Not surprisingly, trump's handlers in Russia are pleased. They will now, along with Bashar al-Assad, have Syria all to themselves. Vodka and champagne all around in Moscow and Tehran.
This war was in a complicated part of the world, and war can be a messy and complicated business. It is not something that you can just do by gut instinct without proper guidance and really smart people telling you how to proceed. We can have constructive disagreements about what should be done in Syria; what is not in dispute is that trump went about pulling us out in a reckless and scary manner.
Finally, in other news, trump blinked on his border wall government shutdown threats. In typical trump fashion, he could not deliver on his threat to shut down the government if he doesn't get his billions for his stupid wall. Schumer called his bluff and won.
Now, as is to be expected, right-wingnuts are furious.
“It’s what the drive-by media calls compromise: Trump gets nothing and the Democrats get everything, including control of the House in a few short weeks,” Limbaugh fumed on his show Wednesday. “In fact… Trump is going to get less than nothing because this compromise strips out the $1.6 billion for the wall that the Senate Appropriations Committee had already approved weeks ago, that’s gone too.”
“Not a penny!” Limbaugh exclaimed. “Forget wall, think border security!”
Rush, you are a sucker.
Pick from ABC
Fraud Negro, hacking for the Uniparty as always. Commies gotta Commie.
Anonymous Anonymous said...
"Fraud Negro, hacking for the Uniparty as always. Commies gotta Commie.
7:30 PM
And dumb asses like you just gotta to post something stupid.
I'm glad he's pulling out of Syria. Saudi Arabia wants a pipeline to go through Syria and Turkey into Europe. Russia is against it because they sell oil to Europe. Syria's President didn't go along with the plan so we wanted him out. ISIS is born, and we have an excuse to go over there.
Everything is about oil and pipelines.
Trump wants troops out of Syria, saying that ISIS is vanquished. From casual observation of the news, that looks right, but what do I know. Maybe the experts have a different view and think that the vestiges of ISIS could make a comeback.
Of course, there are still those that would like to intervene to force Assad out, because he is an evil monster who is chiefly responsible for kicking off all the violence in Syria. But it seems like that ship has already sailed; the opportunity to remove Assad has passed, regardless if one considers this a desirable goal.
I doubt they are having vodka and champagne in Tehran, as that's not allowed unless you are an ethnic minority not subject to the prohibition on alcohol that Muslims are subject to there.
I learned to be a line cook from an Iranian chef, and while he cooked with alcohol, he didn't drink any. The rest of us did pretty much every night.
Well, at least this Fergus military fit is a retarded retreat and not a retarded attack, although if this gets him what he wants it will make the retarded attack all but inevitable.
Of all the things you can say about Schumer, he does know what he is doing, and that same thing can't be said about Fergus, so how did anyone think this would play out?
And judge Sullivan slaps Fergus down again, this time for trying to change the rules for applying for asylum. If Fergus or his felons were at all competent they could have written their awful policies up in ways that might have withstood judicial scrutiny, but again and again they're just not.
W is not the brightest bulb in the box, but his criminals were able to draft memos that allowed them to get away with torture, for fuck's sake.
I guess we should be thankful that if we had to have an administration as evil as this one, they are at least not very good at it.
That won't stop them from trying, though, so we have two more years of having to swat them down and preparing to fix the damage when they're gone.
-Doug in Oakland
Syria. Who gives a crap about Syria?
Let the Russians and the Iranians deal with it, Syria has no sense as to the world...except for their one "naval" base for the Russians in an base at Tarsus. Or, Tartus), if you except my spelling, field)
So what?
Syria has nothing to offer the US. Nothing.
Trump seems to be suggesting he will back off his demand to shut down the government if Congress won't give him money for his wall. (And it definitely won't.) He is now saying he'll raise the money in some other way to be named later.
Since that other way isn't going to involve Mexico giving him the money, I'm predicting this will take the form of a giant GoFundMe that empties directly into Trump's pocket (ka-ching!).
