"Glenn Beck invoked one of the biggest civil rights leaders of the past half-century to express his disgust with the violence and rioting in Baltimore yesterday. On his TV show today, Beck said, “Shame on Baltimore, shame on America.”
He lamented how yet another American city’s streets “resemble a battlefield” and told viewers, “I hate to say this, but last night, as I was writing before I went to bed, I wrote in my journal ‘Martin Luther King is truly dead.’”
And Beck’s worried that “our country will suffer the same fate” due to a lack of leadership. He used his chalkboard to explain how the local gangs, the Nation of Islam, and the SEIU are filling the leadership void. Beck ripped the mayor of Baltimore and asked what she thinks about those groups “be[ing] your leadership.” [Source]
Just reading Beck's name in the same sentence with that of Dr. King makes me want to puke.
The nerve of him and others like him!
Thank you Chauncey DeVega for putting your emotions into words.
"Freddie Gray was killed by Baltimore's police. Baltimore's ghetto youthocracy responded with protests and an exhalation of random street violence. The killing of Freddie Gray, an unarmed black man who was a victim of racial profiling and harassment by police, is the proximate cause of Baltimore's "riot".
The deeper and more substantive causes of Baltimore's violent spasm (and Ferguson and other sites as well) are long simmering grievances and righteous anger at an American police establishment that is racist towards black Americans, and a society where its supposed "meritocracy" is broken by the colorline and class inequality.
The United States may have a black man who happens to be President; racial equality, justice, and the radically democratic transformative possibilities that Obama symbolized seven years ago have not been translated into substantive improvements in the life chances for people of color more generally, or the black and brown poor in particular.
There is a ritual that accompanies these moments of protest by black Americans, and the wholly predictable urban unrest that follows the repeated killings of unarmed black people by police.
The high priests of public opinion take to the TV, radio, and Internet and summon the memory of Brother Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. to condemn black folks who are "rioting", for the latter are violating the sacred covenant of "non-violence" for which King, as one of America's greatest leaders and martyrs, supposedly died.
The man and woman on the street participates in this act of American civil religion as well. They mutter some basic understanding of Dr. King's dream, spittle accompanying a phrase about the Civil Rights Movement, as they shake their heads in consternation at the violent protests in Baltimore and elsewhere.
The high priests of public opinion on the dais, and those who sit in the pews of Dr. King and the Civil Rights Movement as civil religion, are engaged in futile acts of conjuring. They are trying to channel a weak and flattened memory of a man, one that has been reduced to selling fast food in January and February, made into an onerous statue at Washington's mall, and reduced to a paragraph that is ripped from a towering speech.
If the legacy of the real Dr. King--his radical politics, vision, and challenging words and deeds for an America sick with white supremacy, class inequality, war mongering, and hatred for the poor--was properly channeled, it would deafen the chattering classes and broad swaths of the American public.
The real Dr. King is akin to the Old Ones or the Elder Gods. They and he are not to be summoned without care, for reasons disingenuous, or to help with a fool's errand.
The impotent summoning of Dr. King in a time of crisis (with its righteous, justifiable, protest and rage against police thuggery, and a cruel State that cares more about protecting property and its out of control racist police, than in justice for black and brown Americans and the poor) is enabled by a flat and weak understanding of the Black Freedom Struggle and Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.'s role in it.
The Civil Rights Movement contained multiple elements with often often conflicting interests and strategies for success. Non-violence was not an empty phrase: it existed and found power in relation to those who wanted a more robust, direct, and if necessary, armed response to white supremacy and anti-black hatred. The Civil Rights Movement was able to use the media in the context of the Cold War, and white elites' anxieties about perception management abroad in an era of Jim and Jane Crow, to win its incremental gains.
Brother Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. has been canonized as an American saint. At the time of his assassination and martyrdom, King was one of America's most hated and despised public figures.
In these times of troubles it is easy and intellectually lazy for people to mouth-breath some selection selectively misquoted and misappropriated from the I Have a Dream speech, as opposed to meditating on King's analysis of systemic power and inequality as embodied by his observation that "a riot is the language of the unheard".
