trump called the leader of North Korea "strong, funny, smart", and a great negotiator whose people love him. Yeah, that same guy who has death camps disguised as prisons in his country, and who routinely starves his people to death. It's easy for a person with no morality to love a man like Kim, and it's easy to see why trump wishes that he could lead the same type of Dystopian 1984 style society like the one that now exists in North Korea. If only trump could get the American opposition and the press to obey him like the rest of his minions, life would be no doubt good in trump world. Sadly for him, though, this is America, and we still enjoy certain freedoms, that, at least for now, he cannot take away.
Finally, speaking of morality, here is a wonderful article from Charles Blow describing what trump's campaign of bigotry has brought us.
" Racist comments don’t hurt my feelings. Not at all.
However, I find that people assume that they are hurtful, both the persons spewing them and those empathic about the perceived pain.
But I register no such pain. I’m from the Toni Morrison school of morality on the subject of race. As she once told Charlie Rose:
'I always knew that I had the high ground, all my life. I always thought those people who said I couldn’t come in the drugstore, and I had to sit in this funny place, and I couldn’t go in the park — —”
Rose interjects:
'You felt morally superior to them from Day 1.'
Morrison continued:
'I did. And I thought they knew that I knew that they were inferior to me, morally. I always thought that, and my parents always thought that.'
You see, racism is a moral corruption built on an intellectual fallacy and exists as a construction invented for the very purpose of violence. So, when people demonstrate that they subscribe to theories of racism, they have shown their hand, and I am immediately roused by the euphoric understanding that they are compromised, diminished and assailable.
Instead of reducing me, their racism reduces them. That is the ironic, poetic justice of it.
Of course, one only has to think about it for a moment to find the enormous hole in the logic that racism morally weakens the object of the sickness rather than the possessor of the sickness.
Although it doesn’t hurt my feelings, it does enrage me when racists are granted power in society to allow their idiocy to have a negative impact on other people, whether that be culturally, psychologically and spiritually, or materially and physically.
It enrages me when ignorance is elevated and empowered, when historical truth is eschewed, when current realities are denied.
But this moral rage is separate and apart from emotional distress, the former being active and energetic while the latter is passive and plaintive.
In this context, Roseanne Barr’s recent racist tweets, including one suggesting that the Obama-era White House official Valerie Jarrett was the offspring of apes, were not emotionally injurious, but were rage-inducing.
I doubt Jarrett’s feelings were hurt because she knows, like everyone else, that even with two broken legs and rubber crutches she could run moral and intellectual rings around Barr any day of the week.
Appearing at a town hall about race on Tuesday night, Jarrett said: “I’m fine.”
Later, when asked if she agreed that Donald Trump had set a tone that has made people feel increasingly empowered to make racist statements, she said: “Tone does start at the top, and we like to look up to our president and feel as though he reflects the values of our country. But I also think every individual citizen has the responsibility too, and it’s up to all of us to push back.”
That was ever so diplomatic of Jarrett, but the blunt fact is that while racism and racists predated Trump’s presidency, he has clearly relieved a lot of the guilt and shame some may otherwise have felt about having their hatred and intolerance on display.
Trump is a walking, talking permission slip for the white supremacist.
He had the gall to tweet on Wednesday:
“Bob Iger of ABC called Valerie Jarrett to let her know that ‘ABC does not tolerate comments like those’ made by Roseanne Barr. Gee, he never called President Donald J. Trump to apologize for the HORRIBLE statements made and said about me on ABC. Maybe I just didn’t get the call?”
First, he included no condemnation of Barr’s comments at all. Failure to rebuke can rightly be taken as tacit approval and acceptance.
But then, the man who never apologizes for his growing glut of offenses wants an apology for unspecified “horrible statements” about him.
Did he apologize to the Central Park Five for calling for their executions?
Did he apologize to Barack Obama for leading the charge on the racist birther lie?
Did he apologize for calling Mexican immigrants rapists and murderers?
Did he apologize to the Muslim community for saying that Islam hates us?
Did he apologize to African countries or Haiti and El Salvador for describing them with an expletive?
Did he apologize to Colin Kaepernick and other protesting N.F.L. players for calling them sons of bitches?
No, no, no, no, no, no.
Donald Trump, White House racist, Nazi sympathizer, alt-right hero, receiver of laurels from the former Ku Klux Klan Grand Wizard David Duke, is the absolute last person who should be demanding an apology in this Roseanne controversy.
Barr and Trump are morally and intellectually compromised by their racial contempt. It enrages me that they have the power to influence the culture and, in Trump’s case, to actually craft toxic policy." [More here]
And with trump comes stories like this and like this every day. (By the way, did you see the lady in that last link? Is it just me who believes that racism literally makes you uglier on the outside?)
