I mean just when you thought that we couldn't get any dumber in this country we surprise you.
So let me get this straight; we are upset that the president referred to the people who were tortured as "folks", but not the fact that they were ACTUALLY TORTURED. Got it!
This from Darrell Issa:
"✔ @DarrellIssa Follow
Typical week in the Obama Administration: conservatives labeled ‘a**holes’ terrorists labeled ‘folks’
Mr. Issa not only are you an "a**hole"; but you are a car thief as well.
BTW, do you know who else referred to alleged terrorists as "folks"?
"Bush's initial response to the attacks on the World Trade Center was inauspicious. He seemed shaken and halting in his first statement, at 9:30 A.M. , shortly after stepping out of the classroom in Sarasota. He described the incidents as "an apparent terrorist attack" and vowed "to hunt down and to find those folks who committed this act." The Secret Service then rushed Bush onto Air Force One, and the presidential jet roared off into the sky without delay, headed for Washington." [Source]
Yep, that guy.
As I write this post Michele Bachman is on the floor of the House asking that President Obama be put in chains handcuffs and arrested. This is the same Michele Bachman who declared this week that President Obama wants undocumented children to come to this country so that we can do medical experiments on them.
Her pals were out in full force pushing their message on immigration, and needless to say some of their colleagues on the other side were not pleased.
"Illinois Democratic lawmaker Luis Gutierrez declared Republicans’ main fight in Congress over a stalled border bill is “how do [they] get meaner, how do [they] get nastier with immigrants.”
Gutierrez appeared on MSNBC’s “Jose Diaz-Balart” on Friday to blast the GOP’s disarray on immigration reform. The congressman took particular umbrage at the fact that Diaz-Balart’s previous guest, Tennessee Republican lawmaker Marsha Blackburn, referred to the tens of thousands of illegal immigrant children on the border as “unaccompanied alien children.”
“She says, ‘UACs, UACs, UACs,’ I think she said it three or four times,” he said. “Why doesn’t she just say ‘children?’ . . . "
Because "immigrants", sir, are not people. In fact, they are not even "folks".
Gutierrez appeared on MSNBC’s “Jose Diaz-Balart” on Friday to blast the GOP’s disarray on immigration reform. The congressman took particular umbrage at the fact that Diaz-Balart’s previous guest, Tennessee Republican lawmaker Marsha Blackburn, referred to the tens of thousands of illegal immigrant children on the border as “unaccompanied alien children.”
“She says, ‘UACs, UACs, UACs,’ I think she said it three or four times,” he said. “Why doesn’t she just say ‘children?’ . . . "
Because "immigrants", sir, are not people. In fact, they are not even "folks".
Field, this is a post attacking the GOP and Michelle Bachman for trying to stop the carnage of hundreds of thousands of children crossing out borders.
You need to get a grip, get some brains and be fair and honest in your judgments. Right now, your post is rated as a lousy "ZERO."
Just as well that bill failed. This way they're going to have to parole all of those kids to the winds and they'll never leave. Fine with me; I'm an "open the door & let then all in" kinda guy myself.
We'll be right over, Whitey. Hope you don't mind sleeping on the couch.
Michelle Bachman is just my kind of woman, one with prominent nipples and a muscular vagina.
"Because "immigrants", sir, are not people. In fact, they are not even "folks"."
Most importantly, they are not citizens and they have entered the country illegally.
Why is that not relevant?
"Because "immigrants", sir, are not people. In fact, they are not even "folks"."
Does that mean we can't torture them?
The GOP has resorted to childish tactics to hide the fact they are doing nothing. Arguing over the term "folks"? Well, we get what we deserve. If folks like Bachmann and her brand of foolishness that's democracy. Sometimes it's ugly and stupid.
"Sometimes it's ugly and stupid."
Why drag Yinsheng into this?
My main beef is that the immigrants have broke laws in crossing the boarders without proper procedures. Now if the immigrant having committed a crime by statue and allowed to progress in USA unfettered, then all these petty misdemeanor of the Black youths should be wiped clean.
I am tired of listening to young Black males unable to join society by virtue of smoking or dealing weed. Yes, we preach daily to our youths that the system is designed to make you the crop. Industries have been built centered around the illegality of petty drugs that corrupt whole neighborhoods- here and abroad.
Working in the mental health game, I was so dishearten to hear the testimonies of young males reminiscing about the tribulations centered around just dealing. The miseries of robbing Pete to pay Raoul. The beat-downs and gun toting actions. All for little rewards at GREAT risks.
I know when Blacks have been demonized in the past- we react by being the "toughest petty Bogart". Always a great risk for a false sense of manhood. Another generations of "tuffies".
President Obama give us a clean start.... you are begging it for class of people that also is committing crime. Just think of all the crimes the criminals/freedom seekers are absolved- being they are seeking a better life. Is not the petty dealers seeking a better existence here in America?
To the commenter that wanted me to visit the Fox news personality- not Hannity but (cant think) to gain some knowledge. My mind can't stay focus long enough to go to other sites. You just tell me what you think I need to know. But in this life's game it comes a time where you going to have all the knowledge you need to know. At present I am relying on personal life's experience to make it thru the day.