And all the dim bulb MAGAheads will happily contribute their own hard-earned cash to it and then be surprised and angry when no wall materializes. After which point, they'll blame the "libtards" for greedy Trump absconding with all the wall money, because that's what they always do.
As far as Tartus what?
We've got Carriers all over the place.
Hit one, we'll see what happens. Carriers are considered a US National Sovereignty.
Haaa haaaa haaaa....
Looks like Putin made him pull out of Syria.
Putin must have threatened to expose him to the world.
Putin still controls all of trumps's assets.
This POTUS has sold this country to the Russians.
what a sell out..... and yet no one in his base says a word.
Yup..they all drank the suicidal Kool aid
The navy base is important to Putin because it doesn't ice in in the winter like most of the Russian ones do.
The Russian navy may be a joke compared to ours (usually, although ours can't seem to get out of its own way lately) but there's still a lot of it, and we're not the only country in the world they are concerned with.
So, really, if Putin can get Fergus to do whatever he wants militarily, he's not so behind the eight ball after all.
All in all, a non-serious amateur move from a non-serious amateur president.
Let's just hope that he doesn't throw a fit and start a war so retarded that we get our asses kicked when his crime family starts going down.
It's past time that Barbara Lee's repeal of the AUMF gets passed so he'll at least have an excuse for chickening out of such a blunder.
-Doug in Oakland
And give a moment's thought for the Kurds, who did the lion's share of the fighting of ISIS in Iraq for us and now stand to be stomped into the dirt by the Turks.
When Fergus is through with you he tends to stab you in the back, something the Pig People are going to find out shortly.
-Doug in Oakland
Not sure that complicated issues and the dullard in the WH is a good combination.
Blogger dinthebeast said...
"The navy base is important to Putin because it doesn't ice in in the winter like most of the Russian ones do."
Uh, I would have included that into my post, but I figured most here were too stupid to realize it's relevance.
Still, the US controls the Med and Indian Oceans with it's Carriers.
They are some bad mothers.
Blogger dinthebeast said...
And give a moment's thought for the Kurds, who did the lion's share of the fighting of ISIS in Iraq for us and now stand to be stomped into the dirt by the Turks
Muslims fighting muslims, fighting muslims......who gives a crap? Let them all kill each other.
Leave them alone.
Quote: some moron on yesterday's thread
""A lie told often enough becomes the truth" - Lenin
That quote is actually from the American poet Isabella Blagden, written in 1869 - 12 months before Lenin was born.
No wonder Commandeered Queenie has no clew about military matters, like everyn other stoopid fucking wingnut. Those Kurds were stauncg allies in the fight against Saddam Hussein. We armed and trained them and protected them from Hussein's wrath and now you want to toss them overboard for the tender mercies of their and our enemies.
Think about what we did with the Taliban and Mujahadeen- fighters we armed and trained and supplied to fight the Soviet invasion in Afghanistan. After 10 years the Russians withdrew and we dumped our allies and they turned their hate and our weapons against us and have been terrorizing us ever since.
Mike from Iowa said:
"Think about what we did with the Taliban and Mujahadeen- fighters we armed and trained and supplied to fight the Soviet invasion in Afghanistan. After 10 years the Russians withdrew and we dumped our allies and they turned their hate and our weapons against us and have been terrorizing us ever since."
You are right, Mike. But wingnuts, such as Lt Commander Johnson are unable to think strategically. And Trump thinks only of enriching himself.
Drumpfuck the dumbfuck aid fallen soldiers weanted him to leave Syria. I'll bet he won't get any fallen vets to disagree with him.
Afterall, Drumpf is so sensitive to vets he finally managed a trip to ANC, probaly wondering where he could build a yooge Dumpf branded Veteran's hotel and casino.
As far as “abandoning” the Kurds is concerned, I don’t see how this wasn’t the plan from the beginning.
