site and should be ignored. Don't you have a sob story about some black criminal getting arrested?
Well, we got a story of an asian dude lighting up the NBA. Now we just need to find a story of a black dude supporting his family.
@ young Steve, or a white dude not killing his.
^^^^^^FUCK YOU, you meth addict!!!
Oops sorry Field, you got that one in before me!!!
Who writes the jokes for these trolls? I think we need to put out an APB for a new joke writer. These are all quite lame.
I wonder if Lin could guard Bron one on one I do not think so. There are Bro's who do this every night and May whether was correct , I am still wondering why you never addressed the Jewish guy calling for Obama to be killed. I just saying?
"I am still wondering why you never addressed the Jewish guy calling for Obama to be killed. I just saying?"
Yeah, me too. Not only Field and Granny, but the loud silence from the 'entire' black community has been deafening. It's very weird.
"The problem of the twentieth century is the problem of the color-line"- W.E.B Dubois
Same thing different century.
I am thrilled with Lin Jeremy for so many reasons. First he IS Taiwanese. Second, he is a Harvard Graduate. How many Harvard Grads make the NBA? Third, he has brought the Knicks and NYC back to life. Fourth, he is a very exciting player to watch. Fifth, he has added new interest in the NBA.
I wish him well. Go Lin!
"The problem of the twentieth century is the problem of the color-line"- W.E.B Dubois
Same thing different century."
I agree. While "color arousal" is certainly part of the problem, racial hatred is a "disease", an incurable disease from the beginning of human history.
field negro said...
Who writes the jokes for these trolls? I think we need to put out an APB for a new joke writer. These are all quite lame.
What is brown and comes in a box just in time for valentines day?
Whitney Houston
"What is brown and comes in a box just in time for valentines day?"
"Whitney Houston"
That was a cold-hearted and cruel thing to say! And it wasn't funny at all! In fact, it is barbaric to make a joke out of someone's death.
Misaka, 88, was 5 feet 7 inches when he played three games for the Knicks in November 1947. For a long time, he was remembered, if at all, as the first Asian-American player — the first nonwhite player, really — in the N.B.A.
Anon@12:23 you will have to do better than that. Telling lame racial jokes isn't going to get you to the big time.
But thanks for playing. I just hope you got the chocolate covered cross for the love of your life. Your first cousin will no doubt love it.
Couple comments about med school admissions:
1) over 80% of students of ALL races admitted have a parent or parents with "Dr". In front of their names.
2) over 90% of minority students with MCAT scores over 30 will be admitted to med school. Which is why the comments from my buttocks-sucking stalker mean absolutely nothing to me. Or that top Ivy League med school asking me to apply.
3) Med schools realize that minorities are FAR more likely to practice in areas with limited Physician resources, which they do. OTOH, poor whites RARELY return to their trailer park roots. The one PWT( poor white trash) Doc I know not only lives in Bethesda, MD though she's from rural Pennsylvsnia, she's a Dermatologist too boot!!
"I complied, and they roughly cuffed me, jerking my arms up behind me needlessly."
Another case of police brutality, so goddam ROUTINE1 I know it's not the thrust of the story, but @#$%^!&*!!
GrannyStandingforTruth said...
"What is brown and comes in a box just in time for valentines day?"
"Whitney Houston"
Thats funny.
Dr.Queen said...
Couple comments about med school admissions:
Med school admissions are based on affirmative action. Less qualified negros are taken over more qualified whites.
Which explains queen.
The woman who is not a DR but calls herself one nonetheless said..
1) over 80% of students of ALL races admitted have a parent or parents with "Dr". In front of their names.
So you think creating a fake name on a blog fulfills this requirement?
"over 90% of minority students with MCAT scores over 30 will be admitted to med school. Which is why the comments from my buttocks-sucking stalker mean absolutely nothing to me. Or that top Ivy League med school asking me to apply"
You said you were already accepted, therefore indicating you had applied - you are a liar.
3) Med schools realize that minorities are FAR more likely to practice in areas with limited Physician resources, which they do.
Who else wants an affirmative action DR? You have no choice, lets say by some chance you actually do apply and get accepted by some med school, go through and actually graduate then make it through rigid residency and internships and are still capable of walking at that ripe old age - you don't think you are just magically going to open an office in a nice neighborhood competing with competent Doctors that don't accept medicaid/medicare and a client base that can think do you? No if you ever actually went through with something (which you wont being a lifelong seeker and unachiever) the best slot you could get is at a medicaid clinic where they still believe in voodoo.
