"The report corroborates the stories told by eyewitnesses — that the Palins appeared at a birthday party in Wasilla, that they all seemed moderately-to-heavily intoxicated, and that some of the family members ended up punching people — but added a new detail: there were apparently two separate fights, one in which daughter Bristol Palin repeatedly punched the party’s host in the face.
The first incident also involved Bristol: according to the report, Track, his father Todd, and his friend Steven Lebida had decided to leave the party after “some guys were talking rudely to his sisters, making them cry,” when someone sucker-punched Lebida in the back of the head. As Todd helped Lebida up, four men allegedly descended upon Todd, causing Track to throw himself in the brawl to defend his dad. (Other witnesses said that Track was the one who attempted to start a fight.)
People alerted the host, Corey Klingenmeyer, that there was a fight going on outside his garage, and he attempted to break up the fight, when an incredibly drunk Bristol Palin approached him, furious that an unnamed woman had hit her little sister Willow. According to one witness, Bristol asked him “Who the fuck are you?” and when Klingenmeyer told her that he was the homeowner and didn’t want any trouble at his son’s birthday party, the following exchange happened:
She then told him he doesn’t own this place and that she will kick his ass. He says then that she hits him in the face.
He says he then tells her to hit him again if it makes her feel better and she does. He says he lets her hit him 5-6 times in the face and that she was hitting pretty hard. After about the sixth punch he grabbed her fist as she punched again and he pushed back and she falls down. He says she gets up and tries to punch him again and he grabs her fist again and pushes her away and she falls down again." [Source]
And to think, they almost became the second family of the United States.
Finally, I swear this Rand Paul guy is making a very confused person out of me. I honestly don't know what to think of the guy.
On one hand he is the only high profile member of the republican party who seems to be making a concerted effort to reach out to people of color, and on the other hand he is been known to put confirmed racists in positions of power within his inner circle.
He also criticized the 1964 Civil Rights Act, while suggesting that property rights trumps civil rights. Not good.
"..Paul said. “I think in the Republican Party, the biggest mistake we’ve made in the last several decades is we haven’t gone into the African American community, into the NAACP and say you know what, we are concerned about what’s going on in your cities and we have plans. They may be different than the Democrats, but we do have plans and we do want to help.”
Well I will be.... A republican politician actually sat down with black people to see if there can be a meeting of the minds, and to see if republican policies can help the black community.
I know that there was a "blood" moon, recently. Maybe there is a blue one tonight.
Brother Field, I for one, would not hesitate to vote for Palin should she run again. With Palin in the WH Putin wouldn't dare do what he is doing now. His Russian ass would be toast.
Brother Field, it's time Blacks start thinking differently. Recognize that the white ones who will keep the globe on track are Whites like Palin and McCain.
Don't worry about what happens to us. After what we have been through under Obama, what happens to us is no longer important. We might as well vote in someone who will protect America for a change.
God bless America.
You seem shocked to find out the truth about the Palins. (Sipping tea).
Rand will flip flop on a dime and deny he ever had that stance in the first place. He's either too stupid to understand what he says is recorded or he thinks everyone else is stupid. Can't put a guy like that in the WH.
"Finally, I swear this Rand Paul guy is making a very confused person out of me. I honestly don't know what to think of the guy."
That's because you lack political acumen. Rand knows that all he has to do is say the right things and maybe shake a few black hands Blacks will vote for him.
It doesn't take much for a wm to earn black support.
All a Wm has to do is just show a little attention to Blacks and they will vote for you. Never mind how racist you were in the past. Right brother Field?
FN said...
Well I will be.... A republican politician actually sat down with black people to see if there can be a meeting of the minds, and to see if republican policies can help the black community.
All this time bashing republicans you didn't know what their policies were and if they would help black people?
Mr Field, nice way to soften us black folks up for Rand Paul. How many posts about him will you write in order to change FN minds about Rand Paul?
How much is he paying you to act confused about where he stands politically?
Nothing can help the black community.
Field actually has the audacity to rip on the Palins for a family brawl? Pleaseeee....
We all know damn well about all those dysfunctional black families and their brawls. They are well documented.
With your very own comments you have just demonstrated just how vile and hate filled the white man is.
"All a Wm has to do is just show a little attention to Blacks and they will vote for you. Never mind how racist you were in the past. Right brother Field?"
Those two lines show that black people are a loving and forgiving race of people that are trying desperately to get along with wp.
But you have Caucasoid monsters like QLB, Kinky and Bill, et all who are agents of Satan who turn up their asses at black people. These individuals wallow in evil and degradation and will never recognize the humanity of black people, because they have none themselves.
Brotha field..no mention of that young BM who killed that poor old white elderly woman in Berkely California?
Such a shame our young BM do things like this. How would we like it if young white males were killing our beautiful elderly black women? Come on field!
Yep and somehow nobody got killed. Contrast that to Newark, Baltimore, Chicago, Camden where the issue is decided on "respect" and the rule of the gun. Typical. BM's kill other BM's wholesale.
