It was a terrible tragedy. And the young men who did it should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. Thing is, the police are searching for the thugs who committed this terrible crime; and I am quite sure that when they are found they will be arrested and prosecuted. This is not quite the case with Trayvon Martin. He is dead and his killer has still not been arrested. Thankfully, Ms. Coon's son is still alive----Wait, did I say Mrs. Coon? I swear you can't make this stuff up--- I am happy for her, but Trayvon Martin's parents will never hug their child again.
Anyway, as is to be expected, rather than show mutual disgust and unite around an obvious injustice; wingnuts have chosen to play tit for tat and revert to childish we do it but you do it too, games.
"The only surprise, to me, is that there's any media coverage of this at all.
Had it been two white teens setting a black teen on fire, the entire ****ing world would've descended on Kansas City like a load of bricks.
Hypocrisy, thy name is minority rights.
Yes, those minorities always want a right to live. *shaking head*
A quick Google search brought me a full page of news about this story from major news sites such as CBS, Huffpo, the Daily Mail, and so on. So this story is being reported.
The Trayvon Martin story is being well reported now as well. At least by most credible news outlets. One news outlet that is not reporting the story is FOX NEWS. I suspect it is because they, too, are of the mindset that if the main stream media isn't going to blow up the attack of a white kid by blacks; well then they aren't going to report on the killing of a black youth by an out of control vigilante.
Typical FOX NEWS. And over on their website they are actually making jokes about Martin's murder.
"FOX News, long known for their propensity to either spin the news or ignore it, depending on their agenda, is once again making headlines for their near non-existent coverage of the Trayvon Martin case, reports Think Progress....
Though it should come as no surprise that FOX News doesn’t value justice for Black children and is taking a pro-actively racist stance by willfully suppressing Zimmerman’s crimes in the news, one would think that their viewers would be insulted by the narrow, white-washed view of the world that the network provides.
According to poll results released November of 2011, FOX News viewers are less informed than people who watch no news at all, reports the Huffington Post." [Source]
I guess I could try to use the old adage that two wrongs don't make a right. But it probably wouldn't do any good. Unfortunately, there are some folks in A-merry-ca who only see wrong when certain people do it.
"One news outlet that is not reporting the story is FOX NEWS."
No wonder field negros are so ill-informed.
Yep no FOX NEWS coverage at all.
C'mon SPC you ruined Fields fake liberal rant and tie FOX into everything plan. Remember Obama hates FOX it "talks too much" and isn't part of the Obama News Media funded by Soros - White House issues orders - Media Matters documents then gives instructions to MSNBC, NBC with specific emphasis on Schultz, Maddow and Sharpton for coordinated talking points. Also remember the black blogosphere reps visiting with Obama also get marching orders on protecting the unholy one and twisting the fabric of reality, pretty much what you have to do in order to believe any liberal fairy tale.
Field, did it have to take the murder of a black teen for you to report about what those two black asshole thugs in KC did to that poor white boy?
You are so biased about justice it's not even funny. You ought to be ashamed of yourself. You want justice for Trayvon Martin but you could care less about the white boy in KC.
Face it. Negroes are just a racist and don't care about injustices as long as they are not Black.
Don't misunderstand me. I want Zimmerman tried, found guilty and given the death sentence. I am sick and tired of those effing Cubans killing our people. But we need to be willing to get a whole lot of our asshole Blacks off the streets too.
Several posters had asked you about those two black teens in KC and you posted nothing. That's pretty cold. I guess Karma has a way of working its way back around, doesn't it?
Also, i have yet to find any coverage of the Kansas City hate crime on Fox. If anyone can, post the link.
SPChas Bill O'Reilly mentioned it ONCE? How about Sean Hannity? Any mention on Fox and Friends? We're talking about the tv portion not the online version. Try to keep up son.
Anyhoo, conservatives like to play the tit for tat games. Did you catch Newt's fake outrage about Robert DeNiro's comments? Conservatives aren't very bright or have good awareness. Their attempts to create false equivalence will turn off independent right thinking people.
"One news outlet that is not reporting the story is FOX NEWS."
SPC said, "No wonder field negros are so ill-informed."
8:16 PM
Very good, SPC. Not only have you exposed Field as a damn liar, but you have exposed the nature of his character, which is disgustingly black.
Just goes to prove Field is as untrustworthy as Fox News.
"Face it. Negroes are just a racist and don't care about injustices as long as they are not Black."
Because we know everyone else cares so much about us ad our rights. Notice the laughter at Trayvon's death. Damn right we better start caring about ourselves.
PilotX said...
SPChas Bill O'Reilly mentioned it ONCE? How about Sean Hannity? Any mention on Fox and Friends? We're talking about the tv portion not the online version. Try to keep up son.
Least 3 plus times, plus they have covered the story during the day. Try clicking the links.
Try to keep up son. Indeed
SPC, thanks for the truth. You saw an obviously stupid opening by Field and you took it. You are smarter than Field.
There is "nothing" more powerful to man than the truth. Thanks again.
PilotX said...
SPChas Bill O'Reilly mentioned it ONCE? How about Sean Hannity? Any mention on Fox and Friends? We're talking about the tv portion not the online version. Try to keep up son.
Anyhoo, conservatives like to play the tit for tat games. Did you catch Newt's fake outrage about Robert DeNiro's comments? Conservatives aren't very bright or have good awareness. Their attempts to create false equivalence will turn off independent right thinking people.
Oh its not false hardly ,you are accustomed to conservatives being the daddies, providers, builders and caretakers and just sucking up the abuse and hypocrisy. Dinero said "we don't want a white lady in the white house.
How about if Actors or anyone went out and said we had enough of the Black lady in the white house and need someone white again? If affirmative action and coddling ever ended liberalism would die the nasty death it deserves, nothing but infants indulging in me first childish fantasies and you never made the jump from childhood wishes to actual real world cause and effect. After all someone else is responsible to fix it, make it work, provide and maintain.
This is what happens when you don't watch FOX NEWS but get your info from leftwing kookssphere.
Same with Nancy Grace.
SPC said...
PilotX said...
SPChas Bill O'Reilly mentioned it ONCE? How about Sean Hannity? Any mention on Fox and Friends? We're talking about the tv portion not the online version. Try to keep up son.
Least 3 plus times, plus they have covered the story during the day. Try clicking the links.
Try to keep up son. Indeed
Read? F@uck that, you oppressed me, dat shit be racist expecting me to read and unnerstand and shit. trayvon didnt do nuffin f@ck that get YT even though he is spanish (we dont wanna fuck up obamas illegal vote base, it's all hes got)
BTW, Zimmerman is nowhere to be found. Did you expect him to hang around?
Field, will you be texting from Florida tomorrow? I am assuming that you will be marching in Sanford tomorrow? Go get 'em Field. I am so glad you are on our side instead of the wingnuts because you are a formidable opponent.
"How about if Actors or anyone went out and said we had enough of the Black lady in the white house and need someone white again?"
Once again, false equivalence. If you don't see the irony of DeNiro's joke then we have nothing to talk about. Conservatives aren't very smart.
Yeah Field, why aren't you using Stormfront to get your news and post stories about how whites are oppresed by blah people?