They were always with us folks, they just feel a little more comfortable now.
Put your money where your mouth is!I'll put up 10 K and you put up 10 K.Then,you contact your buddy Obama and ask him to produce just one document that proves who he is.
If you don't put up,then shut up.
“By the way, did you see the lady in that last link? Is it just me who believes that racism literally makes you uglier on the outside?”
It would seem like karmic justice if this were true, but I don’t think it is. I would say that, certainly, overt bigotry is especially pronounced among the poor and uneducated, for a variety of reasons. And the lifestyle that goes along with poverty tends to take its toll on people’s looks. That is probably the best explanation for gross-looking racists.
But that doesn’t mean educated, well-off bigots are completely nonexistent. In my opinion, these folks are the absolute worst, since they have more opportunities than the poor to know better, and have still managed to maintain this revolting and destructive world view.
Take as an example Brittany Pettibone, Lauren Southern, and Martin Sellner. These three highly photogenic Nazis were prevented from entering the UK (on account of their being disgusting hatemongers) back in March. I dare say many men would say Brittany and Lauren were hot — at least until they opened their mouths and revealed their vile political views. And many women would probably say the same about Martin. But all three of them are terrible people, their attractive appearances notwithstanding.
Field is on record that a de-nuclearized Korean peninsula is a bad idea. Good grief.
"It enrages me that they have the power to influence the culture and, in Trump’s case, to actually craft toxic policy."
So we have our work cut out for us, and we'll have to work our asses off as they are proceeding apace with their election cheating. We have to beat them by ten points, and make sure they don't disenfranchise any new blocs of voters since last time.
That's our job. We can work on undoing the damage to our election process after we win, and it will not happen as long as the goddamn Republicans hold office.
-Doug in Oakland
Put your money where your mouth is!I'll put up 10 K and you put up 10 K.Then,you contact your buddy Obama and ask him to produce just one document that proves who he is.
Teh stooooopid is also strong in the racists.
Yeah because we all know Barack is a secret Kenyan Muslim who was installed by George Soros to lead us all to One World Order. Duh.
Just another morning in Clown World, in which the blog owner has to lift other authors' work day after day just to have enough for a post.
Black people have delusions of adequacy.
Anonymous said...
Just another morning in Clown World, in which the blog owner has to lift other authors' work day after day just to have enough for a post.
Black people have delusions of adequacy.
Great to hear Anystoopidfuckingwasicuwasteymoose come to a blog he claims to hate and spew moose venom like it was worth something. Delusions of adequacy, you betcha.
Trump supporters are human waste.
Never trust a micro dick white boy, especially one as stupid and ugly as Butt Trumpet.
Fuck white people. Fuck the white race.
Did he apologize to the Central Park Five for calling for their executions?
Did he apologize to Barack Obama for leading the charge on the racist birther lie?
Did he apologize for calling Mexican immigrants rapists and murderers?
Did he apologize to the Muslim community for saying that Islam hates us?
Did he apologize to African countries or Haiti and El Salvador for describing them with an expletive?
Did he apologize to Colin Kaepernick and other protesting N.F.L. players for calling them sons of bitches?
No, no, no, no, no, no.
Actually, fuck no.
None of those examples are "racist".
The Central Park 5 participated in the rape and brutal beating of an innocent women. Unless you are arguing that this kind of violence is part of being black, the statement is not racist.
Barack Obama refused to release his birth certificate, something every presidential candidate does, for some weird reason that's never been adequately explained. There was no racial aspect to this requirement, as McCain had to, therefore the statement is not racist.
Many Mexican immigrants are rapists and murderers. The Mexican government uses the porous border to dump criminals on the US. Trump rightly pointed this out when he said "they're not sending us their best", which is true, and that most Mexican immigrants are fine people, which is also true. Also, "Mexican" is a nationality, not a race, and Trump's numerous statements on this issue are not racist.
Islam does officially hate non believers; it is right there in the Koran, over and over and over. "Islam" means "submission", and those who refuse to submit must be enslaved or killed. Also, "Islam" is a religion, not a race, and Trump's numerous statements on this issue are not racist.
Most African countries and Haiti are, by any objective standard, "shitholes" compared to most white or many Asian countries. Unless you are arguing that poor, violent societies that cannot even provide clean drinking water to their people is part of being black, the statement is not racist.
Colin Kaepernick and other protesting N.F.L. players are pampered millionaires who performed public acts of disrespect for the country that gave them fame and fortune for the purpose of conforming to a leftist hate campaign based on a lie. The term "sons of bitches" is a traditional and apt description of such feckless preening, and the statement is not racist.
