"On January 20, 2017, Donald Trump stood on the steps of the Capitol, raised his right hand, and solemnly swore to faithfully execute the office of president of the United States and, to the best of his ability, to preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution of the United States. He has not kept that promise.
This is not a partisan judgment. Many of the president’s fiercest critics have emerged from within his own party. Even officials and observers who support his policies are appalled by his pronouncements, and those who have the most firsthand experience of governance are also the most alarmed by how Trump is governing.
The oath of office is a president’s promise to subordinate his private desires to the public interest, to serve the nation as a whole rather than any faction within it. Trump displays no evidence that he understands these obligations. To the contrary, he has routinely privileged his self-interest above the responsibilities of the presidency. He has failed to disclose or divest himself from his extensive financial interests, instead using the platform of the presidency to promote them. This has encouraged a wide array of actors, domestic and foreign, to seek to influence his decisions by funneling cash to properties such as Mar-a-Lago (the “Winter White House,” as Trump has branded it) and his hotel on Pennsylvania Avenue. Courts are now considering whether some of those payments violate the Constitution.
As for the liberties guaranteed by the Constitution, Trump has repeatedly trampled upon them. He pledged to ban entry to the United States on the basis of religion, and did his best to follow through. He has attacked the press as the “enemy of the people” and barred critical outlets and reporters from attending his events. He has assailed black protesters. He has called for his critics in private industry to be fired from their jobs. He has falsely alleged that America’s electoral system is subject to massive fraud, impugning election results with which he disagrees as irredeemably tainted. Elected officials of both parties have repeatedly condemned such statements, which has only spurred the president to repeat them.
These actions are, in sum, an attack on the very foundations of America’s constitutional democracy.
That is precisely backwards. It is absurd to suggest that the Constitution would delineate a mechanism too potent to ever actually be employed. Impeachment, in fact, is a vital protection against the dangers a president like Trump poses. And, crucially, many of its benefits—to the political health of the country, to the stability of the constitutional system—accrue irrespective of its ultimate result. Impeachment is a process, not an outcome, a rule-bound procedure for investigating a president, considering evidence, formulating charges, and deciding whether to continue on to trial.
The fight over whether Trump should be removed from office is already raging, and distorting everything it touches. Activists are radicalizing in opposition to a president they regard as dangerous. Within the government, unelected bureaucrats who believe the president is acting unlawfully are disregarding his orders, or working to subvert his agenda. By denying the debate its proper outlet, Congress has succeeded only in intensifying its pressures. And by declining to tackle the question head-on, it has deprived itself of its primary means of reining in the chief executive.
Democrats picked up 40 seats in the House of Representatives in the 2018 elections. Despite this clear rebuke of Trump—and despite all that is publicly known about his offenses—party elders remain reluctant to impeach him. Nancy Pelosi, the speaker of the House, has argued that it’s too early to talk about impeachment. Many Democrats avoided discussing the idea on the campaign trail, preferring to focus on health care. When, on the first day of the 116th Congress, a freshman representative declared her intent to impeach Trump and punctuated her comments with an obscenity, she was chastised by members of the old guard—not just for how she raised the issue, but for raising it at all.
Pelosi and her antediluvian leadership team served in Congress during those fights two decades ago, and they seem determined not to repeat their rivals’ mistakes. Polling has shown significant support for impeachment over the course of Trump’s tenure, but the most favorable polls still indicate that it lacks majority support. To move against Trump now, Democrats seem to believe, would only strengthen the president’s hand. Better to wait for public opinion to turn decisively against him and then use impeachment to ratify that view. This is the received wisdom on impeachment, the overlearned lesson of the Clinton years: House Republicans got out ahead of public opinion, and turned a president beset by scandal into a sympathetic figure.
