Wednesday, January 01, 2014


Open thread for the New Year.

I need to hear your resolutions. Because I would like to think that it's more than just a "to do list" for the first week in January.

Mine is to be more patient and understanding.....

Work with me people. :)


Anonymous said...

Haven't made any as of yet.

But more patience and understanding sound good to me too.I could use a little of that too...

Then again, I really hate to be patient. And I'm already understanding enough!

What I need to be is tougher and meaner. No,really...

Dr. Nuwang said...

Happy New Year Everyone!

I've got a few:

1) Move uptown into a swanky NEW pad! Now that we no longer need the suburbs (for the great public high school), we can NOW live in the city near my school/hospital! Yeah!

2) Present my research at at least 1 national meeting.

3) Continue to make stalking a$$non look like an even BIGGER a$$ as I progress in my research and Physician/Scientist goals, one "A" grade at a time.

4) Continue to learn and grow from the cancer patients I see in the clinic.

Dr. Livinlarge said...

Ms.Nǚwáng said...
1) Move uptown into a swanky NEW pad! Now that we no longer need the suburbs (for the great public high school), we can NOW live in the city near my school/hospital! Yeah!

Isn't Section 8 great?

2) Present my research at at least 1 national meeting.

I'm not the Dry Cleaners Association would be interested in your ground-breaking techniques of getting urine stains out of your lab coats, but try the Mexican Maids Association meeting in Fresno.

3) Continue to make stalking a$$non look like an even BIGGER a$$ as I progress in my research and Physician/Scientist goals, one "A" grade at a time.

Good luck with that! An "A" in Afro-glassware is not going to get you into medical school.

4) Continue to learn and grow from the cancer patients I see in the clinic.

You sound like a tumor.

The year might have changed but one thing hasn't. You will never be a doctor.

PilotX said...

Not big on New Year's resolutions. If I need to make changes why wait til the end of the year.

Dr. Nuwang said...

PilotX:Freeing Slaves from the republican plantation since the 70's said...
Not big on New Year's resolutions. If I need to make changes why wait til the end of the year.

One person's resolutions for the year are another person's goals, it's all the same to me!! ;)

Black Sage said...

My personal New Year’s resolution is to be more patient in every aspect of life.

Another New Year’s resolution is that with prayer, all of today’s Corporate Republicans will cease broadcasting the myth that they have something in common with the Radical Republicans of the 19th century. The Radicals truly supported civil rights and abolition of slavery amongst other honorable things.

I have no idea of anything honorable emanating from today’s Republican camp

Green Parsley said...

Black Sage still does not understand that resolutions regard one's personal behavior. Instead, he 'resolves' for some admission of guilt from his personal bogeymen - the Republicans - who apparently haunt his every waking moment.

Sad. Weird, but sad.

I personally resolve to keep pointing out Mr. Sage's errors in logic in an effort to free him of his profound misconceptions and thereby allow him t face the day free of irrational fears.

There is no need to thank me, your enlightenment (such as may be possible) is enough for me.

Happy New Year and Good Day to you sir.

GrannyStandingforTruth said...

Nah, I'm not making any because I'm forgetful and I'd probably forget what the New Year's resolution I made was, so I'll pass. *wink*

Besides which, I'm thinking about being mean-spirited, heartless, and cruel in preparation for the coming battle against the GOP come election time. I hate to do it, but well...sometimes you have to fight fire with a rocket launcher. *sigh*

Right now, I'm sitting back taking it easy, relaxing, taking note, and observing. Warning to Palin, you might think that you're a pit bull with lipstick, but get ready to meet a piranha with And Bachmann, I've arranged for the men in white to strap you to a gurney and take you straight to a mental hospital, which is where you belong. Yep, I just might be up and blogging this election season.

Okay, I know I had y'all going for a minute. That was a dream, but now, then again, maybe it wasn't. *wink*

Happy New Year Field, Desert, Pilot, Dr Nuwang, and Anon Inc.

field negro said...

Did u all eat your black eyed peas , today?

GrannyStandingforTruth said...

Field, not yet, but I plan to in a little bit.

Black Sage said...

Don't worry, I'll still pray for you Parsley.

Grandpa Woodley said...

I resolve to take Granny on a picnic.

Anonymous said...

To love my teen daugthers unconditionally. (they are driving me crazy, LOL)

divorce my been too long and too hard

Anonymous said...

"divorce my been too long and too hard"

There are plenty of women like Nuwang and Milagros who would love to have that problem.

clarice said...

Granny you sound almost as crazy as Black Sag about those Republicans! You are probably really tense and that is making you overly-emotional. Maybe a little time with Grandpa W. really would do you some good.

Just a thought.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said.
"divorce my been too long and too hard"
There are plenty of women like Nuwang and Milagros who would love to have that problem.
6:51 PM
Heeey,and me!:D

Dr. Nuwang said...

Hey Granny, happy new year to you too! !

And no black eye peas for me but PLENTY of greens!!

Dr. Nuwang said...

Desert, how can you cosign with an idiot that's "normal" height but into midget porn?

And I bet it has the " equipment" to prove it!!

Oprah Winfrey said...

I resolve not to pee so much.

Anonymous said...

Hey Dr.! I'm only cosigning with the "long and hard" part of that :D

ThatDeborahGirl said...

My first resolution is to divest myself of stuff I don't need. I'm getting to a point where I feel like I don't own my stuff, it owns me.

My second resolution is to finish the book I started last year. I've kept my promise to work on it a little every day, but it's time I got it done.

There are a few other things, but my main ideal is just to stick to my plan and complete some of my bucket list. So far so good.

Black Sage said...

@Clarice or caprise, whatever your name is. Why don’t you resolve to purchasing yourself a spanking new set of dentures for the new year? Perhaps then you wouldn’t be so darn tense about smiling and so worried about other people’s temperament.


PilotX said...

"One person's resolutions for the year are another person's goals, it's all the same to me!! ;)"

True Doc, but if you know in July you need to eat better and work out don't wait 6 more months. Just saying. Plus I need a head start.

PilotX said...

"Did u all eat your black eyed peas , today?"

Not yet, have to go out in the snow cause the little lady forgot the cornbread. Man, i bet Tina never forgot Ike's cornbread.

Leon Spunks said...

PilotX:Freeing Slaves from the republican plantation since the 70's said...
Not yet, have to go out in the snow cause the little lady forgot the cornbread

As long as you observing black New Year's day traditions, don't forget to sucker punch an old white person on your way to the store. Gotta keep it real.

Dr. Nuwang said...

Desert, just add the word Black, and let's just say that there's NO better way to start a new year!!

Anonymous said...

Leon Spunks said, "As long as you observing black New Year's day traditions, don't forget to sucker punch an old white person on your way to the store. Gotta keep it real.

8:20 PM
PilotX lives on the Southside of Chicago where they kill more than 500 Blacks a year. There are no Whites within 20 miles of where he lives. lol

Anonymous said...

@ Dr.Nuwang: ;)

Anonymous said...

Re: New Year's Resolution, Field said, "Work with me people."

Brother Field, I don't think Dr Nuwang is working with you. Every one of her list of resolutions is bullshit, which means she has NO PLANS of changing shit about her phony dumb ass.

Tell me Field, why do you put up with her stupid uneducated ass? The woman is crazy. Now she is talking about moving into a swanky place out of the ghetto in DC. I mean, how is she going to do that when she can't afford to have Black traditional black-eyed peas? I am just tired of Negroes like her.

Please Brother Field, kick her ass off today so we can get started on the 'right' foot. I can't handle another year with this lying fool.

Anonymous said...

Field, Killadelphia meter seems low for the year. Did you doctor those numbers? Man, you and Obama have a lot in common.

Anonymous said...

Leon Spunks said: "Leon Spunks said, "As long as you observing black New Year's day traditions, don't forget to sucker punch an old white person on your way to the store. Gotta keep it real."

Leon, you are a damn fool, LOL! :)

culturegeist said...

Happy New Year Field. I'm going to try and be more disciplined about putting more of my paycheck into savings.

Stay focused on my goal of finding an apartment I can afford and moving back to the city.

Continue to support efforts to curb gun violence in this country.