In America the key that I have used is to know what the big dogs as well as the little dogs know. Whose butt to sniff and whose not to.
Again, just tell me. I am sure I have heard it before.
"President Obama give us a clean start.... you are begging it for class of people that also is committing crime"
Wise words, but I am afraid the democrats have decided that Brown is the new Black.
Just think of all the crimes the criminals/freedom seekers are absolved- being they are seeking a better life. Is not the petty dealers seeking a better existence here in America,
Good point!
Wise words, but I am afraid the democrats have decided that Brown is the new Black
So true.
Wise words, but I am afraid the democrats have decided that Brown is the new Black
So dumb.
"Wise words, but I am afraid the democrats have decided that Brown is the new Black."
12:15 AM
This is true. Blacks had their chance during the Civil Rights era and did not take advantage of it. The 60's and 70's were the perfect storm days for Blacks.
Somehow, we managed to throw the opportunity away. Now it's the Latinos turn. They learned a valuable lesson from Blacks:
It's late in the game of life in America. Latinos know it, and are making their great push for a piece of the pie. But Blacks are in a hopeless state.
StillaPanther's remarks prove it.
To ALL FN readers:
Please be aware that United Airlines is the least profitable of all the airlines. PilotX claims to be a pilot for UA.
In addition, bed bug infestation has hit the airline, but NOT others. Yisheng is a big promoter of PX and his airline.
There is a possibility Yisheng might have bed bugs.
"We'll be right over, Whitey. Hope you don't mind sleeping on the couch."
Closer to the dot than you know a non. I'm not hosting anyone, but I have, and the wife and I have helped sponsor a lot of refugees over the years through our church's resettlement program, and I'm due to start training to do pro-bono asylum work next month.
Immigrants are a blessing; they might not look like much when they get here, but we get the cream of the crop: the talented and ambitious stifled by tradition and bursting with energy. They are dynamic; they produce abundance. We should be admitting 5 million a year of them, minimum, with head-of-the-line privileges to refugees from our own international clusterfux, and we should routinely regularize the immigrants with the guts to come here on their own shoe leather with 5-year probationary residency too.
I guess you could say that I'm pro-immigrant/ation.
"with head-of-the-line privileges to refugees from our own international clusterfux"
Yes, time for Rosa's children to go back to the back of the bus.
Injecting re-hydrated bed bugs soon to replace meth.
Just a matter of time for Ebola vaccine - once it crosses over into America's Caucasian population. Can't wait. Only problem is that Repugnicans/Teabaggers will probably go unharmed. Shucks
Whitey's Conspiracy said...
Immigrants are a blessing; they might not look like much when they get here, but we get the cream of the crop: the talented and ambitious stifled by tradition and bursting with energy. They are dynamic; they produce abundance. We should be admitting 5 million a year of them......I guess you could say that I'm pro-immigrant/ation.
Would you feel the same if those were 5 million Attorneys immigrating? I seriously DOUBT you'd feel the same way.
" FYI: PC does not have an engineering degree. Nor does he have an MBA, which he claimed in the past to have."
I don't have an engineering degree, my first degree was in Diagnostic Imaging. I certainly do have an M.B.A. the proof is hanging on my toilet wall.
Wait, let me get my fire extinguisher just in case the straw men start burning.
What, exactly, does the plight of black people in this country have to do with brown children being allowed to come here?
Oh yeah, they will take our jobs. *eye roll*
"Folks" need to read for themselves and not just listen to right wing talking points. Their plan is working:divide brown and black people. Let black people think that they view them as equal partners and that WE need to be fighting those illegals together.
Well you go right ahead and join up with your right-wing friends to fight the brown people, and after the fight we will see how that works out for you.
StillaPanther said"
"I am tired of listening to young Black males unable to join society by virtue of smoking or dealing weed. Yes, we preach daily to our youths that the system is designed to make you the crop. Industries have been built centered around the illegality of petty drugs that corrupt whole neighborhoods- here and abroad."
Looks like your starting to see the Hypocrisy that I speak on daily..
Its amazing that the subject of the Drug War hasnt been brought into this discussion.
The problems in your city StillaPanther , and the problems at the border are all tied together as cause , and effect.
Cannabis prohibition fuels both sides of the coin.
Imagine the collective sigh of relief that could happen when thousands of former corner boys , and lookouts are steered into gainful employment opportunities in this new multi-billion dollar industry.
Legalization needs to happen within the most concentrated areas of black people. Chicago , and Detroit are prime examples...
Dumb shit STEPHEN says...
"What, exactly, does the plight of black people in this country have to do with brown children being allowed to come here?"
First of all ... The immigration problem is directly correlated to Americas insatiable appetite for illegal drugs.
Given that African Americans namely boys are incarcerated at a extremely higher rate than whites for the same offenses...
Your dumb ass question imply s that there is no correlation to the ever increasing violence in Latin American Countries ,and the influx of immigrant children from these countries escaping the Narco-trafficking hell holes these countries have become.
