All you have to do is look at the latest proposed budget coming out of the White House.
This is it in a nutshell: Poor and working people get screwed, wealthy folks get tax breaks, and the military gets lots of money.
I watched his budget director today play Ebenezer Scrooge, and he seemed to be enjoying it. Which, quite frankly, I don't understand how any human being could be so heartless. I mean how do you cut the meals on wheels program for seniors? How do you cut programs that subsidized the heating bills of poor people? How do you ----in good conscience--- cut the funding for after- school programs for children? I haven't even mentioned the cuts to agencies offering us safety and environmental protections yet. Medicaid and Social Security, you are not safe, either.
The irony of this is that many of the people who voted for trump are the ones who will be hurt by these draconian cuts, but of course they don't see it. trump's nationalistic speeches and bombastic rhetoric has turned them on too much for them to turn back now.
“This budget represents a president who is beholden to nobody but the voters,” Mulvaney said. “He is following through on his promises. We did not consult with special interests on how to write this budget. We did not consult with lobbyists on how to write this budget. The president’s team wrote this budget and that’s what you’ll see in the numbers.”
I bet he didn't promise to go to Mara -a -Largo every weekend and cost taxpayers millions of dollars. That's money that we could have used to help the most needy among us.
Sadly for them they are needy, so in trump world they do not count.
"'This budget represents a president who is beholden to nobody but the voters,' Mulvaney said. 'He is following through on his promises. We did not consult with special interests on how to write this budget.'"
Liar. He consulted with no one but special interests.
Look, if he were really sincere in his "looking out for the little [white]" guy claims, he'd be dumping big money into rural America to improve the welfare of its citizens and make those regional economies more competitive -- infrastructure funding, healthcare, education. He is not. Instead, he is paying back his wealthy friends with the usual tax cuts and deregulation.
Meanwhile, the suckers in Palookaville are contenting themselves with "but he's bringing back jobs!" Yet he's not doing that either. Trump's just hopping on announcements corporations were already making about new hiring at various locations -- announced months before he became president -- and claiming HE is responsible for those jobs, when he did absolutely nothing.
So that's the Trump plan. Pretend you're doing something to help, but actually screw over your supporters even worse by cutting funding for programs they rely on (albeit many of them are too stupid to even understand they are using them; see: "get your government hands off my Medicare!").
And these dopes like to say ridiculous stuff like "black people need to escape the Democrat plantation." Who is brainwashed, again?
OK, Mr. smart field.....Define a "poor" person in the US...what's the criteria?
Please explain.
No. You won't. You can't.
But, you can blog about them in your happy-assed gated community.
We tried to tell them. But NO! MAGA! Make the libtards cry!
I'm torn between saying: 1)Fuck all y'all, I knew this would happen and so could you have known if you'd stopped braying and slobbering on yourselves long enough to hear one sane voice for one minute over the clamor of your Fox, Rush, Infowars, and Breitbart, and you made the deliberate choice not to do so and thus inflicted this despicable creep on the rest of the country, so enjoy your buggering 'cause here it comes, just like we told you it would, and 2)just being really pissed at the Trump campaign for finding the biggest vulnerability in white people and lying straight at it 24/7 for the entire campaign.
I can't quite feel much sympathy for the meatheads that bought the transparent fraud Trump sold on the stump, as any bright nine year old could see through it, and we do have some responsibility as adults and citizens, but I at least don't completely blame them for perpetrating it.
That said, I still do blame them for choosing to be the infinitely programmable rage-bots they are because every time they turned Rush up to ten or drooled into a puddle while Sean Hannity told them that their ignorance was noble and their bigotry was patriotic, they could have been using the same damn internet that I have to find out what liberals have been saying to them for forty fucking years, that the right has been lying to them the whole fucking time.
And that inviting all of those Atwater/southern strategy racists, bigots and meat sticks into your party was a really bad idea because you can't control them like you think you can and pretty soon they're gonna get sick of being played for the suckers they are and throw a big-ass Trump fit on you, like they just did. Just like we said they would.