And do my best to continue to try and keep it real on my own blog:

Be grateful for what I have.

Anonymous said...

Brother Field, HAPPY NEW YEAR...
My 'serious' New Year's Resolutions are as follows:

1. Stop watching TV by getting rid of it.

2. Don't believe everything I read in the media and scientific journals.

3. Keep an open and willing mind toward the Republicans.

4. Stop listening to Obama. He has proven again and again that he is untrustworthy.

5. Cut back on reading and commenting on posts on FN...UNLESS FP posts everyday here. I need to reduce the clutter my mind, not increase it.

The 'theme' of 2014 Resolutions for me is to cleanse my mind and heart.

Anonymous said...

Leon Spunks is a violent sinful Negro... and a racist.

Leon, you need to cultivate compassion for Whites. They need to feel safe just like Blacks are safe.

Anonymous said...

My 'one' and only 'one' New Year's Resolution is to not watch midget porn in 2014, esp on New Year's Eve.

There's GOT to be a better way. Brother Field, I urge you to stop. It's not good for your brain.

And be careful with those hot tubs. There is a rumor going around that the NSA is now making those things. Ask Bill about it.

Anonymous said...

@Leon Spunks, did you ever fix your teeth?

Did an old white man knock you out before you became a boxer and this was the reason for you to be so violent in the ring? Com on, talk to me CHAMP!

Anonymous said...

Damn, I just got a visual of Grandpa and Granny bouncing with each other under the blankets. I'm warning you, it's not a pretty sight! But hey, carry on seniors!

Wesley R said...

Last Year sucked. Looking forward to a clean slate.

GrannyStandingforTruth said...


Well, I'll tell ya this, I don't dislike all Republicans. In fact, I like Michael Steele. Yep! The reason I like him is because he is funny, the brotha does make an attempt to be hip and cool, and he is not ashamed of his people. On top of that, he knows how to wheel and deal to make sure that his people get a free soul food meal during elections. He has probably fed a lot of hungry people, and it takes a good heart to do that. Something that most Republicans don't have. Although, Steele's rap group sucked, and you know if I think they sucked, well...they sucked. Plus I feel a slight kinship to him seeing how his ancestors grew up with some of my ancestors' on the plantation during slavery. Therefore, he does have a little special place in my heart because he is ALMOST like family...almost. I liked Constructive Criticism too, but he has been hiding out from us. The last time I saw his fonts he was hanging out over at The Root.

Now, Herman Cain, nope. My daddy told me never trust a man that talks out the side of his mouth. However, it was entertaining when all of his side pieces came forth and snitched on him, especially GINGER the one that was getting paid. Yep, I played that song, "Hey Lady, Your Husband Is Cheating On Us" for the occasion because I know that's the reason Ginger snitched on Herman. He should be crowned for the weakest con game in America.

Now if the Republican party were to exclude Sean Hannity, Bill O'Reilly, Megyn Kelly and the rest of the Fox We Make It Up crew, the two strung out, dope addicts Rush and Glen, Dumb Bachmann and Dumber Palin, Eric Cantor, Paul Ryan, Ted Cruz, and Rand Paul I might give their party a little consideration. And please by all means include that extreme bigot Steve King on that list. Nevertheless, right now, I just don't like those who represent the Republican party.

Oops, I almost forgot I liked whoever it was that came up with that idea of the strippers or was it the S&M thingee? Now, that let me know that one or two in the Republican clan knows how to let their hair down and party. Clarice, you just don't know how much my eyes and ears were hurting trying to get through that Republican convention. Those old stuffy looking men with one foot in the grave waving cowboy hats back and forth made me nausea. There was not one speck of color in the audience.

GrannyStandingforTruth said...

Anonymous 10:30, I thought that people stopped using LSD and acid a long time ago. After reading your post, I guess not. Is anyone at home with you in case you get the notion that you can fly or decide to run down the street in your birthday suit? I wouldn't want you to hurt yourself or get hurt.

mel said...

Anonymous GrannyStandingforTruth said...
"There was not one speck of color in the audience."

That was because the networks worked very hard not to show any of the minorities who were there, precisely to convey the false idea to people like you that only whites were welcome:

There is nothing as evil as the lying media that has poisoned America.

PilotX said...

Yep, MSNBC is responsible for the repubs having the least diverse convention in recent history. Sure Mia Love and, well that's about it, made a nice speech but facts is facts and 90% plus of the folks at the rnc were white. I know all both negroes there made the cons feel all inclusive but there are more blah folks at the White Castle at 3am than were at the rnc. Oh I forgot our fellow man of color John Bohner was there. Can't forget him.

mel said...

PilotX:Freeing Slaves from the republican plantation since the 70's said...

Yep, MSNBC is responsible for the repubs having the least diverse convention in recent history.

That is a fucking lie and you know it.

You are nothing but a shucking clown.

Jig away, fool.

PilotX said...

Field! New trolls stat!

GrannyStandingforTruth said...

Mel said...
"There is nothing as evil as the lying media that has poisoned America."

So why haven't they gotten rid of Fox We Make It Up News a long time ago? They tell more lies than Pinocchio.

If I remember correctly, didn't they win their law suit, which gave them the okay to LIE?

mel said...

"So why haven't they gotten rid of Fox We Make It Up News a long time ago? They tell more lies than Pinocchio."

Maybe you could tell me some of these lies?

Do they crop photos to hide the race of black people when they want to infer racist hatred of the President?:

Here's a long list of MSNBC lies:

Anonymous said...

does anybody know if Bill is ok? i hope he didn't get drunk and tried to ride that ball on its way down in Times Square.

Would some of Bill's friends please let me know he is ok?

GrannyStandingforTruth said...


The Republican party has no one to blame but themselves for making people of color feel unwelcome at their convention. I mean who would want to show up at a convention where the folks went out of their way to diss and disrespect people of color at every turn. Besides which, I would not be caught dead around people who show up at speeches armed with pistols on their side like we're still living in the days of Dodge City and Tombstone Territory where that was a norm. . We're supposed to be a civilized nation, but some of those folks on the right were acting like barbarians. My neck is too pretty to be hanging from some of their white supremacist supporters' nooses. That's the feeling I got while watching them parade those ridiculous images of the President with a bone in his nose and African attire. It was not funny or cute at all to me. In fact, I felt like I as a black woman was being disrespected as well, black people in general, and so were my African ancestors. Being a woman who loves family, is family orientated, and loves her black people that did not sit too well with me at all.

mel said...

GrannyStandingforTruth said...
"I mean who would want to show up at a convention where the folks went out of their way to diss and disrespect people of color at every turn"

Please cite one bit of proof of this and I will renounce my membership in the GOP.

Dr. Nuwang said...

It just occurred to me that I may be the ONLY field negro on this blog living DEEP in the dirty south.

Ya'll keep a sista' lifted in prayer, ya' hear?
WOW! !!

Anonymous said...

Wherever you would live would be dirty.

GrannyStandingforTruth said...

Dr Nuwang, I will do that.

GrannyStandingforTruth said...

I forgot this one.

mel said...

@ GrannyStandingforTruth

Regarding your links:

1. Gringrich wants people to have job opportunities rather than having to live on food stamps. This is disrespectful of blacks?

2. Santorum says he believes government dependency hurts people, and he says he wants to help blacks get off welfare. There may have been no need interject race into the discussion, but the truth is, blacks are much more likely to be dependent on the government and have suffered more than anyone the ill effects of dependency.

3. Typical Toure paranoia. A Romney ad says Obama dropped the work requirement from welfare, which was true, and that is supposed to be a "way to diss and disrespect people of color"?

4. There was nothing in that article that indicated Romney in any way disrespected black people by speaking to the NAACP. If he had not spoken to the NAACP, he would have been accused of disrespecting blacks for that.

These articles are written by hyper-partisans who use the interpretations of people like Nancy Pelosi to divine hidden evil intent in the words of people they hate. This is not journalism, it is propaganda. You should know better; you probably do.

And not one of your citations has anything to do with the behavior you described at the convention.

Your hatred of Republicans seems rooted in emotion rather than fact.

GrannyStandingforTruth said...