Other institutions are already acting as brakes on the Trump presidency. To the president’s vocal frustration, federal judges have repeatedly enjoined his executive orders. Robert Mueller’s investigation has brought convictions of, or plea deals from, key figures in his campaign as well as his administration. Some Democrats are clearly hoping that if they stall for long enough, Mueller will deliver them from Trump, obviating the need to act themselves.
But Congress can’t outsource its responsibilities to federal prosecutors. No one knows when Mueller’s report will arrive, what form it will take, or what it will say. Even if Mueller alleges criminal misconduct on the part of the president, under Justice Department guidelines, a sitting president cannot be indicted. Nor will the host of congressional hearings fulfill that branch’s obligations. The view they will offer of his conduct will be both limited and scattershot, focused on discrete acts. Only by authorizing a dedicated impeachment inquiry can the House begin to assemble disparate allegations into a coherent picture, forcing lawmakers to consider both whether specific
charges are true and whether the president’s abuses of his power justify his removal.
Democrats’ fear—that impeachment will backfire on them—is likewise unfounded. The mistake Republicans made in impeaching Bill Clinton wasn’t a matter of timing. They identified real and troubling misconduct—then applied the wrong remedy to fix it. Clinton’s acts disgraced the presidency, and his lies under oath and efforts to obstruct the investigation may well have been crimes. The question that determines whether an act is impeachable, though, is whether it endangers American democracy. As a House Judiciary Committee staff report put it in 1974, in the midst of the Watergate investigation: “The purpose of impeachment is not personal punishment; its function is primarily to maintain constitutional government.” Impeachable offenses, it found, included “undermining the integrity of office, disregard of constitutional duties and oath of office, arrogation of power, abuse of the governmental process, adverse impact on the system of government.”
I know that Mr. Mueller wants to dot his i's and cross all of hits t's. But I am not sure that the country can wait any longer.
I am just glad that publications like The Atlantic are starting to take notice.
Fag Negro is a hack.
An appropriate "I" word for Butt Trumpet is "infestation." He, his pathetic micro dick, and his whore wife have infested the White House after the well endowed Barack Obama sanitized it from the previous micro dick retards that inhabited it. We must make sure no more of his kind (micro dick white boys) occupy the White House again.
Trump not getting impeached would be almost as bad as anything the 1980's puked out.
The white race is useless. The white race is worthless. The white race is a joke.
Drumpfuck stared in the mirror and took the "Oaf of Office" and flunked it.
My neighbor's teenage daughter was looking fine today. Just had to put that out there.
I’ve read the Atlantic article, which was interesting, but I can’t say I agree that it makes sense to start impeachment proceedings without more evidence against Trump.
It’s not that he doesn’t deserve impeachment based on what we already know right now. He frankly does deserve that. But I think the author of the article is wrong about the political ramifications. Without more damning evidence of wrongdoing, there are too many “low-information” voters who would not see the justification for impeachment and would rally around Trump, causing his popularity to increase. An impeachment effort that doesn’t remove Trump but instead results in him winning a second term would be a catastrophe.
Also, the author acknowledges that the Senate won’t vote to remove Trump in an impeachment trial, as long as that chamber is controlled by spineless Republicans, but he thinks there are all these side benefits that will still come from the impeachment process itself.
I don’t believe any of those side benefits will materialize in Trump’s case. Except for the investigation publicly airing out more of Trump’s misdeeds — but that same benefit would also accrue from House investigations short of impeachment.
One of the fucked up ways Fergus is damaging the country and the government thereof, is by deliberately undermining the norms and standards we have always held our presidents to.
The list of things Fergus has done that "would have sunk any other presidency" is as long as his presidency itself, and he revels in it.
It makes him feel powerful and important in ways that the actual presidency has been a disappointment to him.
It makes him feel like he has the clout that he learned to worship from Roy Cohn.
For this reason, impeachment is more dangerous than the article's author seems to believe.