The Kurds are an ethnic minority without a nation of their own, distributed across Turkey, Syria, Iraq, and Iran. Many of them want to secede from the countries they are currently part of and merge their territories up to form a new independent nation of Kurdistan. If the U.S. were to help them do this, we would be sucked into a bunch of wars that wouldn’t benefit us and that I doubt many Americans would support.
If Kurdish leaders expected us to stick around to help them fight Assad, or Erdogan, or the Iraqi government, they were pretty foolish. I at least hope it was made clear to them at the outset that our alliance with them extended only to fighting our common enemy, ISIS.
There is some very unprecedented and totally insane things being presented by this presidency. It is time for the legislature to step in and take control of our country and put the brakes on this strange regime and it's time for the American people to grow some backbone and stand up to this government.
'It's time to quit playing nice.'
So funny to see all the libturds who were all "give peace a chance" stumping for war with Russia. When it was the Communist USSR, they loved it. Now that it's Christian Russia, they hate it. Their obedience to their (((owners))) could not be more transparent.
Anonymous (of course) said:
"So funny to see all the libturds who were all "give peace a chance" stumping for war with Russia. When it was the Communist USSR, they loved it. Now that it's Christian Russia, they hate it. Their obedience to their (((owners))) could not be more transparent."
12:13 PM
What have you been smoking, dude? There are no "libturds who were all "give peace a chance" stumping for war with Russia." No one is "stumping for war with Russia." Either you are lying or you are seriously delusional. BTW, No one in America loved the USSR when it was communist. Probably you weren't born then so you wouldn't know.
Now, I'm a "wingnut". Can someone explain to me what a wingnut is?
You say:
"We armed and trained them and protected them from Hussein's wrath and now you want to toss them overboard for the tender mercies of their and our enemies."
You want us to GTFU outta every country we have ever been in? Afghanistan, Vietnam, Iraq, Germany, Japan, ...well fine. I say get us out!
Bring the troops home, and ....viola!
There's your border wall!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
"Think about what we did with the Taliban and Mujahadeen- fighters we armed and trained and supplied to fight the Soviet invasion in Afghanistan. After 10 years the Russians withdrew and we dumped our allies and they turned their hate and our weapons against us and have been terrorizing us ever since."
Uh that means we should send money to the Kurds?
Answer that bitch, before you post again.
Stoopid fucking wingnut Commandeered Queenie fails to learn from history and gladly sits on his ass while we patiently wait for the next incursion into the ME where we will have the Kurds against us, too.
We waste billions on Israel and they are not our friends. They have bought numerous congressweasels to do their bidding for aid, all the while committing vicious human rights violations and we back them to the hilt. We need to take billions from the Jews and try to keep the kurds from getting annihilated by Turkey (Russia),Iraquis and Iranians.
BTW Queenie, I don't take orders from stoopid fucking wingnuts.
Spending bill passed to avoid shutdown has now been tossed and Drumpfuck is demanding wall funds again. Looks like Drumpf will get his shutdown. He will be blamed for it and has already listed the parties he wants blamed for the shutdown.
This guy is whackier than Commandeered Queenie.
Pittsburgh HS student attacks student wearing hijab, gives her a concussion and puts her in the hospital and cops can't find it in their hearts to call this a hate crime. Mercy.
Anonymous (of course) needs to get his eyes and hearing checked. Libturds were saying "Give Pizza Chants" just to fuck with your mind.
Trump wants troops out of Syria, saying that ISIS is vanquished.
Maybe you will believe a right wing rag.
Judge Sullivan sure has got Fake Noize knickers in a twist. They apparently thought he was bought and paid for for their side.
Is there a single, sane human that doesn't believe Drumpf is one sick puppy?
This is what Drumpf is stacking the federal judiciary with, strict wingnut ideologues who adhere to the party line, not the constitution.