Reminds me of the question posed to Dr. King on Meet the Press when they asked him why he wasn't protesting the bad treatment whites receive at the hands of blah business owners. Man, conservative white people are the most insecure, selfish and self obsessed people I have every seen but seems they've always been that way. So in essence Field, you can't post about racism directed towards blah people unless you have equal time devoted to blah on white racism so say the racist trolls. I wonder if stormfront or stuff that blah people hate also devote equal time to white on blah racism or are only blah people supposed have equal representation?
"Least 3 plus times, plus they have covered the story during the day. Try clicking the links."
Wow, three whole times huh? No wonder you have to go to their site to catch it and not just watch it. Been watching Fox off and on the last few days and all I've seen is the vetting of Obama and now the shocking revelation Sandra Fleck only named Democratic congresswomen as sheroes. No wonder you're so well informed SPC.
Doesn't chance the fact that field got his facts wrong- just like you- because you don't watch FOX NEWS. You depend on others to tell you what to think.
PilotX, here is a very good Fox News video with Megan Kelly and two other Fox News reporters regarding the Florida incident. No where in this show did they give any indication that they were for Zimmerman.
You and Field need to take a rain check on your bias and bullshit about Fox News--on this you two look like fools with no reasoning capacity whatsoever.
BTW, there are other videos where Fox has been reporting about Trayvon Martin. All you have to do is check out the video links SPC sent you. I used to think you were a discerning fair-minded brother. But you are a lying crooked ass who is making SPC look better and better. You are STUPID.
"PilotX, here is a very good Fox News video with Megan Kelly and two other Fox News reporters regarding the Florida incident. No where in this show did they give any indication that they were for Zimmerman. "
Never said they were for Zimmerman. Why are you projecting your view onto me?
PilotX, you've been to long on the Democrat plantation to understand what's being pointed out.
The left is the masters at selective moral outrage.
"Doesn't chance the fact that field got his facts wrong- just like you- because you don't watch FOX NEWS. You depend on others to tell you what to think."
Actually I do watch Fox occassionally so guess you're wrong about that. Sure, I let Rachel Maddow think for me. I've linked my brain electronically to hers, makes my life that much easier. Even so at least she's smart and not a college dropoout like conservative leaders.
"PilotX, you've been to long on the Democrat plantation to understand what's being pointed out."
And once again SPC is wrong. Shocking. I'm not a Democrat.
"The left is the masters at selective moral outrage."
Actually I have to disagree with that one. Just watching Hannity I see so much fake outrage about nothing it would make Seinfeld proud.
PilotX, "Never said they were for Zimmerman. Why are you projecting your view onto me?"
Are you so shame-based and immature to admit you were too stupid to notice the video links SPC listed? Are you so small that you can't admit your mistake about Fox News? are you that full of hate?
You need help because your view of Fox News has blinded you to anything new. You poor, everyone knows about the nature of your character and it ain't pretty-it's ugly.
PilotX said...
And once again SPC is wrong. Shocking. I'm not a Democrat.
What was the name of the last Republican you voted for?
PilotX, "Sure, I let Rachel Maddow think for me. I've linked my brain electronically to hers, makes my life that much easier. Even so at least she's smart and not a college dropoout like conservative leaders."
9:27 PM
What a great idea! just let Rachel Maddow think for you because you can't think for yourself. Brilliant. Well, at least you know how to survive. I bet you were the first in line for affirmative action too. Isn't that how you managed to become a pilot? Lord help those passengers who have you as their pilot. I don't suppose you are willing to admit how many times you have been called on the carpet for endangering lives?
A wonderful graph can be found in this link.
Actually, it was a part of my post. But we know that wingnuts don't take the time to actually read the posts and follow the links.
Anyway, FOX NEWS is A-merry-ca's version of Radio Rwanda. Remember them? You winguts might want to Google it when you get a chance.
PilotX, once again you are trying to do the impossible: reason with a wingnut.
I commend you sir.
This was on Fox's web site.
"What was the name of the last Republican you voted for?"
Last I checked there were more than two political parties to vote for in elections. Also, I probabaly won't vote for a Republican until they adopt policies that I don't consider anti-science or overtly religious.
"I bet you were the first in line for affirmative action too. Isn't that how you managed to become a pilot? Lord help those passengers who have you as their pilot. I don't suppose you are willing to admit how many times you have been called on the carpet for endangering lives?"
Yep, cause we all know only white males have the capacity to be pilots. No way a blah person could pass the required FAA exams and have a spotless flying record good enough to be hired by a major airline. No way, must have been affirmative action. Such brilliance.
Noooooooo! Pilot X, was that really on a FOX website?
Oh my!
"Yep, cause we all know only white males have the capacity to be pilots. No way a blah person could pass the required FAA exams and have a spotless flying record good enough to be hired by a major airline. No way, must have been affirmative action. Such brilliance."
Now that's funny. :)
Oh dear god, now Hannity has Liz Cheney on to brief us about how he "apologizes" for America. He's being attacked for saying "I believe in American exceptionalism just as I suspect the Brits believe in British exceptionalism". Really? I agree with him but not Hannity and Cheney, they believe America has to be a world leader and isn't like any other country. Shallow fake outrage. If this is the best they got he's gonna win re-election.
In others words, you are a Democrat and thats who you vote for. Field negro won't admit he is lying? Go figure.
Just like field said " Nancy Grace won't cover our issues". All while Nancy is reporting about a black baby that was murdered and a black missing persons.
Thats what happens when you depend on the leftwing kookssphere to get your info.
Field, in your professional opinion where does this Trayvon Martin story end?
PilotX, every time I see the word "blah" on your comments, it REALLY makes me laugh out loud!!!
And great work Field, staying on top of the Tayvon story!!!
"One news outlet that is not reporting the story is FOX NEWS."
Fox News website is a part of fox news, correct?
The only reason why blacks and white Liberals are outraged, the only reason why the white liberal media is covering this is..
They thought the guy was white.
Thats it.
Remember, 10 dead, 40 shot, in obamaland last weekend. Haven't seen field post or much outrage in the media.
The Florida police department handling the fatal shooting of an unarmed black teen by a self-appointed neighborhood watch leader admitted to ABC News tonight that investigators missed a possible racist remark by the shooter as he spoke to police dispatchers moments before the killing.
The admission comes a day after the Justice Department announced that it has launched an investigation of the slaying of Trayvon Martin by George Zimmerman last month as a possible hate crime.
On a tape of one of Zimmerman's 911 calls the night of the shooting, he is heard saying under his breath what sounds like "f**ing coons." Seconds later he confronted Martin and after a brief scuffle shot him dead.
"In others words, you are a Democrat and thats who you vote for. Field negro won't admit he is lying? Go figure."
I don't need you to put words in my mouth. I vote for who I want to vote for and it's none of your business. I wrote what I do and if you can't except that then don't. Capiche?
Ernesto said...
The Florida police department handling the fatal shooting of an unarmed black teen by a self-appointed neighborhood watch leader admitted to ABC News tonight that investigators missed a possible racist remark by the shooter as he spoke to police dispatchers moments before the killing.
The admission comes a day after the Justice Department announced that it has launched an investigation of the slaying of Trayvon Martin by George Zimmerman last month as a possible hate crime.
On a tape of one of Zimmerman's 911 calls the night of the shooting, he is heard saying under his breath what sounds like "f**ing coons." Seconds later he confronted Martin and after a brief scuffle shot him dead.
