The man went in front of a body of diplomats and statesmen---- who, by their very nature, think of their country first and themselves last--- and declared to all who would listen that his administration was the greatest of all time. I can still hear the laughter from the people in the room, as the leader of the free world made a fool of himself and embarrassed his country in the process. Then, incredibly, he tried to play it off and say that the line was meant to get a few laughs, even though he clearly said that he didn't expect it.
I get that trump is possibly insane and suffers from all types of mental and possibly physical issues. But what I don't understand is why people like Nikki Haley would stick their necks out for this man knowing that what they are saying is believable to only the most rabid and clueless of his supporters. Everyone else with even half of a brain knows that trump is lying and that those world leaders were laughing at him not with him.
Today he held a press conference and it was as bad as his UN speech. Now we know why they don't do these things that often at the White House. It was a sad spectacle to behold. Watching the president of the United States defend an "alleged" serial sexual predator while declaring that he himself has been accused of being one.
trump's confusing and awkward answers to the questions about the Kavanaugh accusers and women who have been victims of sexual assault, was a perfect 17-61318-A-35example of where the GOP is now when it comes to women in this country, and just how tone-deaf they are. It was the usual victim blaming from the bully pulpit. And all those old white men masquerading as republican US senators are going right along with the trump party line.
They have all decided that Brett Kavanaugh was nothing but a little virgin choir boy thirty plus years ago, and that all those female accusers (three and counting thus far ) are all liars. They have made up their minds, and the vote on Friday is just a formality. Brett Kavanaugh, with all these dark clouds and accusations hanging over him, will be confirmed to the Supreme Court. Just ask Mitch.
Pic from
Butt Trumpet is one big joke with one small dick.
Having the moron UN Ambassador, Nikki Haley, claim the world laughed with Drumpf because they approve of his honesty has got to be the largest and worst joke ever told out loud.
As for party favor Kavanaugh, wingnuts have lit the fuse to a cobalt bomb and it will destroy the whole party if they go ahead and confirm Kavanaugh anytime between now and when they lose the election.
You really do not get what is happening at all, Mr. Field.
Trump Derangement Syndrome is scary.
Trump supporters are so stupid and ignorant they believe he could run the whole world!
Black folk ought to feel like the song "it takes a fool to learn..." Black identity Dems got got! The Whole World's laughing at black dumbocrats who didn't understand. "hope hope and change " message intended for illegal aliens!
No black SCOTUS; thanks to Obama!
Fag Negro is a hack.
Obama political ideologies include killing live birth aborted babies.
Black Americans would NOT be a part of the SCOTUS nomination conversation, had the self-righteous black American ‘Messiah,’ (who promised “hope and change” for immigrants only), appointed a qualified slave descendant SCOTUS.
Election Day presents voters with a stark choice between 'live birth' baby killing racist leftwing obstructionists or conventional wisdom. The country (((not personal emotions))) IS better off today than four years ago i.e., Veterans, the American economy, former unemployed Black American etc.
Interesting Fact:
In the United States Congress , 268 accusations of sexual harrassment against congressmen and senators. the House agreed to disclose; but the US Senate Ethics Committee refused to disclose the identity members of the Senate and the House of Representatives who sexual who harassed women; $17,000,000 in hush money paid to women, with claims, in 2017.
How does that work?
"believe women" is the worst conceivable advice, btw
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Under 44 , American lost its AAA credit rating; he increased the national debt by nearly 5 trillion- with T; pushed a trillion-dollar health care spending containing a 4.5% tax increase;in 2010,2011, an 2012 he moved 400,000 illegal aliens from deportation to amnesty ; and used an executive order allowing gays to openly serve in the military to further advance the leftist agenda
News networks are enjoying increased rating since Trump got elected...they want him to stay in the WH in order to eat. HC would NEVER generate this level of neurotic political frenzy>
White men are worthless and useless.