King elaborated on the relationship of urban disorder to the struggle for full human rights and dignity for black American in his "The Other America" speech where he stated that:
I think America must see that riots do not develop out of thin air. Certain conditions continue to exist in our society which must be condemned as vigorously as we condemn riots. But in the final analysis, a riot is the language of the unheard. And what is it that America has failed to hear? It has failed to hear that the plight of the Negro poor has worsened over the last few years. It has failed to hear that the promises of freedom and justice have not been met. And it has failed to hear that large segments of white society are more concerned about tranquility and the status quo than about justice, equality, and humanity. And so in a real sense our nation’s summers of riots are caused by our nation’s winters of delay. And as long as America postpones justice, we stand in the position of having these recurrences of violence and riots over and over again. Social justice and progress are the absolute guarantors of riot prevention.If one persists in channeling Dr. King in these conversations about the urban unrest, "rioting", and exhalations by the ghetto youthocracy (and others) in Baltimore and elsewhere across the United States in response to police thuggery, it should be done with great care.
Black Americans have a special relationship with Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.. He is "ours". As such, the black community has an obligation to ensure that his memory, legacy, and wisdom are not misappropriated. Unfortunately, the black chattering classes and elites are more often than not agents and enablers of a weakened vision of King's vision as political expediency and neoliberal governmentality pay great lucre to their agents.
Since before the Founding, White America has largely been on the wrong side of history regarding matters of race and justice. Because of this fact, all white Americans should exercise great care when trying to summon Dr. Martin Luther King's memory as a means of subverting, lecturing to, or deflecting the justice claims (and anger) of Black Americans.
Both white conservatives and white liberals should abide by such a rule.
This is especially true for white conservatives in the Age of Obama, a moment when conservatism and racism are fused together by the White Right in the form of a Republican Party that is the United States' leading white supremacist organization.
As such, the Republican Party embraces herrenvolk politics, is working to roll back the gains of the Civil Rights Movement, further criminalize the poor, and has actively worked to undermine Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.'s dream of a better America.
If our white brothers and sisters are not willing to do the necessary work to understand and grapple with the radical Dr. King, and his role as one of the "founding fathers" of the new America that was made after the Civil War and the Civil Rights Movement, then it is best they not summon him." [More]
Don't worry Chauncey, they can never "summon" him. He might be turning in his grave, but he would never come back for them.
beck has a bad habit of trying to appropriate Dr. King. That somehow he and his ilk are the rightful beholders of his mantle. I went to D.C. during his rally and was confronted by his followers who tried to school me about my frat bro how he was for "equal justice" not social justice but couldn't answer the simple question how many times had Dr. King used the term social justice. One lady obliged and told me social justice meant something different then than now. She was interesting and seemed interested in dialogue but I had to disengage when she said she thought the percentage of negativity towards the President because of his race was around 5%. These people live in a totally different world but then again if you follow Glenn Beck and stand in line to watch Sarah Palin give a speech reality isn't your friend.
BTW, what's wrong with the N.O.I. and SEIU?
Wow, did you see the CNN video with Don Lemon where his guest revealed that a Baltimore cop was a grand dragon in the KKK? Revealing but not surprising.
Is that toilet paper that guy in the pic is hawking???
Dayumm, I'm running low and he's prolly selling it for cheap! Maaan! I'd buy it too! xD
I mean, let's face it, a deal is a deal, and times are hard! We just got a hike in gas prices, (another one :)the electric, the water bill has an extra charge now that nobody knows what it is or what it's for (even the agency hahaha,unreal!) But if you don't pay it, ya got's no water!0-0
So,yeah I'd buy it...
But on the serious side, um...I just read that the officers have been "suspended and a full investigation will take place"
Now, after days of protest!
When Glenn Beck made his MLK Day speech at the Lincoln Memorial he wore a bullet proof vest and announced that if something happens to him, it will be a liberal who does it. That wasn't long after I wrote a "fan letter" to him. It went something like this, "Now that the negras is in charge you are the true civil rights hero. And after you are assinated everyone will know." I signed it, "A true Beckerhead, Jacob Jacobs". My friends all warned me to stop doing shit like that. I'll ask Field to represent me if I get in trouble from fighting racism.