Yeah, yeah and all over the media and everywhere else people like you been calling him white even though he is hispanic. Who gives a shit. He could have called him "ernesto" for all we care, the kid still attacked him and no spin will change that.
A grand jury wil indict him next month and he will be tried for murder. The feds can't try him for murder, but they will probably charge him with a civil rights violation.
The family will file a wrongful death suit, but I am pretty sure he doesn't have any substantial assets.
At the end of the day he probably pleads to manslaughter, serves some time, and A-merry-ca will move on to the next one.
Well Dr. Reine, you have to thank Pretty Ricky Santorun for that. Republicans are usually funny but not purposely.
@ 9:58 you a Kesha fan, LOL?
PilotX said...
Field, in your professional opinion where does this Trayvon Martin story end?
No arrest, self defense, witnesses and phone calls, physical damage to Zimmerman prove that. Negros riot in select spots, burn down where they live, use this as an excuse to loot, steal and be more violent and then wonder why people say they are violent. No one invests or helps the negros burn down where they live, whites leave, Negros can't function without white tax base, Detroit like downfall hastened in black cities. Alternative possibility, Hispanics and Blacks go to war even more than now and cities like Oakland etc result in escalated violence and killings with Blacks getting decimated because hispanics can organize and think better.
Another words, just another day in Black American Culture.
Dr.Reine c/o 2017 said...
@ 9:58 you a Kesha fan, LOL?
What did you say? All I heard was Blah, Blah, Blah.
I love Quiche especially Mushrooms and Spinach - umm, ummm, ummm healthy stuff.
I don't need you to put words in my mouth. I vote for who I want to vote for and it's none of your business. I wrote what I do and if you can't except that then don't. Capiche?
It may sound like "except" but it's really "accept" Please don't try and use Italian - it doesn't fit you. The word is capisce, not capiche, you hear wut I'm sayin, yo.
PilotX said...
I don't need you to put words in my mouth. I vote for who I want to vote for and it's none of your business. I wrote what I do and if you can't except that then don't. Capiche?
You were the one who claimed " i'm not a Democrat".
I just called bullshit.
"I just called bullshit."
No you made an incorrect assumption. But if you want to stick to your story you're more than welcomed to do such.
field negro said...
A grand jury wil indict him next month and he will be tried for murder. The feds can't try him for murder, but they will probably charge him with a civil rights violation.
Not unless they ignore the law and constitution, oh yeah Obama and Eric Holder in the department of Just Us "my people", they do that a lot, could be. We will see. Might not like the repercussions though and there will be those from now on.
"It may sound like "except" but it's really "accept" Please don't try and use Italian - it doesn't fit you. The word is capisce, not capiche, you hear wut I'm sayin, yo."
The last part of what you wrote certainly fits you.
"I don't suppose you are willing to admit how many times you have been called on the carpet for endangering lives?"
Funny thing is the vast vast majority of incident reports are from white males. Looking at the fatal accidents that involved U.S. Air Carriers and were ruled pilot error all of them were caused by white males. Interesting. Looks like you'd be safer flying with me than Bubba.
"One news outlet that is not reporting the story is FOX NEWS."
This doesn't exist? Zimmerman&mediatype=Video
"You were the one who claimed " i'm not a Democrat".
And as of an hour later I'm still not. I know it's hard to comprehend a blah person not a Democrat but that's the insidious nature of racist stereotypes, they lead to ignorance.
Wingnuts are not very smart people.
Yeah. Someone who has voted democrat all his life refuses to call himself a democrat.
Ok you have never voted for a Republican.
Can you name a Independent you've voted for?
@Pilot &Field
I can't understand why this guy can't understand that nearly since elections have begun there have been more than two parties.
Independents are on the ballot in most states and in many races. I always vote independent or definitely a candidate outside of the mainstream candidates.
I don't understand why people dont understand that. The two major parties are simply not the only choice, just the choices that those in power think we have, or would like to think we have.
Dr.Reine c/o 2017 said...
PilotX, every time I see the word "blah" on your comments, it REALLY makes me laugh out loud!!!
"I don't understand why people dont understand that. The two major parties are simply not the only choice, just the choices that those in power think we have, or would like to think we have."
Um, Mell stop giving our troll hints. It isn't smart enough to figure out there are more than two parties. But you have cracked the conservative psyche. Their thought processes are usually binary and aren't really able to thoink outside of certain constraints. To them life is A or B not knowing liberated thinkers have C,D,E,F....
I bet you more than one racist moron out there thinks "if they won't talk about the slavery of whites by blacks, why should we remember or compensate for white on black slavery?".
Extremes of white self-pity are typically accompanied by unhinged, delusional states of mind. These springing from deep rage and hatred which itself is a result of an infinite sense of self-entitlement thwarted by reality and morality.
Then again Mell this fool's name is White Man trying to survive in Black-run America.
Either a humor troll or too stupid to function.
Since Trayvon Martin was shot, 56 other black teens have killed in America. The difference is that they were all killed by other blacks.
But all we care about is Trayvon.
A pathetic response to a terible tragedy.
See Mell, it still hasn't figured out voting. No wonder these dumbassed conservatives have their panties in a bunch about voting fraud, they don't understand the system. Typical conservative ignorance.
I'm betting this "person" thinks the Dems are liberals. Ha! Stupidity knows no bounds.
I'm sure George Zimmerman will receive justice, with hordes of negroes in the streets calling for his head, and threatening to riot if they don't see him lynched.
Life in Obamerica.
'I bet you more than one racist moron out there thinks "if they won't talk about the slavery of whites by blacks, why should we remember or compensate for white on black slavery?".
Extremes of white self-pity are typically accompanied by unhinged, delusional states of mind. These springing from deep rage and hatred which itself is a result of an infinite sense of self-entitlement thwarted by reality and morality."
Grab a handle and stick around a while. We need a few enlightened posters.
mellaneous said...
@Pilot &Field
I can't understand why this guy can't understand that nearly since elections have begun there have been more than two parties.
Its not about understanding our election system.
Its about lying ass field negros.Like px and field negro.
"One news outlet that is not reporting the story is FOX NEWS."
Total bullshit
"and threatening to riot if they don't see him lynched."
Only Trayvon got lynched but then again that's what happens to blah people in amerikkka. My bet is racist fools said the same thing when Emmitt Till was lynched. There more things change......
"Total bullshit"
OK, every blah person here is a liar and can't be trusted so take your ass back to stormfront with the rest of the redneck hillbillies and tell them how you told us off. We know your type scooter.
PilotX said...
Only Trayvon got lynched but then again that's what happens to blah people in amerikkka.
No, Trayvon got shot, which is happening more and more to blah people in amerikkka because everybody else is tired of being a victim.
Trayvon jumped a dude with a gun. Game over.
It's like a war zone in here! :)
Mell, "I can't understand why this guy can't understand that nearly since elections have begun there have been more than two parties."
You see Mell, this is why you bother me as a fellow bm. The problem is clear: Field clearly lied about Fox News. He said the Trayvon Martin incident was not covered by Fox News. He out and out LIED. Field is famous for attacking Fox for their slants and biased news. He has out and out called them LIARS. Yet, he LIES.
Why is it folks like you, who's suppose to be honest and independent say nothing? I thought you were a straight-up brother who called it like it is. Are you a lying racist like PilotX and Field too?