OTOH, poor whites RARELY return to their trailer park roots. The one PWT( poor white trash) Doc I know not only lives in Bethesda, MD though she's from rural Pennsylvsnia, she's a Dermatologist too boot!!
You do realize this fantasy life you live on blogs isn't real? The person you are looking down on is "Only" a dermatologist, practices in Maryland versus "pennsylvsnia" and yet you are nothing but a lifelong student approaching middle age who hasn't accomplished a thing and are NOT a Doctor of any type.
When delusions take over your life you need help.
Oh and with this kind of nasty attitude feeling superior without having accomplished one thing; you will never be a Doctor.
OK, your Philly boys are slacking-off, field. It's the 46th day of the year, and the KILLADELPHIA MURDER COUNT is ony up to 42!
I'll bet if the po po were to get off their fat azzes and search some dumpsters, they could improve on that number.
Oh well, it's gonna be a long hot summer.
Well, speak of the devil:
Is this a new one? Does this make 43?
Killing folks over dog crap. Philly really is a wonderful place to live.
Only in Obama's America
State Inspectors Searching Childrens Lunch Boxes: This Isnt China, Is It?
A mother in Hoke County complains her daughter was forced to eat a school lunch because a government inspector determined her home-made lunch did not meet nutrition requirements. In fact, all of the students in the NC Pre-K program classroom at West Hoke Elementary School in Raeford had to accept a school lunch in addition to their lunches brought from home.
The girls mother who said she wishes to remain anonymous to protect her daughter from retaliation said she received a note from the school stating that students who did not bring a healthy lunch would be offered the missing portions, which could result in a fee from the cafeteria, in her case $1.25
What got me so mad is, number one, dont tell my kid Im not packing her lunch box properly, the girls mother told CJ. I pack her lunchbox according to what she eats. It always consists of a fruit. It never consists of a vegetable. She eats vegetables at home because I have to watch her because she doesnt really care for vegetables.
When the girl came home with her lunch untouched, her mother wanted to know what she ate instead. Three chicken nuggets, the girl answered. Everything else on her cafeteria tray went to waste.
She came home with her whole sandwich I had packed, because she chose to eat the nuggets on the lunch tray, because they put it in front of her, her mother said. Youre telling a 4-year-old. oh. youre lunch isnt right, and shes thinking theres something wrong with her food.
The punchline? Moms lunch actually did meet the guidelines in this case.
field negro said...
Anon@12:23 you will have to do better than that. Telling lame racial jokes isn't going to get you to the big time.
But thanks for playing. I just hope you got the chocolate covered cross for the love of your life. Your first cousin will no doubt love it.
Awwwww - that was just "precious"
I was very sad when I heard of Whitneys death. The News of her death travelled with such speed. When I heard I couldn't help but crack up with emotion. She was a real heroin. It's such a blow. She really made a hash of things though. Her life just went to pot. Someone should have kept tabs on her and helped her toe the lines.
In Old News O.J did it and M.J was a pedophile.
Granny, a race of people who were the last to walk, have a language, or wash their collective funky asses can be expected to be barbaric.
Pretender, that story isn't quite the way you wingnuts are telling it. But I know that you all need something to keep you foaming at the mouth, so carry on.
this is why i despise all religions....shame!!!!!!!!!!
any black person who allows the racist sexist holy homohaters from that horridly demonic "westboro church" to diss whitney at her funeral will be cursed...god is watching these evil holy mfs!!!!
so many church nigs and her mom taught wh to hate herself...
she used drugs in vain to fill the fatal holes they fashioned within her
they will all pay via god and karma
Hey "Countin the love" where do u live? If you don't have an international airport,world class restaurants museums, universities, and cultural centers, I suggest that you STFU.
But I think you already knew that. There is not much for you to do in...........fill in your village, so ripping the birthplace of your country is pretty much it for you. Pathetic.
I'd believe Kola Boof before I'd believe anything you say, AB.
The point is, field.....I can VISIT any International airport,world class restaurant, museum, university, and cultural center I choose to. I can also walk out on my back deck anytime I please, and cut loose with my AR-15, or other assorted weapons. I don't think anybody is going to be shooting me over a pile of dog crap any time soon.