Both Gringrich and Santorium SINGLED out Black people as the sole beneficiary of food stamps and welfare. Black people are not the SOLE beneficiaries of food stamps and welfare!!!! That old lie that Reagan made up about the Welfare Queen was the biggest falsehood, which has resulted in continuing discord, division, and even murder of innocent people. It's code for calling Black folks lazy, which is an old stereotype and distraction to cover their corporate buddies' azzes for job discrimination in hiring blacks.

In answer to number three, it was a slick way of reinforcing that Reagan lie and sending a message to his supporters that he was in agreement with Gringrich and Santorum. The only thing different he did was sugar coat it. Btw, wasn't that "Typical Toure paranoia" comment added as a shot at MSNBC because the GOP's agenda is to discredit them this year? You ain't slick.

Oh he disrespected them alright, he disrespected their intelligence, but I wouldn't expect you to get it. One day, y'all might figure it out, which I doubt, but I'm not going to help you by telling you. No sirree!

Now see, there you go attacking Nancy Pelosi...a woman. Hatred of Republicans rooted in emotions? Ahhh...I get it! Women are emotional, they can't think without a man's telling them what to think. That's a another reason why I wouldn't vote Republicans. The Stepford wives went out with the horse and buggy, but I don't expect anyone on the right to understand that. Smh! The Republican party is so antique/ ancient in their beliefs. Instead of progessing, they seem to regress. Btw, I don't hate the GOP party, I STRONGLY DISAGREE with their policies and beliefs. On the other hand, I do dislike those folks I said would have to be excluded from the GOP party for me to even consider their party. I despise their personas.

PilotX said...

Exactly Granny, Santorum and Gingrich used the old dog whistle to show they were still to be trusted by the gop's southern white base. "My job is not to make blah people's lives easier". Yeah, that'll make me vote for these fools in the next election. How much you wanna bet Mel is white which goes to show Newt and Ricky knew what they were doing because folks like this defend such language. Then again when has any politician lost southern white votes by picking on us lazy negroes?

PilotX said...

And Newt should have been smart enough to know the crowd he'd be speaking to at the NAACP convention wouldn't have to be reminded it's better to have a job than assistance. Just another arrogant white male who knows what's best for errbody.

GrannyStandingforTruth said...

The lies that Fox We Make It Up News tell.

@Pilot, exactly!

PilotX said...

Glad to have ya back Granny.

GrannyStandingforTruth said...

Welp, I'll be heading back to my seat over in the corner and putting up my "Do Not Disturb" sign up. The past holidays has exhausted me. I needs my rest.

PilotX said...

Sleep well Granny.

agentX said...

I resolve to keep being me. Y'all can kiss my ass.

And here's a Kwanzaa present for you Mr. Field!

Black Sage said...

Sorry Rethuglicans, I know it’s only been approximately 12 hours since I stated that I will pray for you guys. However, I’ve changed my mind.

Resolution Update:
This bears repeating, I DON’T GIVE A CRAP ABOUT POLITICS! Because politics in this Kountry is in the tanks and neither the Dems and Repubs care about the plight of black folks. Therefore, my updated New Year’s resolution will be to continually piss of the die-hard Repubs like BIB, NSangoma, Bill O’Reilly Jr. Unripened Parsley and a few other pimple-size head zealots and demagogues.

I will be hitting hard with the truth, therefore, it behooves my targets to wear some extra layers of clothing. I’m just keeping it real because after all, resolutions are made to be broken shortly thereafter!

LaCubanadeMatanzas said...


As the Villamil etc family gathered new yrs eve to share a toast We all looked at one another ( all 60 of us) and said CUBA SIEMPRE

I really have no reso's Bro, however what I have always wanted and sought is the ability to continue to speak out and up for men and women on death row And that Imari Baraka finds his comfort again

Thank You son for allowing me to act up in 2013! ;)

Joder La Resistencia said...

My continued resolution of freeing/helping negroes break the chains and free themselves from the democrat plantation.

Our nation is a better one when all peoples are free thinkers and not enslaved by a political party.

Bill said...

Black Sage said...
my updated New Year’s resolution will be to continually piss of the die-hard Repubs like BIB, NSangoma, Bill O’Reilly Jr. Unripened Parsley and a few other pimple-size head zealots and demagogues.

This is america, you are allowed to have dreams.

Although, to believe you are pissing me off is nothing but a dream for you.

What does it say about you as a person your resolution is to piss other people off?

Bill said...

Democrats love to whine that republicans are the party of big business.

Yet when you look at the corporate donor list to the left leaning John Podesta's Center for American Progress you see that big business, including health care insurance is donating to democrat causes.

Or maybe just contributing to democrats to stay off the democrats hit list.

Akin Gump Strauss Hauer & Feld LLP
The Albright Stonebridge Group
American Beverage Association
American Iron and Steel Institute
America's Health Insurance Plans (AHIP)
Apple Inc.
Bank of America
Blue Cross Blue Shield Association
Blue Engine Message & Media
Blue Shield of California
BMW of North America
CareFirst BlueCross BlueShield
The Coca-Cola Company
Comcast NBCUniversal
Covanta Energy
CVS Caremark Inc.
Monitor Deloitte
DeVry Education Group
Dewey Square Group
DISH Network
Downey, McGrath Group, Inc.
DRS Technologies
Eli Lilly and Company
Federal Home Loan Bank of Dallas
Genworth Financial
The Glover Park Group LLC
Goldman Sachs
Health Care Service Corporation
The Ickes and Enright Group
Japan Bank for International Cooperation
Kohlberg Kravis Roberts
Livingston Group
McLarty Associates
Microsoft Corporation
Motion Picture Association of America (MPAA)
Northrop Grumman
PG&E Corporation
Quest Diagnostics
Taipei Economic and Cultural Representative Office in the United States (TECRO)
Tata Sons Limited
Time Warner Inc.
Toyota Motor North America
Visa Inc.
Wells Fargo

I remember the old days democrats were against big business money in politics.

uptownsteve said...

Yo Bill,

Just what is your purpose here on a black oriented site?

To seek harmony and understanding?


uptownsteve said...

Republican Goober

You're not a free thinker.

You're an ignorant racist.

Why would any intelligent black person align themselves politically with you?

Unknown said...

No resolutions. However, my intentions for 2014 are to allow and then receive more joy, love, and supportive people into my life.

May our collective consciousness be raised this year for the benefit of humankind.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous uptownsteve said...
Republican Goober

You're not a free thinker.

You're an ignorant racist.

Why would any intelligent black person align themselves politically with you?

11:46 AM
Blacks are aligning themselves politically with Bill's politics everyday, you stupid jackass. Do you NOT know 'why'? Because Obama and the Democrats have taught Blacks a painful lesson: Obama doesn't give a fat-rats-ass about Blacks...

I'd rather take my chances with Bill than Obama any day. At least Bill has a conscience. Obama has proven beyond the shadow of a doubt that he has NONE when it comes to Blacks.


mel said...

PilotX:Freeing Slaves from the republican plantation since the 70's said...

Exactly Granny, Santorum and Gingrich used the old dog whistle to show they were still to be trusted by the gop's southern white base

The old "dog whistle" canard is great for putting words in the mouths of your opponents, isn't it? You get to say what they really meant. You sure hear a lot of whistles, don't you? Maybe you are a dog.

And for Granny, merely noting something Nancy Pelosi said equates to a "War on Women". Criticizing a woman's policies makes you sexist and disagreeing with a black's decisions makes you racist. Somehow that logic doesn't apply when it comes to Sarah Palin or Herman Cain.

Oh well, you seem like a nice lady Granny, but there is no talking politics with someone who is only interested in partisanship. I'm done. Good luck with your team.

Anonymous said...

uptownsteve said...

Yo Bill,

Just what is your purpose here on a black oriented site?

To seek harmony and understanding?


Is this a call for segregation?

uptownsteve said...


What blacks are aligning themselves with Bill? Who? Those buckdancing coons you see grinning on Fox TV. They are paid off hustlers and minstrels who represent no one but themselves.

As for your "Obama doesn't care about blacks" horsecrap, let me smack you around a little bit.

