
America wouldn't be America if there wasn't a mass shooting somewhere. And, right on cue, there was one out in California.
Some deranged animal decided to head to a elementary school and kill folks at random before being killed by law enforcement authorities.
There must be something in the air with some people. Maybe it's the holiday seasons causing folks to lose their minds. Or, maybe it's just the trump presidency. Citizens taking after their leader.
Anyway, these lunatics among us are not just killing random strangers, they are killing their own family members as well.
Meanwhile, down in Washington....well, let me sum it all up with a brilliant tweet that I found on my twitter timeline.
- "So in the finale we strip Americans of health care to enrich the yacht rock class and elect a mall pedophile to the Senate while the klansman AG lies to Congress about Russian election tampering." "Wow. That's quite an act. What do you call it?" "The Republicans."'
Shout out to @JuliusGoat for that brilliant piece of analysis.
Here is one thing we do know: Jeff Sessions is almost as good a liar as his boss. Almost. He says that he doesn't remember, while his boss just says that it never happened. Fake news. Believe what I am saying, not your lying eyes.
Here is another thing I know: this Russia story is no t going away. Every day there seems to be a new revelation.
You did have communications with the Russians last year, isn’t that right? Just yes or no,” Lieu stated.
Sessions responded, “I had a meeting with the Russian ambassador, yes.”
“That’s exactly the opposite answer you gave under oath to the US Senate,” Lieu shot back. “So again either you are lying to the US Senate or you’re lying to the US House of Representatives.”
After being told by the committee chairman that he could respond though time had expired, an incensed Sessions lashed out at Lieu for accusing him of lying:
Sessions responded, “I had a meeting with the Russian ambassador, yes.”
“That’s exactly the opposite answer you gave under oath to the US Senate,” Lieu shot back. “So again either you are lying to the US Senate or you’re lying to the US House of Representatives.”
After being told by the committee chairman that he could respond though time had expired, an incensed Sessions lashed out at Lieu for accusing him of lying:
“I won’t repeat it, Mr. Chairman, but I hope the congressman knows, and I hope all of you know that my answer to that question I did not meet with the Russians was explicitly responding to the shocking suggestion that I as a surrogate was meeting on a continuing basis with Russian officials and the implication was to impact the campaign in some sort of nefarious way. And all I did was meet in my office with the ambassador in which we didn’t discuss anything like that. So I just want to say I appreciate the congressman’s right, I guess he can say free speech, he can’t be sued here. So that’s just my response."Mr Mueller, for the sake of our country, please hurry. This craziness is starting to get to all of us.
"This craziness is starting to get to all of us. "
Speak for yourself.
Anyone who still believes that the Trump campaign colluded with the Russians is unhinged.
It's been a year now. Trump won. Unless he dies in office, he is going to be President until at least January of 2021.
Liberal hysteria cannot change that reality.
Relax, sit back, and stay out the way as we Make America Great Again.
"Jeff Sessions is almost as good a liar as his boss. Almost. He says that he doesn't remember, while his boss just says that it never happened. Fake news. Believe what I am saying, not your lying eyes."
No, Sessions is surely a better liar than his boss. His lies involve a level of lawyerly plausible deniability. He'll make you go back to the transcript and analyze his precise language, and he'll argue you mistook his meaning at the time (a la Bill Clinton contending his critics were misinterpreting the definition of the word "is," when they accused him of lying about having sex with his intern). Sessions definitely lied, but he can at least kinda sorta pretend otherwise, because of his efforts at obfuscation.
Trump's lies are numerous, flagrant, ridiculous -- and easily disproven. His followers only buy into them because they're ignorant racist assholes who have deliberately cut themselves off from the possibility of ever encountering facts, both in the selection of their social circles and their decision to consume garbage news from garbage wingnut media.
President Trump has never lied.
Shorter version:
Bill Clinton: I didn't tell you about fucking an intern because you didn't ask me the right questions about fucking an intern. But I fucked an intern.
Jeff Sessions: I didn't tell you about meeting with Russians because you didn't ask me the right questions about meeting with Russians. But I met with Russians.
Sessions met with Russians as part of his job as Senator, and never alone. That wasn't the question.