Do you actually believe the utter non sense that you spew?
Reread the garbage that you wrote, than slap yourself in the the face and try to grasp the concept of reality.
Do you really, truly believe that all white men are evil racists..and that all Africans are pure, innocent angels?
QLB- Why are you so concerned with black men killing black men? One would think that you, of all people would be ecstatic, that is, unless you're working in some capacity to stop it. In which case please let me know which organization you have established so that I can contribute. Cheers.
You spelled "nonsense" wrong.
Reality IS a concept.
Your statement proves me right. Monster.
Why should I rejoice in the murder of a YBM or anyone for that matter? It's a waste. Think of the lost potential? The fact of the matter is the Black community doesn't want anyone's help. They and you don't want to hear what I have to say. They're committed to a path of self destruction which I cannot stop.
"...We have klans, oops, I mean plans..."
-Doug in Oakland
Lord, deliver me from this stupid blog. Nothing of value EVER comes from it. It clutters the mind; it rarely has any clarity or substance to it.
FN worships Palin, and Rand Paul. Lord, forgive them for they cannot do any better. They are giving it their best shot in life.
Have mercy on brother Field and other Negroes who spend time and waste their lives discussing Sarah and Rand.
QLB- Have you given voice to your thoughts? If not, don't pretend to know how I or anyone else would react. Your sheet is showing. Ta ta for the night.
PilotX said...
Rand will flip flop on a dime and deny he ever had that stance in the first place. He's either too stupid to understand what he says is recorded or he thinks everyone else is stupid. Can't put a guy like that in the WH.
Yet you did. Twice. When you voted for Obama.
Hypocrisy? Double standards? Or just plain dumb?
Did the "blogger who broke the story" ever apologize for mocking a special needs child?
Just like the left. Always demanding of others what they themselves refuse to do.
The Palin family seems to be floundering much like a ship without a captain or a course.
The cops are off the wall! Wow! It's like they will profile, harass and attack all black males for no reason except that they are black. So no more walking while black either!
Can blacks sit in a restaurant and eat? Or will the police come rushing in to ask for documents, tase and cuff, or shoot! OMG too much already!
Rand Paul is a very odd bird. I mean, I guess he's trying, a little, but his "outreach" efforts toward black people are soooo awkward and painful.
I fully expect him to show up to these events with an Ebonics-to-English dictionary in hand, spewing dumb wingnut applause lines about helping black folks "escape the Democrat plantation." Then he will wonder why he got such a chilly reception.
Bristol Palin = buck wild.
a man tells her to hit him again, if it makes her feel better...
and she does.
she found Solange buck wild in the elevator Favor. had she had a J Rice day...
folk would've had much to say.
modern women need to keep their hands to themselves.
lol @ white folk getting drunk and wanting to fight. it is 50/50 with all colors. folk will either hug it out or duke it out. in the south, there is usually a YAHOO! call that goes out before folk start drunk duking it out just because. they will do with police even. lol.
those of US in the know hold onto our cowboy hats as we run for cover.
that nice little docile white lady, duking someone in the head, has me laughing.
homie setting her down without hurting her= hot. he took a Good 5 or 6 head wollops before he set her down. lol! hot man.
Trig, Track, Bristol...
that sounds like a cast of fun times, really.
Rand Paul or any politician will serve the same master...
and it ain't the citizens.
despite being well paid civil servants...
the Palin post had me cracking up. thanks for it!
Well damn field. You think you could stop thinking about white vagina for five minutes?
CNN is reporting ebola has been found in hair weaves.
Hair weaves.
‘Why Jesus, why?': CNN ‘exclusive’ about Ebola in hair extensions makes rumor rounds
Why is the Obama administration keeping this on the down-low?
You don't think the QUEEN needs to know to throw all her weaves away because she could get the ebola?
In fact, has anyone seen/heard from dr. queen?
She could already have the ebola.....
You will have to live with that field......
And field, you can keep bashing Rand and Republicans. I'll ask the question that blacks in the field won't ask-
Where's Hillary?
No doubt, IF Hillary runs, she will get at least 88% of the black vote.
I guess since the 88% is automatic, Hillary doesn't have to try.
And remember-
Rand is pro hemp.
Rand is for reducing drug sentences.
Rand's been warning about the militarization of the police for years.
Where does Hillary stand? Hell, it doesn't matter. She will get 88% of the black vote no matter what her positions are.
Kinky, I still don't trust the little weasel, but yes, there are all those things u mentioned.
BTW kinky, u seem like u have some sex addiction issues. I suggest finding a good woman (or man) that loves you for who u are. :)
To the troll above who compares dysfunctional black families to the Palins, those families did not have a family member running for the second highest office in the land.
Do you see the difference, wingnut? Or does that require too much thinking for you!
How bad are things going for obama when harvey levin and TMZ turns on obama?
Gwyneth Paltrow -- Celebrity Event Sullies Presidency
It's the latest example of how demeaning it has become for Presidents to act like circus animals -- performing for crowds that will feed them ... in this case, feed them with money to line political coffers.