It's kinda WEIRD how Kavanaugh only "sexually assaulted" democrat women who hate our President, don't want Roe V. Wade to be overturned, voted for Hillary, had memory therapy, are connected to Soros or lawyer is Michael Avanatti, waited to came forward only ater the Senate hearings were complete, and did so sequentially only after the other stories had failed- not at the same time.
Fergus has always been a joke, but you kind of have to be rich to find it funny.
And again, Pig People: Women are human beings. Get over it already.
Ashley Ward
Sep 25
The Venn diagram of people who absolutely believe that Hillary Clinton ran a child sex trafficking ring out of a pizza shop and those who cannot believe Brett Kavanaugh sexually assaulted women is just a butthole.
-Doug in Oakland
White men are worthless and useless.
More proof that nibbas always project. Nibbas have the lowest employment rate and highest incarceration rate in the USA. Where nibbas dominate, everything is falling down... literally.
The only thing nibbas can make is mud huts. They can only look at the creations of white civilization and hate its creators, because they know such feats are aeons beyond them. Nibbas are the epitome of worthless and useless.
If Trump is the best the white race can give us, they are beyond fucked.
Kavanaugh should decide to to be a woman so then the left and democrats would have no choice but to believe him.
The Venn diagram of people who absolutely believe that Brett Kavanaugh ran a gang rape operation at high school parties all across Maryland and those who cannot accept that the Trump-Russia collusion narrative is a fantasy is just a butthole.
-Brain Damaged in Oakland
A sad spectacle? ... seriously? ... did you ever see so many motherfucking flags?
a virgin choir boy except for the priests that fucked him in the ass
After the entire UN clowned him (much like what happened at that WH Correspondents Dinner where Obama mercilessly humiliated him), you know that Trump went directly to Secretary of Defense Mattis in Washington and demanded to know if it would be possible to nuke everybody.
I can just imagine the newspaper headlines: Trump Declares War on Earth!
What was the Very Stable Genius thinking? He rolled into the largest international organization of them all to deliver his idiotic rant about "evil globalists," and didn't expect to be laughed at? He spewed his usual lies about all his fake accomplishments to a crowd that isn't made up of clueless, brainwashed MAGA mouth-breathers, but people with real educations who watch real news programs and live in reality, and didn't expect to be laughed at?
The jackass is lucky the crowd didn't have any tomatoes handy to hurl at him.
As usual, it won't hurt him with his followers, though. They will just feel bad for poor Trumpy Wumpy, cruelly victimized by those mean "globalists."
UN....Useless Nitwits. As usual Fraud Negro and the other 80 IQ Dullards on here show why Women and Negroes should never have been given the franchise.
If there's a silver lining or a light at the end of the tunnel, it's this: trump is on course to bring down the whole republican party and do it while there're roars of laughter from russia to the u.s. of a.
The real joke is when Kavanaugh gets confirmed.
You loser bitches have been saying "DRUMPTH IZ FINISHED!!!" for years now. It's not even funny anymore. It's tiresome, and a little sad.
Under 44 , American lost its AAA credit rating; Another blatant lie. Obama's only connection to the down grade was being Potus. The blame falls on stoopid fucking wingnuts and especially stoopid fucking Raul Cruz-the Cuban/Canadian/fauxknee American Sinator from Texass for shutting down the government.
Republican elites are also defending Kavanaugh, with Sen. Orrin Hatch, R-Utah, going so far as to say that even if the rape allegations were true they might be excusable: “I think it would be hard for senators not to consider who he is today”. Once again, per America’s tradition, culture and habit, elite white men are protected from the consequences of their behavior.Toxic white masculinity is encouraged in America. White men are infantilized, while black and brown men and boys are pathologized.
Article from Salon by way of Sheila Kennedy.
TRUMP 2020!!
Once again, per America’s tradition, culture and habit, elite white men are protected from the consequences of their behavior.Toxic white masculinity is encouraged in America. White men are infantilized,
It is called white privilege. Believe it.
Anonymous Anonymous said...
"Black folk ought to feel like the song "it takes a fool to learn..." Black identity Dems got got! The Whole World's laughing at black dumbocrats who didn't understand. "hope hope and change " message intended for illegal aliens!