"Trump's lies are numerous, flagrant, ridiculous -- and easily disproven."
Name one.
"'Trump's lies are numerous, flagrant, ridiculous -- and easily disproven.'
Name one."
Hope you've got some time on your hands. There's eight pages' worth of Trump's bullhonkey on this site alone.
All False statements involving Donald Trump"
It depends on the meaning of "it" and "at this point what difference does it make".
Crystal clear for those who can see.
None of those are lies.
Politifact is a partisan Fake News outfit with no credibility. They call hyperbolic statements or factual quibbles "lies". A lie is deliberate statement that is is 180 degrees from the truth.
Name one substantive thing Trump has lied about. Something as obvious as "You can keep your doctor" or "I did not have sex with that woman".
You can't.
"Crystal clear for those who can see."
Crystal clear for those who don't consume lying wingnut media.
Hillary Clinton was responding in that statement to questions at a congressional inquiry about the detailed motives of the people who attacked the consulate in Benghazi. Those motives, in fact, don't matter at all, unless you believe in one of the multiple, dumb, made-up, evidence-free conspiracy theories about the Benghazi attack. It's enough to know they were jihadis who hate the US.
Wingnut media spun this to claim she was saying the deaths of four government employees didn't matter. Her actual words make it absolutely, 100% obvious that's not what she was saying. No ambiguity whatsoever.
But, as ever, wingnuts iz dumb, so ... ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
So now Tillerson has hired the goddamn KGB to do security at our embassy in Moscow, the same embassy we had to tear the top two floors off of because it was so thoroughly compromised.
And Fergus just wants to start "healing the broken world" by lifting the sanctions we put on Russia for invading Ukraine and attacking our election.
I guess Fergus didn't (that we know of) suck Putin's dick because Putin already has that covered?
-Doug in Oakland
"Some deranged animal decided to head to a elementary school and kill folks at random"
Meanwhile, 5 shot and killed just this week in Chimpcongo. And it'll continue at this pace through the end of the week, and next week, and next month, and next year.
But you have to find some incident where someone in the middle of nowhere snaps (maybe a monthly occurrence, even with the scheduled Deep State false-flag incidents) because you have to project your own race's failings onto others to avoid suffering the Ravages of Realizing Reality and weep the Tears of Terrible Truth.
"Something as obvious as "You can keep your doctor""
Premiums up 20+% per year under the "Affordable" Care Act.
"I am going to take care of everybody, I don't care if it costs me votes or not" Trump said. He added: "The government's gonna pay for it."
-Doug in Oakland
Following revelations Roy Moore likes to pick up hot tween babes at the ear-piercing kiosk at the local mall, his average polling lead is down to 3 points and falling, per RCP polling aggregator.
If nothing changes, Alabama might soon be represented in the Senate by (gasp!) a Democrat. Sean Hannity's best efforts to rehabilitate pervy Moore haven't worked, so I guess it's time now for some GOP dirty tricks. Doug Jones better watch out for an incoming barrage of slime.
Methinks the bots are hitting your comment feed.
Which is less than they would have risen without the ACA. Jesus James, for someone with a supposed IQ if 150 you certainly are a below average troll. You need to step up your game.
False flag incidents? Now this is rich, please give us your evidence of these "false flag" operations. Maybe the Chicago shootings are also false flag ops?
I expected so much more from you James but you are just another below average intelligence troll. After all the bragging about inventions, SAT scores, mensa meetings and an abnormally high IQ all we get from you is typical right wing troll drivel. This is what people with 150 IQ's do? Post "Chicago" over and over and screech about false flag ops, dude we can get that from 15 year old dimwitted trolls. Not impresses James.
Something as obvious as "You can keep your doctor" or "I did not have sex with that woman".
Because dummies need something obvious because conservatives don't do nuance.
Anon@11:22, go ahead and drop the mic.
Sessions brought up the story about being a surrogate with out having been asked. He volunteered that lie and it bit his ass good and hard.
How much perjury are wingnuts willing to abide by when it is one of their own? An endless amount apparently.