Considering the obama white house had to lie about prostitutes in Cartagena where obama wasn't involved, is it a stretch of the imagination to believe the obama white house would lie about obamacare, benghazi, fast&furious, irs audits when obama is involved?
Why so many lies from the president that promised the most transparent administration?
Anonymous ThatDeborahGirl said...
"Man, if black people fall for anything Rand Paul is shilling, we deserve that asshole. I still haven't forgotten that crap he pulled at Howard University. Sadly, that's how he regards black people- and I have no respect for him whatsoever."
Why shouldn't Blacks vote for Rand? They voted twice for Obama didn't they? And Obama not only didn't do a damn thing for Blacks, he hurt Blacks in an economic way to ensure they do not have value.
At least Rand recognizes that Blacks have value. At least he is willing to try to make some things right for Blacks.
At least Rand is trying to communicate with us.
Obama NEVER gave a damn about Blacks.
Field wrote,
To the troll above who compares dysfunctional black families to the Palins, those families did not have a family member running for the second highest office in the land.
I can compare the two. The Palin's have jobs and there's no confusion during father's day about who is who.
Meanwhile in Chicago. Boxe scores for overnight are preliminary; Two dead and seven wounded.
QLB, it's still early, so I will leave u alone. I know u haven't gotten your meds as yet.
Doug in Oakland that was classic.:)
Field, you are hurting the "true" FNs by not recognizing them on your blog.
You only recognize Whites and HNs which says a lot about you.
Field wrote,
Field wrote,
To the troll above who compares dysfunctional black families to the Palins, those families did not have a family member running for the second highest office in the land.
Lets talk about another dysfunctional family. Obama was abandoned by his father and subsequently by his mother and was largely raised by his grandparents with a huge amount of charity thrown into the process. Yet he is the POTUS. Go figure? Of course he's set to become the worst president in the history of the office. Guess you're right about those dysfunctional families.
"OK, despite the CNN logo, it’s obviously a very poorly done Photoshop job. That hasn’t stopped the pic from making the rounds online."
a currently circulating story or report of uncertain or doubtful truth.
It was a rumor Signor Kinky. Apparently you don't know what the word rumor means, so I have supplied you with the definition so that in the future you will refrain from posting stupid shit.
You have NO credibility.
Field wrote,
QLB, it's still early, so I will leave u alone. I know u haven't gotten your meds as yet.
If we're moving to the subject of insanity let talk about something that's really nuts. Those "don't shoot signs" you see in Ferguson would be a lot more appropriate in Chicago. Seems like there was a quadruple shooting with one fatality early this morning. Meanwhile the weekend shit show in Chiraq continues without YT pulling a single trigger.
Yeah Rednecks do love a drunken brawl. In my own family I've seen wedding receptions, birthday parties, anniversaries, reunions, and countless holidays turn bloody and end up broken up by the popo. I'm sure it's far from the Palins first too.
Yeah, we dodged a bullet and got Prezident jay-vee.....
...a second time.
Cookie monster..or like Monster energy drink?
So far, Barack Obama is the most successful 2 president since Eisenhower, if not Roosevelt. Major programmes passed, no scandals that've stuck, no disastrous military engagements, and staggeringly positive economic performance. He can still fu(k all of that up, but he's clearly an overwhelming success so far.
Oh yes, his disapprovals... dig into them and you find that 20% are attributable o dissatisfied leftist Democrats, who'd rather auto-castrate sans anesthesia than vote for a repubiklanner.
Couldn't get that whole post typed before you obamagasm, huh whitey?
Dear WC, thank you for standing up for President Obama. You are a rare wm and a good soul.
I am so sick of people like that wretched evil QLB that I don't know what to do.
However, after being on FN for awhile, there are Blacks who trump QLB's evil.
Satan is everywhere and it appears that he is kicking a lot of ass down here on earth.
Stay clean, my brother. There are very few good souls, Black or White, like you out there.
I really do think Rand Paul isn't racist as much as he just believes people have a right to be racist. But his early support of Cliven Bundy was very disturbing. It was immediately obvious to me that Bundy was a racist. He doesn't want to pay taxes because he believes the money goes to black welfare queens in the city. He didn't have to say that for me to see that is what he is about. Paul's poor judgement of character shows that he isn't qualified to be president. Again, that isn't racism. It is being a poor judge of character.
Hillary's friendship with Terry McAuliff reflects poorly on her judgement of character too, but she still wins on that account, experience, and intelligence. Paul wins hands down when it comes to issues of war and peace. He has also said some honest things that Hillary wouldn't dare say, like Cheney started the Iraq War for Halliburton. I'd vote for Rand Paul over Hillary. And I think libertarianism is the right direction for the Republican Party to go in. Paul isn't a typical Republican. Hillary's direction is just more of the same corporatism. The lessor of two evils bar has gone too low to vote for her.
Nope anon, didn't vote for barack twice. Make sure you have the correct info before posting unless you're a conservative, then facts don't matter.
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