The issues are intrinsically woven together,but you have two parties absolutely HELL BENT on playing politics, and dividng the people on both sides.
No one wants to tackle the real issue.
Just continue to let Corrections Corporation of America continue to profit from Private Prison Industrialization...
Subsidized by Our Tax Dollars of course...
While Chicago has open running gun battles , and thousands of Drug War refugee children cross our borders...
Democrats just want Amnesty without addressing the problems behind it...
Republicans want the children shot on site...
Insanity....at its finest....
"Please be aware that United Airlines is the least profitable of all the airlines. PilotX claims to be a pilot for UA."
Once again misinformation, look at last quarter's report $900 million profit. While it trailed Delta and American it was still respectable in spite of our piss poor management. Don't blame us pilots for the underperformance blame the white guy running the show. Ha!
"And we have no verification for his "pilot status." Sounds like a fantasy to me. Considering how few Black airline pilots there are, you have really have to ask yourself about the veracity of his statements. But shucking and jiving is part and parcel to Blacks in general. After a few 40's I'm sure he even believes he's a pilot."
Unlike QLB who can't even answer whether or not she has a college degree I can actually prove I am a pilot for a major airline. She can't be a college grad with that kind of logic, since there aren't that many blah airline pilots then X must not be one. If that doesn't smack of simple minded ignorance what does? Anyhoo QLB here ya go. If you know any United pilots ask them if I'm correct (but we know airline pilots make too much money to live in the same trailer park as you so good luck).
Here's some inside baseball that only a UAL ORD based 737 pilot would know.
*Our local council 12 president's initials are E.P. The vice president and F.O. rep is a Latino who's initials are C.R. Our sec/trez is J.B.
*The unofficial motto of C-12 is "it isn't an official union meeting until there's at least one F bomb dropped". And believe it or not we actually honor this tradition.
*The EWR base has a button you have to push to exit pilot's ops and beside the button which says "push" someone wrote "it real good" which I find quite funny but some non hip hop heads may not get the reference.
*SFO ops contains exactly 20 flight planning computers.
The UPA (contract) has the current pay scale on page 38.
*Also included in the contract in section 23 has instructor pay rates which are 90 hours of the second highest F/O pay plus overrides.
*The x-band radar on the 737 has max gain three clicks from center.
*Our new procedures instruct us to use max reverse thrust on any abort and every landing.
*We are at phase 7 of the harmonization between UAL and CAL pilot procedures which was scheduled to be the last.
I can go on with more inside baseball but please QLB, if you find a UAL pilot by all means ask them if I'm correct and ask them a question to ask me to see if I am who I say I am. If Legacy comes around there is a chance she know a UAL pilote and she can verify my info. And that QLB girl can't even answer yes or no if she has a college degree, Ha!
CHICAGO, July 24, 2014 /PRNewswire/ -- United Airlines (UAL) today reported second-quarter 2014 net income of $919 million, an increase of 51 percent year-over-year, or $2.34 per diluted share, excluding $130 million of special items. Including special items, UAL reported second-quarter 2014 net income of $789 million, or $2.01 per diluted share.
•United's consolidated passenger revenue per available seat mile (PRASM) increased 3.7 percent in the second quarter of 2014 compared to the second quarter of 2013.
•Second-quarter 2014 consolidated unit costs (CASM), excluding special charges, third-party business expenses, fuel and profit sharing, decreased 0.2 percent year-over-year on a consolidated capacity reduction of 0.1 percent. Second-quarter 2014 CASM, including those items, increased 2.2 percent year-over-year.
•The company generated $1.5 billion of operating cash flow in the second quarter of 2014.
•UAL ended the second quarter with $6.8 billion in unrestricted liquidity.
•The company earned a 10.3 percent return on invested capital for the 12 months ended June 30, 2014.
•UAL's Board of Directors authorized a $1.0 billion share repurchase program, which the company expects to complete within the next three years.
"I am encouraged by the solid progress we made in the second quarter. Our team is focused on improving our operations and service and on continuing to improve year-over-year revenue performance and cost control," said Jeff Smisek, UAL's chairman, president and chief executive officer. "The $1 billion share repurchase program we announced today demonstrates our progress and commitment to increasing value for our shareholders and the confidence we have in our plan."
don't trust dumb trolls. They never know what they're talking about. Shocking I know.
Field, "What, exactly, does the plight of black people in this country have to do with brown children being allowed to come here?"
Your ignorance as to cause and effect of your own people is astonishing and it is destructive to Black Americans.
I sometimes wonder if you really know anything at all...It seems that you are a mindless blogger who, because for the first time in your life, you have found some folks who actually believe your bs to their detriment.
Only in America...
"I am encouraged by the solid progress we made in the second quarter. Our team is focused on improving our operations and service and on continuing to improve year-over-year revenue performance and cost control," said Jeff Smisek, UAL's chairman, president and chief executive officer. "The $1 billion share repurchase program we announced today demonstrates our progress and commitment to increasing value for our shareholders and the confidence we have in our plan."
don't trust dumb trolls. They never know what they're talking about. Shocking I know.