But, I wouldn't want to live in a city with such a horrendous murder and crime rate. Nothing personal against Philly, per se.
YOU'RE the one who has Killadelphia on the sidebar.
Gosh Field, you got comment moderation already and its barely early afternoon, lol?
Poor assnons, they'll probably explode at being so verbally restricted!!!
field negro said...
Hey "Countin the love" where do u live? If you don't have an international airport,world class restaurants museums, universities, and cultural centers, I suggest that you STFU.
But I think you already knew that. There is not much for you to do in...........fill in your village, so ripping the birthplace of your country is pretty much it for you. Pathetic.
Ahh, yes attack the critics but never look at the problems and who is causing them, who has caused them in similar situations and why, now that is pathetic.
What does Philly have in common with Milwaukee, Cleveland, St. Louis, Baltimore, Chicago, Buffalo, Detroit, Newark, Gary, Indianapolis and so on?
Detroit had some wonderful buildings, not so much anymore.
Continued crime, racial set-asides, violent entitlement mindset, more white flight/erosion of the tax base and all the freebies dry up, then what.
Mr. Field, that shooting of a neighbor by an angry bm over his own dog shit on other lawns only reveals how rageful people today are.
During the 70's Mother Teresa said America would come to this when Roe vs Wade was passed. When Mothers start killing their own babies(abortions) there will be nothing to stop neighbors from killing each other. America is headed for untenable violence.
Looks like Philly is leading the violence. Of course, I don't blame you for attacking "Countin the Love" for reminding Philadelphians of how violence makes a mockery of the "City of Brotherly Love". I used to live in Philly during the Rizzo days. I left because of the violence during those days. I am so glad I did because it continues to spiral downward into hell.
But don't worry, as violence rises in Philly, so goes the country...
Pretender, I bet you thought it was funny when your momma died. More than likely you threw her in a convalescent home and didn't even bother to go see her because you was too busy trying to pilfer her bank account.
You lowlife idiot!
"Granny, a race of people who were the last to walk, have a language, or wash their collective funky asses can be expected to be barbaric."
It's statements like this that make this pic so damn funny!
And speaking of ass cleaning.
Pretender, I bet you thought it was funny when your momma died. More than likely you threw her in a convalescent home and didn't even bother to go see her because you was too busy trying to pilfer her bank account.
You lowlife idiot!
Yes Granny some folks (they know who the are) tend to do that with their elderly.
I honestly believe that some of these wingnuts never drive past their local Wal-Mart. All the cities Anon.named above have wonderful attributes and things to love about them. But his ignorant ass wouldn't see that because of his fear of a brown planet.
GrannyStandingforTruth said...
Pretender, I bet you thought it was funny when your momma died. More than likely you threw her in a convalescent home and didn't even bother to go see her because you was too busy trying to pilfer her bank account.
You lowlife idiot!
Wait Granny, all of us who chuckled a bit at that joke apologize. We didnt realize that Whitney Houston was your mother. Now that we see your comparison it is clear, I mean why else would you compare someones mother to a drug addicted pop star. Please accept our condolences on the death of your mother. I guess nothing you could do about the drugs huh?
just for the record the granny's here in Norfolk and Virginia beach will not be going to Austin,Texas. walking with black little black people is the norm not
the exception....yes i said little black people not AA..looking for humor. Think of the "loving`s"
Anyone who would make fun of someone's death is a sick puppy. As much as I can't stand Jesse Lee Peterson, Sean Hannity, or Rush Limbaugh, I would never stoop that low. I would at least have some common decency, common sense, manners, grace; compassion and consideration for their grieving families who are hurting not to make those kinds of insensitive comments. I don't care who it is HURT FEELS THE SAME for them as it would for you or anyone else. Anyone who has ever lost a loved one in their lives ought to know how that feels. I'll miss her and she will be missed by those that she touched with her voice.
So, what if she used drugs in the past! Did it affect your life? Did it rob you of anything? Whitney didn't hurt anyone, but herself, and her loved ones. I hate that she made that mistake in her life, but she was still a human being, a very talented one at that, and ALL human beings make mistakes. No one can take that away from her no matter how hard they try to denigrate her and be stupid enough to make fun of her death. Making fun of her death does not in anyway make her look bad, it makes YOU look bad! It shows that you had no home training whatsoever and that you were taught to be a stupid disgusting animal!