This is how desperate sexual predator Moore and alloes have become in Allfuckedupdamnbama- “Hi, this is Bernie Bernstein, I’m a reporter for The Washington Post calling to find out if anyone at this address is a female between the ages of 54 to 57 years old willing to make damaging remarks about candidate Roy Moore for a reward of between $5,000 and $7,000 dollars," the message says. "We will not be fully investigating these claims; however, we will make a written report. I can be reached by email at albernstein@washingtonpost.com, thank you.”
And it will probably work because wingnut voters are the dumbest sons a bitches in the world. Easily gullible, inbred, not too bright, unwashed masses of fucking stoopidity. They don't even seem nice.
field negro said...
Anon@11:22, go ahead and drop the mic
Not one of you can come up with one single lie from Trump.
How sad and pathetic is that?
On the first day I will repeal and replace Obamacare.
On the first day I will build a wall and Mexico will pay for it.
I had the largest electoral win ever.
My inauguration crowd was bigger than Obama's.
Hillary is a crook.
I will throw her in jail.
Nobody in my campaign ever met with Russians.
I only hire the best people.
Chicago November 1st-13th 2017:
Shot & Killed: 18
Shot & Wounded: 79
Total Shot: 97
Total Homicides: 18
@mike from iowa:
All of those are matters of opinions, not lies.
Trump did start day one on repealing Obamacare and building the Wall.
Technically, he had the largest TV/internet inauguration audience in history.
Hillary is crook and she will be convicted.
Nobody from the campaign met with the Russians to collude on the campaign.
Trump's appointments are of a much higher quality than his recent predecessors.
Can't anyone come up with one real lie?
Anonymous Obamacare is not a tax said- bushels of it. Opinions my ass. He said repeal and replace on day 1. 10 months later it has neither been repealed or replaced. You earned a couple dozen Pinocchios and an equal amount of pants on fires for all your rebuttals.
After the first 30 days he was to reveal his secret plan to destroy ISIS. Still waiting. He has used Obama's strategy because it was effective. The guy is a pathological lying fucking scumbag.
Sutherland Springs, TX Nov. 1-13 2017:
Total shot and killed: 26
Total homicides: 26
How crazy is this- Drumpfuck sent his condolences to Sutherland Springs, Texas shooting victims, telling them the police and FBI were on the way.
SS shooting occured November 5th.
Words cannot adequately describe how I loathe this apricot colored fucking moron.
Anonymous said...
Sutherland Springs, TX Nov. 1-13 2017:
Total shot and killed: 26
Total homicides: 26
1:01 PM
And this happens EVERY MONTH,month after month in Sutherland Springs, TX???
"He said repeal and replace on day one"
Anyone with a brain knows that meant get to work on it immediately. Did you think he meant that he would summon congress in a special session on January 20th and pass everything that day?
Just like the Washington Post takes hyperbolic statements or figures of speech literally and then disingenuously says it's a lie.
It's amazing - no one can come up with a real lie spoken by President Trump.
You are all unthinking zombies repeating what they tell you to say.
President Trump's efforts have paid off and the three UCLA basketball players who were in jail for shoplifting in China have been released.
The stories of Otto Warmbier and the UCLA players speak volumes of the difference between Obama and President Trump.
OK little Russian bots, I'll repeat myself:
"I am going to take care of everybody, I don't care if it costs me votes or not" Trump said. He added: "The government's gonna pay for it."
Fergus is a lying sack of shit, which sort of insults sacks of shit, which can at least be used as fertilizer.
-Doug in Oakland
"Anyone with a brain knows that meant get to work on it immediately. Did you think he meant that he would summon congress in a special session on January 20th and pass everything that day?"
So your point is that Trump just hasn't finished "repealing and replacing" and he'll get around to it eventually? Because he really won't, you know. He's done. He's failed at this. Because he never had any kind of a plan for it, because he never has a plan for anything.
Instead, his new objective is "sabotage and deprive" -- he's trying to damage Obamacare so people lose their health insurance. He is working hard to make sure people get sick and die, out of spite. And a lot of those people will be the sad, stupid rednecks who showed up and fawned over him at his rallies.
Trump in a nutshell.
"The stories of Otto Warmbier and the UCLA players speak volumes of the difference between Obama and President Trump."
The stories of Otto Warmbier and the UCLA players speak volumes of the difference between the governments of North Korea and China.