8:35 AM
No, Mr PilotX, it's YOU who doesn't know what he's talking about:
"It's been a rough go of things for United Airlines since merging with Continental in 2010. Since that time, the company has been hit with several operations challenges and has dropped in most airline quality and customer-service ratings.
Financially, United has been one of the USA's least-profitable airlines during the past two years.
Now, the carrier is contending with a new problem: Bedbugs."
---USA Today, August 1, 2014
PX, fyi: No CEO worth his salt is going to give shareholders a bleak negative quarterly report. Just because UA showed an increase over the last quarter doesn't mean it's doing well in comparison to its competitors.
Again, UA is having a tough go of it. Anyone with knowledge of the airline industry will tell you this truth.
As usual, you are so engrossed in trying to 'look good' that you gloss over reality and embrace the delusion you long for. You are a rather immature prideful man with an inferiority complex. You need help.
"collateral damage"
"alien illegals"
"fallen troops"
"enhanced interrogation"
George Orwell's essay "Politics and the English Language" was required reading for all entering freshman where I went to college. I bet it's still a good guide to euphemisms and political NewSpeak.
Anon wrote and to the point,
Anonymous said...
Field, "What, exactly, does the plight of black people in this country have to do with brown children being allowed to come here?"
Your ignorance as to cause and effect of your own people is astonishing and it is destructive to Black Americans.
I sometimes wonder if you really know anything at all...It seems that you are a mindless blogger who, because for the first time in your life, you have found some folks who actually believe your bs to their detriment.
Hey Field, he's talking to you. Meanwhile in Chicago. Wow, what an opening for August!!!!!
Already 3 confirmed kills for Friday with at least two multiple shootings. The Chicago shit show is going hot for the month of August.
The Purple Cow said...
I don't have an engineering degree, my first degree was in Diagnostic Imaging. I certainly do have an M.B.A. the proof is hanging on my toilet wall.
It's ALL about STEM and the fact that the racists here were too stupid to study a STEM filed as you did.
Now for clarity, the kids coming here deserve due process to determine if they should stay.
But the "borders" need to CLOSE to folks with technical degrees until the unemployment rate among PhD's goes DOWN and opportunities go UP. Ditto for other professional degrees!!
Whitey's Conspiracy said...
Immigrants are a blessing; they might not look like much when they get here, but we get the cream of the crop: the talented and ambitious stifled by tradition and bursting with energy. They are dynamic; they produce abundance. We should be admitting 5 million a year of them......I guess you could say that I'm pro-immigrant/ation.
Would you feel different if those 5 million where white? Of course you would.
Field, are you going to take time away from your Fox News bashing, your jiggin' for the Democrat party to post about Eric Garner?
3 confirmed kills in Chiraq?
Another reason for Chiraqis to line up and vote Democrat...
Waaaa cry me a river Yingyang. What PhD's are we talking about here? Gender studies. Here's some heads up for you. If you're going into academics it's about publishing. It's not about collecting a cozy paycheck employed by a HBCU.
Meanwhile in Artesia NM, an illegal alien holding facilty is on lockdown because of Chicken Pox. Really? I thought it was because of the 89 cases of TB that were also discovered. I guess it's OK as long as those aren't frying your chicken.
In 2013, the United States Institute for Peace, “a congressionally-created, independent, nonpartisan institution whose mission is to prevent, mitigate, and resolve violent conflicts around the world,” was asked to assist the National Defense Panel with reviewing the Quadrennial Defense Review (QDR). The National Defense Panel is a congressional-mandated bipartisan commission that’s co-chairs were appointed by Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel.
On July 31, the National Defense Panel released its long-awaited report on the effects of the QDR and delivered its findings to Congress. The panel pulled no punches — its findings were a scathing indictment of Obama’s foreign policy, national security policy, and defense policy. The panel found that president Barack Obama’s QDR, military force reductions, and trillion-dollar defense budget cuts are dangerous — and will leave the country in a position where it is unable to respond to threats to our nation’s security. This, the panel concluded, must be reversed as soon as possible.
Looks like our dear leader's policies are working.
Quote Yīshēng
"But the "borders" need to CLOSE to folks with technical degrees until the unemployment rate among PhD's goes DOWN and opportunities go UP."
That misses the point quite spectacularly.
Academic research has shown that companies that hire highly qualified foreign workers do better in the marketplace and go on to hire more home grown hi-tech workers. So recruiting foreign PhD's actually helps American PhD's get jobs.
Yeah, ok a 900 million dollar quarter is a bad thing. I also know the merger isn't going well but that comes from a lack of leadership. Don't count us out yet. We have all the right parts to whip Delta but once again we need the right leader to guide the front line employees. No delusion, we had a good quarter and that bodes well for the future and to top it off we did this with all of the technical and management difficulties. Imagine how well we'll perform when we fully integrate and realize all of our synergies which actually do exist. Now back to your bridge troll! And aren't you the same jackhole who said we were the lowest paid pilots? Wrong again!
Sorry, forgot to include the source.
QLB, do you have a college degree? What do you do for a living?
BIB, ending the war on drugs won't mean $hit if the war on Black men doesn't get addressed/end as well.