Laughing while Black-
Drumpf threw a hissy fit and refused to sigh spending bill. Gubmint shutdown is back on, again.
Two Dem Senators got the Senate to pass a bill declaring lynching a federal crime for the first time ever,
Racist Hyde-Smith, cheater from Mississippi, presided.
"Maybe you will believe a right wing rag."
Uh, no, I would not believe a right-wing rag.
To begin with, I am not a right-winger.
And the Weekly Standard have been wrong about absolutely everything they’ve expressed an opinion on, ever. Foremost among those errors was their endless cheerleading for the Iraq War. They’ve never met a Middle Eastern War they didn’t like. They’ve now announced their publication is going out of business, and good riddance.
On the question of Syria, though, it’s not clear to me one way or another whether Trump’s making a bad call. ISIS have indeed already lost control of all the territory they previously held. Some of our military planners think that’s not enough; we should stay until we’ve captured or killed every last one of the bastards, or else they could possibly make a comeback.
I’m not sure that’s right. As Assad and his Russian/Iranian friends gain more power, they may be able to mop up the remainder of ISIS. Although I am open to persuasion on this point.
Keep in mind, though, that many of the voices insisting we need to stay tough on ISIS have ulterior motives. They actually want to fight Assad and Iran (and, necessarily, Russia, too). I can’t get behind that.
Bloody Bill Kristol, late of TWS, is usually wronger than almost anyone else who's ever been wrong, and responsible in large part for foisting David fucking Brooks on us, another wronger than could otherwise be imagined beltway hack with a job-for-life at the New York Times mostly because of his TWS tenure and the moral deficiency of the Sulzberger family.
-Doug in Oakland
Richard Hall
At this very moment, Kurdish fighters are engaged in a fierce battle for the last stretch of land under Isis control. Hundreds have been killed, and it's not yet over. They are likely hearing the news that US is withdrawing now. Surreal.
-Doug in Oakland
ISIS-FYI- is not a thing. It is an ideology and it will never be defeated. Just like all other Muslim extremists.
Once Syris is declare as ISIS free as it will ever be, then allies Russian and Turkey will gang up on Kurds and destroy them for Turkey.
During dumbass dubya's Iraq fiasco, we protected Kurds from Iraqis and then allowed Turkey to sneak in and slaughter Kurds while our soldiers were told to stand by. All reported by US soldiers/eye witnesses.
Bet the Indians wished a wall had been there when the illegal immigrant europeons showed up!!!
"ISIS-FYI- is not a thing. It is an ideology and it will never be defeated. Just like all other Muslim extremists."
Yes and no.
Nszism is an ideology and was not defeated in WWII. Nazis still exist, and some are really big fans of our current president (who appears to be a fan of them too -- "good people on both sides").
The Nazi regime very much was defeated in WWII and that is a non-trivial historical event. Taking the levers of power out of the grasp of evil people is very necessary. A racist and authoritarian ideology married to the machinery of the technologically advanced German state resulted in vast horrors.
ISIS have now lost their control of real estate, and the resources associated with it. They call themselves Islamic State of Iraq and Syria, but they are now Islamic State of nothing, and it should stay that way. The question is whether they will be able to retake any of that territory once U.S. troops pull out.
Mattis has announced he's quitting as defense secretary.
At this point, two years into this administration, literally half of Trump's cabinet has either quit or been fired, and replaced with someone new. Nobody can put up with having Trump as their boss for long.
Seriously, it's like Steven Mnuchin, Rick Perry, Betsy DeVos, Ben Carson, and a bunch of guys in more minor departments who have stuck around. Most of the people with the big jobs couldn't hack it and threw in the towel.
DeVos is soon to be out. Carson and Perry are too stoopid to be much danger. Some posters here would love Perry if they knew the name of his family's ranch- Ni%$@# Head.
Guess what, Queenie? Most experts disagree with yer assertion that our carriers rule the waves.