A man trying to survive in a BRA?
I guess that sounds about right, lol!!!
Desertflower said...
It's like a war zone in here! :)
Yeah and Pile it X is shooting blanks.
field negro said...
"It may sound like "except" but it's really "accept" Please don't try and use Italian - it doesn't fit you. The word is capisce, not capiche, you hear wut I'm sayin, yo."
The last part of what you wrote certainly fits you.
Sho nuff is dat be me allllllright. I wit u on dat Trayvon thing. Dat po boi din't do nuffin dey sey he be beatin on dat spinach man so wut he din't have to gone and kill em I'm gone get my hoodie and go march wit da millun hoodies. We proud we gone spit in the face of society and make sure dey no we want to look like criminals who hide dey face den we gone do dat who dey to tell us just because so many tieves wear hoodies dat it aint good
Desertflower, "It's like a war zone in here! :)"
Yes, it is a raging war. Well, Field started it when he lied about Fox News. They don't deserve that. Then that sorry ass Pilot called "X" tried support Field's OUTRAGEOUS LIE about an outstanding cable network. That's enough to piss anybody off.
You might as well join in the war, but drop the "flower" bit. Flowers are about love, and don't make it in war zones. But I love you anyway even though I am willing to stand up for the truth about Fox News. I swear. Leftists have no moral whatsoever.
When Romney gets in the WH, I am going to request he shut down FN on the basis of what Field's post today was a "damn" lie about Fox News.
I am sorry to say and very embarrassed to say it, but "Field is the Black Breitbart of the our blogosphere! He just makes up shit.
How do you explain such bs to people like PilotX who idolizes Field? You can't. The man is morally depraved and Satan has a special red carpets for out and out liars.
I know, I know. I'm being hard on a man 50+, who probably is very sorry for his transgression against Fox, esp after I have chewed his ass out. But it's too late to ask for forgiveness now. He should have thought about what he was writing before he posted it. I knew I'd get his ass one day.
Fox is one cable news outlet. The vast majority of people get their news from the MSM. Fox is hated because they are the only TV newes outlet that doesn't propagandize for the democrats. It's become a reflex for people like Field to blame fox News for all the ills in the world.
Another negro gets shot (happens on average every three hours), and Field's response is to blame Fox News. This is why Black people get nowhere.
Awwwwww! I love you too! :)
Thanks for the recap of all the events here.
I wish I had satellite TV again, cuz, I just can't keep up with current events anymore!
As for Fox news, actually I used to watch Sheppard Smith and Greta Van Susteren. Sometimes Hannity and Colmes because I liked the sparring between them, with Colmes presenting the liberal view.
Anyway, back to the situation here in America, so much for the great melting pot!
Amazing how the Lamestream Media paints things they way they want, for whatever reasons they have.
On Trayvon; facts you either aren't getting or choose to ignore:
Trayvon was 6'3" tall and almost 18 years old. He is not the 13 year old little boy they keep showing in the propaganda picture. Why show this one? Why not the one of him with the hoodie?
1. When police officers arrived, George Zimmerman had a bloody nose and was bleeding from a wound on the back on his head.
2. Zimmerman had wet grass stains all over his back. He was on his back.
2. The eyewitness who called 911 said Zimmerman was the one who screamed for help.
3. The eyewitness also reports that Zimmerman was on the ground and Martin was on top of him beating on him.
4. Almost all media outlets have lied about what race George Zimmerman is (he is a Latino/Mestizo), Not that this matters to anyone but Racist's looking to incite Black Racism.
5. Police in Sanford released numerous details MSM isn't covering such as They played the call for Trayvons father - when he listened to it HE said the voice yelling for help was not Trayvon (anyone can hear it's zimmerman).
6. Prosecuters advised Sanford Police they did not have enough evidence to arrest Zimmerman. The police did not make the decision.
7. Trayvon Martin was the aggressor and hit Zimmerman as he got out of the car.
8. Trayvon Martin was suspended for a week from his HS and was sent for his father to straighten out up in Sanford, where he was at his fathers girlfriends house.
8. Eyewitness who was heard on the 911 call said:
John: “The guy on the bottom (Zimmerman) who I believe had a red sweater on was yelling to me ‘help, help’. I told him (Trayvon) to stop (beating Zimmerman) and called 911.
Narration: John locked his patio door, ran upstairs and heard at least one gun shot.
John: And then when I got upstairs and looked down, the person (Trayvon), who was on top, beating up the other guy, was the one laying in the grass and I believe he was dead at that point.”
Twin lakes is over 50% Minority it is not a white upper class Neighborhood. It saw rash of black crime leading up to shooting.
"The answer may lie in police records, which show that 50 suspicious-person reports were called in to police in the past year at Twin Lakes. There were eight burglaries, nine thefts and one other shooting in the year prior to Trayvon’s death."
In all, police had been called to the 260-unit complex 402 times from Jan. 1, 2011 to Feb. 26, 2012.
“He once caught a thief and an arrest was made,” said Cynthia Wibker, secretary of the homeowners association. “He helped solve a lot of crimes.”
Zimmerman told neighbors about stolen laptops and unsavory characters. Ibrahim Rashada, a 25-year-old African American who works at U.S. Airways, once spotted young men cutting through the woods entering the complex on foot, and later learned items were stolen those days.
“It’s a gated community, but you can walk in and steal whatever you want,” Rashada’s wife, Quianna, said.
They discussed the topic with Zimmerman when the watch captain knocked on their door late last year. Zimmerman seemed friendly, helpful, and a “pretty cool dude,” Ibrahim Rashada said.
"4. Almost all media outlets have lied about what race George Zimmerman is (he is a Latino/Mestizo), Not that this matters to anyone but Racist's looking to incite Black Racism."
Nope, almost every media oiutlet has identified Zimmerman as Latino.
"8. Trayvon Martin was suspended for a week from his HS and was sent for his father to straighten out up in Sanford, where he was at his fathers girlfriends house."
So what? That gives someone the right to shoot him?
"7. Trayvon Martin was the aggressor and hit Zimmerman as he got out of the car."
And you know this how? Did Glenn Beck tell you? BTW Zimm was told to stay in his car soooooooooo.
Funny, just like in the "good old" days, when a blah person is lynched good god fear'n white people defend the killer. Ed Shultz was right, this is the modern Emmitt Till case. The more things change......
@ FactualNews:
Thank you for that exhaustive explanation of the events leading up to Trayvon Martin's death. You have pretty much shown that George Zimmerman's actions were defensible under the law, and that he will not be charged with murder.
Black Americans will act like rational, thinking adults, and will not riot and loot pampers and TV sets when this is announced.
PilotX said...
Funny, just like in the "good old" days, when a blah person is lynched good god fear'n white people defend the killer. Ed Shultz was right, this is the modern Emmitt Till case. The more things change......
These are the "new" good old days, the Black Run America good old days, where blacks get to do the lynching.
Ed Schultz is a lunatic. Emmit Till wasn't a punk who jumped a guy with a gun. Trayvon acted like a fool and wound up dead. Based on his already being thrown out of high school, the kid was likely to have killed someone someday.
George Zimmerman is the one the mob is after, and the mob is all blah people. Well guess what? You can't lynch him. We aren't going to let you.
Pile It X Said...