Throughout history, the powers that be have always found creative ways to maintain the war on a Black men, ostensibly to keep Black men as a permanent underclass and Black families in disarray.
Of course, by refusing to earn a college degree your simply setting yourself up to be an unwilling participant in whatever scheme against Black men that replaces the prison system.
So with that said, you should rethink calling Field a hypocrite because by staying uneducated, you're a bigger puppet for racists than you think you are.
Yingyang wrote,
Throughout history, the powers that be have always found creative ways to maintain the war on a Black men, ostensibly to keep Black men as a permanent underclass and Black families in disarray.
Wow and I thought that Blacks did a good job of screwing up their family structure pretty much on their own. All that low impulse control, lack of future time orientation and low IQ coming into play.
There's always an excuse isn't there? For all your failures as a people there is always YT to blame.
The Purple Cow said;
Academic research has shown that companies that lhire highly qualified foreign workers do better in the marketplace and go on to hire more home grown hi-tech workers. So recruiting foreign PhD's actually helps American PhD's get jobs.
Complete and utter BULLSHIT!!! Facebook, Google, Pharma are feigning a shortage of Techies and support their immigration so they can pay bull$hit wages, offer fewer benefits, ect.
Lemme tell you what it looks like IN THE TRENCHES which you couldn't know ANYTHING about unless you've been there.
Foreigners are coming here and bringing their barely English speaking brethren with them to not only displace Americans but work for FAR less pay. When those folks with their educational visas get tenure, the cycle gets repeated. And if your name isn't Chong, Wang, or Gupta you're $hit outta luck and "screened out" at the CV level.
I'm one of the blessed ones, I'll have options as a Clinician trained as a Scientist conducting research, but many others especially Black PhDs, won't be so fortunate.
And let me tell you on the front end, the overwhelmingly majority of these foreign Scientists/Physicians don't give a damn that prostate cancer is more deadly in a Black men than others, don't care than one if the leading HTN drugs causes impotence in Black men, and on and on.
Oh yeah and the ones from Africa, they care mainly for Africans, and given significant genetic admixture in Black Americans, that doesn't often benefit MY people here in America worth a $hit!!!
Field, I cringed when he used the word "folks" because it really did shift the emphasis from the word "torture" to "folks". It's all perception and it was an unfortunate choice of words on his part. I work in advertising and it's always about perception. That said, I don't believe he meant to minimize the situation. He did give talking heads more fodder, which doesn't require much anyway. In a sense, the fact everyone jumps on the Prez for one word vs a raft of shit coming out of the mouth of Michelle Bachmann says it all.
I guess the "good news" in the Ebola story is that now that more non Black people are contracting the disease, maybe Pharma will decide to work on a treatment/cure.
Damn shame Pharma couldn't have decided to do this after one of the earlier Ebola outbreaks.
"Complete and utter BULLSHIT!!! Facebook, Google, Pharma are feigning a shortage of Techies and support their immigration so they can pay bull$hit wages, offer fewer benefits, ect."
Not true.
If you had bothered to read the paper I linked to you would know that foreign tech workers are only paid an average of 3% to 4% less than American born workers.
"Would you feel the same if those were 5 million Attorneys immigrating? I seriously DOUBT you'd feel the same way."
That's just basic integrity, so I understand why a con-servative would jump to that particular conclusion.
California Girl said...
everyone jumps on the Prez for one word vs a raft of shit coming out of the mouth of Michelle Bachmann
Obama is the president of the most powerful country on the planet.
michelle is a a congress critter from a district in a single state.
Why would you compare the two?
"Would you feel different if those 5 million where white? Of course you would."
You bet your flyspecked soul I'd object to immigration limited to white people.
"Con-servative." I like that.
Whitey's Conspiracy said...
That's just basic integrity, so I understand why a con-servative would jump to that particular conclusion.
Nice try at avoidance Whitey,but you didn't answer the question and your de-flection AKA attorney 101, is duly noted.
Torturing an enemy combatant with direct knowledge of actions that will kill your people is a legitimate and moral act.
field negro said...
"Folks" need to read for themselves and not just listen to right wing talking points. Their plan is working:divide brown and black people. Let black people think that they view them as equal partners and that WE need to be fighting those illegals together.
The only ones with a "plan" are the big government types, Democrat and Republican, who want to import cheap labor, government dependent, alien culture, docile voters in order to break the resistance to the all powerful State and it's ability to steer wealth to the ruling class.
Every American citizen - white black or brown - has a tremendous amount to lose here. Everything.
America, for all its faults is a pretty good place to live. This is not an accident of geography, but an outgrowth of the people who live here and the system we have developed. Destroy that system and change that population and you will have a different country, one much more like the places these tens of millions of immigrants are coming from than the country we have now.
Who decides this? Is this what we voted for? The government is acting in its own interests, not ours.
By all means read for yourselves and get a better vision of where mass third world immigration will take us. You don't have much time.
Whitey's Conspiracy said...
That's just basic integrity, so I understand why a con-servative would jump to that particular conclusion.