Nevertheless, my prayers, compassion, and sympathy goes out to her family who has lost their loved one. BTW, I'm even praying for your stupid ass that the Lord will tenderize your stone cold, black evil heart.
Field, I'm signing off because some of these rightwing folks will make a preacher cuss. Like Stillapanther said, "They're not good for the blood pressure.
GrannyStandingforTruth said...
Anyone who would make fun of someone's death is a sick puppy.
This include those fn's who post here that made fun/make fun of the fact that Reagan died/ or is dead?
GrannyStandingforTruth said...
Anyone who would make fun of someone's death is a sick puppy. As much as I can't stand Jesse Lee Peterson, Sean Hannity, or Rush Limbaugh, I would never stoop that low. I would at least have some common decency, common sense, manners, grace; compassion and consideration for their grieving families who are hurting not to make those kinds of insensitive comments. I don't care who it is HURT FEELS THE SAME for them as it would for you or anyone else. Anyone who has ever lost a loved one in their lives ought to know how that feels. I'll miss her and she will be missed by those that she touched with her voice.
So, what if she used drugs in the past! Did it affect your life? Did it rob you of anything? Whitney didn't hurt anyone, but herself, and her loved ones. I hate that she made that mistake in her life, but she was still a human being, a very talented one at that, and ALL human beings make mistakes. No one can take that away from her no matter how hard they try to denigrate her and be stupid enough to make fun of her death. Making fun of her death does not in anyway make her look bad, it makes YOU look bad! It shows that you had no home training whatsoever and that you were taught to be a stupid disgusting animal!
Nevertheless, my prayers, compassion, and sympathy goes out to her family who has lost their loved one. BTW, I'm even praying for your stupid ass that the Lord will tenderize your stone cold, black evil heart.
Field, I'm signing off because some of these rightwing folks will make a preacher cuss. Like Stillapanther said, "They're not good for the blood pressure.
Granny, you seem a bit melodramatic and again unless Whitney was a person in your life you seem way, way out of touch with reality. Everyone dies, no one gets out alive. Everyone dies. What the hell does politics have to do with anything? You have so many wires crossed you don't seem to know exactly what it is that you are pissed about but no worries you will find something to be pissed at. You take yourself way to seriously about so many of the wrong things it seems. Life was meant to be savored and enjoyed and if we cannot laugh, we die. Are you going to visit with the "grieving family" who is hurting that you are crying for right now?
If you truly are a compassionate woman and I am sure you are, get out there and put all this emotion and energy and sorrow into saving some kids life from becoming a thug and maybe the next victim of violence, drugs or whatever and stop deluding them with false victimization. That is reality and if each person changed one kids life imagine what a difference that would make. All it takes is adult examples and leadership coupled with morals.
Now relax, Whitney was absolutely one of the best if not the best singers ever. However she chose to hang with a wannabe thug and do drugs and it destroyed her life and ultimately ended it. Very sad, very sad. But maybe a compassionate Grandmother could use this to teach the future generations the downfalls of drugs and abuse. That woudl be worth getting emotional about, anything else is just a waste of time that will fade until the next one.
"Dude has made the Knicks relevant again."
Ok let's not go too far here.
Hey Field, did you do the 2011 Coonies? Just curious if I missed it.
I'm glad they stopped him. I'm also glad he was who he said he was and the girl was not in danger. Too often, indifference is the norm when it comes to Black girls. Henson, if he truly cares for his granddaughter, will set aside his whining and crying for what happened to "him" and realize that it is not about "him." It's about a young child who belongs to a vulnerable demographic that officers of the law will do what it takes to protect. Shut up, Henson! If you cannot handle the parenting of a young Black girl without falling apart, then do her a huge favor and DON'T. BTW, welcome to our world.
Field, if this were a Black man with a white granddaughter, he wouldn't be writing about it at his blog; he'd be pushing up daisies.
I'm glad this white blogger wrote about what happened to him, so we can multiply it by ten and imagine what would have happened to a Black man walking home with his white granddaughter.
What a national shame it would have bbeen that the little blonde girl's ggrand-father was electrocuted and kkilled right before her eyes as she screamed, "Grandpa, Grandpa!"
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