"Team Trump wants us all to get over this annoying Russia thing and just move on. Sorry sir, not going to happen.
At the G-20 meeting in Hamburg, Germany, Donald Trump met with Russian President Vladimir Putin, the man whose thumb was all over the scale that delivered Trump’s victory. It was like a father meeting his offspring. But was it their first meeting? Maybe, maybe not.
For years Trump claimed not only that he had met Putin, but also that the two men had a great relationship.
Then in July 2016 came the about-face. At a news conference, Trump said, “I never met Putin,” and “I don’t know who Putin is.” This, coincidentally, was the same news conference at which he encouraged Russia’s cyberattack of Hillary Clinton’s campaign to “find the 30,000 emails that are missing.”
Thereafter, Trump would repeatedly deny meeting Putin or knowing him.
Clearly, Trump having a great relationship with Putin, and Trump not knowing Putin at all, cannot both be true.
I say this to remind you of something that you can never allow to become normal and never allow to become acceptable: Our “president” is a pathological liar. He lies about everything, all the time. Lying is his resting condition.
Therefore, absolutely nothing he or his team says is to be believed, ever.
With that in mind, we are told by Rex Tillerson, our secretary of state and the man upon whom Putin bestowed Russia’s Order of Friendship, that Trump “opened his meeting with President Putin by raising the concerns of the American people regarding Russian interference in the 2016 election,” and that Trump repeatedly “pressed” Putin on the issue, and of course Putin denied, again, Russian involvement.
The Russians say Trump accepted Putin’s denial, although the White House denied that account. Trump is full of lies and Putin is full of tricks. Who to believe?
Tillerson’s telling gives pause.
When asked if Trump spelled out consequences Russia would face for their attack on our election, Tillerson said Trump and Putin focused on “how do we move forward” because “it’s not clear to me that we will ever come to some agreed-upon resolution of that question between the two nations.” At another point, Tillerson said Trump and Putin agreed to establish a working-level group “around the cyber issue and this issue of non-interference.”
This is also outrageous. I didn’t get the sense that Trump strongly asserted as fact that Russia attacked our elections or that Trump would seek to punish Russia. The readout tells the opposite story, one of Russia being let off the hook. And this whole business of setting up a cybersecurity working group with the Russians is like inviting the burglar to help you design your alarm system.
In a Twitter tirade Sunday morning, Trump wrote: “I strongly pressed President Putin twice about Russian meddling in our election. He vehemently denied it. I’ve already given my opinion. …”
But Trump’s opinion, as expressed the day before his meeting with Putin, was that the source of the attack was something of an open question. At a news conference in Warsaw, Poland, Trump said: “I think it could very well have been Russia, but I think it could well have been other countries.”
This is a slap in the face to our intelligence community that has unanimously rendered their verdict: It was Russia!
Trump continued on Twitter: “…We negotiated a ceasefire in parts of Syria which will save lives. Now it is time to move forward in working constructively with Russia!”
No, sir, this is not the time to “move forward” with Russia, but rather time to “move forward” against it.
Last week, CNN reported that “Russian spies are ramping up their intelligence-gathering efforts in the U.S., according to current and former U.S. intelligence officials who say they have noticed an increase since the election.”
CNN continued: “The officials say they believe one of the biggest U.S. adversaries feels emboldened by the lack of a significant retaliatory response from both the Trump and Obama administrations.”
And on Saturday, The New York Times reported on another undisclosed meeting between members of Trump’s campaign and people connected to the Kremlin, writing:
“Two weeks after Donald J. Trump clinched the Republican presidential nomination last year, his eldest son arranged a meeting at Trump Tower in Manhattan with a Russian lawyer who has connections to the Kremlin, according to confidential government records described to The New York Times.”
The Times continued: “The previously unreported meeting was also attended by Mr. Trump’s campaign chairman at the time, Paul J. Manafort, as well as the president’s son-in-law, Jared Kushner.” The Times pointed out that the meeting “is the first confirmed private meeting between a Russian national and members of Mr. Trump’s inner circle during the campaign.”
America is under sustained, possibly even accelerated, attack by a foreign power, the
same one that attacked our election, and Trump not only wavers on the source of the attack, but also refuses to condemn the culprit and in fact has a penchant for praising him. This whole thing stinks to high heaven, and we must press on until we uncover the source of the rot." [Source]
Charles Blow IS THE MAN!!!
It is quite clear that Putin is playing Trump for a fool. It's also a well known fact overseas that Americans can be very easily persuaded. Half of the Republicans will follow Trump with blind obedience and the other half are too cowardly to stop this madness. Looks like our president is pledging alegiance to Russia.However, this doesn't seem to faze any of the people who voted for Trump. Serious...very serious.