Those who continually make these accusations betray their own racist attitudes against whites. Trump practices civic nationalism, and his guiding tenet is "America First". America is a country, not a race. You think Trump is racist because he does not specifically exclude white people from his vision of America. He has not continued to push the government policies that have explicitly punished whites and pushed for their demographic replacement.
This angers you because you like how whites have been punished and you want them to be demographically replaced.
Who is the racist?
White fuckboys have delusions of adequacy.
Who is the racist?
Um, you!
This dumb ass doesn't know what exoneration means and also believes Obama was a secret Kenyan Muslim agent created by George Soros. There are certainly some hella stooooopid people on the alt right. How much you wanna bet this is one of those asshole tiki torch maroons who got fired from their job. Bwahahahahahahaha! Such stupidity from the superior race. Now hold on while this goofy mother fucker explains how he built airplanes and shit.
This angers you because you like how whites have been punished and you want them to be demographically replaced.
Not all white people, just racist dumbasses like yourself. Now go grab a tiki torch and march with your fellow incels. Ya fucking virgin.
"Teh Stupid" is ironically on-target. Just because a faked-up legal process vacated the CP 5's convictions doesn't mean they weren't actually guilty, and the evidence of the one so-called perp does not mean they did not do what they confessed to doing.
There's also the huge matter of who benefitted. There's an entire legal industry devoted to keeping blacks from being punished for their crimes, and people in government who use their offices to advance political causes they like—such as giving large contingency fees to the law firms which pursue false but ideologically correct claims of innocence. Someone definitely got their back scratched in that deal.
From NY Magazine- Wise got out of prison August 12 -- just months after the only DNA collected at the crime scene, which was never tied to any of the accused, was matched to Reyes.
Reyes and Reyes alone, raped and best the Central Park jogger. The five originally convicted were coerced into confessing. This was the beginning of the lawless Scrudy Rudy Guilliani reign of terror in NYC.
Barack Obama refused to release his birth certificate, something every presidential candidate does, for some weird reason that's never been adequately explained. There was no racial aspect to this requirement, as McCain had to, therefore the statement is not racist
Donald Drumpfuck refused to release his tax returns, something every Potus backto Nixon has done. Obama released a number of birth certificates, but none of them was the one from Kenya that does not exist. Fuck stoopid fucking wasicu wastey wingnut stoopid fuckers.
The Black and White experience in America is for the most part total opposite. The principle of freedom as defined by whites is totally different as it is defined by blacks(dos). Freedom for blacKs(dos) is complete separation from the whites. Never in the annals of history have a people enslaved by another people ever been free while remaining within the nation (subject to the laws of that nation) with desendants of the original enslavers.
"Donald Drumpfuck refused to release his tax returns, something every Potus backto Nixon has done."
Not racist.
"Obama released a number of birth certificates, but none of them was the one from Kenya that does not exist"
And none of them was the original Hawaiian birth certificate.
Not racist.
"Reyes and Reyes alone, raped and best the Central Park jogger. The five originally convicted were coerced into confessing."
They helped hold her down and beat her and others, which they confessed to. The fact that their semen wasn't recovered does not make them innocent.
A Mexican who does not support mass immigration into his country because he wants it to retain its Mexican demographics, culture and character is not racist. Most people feel this way about their country, and it is their right to want to preserve their heritage.
A Mexican who comes to America and then agitates for more mass immigration from his home country in order to change the demographics, culture and character of his host country is more racist than an American who likes his country who would prefer to preserve his heritage.
Without "racists", black people would still be sitting in the dirt, swatting flies.
A Mexican who comes to America and then agitates for more mass immigration from his home country in order to change the demographics, culture and character of his host country is more racist than an American who likes his country who would prefer to preserve his heritage.
Strawman argument. You're still a racist.
Without "racists", black people would still be sitting in the dirt, swatting flies.
Without women you sit home alone playing with yourself incel.
An American of Mexican heritage would be ok with more immigration.
I really like the Southwest American heritage. Especially Nuevo Mexico.
Freedom as it is described by whites is totally different from Freedom as described by blacks(dos). Never in the annals of history has a people who have been enslaved by a nation became free while remaining subject to the laws and the people of that nation. Freedom for the Blacks (dos) has to be complete separation from the slavemasters and their children whom continue the system implemented by the rulers of this nation.
Without black people, there would be no racists.
80 IQ idiots who live on the Negro Marxist Plantation cannot be reasoned with and are a waste of time and taxes to deal with. In due time it is inevitable that there will be Civil War again in this Country and hopefully when over, all the Fags, Trannies, Commies, White Obese tatted mudsharks, Those who run the Electronic Rabbi, White liberal Guilt victims with Black Balls on their chin, and a vast majority of Negro idiots, will be dead or being rounded up for repatriation far away from America. You all are evil and serve Satan, and God knows you not. The curse of Ham Negro offspring has poisoned the Globe and millions of people.
hey helped hold her down and beat her and others, which they confessed to. The fact that their semen wasn't recovered does not make them innocent.