No black SCOTUS; thanks to Obama!"
I get it. You just want to sow discord among groups of people. Give us one good reason why President Obama was required by you to put a Black on the Supreme Court? This mantra you repeat and repeat is so tiresome.
No such thing as white privilege. Created by radical progressive left.
Michael Moore's new propaganda piece bombing at the box office, his last four did as well. The alt left is boring people with their pabulum….
white privilege. white privilege. white privilege. white privilege. white privilege. white privilege. white privilege. white privilege. white privilege. white privilege. white privilege. white privilege. white privilege. white privilege. white privilege. white privilege.
Very infantile Ivan
Chicago Year 2018 to Date
Shot & Killed: 371
Shot & Wounded: 1924
Total Shot: 2295
Total Homicides: 431
Kamala Harris runs 3,600 Facebook ads on Kavanaugh and asks for campaign donations:
Never let a con job go to waste.
This blackish bitch is going to be the Democrat's 2020 nominee for President.
The next election is going to a clarifying event in American history.
Just wait till Trump get ANOTHER pick for a SCOTUS slot. The court WILL be 7-2 in the American peoples favour, not the radical lefts.
The next election is going to a clarifying event in American history.
11:08 AM
TRUMP 2020!!
He may get to replace all the remaining libtards!!!!
More proof Repulicans are kinda rapey.
TRUMP 10 to 20!
Rural white America year 2018 to date:
OD's 70,000
Babies sold for meth: 75,000
Teeth: 14
High school diplomas: 7
Showers taken: 2
Oh, I forgot
trailers hit by tornadoes: 44,000
Anonymous said...
Rural white America year 2018 to date:
OD's 70,000
Babies sold for meth: 75,000
Teeth: 14
High school diplomas: 7
Showers taken: 2
11:39 AM
What bullshit made up numbers to retort the earlier post on 100% FACT how many are shot and murdered in Chicago. Chicago only reports 47 opioid related death this year.
The woman raped in Central Park was no doubt emotional on the stand. She still fingered the wrong people.
No black SCOTUS; thanks to Obama
Maybe trump will nominate one. Oh that's right he's a sexist and racist and will only nominate white men. Rapey ones too.
Yeah, Obama nominated two women and one was a wise Latina but trump's party is so full of old white men they had to hire a woman to question Dr. Ford because they think maybe it'll make them look less old white manish and rapey but we all know they are. Dumb ass Republicans can't even ask their own questions. Well played Dems, well played!
This POS jumped the narcissist shark.
Anymoose neglects the polls that sez Americans don't want Rape and awe on the court.
Stoopid fucking Drumpfuck thinks Obama didn't want to appoint any judges to the courts while blocking out all the filibusters and obstruction from stoopid fucking wingnuts that held up his nominees at every turn.
"The woman raped in Central Park was no doubt emotional on the stand. She still fingered the wrong people."
God, what liars these libtards be. The Central Park Jogger didn't and couldn't testify, as she had no memory of the attack. The immediate incriminating evidence came from her attackers, who were confessing details that only they could know to the police while she was still in a fucking coma.
Their "exonerations" were nothing of the sort. They were and are guilty and should fry as soon as anyone can kill them, because justice delayed is justice denied.
Homeless life under Drumpf in America.
God, what liars these stoopid fucking wingnuts be. The Central Park 5 were being fed answers by the cops, they were denied access to their lawyers and illegally interogated. Other than that, they did not do the crime. Their DNA was not present at the scene and the guy who finally admitted to the rape and beating was the only DNA found their.
But go right on believing all them there lies you love to repeat about innocent Blacks getting railroaded for being POC.
Wingnuts leaked info today that 2 unnsmed men confessed to the crime Dr Ford reported, but wouldn't give any info to Dems about the men or whether they were credible, etc.
Typical right wing stunt to muddy the charges with unfounded charges from unnamed perps.