Racial Profiling? Sure: Gray sure was a black man:
March 20, 2015: Possession of a Controlled Dangerous Substance
March 13, 2015: Malicious destruction of property, second-degree assault
January 20, 2015: Fourth-degree burglary, trespassing
January 14, 2015: Possession of a controlled dangerous substance, possession of a controlled dangerous substance with intent to distribute
December 31, 2014: Possession of narcotics with intent to distribute
December 14, 2014: Possession of a controlled dangerous substance
August 31, 2014: Illegal gambling, trespassing
January 25, 2014: Possession of marijuana
September 28, 2013: Distribution of narcotics, unlawful possession of a controlled dangerous substance, second-degree assault, second-degree escape
April 13, 2012: Possession of a controlled dangerous substance with intent to distribute, unlawful possession of a controlled dangerous substance, violation of probation
July 16, 2008: Possession of a controlled dangerous substance, possession with intent to distribute
March 28, 2008: Unlawful possession of a controlled dangerous substance
March 14, 2008: Possession of a controlled dangerous substance with intent to manufacture and distribute
February 11, 2008: Unlawful possession of a controlled dangerous substance, possession of a controlled dangerous substance
August 29, 2007: Possession of a controlled dangerous substance with intent to distribute, violation of probation
August 28, 2007: Possession of marijuana
August 23, 2007: False statement to a peace officer, unlawful possession of a controlled dangerous substance
July 16, 2007: Possession of a controlled dangerous substance with intent to distribute, unlawful possession of a controlled dangerous substance (2 counts)
Anon 1:13 am
If they would a stopped looking in the mans pockets for 'controlled, dangerous substances' if they would a left him alone with his substance and his marijuana, they wouldn't have had to break every bone in his body and sever his spine at the neck!
Sounds good to me!!!
But no, they had to profile his ass until they killed him!
Why don't they go and profile some white ass with 'controlled dangerous substances' for a change? Huh? and break a couple of spinal columns there?
Plenty drug trafficking there too!
I saw this on somebody's FB post. Victim blaming begins. In the U.S. all citizens have the presumption of innocence so an innocent man was killed. Field is a lawyer, maybe he can tell us whether or not the idea of innocent until proven guilty is still in effect.
I ran across this link which explained to me why Field and PC calls me White. It explains everything and I truly thank Charles Barkley for telling the truth.
I feel much better and will take Barkley's advice: "Ignore PC and Field. They are like crabs in a barrel trying to pull other successful Blacks down.
"But on the serious side, um...I just read that the officers have been 'suspended and a full investigation will take place'"
I think this was already true before any of the rioting happened. It probably doesn't matter too much what Baltimore PD says or does about these officers.
This really isn't about the handling of the investigation into how Freddie Gray got his neck broken. The people doing the smashing and burning were already super angry and Gray's death just set them off.
"When Glenn Beck made his MLK Day speech at the Lincoln Memorial he wore a bullet proof vest and announced that if something happens to him, it will be a liberal who does it."
I think by the time he did his idiotic "Restoring Honor" rally (lol) or whatever the heck it was called, Fox News had begun to worry Beck's hair-on-fire, demented, crackpot rants might be making it a little too obvious that Fox is not an actual news network. They banished him to the wilderness soon after that.
Beck is a major fruitcake. It's simultaneously hilarious and frightening to watch him concoct his conspiracy theories on his magic blackboard. He takes a grab bag of totally unrelated characters and then "connects the dots" to reveal their sinister, unpatriotic, liberal plans to destroy the hardworking people of America.
This week's Legion of Doom: The Shining Path Guerrillas teaming up with the Ghost of Rasputin and Miley Cyrus!
Whereas next week, the very scary bad guys could be Patrice Lumumba and Maximilian Robespierre in cahoots with ex-congressman Barney Frank!
It's like some kind of apocalyptic fantasy football league for people who've had a frontal lobotomy.
"If they would a stopped looking in the mans pockets for 'controlled, dangerous substances' if they would a left him alone with his substance and his marijuana, they wouldn't have had to break every bone in his body and sever his spine at the neck!
Sounds good to me!!!
But no, they had to profile his ass until they killed him!"
It doesn't exactly sound like they profiled him. He saw the cops and took off running, which is a sure-fire way to make the cops want to stop and question you.
The charge for the knife they found on him was pretty weak, though. Maybe they just wanted to arrest him because he forced them to break a sweat chasing him?
And the cops didn't "break every bone in his body," just his neck. Chances are good this was police stupidity in the process of cuffing him, not a beating.