So have fun getting buggered by your fire demon, and you might want to take the late, great Frank Zappa's advice on this one:
-Doug in Oakland
The way we've been living in completely different realities I bet right wing media will convince these people that what we need is more cuts to make the "job creators" even richer. For some of these maga folks reality may never sink in.
Oh, it'll "sink in" all right, the only question is whether they squeal like a pig when it does.
-Doug in Oakland
If the states want to pay for these programs, they can. There isn no way the federal government should be paying for this stuff.
Obama put us a trillion dollars in debt with this bullshit.
The Federal government should pay for defense and interstate infrastructure. And that's it.
Daycare should be a state and local government concern.
But B-15 & everyone.....you're not getting the big picture of the working poor who supported Pres. Trump.
Bleeding heart liberals simply don't understand rolling back environmental and safety regulations will pave the way for the return of the coal industry with competitive wages and benefits, especially the kind of health and pension benefits that warrant the dismantling of the ACA/Medicaid.
And Meals on Wheels for the elderly and disabled will be replaced with a hearty helping of fighter jets. With America reigning supreme once again, the impact of draconian cuts is but a small price to pay in the quest for winner take all.
America first, except the working poor, and urban communities (they get shot upon leaving their house) and the elderly and preschoolers, after all Big Bird is beyond overrated anyway.
They get what they deserve, take everything from them and give it to Russia and the oligarchs of America. That is what the rich wants anyway. I hope the dumbasses find no relief....as they are too stupid to even appreciate the promise of this country.
Being played by the GOP is now almost complete with their Dictatorship like moves....we are screwed.
"If you are a poor person in America and you voted for Donald trump, I think that you should know by now that you have been played."
If you are a poor American who used to be rich before H-1Bs or illegals took your job or destroyed your business, you are probably a Trump voter. And you're going to be very, very happy to have your country back.
"How do you ----in good conscience--- cut the funding for after- school programs for children?"
How do you—in good conscience—continue funding after-school and pre-school programs (coughHead Startcough) that have proven to give negligible or even NO benefits, and mainly function as a paycheck for the otherwise unemployable?
What benefit do home-schoolers get from these things, Feeled?
"Trump's just hopping on announcements corporations were already making about new hiring at various locations -- announced months before he became president"
And during those months, he was talking to companies which had announced plans to close US plants and open others in e.g. Mexico. And got them to stop. But you think credit for this belongs to Zero.
The depth of your stupidity is truly breathtaking.
"Bleeding heart liberals simply don't understand rolling back environmental and safety regulations will pave the way for the return of the coal industry"
The fracking industry has killed coal. It's dead. Trump's lip service to WVa and Kentucky miners isn't going to bring their jobs back, nor send business to the rail and barge companies that aren't getting paid to move filthy black rock anymore. Just the way it is.
But Trump plays 4-D chess. You don't understand that. You never will.
Trump's budget:
31% cut to the EPA
28% cut to the State Department
21% cut to Agricultural subsidies
Veterans affairs up 6%
"Bleeding heart liberals simply don't understand rolling back environmental and safety regulations will pave the way for the return of the coal industry with competitive wages and benefits, especially the kind of health and pension benefits that warrant the dismantling of the ACA/Medicaid."
And this is just painful to hear from these people. It's magical thinking. Coal jobs aren't coming back. Ever. Period. End of story.
A lot of manufacturing jobs aren't coming back, either -- they're done by robots now. Even if you could retrieve some of the remaining manufacturing jobs from Asia or wherever through modifications to trade policy (which is no easy thing, mind you!), many of jobs in which the US could be competitive are in high-tech manufacturing that requires education that the Trumpkins don't have and Trump isn't gonna pay to provide.
Trump sold them a real fantasy here, regarding bringing back coal and old-school industry.
There is actually something to the law enforcement/military spending thing. We dump ridiculous amounts of money into unnecessarily imprisoning low-level offenders and have a military that is way, way bigger than needed to defend the country. And this does end up being a sort of wingnut welfare for rural America: federal tax money is provided to give Duane and Jethro jobs as prison guards over people who shouldn't be in prison anyway, or in military divisions defending against non-existent threats.