Fergus, as the author pointed out, is only attempting to serve a tiny slice of the population, and not really even them, but instead himself. Having secured his acquittal in the senate by the Republicans terrified of primary challenges where his base are actually a majority, why should he give a rat's ass whether he gets impeached by the house? In his mind it will only prove that he has more clout than the Democrats, the house, and the constitution itself.
We really don't want to prove him right about that, because we have all of the evidence we need to know what he would do with it, and then some of the damage would be on us for acting foolishly and incompetently and enabling it.
We knew it was going to be fucked up to have him as president when he was elected.
So now that it is, in fact, fucked up, we need to rise to the occasion, not let our outrage at the things we knew full well he might do distract us from our best and most effective approaches at removing him.
Let Mueller finish his work.
Use the Republicans' inaction against the confirmation of everything we already know happened against them to wrest the senate from their grasp at the same time we take back the white house from the worst POTUS in modern history, and use it skillfully and effectively because they will be cheating their panicked asses off.
And if Nancy Pelosi sees the evidence and decides that impeaching the motherfucker is the right thing to do, then impeach the motherfucker, because unlike Fergus, Nancy Pelosi knows what she's doing and can be trusted with that decision.
-Doug in Oakland
To the president’s vocal frustration, federal judges have repeatedly enjoined his executive orders.
Judges who said nothing when Obama put a travel ban on certain countries were suddenly exercised when Trump put a travel ban on THOSE SAME COUNTRIES.
The law puts immigration policy under exclusive control of the executive. The judicial branch has no say in it. Those judges were arrogating executive power to themselves. You want proper subjects for impeachment? Start with those judges.
Robert Mueller’s investigation
Is about to end with indictment of Mueller himself.
The DOJ knew that the Steele dossier was connected to Clinton when they used it as "evidence" for the FISA warrant on the Trump campaign. Bruce Ohr told them in advance. Everyone associated with the FISA warrant is culpable, and everything proceeding from the FISA warrant is tainted and must be thrown out. This includes every "conviction" or plea deal.
This is the year that your whole rotten edifice of corruption starts to fall down. Trump will probably drag the process out so there's some big event in October of 2020. Trumpslide 2020!
With every passing day, Trump further undermines our national commitment to America’s ideals.
Those "ideals" are anything but American. Tikkun olam, maybe. Globalist, definitely. Anti-American.
The judiciary now regards Trump’s orders with a jaundiced eye, creating precedents that will constrain his successors.
So strange that the jewdiciary didn't overturn DACA while Obama served, and barely canned DAPA. Both were grossly extralegal. It's like... they hate the American people and will only oppose actions which help them.
dinthebeast said...
"One of the fucked up ways Fergus is damaging the country and the government thereof, is by deliberately undermining the norms and standards we have always held our presidents to."
Presidential norms and standards like using the FBI, CIA, and foreign intelligence operatives to wire tap and infiltrate the opposition party's presidential candidate's campaign for the purpose of winning the election? And then when you lose anyway, setting in motion a plot to accuse the rightfully elected President of the crimes that were committed by your side?
I'll take Trump's "unpresidential" behavior over Obama's criminal acts.
Mueller disputes report that Trump directed lawyer to lie
Unless human nature has changed lately, one can confidently predict that Mexican drug cartel money will flow to Democrats in the U.S. who oppose tighter border control. One way or another.
It probably already has.
Mueller’s office just denied the Buzzfeed story.
Hope you all have a nice weekend crying in your soy latte.
Time for the I word....Incarcerate. Prison for Obongo, HRC, McCabe, Comey, Rice, Holder, Lynch, Abedin, Emmanuel, etc. Buzzfeed....Bwahahahahahaha You Commies are truly useful idiots.
Oh good, the crackpot conspiracy theorists are here, and they’re working overtime.
It’s only a matter of time until they go full QAnon.
It's always time for the I Word on your blog Mr. Field Negro, can you say Ill-informed? Irrational? Illiterate? Ignoble? Ignorant? Ignominious? You are the Shepherd of an Evil flock.