Take yer pick of articles that claim how vulnerable our carriers are and how we wasted billions building more that we won't risk in fighting.
Guess which US has no defense for these missiles? Guess whose carriers would be sitting ducks for these missiles?
Won't be Drumpf's fault, will it?
Guess what, Queenie? Most experts disagree with yer assertion that our carriers rule the waves.
Wait, you mean the fake ass no serving pussy doesn't really know about the military? You don't say.
You are so stupid Queenie. Park a few Carriers around the coasts of the belligerents, they STFU.
You want to try and sink one? I'm not saying it couldn't happen.
Go ahead. It will be the last mistake you ever made.
BTW, Queenie...remember that US Carriers are considered as US Sovereignty, To attack one would be consistence with attacking the White House.
The Russians and the Chinese could have sunk a carrier years ago. Why haven't they?
Because they know it would be WWX
Yuk, yuk...
I'm a Chinese-American woman and am wondering since when did blacks care about anyone who isn't black? You people are the most culturally insular people in this country, and it's not even close.
The Negroes can't fathom facts. Most of them can't even swim.
Me, and Cheetah get a big laugh while the crocs eat them up...gimme a 'nanner, you monkey.r
Tarzan, Lord Of The Apes said...
"The Negroes can't fathom facts. Most of them can't even swim.
Me, and Cheetah get a big laugh while the crocs eat them up...gimme a 'nanner, you monkey.r
8:06 PM
Go post on Storm Front and take the ugly "Girdle of Venus' with you? LOL. Your posts are dumb and boring.
That head honcho in Russia is laughing his ass off at the "DUMB AMERICANS."
It's quite obvious who's pulling the president's puppet strings. Isn' it interesting how that guy in Russia is systematically taking over the US through manipulating an unqualified idiot , tax cheat, military dodger, and unpatriotic pathological liar and scam artist president that he helped put in office.
Yes folks, even the Russians know the quickest way to take over a nation is to divide and conquer.
Keep dividing Americans through race wars and then consistently blackmail the POTUS and then systematically force him to demolish democracy as we know it.
The POTUS has always been a wheeling, dealing, scam artist, racist, liar and cheat.
If this is what they voted for to run America...well then they are getting what they deserve!
I'm just waiting for the other shoe to drop.
Looks like the old white boys are being beaten at their own game. "divide and conquer."
Blacks are the epitome of whiny little bitches. Plus, you're always obsessed with other men's dicks. Weirdos.
Roger Stone is in a heap of trouble.
-Doug in Oakland
Tarsands seems to forget his skanky Ivory Ape ass descended from the same tree as other primates. He also forgets his Ivory Ape branch is rushing headlong back towards that tree while Blacks evolve and grow. Ungawa, bitch.
Putting the skunk in charge of the hen house. Should work real well with Meyer's reputation.
White males are the epitome of whiny little bitches. Plus, you're always obsessed with other men's dicks. Weirdos.
Notorious RBG has cancerous nodes removed from left lung. She has to outlast this crazy son of a bitch in the kremlin annex.
The entire Philly Police Department should close up shop and leave "the community" to their own indigenous behavior.
I'm sick of hearing about poverty and every other euphemism that is ad nauseum in negro articles. Plenty of "poor people" are the most decent humans in the entire world...these Philly chimps undoubtedly have EBT, housing, and the rest of the standard gibs provided. The behavior is the problem with "the community" in Philly and elsewhere. All these city employees and other leaders are just another waste of taxpayer money that is wantonly thrown at these savages. Nothing can be accomplished in business accept the loss and move on. The majority of residents complaining about this Negro violence are assuredly chimps themselves who thrive in the environment of this unexplainable behavior.
If you notice in public places or work with the Negro they are always arguing or yelling on the phone...something is always upsetting the delicate balance in the low IQ brain...then it's time for the Category 5 to begin.