However, providing dumb make-work jobs for rural America is a terribly inefficient way of supporting these regions' economies. It is no substitute for developing sustainable private sector employment.
"But Trump plays 4-D chess. You don't understand that. You never will."
The only "chess" Trump is playing is for himself and his rich chums, against lower-income whites who voted for him.
If you're white and not rich, and you voted for Trump, you checkmated yourself.
Coal is coming back.
It's still the cheapest non-nuclear/non-hydro power generation option.
Utility companies shut down coal plants because the EPA made them.
You will see new coal plant construction starting this year.
@Doug: Do you believe in paying for anything on your own, or do you just expect everything in life should be taxpayer funded?
Here in America things are so good, the poor get to complain about not being able to watch free television.
What a country!
Coal mining companies are hiring again:
To an idiot like you James a toddler plays 4D chess.
150 IQ bwahahahahahahahahaha!
You will see new coal plant construction starting this year.
Even a moron like James Bold can see coal is dead as a miner with black lung disease.
James is such a little pussy I'm surprised Trump hasn't grabbed him yet.
Hey James, shouldn't you be out starting your war on negroes? Or is that the same kind of fantasy as you having an IQ of 150?
This should be interesting when Pres. Trump's feet is held to the fire next Wed 3/22/17 during a meeting with key members of the Congressional Black Caucus.
Brilliant timing in light of proposed budget and pending vote of the American Health Care Act.
Alicia: I have paid my own way since before I was 18. For 32 years I paid 12~13% of every paycheck I ever got as the premiums on the social insurance I've collected since my stroke. In short, I was one of those taxpayers for 32 years, funding the programs that now help me get by.
You might find that you need them to be there some day yourself.
And as for those white working class voters who fell so hard for the obvious bullshit Trump served them up by the shovelful, especially those economically displaced former manufacturing workers of the rust belt states- You know who did more to try to help them get or save manufacturing jobs than oh, anyone ever? President Barack Obama:
I know there are words with too many syllables and just too many words for your comfort in the post I linked to, but reality is like that sometimes.
Trump lied to them skillfully, and now instead of making good on the promises he made to them, he's brutally buggering them fifteen ways from Sunday.
Barack Obama actually cared about improving their chances in this economy and did a shitload of work on their behalf, most of which is set for demolition by the Trump Government Wrecking Crew, but it's all still recorded for your edification should you choose to stray from the right wing media narrative that kept so many of those who consumed it exclusively from knowing about it in the first place.
Doing good government is really hard, mostly boring work, which is why Trump will never even try to be any good at it, and why it's kind of important to elect people who know what they're doing and can get out of their own way.
-Doug in Oakland
Black people are such a nuisance. Every little thing you do pisses me off.
Hey, Dougie Bear, how's Oaktown doing tonight? Didja go to the riots like a good little leftie? Did you stand in solidarity with the "young people of color" against the evil white oppressors?
LOL. When the big breakup comes, you're gonna wish you were in Redding or Eugene. Your friends-of-color aren't going to treat you very nicely, no matter how many times you let them climb on top of your wife.
How many times do I have to tell you morons that I've never been married? That's right, doesn't matter, y'all can't read anyway.
I have friends in both Redding and Eugene from my motorcycle racing days, but the only breakup of note is that between right wingers and reality. That's on the way to biting them on their asses hard.
I'm not much of a marcher these days, beings that I walk with a quad-cane and all, but I never was one to hang out where people are drawing the attention of the police. Seems kinda risky these days, even for white boys like me.
-Doug in Oakland
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Coal is coming back.
It's still the cheapest non-nuclear/non-hydro power generation option.
Utility companies shut down coal plants because the EPA made them.
You will see new coal plant construction starting this year.
Dammit, babe, you win the all-time dumbfuck of the year award.