R U rilly this dense? If they had been there there would be some DNA evidence of theirs at the scene- hair or skin cells on her body or clothes, unless they were smart to have a vacuum cleaner along and cleaned up the victim afterwards.
Just because you want them to be guilty doesn't make them guilty.
When Racist Negroes who fill print media and the public airwaves apologize for their anti white vitriol that is on display 24/7 then i will take you seriously Mr. Fraud Negro.
read 'em and weep. losers.
Without black people, there would be no racists.
Without racists there would be no virgins to bitch and troll all day.
When Racist Negroes who fill print media and the public airwaves apologize for their anti white vitriol that is on display 24/7 then i will take you seriously Mr. Fraud Negro.
And when you finally get laid Field might give a fuck about what you think but like everyone else on the planet I doubt he ever will.
Just wow, white racist fuckboi virgins are actually arrogant enough to actually think someone actually give half a shit what their dumbasses think. Old trailerpark yahoo losers. Go screw your auntie mommy some more and come back when you finish the seventh grade. Bwahahahahahahaha! 70 IQ having trolls.
McCain's birth certificate would have proved nothing about whether he was a natural born citizen or not. The courts and congress have yet to decide what "natural born" means and whether McCain was or not.
Obama clearly was born in the US of at least one American parent so there is/was no question about his eligibility to be Potus except from stoopid fucking wingnuts that wouldn't recognize truth or reality if it bit them on the ass.
As usual all that is ever on the Mind of a Negro is his dick. That's why you all aren't about shit anywhere on the planet.
The curse of Ham Negro offspring has poisoned the Globe and millions of people.
And the curse of the deranged virginal fuckboi has taken this one's soul. Yeah right, like uncoordinated white boys have any soul. Bwahahahahahahaha!
As usual all that is ever on the Mind of a Negro is his dick. That's why you all aren't about shit anywhere on the planet.
And fuckboys are jealous of the Black man's dick because his woman loves it. That's why you're a virgin and I fucked all your white hoes. Ask your mom. And my bank account is bigger than yours and I have more degrees and way more teeth. I'm better looking and smell a helluva lot better than your Joe Dirt mullet looking ass. Now go troll somewhere else where you can bitch about womens and nigras holding you back. Bye bitch!
Congo Dandies are the legacy given to the world by Negroes. Look them up, 67 IQ peacocks strutting around in fancy threads while they and their families live in shit hole squalor. This is what you muh dik, muh dik idiots lineage is.
More degrees? hahahaha you call that affirmative action lower the standards so negroes can participate bullshit you have a degree? lmao Nigga Please...
Today is Wednesday, that means you Negroes got 3 whole days to try and find out who your Daddy is so you can give him a card on Sunday.
Well you definitely know who your daddy is, the one who got his sister pregnant with you. Now take your bigheaded ass out and get a fucking job ya dirty trailerpark fuckboi. And keep your penis out of your sister/auntie/mom, we don't need anymore cockeyed inbred fuckboys like you. Just a bit of advice fr your superior.
mike from iowa said...
read 'em and weep. losers.
photoshopped fake
And another stupid assed fuckboi who couldn't refrain from saying stupid racist shit on camera. Even as dumb as some of the trailer dwellers are you'd think they'd at least be smart enough to not let their inner voices get the best of them. Jeezus, superior race my ass.
"Obama clearly was born in the US of at least one American parent so there is/was no question about his eligibility to be Potus"
So why did he fight releasing it for four years?
"And another stupid assed fuckboi who couldn't refrain from saying stupid racist shit on camera."
It's not racist if it's true.
photoshopped fake
And yet he was still President for 8 years while you sit at a computer all day with your thumb up your ass.
It's not racist if it's true.
Well he knows the unemployment line is true. Bwahahahahahahaha!
So why did he fight releasing it for four years
Because he was fucking with simple idiots like you.
Obama's released long form birth certificate was confirmed by 2 hospital administrators and Wingnut Hawaii Guv Linda Lingle. The only photshopped fake is in your pin head.
There is no federal law saying the Potus has to release birth certificates. Obama knew no matter what he did it wouldn't satisfy the racist wingnuts out there and he was proven 110% correct.
Why does Drumpfuck get to demand a Potus release a birth certificate and then refuse to release his tax returns? We all know that answer. It is because Drumpf is a tax cheat with strong financial ties that tie him and Putin together at the micro dicks.
So why did he fight releasing it for four years?
Why do you think he did?