Please tell us what Obama could or should be doing specifically for blacks that he hasn't done?

Don't throw a tantrum. Just answer the question.

Ass-non said...

I agree with you Mr. Uptown. Obama is doing everything for blacks! He has steered billions and billions of federal dollars into programs that primarily benefit blacks. He has strong-armed banks into giving loans to unqualified blacks (uh oh, here we go again!). His justice department only prosecutes hate crimes when the perp is white, sues fire departments when blacks don't perform well on the qualification exams, and his ACA (primarily for blacks) forces medical schools to admit less-qualified blacks.

Everywhere you look, Obama has increased the transfer of wealth from productive makers to wagon-riding takers. What's not to like if you are black?

J. Crow said...

"Is this a call for segregation?"

I agree with uptownsteve too. Separate but equal blog sites, schools, and neighborhoods.

uptownsteve said...

How to shut up a goober Part 2.

"He has steered billions and billions of federal dollars into programs that primarily benefit blacks."

Name ONE.

"His justice department only prosecutes hate crimes when the perp is white"

Name THEM.

Ass-non said...

Minority loans:

Knockout game prosecutions:

Part of the plan:

You lose again uptown!

The Purple Cow said...

"Anonymous Bill said...
Democrats love to whine that republicans are the party of big business."

Really Bill?

Do they?

How very intere - s - zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

Anonymous said...

Ass-non said "...and his ACA (primarily for blacks) forces medical schools to admit less-qualified blacks."

Are you referring to Dr Nuwang? My dear white brother, you can't judge the black race by Dr Nuwang, aka Dr Queen, aka Flying in my 40's....That is not fair.

Ass-non said...

President Obama’s plans for a second-term include an initiative to systematically redistribute the wealth of America’s suburbs (whites) to the cities (blacks). It’s a transformative idea, and deserves to be fully aired before the election. But like a lot of his major progressive policy innovations, Obama has advanced this one stealthily–mostly through rule-making, appointment, and vague directives. Obama has worked on this project in collaboration with Mike Kruglik, one of his original community organizing mentors. Kruglik’s new group, Building One America, advocates “regional tax-base sharing,” a practice by which suburban tax money is directly redistributed to nearby cities and less-well-off “inner-ring” suburbs. Kruglik’s group also favors a raft of policies designed to coerce people out of their cars and force suburbanites (with their tax money) back into densely packed cities.

Run now uptown, before it's too late!

Anonymous said...

Anonymous uptownsteve said...
How to shut up a goober Part 2.

"He has steered billions and billions of federal dollars into programs that primarily benefit blacks."

Uts replied, "Name ONE."

That's easy.... Dr Nuwang.

Affirmative Action Jackson said...

Anonymous said...

Ass-non said "...and his ACA (primarily for blacks) forces medical schools to admit less-qualified blacks."

Are you referring to Dr Nuwang? My dear white brother, you can't judge the black race by Dr Nuwang, aka Dr Queen, aka Flying in my 40's....That is not fair.

All the Affirmative Action in the world couldn't get Ms. Queen into medical school. Lord knows, I've tried.

uptownsteve said...

Oh lawd. I see these goobers have gotten even more stupid in the 2 years I haven't posted here.

Assnon idiot's link that supposedly proves his assertion that Obama has steered billions of federal loans for blacks is a rant from white supremacist Steve Sailer complaining about a discrimination settlement by Countrywide bank for lending bias against blacks and latinos.

His other link is another example of rightwing lies. The rightwing media has promoted the "knockout game" as exclusively blacks attacking whites. GARBAGE. The attackers have been black, hispanic and white as well as the victims. The difference is that in the case Assnon is whining about, the victim was specifically TARGETED because he was black.

You won't EVER win Assnon.

You're a born loser. LMAO!!!!

Anonymous said...

Where is Field in all this escalating uptownsteve mess? Field, this guy is starting shit I am sure you don't want on your blog. I mean, he is trying to divide Blacks and Whites that we ALL have been working so hard to keep together....Kick his trouble-making ass off!

We can't afford to 'risk' losing Whites on this blog. It's suppose to be an all-inclusive one...Right?

Goober said...

Anonymous uptownsteve said...

How to shut up a goober Part 2.

"He has steered billions and billions of federal dollars into programs that primarily benefit blacks."

Name ONE


Food stamps:!061913-politics-snap-food-stamps-old-group

uptownsteve said...

Hey Dumbass,

You posted a link that laments cuts in food stamps.\

Your mother know you go out in public this stupid?


Winner by a Knockout! said...

uptownsteve said...
The rightwing media has promoted the "knockout game" as exclusively blacks attacking whites. GARBAGE

Only days before Christmas, two "passive" white people (a male and female) found themselves the beneficiaries of the white privilege of a state-sanctioned black-on-white assault, with the white male believing that 'maybe if we had played dead' the racial attack would have ended:

A couple’s late night stroll on the Christmas-lit Downtown Mall turned to terror in the early morning hours of Friday, December 20, when they were brutally assaulted by three men in what appears to have been a random act of violence.

Even though one of the victims, Jeanne Doucette, managed to take photos that appear to show the assailants as they kicked and pummeled her boyfriend Marc Adams to unconsciousness, Charlottesville Police still do not have any suspects. Doucette says there were other witnesses to the crime, which allegedly occurred just outside the Wells Fargo building at around 1am as she and Adams walked from Miller’s to Rapture, and she is baffled as to why the police haven’t shared her images more widely with people who could have seen the suspects earlier in the evening.

“I cannot understand why they didn’t let people know what happened,” said Doucette, who still bore injuries from the assault when she met for an interview a week later. “Those pictures might have prompted some tips.”

“They didn’t want to rob us. They wanted to beat us. It was like it was enjoyable to them to beat us,” she said. “There was camaraderie to it.”


This is life for white people in 21st Century Black-Run America (BRA), where one isolated example of a white-on-black 'knockout game' becomes fodder for a hate crime investigation, and thousands upon thousands of black-on-white assaults are brushed off as restitution for unpaid debts; debts with centuries of unearned interest in the guise of 'white privilege'.

Uptown is down for the count!

Ass-non said...

uptownsteve said...

Hey Dumbass,

You posted a link that laments cuts in food stamps.

Yes, it (an article from Black Entertainment Television) lamented the cut in Food Stamps as detrimental to blacks.

Food stamp spending under Obama has doubled:

Looks like you're the dumbass! Give it up uptown!

uptownsteve said...

"thousands upon thousands????"

Hey Field, looks like the freeper nutcases have really infiltrated your blog.

uptownsteve said...

Food Stamp Cuts

Dr. Nuwang said...

@UTS, thousands upon thousands of them, ROTFL!!!

Ass-non said...

Uh oh! uptown is crying out for help! Come on numbnuts, save this floundering negro!


Ass-non said...

Ms. Queen won't be much help. Where's the Twosqueegy Airman when you need him?

uptownsteve said...


I don't need any help with your sorry ass.

What's up Queen!

Ass-non said...

uptown has conceded defeat.

That was way too easy!

uptownsteve said...


You're too stupid to realize you're being humiliated. Your tactic is to keep posting bullshit and claiming victory hoping your opponent will get tired.

You ought to know that doesn't work with me.

Tony Weeks said... nine is ten!

Winner by first round knockout - Ass-non!

Anonymous said...

UTS has conceded defeat? I can't believe it! He has never lost a fight to a wm or an uncle tom EVER! This has GOT to be misinformation.

Ass-non said...

I just have to wait until your wife comes home and throws you off her computer!

At least she let you back in the house. They don't have computers down at the Y.

Why don't you just go look at some midget porn and jerk off before she gets back. At least you will be able to say you got something done today.

Anonymous said...

I have noticed that black Desert has been conspicuously silent. Guess she knows when to disappear....some FN resident IDs are going to get an Anon ass whipping today. lol

Anonymous said...

I can see that 2014 on FN is going to be worse than 2013. Damn! just when you thought it couldn't get any worse, it gets worse. Lordie.

Field, you should pay Anon Inc 'more' money.

PilotX said...

"thousands upon thousands of black-on-white assaults are brushed off as restitution for unpaid debts; debts with centuries of unearned interest in the guise of 'white privilege'."