Fixed that for you, moron.
"I am going to take care of everybody, I don't care if it costs me votes or not" Trump said. He added: "The government's gonna pay for it."
He is taking care of everybody.
Just like he started working on all of his campaign promises ON DAY ONE.
Unlike Obama, Trump considers himself President of ALL the people, not just "his" and Eric Holder's people. The days of punishing some to favor others are coming to an end. No one will be left behind.
And his economic turnaround will allow the government to pay for it.
He is the most honest President of our lifetimes. So honest that none of you can quote an outright lie that has come from his lips. Thank God for President Trump.
And this happens EVERY MONTH,month after month in Sutherland Springs, TX???
Maybe not there specifically but in the state of Texas yes. Also, somewhere in America a crazy white guy will shoot a bunch of kids and pregnant women. Sick bastards!
Unlike Obama, Trump considers himself President of ALL the people, not just "his" and Eric Holder's people
Bullshit. He is still in campaign mode. Conservatives are some dumb mother fuckers.
He is the most honest President of our lifetimes.
Conservatives are soooo easy to fool!
Trump has a loooooong history of screwing small businesses that do business with him. Honest my ass.
Trump sued by the Justice Dept. President of ALL my ass.
I though ISIS was going to be destroyed 90 days into the trump administration. Another lie, or was he going to start looking into destroying ISIS 90 days into his term?
Drumpfuck's biggest lie on day 1 was swearing to uphold the constitution of the United States. He has violated the emoluments clause every day while in office.
The next biggest lie is he will be too busy to play any golf.
"Conservatives are soooo easy to fool!"
You can keep your doctor.
You can keep your health plan.
It was a spontaneous reaction to a You Tube video.
Those emails were just recipes.
The hard drives crashed, all 23 of them.
The tarmac meeting with AG Lynch was just about grandchildren.
I did not have sex with that woman.
Not even a smidgen of corruption.
Trump has restored the executive branch's respect for the Constitution that has been missing for the last 25 years.
You people need to take a hard look at yourselves and explain why it it is that you insist President Trump is a liar yet you can't even come up with a single real example of his lying.
Drumpfuck promised to drain the swamp on day 1. Bwahahahahahahahaahahahahahhahaha. There's more creepy crawlers schnawling around in the muck than ever.
Anonymous Obamacare is not a tax said HRC isn't potus and doesn't have to explain a damn thing to corrupt wasicu wasteys. 30 fucking years of constant harassment and not a single charge you could stick her with. Got to admit yu wingnuts personify the word insane.
And this happens EVERY MONTH,month after month in Sutherland Springs, TX???
Ot could and wingnuts would give the same talking points about it is too soon to talk serious gun control and guns don't kill people anymore than abortions kill people. But a fetus isn't a person.
yet you can't even come up with a single real example of his lying.
you're right, we found over 1,600.
Come on man, can't you even find one? Not a link to a bunch of silly distortions, just tell me one real lie President Trump has told.
Get me outta here!
His inauguration crowd was the largest ever.
“And yet the murder rate in our country is the highest it’s been in 47 years, right? Did you know that? Forty-seven years.” (It was higher in the 1980s and '90s.)
“We got 306 because people came out and voted like they've never seen before so that's the way it goes. I guess it was the biggest Electoral College win since Ronald Reagan.” (George H.W. Bush, Bill Clinton and Barack Obama all won bigger margins in the Electoral College.)
“How low has President Obama gone to tap my phones during the very sacred election process. This is Nixon/Watergate. Bad (or sick) guy!” (There's no evidence of a wiretap.)
"I guess it was the biggest electoral College win since Ronald Reagan" is a factual error, not a lie.
Obama didn't say "I guess you can keep your doctor"
Clinton didn't say "I don't think I had sex with that woman"
Come on Einstein.
“122 vicious prisoners, released by the Obama Administration from Gitmo, have returned to the battlefield. Just another terrible decision!” (113 of them were released by President George W. Bush.)
It has now been admitted that Obama used the FBI to spy on Trump during the campaign.
Try to keep up, dumbass.
President Trump is held to a much higher standard then President Obama was. That's why he knows he must be scrupulously honest.