BTW it was only 2 years after Obama became Potus that his long form and certificate of live birth were both released. And as the article succinctly states, it isn't going to satisfy wingnut racists.
So why did he fight releasing it for four years?
Why do you think he did?
Because Barack Obama Sr. was not his real daddy.
Obama didn't exist until 1985,when he was sent to Chicago by his Saudi/CIA handlers after a 4 year immersion in Americanism.He is an Indonesian.
Barry Soetoro was murdered on his 1981 trip to Pakistan,lured there by his Muslim roommate at Occidental.
Kenya has always been a red herring.My shoe salesman from Kenya told me that no one resembles Obama in that country.My nephew who went to Indonesia said that Obamas can be found on every street corner.
You have been duped.I feel sorry for all of the young black kids who have been named Barack.
Columbia University has always been at the forefront in frauds.Remember Charles Van Doren and Dr.Bob Harris?I wonder if Lou Gehrig really went there?
Obama actually was admitted to Harvard with the help of the Saudis:
Wow, and Donald Trump didn't exist until 1986. He was created in a lab near Chernobyl which is why his hair glows in the dark. He was a KGB plant and Putin's butt buddy.
You know someone is an idiot when they use youtube as proof of anything.
"Without "racists", black people would still be sitting in the dirt, swatting flies."
Unlike you, who sits around in your own turds and eats the flies, when you can catch them...
-Doug in Oakland
Servando Gonzalez is well respected and a good Cuban.I believe him.
What does the left know about morals?
Michelle Obama Praises Harvey Weinstein "He's a Good Friend""A Wonderful Human Being".
Stoopid fucking wingnuts knew decades before that Drumofuck was a sexual predator, accused rapist, etc and still voted for and defend him now. Obamas condemened Weinstein when the case was put in the public eye.SFW still don't condemn Drumpfuck.
Like it didn't stop Bill Clinton.
So now Michael Cohen's lawyers have quit. He has until the day after tomorrow to finish examining the evidence confiscated in the raid, and now no legal team to do it.
Flippety flip flip.
Now the wood chipper of justice rolls up on Fergus for some legal chunk-ription.
-Doug in Oakland
The Bell curve don't lie.
Hep us, hep us pleez oh majik moolatoe, yooz be da majik long legged mack daddee to fight da white man juju.... Da halfrican who be miracles an shit.
"You know someone is an idiot when they use youtube as proof of anything."
A you tube video of a television interview with renowned Civil Rights icon Percy Sutton in which he states that he was approached by Khalid al-Mansour at the behest of Saudi Prince Alwaleed bin Talal in 1986 and asked to write a letter of recommendation for Barack Obama's application to Harvard Law School.
The Obama campaign called Percy Sutton a liar, and a doddering old fool.
Sutton was also member of the Tuskegee Airmen, one of the most celebrated groups in military aviation circles. A man of great accomplishment, whatever else one might think about his politics, and a man worthy of great respect. Listen to his words.
I'm not sure what it is proof of, but it's damn sure interesting if Barack Obama's career was shephereded by Saudi money and influence.
Most of the accusations against Clinton were bought and paid for by various right wing billionaires with bones to pick. Clinton was identified by Lee Atwater as the biggest threat to Hitler Weasel Bush re-election and the dirty tricks squad took their cues and rolled out false flags and fake love children and phony rape accusations galore.
Kenny Boy Starr and his paid hit men were a big part of the effort to nail Clinton. Everybody and their twin sister had a photo of a Clinton love child but no one could ever produce one. Starr and stoopid fucking wingnuts abused the Independent Counsel statute so Dems would vote to get rid of it. Starr should have been disbarred for his part in the debacle.
The Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel reported overnight:
Wisconsin Democrats came one step closer to gaining control of the state Senate by picking up a seat held by Republicans for more than 40 years, while the GOP held on to an Assembly seat in a pair of special elections Tuesday.
-Doug in Oakland
The Tuskegee Airman were 90% Jew Myth.....Red Tails is Bullshit Hollywood just like Wakanda. Oh....and fuck Spike Lee too.
How many Hitlers are there Negroes? Damn
"The Tuskegee Airman were 90% Jew Myth"
absolutely they were
They were credited with events that did not even happen. And they did lose planes contrary to Jew Myth.
UPDATE: Meanwhile, in the world of actual news organizations, Ben Smith at Politico looks into the story and contacts both al-Monsour and Sutton's estate. Ben Smith said al-Mansour
"called me back, and said he'd never met Obama, and had no idea where the story came from; his only hesitance in denying it, he said, had been in contradicting Sutton."