I'm Chinese-American and don't think a black man (a FULL black men, not half black like Obama) could do much better than Trump. Trump isn't a good President, but at least he didn't yell obscenities and threaten violence on those who laughed at him, two things a black man would most certainly do. This is due to you people's reckless impulsivity and naturally smaller brains.
See more at:
Chinese people are wise.
Hey darkies, your music is shit, your women are fugly apes, your ghettospeak is one of the most obnoxious languages in the world, and your BO is unbearable. Also, Obama was a shit President.
If we are to always believe a woman’s rape accusation without requiring evidence, what happens if a White woman accuses an African of rape? Do we automatically believe women or people of color?
One big joke.
Yes Obama is the biggest joke and so is his sheboon manwife Moooochelle Obozo...This isn't Africa you F89797ing piece of shiiit moronic monkeys.
"Hey darkies, your music is shit..."
You're an idiot. Telling a musician that their playing sounds white is the opposite of a compliment.
-Doug in Oakland
Doug is so cringe-worthy.
The description of the denizens of the Un demonstrates the author is both ignorant and a fool.
Your honor, I was raped by a stoopid fucking wingnut.
How can you be so sure he was a stoopid fucking wingnut?
Because I had to help him, your honor.
Drumpf has given stoopid fucking wingnuts cover to rape, pillage and plunder all the women and kids and not worry so much about being caught.
Even if the acts were caught on video wingnuts would simply deny the charge and start talking about HRC's emails and how she personally suicided Vince Foster.
Doug is so spot on. Some of the best music ever recorded came from various and sundry Black artists and musicians and alot of their early works were borrowed or stolen by wasicu wasteys.
The smarter wasicus imitated Black musicians and incorporated that into their own music. Most every successful rock band owes their style to early blues and gospel musicians.
You can imitate them, but you will never top them early Black masters.
Gawd that has got to hurt stoopid fucking white wastes.
One more thing, put the Crisco down and back away slowly, Micro Dicks.
Fuck the gooks and chinks!
Drumpfuck the dumbfuck proclaimed to the whole world just how fucking stoopid he really is. Tried to unite the world's leaders against Iran and actually, and neatly, isolated himself as a rogue fucking moron who violates agreements and blames everyone else.
Amazingly, Drumpfuck made Iran and Rouhani look sympathetic.
Mike from Iowa is a retard.
Mike from Iowa is a faggot.
Remember how Trump’s tax cut led to all these great wage hikes for everybody?
Yeah, neither do I, because it didn’t happen. Another lie, among the thousands he’s told. His tax cut made rich people richer, and that’s about it.
Further evidence that the tax cuts have not led to widespread bonuses, wage or compensation growth
But if you just ignore the truth you would see all the good stuff Drumpf has done for everyone. He raised the dead, heals the sick, robs the poor and gives to the rich, naw that ain't right. He didn't raise the dead or heal anyone. He just let them die so he cold pay for Koch bros taxcuts over their dead bodies and that's a good thing for delusional Drumpfuck supporters.
mike from iowa said...
" Doug is so spot on. Some of the best music ever recorded came from various and sundry Black artists and musicians and alot of their early works were borrowed or stolen by wasicu wasteys.
The smarter wasicus imitated Black musicians and incorporated that into their own music. Most every successful rock band owes their style to early blues and gospel musicians.
You can imitate them, but you will never top them early Black masters.
Gawd that has got to hurt stoopid fucking white wastes."
You are spot on, Mike. Nearly all current popular music from blues to hard rock are deeply influenced by Black music. Blues, Jazz, Rag Time, Country, etc are all grounded in Black music. Even the Rolling Stones are happy to admit their music is deeply influenced by Black artists and composers.
It is difficult to understand why white supremacists are compelled to come to Field"s Blog and post lies and insults while saying nothing of value. Most of their posts reflect how very ignorant they are.
Kavanaugh is a rapist, just like his slave raping ancestors.
There is nothing wrong with raping a woman.
Move On.
Imagine if Dr. Hill had behaved as Kavanaugh is behaving during testimony today. Her ship would have been sunk faster than it actually did.