The story of American culture of the past few decades is the story of the continual lowering of the behavioral bar, so as not to have to hold blacks accountable.
So Fergus pulled out of Syria on Erdogan's orders, not Putin's.
Still, Putin is happy about it, and since it's the Turks we're talking about, the Kurds are definitely fucked.
Let's be clear: we have no good options in Syria. Let's also be clear: times like that are when capable leadership is most important.
-Doug in Oakland
Privileged whitey wingnuts are more likely to not be held accountable than Blacks. When was the last time a wasicu wastey was arrested for mowing grass or laughing at police officers? How about whitey being arrested for swimming or being strangled to death for selling cigarettes?
Who was the last honky shot in the back by a cop for being white, fuckstick?
The story of American culture of the past few decades is the story of the continual lowering of the behavioral bar, so as not to have to hold blacks accountable.
Ha! Whites have been terrorizing negroes, lynching them and preventing their basic rights. Now that is the history of Amerikkka. Now the present is fuckboys like you spreading bullshit online and bothering people as they try to have adult conversations. Nice job Ivan.
Anon at 2:34 pm, I can't wait for you and your sister fucking ilk to OD on hillbilly heroin. Can't come soon enough for the likes of me.
Anonymous said...
"The story of American culture of the past few decades is the story of the continual lowering of the behavioral bar, so as to..."
Let me finish that for you: so as to make the immoral dishonest, classless right wingnuts more comfortable in their power grab.
Merry racist kkkristmas, Anymoose.
Own it!
Fuck y'all.
54% of the population of Harlan County Kaintuck is on gubmint welfare and yet they keep voting more conservative every election.
Drumpf will be throwing many off SNAP benefits and they will love him for it because they are inbred or something. They could not survive if their every need isn't met by government programs and wingnuts always say it is Blacks that do this.
Drumpfuck loves playing games with people's lives and livelihoods. It is all fun and games to him. Thanks stoopid fucking inbred wingnut voters.
This place is such a fucking waste of time.
I dream of the day when the white race is no more. Then, and only then, can we achieve true peace.
Blacks aren't good for much, except for maybe sports, and even then you people can't even respect the flag. Morons.
I've noticed Butt Trumpet never travels to Africa. He knows he will be shamed with his pathetic micro dick compared to all those well endowed Africans. That's why he only visits shit holes like Mississippi and Indiana.
Mike from Iowa is a retard.
Mike from Iowa is a faggot.
somebody on Facebook expressed confusion. Who's the leader of this country? Putin, King Salman, or Erdogan? Politics are so confusing.
What is it with whites and their obsession with building walls? What a stupid race of "people."
The Wall GoFundMe is up to $13 million.
$13 million of MAGA chumps' money that is going to go straight into Trump's pocket, with no wall ever being built ...
Fuck the gooks and chinks!
Dow down another 400 points, stoopid fucking Drumpf lovers. Worst week in 10 years. All Drumpf's fault. Obama gifted stoopid cry baby Drumpf a stock market in record territory and Drumpf can't maintain it. Bwahahahahahahahahahahahaha!
In essence, what it really comes down to is that blacks don't want there to be any consequences for anything they do. Even tickets for traffic infractions are considered an attack on their freedom to do as they please and any consequences of not paying for their misbehavior is just considered a continuation of the attack. More and more, they remind me of out of control obnoxious children screaming, "Leave me alone! I don't care! I'm gonna do whatever I want! You're just being mean to me!" Of course, this always segues into shouts of discrimination, racism, profiling, disparate impact and oppression. It doesn't matter whether it's traffic offenses, their children breaking the rules in school and misbehaving and getting punished for it or blacks wanting to walk around carrying illegal concealed weapons in public. They want to get away with all of it and get outraged, offended and feel disrespected when not allowed to and claim they're being unfairly targeted and affected. You're supposed to ignore the fact that they engage in far more inappropriate behaviors and thus suffer far more consequences. Please buy into their victim narrative- they're "being done wrong" and "kept down."