Sutton's estate emailed this statement,
"The information Mr. Percy Sutton imparted on March 25 in a NY1 News interview regarding his connection to Barack Obama is inaccurate. As best as our family and the Chairman's closest friends can tell, Mr. Sutton, now 86 years of age, misspoke in describing certain details and events in that television interview.
We regret this unfortunate incident and we ask good conscientious people to extend compassion and grace to Percy Sutton, a man who has served America in many capacities; an officer with the Tuskegee Airmen in World War II and as a public servant who was the first elected African-American Manhattan Borough President."
The giveaway that this story is bunk is the fact, again, only extreme right wing outlets pushed this story. So you know it is fake.
Doug, the Wisconsin seat Dems picked up was one Walker knew he would lose if he was forced to call a special election. He was forced to call it and he lost. Bwahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaahaha!
PS- Obama's paid for their college education through student loans.
When you mention morals to stoopid fucking wingnuts, they automatically picture morel mushrooms which reminds them of wasicu shriveled up micro dicks which is why they don't mention morals.
So al-Mansour vaguely denied it, and a self-appointed “spokesman for Sutton’s family” by the name of Kevin Wardally threw him under the bus and said he was senile. So obviously this accomplished man was lying.
But then this interview with al-Mansour in 2012 actually confirmed it:
In his introduction, the host openly acknowledged that al-Mansour “made news in 2008 when it was revealed that he had been a patron of President Barack Obama and had recommended him for admission to Harvard Law School.”
The host went on to describe al-Mansour as “co-founder of the International law firm of al-Waleed, al-Talal and al-Mansour and special adviser to Saudi Arabian prince, his royal highness Prince Al Waleed bin Talal bin Abdulazziz.”
Drumpfuck declared NK no longer a nukular threat. Drumpf must have stolen all the nukes li'l Kim had. What a moron.
"They were credited with events that did not even happen. And they did lose planes contrary to Jew Myth."
The unit or the movie is a myth? And yes, the Air Force confirmed they did in fact lose some bombers to enemy aircraft but they still had an outstanding tecord so much so they were requested by bomb squadrons. This was confirmed to me by a former B-17 crew member.
"PS- Obama's paid for their college education through student loans"
Nope. The money came from somewhere else.
As a United States Senate candidate, Barack Obama was required to file a financial disclosure form in 2004 detailing his assets, income, consulting contracts, and liabilities.
Obama listed “zero” under liabilities in 2004 and in all subsequent U.S. Senate financial disclosure forms.
Under the Senate ethics rules, he is required to disclose any loan, including credit card debt, of $10,000 or more. The only exception to the reporting requirement is mortgage debt on a principal residence.
The Senate reports also directly contradict Michelle Obama’s claim that the couple had “only just” paid off their student loans after receiving book royalties paid out in 2005 and 2006 – well after her husband had been ensconced in the Senate.
Apparently, Michelle Obama misspoke, according to the version provided by the Obama campaign.
Campaign spokesman Ben LaBolt now tells Newsmax that the loans Sen. Obama took out to pay for Harvard Law School “were repaid in full while he was a candidate for the U.S. Senate [in 2004], and under the rules, the modest outstanding balance he repaid was not reportable as a liability on his personal financial disclosure reports.”
Responding to attacks from the Hillary Clinton campaign during the primaries, Obama released seven years of tax returns on March 25 of this year.
The returns, dating back to 2000, indicate that the couple paid no interest on their student loans. The interest from such loans would have been deductible on their joint income tax returns.
For 2000 through 2004, taxpayers declared student loan interest as a deduction on line 24 of federal form 1040. After 2004, the deduction can be taken on Line 33.
But the Obamas never declared a dime of interest in student loans on their return, most likely because they simply earned too much money to be able to take the deduction under the IRS rules.
Obama spokesman Ben LaBolt had no answer as to why the Obamas’ failed to declare the loans, stating the obvious that “because interest on the loans was not deducted, it would not appear on the Obamas’ personal return.”
Oh wow, we had a secret Saudi agent as President for 8 years. That's very interesting.
In it, he speaks about a “system of tricks and lies,” and says that Hollywood's Jews have forced aspiring actors into anal sex to get parts, and that former president Barack Obama was under “under Jewish influence” when he advocated for same-sex marriage, which Farrakhan deemed “Satanic.”
"I wonder, will you recognize Satan? I wonder if you will see the satanic Jew and the synagogue of Satan... because Satan has deceived the whole world," he said to the crowd he was addressing as they agreed and applauded.
"Think about the message that I was blessed by God to give you today. Think about what they [the Jews] are going to say when they have been completely and thoroughly unmasked. Whenever you read that God has told the Jews to hear and obey and they say 'I hear and I disobey,' that's Satan... [the Jews] are openly disobeying God. He [The Jews] will take down the whole world with him."