I'm just going to explain this one time. You have heard about widespread pollution, dumping and air pollution in China? Remember, the Beijing Olympics. Okay, granted, the number one source of air pollution is automobiles, but dig this. China has the worst air pollution in the world because they tried to catch up to Europe and the U.S. by producing electricity through coal.
The best minds in China now regret this. China has an enormous commitment to solar and renewable energy. Since Trump has been president for two months, I know that it is fair to say that China's commitment to stemming global warming is more reliable than that of the U.S.A.
There is no country on earth that wishes to rid itself of coal energy more than China. They are agressively closing down coal-burning plants and replacing them with greener energy sources.
Then there is India.
Is that what you want for us? Mountain-top removal. Mountain streams in Appalachia polluted with coal sludge? Black soot in the air we breathe? Arsenic and toxins in the groundwater?
WTF is the hell wrong with you idiotic Trump supporters?
Feel free to answer for your less intelligent brethren, Josh.
I'm not surprised at all that Doug has never been married.
Quite sure Herr trump doesn't know how to play chess. That would require way too much thinking.
Oregon pride, that black girl you dated in high scbool who left you for the homecoming king, is never coming back.
The bald one ejaculates- How do you—in good conscience—continue funding after-school and pre-school programs (coughHead Startcough) that have proven to give negligible or even NO benefits, and mainly function as a paycheck for the otherwise unemployable?
How do you, in good conscience, continue giving taxcuts to the rich that provide no benefits to anyone except the wealthy's bank accounts?
But,but they are the job creators. No they are not as has been proven over and over and over. Tax hikes do more to create jobs.
The bald one just keeps oozing wingnut talking points.
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Coal is coming back.
It's still the cheapest non-nuclear/non-hydro power generation option.
Utility companies shut down coal plants because the EPA made them.
You will see new coal plant construction starting this year.
Bullshit! Coal costs way more than plentiful natural gas and most industries switched to burning Nat gas because of the cost savings.
Anonymous Alicia said.. look at me. I can spew right wing talking points verbatim. I'm a big girl. Gee I sure hope Drumpf grabs my p***y.
So do the rest of us, Alicia. Grabbed in the front and stabbed in the back. Lucky girl. Bwahahahahahahahaha!
Here is proof wingnuts have been hoodwinked.
Tennessee woman who backs President Donald Trump credits God and the Republican health care bill — which hasn’t been voted into law — for her family’s dramatically lower insurance costs.
Charla McComic’s son recently lost his job, and his health-insurance premium dropped from $567 per month to $88, which she described as “a blessing from God” and a gift from the new president, reported the Washington Post.
Can't fix stoopid.
Make me puke.
I worked for 30+ years, and never asked the taxpayers for a cent.
Instead, I paid the "needy".
Screw them.
This is fer you, Commandeered Welfare Queenie-
The Progress Report: Foodstamps Cost a Few Bucks, Corporate Welfare Costs Billions
November 20, 2013 10:02 AM | Permalink | Bookmark and Share
(Original Post)
November 20, 2013 Posted by Staff under Corruption, Featured, Inequality / Concentration, Politics, Subsidies & Waste & Public Debt
Food Stamps Are Affordable; Corporate Welfare Is Not
This 2013 excerpt of Truthout, Nov 5, is by Thom Hartmann’s Daily Take Program.
In 2012, the average American taxpayer making $50,000 per year paid just $36 towards the food stamps program. That’s just ten cents a day! That’s less than the cost of a gumball.
When it comes to funding the rest of America’s social safety net programs, the average American taxpayer making $50,000 a year pays just over six dollars a year.
But the American taxpayer is paying a lot for the billions of dollars the U.S. government gives to corporate America each year. The average American family pays a staggering $6,000 a year in subsidies to big business.
You whine alot big spender.
Hey, nice stats, corn queen.
Thing is..I could care less.
We are talking about giving money to folks that suck off the people who DO pay taxes.
Altho the word has been almost erased in our vocabulary, It's called Welfare.
Yeah, use your fancy new cards in the check-out line. We don't notice.
Flying Junior said...