Yes, headed by King Crackpot.....Mueller.
Give it a break, field, for goodness sakes,
Fuck the gooks and chinks!
Anonymous said...
"Oh good, the crackpot conspiracy theorists are here, and they’re working overtime.
It’s only a matter of time until they go full QAnon."
True, and they mostly write long, boring posts full of Republican talking points. They don't usually bother with stating any reliable sources for their opinions. Pretty dull stuff.
“True, and they mostly write long, boring posts full of Republican talking points. They don't usually bother with stating any reliable sources for their opinions.”
Because they never have reliable sources. When they give a source, they get laughed at.
I don't think I've seen a more pathetic, embarrassing display than what passed ver the last twenty-four hours in in the liberal media over the fake Cohen story. The hysteria, the psychosis, the derangement. You people should be ashamed. But you won't be.
Mueller did not say the story wasn't true. His spokesman said:
“BuzzFeed’s description of specific statements to the special counsel’s office, and characterization of documents and testimony obtained by this office, regarding Michael Cohen’s congressional testimony are not accurate.”
It remains to be seen which specific parts are not accurate and how.
-Doug in Oakland
Doug is wishplaining again.
How many times does major "RUSSIA SCANDAL" news have to be substantially modified, corrected, retracted, or outright falsified until the media exercises even a modicum of skepticism? Instead they just scream BOOM! together like a bunch of toddlers. Incorrigible hacks.
A vibrant, thriving journalism industry is a vital check on power in this country. That they keep discrediting themselves in such spectacular fashion is horrible for democracy. There is something seriously, catastrophically wrong with media culture right now.
Mueller has investigated Trump for 2 years, and for 9 months before that the FBI investigated him. Mueller continued their work. And they even had spies in his campaign (admitted by Clapper). Even Bob Woodward said he investigated Trump "hard" for 2 years, admits he found nothing.
The only people who still think Trump colluded are the ones who hate his guts, because they want to believe it so bad. most of the politicians, like Adam Schiff, know damn well he didn't collude. I mean, hell, Schiff is on tape attempting to collude with Russia himself. lol
Hey Trump supporters, go suck on my grandma's stale pussy!
Anyfuckingmoose- On Fox News Channel, White House spokesman Hogan Gidley said that the BuzzFeed story was “absolutely ludicrous,” but he repeatedly REFUSED TO DENY the central allegation: that Trump directed Cohen to lie.
Fucking wasicu fuckheads.
Bill Maher of course ran with the bullshit propaganda piece by BuzzFeed. Typical liberal elite....
Save the wolf.wolf wolf bullshit for Sunday night's eclipse and super blood wolf full moon.
Niggers belong in a cage
Yes. It's time to use the "I" word :
'I'sraeli Election 'I'nterference and Collusion
"Mediocre white male" is redundant.
White people and their food are bland af.
Beating a loathsome candidate in the presidential election doesn't rise to the level of High Crimes and Misdemeanors there Judge. This is the only thing the POTUS can be convicted of. And too, I'd hope a man of your intellect would concede after Mr. Muller's slap down on Buzzfeed last evening, that these baseless allegations without end are little more than masterbatory aides to both the left and the chronically butthurt.
Trump supporters don't have brains...or souls.
Bruce Ohr Testified That He Repeatedly Told Senior DOJ and FBI Officials That the Dossier Was Suspect and Paid for By Hillary Clinton, But the DOJ and FBI Hid That From the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court Anyway:
Virtually everyone at the Federal Bureau of Investigation and Justice Department involved in the FBI's counterintelligence probe of candidate Donald Trump knew from the beginning that the investigation, dubbed "Crossfire Hurricane," was based on shaky opposition research compiled by a Trump-hating former British spy and funded by Hillary Clinton's campaign.
Bruce Ohr, the demoted associate attorney general, testified to Congress last August that he repeatedly warned top officials at the FBI and DOJ about Steele's bias and Fusion GPS's conflicts of interest, yet this information was kept hidden from the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court.
