Thursday, April 23, 2015


"Field, why do you seem so angry and cynical when you write? Is there anything in life that you like?"

I get that a lot.  And honestly, it makes me feel so bad.

There are a ton of things in life 1hat I like.

Tonight I will give you 10 of them:

1. Neil deGrasse Tyson-A black  astrophysicist who publicly calls out dumb people. What could be better than that?

2. A Jamaican breakfast-Ackee and saltfish; green bananas and mackerel. Holla.

3. EPL on Saturday and Sunday mornings-Chelsea= Cowboys, Manchester U= the Packers.

4. Some television shows-Justified; The Americans; Black Sails; Power; Game of Thrones....Watching television is actually better than going to the movies these days. 

5. Philadelphians from "the neighborhood"- Any neighborhood. Pick one.

6. The sports writings of  Howard Bryant-ESPN is lucky to have him.

7.  The fictional writings of Jeffery Renard Allen- If you pick up "Song of the Shank" you won't put it down.

8. I like doing yard work with my wife....wait, I better not write that. She might be reading this and Spring is coming.

9. I like sweetened condensed milk in my coffee- My cream and sugar all in one.

10. Reading the  comments on this blog.



Anonymous said...

Sarcasm at its finest...;)

dinthebeast said...

1. Neil deGrasse Tyson-A black astrophysicist who publicly calls out dumb people. What could be better than that?

What's better is that he's wildly entertaining while he does it.

-Doug in Oakland

Josh said...

Justified is a great show. Or, was a great show. That Olyphant guy as Givens is a great throw-back character. He was also great as Bullock in Deadwood. Game of Thrones, on the other hand, is the most overrated show I've ever fucking seen in my life. Don't get me wrong; I watch it occasionally. I typically wait for the first 4 or so to air and then mini-binge on demand. But it's so fucking slow, and other than Jon Snow possibly really being a Targaryen (sp), I don't see any other way the story is going to play out. What? Are they just going to keep killing off everyone? That blonde chick is just going to keep conquering everything that's not Westeros? If it's not Snow as the main character, I have no idea where it's going. So if they ever kill him off, I'm not watching anymore. No point.

Granted, when I say I'm a "writer," in no way am I even in the same fucking universe as Martin or any legit writer. I write for sites like Qwaya and NowCerts -- not actual novels. Even still, it doesn't take Hemingway to realize that any prolonged story needs a main protagonist; and if Martin's world is nothing but a shuffle-up of random first-person perspective characters, then it's (a) an indefinite story with no end game (Seinfeld), and (b) far too aloof to stay on HBO for more than 2 or so more seasons. I mean, shit, they even canned The Wire and The Sopranos after 5 or 6. Wrap it up, GoT -- let's get to the end game!

As to Dr. Tyson, he's the shit. I also like Michio Kaku. There's another black physicist who's on the Science Channel a lot. I can't remember his name, but he's very entertaining. Kinda dark-skinned, completely bald (like Jordan bald), and typically talks mostly about time travel.

There need to be a lot more like Tyson and that guy out there. Get kids from places like where I grew up interested in something other than a pro-leagues-or-bust mindset. Granted, 90% of Tyson's climb to his heights is his genetic predisposition for a high IQ, but he's still a better role model, IMO, than LeBron James or Lil Wayne.

Chalky White said...

Neil deGrasse Tyson is a phony who has gotten caught lying numerous times.

Otherwise, it's not a bad list.

Bill said...

The FieldNegro said...
things in life 1hat I like.
10. Reading the comments on this blog.

That's nice of you to say about the words I write.

The Purple Cow said...

I like evaporated milk in my coffee. The Dutch call it "Koffiemelk"

Yīshēng said...

As a huge Vietamese coffee fan, it's always sweetened condensed milk versus cream/sugar!!

Yīshēng said...

BTW sometimes the truth is angry, so folks need to get over it.

But if anyone ought to be angry, it should be me, stalked for 6 years I've been in this site, minus the ~ 2 years I stopped visiting because I was being stalked? DH ihas been chomping at the bit to use those govt hacking skills to "research that, but playing with trash isn't logical to me

Anonymous said...

Yīshēng said...
As a huge Vietamese coffee fan....

Wow, even your beverage choices scream of desperate pretentiousness.

Yisheng said...

