Mr. trump might not have colluded with the Russian government, but he certainly colluded with RUSSIANS who might or might not been connected to the government.
In the meantime, I have an essay for you to read which you might find interesting.
"The report by Special Counsel Robert Mueller, which does not establish that Donald Trump or his campaign actively took part in a conspiracy with Russia to subvert the 2016 presidential election, is a major blow to Trump’s political opponents.
Critics on the left and the right have attacked news outlets that pumped up the Russia investigation, inflating hopes for defeating Trump based on the theory that he was a real-life Manchurian Candidate, elected by conspiring with Russia to subvert the outcome of the 2016 election.
The truth is less dramatic, but more sordid: It’s not that Trump engaged in secret dealings with the Russians in order to become President of the United States; it’s that Trump ran for President as a publicity stunt, figuring he would lose, all the while focusing on his real goal: a secret hotel deal he was working out with the Russians to build his Trump Tower Moscow.
We learned the details of that scheme from Michael Cohen, Trump’s personal attorney, who testified before the House Oversight Committee: “To be clear, Mr. Trump knew of and directed the Trump-Moscow negotiations throughout the campaign and lied about it. He lied about it, because he never expected to win.”
Cohen, who pleaded guilty to felony charges and was sentenced to prison after lying to Congress to protect Trump, is one of the many people with close ties to Trump who have been criminally charged as a result of the Mueller investigation. Others include Trump’s former campaign chairman, Paul Manafort, former deputy campaign chairman Rick Gates, former National Security Adviser, Michael Flynn, former campaign foreign policy adviser George Papadopoulos, and former campaign strategist Roger Stone.
The claim that the Mueller investigation was a big nothingburger flies in the face of all thirty-four indictments by the special counsel, as well as the facts that we know were uncovered—even without reading the full report.
In fact, Attorney General William Barr’s four-page summary disproves Trump’s claims that the investigation was simply a “witch hunt.”
Barr notes that Mueller found plenty of evidence of Russian hacking and a disinformation campaign aimed at tilting the outcome of the 2016 election in Trump’s favor. That alone is sufficient justification for the investigation.
Mueller also explicitly stated, according to Barr, that, on obstruction of justice, “while this report does not conclude that the President committed a crime, it also does not exonerate him.”
What the Mueller investigation did not find was an explicit agreement between the Trump campaign and the Russian government to subvert the election. Mueller left it to the Attorney General’s office to decide whether the investigation had uncovered conclusive proof of obstruction by the President. The Attorney General quickly decided to clear Trump on that charge. Members of Congress are demanding to see the evidence. And they should.
Meanwhile, thanks to Mueller, we have learned a lot more about the mobster-like behavior of the President of the United States. As Cohen explained to the House Oversight Committee: “Mr. Trump did not directly tell me to lie to Congress. That’s not how he operates.”
“Mr. Trump had made clear to me through his personal statements to me that we both knew to be false, and through his lies to the country, that he wanted me to lie,” Cohen continued. “And he made it clear to me because his personal attorneys reviewed my statement before I gave it to Congress.”
In other words, Trump is smart enough to hint about crimes he wants his aides to commit, without coming out and making an explicit agreement to that effect.
What is important here is not whether Trump directed the Russian government to interfere in the election. What’s important is that the Russian government meddled in our election to help him, and that we now have a President of the United States who lies continually, who puts his own financial interests ahead of the interests of the country, and who is stunningly unprepared and uninterested in his job, and was as shocked as anyone that he was elected in the first place.
Trump has used his time in office to stir up conflict and petty personality wars to serve his own ego, and to continue running his family business, Sopranos-style. Cohen is going to prison in part for a scheme to use campaign funds to make hush-money payments to a porn star for Trump.
We are sure to learn more tawdry details about the Trump organization’s business practices and campaign finance violations from the investigation now underway in the Southern District of New York.
This much is clear: The case against Trump is not over with the Mueller report. Forget the spin about a report that did not find specific criminally indictable evidence of a conspiracy with Russia. Focus on the mountain of evidence that the President is unfit for office." [Story]
From AOL news, about Jussie Smollett:
Joe Magats, flat out said he believes the actor lied to the police. “I do not believe [Jussie] is innocent,” he told CBS Chicago.
He added to ABC Chicago, “This was not an exoneration. To say that he was exonerated by us or anyone is not true. We believe he did what he was charged with doing.”
So both Smollett and Trump are temporarily off the hook, but neither are exonerated. Are those two in some kind of weird entangled quantum state? So when we finally get a measurement of one of them we'll also get a measurement of the other?
... and that name "Magats" is more quantum weirdness. So what next? Is Schroedinger's Impeachment both alive and dead?
Things are just getting interesting. Hang on.
At least one of Mueller's grand juries is still "robustly active" so it doesn't seem as if the fat lady has sung quite yet, in the story of Fergus' legal woes.
And let's get real, if the Mueller report completely exonerated Fergus, it would be all over the internet in its entirety and there would be free copies of it piled up in old newspaper vending machines coast to coast.
