Tuesday, August 27, 2013

The Voter (Suppression) Project.

I am in the middle of something, so this post will be short and to the point.

Anyway, a gentleman named Jay N. DeLancy claims that he started some outfit called the "Voter Integrity Project" , and he posted an opinion piece in the Wall Street Journal about voter fraud. In it, he declared that "only lawful" voters should vote. In the same article he also made some very serious and specific charges and allegations about voter fraud down in North Carolina. (Keep those folks in your thoughts. They are under siege.)

There was one little problem, though: he didn't provide any links or names.
He claims that he met "countless eyewitnesses to voter fraud", but failed to give us even one name for his article.

If there was such an eyewitness, why didn't they report it to election officials? That was a rhetorical question. We know why. There wasn't any.

Personally, I smell a rat with this guy and his "Voter Integrity Project". I think that this is all in his head. This is just another desperate and lame attempt by those on the political right to keep people from voting.

Sadly for them, Colin Powell was right; it will all backfire in the long run.

Here is the link.

"Any state seeking reform gets brutally attacked by activist judges, the media, and even Hillary Clinton. Despite race-baiting vitriol from fraud deniers, North Carolina had made great strides to mitigate our corrupt election laws..."

Translation: We are trying our best to keep those minorities and immigrants from voting, but we are being overwhelmed. They have learned to use the courts and the media to get the word out, and now we are getting desperate.

Jay, I will wait for those links and some names......


Whitey's Conspiracy said...

Nothing turns out voters like fucking with their franchise.

focusedpurpose said...

' (Keep those folks in your thoughts. They are under siege.)'


should we send them warm fuzzy thoughts? or chocolate scented ones?


why did that make me laugh?

so let me get this straight...it makes more sense to keep folks in your 'thoughts', than to pray for them?

you smell a rat with the latest batch of political lies designed to keep dummies preoccupied with dumbness...i smell a rat with this let's accept EVERYTHING but the concept of an Almighty Creator agenda in full swing. it's almost like folks are being programmed to believe He died or something...just as folks are being programmed to believe 'reality' happens on tv and the news. folks that stand for nothing...fall for it all.

FN, your comment section is interesting. it appears folks are paid to come out in force and throw up distractions. what's with the white slavery/sex peddling comment? it might be the last post with the mk generational sex slave...

mauser98k said...

"Is this Martin Luther King’s legacy? National Mall covered in garbage"
"The day after thousands rallied to commemorate the 50th anniversary of Martin Luther King Jr.’s March on Washington, the National Mall looks like a trash dump."

Read more: http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2013/aug/25/miller-martin-luther-kings-legacy-national-mall-co/#ixzz2dG1iw9uJ
Follow us: @washtimes on Twitter

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
field negro said...

Mauser98k, u should have seen the trash.after. Woodstock. You are an idiot!

mauser98k said...

Wash. Times said it

Anonymous said...

profoundly revealing that you would post about voting today fn

hobama nazis voted for hobama twice


hobama's very presence is a HORRID disgrace to mlk....
especially as hobama slays and rapes syria via africom

alpha males are posting about syria/africom today....

a lioness basking in a fresh dl hyena kill,






Anonymous said...


see alpha males daily here:



Anonymous said...

Its best to just drop links with knowledge ...arguing against some of the obama bots here is pointless


Anonymous said...

Field, check out www.ginandtacos.com today for a link to Phyllis Schafley's statement re: keeping Them from voting. She inadvertently confesses the real reason for shortening registration periods. Sooner or later one of them was bound to blurt out the truth.


Shady_Grady said...

Conservatives lie. The end. It's just that simple.

Anonymous said...

@Shady - Giving these antiAmerican, voter-suppression types the label Conservative is too good for them. No right is more sacred and anyone who tries to deny it defiles our way of life, the basis for democracy. Voter suppression closer to treason than anything Snowden or Manning did.

Conservatives lie, however, no question.


parvenu said...

If P.T. Barnum were alive today he would be out-doing Donald Trump, and O'Reilly, and Limbaugh, and Jay DeLancy, etc. In other words the best con game in town is hustling emotional political issues. It doesn't require any start-up money. All that is required is to make some outrageous statement via the social media like twitter or YouTube. These guys all know that nothing gets attention faster than some comment on race in America. This fact goes all the way back to the post Civil War days when traveling medicine men added dancing Negroes to attract attention to their pitch for the "snake oil" tonics and cures that they were selling to the local yahoos.

Nowadays these modern snake oil hustlers make big money "dancing ON the Negro" to the delight and pleasure of the local Yahoos.

Don't worry Jay, you are NOT Late to this con game, cause it's been going on for centuries. P.T. Barnum knew this that's why he said, "There's a sucker born every minute!"

Anonymous said...

wtf has voting for hobama twice done for america/blacks in america/africa????????

that racist bankster/global warlord warlock hobama
brazenly daring to speak at ANY mlk event

it is TRULY akin to:

mike tyson speaking at a domestic violence event

snoop lion speaking at an anti*marijuana event

chris brown speaking at an anger management event

tom joyner speaking at an anti-poverty/anti-cooning event

spike lee speaking at a an anti-racist politico event

lil wayne speaking at a politically conscious rappers' event








Anonymous said...

wtf has voting for hobama twice done for america/blacks in america/africa????????

that racist bankster/global warlord warlock hobama
brazenly daring to speak at ANY mlk event

it is TRULY akin to:

mike tyson speaking at a domestic violence event

snoop lion speaking at an anti-marijuana event

chris brown speaking at an anger management event

tom joyner speaking at an anti-poverty/anti-cooning event

spike lee speaking at an anti-racist politico event

lil wayne speaking at a politically conscious rappers' event








PilotX said...