"And you know this how? Did Glenn Beck tell you? BTW Zimm was told to stay in his car soooooooooo.
Funny, just like in the "good old" days, when a blah person is lynched good god fear'n white people defend the killer. Ed Shultz was right, this is the modern Emmitt Till case. The more things change......"
Pilot apparantly you can't think unless Rachel Maddow tells you what to think, then you laughingly spew some stupid talking points. Your entire comment is a joek "Blah People" this has what to do with the facts? Glenn Beck - who is he and what does he have to do with the facts? Good old days" - You should stop living in fear and reliving books you have read" Oh you agree with Sgt Schultz, but of course you do.
Ok now that your mindwiped diversionary nonsense has been dealt with. Are you capable of reading and seeing all the links to the police reports, interviews by Reporters from various newspapers? You can read right?
The facts were there since day one, for whatever reason the Left MSM wants blacks to riot. And here you come with your typical Ignore evidence, witnesses, facts and logic and start dancing woe-wees mee it's just like Emmet till and Ed Schultz says so, so it must be true. The blame someone for pointing out the truth - "you a bad man for defendin the killer"
Wow, you literally have tried every tactic you have except just seeing the truth. I am not defending anyone. I have no personal interest other then I loathe liars and the MSM spin machine and emotional racists like you who will not think but want to protest. I give you benefit of the doubt that you can read and think and simply have chosen not to and allowed Schultz and Maddow to think for you. They do know whats good for you better than you do anyway.
Last fact, why did Tayvon's family lawyers block access to news media of his school records? You don't get suspended for five days from school for anything good. Look another link without one "someone tole me so" comment.
Dear Mr. Field, attached is a link that you will find regarding Mr. Santorum and his 'sweater vests'.
I think you will find it most interesting since you made a disparaging remark some time ago about Rick and his sweater vests. Which you mentioned that he would get rid of.
Well, Mr. Field, surprise surprise. Rick Santorum's sweater vests are a big hit in America. Everyone wants one. This proves that you don't know shit about how to dress.
Sweater vests are the latest fashion and you and your flashy well-tailored suit with the bow tie are out dated, and cannot match Santorum's GQ sweater vests.
Mr. Field, it looks like you have lost on all fronts tonight. You just can't do anything right. I am so sorry this is happening. I hate to see a good brother go down in flames.
PilotX said...
"4. Almost all media outlets have lied about what race George Zimmerman is (he is a Latino/Mestizo), Not that this matters to anyone but Racist's looking to incite Black Racism."
Nope, almost every media oiutlet has identified Zimmerman as Latino.
Your either insane or a liar, even Field was still calling him White yesterday.
"8. Trayvon Martin was suspended for a week from his HS and was sent for his father to straighten out up in Sanford, where he was at his fathers girlfriends house."
So what? That gives someone the right to shoot him?
False equivalence, no. But knocking a man to the ground, beating the shit out of him and not listening to help, get off, stop from him or the witness does. In any case as the MSM and you are saying he was an honor student never in trouble a good kid, no way he could EVER have jumped that man. Then the truth that he was tossed from school because of something he did and that His families lawyers are blocking his school records so no one knows what he did DO indicate he wasn't such an angel.
"7. Trayvon Martin was the aggressor and hit Zimmerman as he got out of the car."
We already went through this infantile talking point of yours.
Sweater vests are the latest fashion and you and your flashy well-tailored suit with the bow tie are out dated, and cannot match Santorum's GQ sweater vests.
Mr. Field, it looks like you have lost on all fronts tonight. You just can't do anything right. I am so sorry this is happening. I hate to see a good brother go down in flames.
Do they make Hoodie Vests?
"Your either insane or a liar, even Field was still calling him White yesterday."
Neither, been following this case on tv for days and every single outlet identified him as Latino. Iknow Fox ignored the story and that might be what you're talking about and in that case you would be correct. And Field also stated he was Latino days ago, look through the comments but why let facts get in the way of your rant skippy.
22. Police ignored witness whose account different from Zimmerman.“One of the witnesses who heard the crying said she called a detective repeatedly, but said he was not interested because her account differed from Zimmerman’s.” [Miami Herald]
What about Tyrone Dale David Woodfork motherfuckers?
I gots to get out of here.
10. According to neighbors, Zimmerman was “fixated on crime and focused on young, black males.” [Miami Herald]
11. Zimmerman “had been the subject of complaints by neighbors in his gated community for aggressive tactics” [Huffington Post]
The facts are in, Pilot X. Zimmerman was justified. You are going to have to accept it sometime.
Here is a very tough question for all Negroes to ponder: The top two racist states in America are Texas and Florida.
Given their racist history, which one is #!?
Field, do you have a Racistmeter that you could put next to your Killadelphia meter?
Pile It X said...
"Your either insane or a liar, even Field was still calling him White yesterday."
Neither, been following this case on tv for days and every single outlet identified him as Latino. Iknow Fox ignored the story and that might be what you're talking about and in that case you would be correct. And Field also stated he was Latino days ago, look through the comments but why let facts get in the way of your rant skippy.
Sigh, you really are a bad liar, I know you aren't this much of an inellectual lightweight. Yet another FOX talking point? You know I don't own the station or give a shit don't you? Weren't you already embarrassed for copying that "FOX didnt report it" talking point?
CBS began the coverage on 3/16, they called Zimmerman a white male, every news outlet thereafter followed suit. Even Fields comment section yesterday referenced a bunch of articles that still said he was white. But the only point is that you really seem to get confused with facts and timelines. Call him anything you want, whatever makes your leg tingle or your Sargeant Shultz.
Pile It X said...
22. Police ignored witness whose account different from Zimmerman.“One of the witnesses who heard the crying said she called a detective repeatedly, but said he was not interested because her account differed from Zimmerman’s.” [Miami Herald]
Actually Pile It X do some more research. The woman refused to talk to police on the night it happened. "She did not want to get involved" then mysteriously days later she called complaining nobody wanted to talk to her. More Black pressure game playing.
There is a recording - you can hear zimmerman cry for help.
An eyewitness also recorded on the phone while it happened saw it and his 911 recording matches.
Bruises and blood and gashes on zimmerman do indicate he was beat up
Eyewitness saw Trayvon beating his ass told him to get off and called 911
Trayvon shot in the chest (just like would happen if he were on top of the guy.
Bullet trajectory will put the final touches on this case and end the lies.
PilotX said...
10. According to neighbors, Zimmerman was “fixated on crime and focused on young, black males.” [Miami Herald]
Wheres the link? The report that I read had no names and was unverified as the other gibberish from the typical made up stuff Huffington Post. All the eyewitness accounts had names.
But ok go with it. Of course he did. Blacks were cutting holes in fences to get in and rob the houses and he was a crime watch captain. You do get that people actually try and stop stuff like this in the real world don't ya? You do understand that if Black criminals are committing crime it shoudl be normal to say so, in the real world not the PC protect your feelings world.
11. Zimmerman “had been the subject of complaints by neighbors in his gated community for aggressive tactics” [Huffington Post]
Yeah, again No names, but just made up stuff. We know how Huffington operates, just like with other stories where no sources were provided, yet the links I provided that said good things about him had names. More bullshit spin.
What about the other two dozen facts that really matter that you glossed over? Rachel and Ed didn't give you answers for those yet?