From the Baltimore Sun:
Kevin Moore, a 28-year-old friend of Gray's from Gilmor Homes, said he rushed outside when he heard Gray was being arrested and saw him 'screaming for his life' with his face planted on the ground. One officer had his knee on Gray's neck, Moore said, and another was bending his legs backward.
'They had him folded up like he was a crab or a piece of origami,' Moore said. 'He was all bent up.'"
I've personally seen cops use such dangerous methods, definitely not taught at the police academy, to immobilize a suspect.
One time, in Houston, a Vietnamese gang member was hiding in the restaurant where I was eating, and a black cop with a very large pistol stormed in to arrest him. When I exited the place, I saw that same cop standing on the gang member's head, while having a completely casual conversation with his fellow officers.
"What would MLK do?"
Get drunk and f*ck every hole in sight? Father children out of wedlock?
Oh wait..That's the real mlk that doesn't get talked about.
"On his TV show today, Beck said, “Shame on Baltimore, shame on America.”"
Beck has a TV show? What channel is it on? Oh right, he isn't. Why can't haters get basic facts right?
PilotX:Freeing slaves from the Republican plantation since the 70's said...
In the U.S. all citizens have the presumption of innocence so an innocent man was killed.
That's not in doubt.
This is just the latest example of blacks refusing to act like humans, respecting other humans and the rule of law.
These latest cases of black deaths at the hands of cops have somethings in common.
Blacks ran. Blacks were belligerent. Blacks attacked the police. And yet blacks are just shocked at the outcomes.
70% of blacks today have no idea who their fathers are. Their mothers depend on the government to be their husbands and fathers to their children.
Their fathers tell their kids that they don't have to be responsible or face consequences for their actions. They don't have to be held to the same standards or respect other humans.
It's their black privilege.
Given that, plus the high rates of incest within black communities, blacks have low IQ'S and lack coping skills and impulse control.
In a way, no one should be shocked at the way blacks behave.
Dr Ramos, PHD you seem to be 'human', although a strange one, who knows a great deal about Blacks and their experience.
Are you Black? Or is it your white privilege passed down to you to judge all Blacks as people beneath you, with low IQs and no coping skills in a white society?
Whatever. You are the fine example that justifies the killing and brutalization that police do to Blacks.
Ramos said.....
Get drunk and f*ck every hole in sight? Father children out of wedlock? Oh wait..That's the real mlk that doesn't get talked about.
That actually sounds like former Presidents Jefferson and Washington.
Guess MLK is in "good company".
PilotX:Freeing slaves from the Republican plantation since the 70's said...
Field is a lawyer, maybe he can tell us whether or not the idea of innocent until proven guilty is still in effect.
Darren wilson wasn't presumed innocent until proven guilty.
Even after Eric Holder's DOJ said darren wilson was innocent, darren wilson still wasn't presumed innocent.
The costs of Civil Rights has outweighed the benefits.
It is time to reinstitute segregation.
HA! Right on time the racial grievance industry brings the cries of "conservatism and racism!!!!""Republican Party!!! white supremacist organization!!!"
The cries of REAGAN!!! and BUSH!!!! well be heard any day now.
Nevermind Baltimore is what the racial grievance industry tells is utopia for blacks everywhere.
Black mayor.
Majority black city council.
A police force that represents diversity.
A city that has been under Democrat control since the 1960's.
A city that that has high tax rates and strangling regulations.
But of course it's all YT'S fault. And the fault of Republicans...
Just another way the racial grievance industry keeps blacks stupid for the cause....
So kinky rightfully equates "YT" with the republican party.
Maybe be isn't as dumb as he seems.
Doc@10:29. Go ahead and drop the mic
Where is the fawning and grandstanding by the media for the Black mayor a Black Woman? The Media went nuclear over the Black mother for restraining her son so again WHERE IS THE Attention for the Mayor a Black Woman who saved the lives of many including children with her directive to the cops to stand down?? One Black woman is a prop the other a doormat!!..WHY???
"Beck has a TV show? What channel is it on? Oh right, he isn't. Why can't haters get basic facts right?"
Er, Beck does still have a TV show. It's on the stupid TV channel Beck created for himself, called The Blaze. This is a big comedown for Beck -- The Blaze is carried on far fewer cable networks than his old channel, Fox News -- but he's still out there, crying his eyes out for America's besmirched honor (haha) and spewing his incoherent, paranoid fantasies for the faithful.