Did Charles Blow or FM denounce Calypso Louie? After all anyone with morals would denounce the close friend of obamas.
Dear Field, People who hate others for whatever reason hurt themselves. I am a white woman who was married to a black man for 33 years (He died last November). He was the smartest, funniest, bravest man I have ever known, and of course I love him still. During our years together, some people stared at us, sometimes showing disapproval, but we paid them no mind. But we did feel sorry for them. Maybe someday, haters will learn to love.
Hey Field, now you've done it. You've attracted the crazy right wing conspiracy kooks. I guess it wasn't enough fun to have the garden variety racists so now we get the tin foil hat crowdš Like Thanos, they're going to erase all of Black history. The Tuskegee Airmen never existed, they were created by teh Jews.šššš
Student loan interest is not taxable income and does not need to be listed until the loans are paid back.
Mansour worked on HRC's campaign and claimed he did not know her opponent. These are just right wing conspiracies being bandied about. There are a million of them out there including a fake one connecting the Clinton's with Bourdain's suicide.
DeNiro apologized to Canada for Drumpf. ROTFLMAO!!!!
PilotX said...
"Hey Field, now you've done it. You've attracted the crazy right wing conspiracy kooks"
Says the guy who thinks the Russians hacked the election.
Newa is getting better. With Cohen's lawyers jumping ship Drump best be looking for a 5x large orange jumpsuit.
Says the guy who thinks the Russians hacked the election.
This ia and has not been a question of if they hacked it, it is about how much help Drumpf gave them to do it. Drumpf isn't working for America. He is a wholly owned subsidiary of Putin Industries, comrade.
MSNBC says prosecutors are preparing paperwork to arrest Cohen. Tweeter ought to be active and radioactive tonight in Drumpfuckland.
MSNBC says Karl Rove will be indicted any day now. That was 12 years ago.... š¤£š¤£š¤£š¤£
Rove escaped the death penalty when the bailiff mispronounced Fart Blossom and Rove escaped death on a technicalamity.
"Says the guy who thinks the Russians hacked the election."
Mike Pompeo CIA Director thinks so.
Why should i care? Russians never called me racist..
I wonder why the Russians don't have a negroe problem...….
The Squadron and movie exist(ed) of course. The myths of many of their exploits do not. If one cares to research, the book written by Dr. Daniel L. Haulman "Eleven Myths about the Tuskegee Airmen" is the place to start. Far too many times contributions by Black Americans become hysterically blown out of proportion and eventually Hollywood provides the cherry on top. I.E. Hidden Figures. There was never any evidence of written request or preference for them to escort particular bomb squadrons.
Robert DeNigro......Hahahahahaha his IQ is 79
"Mike Pompeo CIA Director thinks so."
No he doesn't.
No one with an IQ north of 90 thinks so.
Mike from Iowa is a retarded faggot.
McDonald's To Begin Equipping Stores with Self-Ordering Kiosks, 1000 Per Quarter, Until All Human Order-Takers Are Replaced by 2020
The Fight for $15 has been proclaimed a success everywhere it brought about an increase in the minimum wage but, as almost anyone could have predicted, the end result is going to be more automation and, probably, fewer jobs. I'm saying "probably" fewer jobs because the official word from McDonald’s and other chains is that they aren’t necessarily cutting staff just reassigning them to other jobs in the restaurant. What jobs exactly? That's never been entirely clear. No doubt there will always be one person on hand to take orders but it could come down to just one person there to help people use the kiosks.
As the industry leader, this move is likely to get any competitors who were still on the fence moving in the same direction. Already, Wendy's, Shake Shack, and Subway have suggested they are making similar moves.
Many bomber crews told stories of requesting the Red Tails to escort them, I've personally talked to some of them and they verified this. There are many wives tales about many units such as the Black Sheep Squadron, the Flying Tigers ect. Hollywood tells many stories that inflate the truth so why would the stories of the 99th and 332nd be any different. They did a good job and many attest to this. They flew well and served their country admirably. Nothing to be ashamed about. If you want the real stories go to the Air Force Museum and the Smithsonian to learn of their exploits.
Really anon 1928? Quoted from the Bloomberg article that includes links.
"The 2017 intelligence report by the CIA, the FBI and the National Security Agency assessed that “Putin and the Russian Government aspired to help President-elect Trump’s election chances when possible by discrediting Secretary Clinton and publicly contrasting her unfavorably to him. All three agencies agree with this judgment. CIA and FBI have high confidence in this judgment; NSA has moderate confidence.”
Fuck the gooks and chinks!
Well I'll be (clutching pearls) Minister Louis Farrakhan is anti-Semitic!?!?!?!?!?!?!
Well blow me over with a feather!