You bet your flyspecked soul I'd object to immigration limited to white people
We know you hate white people, but I believe Yinsheng's original point is that you do not care about mass immigration because you will not be put out of a job by a low skilled, uneducated workforce.
But what about the 50 million Americans currently out of work? What does importing another 50 million do for their chances for a middle class life?
Over 75% of all illegal households receive some form of government benefits. The current crop, who are handed benefit forms and provided with translators and lawyers as they step out of the river is only going to increase this percentage. These are not the immigrants of the past, who came here to sink or swim, these are colonists who come here to live off the taxes of American citizens.
100 million more people living off government handouts makes the welfare state permanent and all encompassing. Is that the American dream now? No more independence, no more nice little house with a yard, no more providing your kid with a little more than the basics, just 'free' healthcare and a Section 8 apartment, forever.
Seriously, dude?
The Purple Cow said...
"Complete and utter BULLSHIT!!! Facebook, Google, Pharma are feigning a shortage of Techies and support their immigration so they can pay bull$hit wages, offer fewer benefits, ect."
Not true.
If you had bothered to read the paper I linked to you would know that foreign tech workers are only paid an average of 3% to 4% less than American born workers.
That's even worse. They are passing over talented Americans for a 4% savings on labor.
Other countries don't do this to their own children. Why does America?
Anonymous said...
Other countries don't do this to their own children. Why does America?
Many of the tech jobs are being filled by folks from India and China. There's NO WAY that I, especially as a Black woman, could displace them for jobs in their countries. My gender would be 99.9999% of the "barrier" followed by my race.
And that won't change after I get Dr. in front of my name.
PX, "Yeah, ok a 900 million dollar quarter is a bad thing. I also know the merger isn't going well but that comes from a lack of leadership. Don't count us out yet. We have all the right parts to whip Delta but once again we need the right leader to guide the front line employees. No delusion, we had a good quarter and that bodes well for the future and to top it off we did this with all of the technical and management difficulties."
There is a saying, "There is only one to go when you're on the floor...and that's up."
In the corporate world, it doesn't take much to make your numbers look better than a year ago when you were at rock bottom. Such is the case for UAL.
$900 million profit is mediocre compared to other airlines profits in the $billion range.
UAL has always had problems ever since they gave those sorry employees the right to run it. That was years ago and today UAL is still suffering and paying the lowest wages of any airline. It will, in all probability stay that way.
Merging with Continental only proved how desperate United was and still is.
Leadership? Hell, God Himself couldn't fix United's woes.
WC-"You bet your flyspecked soul I'd object to immigration limited to white people."
12:50 PM
Flyspecked soul. What a great description for a spiritually empty person. Thanks.
I can understand your support of Hispanics crossing the border in droves.
Democrats are for it, the Republicans are against it. The two parties play bad cop and good cop all the time. The amazing thing is no matter which side of the issue Dems or Repubs are on, Blacks end up getting screwed.
I bet you said "nothing" regarding Haitians trying to get to America. There was no fight whatsoever on deportation of Haitians. People like you and Field were ok with the way Haitians were treated. And they too were trying to get away from a brutal corrupt government.
Let's face it. Dems and Repubs are in cahoots to destroy Blacks. It's very obvious to me. However, it is amazing that most Blacks either don't see it or they are too fearful to face the truth.
It doesn't matter. The truth is coming and it's coming as soon as Browns gain enough power. That won't be long...maybe one generation away after the kids streaming across illegally get educated and become adults?
Anon wrote,
We know you hate white people
Bingo, herein lies the basic premise of this blog and many of not most of the Black people who post here.
Huh? The merger with CAL wasny desperation, it was inevitable. The fortunes of major legacy airlines turn on a dime. For example, American is still in bankrupcy and US Air has long been viewed as the bottom of the barrell as far as working culture and wages and American sees them as their only chance of survival. You tell me, who would you have rather merger with CAL or US Air? I know I know, you have a personal vendetta against me so you have to make UAL out to be the worst of the worst so go right ahead. But facts is facts. True, in some areas due to outsourcing we pay our people extremely low wages, the folks in EWR who clean the planes are unionizing so that should help, but some jobs which are indespensible such as pilotes, dispatchers and mechanics we are well paid. Our contracts were first because we are the most important, ha!, and we did pretty well. As far as pay, retirement, medical and reimbursements we are pretty much at the top of the pay scale when you look at the contract as a whole not to mention our 8.5% raises year over year during the lifetime of the agreement. The dispatchers just signed a TA and they did pretty well. The mechanics are next but negotiations with them have always been as slow as ours. Keep your eyes on the financials but like I said we have the right parts such as hubs in the four largest markets all we need now is the right leadership because we all agree UAL is underperforming our peers and sooner or later the merged culture needs to be addressed.
QLB, why do you ignore my simple questions?
PilotX said...
QLB, why do you ignore my simple questions?
The same reason you ignore kinky's simple question.
I'm so glad I'm above that type of behavior.
Wha hapoen to the fat faced guy and the dog???
STFU Bill! Nobody asked your dumbass anything.
"I can understand your support of Hispanics crossing the border in droves.