Broke Jealous Stalker said...
Wow, even your beverage choices scream of desperate pretentiousness.

Did you know that in the years you've stalked me on this blog, you could have graduated from college and landed a job where you could afford Vietnamese coffee?

You may even have been able to take a course in Asian culture in college to learn to drink Vietnamese coffee the way Vietnamese people do.

But alas, you'll have to continue to live vicariously through me.



Yisheng said...

Broke Jealous Stalker said...
Wow, even your beverage choices scream of desperate pretentiousness.

Did you know that in the years you've stalked me on this blog, you could have graduated from college and landed a job where you could afford Vietnamese coffee?

You may even have been able to take a course in Asian culture in college to learn to drink Vietnamese coffee the way Vietnamese people do.

But alas, you'll have to continue to live vicariously through me.



Limpbaugh said...

One of the things I like is this blog. Field writes informative, insightful, well written articles, and the comments aren't censored. Almost everything, maybe everything, I wrote on the Huffington Post about 9/11, Dick Cheney, racism, and the Sunni Awakening, was wiped off. Newshounds allowed part of one comment and used the rest as their own article. wiped off a 9/11 comment I wrote and published a warning about it. I was pretty much chased off the Daily Kos because I wrote why I believe the Michael Brown killing started like Darren Wilson supporters claim, and ended like the Michael Brown supporters claim. One thing I learned there is that there are a lot of knee jerk liberals who are no more open minded than Fox News viewers. They just lock themselves in a different misinformation bubble. I also enjoy the comments on this blog. A lot of people make good points and have entertaining things to say.

Larry Silverstein said...

So, Limpbaugh, was the it the joos?

I trust you won't say the wrong thing.

The American Way said...

Yisheng said...
You may even have been able to take a course in Asian culture in college to learn to drink Vietnamese coffee the way Vietnamese people do.

I took a course in Asian culture during the war and learned to drink it while a Vietnamese whore sucked my dick.

Good to the last drop.

DQAE said...

@11:43, you're a conspicuous reminder that the reason Field's blog isn't #1 is because of vile cumchucks like you.


Anonymous said...

Why does Yisheng/DQAE have to drag every discussion down into the gutter? The truth is, discourse around here would be elevated substantially by her departure. And we all know it.

Yisheng said...

StalkingPieceof$hit said:
Why does Yisheng/DQAE have to drag every discussion down into the gutter? The truth is, discourse around here would be elevated substantially by her departure. And we all know it.

Why do you continue to stalk me? The truth is discourse around here would be elevated substantially by your DEATH. And we all know it.


And if this were a 5th grade playground, I would have whooped your ass a LONG time ago, ignoring BULLIES LIKE YOUR STUPID ASS didn't work when I was growing up. But an ass whipping was QUITE effective. In your case, it will be a virtual ass whipping until one of two things happen: Field FINALLY bans your stupid ass or you get tired of me insulting you when you come for me. Either way, it's ALL good to me!!!


Anonymous said...

If you have never had the jamaican breakfast of ackee and saltfish,you are missing not one of ,but the greatest pleasure in life!!

field negro said...

Doc, maybe he has a secret crush.

"American Way" the wingnut blog is that way. *points down*

Anonymous said...

Nice list...

And I understand about the yard work.

MrCharlie2 said...

EPL on Saturday and Sunday mornings-Chelsea= Cowboys, Manchester U= the Packers.

funny that this was the other way for 20 years

MrCharlie2 said...

hey, Dane Richards and another Jamaican playing (and playng well) for the Metros

Anonymous said...

"But if anyone ought to be angry, it should be me, stalked for 6 years I've been in this site, minus the ~ 2 years I stopped visiting because I was being stalked?"

Yisheng, give it a rest. No one is stalking your vile ass. Interestingly, there is some dumb-ass anon who tries to stand up for Yisheng, but she ignores him. Yet she always responds to the assholes who treat her like a ghetto mama.

PilotX said...

Good list but why equate any team to the Boys and Packers? Do you hate them that much?

Trying to watch less TV but got hooked on Broadchurch and House of Lies. Must watch anything with Don Cheadle.

Anonymous said...

TV clutters the mind and corrodes the soul. It's not good for people.

Anonymous said...

Yisheng said...

Broke Jealous Stalker said...
Wow, even your beverage choices scream of desperate pretentiousness.