This was the MLK episode in question on his TV show:
"Get drunk and f*ck every hole in sight? Father children out of wedlock? Oh wait..That's the real mlk that doesn't get talked about.
That actually sounds like former Presidents Jefferson and Washington."
If you're referring to the stories about these Founding Fathers having kids with their slaves, only one of those is confirmed.
Contemporary accounts from Jefferson's time (including negative election campaigning by his political opponents) include lots of references to his black mistress, and DNA has matched his present-day white descendents to his black ones.
The same is not true of Washington. There's not much evidence to back up accounts of his having had an illegitimate kid. This is really in the realm of speculation at this point.
@4:34, keep your whitewashed version of history to yourself, pun VERY much intended!!
field negro said...
So kinky rightfully equates "YT" with the republican party.
When the public rightfully equates "ni**er" with the democrat party, the party will be over.
Glenn Beck is a stunad of the first grade. He's prime roast moron. He's a lunatic conspiracy theorist; he's a religious loon with his magic underwear; and the fucking guy even said once that "God" was punishing the earth's sinners, and that's why Japan's earthquake happened. He's out there, barely hanging onto the outermost portion of the right-wing tip.
But why can't he have an opinion on what's going on? He lives in the world too.
Now, if he wants to say that this is somehow the devil maneuvering and the absence of God is creating this havoc, as in going off the rails, that's one thing. But to judge Beck by Beck, his position on this is rather innocuous and benign.
Not to defend the schmuck, though; he makes me embarrassed to be a white guy in opposition to the welfare state. But, seriously, why can't guys like Beck express themselves without being thrown out the window due to their name alone? From what I'm reading, all he's saying is that the days of peaceful protests and true leadership are gone.
Does anyone really disagree with that?
As I've said a few times before: Black folks distressed in this nation have all the tools available to make the entire world STFU, take notice, and side with them on a litany of issues. But once the hyperbole starts, once the rioting and looting starts, who gives a fuck? Who should give a fuck?
It's the identity of indiscernibles, people. Either play ball or don't. It's not the responsibility of the rest of the world to change its collective standards to accommodate buffoonery.
"When the public rightfully equates "ni**er" with the democrat party, the party will be over."
Spoken like a true Republican.
"If you're referring to the stories about these Founding Fathers having kids with their slaves, only one of those is confirmed."
So what confirmed stories are there of Dr. King having out of wedlock children? We'll wait.
All true words, Field. Still, burning down the CVS where Nana got her medicine that she really needs, ain't the answer.
"So what confirmed stories are there of Dr. King having out of wedlock children? We'll wait."
I'm sure he doesn't have any, as they would have lined up to get paid long ago.
MLK's recreation was slapping whores around.
Obama's America, where you can't even let fans watch a baseball game.
Civilization is crumbling, and it's all part of the plan.
Gotta watch this guys!!!
So funny this guy!
JOSH, "...But, seriously, why can't guys like Beck express themselves without being thrown out the window due to their name alone? From what I'm reading, all he's saying is that the days of peaceful protests and true leadership are gone."
You have some nerve preaching for Beck and his BS, when you declare Sharpton should STFU because he is a trouble maker. Come to think of it, you said the same thing about Farrakhan and other Blacks.
Come to think of it, you don't want any rights extended to 'any' Blacks.
Are you by any chance, a cop with a KKK history?
"Obama's America, where you can't even let fans watch a baseball game."
But still not as deadly or large as the L.A. riots in Bush's America. Maybe he needs to work on that.
Gee Kinky, seems like the people of B-more are at least smart enough to not vote for Republicans because they know they would make things even worse. Since you are a shill for the gop what is their plan if they were elected? What was the Republican candidate for mayor of Charm City's plan? Please articulate the gop plan Kinky or are you just good at Monday morning quarterbacking and bereft of ideas just like your beloved party? You are good at criticizing but let's hear some ideas buddy.
Sister Lilac, I saw that link you posted. It is clear you want to mar the FOX NEWS name.
FYI, FOX is the only media company that gives accurate truthful no spin news.
But you have in the past, right on up to today tried to smear the good name of FOX. You are as wrong as two left shoes.
I swear. I don't understand my people. You make no sense.
"Obama's America, where you can't even let fans watch a baseball game."