Uh no, in the story itself it says it was a randon act. See, unlike white folks we don't sit around with inherent bias against you. I know white males love to play the voctim role, always have, but sometimes random acts are random acts. Get over yourselves.

PilotX said...

"The difference is that in the case Assnon is whining about, the victim was specifically TARGETED because he was black."

Steve, stop using logic, conservatrolls get confused easily. You can notice this because even Fox gave up reporting on the KO game. If Hannity can't find blah on white racism it's time to give up the chase.

Anonymous said...

Wow, I've never seen do many fumb ass white boys clamoring for space on a black blog. Interesting and quite weird all at once.

uptownsteve said...

Pilot X,

I see these racist anon-trolls are on mission. Pathetic.

Ass-non said...

The Two Squeegy Airman wrote...
"Uh no, in the story itself it says it was a randon act."

They always describe it as "random" because you are not supposed to notice unpleasant patterns. Thousands and thousands of random acts indicate a pattern.

Pattern recognition is racist in BRA.

You are very good at not seeing patterns that you don't want to see. And the media works overtime to try to convince people not to notice. However, that doesn't mean they aren't there.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
I have noticed that black Desert has been conspicuously silent. Guess she knows when to disappear...
2:42 PM
Thank you for noticing and caring. Been struggling with asthma!

The rains are heavy, so the mold spores and pollen levels are off the hook.

To top it off everyone is mowing like crazy, and then they burn it. So I've also inhaled a lot of smoke.

I'm going to have to leave this island for a place where laws are obeyed!

Burning is 'allegedly' illegal, but everybody does it. Well not everybody, but most. X( In areas that are surrounded by trees or hills the airflow is less so the smoke builds up!

I've been on the therapy machine, and playing scrabble against the computer. I've been winning since last night! ;D

Whiskey said...

“They didn’t want to rob us. They wanted to beat us. It was like it was enjoyable to them to beat us,” she said. “There was camaraderie to it.”

Lots of whites grow up in areas where people don't smash others in the face as a form of entertainment and thus become totally disoriented when it suddenly happens. It's out of their range of experience. Also, not everyone is cut out to be a bare-knuckle fighter. Predators, as in the story, size up their prey before attacking. They feel they can handle them and of course work in gangs, giving the prey no chance to defend themselves. The fact that one of the victims in the story was only 5'5" and 140 lbs speaks volumes about the type of mentality the predators have.

Notice the key themes involved with these types of predators: a need to humiliate and degrade, bullying and a strong dose of sadism. This is what they are all about.

The white establishment has bought in fully to Black supremacy and entitlement. It is deep and dates at least from the 1960's and is engrained in almost every single movie and TV show ever made. And nearly every book. And TV commercial.

For better and worse, White people believe as a religious belief in the sacred right of Blacks to victimize them as avatars of Earth-centric emotionalism and see themselves as "evil uptight" symbols of what went wrong with the industrial revolution.

This is why we will likely never have a White Male President again. Because Whites have been taught to hate themselves and their culture and desperately grab onto Black culture and people as symbols of religious salvation.

For me, I resolve to always be armed when out and about. Or don't be out and about. That simple.

PilotX said...

"They always describe it as "random" because you are not supposed to notice unpleasant patterns. Thousands and thousands of random acts indicate a pattern."

Or you spot patterns when there are none. This is nothing new man, watch the MTP interview with Dr. King where they ask him about blah folks discriminating against whites in the James Crow south. You guys are nothing but thin skinned complainers who don't understand reality.

PilotX said...

"Lots of whites grow up in areas where people don't smash others in the face as a form of entertainment and thus become totally disoriented when it suddenly happens."

As do most PEOPLE period.

"The white establishment has bought in fully to Black supremacy and entitlement"

and there are people out there stupid enough to believe this shit.

"This is why we will likely never have a White Male President again."

Wow, you have ONE fucking president who isn't a white male and they freak out this badly? White paranoia is worse than I thought. At least they come here so we can see their idiotic thoughts first hand. My god these people are special.

PilotX said...

ooop I meant THERE idiotic thoughts.

Fixed it BiB.

Anonymous said...

"White paranoia is worse than I thought. At least they come here so we can see their idiotic thoughts first hand. My god these people are special."

Ha ha the paranoid Pilot who thinks Rick Santorum is going to force him to have a baby is calling other people idiots. Too much.

uptownsteve said...

Pilot X

They are totally paranoid and insane.

I like the assertion that Obama's election is some kind of concession to black entitlement. LMAO.

Forget about the fact that Obama got only 42% of the white vote or that the white right has been going completely racist batshit since January 19, 2009.....

In their peabrains. they were kind enough to give us spoiled Negroes our "black President".

Too stupid to be believed.

Ann Dunham said...

The only qualification Barack Obama had to run for President was that he said he was 'black'.

liz said...

to quit complaining and commenting. to take real action. Join a group, pick up a hammer or hoe

Wiggy Bear said...

You get the hammer, I'll take the ho.

uptownsteve said...

So Anon Dunham,

Squeeze those 2 brain cells together and answer this.

If being black is the ticket to the Presidency why were all 43 of Obama's predecessors white and why aren't blacks lining up to run in 2016?

Ann Dunham said...

Because the brainwashing took 50 years, but now it is firmly in place.

Even democrats know it:

Former democrat Vice Presidential candidate, the late Geraldine Ferraro was right in 2008 when she said “If Obama was a white man, he would not be in this position.” It’s undeniable. But for his race, this narcissistic, thin-skinned empty suit with a history of admitted drug use, and extremely radical leftist views would still be on a Chicago street corner with a clipboard and bullhorn trying to stir up resentment and a sense of entitlement among poor, black people.

uptownsteve said...

You mean Geraldine Ferraro, the two term Congresswoman from Brooklyn with the felon husband who was only picked for the Mondale ticket in 1984 because she had a vagina?

Some people have nerve.

Frosty Bawles said...

More evidence of media manipulation. Perhaps you have heard about the global warming expedition to survey the summer Antarctic ice pack they claim is melting that has been stuck in the ice for over a week?

98% of Reports on the Ice-Bound Antarctic Expedition Fail to Mention They Were Researching "Global Warming"

The Russian ship, Akademic Shokalskiy, was stranded in the ice while on a climate change research expedition, yet nearly 98 percent of network news reports about the stranded researchers failed to mention their mission at all. Forty out of 41 stories (97.5 percent) on the network morning and evening news shows since Dec. 25 failed to mention climate change had anything to do with the expedition.

In fact, rather than point out the mission was to find evidence of climate change, the networks often referred to the stranded people as “passengers,” “trackers” and even “tourists,” without a word about climate change or global warming.

Chris Turney, the expedition’s leader, is a professor of climate change at the University of South Wales. According to Turney’s personal website, the purpose of the expedition is to “discover and communicate the environmental changes taking place in the south.”

According to Fox News, Turney admitted “we’re stuck in our own experiment.” They reported on Dec. 30, that a statement from the Australasian Antarctic Expedition said, “Sea ice is disappearing due to climate change, but here ice is building up.”

Ann Dunham said...

Anonymous uptownsteve said...

" You mean Geraldine Ferraro, the two term Congresswoman from Brooklyn with the felon husband who was only picked for the Mondale ticket in 1984 because she had a vagina?"

Oh, so you admit that Democrats pick their candidates by affirmative action. I'm glad we are getting somewhere with you uptown.

The only thing that is going to get a white skinned democrat on the ticket in 2016 is having a vagina.

Thanks for playing, assclownsteve.

uptownsteve said...

AA or not, we'll keep kicking the shit out of anybody the GOP puts up.

That tells you the quality of your team.

You really don't mind being humiliated, do you? LMAO!!!!!

Oh let's not forget Sarah Palin, the single digit IQ bimbo from Alaska!

Anonoconda said...

Anonymous assclownsteve said...

AA or not, we'll keep kicking the shit out of anybody the GOP puts up.

Yes, and you'll keeping running the country into the ground. Hope you enjoy it when it bottoms out.

The GOP will keep losing because the faction that controls it are basically democrats. The party will need to be taken over by conservatives to survive.