PilotX said...
Really anon 1928? Quoted from the Bloomberg article that includes links.
"The 2017 intelligence report by the CIA, the FBI and the National Security Agency assessed that “Putin and the Russian Government aspired to help President-elect Trump’s election chances when possible by discrediting Secretary Clinton and publicly contrasting her unfavorably to him. All three agencies agree with this judgment. CIA and FBI have high confidence in this judgment; NSA has moderate confidence.”
So...the intelligence agencies run by John Brennan and James Comey, who we now know illegally spied on the Trump campaign, who have had to fire employees for lying about it and trading anti-Trump emails where they discussed sabotaging his administration, issued an "intelligence report" prepared by them that justified their illegal activities by stating Russia helped Trump, but offered no real evidence for this assertion, are to be taken at face value?
The only shred of evidence presented is that some Russians paid for about $200,000 in Facebook ads, many of which ran after the election, some of which were pro-Trump and others pro-Hillary, some of which even were pro-BLM, flipped an election where $1,449,000,000 was spent by the campaigns?
Objectively, that is beyond ridiculous.
"We all know by now that Donald trump is an immoral person. He is a man who would rather stroke the ego of a killer and a human rights abuser than the leader of a friendly nation, because said egomaniacal madman strokes his ego in return."
Like when Obama gave $150 billion to Iran and green-lighted their nuclear program, and took selfies with some hot Belgian chick during Nelson Mandela's funeral?
Trump may be immoral, but Obama was amoral. Much worse.
“Like when Obama gave $150 billion to Iran and green-lighted their nuclear program, and took selfies with some hot Belgian chick during Nelson Mandela's funeral?”
The $150 million was the Iranians’ money. Not stealing someone else’s money ≠ “giving” them money.
Wingnut talking points are so unbelievably stupid.
And have you ever actually been to a funeral? They’re not usually nothing but people bawling and rending their garments. People do tend to joke around and act, well, normal at most funerals, particularly when someone has died of natural causes after a long life. And this was a state funeral, mostly attended by people who didn’t even know Mandela on a personal level.
Talk about confected outrage.
*$150 billion
Nelson Mandela was a terrorist and not deserving of any respect, I'm glad President Obama clowned around at his funeral.
"The only shred of evidence presented is that some Russians paid for about $200,000 in Facebook ads, many of which ran after the election"
Well, we'll if and when Cohen starts singing. As trump and my dad like to say, we'll see. Neither of us are on the inside of the investigation so all we can do is speculate.
Anonymous said...
Nelson Mandela was a terrorist and not deserving of any respect, I'm glad President Obama clowned around at his funeral.
10:20 PM
And you're an anonymous white boi with a micro dick and penis envy, whose life's body of work is as anonymous as his name. When you die, you will be just as insignificant dead, as you were alive. You'll be lucky if anyone even shows up at your funeral to clown around. You probably have no one who cares about you so you will likely be buried in a potter's field somewhere, nameless anonymous. HA!
he only shred of evidence presented is that some Russians invited dumbass Drumpfuck Jr to a meeting where they claimed to have dirt on HRC and he gladly accepted (collusion) and then lied his ass off about the meeting ever since.
he only shred of evidence presented is that some Russians all those members of Drumpfuck's campaign that had meetings with Russians before, during and after the election and lied to the feds about them (perjury)
he only shred of evidence presented is that some Russians - Mike Flynn's meeting with top Russian agency and talking about easing sanctions before he was officially sworn in as a member of the gov't with authority to have these talks.
he only shred of evidence presented is that some Russians is Drumpfuck's refusal to release his incriminating tax returns, the ones that show he is indebted to Putin and totally is a Russian plant.
Mike from Iowa is a retarded faggot said. The choice is being a retarded burning stick or a stoopid fucking wingnut, I'm going with being a retarded burning stick.
faggot (n.1)
late 13c., "bundle of twigs bound up," also fagald, faggald, from Old French fagot "bundle of sticks" (13c.), of uncertain origin, probably from Italian fagotto "bundle of sticks," diminutive of Vulgar Latin *facus, from Latin fascis "bundle of wood" (see fasces).
Especially used for burning heretics (emblematic of this from 1550s), so that phrase fire and faggot was used to indicate "punishment of a heretic." Heretics who recanted were required to wear an embroidered figure of a faggot on the sleeve as an emblem and reminder of what they deserved.
Watch out, heretics. Your life is about to become, shall we say, warmer-uncomfortably so?
Yisheng = nigger
lilac = cunt
And you're an anonymous white boi with a micro dick and penis envy
We need a word for blacks who are obsessed with penises and can't talk about anything else. "Nigtard" both misses the connection and is redundant. Maybe "muhdiktard"?
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