But still not as deadly or large as the L.A. riots in Bush's America. Maybe he needs to work on that."
"But, seriously, why can't guys like Beck express themselves without being thrown out the window due to their name alone? From what I'm reading, all he's saying is that the days of peaceful protests and true leadership are gone."
Rioting has been going on in impoverished black neighborhoods for a long time. It was going on while MLK was still alive. There really never was any such "age of peaceful protest."
The stupid assumption Beck is making is that there used to be some sort of Boss of All Blacks whose orders were respected by every black person without fail. That never existed. That's revisionist history on his part. Pissed-off criminals do what they do. By definition, they have no boss.
And Beck doesn't catch flak because of some kind of party label on him, but because he is a despicable, crazy liar.
He is implying that the Crips and Bloods, the Nation of Islam, the SEIU, and the Baltimore city government are somehow working together and/or ordering people to riot. But all of these groups aren't even necessarily on speaking terms (particularly the Crips/Bloods and anyone else). They aren't working together in any substantive way, and they certainly aren't ordering anyone to riot (nor do they really have any ability to order anyone NOT to riot).
Beck, and a boatload of other rightwingers, have also been peddling another huge lie. Beck claimed the mayor was intentionally letting riots happen, based on this public statement she made:
"I've made it very clear that I work with the police and instructed them to do everything they could to make sure that the protesters were able to exercise their right to free speech. It's a very delicate balancing act because while we try to make sure that they were protected from the cars and the other things that were going on, we also gave those who wished to destroy space to do that as well, and we work very hard to keep that balance and to put ourselves in the best position to de-escalate."
Her statement was clearly intended as an admission that while she'd tried to give protesters the opportunity to peacefully protest, but had possibly screwed up and given them too much space by not having enough security on hand, which UNintentionally created an opportunity for the rioting to start.
But hey, pretending that a Democratic mayor is not admitting a mistake, but is actually pro-rioting is par for the course for despicable, pathologically lying conservatives.
Does Guinness have a category for how many lies you can tell in a five-minute interval? Because Beck might just have set a new record.
But day sto be owned by da whi man dawg. Gotta burn dat down yo!
field negro said...
"Obama's America, where you can't even let fans watch a baseball game."
But still not as deadly or large as the L.A. riots in Bush's America. Maybe he needs to work on that."
Yesterday, today, and tomorrow, niggaz is niggaz.
Anonymous said...
Sister Lilac, I saw that link you posted. It is clear you want to mar the FOX NEWS name.
9:19 PM
Brother Anon, so happy you watched! Isn't it funny? He's got another one called: Angel Lewis, Civil Unrest Moms. Hilarious!
"Come to think of it, you don't want any rights extended to 'any' Blacks."
Is it like a pact amongst you trolls or something? Accuse Josh of shit and never, not even fucking once, provide the evidence for it?
And good job fucking quote-mining a response that's only a few above yours to make it look like I'm actually sticking up for Beck. Dishonest cunts. Why you even bother is beyond me. But it's like the rule here these days. It's going to happen at least once every time I post. It is what it is.
JOSH-"And good job fucking quote-mining a response that's only a few above yours to make it look like I'm actually sticking up for Beck. Dishonest cunts. Why you even bother is beyond me. But it's like the rule here these days. It's going to happen at least once every time I post. It is what it is."
Josh, why must you come down on me all the time when I'm just trying to help?
"Josh, why must you come down on me all the time when I'm just trying to help?"
How can one read me call a guy a stunad, a moron, a religious loon, a conspiracy theorist, and an overall nutter, yet still make the case that I'm defending him?
Whatever you're trying to do, you're exceedingly dishonest in your approach.
"You have some nerve preaching for Beck and his BS..."
You knowingly--yes, purposefully and knowingly--plucked a sentence out of my overall context to create from whole cloth the narrative that I'm sticking up and "preaching for Beck," when the exact fucking opposite is what's true; I laid into that idiot full force.
You're not trying to help. You're trying to troll.
You can still be honest and break my balls. They're not mutually exclusive. Why do you lot need to fucking lie and insult me? Just insult me! Just dig into me. IDGAF. But when you lie about it--particularly when it's an obvious quote-mine which can be easily shown--you're going to be called on it.
I expect to be trolled. What I don't expect is that people habitually and blatantly lie to troll. It beggars belief.
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