And to add insult to injury, instead of investigating the officials who actively participated in the dossier hoax, Special Counsel Robert Mueller hired several of them to be on his team to investigate President Trump.
Strange that Ohr felt the need to warn the DOJ and FBI about Steele's bias and unreliability, but the DOJ and FBI felt the need to hide these exact same warnings from the FISA court.
And this is also a problem: The "Crossfire Hurricane" team claims to not have known nothin' about no dossier until September 2016, but Ohr says he told the team about it on July 30. This included McCabe, Page, Strzok, Weissmann, Ahmad, and Swartz.
That's important, because the Crossfire team continues lying about whether these unverified dossier reports were used to secure the FISA authorization. Their claim is that they couldn't have relied on the dossier, because they didn't even know about it.
But they did know it, and lied to a FISA court to conceal what they knew about it.
Say, isn't the Special Counsel prosecuting a lot of people for making false statements to investigators?
Will they be likewise investigating themselves?
And this might shake your faith in government, but it turns out Adam Schiff might have been lying about this the whole time:
Schiff was emphatic that Bruce Ohr did not meet with FBI officials regarding Chris Steele and the dossier until *after* the FBI obtained the Carter Page FISA. Turns out Schiff was completely wrong, per Ohr's testimony.
Adam Schiff has lots of explaining to do - his memo that countered the Nunes memo is filled with distortions, inaccuracies and outright lies since we now know the truth.
He misled Congress for his own political purposes - time to correct the record:
It's time to think about an indictment of Schiff.
Why do9 you tools insist ion posting material from extreme right wing sources? You should know they will be disregarded as reputable sources by people living in reality.
pjmj? PHuck!
And yet, you poor right wing swine cannot debunk any of the dossier and you stick witth the hope some miracle happens and Drumpf gets swept away in a tidal wave of shitty swampwater so you can claim he was innocent all along.
Ever notice how fast wasicu wasteys change the subject of the day to something that fits Fake Noise narrative talking points? They take pathological lyi9ng Drumpf at his word when he has never, ever told the truth in his life.
mike is losing it.
Sad. But funny.
The University of Michigan Consumer Sentiment Index, a highly respected survey and monthly economic indicator, found that consumers’ confidence in the economy fell sharply in the last month amidst the partial government shutdown, which is now the longest in U.S. history. The index fell to 90.7 this month, down from 98.3 in December. Economists had been expecting this month’s measure to be above 96.
Tired of losing, yet,Anyfuckingmoosepussy?
What is funny is Mueller's team never denied the reports accuracy. Kremlin Annex never denied the report, either. Funny how enlightened stoopid fucking wingnuts take all this bad news and spin it as a positive for their losing side.
During the Bush administration, only 44% of black Americans thought racism was a big problem in our society.
By the end of Obama's second term, the number had risen to 81%.
For Democrats as a whole, the number went from 32% to 76%.
Was the election of the country's first black President the milestone that made everyone think America was racist, or is this development the result of a calculated campaign to divide people for political advantage?
As with many other phenomena, media narrative/events rather than actual experience is the big driver of changes in attitudes. We are all being played.
Maybe Donald Trump should request asylum from Russia in order to evade the law and avoid being forced to do the "Perp Walk" in handcuffs, as he is unceremoniously escorted from the White House.
The Donald would probably enjoy more Golden Showers from Russian prostitutes rather than facing imprisonment in the Big House.
"Was the election of the country's first black President the milestone that made everyone think America was racist, or is this development the result of a calculated campaign to divide people for political advantage?"
Nope, after his election every racist shithead and his brother threw an eight year long fit about it (see also: Tea Party) and instances of shitheaded racism became more common and thus more visible, changing the polling results for the worse.
-Doug in Oakland
Thank Heaven for White People !