And Sarah Palin may be no genius, but she is smarter than 95% of the democrat 'base'.

uptownsteve said...

What a minute?

Wasn't it the idiot rightwingers who tried to shut the government DOWN????

Sarah Palin isn't as intelligent as my pet fish.

But she is smarter than you.

You're so dumb you tripped over a cordless phone.

Anonoconda said...

"Wasn't it the idiot rightwingers who tried to shut the government DOWN????"

Heroes all of them.

I say burn it down and start over.

uptownsteve said...

That's why we won't see another Republican in the White House for 20 years at least.

Thanks ass-non.

You morons are the gift that keeps on giving.

Affirmative Action Jackson said...

Professor: Obamacare Failed Only Because of Racist "Southern White Radicals"

A professor who teaches constitutional law courses at the City University of New York’s John Jay College of Criminal Justice penned a Christmas Day essay blaming “southern White radicals” for the disastrous, slow-motion train wreck failure that has been the rollout of the Affordable Care Act.

The essay, by Gloria J. Browne-Marshall at the website Politics in Color, is entitled “2013: A Year of Racial Challenges.”

“[S]outhern White radicals vowed to stop implementation of the Obama-care law leading one to wonder if Tea Party members would oppose affordable healthcare if it came from a nonBlack [sic] President,” writes Browne-Marshall.

Seems like this sort of statement might indicate a hostile environment toward white southern students at John Jay, one that might deny them educational opportunities.

If a professor is so ignorant and hate-filled as this, that's probably true. It's embarrassing to even have to explain to this "professor" that "southern white radicals" opposed HillaryCare, too.

Anonoconda said...

uptownsteve said...

That's why we won't see another Republican in the White House for 20 years at least.

This country won't last nearly that long. Have your fun now, assclown.

PilotX said...

"Oh, so you admit that Democrats pick their candidates by affirmative action."

Somebody MENTION Sarah Palin? Or did John McCain actually believe she was the most qualified candidate? Either way it was a fail!

uptownsteve said...

You goobers won't have much to whine about any more.

Obamacare signups SOAR.

BTW ass-non, what part of a growing economy, declining unemployment, relative peace in the world and universal healthcare do you have a problem with?

You just can't stand a black man in the White House can you?


PilotX said...

"98% of Reports on the Ice-Bound Antarctic Expedition Fail to Mention They Were Researching "Global Warming"

Yeah, that is wrong. That should be mentioned.

PilotX said...

"You just can't stand a black man in the White House can you?"

That's impossible Steve, only blah people can be racist.

PilotX said...

"Ha ha the paranoid Pilot who thinks Rick Santorum is going to force him to have a baby is calling other people idiots. Too much."

Uh, so you're saying the runner up for the gop presidential nomination didn't say this?

"It's not enough to oppose abortion, even to protect the life of the mother or for survivors of rape or incest. Rick Santorum and all his fellow supporters of "life begins at conception" even oppose the most commonly used forms of birth control. This includes the top choice, the pill, since birth control can work by preventing implantation of a fertilized egg. Santorum opposes contraception in general, telling the blog in October, "It's not okay. It's a license to do things in a sexual realm that is counter to how things are supposed to be."

Santorum also opposes the predecessor to Roe v. Wade, Griswold v. Connecticut, which established a constitutional right to privacy in 1965. Griswold negated a Connecticut state law banning the use of contraception by married couples. The day before the Iowa caucuses, Santorum told ABC's Jake Tapper, "It is not a constitutional right, the state has the right to pass whatever statues they have."

You can't make this shit up.

Dr. Nuwang said...

Hey UTS, glad to see you back in the new year!

@Desert you take good care of your self!

PilotX said...

"Here is an actual Rick Santorum quote: “One of the things I will talk about, that no president has talked about before, is I think the dangers of contraception in this country.” And also, “Many of the Christian faith have said, well, that’s okay, contraception is okay. It’s not okay. It’s a license to do things in a sexual realm that is counter to how things are supposed to be.”

These comments were not dug up from some bygone moment of ideological purity, before dreams of a presidential campaign. He said them in October, to a blogger at (they met at Des Moines’ Baby Boomers Cafe)."

A simple search of Santorum opposes birth control can give you hours of amusement. Then again a search of Santorum may not get the results you want. But anyway these are the insane people rethuglicans elect, I may not be a dem but there's no way in hell I'd vote for this moron. Mr. Blah people.

Anonymous said...

PilotX has a uterus?

PilotX said...


Ass-non said...

"BTW ass-non, what part of a growing economy, declining unemployment, relative peace in the world and universal healthcare do you have a problem with?"

The economy is still stagnant five years after Obama took over. Five years. Most recessions end on their own after 18 months, but his policies have prevented full recovery for five years and counting.

Unemployment is declining only because more and more people have left the workforce. Real unemployment has not improved at all under Obama.

Obama oversaw our leaving Iraq and the exact time table negotiated with the Iraqis by George W. Bush. We are STILL in Afghanistan five years into his term. We have supported the Muslim Brotherhood overthrowing the governments of Egypt and Tunisia, supported al Qaeda in Syria (causing Putin to bitch slap Obama), helped terrorists take over Libya and then watched them drag the body of our ambassador around the streets of Benghazi. Some peace.

As far as "universal healthcare" goes, more people have lost insurance under Obamacare than have gained it. It is an unmitigated failure, and for you to cite it as an accomplishment betrays a severe dissociation from reality. Or maybe you are just plain dumb.

You really enjoy a whooping, don't you asslown?

Anonymous said...

Did Santorum win the Republican nomination?

Anonymous said...

Dr.Nǚwáng said...
Hey UTS, glad to see you back in the new year!
@Desert you take good care of your self!
6:33 PM
Thanks Doc!

The Albuterol therapy just shakes up my nerves so bad, I can hardly type!

uptownsteve said...

Poor Anon-Goober,

He's such a pathetic racist, if Barack Obama walked across water, he'd whine that Obama can't swim.

uptownsteve said...


"As far as "universal healthcare" goes, more people have lost insurance under Obamacare than have gained it"

A goddamned lie.

Prove it.

PilotX said...

"Did Santorum win the Republican nomination?"

Dumb ass, didn't I write he was the runner up? That's a helluva lot of votes and he was outspent 70-1 by the eventual gop loser. Anyway it goes, a major gop presidential candidate opposes birth control. In a normal party that would disqualify you but not in the batshit crazy gop where Sarah Palin is the most qualified vp nominee. I wouldn't defend this stupidity if I were you, the shit is embarrassing.

PilotX said...

"The economy is still stagnant five years after Obama took over. Five years. Most recessions end on their own after 18 months, but his policies have prevented full recovery for five years and counting.

Unemployment is declining only because more and more people have left the workforce. Real unemployment has not improved at all under Obama."

That's because of all of the government cuts. In other recoveries such as Clinto and Reagan goverment hiring was responsible for improved employment numbers while under the Barack administration government jobs have been eliminated. This recovery is completely dependent on the private sector, unlike any other recovery in history so we need to put this in context.

PilotX said...

When Barack Obama ran for president four years ago, he appalled some Democrats by saying Ronald Reagan had been a transformational president.

Three years into his presidency, he has exceeded Reagan in one area: reductions in government jobs.



Notions on high and low finance.
Over all — including a decline of 12,000 public sector jobs in the Labor Department report for December — government employment is down 2.6 percent over the last three years, compared to a decline of 2.2 percent in the early Reagan years. That is a record.

That record, which will seem a dubious distinction to public-sector employees, is largely a result not of federal policy but of shrinking state governments. State employment fell 1.2 percent in 2011 — the largest percentage for any year since counting began in 1955. The number is down 2.2 percent over the last three years. It was up 1.2 percent during Reagan’s first three years, declining in only one of the years.

Ass-non said...

uptownsteve said...


"As far as "universal healthcare" goes, more people have lost insurance under Obamacare than have gained it"

A goddamned lie.

Prove it.

From “That Health Care Law, By the Numbers,” by the Associated Press’s Calvin Woodward

“4 million-plus: People whose individual plans were canceled because the plans didn’t measure up under the law [ObamaCare]. The government changed rules to allow substandard plans to exist for another year; it’s not known how many canceled policies will be revived. Another rules change allowed cancellation victims to sign up for bare-bones catastrophic coverage.