-Doug in Oakland
"Joe Magats, flat out said he believes the actor lied to the police. 'I do not believe [Jussie] is innocent,' he told CBS Chicago.
He added to ABC Chicago, 'This was not an exoneration. To say that he was exonerated by us or anyone is not true. We believe he did what he was charged with doing.'"
Show us the Smollett report!
Also, the Mueller report.
In both cases, the argument is that information is not being released to "protect the innocent." I actually rather doubt it's the "innocent" who are being protected in either case.
BHO made the call to Kim Fixx office and made the deal.
"Mueller Report Does Not Disprove that Trump Is a Crook The truth is less dramatic, but more sordid."
Complete bullshit from the radical alt left(communist).
Anonymous said...
"BHO made the call to Kim Fixx office and made the deal."
11:42 PM
And you know this because"(Please pick one)
1. You tapped BHO's phone and recorded the conversation?
2. You tapped Kim Fixx's phone and recorded the conversation?
3. You read this on Breitbsrt?
4. You saw it on FOX News?
Chicago March 2018 to Date:
Shot & Killed: 24
Shot & Wounded: 106
Total Shot: 130
Total Homicides: 26
Hi Field,
"Mueller Report Does Not Disprove that Trump Is a Crook The truth is less dramatic, but more sordid."
We have not yet seen the Mueller Report, so claims that Trump has been exonerated are premature. When all of the investigations are completed, the entire country will know how completely corrupt, self-serving, and dishonest Mr. Trump is. There are diehard Trump fans who will never believe it, but the majority of Americans will.
If the report exonerated Trump, then utterly corrupt McConnell would insist on its release. As is, there's a cover-up.
Suppose that Cohen was right, and Donald Trump didn't really want to win. I call this the Producers Theory, after the 1967 Mel Brooks film. If so, then in winning, Trump lost. The Russians screwed him over, by pushing him over the top; so in that sense there was no collusion, only a deal in which he came out the screwee. But if so then why is he so nice to Putin? Trump's all about getting even.
His tax returns would probably be interesting also, and probably in the same ugly but disappointing way.
-Doug in Oakland
But Doug, we already know that he's broke. And crooked, and tax-evasive, and in hock to crooks.
"BHO made the call to Kim Fixx office and made the deal."
And why, exactly, would Obama even want to do this, even if he could? What does Obama have to gain from some random actor avoiding punishment for his extremely stupid actions?
You seem to believe that Obama gives a shit about Jussie Smollett simply because they are both black. Or because Obama's wife happens to know someone who also happens to be friends with Smollett.
This is one weak-ass conspiracy theory.
I wanted to show Mrs. Junior some of the funny YouTube send-ups of the excellent portrayal of 56-year-old Hitler in the movie Downfall. But we soon learned that all of the funny ones about Hitler screaming and ranting about stupid America allowing Trump to be elected had all been scrubbed by Trumpistas due to supposed copyright infringement. So we decide to watch the movie again just for the sake of filmology. A solid twenty-six months into the Trump presidency, having observed the blind loyalty and unswerving love and affection that Trumpies hold for their cherished God-Emperor, it was extremely difficult not to think of Hitler himself as Trump and his weeping inner circle as hopeless Trumpies facing the inevitable downfall of their own Führer. Of course logical scenarios of such a spectacular downfall for Trump are implausible. But it was fun to think about the reactions of the Trumpistas when he is voted out of office. They will believe with all of their hearts that all is lost.
Downfall is the sad story of Hitler's last days as the Nazis hunker down to Russia's relentless siege and conquest of Berlin in Spring of 1945.
I'm sticking to my initial prediction that David Dennison will depart the presidency before December. Trump days are numbered and the pending indictment of his love child and her dummy husband will be the catalyses for his quick departure in the dead of night.
Drumpfuck may technically not have colluded but his shit fer brains brat did and Drumpf verified that after he quit lying about it.
Magats is a perfectly logical descriptor to use for magat hat wearing magats.
One more thing, if there is one thing a Drumpf does not need it is someone to lie for them. They be pathological lying inbred varmints.
President Trump calls on Adam Schiff to resign, accuses him of 'knowingly and unlawfully lying and leaking'
There is legal lying in Drumpf's sordid lying world?
Drumpf has confused Schiff with Devin Numbnuts who carried the water for the White House during the alleged House investigation N umbnuts was kicked off for walking classified info to Drumpf.
Anonymous said...
"BHO made the call to Kim Fixx office and made the deal."
And why, exactly, would Obama even want to do this, even if he could? What does Obama have to gain from some random actor avoiding punishment for his extremely stupid actions?
You seem to believe that Obama gives a shit about Jussie Smollett simply because they are both black. Or because Obama's wife happens to know someone who also happens to be friends with Smollett.
This is one weak-ass conspiracy theory.
1:01 AM
Don't give up the day job to be a profiler sparklefarter….
TRUMP 2020!!