Looks like Putin is the most powerful man in the world.
Oh, look. Feeled takes the Clinton News Network's account as the definitive record.
Even after it has been proven to be run by a bunch of liars.
Guess what, Feeled? America is done with #FakeNews and the liars behind it. We're done with CNN, CBS and NYT. We only engage with you to mock you.
"I didn’t get the sense that Trump strongly asserted as fact that Russia attacked our elections"
Because that didn't happen. The DNC attacked our elections, and deserves to be annihilated.
"or that Trump would seek to punish Russia."
Punishing someone for something they did not do is the acme of injustice.
"this whole business of setting up a cybersecurity working group with the Russians is like inviting the burglar to help you design your alarm system."
The DNC has still not allowed the FBI or other official agencies to analyze the allegedly-hacked servers. They are standing on the claims of Crowdstrike, a private company run by a Russian exile hostile to the Russian government. Funny, that.
"Last week, CNN reported"
The word "reported" is suspicious. Sensible people say "CNN lied".
" America is under sustained, possibly even accelerated, attack by a foreign power, the
same one that attacked our election"
You mean (((the foreign power))) which created the NAACP and ACLU? Color me unsurprised. It is the same thing Every. Single. Time.
Then there was the slightly later breaking story in the New York Times that Don Jr. got an email before the meeting from Rob Goldstone informing him that any information he got from the Russian lawyer was from and a part of a Russian effort to help elect his father.
-Doug in Oakland
And I'll see your Blow, and raise you a Rude Pundit:
-Doug in Oakland
And with the steady drip, drip, drip, of awful news only getting worse and more painful for president four-year-old and his administration, perhaps they can rejoice that a study has found a vaccine effective at preventing gonorrhea:
-Doug in Oakland
What, no post on Bakari Henderson? He's gonna be the new Emmitt Till, fer chrissakes! Poor, innocent young nigga, just tryin' to git him some white pussy, and a bunch of whites (allegedly) beat him into a bloody pulp ... such an outrage! Where is the (((media))) on this?
At least we know what tomorrow's post will be about ... It'll be a nice refrain from "TRUMP BAD TRUMP BAD TRUMP BAD TRUMP BAD", at least.
At least Josh was worth talking to.
Tillerson said Trump and Putin focused on “how do we move forward” because “it’s not clear to me that we will ever come to some agreed-upon resolution of that question between the two nations.”
That would be tragically comic if it were not so threatening to the U.S.A.
What is this? Progressive parenting? The child has to agree to his punishment? That way it is a more constructive interaction?
The United States decrees when and where it imposes sanctions. Period.
Obama proposed moving forward in 2009 instead of blaming the republicans for blasting a hole in the ship of state and damn near destroying the entire world economy. It was a beautiful gesture. And it almost worked. I think that Tillerson is a little bit confused. We don't need to move forward with Russia any more than Kennedy needed to ask permission from Kruschev.
These republicans are submissive to a stronger authority figure. That's not who we are. We are the strongest nation. We set the rules.
Vote democratic.
Wait, wait, wait ... HOW many men did you blow, Field?
:D :D :D
Anon@2:27, a fellow American is beaten to death by 22 cowards in a foreign country and u cheer because he is black?
Carry on.
And This... Keeping it 100 is the ever insightful and gifted Jamelle Bouie, "Why Trump doesn’t care about Russian election interference."
Blow never got over the outrage of having this chisler as our president.
Which is why Blow is so valuable.
And "must" reading.
And you must track the Trump travesty even while you deplore and condemn it.
I'm really not sure if our system can survive Trump. We're already a much smaller, less prestigious nation in the eyes of the world. And it's not because Trump is alone that corrupt; as you can see by our Congress, we're already 3/4 of the way to total oligarchy. He could finish us off. With Bannon's and the Russians' help.
Later Monday, Trump Jr. announced he had hired Alan Futerfas as his lawyer. Futerfas is known for representing the Gambino, Genovese and Colombo crime families."
LOL. Junior hired himself a MOB LAWYER!
More Mob ties?
At this point, anyone feigning surprise at the level of corruption the tRump family has is just an idiot mixed with an asshole.
The white males with the power to do something about this NEVER will because they secretly wish hot, young Russian prostitutes would pee on them as they lie in a bed of a billion dollars.
So folks just need to learn to ride this out until the next election, because not damn thing will be done about it before then.
Fake news! Ignore the man behind the curtain! There's no Russian connection even though there'a several Russian connections! It's the Jews leading you Blacks astray! Really (((it is)))!!!!!!!