Baby-daddy, Tracy Martin, was laying
in the cut so tough, that he did not notice until the next day that his son had not returned from the convenience store.
Is that the way baby-daddies behave in Jamaica, field?
There is a recording - you can hear zimmerman cry for help.
An eyewitness also recorded on the phone while it happened saw it and his 911 recording matches.
Bruises and blood and gashes on zimmerman do indicate he was beat up
"Eyewitness saw Trayvon beating his ass told him to get off and called 911
Trayvon shot in the chest (just like would happen if he were on top of the guy.
Bullet trajectory will put the final touches on this case and end the lies."
I recall Field asking you or some other ignorant anon for a link to the "fact" that Trayvon was witnessed beating Zimmerman. So I see how this works, dismiss my posts that includes links but make up bullshit and act like it's a fact. Right. Typical conservative. Tick tock goofball, I'll wait for your link which we all know isn't coming. That's why you post as an anon, not enough courage or intelligence to mix it up with the big dogs. I get it. Just as cowardly as Zimmerman.
Pile It X AKA Fido Said....
"I recall Field asking you or some other ignorant anon for a link to the "fact" that Trayvon was witnessed beating Zimmerman. So I see how this works, dismiss my posts that includes links but make up bullshit and act like it's a fact. Right. Typical conservative. Tick tock goofball, I'll wait for your link which we all know isn't coming. That's why you post as an anon, not enough courage or intelligence to mix it up with the big dogs. I get it. Just as cowardly as Zimmerman.
You really are a nitwit. Holy shit the retard in the corner is ashamed of you. The link is above in the original post. I tire of playing with someone who either can't read or won't. Are you seriously this stupid? You can't just be playing this dumb to everyone all night, can you?
Your posts have NO LINKS you copied ernestos from yesterday that simply said (MIAMI Herald)dimwit.
Then you polish it off with some grade school evasive nonsense. Cowardly, anon, can't hang with the big dogs? Jeez do you ever get any new evasive material? Well judging by your intellect and reading capability you may just have the big dog part right - here boy - now, now, don't pee on my carpet and no I will not pet you.
All the Facts that smack you in that no doubt Bulbous forehead of yours can't simply be widdershinned away with childish inanities. In fact here; I scrolled up and recopied the link just so you now have to come up with some more infantile talking points or wait until Rachel, Ed or Al tell you what to say.
Ok now I know this is a struggle for you and you obviously don't understand as you said you posted links when you didn't and then you can't find links that are there. See Below...see that last paragraph that begins with http://
thats the link buckwheat. Let me know if you need instructions on how to access it - Rover and just so you don't get confused again here is a snippet of the eyewitness comments to a reporter.
8. Eyewitness who was heard on the 911 call said:
John: “The guy on the bottom (Zimmerman) who I believe had a red sweater on was yelling to me ‘help, help’. I told him (Trayvon) to stop (beating Zimmerman) and called 911.
Narration: John locked his patio door, ran upstairs and heard at least one gun shot.
John: And then when I got upstairs and looked down, the person (Trayvon), who was on top, beating up the other guy, was the one laying in the grass and I believe he was dead at that point.”
FUCK, this sucks so hard.
Tracy Martin is a male:
Man shot and killed in neighborhood altercation
Updated: Wednesday, 14 Mar 2012, 3:58 PM EDT
Published : Monday, 27 Feb 2012, 4:55 PM EST
On Monday afternoon, a FOX 35 News crew met with Tracy Martin who said the victim in the shooting is her 17-year-old son, Trayvon, who was visiting from Miami.
Read more:
Lying FOX News 35
It's amazing how folks can just make up their own "facts". Thank goodness for audio tapes and eye witnesses.
But this is the Radio Rwanda world in which we live. *shaking head*
George Zimmerman deserves to go to jail, and hopefully he will share a cell with someone who has been watching the news and is very upset.
"Well, Mr. Field, surprise surprise. Rick Santorum's sweater vests are a big hit in America. Everyone wants one. This proves that you don't know shit about how to dress."
I don't think so. My sartorial credentials are impeccable. Ricky, on the other hand, not so much. :)
Unfortunately, there are some folks in A-merry-ca who only see wrong when certain people do it.
Yeah, like you. Maybe if all the other violence and thuggery didn't happen, or at least was reported with the same horror and indignation and threats of White rioting that this case has seen, Zimmerman wouldn't have been so fed up and angry and on the edge. People are sick of double standards and hypocrisy in reporting black on white violence by the likes of CNN. And you are one of the biggest hypocrits. "Color aroused" my ass. It is in my best interest to be "color aroused."
PilotX said...
Neither, been following this case on tv for days and every single outlet identified him as Latino. Iknow Fox ignored the story and that might be what you're talking about and in that case you would be correct. And Field also stated he was Latino days ago, look through the comments but why let facts get in the way of your rant skippy.
More bullshit from field negros.
ABC National News, March 18“Zimmerman, 28, who is white”
Chicago Tribune, March 19“George Zimmerman, 28, who is white”
Miami Herald, March 18th: “fatally shot by a white neighborhood”
The Huff Po,NAACP and the Rev. Al Sharpton, said they are preparing to join the family of Martin, who was black. Zimmerman is white.
sfgate, into the shooting death of an unarmed black teen allegedly by a white man.
I could go on.
Why are field negros so ill-informed?
field negro said...
It's amazing how folks can just make up their own "facts".
Yes it is. He's a perfect example.
"One news outlet that is not reporting the story is FOX NEWS." Zimmerman&mediatype=Video
This blog is about a bigot complaining about bigotry...O the irony. lol
Here’s the best thing I’ve read yet on the Trayvon Martin case
The second world war had a civilising influence on Buford Posey, a white man raised in the Deep South during the Depression. "When I was coming up in Mississippi I never knew it was against the law to kill a black man," he says. "I learned that when I went in the army. I was 17 years old. When they told me I thought they were joking."
Negroe Myns, do you recommend skittles and ice tea as a snack for your scion?
You and your son go by your BISHES crib to watch the game; she already has snacks there waiting, for you and your son.
I can imagine a scenario similar to this one:
No!!, you are lying, you are not with your son, you are running one of your other HEAUXES.
No, I am not lying, I will bring him on by.
Oh, you do have your son with you; I apologize.
No, that apology won't do; you are going to apologize with some of that pssuy.
Son, make your self scarce, saunter on down to the 7-11 and then saunter back; take your time whilst I break off a piece of this ssa real quick.
12-hours later:
Oopz, I fell asleep whilst laying pipe; where is my son?
Wow Field the mean spirited and the posers are really hard at it.
-The anon who continues to say Zimmerman was the person screaming should provide a link. The screaming on the tape sounds like a youth not a grown man. And doesn't make sense that Zimmerman would be screaming and then shoot someone.
- They continue to fail to understand that Cubans esp in Florida are for all practical purposes white, they just speak Spanish. So its accurate to say a white man because indeed they are they just have Spanish heritage, which by the way in the US would be considered white.
- This incident has actually in some cases brought some white and black understanding. Isn't it odd that a primarily black blog - or that what it started out as, now its primarily a depository for right wing derision and crackpot and racist hate- we have to defend even the idea that a crime was committed.