Did you know that in the years you've stalked me on this blog, you could have graduated from college and landed a job where you could afford Vietnamese coffee?

You may even have been able to take a course in Asian culture in college to learn to drink Vietnamese coffee the way Vietnamese people do.

But alas, you'll have to continue to live vicariously through me.



Now that is funny. I am the one who called your lies out from day one. And lies they still remain you ghetto hoochie mama.

You're too stupid to realize you're a disgusting ghetto creature and it's many people who beat your ass. Not just one.

Yīshēng said...

Ha ha Field, VERY funny!! BTW, it seems a bit ricidulous to me that people that you're anygry all the time. But isn't that the label for ALL Black who speak against injustice?

Yīshēng said...

Now back to the stalking, jealous, broke down coward that's been stalking me for 6+ years.

You couldn't call me out about my WONDERFUL life that you think to be a lie, if you had unlimited minutes with Verizon, AT&T, T mobile and 1000 flip phones ('cause I know your po' ass can't afford a more modern phone).

The ONLY point you prove around here is that you're a seriously disturbed coward that's more than likely a visual and educational pariah and drain on society. Put another way for you to understand, you're a morbidly obese, unattractive hater, too stupid to pursue higher education.

And those tired, old hootchie mama, ghetto comments? Honey, that bothers me about as much as I'm bothered by dirt on the bottom of my red bottom shoes. I simply kick it off, and KEEP ON HIGH STEPPING!!!

And to the "anon" at 11:30 consigning on your miscreant behavior, it can drop dead right along with you.

Anonymous said...

Accoutrema? What is that shit? Your body is dismembered from your mind!

Anonymous said...

Field, do have any idea just how stupid you sound here? Reading your stuff is like hearing a Mongoloid dog with a surgically implanted voice-box if it were taught to speak by Helen Keller over a speaker phone with a bad connection.

Of course, even a Mongoloid dog would know that if you can talk, you can breathe. And if you can breathe you can take a deep breath and calm the fuck down and stop biting people. Could you do us all a kindness and try that?

Anonymous said...

I don't want to hear anymore bullshit today from anybody including me! So don't slam the goddamned door.......
No more!

Limpbaugh said...

A reply to Larry Silverstein's" comment: I think the ringleaders were Dick Cheney and other PNAC Committee members. The government of Israel (which isn't the same as all Jews any more than all Americans are responsible for Bush's war crimes) at least had foreknowledge. Google "the dancing Israelis". We know Saudi Arabia was involved because of what we know about the 28 redacted pages of the 9/11 Commission Report. Pakistan was also. They wanted us to fight the Taliban. But foreign involvement was sanctioned by us. The main thing is to watch video of the collapse of World Trade Center Building 7 and realize that we need a real investigation. There is a concise and honest Geraldo Rivera segment about 9/11 on Youtube. One of the things we do know Israel did besides attack the USS Liberty, is launder the Iran/Contra weapons. The chairman of the Iran/Contra investigation, Lee Hamilton, who covered up Reagan's pre election deal to hold the hostages while Carter was president, was pulled out of retirement to co-chair the 9/11 Commission. He was involved in covering up the two conspiracies that I believe in.

Anonymous said...

Yīshēng said...

Now back to the stalking, jealous, broke down coward that's been stalking me for 6+ years.

You couldn't call me out about my WONDERFUL life that you think to be a lie, if you had unlimited minutes with Verizon, AT&T, T mobile and 1000 flip phones ('cause I know your po' ass can't afford a more modern phone).

The ONLY point you prove around here is that you're a seriously disturbed coward that's more than likely a visual and educational pariah and drain on society. Put another way for you to understand, you're a morbidly obese, unattractive hater, too stupid to pursue higher education.

And those tired, old hootchie mama, ghetto comments? Honey, that bothers me about as much as I'm bothered by dirt on the bottom of my red bottom shoes. I simply kick it off, and KEEP ON HIGH STEPPING!!!

And to the "anon" at 11:30 consigning on your miscreant behavior, it can drop dead right along with you.

Honey. I never say this, but you put the negroid in black.

This is one complete piece of garbage.

A visual drain on society. It's like a monkey learned some words, but doesn't really understand how to use them.

You're a she-boon.

Yīshēng said...

^^^And you're a stalking bever testicle with no life.

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