Guess what, Feeled? America is done with #FakeNews and the liars behind it. We're done with CNN, CBS and NYT. We only engage with you to mock you.
First of all Jamie, who is we? Secondly where do you get uour news?
(((wanna bet he doesn't answer because we would laugh our asses off)))
Drumpfuck Jr just emailed a basic admission he colluded with a known Russian agent. This guy, like his family, is so dumb it is hard to believe they are alive.
We have come a long way from there was no meetings between Russian and my campaign. We have gone past where every member of the campaign staff has had meetings with every member of Russia's government.
We need to check everyone in Drumpfuck's campaign for dual US-Russian citizenship.
"a fellow American is beaten to death by 22 cowards in a foreign country and u cheer because he is black?"
You know just how much the enemedia is sweeping under the rug when it uses phrases like "attacked after 'putting his drinks down at the wrong end of a table'". That would never set something off by itself. There had to be a LOT of TNB beforehand to wind tempers up.
The Daily Mail has this:
"CCTV footage showed a security guard approaching Henderson's table and begin shouting at them while the altercation was on, according to Greek media
Henderson punched the security guard and a fight broke out between them"
Henderson deserved and earned a beatdown. So he's dead. You don't give a fuck about assassinated White police officers, and until you do I'm not going to give a fuck about any of you.
"First of all Jamie, who is we?"
Americans. The un-hyphenated, non-alphabet people.
You might have met an American, but you probably just wrote them off as a racist. Guess what? They probably weren't at the time, but the likelihood that they are now is increasing rapidly. The meme pharmacy is cranking out red pills like crazy.
Speaking of mob lawyers...
Y'all surely remember the case that Preet Bharara was working on before Trump fired him? Remember the guy who accidentally fell out of his fourth story apartment in Moscow moving furniture? Gas industry and Russian Railways tax fraud. Putin turning a blind eye and torturing whistleblowers. Maybe you never heard of the Magnitsky Act passed by a bi-partisan congress and signed by President Obama in 2012. I had not.
Just who is Natalia Veselnitskaya?
Absolute must read from fellow b-lister, Booman Tribune.
You don't give a fuck about assassinated White police officers, and until you do I'm not going to give a fuck about any of you
What about assassinated Black officers? You care about them?And why do I give a flying fuck about who you care about? And as far as being American I'm as American as they come. My family has been here for centuries and will be for more.
Gee, I notice you won't tell us where you get your news. Scared? That's why you can't call yourself Bold anymore cause you're too much of a punk to even reveal your choice of news sites.
150 IQ my ass. Bwahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahagahhahahahahahhahahahaha!
Legal experts say Jr. has just confessed to a federal crime:
And since president four-year-old was in his tower that day, and that exact day was the first time he said anything publicly about "30,000 missing emails", the question of "what did he know, and when did he know it" just became a lot more interesting.
-Doug in Oakland
Mr Rational leftout a few things from the Daily Mail such as Serbians broke thebeer bottles and used them as weapons before the bouncer got to the table.
Bakari Henderson, 22, was beaten to death on the island of Zakynthos last week
Witnesses say brawl was sparked by him and a friend putting beers on a table
Henderson put the drinks down at the wrong end of the table, witnesses said
The alleged attackers then broke the bottles and used them as glass weapons
CCTV footage showed a security guard approaching Henderson's table and begin shouting at them while the altercation was on, according to Greek media
Henderson punched the security guard and a fight broke out between them
The bartender joined in and within seconds a mob formed around Henderson
He fled the bar and moments later he was beaten to death by attackers outside.
Henderson was beaten to death buy white, Serbian thugs with brass knuckles. No on-unless it is a Drumofuck dumbass voter deserves to be mob beaten with brass knuckles.
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-4684026/Bakari-Henderson-attacked-putting-drinks-table.html#ixzz4mYyaZHQg
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You don't give a fuck about assassinated white police officers
Oh, you were sooooooooo concerned about law enforcement when the Bundy people had high powered rifles aimed at them. You are such a pathetic hypocrite.
And then there was the whole Uday-was-turned-down-for-a-$500million-loan-by-a-Qatari before president four-year-old decided to pile on the Qatar-is-evil bullshit with his good buddies the Saudis thing...
-Doug in Oakland
Excuse James, folks. He traffics in fake news.
We don't know because he's too much of a mark ass punk to tell us where he gets his news.
"Legal experts say Jr. has just confessed to a federal crime:"
Isn't it ironic that they were all chanting "lock her up" during the election?
You libtards have nothing.
Wow, someone says something smarter than Jamie!
150 IQ bwahahahahahahahahahHa!
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