- And Field there is no need to justify yourself. Just as you give everyone and anyone to come on to your blog and speak their mind unedited and uncensored, you too have the right to focus on whatever you chose to focus on, you don't have to defend your posts. The point of blogging is to write about what you want to write about and sometimes cover things and issues that the mainstream press fails to cover.
- At bottom only the real idealogue would fail to see that this guy Zimmerman is cupable on some level in the death of Trayvon.
The right wing racist crowd is right we don't know all of what happened, but we know enough to know that Trayvon should not have been confronted to begin with and that Zimmerman should under no circumstances have continued to follow Trayvon or leave his vehicle.
He no doubt violated a few minor legal laws and may be guilty of reckless endangerment or even a form of manslaughter.
And he definitely violated the laws that govern how we relate to our fellow man. Those who disagree with that are simply indecent themselves.
The Purple Cow said...
Here’s the best thing I’ve read yet on the Trayvon Martin case
The second world war had a civilising influence on Buford Posey, a white man raised in the Deep South during the Depression. "When I was coming up in Mississippi I never knew it was against the law to kill a black man," he says. "I learned that when I went in the army. I was 17 years old. When they told me I thought they were joking."
Now how in the world did your brain make the connection from a long dead White guy in WWII to a Hispanic man defending himself from a violent Negro who was trying to see his brains?
"Actually Pile It X do some more research. The woman refused to talk to police on the night it happened. "She did not want to get involved" then mysteriously days later she called complaining nobody wanted to talk to her. More Black pressure game playing.
There is a recording - you can hear zimmerman cry for help.
An eyewitness also recorded on the phone while it happened saw it and his 911 recording matches.
Bruises and blood and gashes on zimmerman do indicate he was beat up
Eyewitness saw Trayvon beating his ass told him to get off and called 911
Trayvon shot in the chest (just like would happen if he were on top of the guy.
Bullet trajectory will put the final touches on this case and end the lies."
Asshole at 4:27 show me the link to this comment. I'll wait. Tick tock son.
mellaneous said...
Wow Field the mean spirited and the posers are really hard at it.
Yet you are still working harder.
-The anon who continues to say Zimmerman was the person screaming should provide a link. The screaming on the tape sounds like a youth not a grown man. And doesn't make sense that Zimmerman would be screaming and then shoot someone.
Jeez, flight of the bumblebrainless
Stop hitting me, help, help, help, while going for his gun help , got the gun in between us Bang...make sense now? The link has been provided four times, can you read or what?. News reporter even interviewed the witness who again verified he saw trayvon on top beating zimmerman, then later after the bang trayvon wasn't beating him and was on the ground so the self defense worked, it stopped trayvon.
- They continue to fail to understand that Cubans esp in Florida are for all practical purposes white, they just speak Spanish. So its accurate to say a white man because indeed they are they just have Spanish heritage, which by the way in the US would be considered white.
Man what a racist you are. You say you are a man of god but you are just a hateful POS. Cubans are not white, cubans are extremely ethnic and latino and many, many are Black you lying dumbass. But what do you have against Cubans? And since when is Spanish heritage white? You will stoop to any level of lies to try and make your point won't you.
- This incident has actually in some cases brought some white and black understanding. Isn't it odd that a primarily black blog - or that what it started out as, now its primarily a depository for right wing derision and crackpot and racist hate- we have to defend even the idea that a crime was committed.
The outrage we can't just spread bullshit and not get challenged by someone who disagrees, damn racists picking on us weak minded preachers of vile hate and racism. Just because YOU don't like something does not make it a crime. We have something called rule of law and evidence in this country (aside from anything involving the current administration and black pandering)
- And Field there is no need to justify yourself. Just as you give everyone and anyone to come on to your blog and speak their mind unedited and uncensored, you too have the right to focus on whatever you chose to focus on, you don't have to defend your posts. The point of blogging is to write about what you want to write about and sometimes cover things and issues that the mainstream press fails to cover.
And others just gave some info that the mainstream media distorted. Don't you want the truth? A man of god doesn't have an agenda, he seek truth and enlightment, not just another reason to hate Cubans or ridiculously further his anti white racist agenda by claiming cubans are white - the black cubans would tell you to go read the bell curve again.
"the black cubans would tell you to go read the bell curve again."
No they would tell you to read history. Specifically the part about Fidel Castro virtually ending racism in his country while in America it was running rampant.
racism is more rabid under hobama
fox news has been ruthlessly attacked for being the ONLY msm to tell the truth about hobama
all of the msm have given hobama a a pass except fox
trayvon is muted in the hostile mix
Where black politics was once about struggling to uplift everyone, to increasing opportunities for jobs, education, transit heath care and housing, all that's left of black political ideology is what the University of Pennsylvania professor Adolph Reed calls “representationalism.” It's the only remaining justification, he says, for the existence of our black political class. Somebody has to stand up and claim to represent us, and to claim whatever contracts and perks flow from that, even if it's only as “managers” of those racial divides and racial inequities which only the immature imagine should be seriously tackled, let alone solved. Representationalism has shriveled the horizon of black politics, of black nationalism, to preserving the careers of black politicians, nothing more.
Back in the 80s, Ronald Reagan used to be called “the teflon president” president. It wasn't because he and his administration weren't lawless and corrupt. It was because their devoted admirers, especially in the corporate media liked Reagan and his gang so much they wanted to ignore their official crimes and the official lies that covered them up. So they got a pass. These days, Barack Obama enjoys, at least among Democrats and the black political class a similar kind of immunity from scrutiny. As long as we accept their twisted definitions of what is Obama and our black political class have --- let's call it what it is --- a ghetto pass, even as they act in explicit contradiction to everything their African American constituents believe in.
Crap. Here she goes on her Hobama trip again.
"Why are field negros so ill-informed?"
Because they want to be, and because their liberal handlers want it that way too.
To be "informed" they would have to confront the reality of crime statistics in America, and the reality of interracial crime, which is over 90% black on white.
Instead, whenever a rare case of black man being killed by a white presents itself, they have to pretend that this is the real story of America. In this case, they further have to pretend that a hispanic who would be their 'brother' if he were the victim of a white man, is now "for all practical purposes white" (practical purposes being rabble rousing).
And anybody who tries to tell them different, or who merely doesn't repeat the lies loud enough, gets derided as "Faux News".
Ignorance is Bliss in Obamerica.
A 17 year old boy is dead. I hope justice is served, in a rational manner, based on the facts. Zimmerman's actions deserve intense scrutiny, which I am sure they will receive. But no one should be tying a noose just yet.
the blackish hobama has BLATANTLY BRAZENLY and PUBICLY abused and ignored blacks
that contagion has intensified pervasive racism
hobama has also slain trayvon
his ndaa will slay many more trayvons
and hobama's top lap dog al sharpton is slaying trayvon anew
From that time to the present, Sharpton’s political role has been that of an all purpose opportunist who employs himself as a hired gun for disreputable forces. At a time when stop and frisk policies carried out by New York City police victimize thousands of black people, Sharpton has rented himself out to billionaire mayor Michael Bloomberg. Bloomberg philanthropy is a major contributor to Sharpton’s National Action Network and Sharpton’s silence on stop and frisk proves that he definitely won’t bite the hand that feeds him.