Democrats are for it, the Republicans are against it. The two parties play bad cop and good cop all the time. The amazing thing is no matter which side of the issue Dems or Repubs are on, Blacks end up getting screwed.
I bet you said "nothing" regarding Haitians trying to get to America. There was no fight whatsoever on deportation of Haitians. People like you and Field were ok with the way Haitians were treated. And they too were trying to get away from a brutal corrupt government.
Let's face it. Dems and Repubs are in cahoots to destroy Blacks. It's very obvious to me. However, it is amazing that most Blacks either don't see it or they are too fearful to face the truth.
It doesn't matter. The truth is coming and it's coming as soon as Browns gain enough power. That won't be long...maybe one generation away after the kids streaming across illegally get educated and become adults?"
I supported the Cuban refugees who landed here with a golden (government supplied) parachute and automatic green cards, even though they quickly turn as republican as a South Carolina country club. What makes you assume that I wouldn't have supported the Haitian boat people? And if you think that FN hasn't been in the government's face over the way that Haitian refugees are treated, especially compared to Cubans, you need to put down the pipe for a while son.
Cubans build businesses.
Haitians sacrifice chickens and spread AIDS.
"Haitians sacrifice chickens and spread AIDS."
Dumbass trolls like this one spread ignorance.
A non's response to me was:
"We know you hate white people, but I believe Yinsheng's original point is that you do not care about mass immigration because you will not be put out of a job by a low skilled, uneducated workforce.
But what about the 50 million Americans currently out of work? What does importing another 50 million do for their chances for a middle class life?
Over 75% of all illegal households receive some form of government benefits. The current crop, who are handed benefit forms and provided with translators and lawyers as they step out of the river is only going to increase this percentage. These are not the immigrants of the past, who came here to sink or swim, these are colonists who come here to live off the taxes of American citizens.
100 million more people living off government handouts makes the welfare state permanent and all encompassing. Is that the American dream now? No more independence, no more nice little house with a yard, no more providing your kid with a little more than the basics, just 'free' healthcare and a Section 8 apartment, forever.
Seriously, dude?"
Ok, lets go in order:
1st that I hate white (American, ...) people. FALSE! I love quite a few white people, far far more of them than I "hate." I do universally hate whiteness though, and live in hope that white (...) people might someday escape it's ancestral curse.
Second, that my self interest isn't implicated by immigration because my job is not at risk from them. In fact, American law schools, especially the "privates" (love calling them that!) only exist as they do now because of all of the foreign students (wannabe immigrants) who couldn't get into Med school and desperately need an advanced or professional degree to stay.
""mercan jobs!" Immigrants are young; they're peak consumers; exactly what our economy needs more, not less of.
Next "immigrants drain/live off of government bennies."
What government benefits are these? Undocumented migrants aren't eligible for food stamps, cash aid, medicaid, unemployment insurance, medicare, social security, SSI, and state disability, all of which they subsidize for us documented people through their taxes.
You should get your facts straight before you post. Seriously Dude!
Stillapanther made some good points. A criminal is a criminal imo, but interesting they do for one, and not the other. Illegal immigration in itself is a crime, and encouraging undocumented people into any society is dangerous situation.
Everyone focuses on the 'hard workers' but what about the undocumented thieves, drug dealers, rapists and murderers who are looking for that "clean slate" getaway, or to set up shop for more criminal dealings.
Yisheng said to WC: "Would you feel the same if those were 5 million Attorneys immigrating? I seriously DOUBT you'd feel the same way."
She might attack me either way, and I have nothing against WC, but I have to give jack the jacket for that one. Good one. LOL
"Everyone focuses on the 'hard workers' but what about the undocumented thieves, drug dealers, rapists and murderers who are looking for that "clean slate" getaway, or to set up shop for more criminal dealings."
QWho are these criminals you speak of? Any evidence this is happening? Love to see your info.
Awwww, isn't that cute. Bill is sticking up for his girlfriend. Match made in heaven, or hell.
BIB, ending the war on drugs won't mean $hit if the war on Black men doesn't get addressed/end as well........
Hey dummy......The War on drugs is WAR ..specifically targeted at BLACK communities.... Are you inhaling bath salts over there ....Fantasizing about being a Dr.????
All your yapping about holding a college degree means nothing to me because I own property..
Some people use different options to obtain end results......
Now run along and go fetch some more water for STEPHEN......cause I most certainly think hes a hypocrite on this and a few other issues....
Fantasizing about being a Dr.????
Just like a bubble head, 'ignant, negro to side with a racists.
All your yapping about holding a college degree means nothing to me because I own property..
Is that your lame excuse for not pursuing higher education? I sincerely hope the 'ignant negro meme ends with YOU, do the Black race a favor and do NOT reproduce.
Watermelon head negro, ROTFL!!!!
"QWho are these criminals you speak of? Any evidence this is happening? Love to see your info."
Go into all those little-Europe, little South-America, and all those notorious China-towns that are splattered across America and find some clues upside your head. Carry on.
Silly self.