"I'm just going to explain this one time. You have heard about widespread pollution, dumping and air pollution in China?"
Since I have worked in this industry maybe I can return the favor.
China builds coal plants without precipitators, scrubbers or Selective Catalyst Reduction (SCR) units on the boiler stack emissions. Like we did in the 1950's. That's why they have an air pollution problem.
In America, all coal plant have precipitators and limestone scrubbers, and those built in the last 15 years have SCRs. These systems remove particulates, sulfur, and NOX. What comes out of the stack is basically water vapor and CO2.
This equipment costs as much as the boiler itself, which is why they don't do it in China. In America, even with these extra costs, coal is still competetive. Even with cheap shale gas, in many parts of the country your cost per kilowatt generated is still cheaper with coal.
Removing the EPA requirements that were designed to shut down coal plants will mean coal will back in the mix when it comes to making decisions based on economics rather than ideology.
You will see new coal power plant construction plans announced this year.
You could care less, Commandeered korporate Welfare Queenie? Then quit yer bitching about it. Our government-like it or not- has an obligation to "Promote the General Welfare".
Put yer big boy pants on and suck it up. Geez would I rather spend 42 bucks to help the less well off or give thousands to kotpotate amerika? Tough choice. I'm going with helping the less well off and maybe chipping in an extra buck or two to spite you people.
Black people are such a nuisance. Every little thing you do pisses me off.
Good, maybe you'll leave us the fuck alone.
Michael Flynn-liar extraordinaire- was receiving money from Russians before the election as well as from Turkey. The grifting doesn't stop.
Russia. Taxes. Russia. Russia. Taxes. New jobs are impossible, we need more welfare. Russia. Russia. Taxes. Russia.
England has received 2 official apologies for Drumpf lying that Britain helped Obama wiretap Drumpf. Of course neither apology came from the mangled cheeto apricot beached whale. None came from disgraced Judge Napolitano from Fake Noize, either. Must really suck when all three of the judges sources were wrong. Bwahahahahahahahahahahaha!
If we're going to be building new coal power plants we need an EPA at full capacity to ensure they are abiding by pollution and waste standards. I kind of doubt a return to coal but ya never know.
3,000 jobs cut from the EPA is not a good look for the "jobs" president.
Those 3,000 people in the EPA were working overtime to put other people out of work. These cuts will probably result in a net gain of millions of new jobs.
The funny thing is.....You GD Dems keep trying to crucify anyone you can within the Trump government,
We say. "OK, tear them apart", and let's get on with it....
But YOU, won't let them!
Everyone associated with the Obama regime should be fired, starting NOW.
Oregon Pussy said...
Black people are such a nuisance. Every little thing you do pisses me off.
Good, maybe you'll leave us the fuck alone.
12:19 PM
Lord knows, we wish we could.
Go back to Africa! You won't have to deal with us nasty white folks any more! Hey...you can build a new continent!
You whitey ass wingnuts will need a new continent by the time Drumpfuck gets done destroying the environment and the water, air, soil ,etc.
Commandeered Queenie- if it wasn't for Obama you wouldn't have had a job to pay the taxes you whine about. Hit yer knees and kiss that black guy's ass for creating millions of jobs and kiss Democratic asses for trying to get decent wages for you ungrateful whiny saps. Then sit and complain while wingnuts drive those jobs away while the rest of you applaud.
Stoopid fucking wingnuts-go back to Africa. These descendants of slaves have probably been firmly ensconced as Americans longer than most whitey wingnuts. Why don't whitey go back to Europe?
"Coal mining companies are hiring again"
"For starters, the entire economy has seen a bump. That has created a demand for steel. The high-quality coal that comes out of Appalachia is well suited for making steel."
In other words, metallurgical coal, not steam coal. Natural gas is eliminating steam coal, the stuff that's burned to make electricity. There's currently no good substitute for metallurgical coal.
But I forget, you're the exact sort of people upon whom such distinctions are lost. "OOK OOK A COAL MINE IS HIRING OOK!"
"You will see new coal power plant construction plans announced this year."