Put simply, due to their low IQ's and juvenile mentality, they're simply not capable of existing in a first world civilization without being highly disruptive, destructive and a major pain in the ass. You will never see a first world civilization comprised entirely of blacks- it's beyond their comprehension and capability except perhaps for the magical ten percent and that's simply not enough to make a difference. The entire goal of the other 90 percent is to drag everything down to their low level so they can feel "free" and do anything they want. Of course, then they blame everyone else for the horrible conditions that result and scream for everyone else to "help and make a difference" because "you caused all dis! It yo fault! You owes us!"
Bottom line: they're not ready for civilization and need to be off on their own somewhere to revel in their stupidity. They can be free of the requirements of first world civilizations and first world civilizations can be gloriously free of them.
I support BLM well enough, but I am concerned about the amount of sexism and misogyny that comes out of the African-American community, and nary a peep from supposedly strong black women. And of course your rap "music" glorifies misogyny and violence against women. It's hard to support you people when you're like this.
Funny you should say that Jennifer,
In the U.S., black women face higher rates of domestic violence than do women of all other races. In Dallas County, the most likely type of person to be killed by a romantic partner is a black woman, age 20 to 29.Black women are four times more likely than their white peers to be murdered by a boyfriend or girlfriend, and twice as likely to be killed by a spouse. And they are seven times more likely to be slain while pregnant than white women.Because Black men are more violent. Domestic violence wasn’t really discussed in their community, she added. Women and girls were afraid of being judged or having their partners judged. So they stayed quiet.There is a deep culture of silence in black communities,“People already feel like black men are more violent, that black women are loud ... all these stereotypes,” Flowers said. “You don’t want to open your community up for more scrutiny.”
There’s also a general attitude that women should stand by their partners, no matter what,
So Drumpfuck the dumbfuck thinks 4 legged coyotes and criminals are smuggling people over the border.
Mike from Iowa never matured past age 10.
71% of respondents, including 49% wingnuts say a sitting bogus potus should be subject to indictment while in office.
Exxon attorney wrote kremlin annex comments about new EPA pick.
White people and their food are bland af.
From Taegan Goddard:
Washington Post: “At perhaps the most fragile moment of his presidency — and vulnerable to convulsions on the political right — Trump single-handedly propelled the U.S. government into crisis and sent markets tumbling with his gambits this week to salvage signature campaign promises.”
“The president’s decisions and conduct have led to a fracturing of Trump’s coalition. Hawks condemned his sudden decision to withdraw U.S. troops from Syria. Conservatives called him a ‘gutless president’ and questioned whether he would ever build a wall. Political friends began privately questioning whether Trump needed to be reined in.”
Politico: “Even some stalwart Trump allies are privately expressing new levels of concern about the president’s erratic behavior.”
-Doug in Oakland
Remember when BLM was "relevant" and that's all anybody talked about? It was all just a fad for gullible white liberals and black suckers, which includes every black on this blog. You people really have no mind of your own, so you just regurgitate what your masters tell you to, which is why all of a sudden you care about Trump's wall. I wasn't even aware blacks ventured outside of their wacko Afrocentrism.
This whole cult/klan of Trump and the idea of his idiotic wall are almost as bad as anything the 1980's puked out.
Black men are gross.
Fag Negro is a hack.
Trump is shit.
Obama is shit.
Conservatives are shit.
Liberals are shit.
This blog is shit.
Trump supporters are the epitome of dumbed-down, lowest common denominator people.
Blacks really need to get over themselves. There is more to this world than you people. Geez.
This place is an intellectual dead zone.
OT but check this out. Sorry to disrupt the parade of anti-blah racism.😆
StealthTweet said...
" I dream of the day when the white race is no more. Then, and only then, can we achieve true peace.
4:58 PM"
Uh huh. I suppose Africa could show us the way. Look at what happened to S. Africa, or Zimbabwe/Rhodesia?