People are starting to get the picture. If you just use basic common sense, in person voter fraud is not only extremely rare but difficult. If they are really concerned about vote fraud (yeah right) they would concentrate on absentee ballots where fraud could really happen. Those fools in NC tipped their hands when they went after early voting, early and same day registration and closing polling places. With those acts the world now knows what's going down in the Tar Heal state. Too bad they didn't pull a pistolvania and admit in public what they were up to.

PilotX said...

Also with the new rules allowing anyone to challenge any voter in any district you know they're gonna descend like flies to blah districts challenging blah folks. The visuals won't be pretty and will remind folks of the 50's and 60's. The General is right, this will backfire bigtime.

Ed said...


Anonymous said...

vote for more condoms



Anonymous said...

vote for no more new hitlers/serial war criminals like hobama

cc africom/ndaa/wwiii...




Anonymous said...

kudos to an academic alpha male!!!!

cc john m



Anonymous said...

PilotX, 'blah people' was the insult used by a White racist running for office. Thank God he didn't win. So, WHY are YOU using it? Why not just use the word "nigger"? That will suffice. We don't need to add another wretched name for ourselves 'because' a wm said it...you SELF-HATING IDIOT.

Anonymous said...

AB, "wtf has voting for hobama twice done for america/blacks in america/africa????????"

You make a very good point. Our lives are far worse than it was when Obama took office. Then we turn around and vote for him again, making our lives even worse. We deserve it, though. To vote for a man who doesn't give a damn about us, who insults us repeatedly; who has proven again and again that he is NOT one of us...well, we get what we ask for.

PilotX said...

Nice post Ed.

PilotX said...

Hey Anon at 1340 asking why I do something. You must be from the south, they tend to ask a lot of questions. Anyhoo because I'm in a mood I'll actually respond to your anon ass. I do things for one of two reasons and sometimes both. 1. Because I want to or 2. Because I'm a grown assed man. Hope that clarifies any confusion. You can tell by my responses I'm a popular guy when we do our summer flight camp in Tuskegee. Ha!

Anonymous said...


re: tjms/the jigaboo minstrel show's love fest in the WH

will that gushing minstrel hobama gurl tom j ask his beloved hobama anything about the BRAND NEW DROVES of butlers/nannies who are laid off teachers in chiraq???

cc cps/charter school bankster scams etc


I am amazed by how many racist blacks still pretend that a half black president in the White House represents real racial change anywhere. Racism is no relic. "President" Barack Obama/Hobama/GWB 2.0 has been the most rabidly warmongering, racist, elitist, bankster president in the history of the world. Yet, few are as enraged at that current reality, as those who are so enraged that they slander this epic film.

Those who are curiously and senselessly outraged by the intelligent, brave, and dignified black women, who honor all domestics with their regal performances, are reacting stupidly to one great fictional tale set in 1963. Yet, the reality of millions of educated black women actually being forced to become domestics in 2011, due to the bilking of states' federal funds, by the blackish Hobama and his beloved white banksters, leaves these same racist Hobama fans unfazed!

Those who are actively boycotting this film, set in 1963, are doing absolutely nothing to stop the ruthless Hobama from robbing federal coffers and pimping masochistic black voters beyond 2012. Those who are slandering the makers of this film are completely silent about the droves of teachers who are actually becoming nannies/maids anew!!! They are unemployed educators whom Hobama's designer poverty and clandestine slaughters of public schools have destroyed financially.




Anonymous said...

memo to tom j:

while you are in the WH
check the bust of mlk
see if it is bleeding/crying yet!!!!

















field negro said...

AB, your obsession with Obama is not healthy. :(

I worry for you.

Anonymous said...

Field, this is what you should be worried about. Violence against Whites is growing. Nothing good is going to come of it for Blacks. Of course, many of us don't care about dying. I mean, many of us die in our teens and early 20's anyway. So what is there to live for anyway?



LaCubanadeMatanzas said...


I like

Translation: We are trying our best to keep those minorities and immigrants from voting, but we are being overwhelmed. They have learned to use the courts and the media to get the word out, and now we are getting desperate.

However after all of those Jamaican bean pies and U street etc in DC are you worried? LOL

You knew this was coming My only regret with the 50 yrs comm is that we talked about the GOP absence

Just saying Its like all of the fake hoopla and drama about a flat ass cave woman trying to twerk? What was that really about?

All mnad woman cyrus did was show me how a little more butt might help and a dance class from Jjackson LMAO jajajaja

LaCubanadeMatanzas said...

Making it plain


What now?

LaCubanadeMatanzas said...

Field i read your piece and come away with some thought

The creepy one is scared to death Its alleged that several Afrikan youth have murdered euro cave men and children I have some thoughts about the so called murders and will get back to you

However son

Something is out of sinc Not saying it did not happen my ?? is what is at the root

HOLD it people do not talk to me about 2 parent families etc Lets talk facts or hush!

Come to my page

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