"Nope, after his election every racist shithead and his brother threw an eight year long fit about it"
Liberals are the best at projection, hands down.
The cry of Racism, the 24/7 365 days of a year delusional refrain for the lack of Negro abilities, efforts, and results.
Anonymous said...
"How many times does major "RUSSIA SCANDAL" news have to be substantially modified, corrected, retracted, or outright falsified until the media exercises even a modicum of skepticism?"
In my recollection, it hasn't happened at all. If you could cite an example, I will stand corrected. The current fuss over the BuzzFeed article may involve nothing more serious than a minor error regarding some detail.
Anonymous (((Puppet Masters))) said...
"Was the election of the country's first black President the milestone that made everyone think America was racist......."?
No, it wasn't the the election of Americas first black president that made us think America was racist. Rather it was the reaction of the far right to Obama's campaign and election that showed just how racists some Americans are.
Do you not recall the ugly pictures of Barack and Michell that circulated on the internet - the jokes comparing Obama to a monkey, the many racists e-mails from political figures all over the country that were outed by their staff?
Maybe you are not old enough †o remember 2007 and 2008. I remember. I worked as a volunteer on both of his campaigns.
Remember when this blog was a "black blog?" Field, like any hack politician, has pretty much sold his constituents up the river in order to turn his site into just another progressive, anti-Trump echo chamber to gain brownie points with white leftists. It shows Field's clear lack of integrity that he has jumped on a white progressive approved bandwagon. It would be sad if it wasn't already so tedious.
"It would be sad if it wasn't already so tedious."
Nah, the tedious part is all the racist BS from the stormfronters who hang out here. Get rid of them and this is a perfect site.
Another generation of assholes.
Please read what I posted on twitter about Mueller's carefully worded correction of the Buzzfeed story. It changes nothing in terms of the basic premise of the story. Mueller is being very careful with his statement.
I certainly hope that wingnuts will embrace Mueller with the same amount of enthusiasm once his report comes out.
"Another generation of assholes."
Media rings bell, PilotX salivates.
"In my recollection, it hasn't happened at all. If you could cite an example, I will stand corrected."
"Nah, the tedious part is all the racist BS from the stormfronters who hang out here. Get rid of them and this is a perfect site"
"Eye" is right. The majority of commenters here are deranged old white leftists, like Doug, mike, Farting Janitor and Granny who revel in the opportunity to virtue signal and spew nonsense about Trump.
Get rid of the trolls and the site is an intellectual circle jerk.
CNN's Jeffrey Toobin on BuzzFeed: "People are going to take from this story is that the news media are a bunch of leftist liars who are dying to get the president, and they're willing to lie to do it...I just think this is a bad day for us"
He's right about the bad day, but we already knew they were a bunch of leftist liars who are dying to get the president.
President Trump is called an authoritarian, fascist, white nationalist every day - and his position is far, far left of what Barbara Jordan suggested in the 90’s.
“President Trump is called an authoritarian, fascist, white nationalist every day - and his position is far, far left of what Barbara Jordan suggested in the 90’s.”
They must have edited out the part in the history books where Barbara Jordan recommended banning all Muslims and building a massive wall to keep out Mexican rapists.
Done said..
Sorry, dude, but the websites you posted are right-wing rags and therefore are not reliable sources.
3:29 PM
Anonymous said:
"Eye" is right. The majority of commenters here are deranged old white leftists, like Doug, mike, Farting Janitor and Granny who revel in the opportunity to virtue signal and spew nonsense about Trump.
Get rid of the trolls and the site is an intellectual circle jerk.
3:37 PM
LOL! Most of the trolls here post as anonymous because they don't even have enough courage to pick a screen name. They are just a bunch of chickens following the orange child-king over the cliff. They think it's fun to demean others who have more guts than they do. This blog would be much better if they all went back to storm front or some other Nazi site from whence they came.
"Sorry, dude, but the websites you posted are right-wing rags and therefore are not reliable sources."