If he were a woman, he antics would likely be called 'unhinged', 'hysterical', 'overly emotional', etc.
"What does she have to gain?"
After plugging her Go Fund me page for "expenses", she now has $387,000 and counting.
Note: All her legal expenses are being paid by liberal activist groups.
Kill white men.
Fuck white women.
Bea said...
"Imagine if Dr. Hill had behaved as Kavanaugh is behaving during testimony today. Her ship would have been sunk faster than it actually did."
Anita Hill was lying.
Kavanaugh is behaving appropriately for someone whose life is being trashed by completely unsubstantiated allegations pushed by a hysterical group of moral cretins for entirely political purposes. They all should go down with the ship.
Blumenthal lecturing Kavanaugh over credibility and truth is right up there with Ted Kennedy looking down his nose at Clarence Thomas about sexual harassment.
Someone needs to get the smelling salts, olde Miss Lindsey Graham done got the vapors and fainted dead away. Of course Kavanaugh and Grassley jumped Miss Lindsey's bones the minute his carcass hit the deck.
Then they both swore unconscious Graham was lying about them. Then Grassley called a quick vote to see who gets really sloppy thirds on Miss Lindsey's despoiled unconscious body.
Anita Hill speaks a langwidge stoopid fucking whiteys don't comprehend- the truth.
The liar was and still is Uncle Tom Thomas.
Kavanaugh is behaving appropriately for someone whose life is being trashed by completely unsubstantiated allegations
How soon you forget wingnuts came out this morning and corroborated the assault took place. Now who is lying?
Mike from Minsk is in overdrive.
None of Kavanaughs accusers have any shred of credibility. Biggest farce yet from the Democrats/Progressives. One lie after another with ZERO proof.
Kavanaugh went "postal" today at the hearing. Kinda scary. Not the kind of temperament that should sit on the Supreme Court. He was frequently evasive and didn't answer some of the questions. Based on their behavior and answers, I believe Ms. Ford over Mr. Kavanaugh. I think he lied his ass off.
I don't recall Hillary crying during her hearings.....
Boo-fucking-hoo, what a BIG f**kin baby, your entitlement and fake tears don't fool ANYONE!!
Even kavernousmouth Kavanaugh's bosom buddy Judge can indict him if wingnuts ever let him testify. Wingnuts wouldn't recognize evidence if it bit their micro dicks.
"How soon you forget wingnuts came out this morning and corroborated the assault took place. Now who is lying?"
You, as usual. There has been corroboration by anyone.
"Boo-fucking-hoo, what a BIG f**kin baby, your entitlement and fake tears don't fool ANYONE!!"
Unlike you, Kavanaugh is not entitled. He did not receive affirmative action nor was he a legacy admission to Yale.
You hate him because he is white and his accomplishments are real.
Gambler2 ASKA White Woman said...
Kavanaugh went "postal" today at the hearing. Kinda scary. Not the kind of temperament that should sit on the Supreme Court.
You're a rapist!
No I'm not!
Your anger at being called a rapist disqualifies you.
The perjury should be enough to keep him off of SCOTUS even without all of the rapey shit he obviously pulled.
And nobody is ruining his goddamn life besides him. There were no guns held to his head when he sexually assaulted those girls, or lied to the senate, or did all of the stuff to Bill Clinton that he's got his rich, white privilege panties in a twist over believing it to be happening to him now.
Only Clinton wasn't guilty and he is, and he knows it, and it's fucking obvious he knows it.
Which is the real answer to why the goddamn Republicans haven't thrown him under the bus and nominated one of the other goddamn wingnuts on the list they gave to Fergus to pick from, who would rule in an identical fashion to Kavanaugh on every fucking issue:
If Kavanaugh goes down, it means that being rich and white isn't a get-out-of-responsibility-for-your-crimes-free card any more, and they are all fucking terrified of that, for all of the obvious reasons.
-Doug in Oakland
"Only Clinton wasn't guilty and he is"
Doug is a complete lunatic.