You can steal $10 Trillion from the U.S. Treasury if you're black, can read a teleprompter well, and know how to Photoshop a birth certificate...
is a factual error, not a lie.
Lie, false statement. A rose by any other name.
It has now been admitted that Obama used the FBI to spy on Trump during the campaign.
The media always tries to portray President Trump as lying. In the end, President Trump is always proven to have been right.
President Trump is held to a much higher standard then President Obama was. That's why he knows he must be scrupulously honest.
Bwahahahahahahaha bwahahahahahahaha bwahahahahahahaha!
"Lie, false statement. A rose by any other name."
How much do you weigh?
Oh, about 185.
The scale says 187. Liar!!!!!
“You can't do it faster, because they're obstructing. They're obstructionists. So I have people — hundreds of people that we're trying to get through. I mean you have — you see the backlog. We can't get them through.” (At this point, he had not nominated anyone for hundreds of positions.)
After the scandal-plagued Obama administration, President Trump's straight forward accountability is refreshing.
So he did have the largest inauguration crowd?
"At this point, he had not nominated anyone for hundreds of positions."
And not a "lie". That's hyperbole.
Come one - JUST ONE LIE!
After the scandal-plagued Obama administration,
You mean the 8 years in which there were no indictments or arrests in the entire administration? The cleanest adminiatration in recent history?
President Trump is doing just what he campaigned on, cutting excessive regulation, tax cuts, small government, fighting for American jobs and for US companies etc...
Confidence goes through the roof and the middle class wins. It’s a nice change to have a leader who actually loves & fights for America!
And not a "lie". That's hyperbole.
Nope, no time for troll games. Every lie is either a mistake or hyperbole to you. You're right, trump is the most honest person who ever lived.
Where the little girls at?
Another trump lie, he was supposed to sue the women who accused himbof sexual harassment. Never happened.
18 month long campaign and 99%+ of the political pundits got Trump wrong, he won and was elected Prez.
After campaign sparklefarters and snowflake libtards went nuts and keep crying wolf.....wolf.....wolf....
Remember you will always be wrong about the Donald.
Today Donald trump tweeted condolences to the people of Sutherland Springs, Texas and said the FBI is on the way. That tweet has since been deleted. What a moron.
Who does a cut and paste tweet about a tragedy where five people have just been killed?
Oh for the days of Obama again.
Yer right, Anymoose. All this time I thought Drumpfuck was the dumbest SOB ever to disgrace America and the White House. Now I see I have been overestimating him. He is far worse than anything this world has ever imagined.
After the scandal-plagued Obama administration, President Trump's straight forward accountability is refreshing.
No one believes this.
President Trump is doing just what he campaigned on, cutting excessive regulation, tax cuts, small government, fighting for American jobs and for US companies etc..
Grumpfuck's 500 companies are still outsourced overseas along with the trash his favorite grope toy slaps her name on. Big help to the economy, ain't it?
But, but Obama was black and HRC had emails.
Every cut for the wealthy helps Drumpfuck and family considerably more than any cut for the other 90%. These cuts won't create a single new job, but fucking wingnuts don't understand economics. The deficit will explode under these taxcuts for the wealthy. And Drumpfuck and wingnuts lied again about wiping out the deficits and balancing the budget. They can't do it because they have no clew how business and government work.Why? Because wingnuts are the dumbest, most stoopid fucking people ever descended from an ape. That is why.
Anonymous Honest Don said...
Come on man, can't you even find one? Not a link to a bunch of silly distortions, just tell me one real lie President Trump has told.
We don't and won't accept the long form lies from Drumpf. We want the short form unless it is an obvious forgery. Preferably, wingnuts would like the form from Kenya saying Drumpfuck lies but they won't accept that one either. They just move the goalposts and claim Drumpfuck the pathological liar is honest.
Just trolling along sucking Puton's dick in three part harmony with Daddy Drumpfuck the pathological liar.
Tip of the hat to Shep Smith at Fake Noize for totally destroying their narrative that HRC sold uranium for contributions to Foundation. Smith set the record straight for the stoopid fuckers that watch Fake Noize.