There's no NPC like an old NPC.
Barbra Jordan was ahead of her and stoopid fucking wingnut's time. But, she is Black and therefore not worth stoopid fucking wingnut's time for them to learn anything from her.
Magat hat wearing Drumpfuck brownshirts from a catholic school surrounded and mocked Native Americans participating in Indigenous Peoples March near Lincoln Memorial today.
Of course whitey outlets portray the Natives as the bad guys, like usual. And like usual they leave out proper context that proves who the victims really are and they aren't wasicu wasteys.
Pew Research- Overall, 58% of the public opposes expanding the wall along the border with Mexico, while 40% supports it.
58-40 means you losers lose. Stoopid fucki9ng wingnuts.
Fake Poll for Fake News.
Do you not recall the ugly pictures of Barack and Michell that circulated on the internet - the jokes comparing Obama to a monkey
Do you not remember GWB being called Chimpy McHitler? Short memory you got there, coalburner.
Barbra Jordan was ahead of her and stoopid fucking wingnut's time. But, she is Black and therefore not worth stoopid fucking wingnut's time for them to learn anything from her.
Trump is trying to implement what Barbara Jordan proposed... but you're against it now, because Orange Man Bad is the limit of what your feeble brain can come up with.
Joke: race is a social construct.
Woke: blacks are still pleading for their own thugs not to kill each other. Nobody has to plead with "honkies" to not do that.
Joke wasicus are human
woke- wasicus are stoopid fucking inbred drug addicted trailer trash
from the truth as espoused by mfi
"Nobody has to plead with "honkies" to not do that."
Pleading doesn't work with them. Millions of people protested it, but they invaded Iraq and killed between a half-million and a million ordinary people anyway.
-Doug in Oakland
Obama invaded Libya and Syria and killed between a half-million and a million ordinary people anyway.
And Field thought that was just fine.
First, no he didn't, and second, I'm sure none of those military decisions was made by a white guy.
-Doug in Oakland
"The Atlantic" LOL
Mueller has nothing except hundreds of millions of wasted dollars. When is he investigated?
Four boys kidnapped and gang-raped a girl in Delaware. Their ages range from 12 to 14.
They were stupid enough to RECORD some of their crimes on the victim's cell phone, and let her escape with it afterward. Of course, they are all black.
While neither Cohen nor his representatives had ever said explicitly that Trump directed Cohen to lie to Congress, Guy Petrillo, Cohen’s attorney, wrote in a memo in advance of his sentencing, “We address the campaign finance and false statements allegations together because both arose from Michael’s fierce loyalty to Client-1. In each case, the conduct was intended to benefit Client-1, in accordance with Client-1’s directives.”
Client 1 directed Cohen to lie. Cut and dried. Guilty. Execute Client 1.
As of last November, Mueller investigation total cost was around 27 million. In 5 years investigating Bill Clinton's zippers, Starr and circus racked up 92 million dollars.
And you are all stoopid fucking racist whiny wasicu wastey haters.
All fake news by the violent alt left to destroy democracy.....
I would be very surprised if they allowed themselves to admit that this insane puppet should be
"I_ _ _ _ _ _ _ D"
He is their "GREAT WHITE HOPE!"
So while they may not like the package that he comes in or the way he comports himself with the shit that comes out of his mouth, they see him as their security for the preservation of the "Blue Collar White Man" in America (as they see it.)
But has anyone with even half a brain asked themselves: "When in the hell was the last time some white guy wanted to stand out in 100+ degree weather and pick crops?"
ANSWER: NEVER (that's why they stole Africans and forced them to do it WITHOUT PAY!)
And half of the people yelling the "Build A Wall" shit are the same ones who have them already working for them as landscapers, bricklayers, farmers, domestics, and nannies....
They're all a bunch of HYPOCRITES!
The "I" word......Wolf...….Wolf......Wolf...….
Yisheng = nigger
lilac = cunt
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