The Obama presidency provided yet another chance for Sharpton to rent himself out. He is Obama’s chief apologist, having famously stated that he would never criticize the president under any circumstance and proved himself ready not only to say nothing about the administration’s acts of wrong doing but to assist in carrying them out. Among other things, Sharpton joined Arne Duncan and Newt Gingrich [6] on a national tour to promote charter school “reform.”
What will Sharpton’s role be in Sanford, Florida? The Obama administration was silent on the issue of Trayvon Martin until it became inopportune to remain so. The tepid response was in stark contrast to Obama’s comments on the subject of the arrest of his friend Henry Louis Gates. When press secretary Jay Carney was asked if he spoke to the president about the Martin case, he only replied “I talk to him about a lot of things.” A day later he added that the White House would not “wade into a local law enforcement matter.”
Quote anonymous 10:43
"Now how in the world did your brain make the connection from a long dead White guy in WWII to a Hispanic man defending himself from a violent Negro who was trying to see his brains?"
Read the article numbnuts.
Evidence that Reine really did go to college:
for your files
cc this to that racist hobama and his propaganda film drone tom hanks
"Zimmerman's actions deserve intense scrutiny, which I am sure they will receive."
Only after activists found out about it. He would have gotten away scott free thanks to laws passed by the NRA er I mean the GOP.
AB, "the blackish hobama has BLATANTLY BRAZENLY and PUBICLY abused and ignored blacks
that contagion has intensified pervasive racism"
I co-sign. He has not said a word about racism nor has he bothered to EVEN acknowledge the existence of Blacks.
This, however, is not the worse of it. The worse is that Blacks continue to idolize him, and most will probably vote for him--a person who has demonstrated his contempt for them. This is nothing new. When has the CBC done ANYTHING for those who need their support, help and protection against the jaws of injustice and racism?
As designated spokesman for Whitey, Inc., us white folks deny any and all claims to Mr. Zimmerman. Ya'll can have him; he isn't one of ours.
Please direct all future hatred of Mr. Zimmerman to Hispanic, Inc.
Thank you, and Good Luck.
Anon you have to cut this out a real live human being is dead because of some foolish decisions on the part of another human being. The least we can do is respect the dead by not making things up.
Anon said:
Stop hitting me, help, help, help, while going for his gun help , got the gun in between us Bang...make sense now? The link has been provided four times, can you read or what?. News reporter even interviewed the witness who again verified he saw trayvon on top beating zimmerman, then later after the bang trayvon wasn't beating him and was on the ground so the self defense worked, it stopped trayvon."
I know you got this from the Fox News but this is still not consistent with what the same witness said on the 911 call which I already linked two days ago. Go back and listen and you will see that, that witness didn't mention a red sweater. The witness was only clear about one thing and that was that there was a struggle.
I suspect that you are stressing this confusing testimony to make your point. You said we should not rush to jump to conclusions but yet you are assuming you know what went on and have the so-called facts but nobody does at this point.
We should be able to agree that the confrontation should never have occurred and that this is the result of a system that needs black criminalization and uses it to keep blacks and others at odds.
PilotX said...
"the black cubans would tell you to go read the bell curve again."
No they would tell you to read history. Specifically the part about Fidel Castro virtually ending racism in his country while in America it was running rampant
Pile It X, Seriously. Do you believe in the tooth fairy and the easter bunny? You sound quite well...pre-teenish.
The point of discussion was that Mellanoma-ish specifically said all those of Spanish Descent were White and Cubans were all White. Phew, it's hard work trying to hand out reality to you guys.
But ok lets delve into the newest thing you seem to have conjured out of thin air. You piss on your country and say Cuba has a better civil rights record and that racism is virtually non existant in the communist country of Cuba.
As a Black man, forget about the history books you say you have read that tell you this (I suspect you have difficulty reading as you can't even use a web link) but how do you not know what Black U.S leaders are doing? Surely they wouldn't condemn racism in Cuba if it were actually racism free as the totalitarian communist cuban government told you it was would they?
As a well informed man confident enough to say something arrogantly like "they would tell you to go read history Fidel Castro virtually ended racism in his country while in America it was running rampant" would know what Black folk such as Cornell West etc was saying about Cuba and racism.
" Last November, sixty African-American scholars and professionals condemned the Cuban regime's apparent crackdown on the country's budding civil-rights movement. They issued a statement called "Acting on Our Conscience" which also called for the immediate release of imprisoned Afro-Cuban civil rights leaders. Traditionally, many African-Americans leaders sided with the Castro regime and condemned the United States, which in the past, sought to topple the Cuban government. The public rebuke of Castro's racial policies signed by prominent African-Americans like Cornell West, Ruby Dee and Mario Van Peebles just to name a few, may indicate a changing of the tide. However, pro-government Cubans rejected allegations of racism and repression on the island, calling the charges "delusional" and part of "an anti-Cuban campaign." They went on to point out that Cuba outlawed discrimination in 1959 and promotes Afro-Cuban culture through museums, music, dance and other institutions. "
But go ahead and protest in Cuba that Blacks are not allowed in public/positions, you will wind up in jail or dead. Yet to you Cuba has "virtually eliminated racism" while in America it's rampant, and to think Americans let you work in a job that interacts with the public.
the k.c. school where the white boy was set on fire has shown a persistent pattern of racism toward the white students is this failed school.can't talk about black racism can seems that you want to lynch that man with out looking at the real facts.not very good lawyering field.i had to shoot two black criminals who tried to rob me because i am too old to run.this was a very tramatic experiance for me plus i had to hire a shyster like you to keep the bad dogs away.why don't you take a good look at the failed k.c. schools where they can not teach students to read and write but can teach hate racism here,right field!
Now Farrakhan is talking about retaliation. Really? Who is he going to organize to retaliate against whom? Is he going to ask Blacks to gun down Hispanics? and Jews and whites because he hates them all? Start a race war in Miami between the Blacks in Miami Lakes (Trayvons Neighborhood) and the Hispanics that surround them?
If there is "retaliation" what happens if others with much higher numbers retaliate back? If Blacks riot and burn down and loot their neighborhood will the Hispanic politicians, mayor and police then sacrifice to help them rebuild?
Why do Black leaders have to preach violence and hate? He isn't doing the cause any good at all. Miami citizens won't flee like whites have done in the past. They already fled a oppressive communist and will stand up and fight back and then what will happen to the 18 % Blacks when faced with nearly 60% Latinos in Miami Dade county and if the "retaliators" also start taking out white people add in another 20 % in Trayvons backyard and 80% whites right next door.
Why can't cooler non violent heads get involved why must there always be more violence? How have men like Farrakhan become spokespersons for the Black Community? Why wasn't he denounced for the hateful violent man that he is .
"How have men like Farrakhan become spokespersons for the Black Community? Why wasn't he denounced for the hateful violent man that he is ."
Because he points out the lies from people like you. When has he EVER been violent? I'll wait for your answer or did you just make that up and not expect to be called out on it. Mitt disease huh? Do all conservatives just lie and make shit up?
FoxNews reported yesterday that there were 30,000 persons protesting the death of Trayvon Martin. They showed what looked like an endless crowd. As I looked at the thousands gathered occurred to me..that the number of 30,000 was the same number of Black Libyans reported by BlackAgendaReports as murdered as a result of the NATO invasion of Libya that was supported by the Obama Administration.
Obama took time out to call Ms Fluke when Rush called her a cunt. When is he going to call Trayvon Martin's parents? Never?
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