No you won't. Not while the Henry Hub price of gas is $3/million BTU and a coal plant costs 4x as much as a gas turbine.
At least that's a more sophisticated mistake than most Black people are capable of making. That makes you a Chocolate Genius, to go with Chocolate Jesus.
"That makes you a Chocolate Genius"
Nope, just someone who knows a good bit more about the energy industry than you do.
Stick to genocidal fantasies and biting criticism of black pathology - you are much better at that.
Blogger mike from iowa said...
Stoopid fucking wingnuts-go back to Africa. These descendants of slaves have probably been firmly ensconced as Americans longer than most whitey wingnuts. Why don't whitey go back to Europe?
2:29 PM"
Why don't we go back to Europe?
Because we TOOK this one. Don't need another, right now.
You negros were just dingle berries.
That's the only reason yo momma isn't carrying shit on her head today. Name a country in the anus of Africa that has EVER been relevant.
(and, if you say Egypt, or any other Arab country, you'll be digging your own grave)
Wait a minute! Let's talk about some African countries that still have some stacked rocks!
"I worked for 30+ years, and never asked the taxpayers for a cent.
Instead, I paid the "needy".
Screw them."
Lt. Cmdr. Johnson truly a cunt amongst cunts. The king of cunts. A cunt squared. The emperor of cunts.
A putrid dirty sock of a gangrenous tramp pushed into the face of humanity. A dripping bubble of green snot in the cheese sandwich of decency. A flatulent warthog in the elevator of goodness. A wankstained teenage boy's underpants in the bed of nobility. A 2" flaccid penis in the pussy of honesty. A vaginal discharge of a syphilitic Naples whore in the mouth of intelligence.
All those things are what he is.
So what do you brain wizards suggest we do with all those acre-feet of toxic coal ash that keep breaching their dykes and inundating houses and farmland that can basically never be used again?
I have a suggestion: how about you stick it in your butt!
P.S. Those "scrubbers" don't do shit about the mercury and studies have found again and again that asthma cases increase in number and severity with proximity to coal-fired power plants.
Y'all may be too stupid to live, but some of us are not.
-Doug in Oakland
"So what do you brain wizards suggest we do with all those acre-feet of toxic coal ash that keep breaching their dykes and inundating houses and farmland that can basically never be used again?"
Actually Doug, this is not happening. It is apparently a figment of your imagination.
Maybe it was a dream you had. Was the little Mexican in it? Did he get toxic coal ash on his burritos?
Trump: Don't Blame My Admin For Baseless UK Spying Claim, Blame Fox!
Drumpf admits his Drumpf don't care is good for the wealthy and bad for the poors.
Commandeered Queenie -what does any African country being relevant today have to do with you packing your pastey white hide and heading for the dregs of Europe where you came from? Nevermind-it has nothing to do with it. Just deflection.
Obama used British intelligence to spy on Trump.
Obama will die in jail, after being repeatedly raped by OJ.
Drumpf imself stabbed steel workers in the back by allowing KXL to use foreign made steel. Suckers! Bwahahahahahahahahahahaha!
Read 'em and weep bitches.
Growth of U.S. Coal Jobs
Federal Data Showing Coal Mining Employment Trending Higher Since 2009
Since 2009, every attempt by the Obama administration to control pollution from
coal has been met with hostility by the industry and its supporters in Congress. They
claim that pollution limits on coalfired power plants and oversight of mountaintop removal
coal mining constitute a “war on coal” that threatens American coal production and coal
mining jobs. However, government jobs data point to the opposite trend in recent years.
Data released by the Mining Safety and Health Administration show that the
average number of coal mining jobs under the Obama administration is 15.3% higher
than the average under the Bush administration. Nationwide, the job totals for 2011 and
2012 marked the highest twoyear period for coal mining employment in 15 years.
While the data show some variation among states, each of the top ten
coalproducing states have had more mining jobs on average under the Obama
administration than under the Bush administration, and nine saw higher coal mining
employment in 2012 than at any point during the Bush years.