He really needs to get out of that cess pool and into mainstream media. Now watch the pitchforks come out for Shep's hide for telling the truth to the unwashed masses.
Anyone who still believes that the Trump campaign colluded with the Russians is unhinged.
It's been a year now. Trump won. Unless he dies in office, he is going to be President until at least January of 2021.
Putin put Drumpfuck in the WH and Putin can and will replace him long before 2021. Bwahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha
Putin will video himself offing Drumpfuck and wingnuts will convince themselves HRC did it because they aren't too bright.
Shep is trying to get fired😂
Shep is a twisted little fudge packer.
It's time we all admitted we were wrong about President Trump. He has accomplished a great deal of good for the country, despite the dysfunctional congress. He has improved our economy, is crushing ISIS, and has restored respect for America in Asia and throughout the world. His opponents try to smear him as a liar, but collectively, we can't even come up with a single lie we can honestly attribute to him.
He is a good and honest man. God Bless America, and God Bless President Trump.
He is a good and honest man. God Bless America, and God Bless President Trump.
You my friend are a moron.
Tucker Carlson is talking about Fusion GPS😖 Fox is such a joke.
"Which is less than they would have risen without the ACA."
And how do you know this, when one of the effects of the ACA is to force you through an insurance company for ALL your medical needs and have to pay their overhead and profit on it?
Say, why don't we just FORCE MEDICAL PROVIDERS TO PROVIDE A PRICE LIST FOR ALL SERVICES, get rid of Obamacare and see what happens to costs? Oh, and also let them refuse services to illegals and deadbeats so they're not trying to make up for bad debts by gouging the productive?
I sure would love to see ERs turn away illegal beaners and Chimpcongo thugs at the door. It's a lot cheaper than stitching them up, and much MUCH cheaper than years of disability services on Medicaid. If the fambly can't pay to treat, it's just a funeral.
"False flag incidents? Now this is rich, please give us your evidence of these "false flag" operations."
Come on, who was paying for someone purported to be James Paddock to roam the country trying to find a suitable shooting gallery... and who was the patsy in the hotel room, the one WITHOUT "13" tattooed on his neck like the James Paddock corpse supposedly left at the scene?
The guy who shot up the church in Texas... that's an obvious false-flag to distract from the story of the Sudanese who shot up the church in Tennessee. Got to suck the oxygen out of that before any pressure appears to stop immigration from E. Africa.
Stopping immigration from Africa in general is a great idea, except for Boers.
"Maybe the Chicago shootings are also false flag ops?"
Hood rats aren't competent enough, and go psycho all by themselves. You kill each other over chicken wings, pork chops and the best recipe for purple drank.
"Maybe not there specifically but in the state of Texas yes."
Population of Chicago: under 2.7 million. 758 homicides, 27.8/100k.
Population of Texas: 25.1 million as of 2010. 1389 homicides, 5.2/100k.
So a state with more than 9 times the population of Chicago has less than twice as many homicides. Such slackers they are. Congratulations, YOU made it all happen!
The best thing about Trump is how crazy he makes all of you.
The best thing about Obama was how crazy he made all of you.
Sooooooo besides your simplistic paranoid fantasies no evidence of "flase flag" ops huh James?
Guess you're too busy trying to find a little girl to molest huh? Got tired of cats I guess.
Hey James, why did the white Texas shooter shoot a pregnant woman and a baby? Why so white guys hate babies so much?
So a state with more than 9 times the population of Chicago has less than twice as many homicides.
Texas has the most gun deaths of any state. Hell you wanna talk about gun death rates by state Illinois isn't even in the top ten. Tops states are all red states full of dumb white guys like you James.
James, were you homeschooled?
"Texas has the most gun deaths of any state."
There you go, lying by equivocation. Most White "gun deaths" are suicides. They're not murders. They're largely old people who don't want to go into a nursing home where sheboons can laugh at them while they suffocate to death.
The shameless behavior of the CDC in not drawing the distinction is why it's forbidden from opining further on the subject by law.
"James, were you homeschooled?"
No. Wish I had been, I wouldn't have been bored out of my mind for years on end being held back in reading and math to stuff that was "grade level".
James is still a weirdo. Still trolling malls looking for little girls James?
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