Two of the wealthiest countries in Africa?
They are now toast, begging for money.
Oh this definitely made my day.
I'm a 6'3 Chinese-American and I have to say that, for all your "pro-black" rhetoric, you people sure do love parroting white mainstream media a lot. Why not bring a "black" perspective to these issues instead of just relying on what your white masters tell you? Then again, critical thinking has never been an area of strength with you people.
See more at:
Hey PilotX, how often do you and your co-pilot give each other head?
Kill white men.
Fuck white women.
The internet is crawling with racist, inbred, wasicu wastey trash from the bowels of backwoods trailer parks. Glad they stick around. Makes it easier to round them up and deport them to the nearest African copper mine. Let's see how fast whitey wingnut assimilates there.
Have we learned nothing from the Communist wall in Germany? Anyone who thinks the border wall will be built is delusional.
The reason that African countries are struggling is because of WHITE people. They colonized them, then screwed them a million times over. They brought their disease and depravity. That's all the white race is good for.
Here's the judge in the Obamacare ruling in his natural setting-
Drumpf foundation's real mission-
Lieburals declare slavery "America's original sin", the indelible moral stain of white people. (Never mind the millions of black slaves in present-day Africa, they have black owners who can't be noticed, let alone criticized.)
Makes it easier to round them up and deport them to the nearest African copper mine.
Lieburals DO love them some slavery, though, as long as it's white people enslaved.
You can't make this shit up. The moral twists put professional contortionists to shame.
Have we learned nothing from the Communist wall in Germany?
Have we learned nothing from the Jewish wall in Israel? It cut their illegal infiltration problem by 99.9%.
Walls work.
African countries and black cities are generally shit holes because blacks aren't good at running things, except from the cops. LOL
Drumpfuck is mad he can't golf for two weeks because he forced the gubmint to shut down. Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww, shucky darn!
It is no longer a wall. It is a steel slat fence with gaps wide enough for people to slip through.
Damn violent liberals. Wait.What?
I'm as liberal as the next person, but I also have enough common sense to know that minorities and people of color need to pick their battles more sensibly. There are more important issues to worry about than things like "cultural appropriation." If you people and other POC's started worrying about things that affect all of us and less time on trivial issues, it would benefit everybody.
Anonymous Valerie Rhodes said...
"I'm as liberal as the next person, but I also have enough common sense to know that minorities and people of color need to pick their battles more sensibly."
No, Valerie, you are not "as liberal as the next person." If you were, you'd know what black people face every day in America. As it is, you know nothing much about the issues that are important to them.
If you want to understand the Black experience, try reading a book by a black author. For historical perspective "FREEMAN" by Leonard Pitts Jr. is a good place to start.
Happpy Holidays.
72-28% say no way Jose to pardons.
Valerie Rhodes Squallor- you are as liberal as Drumpf is honest. Get over your bad self.
Notorious RBG- what a woman's woman looks and acts like.
Fuck you stoopid fucking wingnuts.
TY Gamble, methinks that poster is a fraud.
RBG worked with lung cancer to try to protect women seventy years younger than her from the likes of Brett Kavanaugh and Clarence Thomas.
That's the kind of thing liberals stand for.
-Doug in Oakland
Nobody wants to appear along with "what a" Maroon 5 in the Super Bowl LIII half-time show:
Progressives put Americans in harms way.....
8:22 AM
Anonymous StealthTweet said...
The reason that African countries are struggling is because of WHITE people. They colonized them, then screwed them a million times over. They brought their disease and depravity. That's all the white race is good for.
8:33 AM"
Gimme a break. "whites", as you call them, brought slavery to Africa? Don't Africans still practice slavery? Especially Ghana, where the freaking UN Kofi Anan was from?
Disease? Like Ebola?
You are so stupid public-schooled.
Go back to Africa and "make a difference"
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