Thanks for the lesson Anonymous. Very interesting. Unfortunately the biggest problem with coal emissions is carbon dioxide. Funny how one pound of coal can produce two and a half pounds of CO2. Also, the sulfur dioxide, soot, mercury and other toxins are not completely captured.
I think the greatest environmental risk is just mining and transporting the stuff as well as getting rid of the coal sludge after it is refined. Have you ever seen a video of a coal sludge spill in water? If you had, you would never forget it.
Carbon dioxide is not a toxin. It is an essential component of the cycle of life on earth. Plants need CO2 to photosynthesize. Higher CO2 levels mean more biomass. It's is good for life on earth.
Burning anything liberate CO2. So does breathing.
CO2 is a very weak greenhouse gas. It has almost zero effect on global temperatures.
Even it did make things warmer, that would be good for the earth. More warmth = more life. Warm periods have been good times for humans. Ice ages suck.
We have enough coal to make electricity for thousands of years. This is a good thing, as we need electricity. Someday we will have cheap solar or clean nuclear, and we won't need coal. But for now, it's a great thing to have.
And coal is not "refined". It is simply dug out of the ground, crushed and burned.
There are naturally occuring petrochemicals within coal, and heavy metals within ash, but the idea that this waste is routinely making its way into our water supply is simply wrong. And even if it were, your arguement would not be against coal, but against handling it irresponsibly.
Coal companies can refine coal so it burns cleaner and doesn't require plant upgrades. America is burning more coal than ever so there goes the theory that pollution rules are killing the industry-again.
You're right, Mikie.
Let's burn corn and pigs along with the coal. At least, corn and pigs are renewable resources. Make a fortune for Iowa.
That should open the door for Obama to sue Drumpf for every penny he has for defamation of character.
Counting down the days to the 25th. Keep it up apricot, yer only digging a bigger hole for yerself as short lived bogus potus with short fingers.
"CO2 is a very weak greenhouse gas. It has almost zero effect on global temperatures."
This statement is directly contradicted by any observation of radiative forcing. Check the easy to use chart at the bottom of the link.
This should help too.
While we're on the subject:
-Doug in Oakland
Field Negro is a welfare king parasite who sucks off the White taxpayer. His boy Barack is scamming the government,.
Field Negro is a parasite.
Drumpf-Bwahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!Worst potus ever and it ain't ever gonna be in doubt. What does that say about the morons that voted for this POS?
Fuck the gooks and chinks!
Coal ash spills search result #7 out of 2,880,000:
-Doug in Oakland
I asked Mrs. Junior if she understood the Keeling Curve and she had never heard of it. So there is a lot of education yet to be done.
Doug and PilotX,
You will not believe this three-minute video shot by a couple of amateurs in a canoe at ground zero of the Emory River coal ash spill, Christmas Day 2008, mere days after after the horrid bursting of a holding pond. "It looks kind of like chocolate milk. It's like we are cutting a wake through chocolate milk."
"just someone who knows a good bit more about the energy industry than you do."
Meanwhile, back in reality: Energy Information Administration data on coal consumption for electric generation, all sectors:
2003 1,014,058
2004 1,020,523
2005 1,041,448
2006 1,030,556
2007 1,046,795
2008 1,042,335
2009 934,683
2010 979,684
2011 934,938
2012 825,734
2013 860,729
2014 853,634
2015 739,594
And if 12/2016 comes in the same as 12/2015 (probably close), we'll get
2016 663,317
That's down more than 1/3 from the 2007 peak.
Coal ain't coming back this year, maybe ever. Ol' Dougie has it right, but you're deep in delusion as usual.
Mick Mulvaney needs his cute white butt spanked till it glows like Rudolph's nose. Videos of the spanking could be sold, with the proceeds going to Meals on Wheels and afterschool programs.
Do the same with Sean Hannity and Paul Ryan.
Have to check it out Jr.
What do we do with millions who do not work who can and feed off the public dole....
"What do we do with millions who do not work who can and feed off the public dole...."
Dogs gotta eat.
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