How many have signed up, through and the state health exchanges? Up to but no more than 2 million. That’s the “good news,” according to Jim Geraghty.

The bad news? “That puts them at about 26 percent of their enrollment goal of 7 million, with half the enrollment period passed.” (And, of course, like all Obama numbers always, there will be a later revision of the number that has supposed signed up–downward.)

Conclusion? “[W]e’re still ending 2013 with more people having lost their insurance than gained it,” Geraghty reminds us.

Don't you ever get tired of losing, assclownsteve?

President Tyrant said...

"That record, which will seem a dubious distinction to public-sector employees, is largely a result not of federal policy but of shrinking state governments."

Duh, X, Obama has centralized power and influence in the federal government at the expense of the states. That is supposed to be a good thing?

Reagan believed in federalism and as the federal government was cut, you would have expected state governments to fill some roles.

Many states have acted responsibly in the face of expanding deficits; Obama has not.

And the decrease over the last three years is deceptive, and fails to account for the massive hiring spree that occurred when Obama first entered office.

Bill said...

Please tell us what Obama could or should be doing specifically for blacks that he hasn't done?

White unemployment 6.2%

Black unemployment 12.5%

Do you feel that Obama's immigration plan will help or hurt black unemployment?

Dr. Nuwang said...

@Bill immigration has been eating away at opportunities for Scientists since the early 90's. So let's place the blame with Bush senior since all this shit got real on HIS watch.

And as you pointed out, shit is ALWAYS worse for Black folks than it is for anyone else.

uptownsteve said...

Black unemployment is always significantly higher than whites.

What would you suggest Obama do specifically to curb black unemployment?

BTW ass-non, the people whose policies were cancelled have the option of signing up for the ACA.

You're still a loser.

Bill said...

GrannyStandingforTruth said...
That old lie that Reagan made up about the Welfare Queen was the biggest falsehood,

Though Reagan was known to stretch the truth, he did not invent that woman in Chicago. Her name was Linda Taylor, and it was the Chicago Tribune, not the GOP politician, who dubbed her the “welfare queen.” It was the Tribune, too, that lavished attention on Taylor’s jewelry, furs, and Cadillac—all of which were real.

And while Reagan's critics on the left argued that the woman was a fabrication, Levin reminds us at length that she wasn't.

Dr. Nuwang said...

This woman ain't got SHIT on Bernie Madolf.

Now I ask a simple question, WHO has stolen more from others welfare queens or wall street thieves?

GrannyStandingforTruth said...

Yet, Reagan used her as the norm for people on welfare although in reality, she was a sinister con, a fraudster, like Bernie Madoff, or any myriad white collar thieves, fraudsters and murderers. One of her vehicles just happened to be government welfare, not unlike those corporations gouging the government with all kinds of fraudulent claims in Iraq and Afghanistan, or prescription drug traffickers defrauding Medicare.

Reagan's trickle down economics sure worked for us, didn't it?

Dr. Nuwang said...

You know Granny as long as "they" stay "winning", it's all good. But let someone Black play the same tricks the others play, and NOW it's a big problem.

GrannyStandingforTruth said...

Yep! Dr Nuwang that's about the size of it.

GrannyStandingforTruth said...

Goodnight. I'm tired and needs my rest.

Anonymous said...

The Welfare Queen was not even "black". She was more "other" with mostly Jewish, Hispanic and Native American ancestry. Pity how black women got the bum wrap because of that bitch.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous GrannyStandingforTruth said...

Yet, Reagan used her as the norm for people on welfare...

No, as Bill showed, it was the Chicago Tribune who gave the world the welfare queen.

You sure do cling tight to your misconceptions.

PilotX said...

"Duh, X, Obama has centralized power and influence in the federal government at the expense of the states. That is supposed to be a good thing?"

How so? Seems like the same old USA to me. And yes, sometimes centralized federal power is a good thing. Remember that whole "state's rights" thing certain states used to discriminate against certain folks? George Wallace may have liked it but others not so much.

PilotX said...

"Duh, X, Obama has centralized power and influence in the federal government at the expense of the states. That is supposed to be a good thing?"

Wrong again. Wanna go for double jeopardy where the scores can really change?

Off the Charts: Shrinking Government

The government sector of the economy shrank during the first three years of the Obama administration, but the private sector grew more rapidly than it did during the first three years of either of George W. Bush’s terms in office. The charts show the growth in gross domestic product from the first quarter of the year in which each president was inaugurated through the first quarter of the subsequent election year. All figures are adjusted for inflation.

Anonymous said...

Dr.Nǚwáng said...

@Bill immigration has been eating away at opportunities for Scientists since the early 90's. So let's place the blame with Bush senior since all this shit got real on HIS watch.

And as you pointed out, shit is ALWAYS worse for Black folks than it is for anyone else.

But it is Obama and the Democrats who want to vastly expand the B-1B immigration numbers that will bring hundreds of thousands of tech workers into the country, this to please Jeff Bezos, Bill Gates and Mark Zuckerberg who don't want to pay American wages despite rolling in billions of profits.

How do think that will affect the wages of minority and white Americans with STEM degrees?

And how will open borders affect the wages and job prospects of unskilled workers of all races?

Neither party is looking out for the American worker.

Dr. Nuwang said...

@10:13, seeing what was coming was pretty much a guarentee that I wouldn't have a research only career. The AMA would NEVER in a zillion years allow a similar thing to happen in the medical field.

This was also the primary impetus for me starting a STEM business, I'll be happy to have these folks working for me too, lol!!!

Anonymous said...

@ PilotX:

The first three years of George Bush's administration included a little thing called 9-11, remember that?

In addition, Bush inherited a recession from Bill Clinton. Remember the bubble that burst in 2000?

"The government sector of the economy shrank during the first three years of the Obama administration" - This is a stunningly disingenuous statement even by New York Times standards. The drop is due to the huge spike in the government sector employees that happened during the stimulus. There have also been over 30,0000 personnel reductions in the military.

In any event, is Big-Government George W. Bush really the standard Obama should be judged by?

Anonymous said...

Dr.Nǚwáng said...

@10:13, seeing what was coming was pretty much a guarentee that I wouldn't have a research only career. The AMA would NEVER in a zillion years allow a similar thing to happen in the medical field.

The AMA may have no say in the matter once government healthcare drives a lot of doctors out of the system. The government will likely decide to allow non-doctors to take on more of the work and to import foreign doctors.

Don't underestimate how 'fundamental' the change they have planned for us will be.

Anonymous said...

Desert, "I'm going to have to leave this island for a place where laws are obeyed!"

Dear Desert, I am sorry you are having asthma problems. I know it's not fun at all.

Have you ever thought of having an in-house helper? I do such work for a nominal fee. Seriously, I can help you if you should need anyone.

If you are thinking about moving to where the laws are obeyed, come to America. Down South, Conservatives make sure laws are obeyed. Anybody burning shit against the law will go to jail. I recommend Mississippi because the state is the strictest and you will meet some nice Conservative people there. Another state to consider is Bill Clinton's state, Arkansas. It's a beautifu state with warm weather year round with very little molds and spores floating in the air. You'd love it!

Dr. Nuwang said...

I think you have a good point especially as it relates to what we call mid level provides. However, when the "right" rich/important White person dies as a result, things will go back to normal.

Of course, I'm planning to work in a academic/medical center environment so this won't affect me as much if I were lookingat private ppractice or employment with a private hospital.

PilotX said...

"In any event, is Big-Government George W. Bush really the standard Obama should be judged by?"

Maybe not but it was just an article detailing that the Barack administration has the lowest level of federal government disuting what you wrote before about federal powers expanding.

PilotX said...

oops, disputing.

Anonymous said...

Bill said...
Please tell us what Obama could or should be doing specifically for blacks that he hasn't done?

White unemployment 6.2%

Black unemployment 12.5%

Do you feel that Obama's immigration plan will help or hurt black unemployment?