Illegal immigration into the United States is a highly profitable proposition for both employers and the U.S. government, and it also benefits Mexico, which is the largest source country of undocumented immigrants into the US.
The US and Mexican governments actively entice illegal immigrants to enter this country and to work illegally for profit-hungry U.S. employers. Poverty-stricken immigrants , who are often desperate to house and feed their families, respond to the financial enticements...and then are blamed by U.S. citizenry for illegally being in the US.
First Bush, now Obama. The government is at war with the people.
Yeah PilotX...Why do you ignore my simple question?
It's such a simple question for someone who does better than 95% of white folks in this country
Blogger PilotX said...
QLB, why do you ignore my simple questions?
3:30 PM
It was answered several threads ago, dumb ass. There was a lot of hints and discussions. For the last time:
QLB got his degree from Notre Dame...Now, that you know the answer, don't be an idiot and keep asking, esp when YOU won't answer the question everyone wants to know:
"How did your sister know you were in jail?"
Btw, I don't know of any other pilot who manages to end up in jail. However, considering you are from the South Side, I suppose there are Blacks with so-called degrees who go to jail on a regular basis....
No wonder there are so many black criminal lawyers. They can make a decent living because of folks like you. No wonder Field loves you.
Anonymous Anonymous said...
QLB got his degree from Notre Dame...Now, that you know the answer, don't be an idiot and keep asking,
Why in 'da HELL do you INSIST on talking to your stupid, a$$ self?
BTW, Notre Dame is NOT a trade school, so try again.
These bottom feeders crashing the border at Zero's behest are not "immigrants" they are freeloading parasitical economic migrants.
And - in part it is Zero's policies in Central America that is causing the crisis.
Meanwhile, native born children in the urban centers get to live in war zones, while Zero and his gang of criminals sets up lush welcome centers for these freeloaders.
Maybe the solution for a beleaguered inner city family that only wants the best for their US citizen children is to cross the border into Mexico, destroy their documents and claim they are refugees fleeing a war zone (well,most of Chiraq is a war zone...)
Then their chillrens would get a safe place to stay, not worry about getting shot by a random drive-by, catered to by teachers who are attuned to their cultural needs, free wi-fi, free luxury buffet, free.............
Yep, savvy moms who want better for their children should start crashing some of these detention, ahem, "welcome" centers and claim THEY are fleeing violence too (which they are).
Zero is an asshat.
Anon 7:11, I enjoyed your comment. There are good hard working black families who are still financially struggling while living in urban war zones. Where are the war-zone and PTSD centers and support groups for them? In that same Chicago, some barely escaped the likes of Cabrini-Green with their lives.
I'm sick of sounding like the broken record, blacks in America in particular will feel the blunt of illegal indigent immigration. And it's not just about Federal or Government handouts, black people will also suffer from racial and cultural discrimination by the hands of non-black Latino immigrant descendants (look at Cuban-Miami and some parts of California). There are places where black people with all the degrees in the world will never get the job they desire over a fellow Latino.
It's so odd how so many black Americans in particular are blind to this.
Nope, QLB never answered my question. Why does she need anons to shill for her?
QLB, and QLB alone do you have a college degree? What do you do for a living?
@ Kinky, you and me are done.
PilotX said...
"When I got the cuffs slapped on a few years ago it was almost humorous because on the drive to the station the cop kept trying to scare me by informing me that since it was Friday evening the earliest I could get out would be Monday morning. I was thinking "trust me, you don't want that to happen". Anyhoo he seemed surprised when he got a call from my lawyer, my sister who is a pretty good one for the record, and actually put down the phone and asked why my lawyer was calling. Ha! i'm sitting in the station in cuffs getting my mug shot taken and you want to know why my lawyer was calling?"
PX, you are the one who can't "evem" answer this simple question-
How did you sister know you had been arrested?
PilotX's sister's name is PsychicX.
Yisheng, "Why in 'da HELL do you INSIST on talking to your stupid, a$$ self?"
For the same reason you insist on talking to me you stupid ass.
"PX, you are the one who can't "evem" answer this simple question-"
I know you're stupid but this is beyond even you. X is done with you. Leave it alone. You're venturing into Bill territory.
"Go into all those little-Europe, little South-America, and all those notorious China-towns that are splattered across America and find some clues upside your head. Carry on."
So in essence you have no evidence to back up what you say. We get it.
anon10:57p-who is "we"?
"Is that your lame excuse for not pursuing higher education? "
Hey dummy...
Unlike College Degrees on parchment paper.... PROPERTY...
Can be handed down to future generations.....
You go ahead and and try pawn off those plaques on your wall ..
after you can no longer play/pretend "STEM" research games...
Your have a sorry excuse for defending a WEAK position by attacking me...Typical...
@Watermelon head,
Are you really calling someone a dummy?? Be careful, you don't have too many more IQ points to loose silly boy.
If education is so weak why have Blacks been able to move into the middle class because of it? Never mind, guess you're a "property owning" 'hood rat for life.
And yes STUPID, education IS passed from one generation to the next, from my parents to me, and from me and my husband to my daughter.
anon10:57p-who is "we"?
Me and your mother.
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