"The Central Park 5 were being fed answers by the cops, they were denied access to their lawyers and illegally interogated."
They were hauled in for the crime when they were picked up by cops who didn't even know the crime had been committed and started fingering each other for it.
"Their DNA was not present at the scene"
You. Lying. Fuck.
Mrs. Bryers, 34, who lives on Governors Island, said the jury was harder on Mr. Richardson because the physical evidence against him was stronger. It included a strand of the victim's pubic hair found on his shirt and one from her head in his undershorts.
"the guy who finally admitted to the rape and beating was the only DNA found their."
The guy who "admitted" to rape (Reyes) did it AFTER the statute of limitations had passed, and said that he got sloppy seconds as the victim was lying there unconscious. Prosecutors said that there was an unidentified DNA trace. That was Reyes. The rest?
Afterward, Mr. Richardson's lawyer, Howard Diller, said he was "shattered."
"They convicted themselves with their own statements," he said. "We could not overcome them."
Colin Moore, the lawyer for Mr. Wise, said his client's "vivid" videotaped statement "proved to be too difficult to overcome."
"Other than that, they did not do the crime."
Except for doing 100% of the crime for which they were convicted, you mean.
Evil fucking bastards. Every one of them, and you too.
> Some of the best music ever recorded came from various and sundry Black artists and musicians and alot of their early works were borrowed or stolen by wasicu wasteys.
Ragtime was stolen from Ludwig von Beethoven. Everything that followed, including jazz and blues, was inspired by whites. If it uses the 12-tone scale it is cultural appropriation from whites.
Blacks need to stop appropriating white culture and territory and return to Africa.
The diatonic scale is not exclusive to white man music, you don't know what the fuck you're talking about.
-Doug in Oakland
Anonymous Anonymous said...
" Ragtime was stolen from Ludwig von Beethoven. Everything that followed, including jazz and blues, was inspired by whites. If it uses the 12-tone scale it is cultural appropriation from whites.
Blacks need to stop appropriating white culture and territory and return to Africa.:
You are so ignorant, it's frightening. You know nothing about music. See
The guy who "admitted" to rape (Reyes) did it AFTER the statute of limitations had passed, and said that he got sloppy seconds as the victim was lying there unconscious. Prosecutors said that there was an unidentified DNA trace. That was Reyes. The rest?
There was no other DNA evidence at the scene, only the confessor's. He stated he acted alone. There was nothing about sloppy seconds, you evil bastard. You just want to fry Blacks and, btw, they served their sentences as handed out by the judge before they were declared innocent. So fuck you and the whores you rode in on.
You're a rapist!
No I'm not!
Your anger at being called a rapist disqualifies you.
Gambler2 is not nominated for the Scotus. She also didn't perjure herself so she is more than qualified by wingnut standards.
Yes,most democrats and progressive left types are.
Sister Rosetta Tharp was playing the electric guitar and singing rock and roll decades before Elvis and his crew attended segregated black churches in Memphis and stole it from them.
-Doug in Oakland
Dinthebeast said...
"Sister Rosetta Tharp was playing the electric guitar and singing rock and roll decades before Elvis and his crew attended segregated black churches in Memphis and stole it from them."
-Doug in Oakland
That person who tried to claim that all current American music is white is dumb as a rock. A little research could have shown him that that our music is grounded and developed from Black musicians. Many Black artists predate Elvis by quite a few years; For example Bo Diddley, Fats Domino, and The Turbans to name a few of my favorites.
Hello everyone reading this message I'm here to ask for your assistance in helping those poor kids out there. I want to feed 5,000 (five thousand kids) in Africans this Christmas and I want to also send them back to school and I'm asking for your help to make this possible. No amount is too small or big $50, $100 any amount will be appreciated. Contact email via: ( thanks.
Fuck you prick. Let's meet up, I'll take care of your problem permanently
That was because of the state of the economy caused by 43, dullard prick. How do I know that you're a (racist, misogynistic, angry white male) PRICK? Just too obvious.Fuck you mother fuckers.
So true
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