8:06 PM
THANK YOU, BILL. Now watch that Uts will make an 'excuse' to mitigate for Blacks having one the highest unemployment rates in the history of America. You see, brother Steve is an Obamaholic. He likes everything Obama does to him....sick dem Negro.

Anonymous said...

"Maybe not but it was just an article detailing that the Barack administration has the lowest level of federal government disuting what you wrote before about federal powers expanding. "

Federal power is not just employment - Barack Obama has presided over the largest spending levels and largest deficits in American history.

Also, by the fifth year of the Bush administration, the economy was booming. Obama's fifth year? - not so much, even as he has benefited form an oil and gas boom that he tried to squelch.

Anonymous said...

Dr.Nǚwáng said...

I think you have a good point especially as it relates to what we call mid level provides. However, when the "right" rich/important White person dies as a result, things will go back to normal.

Rich people will have private physicians and hospitals, and will not be part of the system. Obama's children will never have to wait in line at a government clinic.

PilotX said...

"Federal power is not just employment - Barack Obama has presided over the largest spending levels and largest deficits in American history."

Wrong again. Can't just make up your own facts, this isn't Fox news.

PilotX said...

Speaking of Fox news I just had a blast watching Bill O'Reilly's head explode about Rick Scott's law being overturned. Seems Mr. O'Reilly wants us to believe drugs dealers are lined up on welfare check day in any city in America. Has anyone ever actually witnessed such an event or did Billo the clown just pull more shit out of his ass for the consumption of his ignorant viewers?

PilotX said...

"It’s enough to make even the most ardent Obama cynic scratch his head in confusion.

Amidst all the cries of Barack Obama being the most prolific big government spender the nation has ever suffered, Marketwatch is reporting that our president has actually been tighter with a buck than any United States president since Dwight D. Eisenhower.

Who knew?"

"So, how have the Republicans managed to persuade Americans to buy into the whole “Obama as big spender” narrative?

It might have something to do with the first year of the Obama presidency where the federal budget increased a whopping 17.9% —going from $2.98 trillion to $3.52 trillion. I’ll bet you think that this is the result of the Obama sponsored stimulus plan that is so frequently vilified by the conservatives…but you would be wrong.

The first year of any incoming president term is saddled—for better or for worse—with the budget set by the president whom immediately precedes the new occupant of the White House. Indeed, not only was the 2009 budget the property of George W. Bush—and passed by the 2008 Congress—it was in effect four months before Barack Obama took the oath of office."

PilotX said...

"Accordingly, the first budget that can be blamed on our current president began in 2010 with the budgets running through and including including fiscal year 2013 standing as charges on the Obama account, even if a President Willard M. Romney takes over the office on January 20, 2013.

So, how do the actual Obama annual budgets look?

Courtesy of Marketwatch-
•In fiscal 2010 (the first Obama budget) spending fell 1.8% to $3.46 trillion.
• In fiscal 2011, spending rose 4.3% to $3.60 trillion.
•In fiscal 2012, spending is set to rise 0.7% to $3.63 trillion, according to the Congressional Budget Office’s estimate of the budget that was agreed to last August.
•Finally in fiscal 2013 — the final budget of Obama’s term — spending is scheduled to fall 1.3% to $3.58 trillion. Read the CBO’s latest budget outlook.

No doubt, many will wish to give the credit to the efforts of the GOP controlled House of Representatives. That’s fine if that’s what works for you.

However, you don’t get to have it both ways. Credit whom you will, but if you are truly interested in a fair analysis of the Obama years to date—at least when it comes to spending—you’re going to have to acknowledge that under the Obama watch, even President Reagan would have to give our current president a thumbs up when it comes to his record for stretching a dollar."

Dr. Nuwang said...

Rich folks have medical emergencies too and when they do, sometimes they end up in crappt hospitals.

Anonymous said...

"Wrong again. Can't just make up your own facts, this isn't Fox news."

Nonsense. The Forbes article says Obama has the lowest rate of increase of spending since Eisenhower, not spending.

Further this rate is calculated as low because the baseline includes the 1 trillion in stimulus spending (which is attributed here to Bush).

Nice try PilotX, but the fact remains that under Obama the debt has doubled and deficits are by far the highest in history.

Here's another Forbes article for you:

And here is something more current:

Facts is facts, Jack.

Anonymous said...

Blogger Dr.Nǚwáng said...
Rich folks have medical emergencies too and when they do, sometimes they end up in crappt hospitals.

12:15 AM
Bullshit. Rich people end up in the best hospitals with the best doctors and nurses.

One thing for sure, you won't be taking care of any rich people, and you won't be doing your intern in any of the top hospitals....That's "IF" you ever get your medical degree. I have some doubt about that, sister.

Anonymous said...

My God, Field...It's late and still no new post. Man, you are starting the New Year off slower than last year. You and Obama have something in common.

PilotX said...

"Nice try PilotX, but the fact remains that under Obama the debt has doubled and deficits are by far the highest in history."

Does this include Medicaid part D, the Iraq and Afganistan wars? And weren't those kept off the books in the last administration?

PilotX said...

My fault, medicare part D. You knew what I meant.

Anonymous said...

No, those cost were part of the Bush budgets.

I might add here that I absolutely detested the level of spending under GW Bush, and I do not consider him in any way a fiscal conservative. His compassionate conservatism was just Clinton-lite. He was a social conservative, and I disagreed with his position on abortion (I am against outlawing it).

I was against the wars when they turned into Clinton style nation building.

That being said I believe the only thing that might turnaround this country would be the election of president and congress committed to limited government, constitutional conservatism. No more foreign military adventures, no top down federal bureaucracies controlling education, healthcare, drug policy, or much business regulation, all of which should be left to the states.

The Purple Cow said...

"Do you feel that Obama's immigration plan will help or hurt black unemployment?"

Help. As J.M. Keynes demonstrated decades ago.

I can't believe you nut jobs are still debating this.

Anonymous said...

Does anybody know what time Field posts new posts? I mean, I've been up all night waiting.

I can see this year is going to be another eff'd up year for Negroes.

Meanwhile, brother Bill and his melanin challenged Repubs will have another banner year at our expense...again. It's been like this for centuries. But it's to be expected because FN Negroes like Field and UTS, PilotX and PC live on BPT.

BP are late; Obamacare is late; black jobs are waaay late; Dr Nuwang is late finishing school; Desert is late with her baked goods; FN posts are late....everything Black is effing late. It's depressing!

I'm going Republican, where EVERYBODY is on time. I'm going to bed. This waiting on Field sucks.

Anonymous said...

I forgot...Negroes like PC are always late as hell. There's something wrong with those UK brothers.

Bill said...

The Purple Cow said...

"Do you feel that Obama's immigration plan will help or hurt black unemployment?"

Help. As J.M. Keynes demonstrated decades ago.

Did you read in a book that importing a few million unskilled workers isn't going to have a negative effect on the american unskilled workers?

Does that even sound logical to you?

Bill said...

PilotX:Freeing Slaves from the republican plantation since the 70's said...
..Barack Obama has presided over the largest spending levels and largest deficits in American history.

Wrong again. Can't just make up your own facts, this isn't Fox news.

Federal debt (in billions)
2000 $10,364
2007 $14,572
2013 $16,738

In billions
2000 5,674
2007 9,008
2013 16,738

2001 $7,943,438,563,436
2007 $9,229,172,659,218
2013 $16,432,730,050,569

Dr. Nuwang said...

Check this out, idiot "genius".

Wealthy white folks DO end up at crappy hospitals:


Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Have you ever thought of having an in-house helper? I do such work for a nominal fee. Seriously, I can help you if you should need anyone.

Anybody burning shit against the law will go to jail. I recommend Mississippi because the state is the strictest and you will meet some nice Conservative people there. Another state to consider is Bill Clinton's state, Arkansas. It's a beautifu state with warm weather year round with very little molds and spores floating in the air. You'd love it!
10:40 PM
Nah,I don't think you Anos like housework at all. I invited one over to help just with...a few things...not much...HA! I'm still waiting!

Whatchu talking 'bout Arkansas? It's been snowing there since November? m:)))

and dunno...don't know many Hispanics living down there...

Maybe East somewhere,or somewhere warm like Florida..NO wait, on second thought...

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