Being far-left, liberal, or a Democrat, means you never have to apologize for anything
Chicago 2019 Year to Date:
Shot & Killed: 69
Shot & Wounded: 334
Total Shot: 403
Total Homicides: 77
And why, exactly, would Obama even want to do this, even if he could?
To rub America's collective nose in the utter impunity of black criminals.
To show everyone just how much they've corrupted the system, and laugh at us.
But since they've obstructed justice, this seems only too likely to backfire. Q: "These people are stupid." Yup. As stupid as Jism Smellitt.
Cook County State’s Attorney Kim Foxx earlier this month released a series of text messages and emails to and from Tina Tchen, a prominent Chicago attorney and former chief of staff to Michelle Obama, and an unnamed Smollett relative.
The messages were sent to convey the family's unease with how police were handling their investigation of an alleged attack on the actor at a moment when police were still classifying Smollett as a victim, according to Tchen.
“I know members of the Smollett family based on prior work together,” Tchen said in a statement. “Shortly after Mr. Smollett reported he was attacked, as a family friend, I contacted Cook County State’s Attorney Kim Foxx, who I also know from prior work together. My sole activity was to put the chief prosecutor in the case in touch with an alleged victim’s family who had concerns about how the investigation was being characterized in public.”
Foxx said she recused herself from the investigation because of her contacts with Tchen and the Smollett family member. The prosecutor wrote to Police Superintendent Eddie Johnson after the contacts to convey that the family wanted the FBI to take over the investigation, according to copies of emails and text released by the State’s Attorney’s Office.
Much wingnut bullshit spouted about nothing burger- like usual. It ain't liken she asked Russia to help elect Drumpfuck.
Imagine that, a lawyer actually doing a job lawyers are suopposed to do without covering each other's skanky wingnut asses.
Drumpfuck is in no way off any hook at any time. I can't for the life of me understand why Mueller did not subpoena the entire criminal enterprise and get them all to lie under oath. Real easy. Swear them in, ask their names and charge them with lying about their names. They'd all deny knowing each other and their alleged porcine pig of a dad.
Good of your king anyfuckingmoosepussy. Try to top this by punching an 8 year girl of color. Right up yer alley.
Anonymous said...
"To rub America's collective nose in the utter impunity of black criminals.
To show everyone just how much they've corrupted the system, and laugh at us.
But since they've obstructed justice, this seems only too likely to backfire. Q: "These people are stupid." Yup. As stupid as Jism Smellitt."
11:47 AM
This is the dumbest post I have seen so far this year. Your claims are appalling.
“To rub America's collective nose in the utter impunity of black criminals.
To show everyone just how much they've corrupted the system, and laugh at us.”
Ah, I see. Because you’re a demented troll who spends all his time taunting people who don’t look like you, you imagine everyone else is also afflicted with this warped, pathological obsession.
So Obama, in your view, sits around rubbing his hands and cackling to himself, “How can I own the wingnuts today? I know — I’ll use my secret powers to make sure Jussie Smollett gets off scot free. That will be such a sick burn! The talking heads on Fox will never get over it!”
Makes perfect sense.
Gambler2 ASKA White Woman: the dumbest post this year? A high bar; and the year is still young.
More than 300 pages long. What's with a 4 page summary? Sounds like cherry picking wingnut style. Pick out every phrase that doesn't condemn Drumpf and claim they all exonerate him.
Rural white America 2019 year to date:
OD's: 50,000
Babies traded for meth: 70,000
Showers taken: 7
High school diplomas: 6
Well this chump will be spending the rest of his life behind bars.
PilotX said"
"Well this chump will be spending the rest of his life behind bars.
5:21 PM
I hope you are right. It's what he deserves.
Howz this fer irony- Lori Loughlin's daughter was denied a trademark for cosmetic line due to poor punctuation. If only she'd gone to college. Bwahahahahahahahahahahahaha!
Looks white enough to be a relative of anyfuckingmoose or other trolls.
speaking of meth heads.
"[T]he investigation did not establish that members of the Trump Campaign conspired or coordinated with the Russian government in its election interference activities."
Those brackets around the T indicate that there was more of that sentence preceding what was quoted.
So what did the rest of the sentence say?
As of now, we can't know.
Barr could have included the whole sentence if he didn't want us to speculate about what that one sentence out of over 300 pages really said.
But he didn't. We don't yet know why not, but perhaps because the first half of the sentence was something like:
1) While obviously now operating as a puppet state of the Kremlin...
2) Not that it mattered to the despicable outcome that is the current administration...
or perhaps
3) Although there were mountains of evidence of the president's corruption and manifest unfitness for the office he now holds...
or most likely
4) Since we found the campaign spent most of it's time and resources masturbating the candidate and molesting small animals...
-Doug in Oakland
From front page of the Root today
Lawyering While Black: Cop Detains Attorney in Courthouse, Accuses Him of Impersonating a Lawyer
Is this totally insane or what?
“Those brackets around the T indicate that there was more of that sentence preceding what was quoted.”
How about:
“Donald Trump is a pathological liar, a crooked businessman, an unapologetic racist, and a self-admitted sexual predator, and therefore manifestly unfit to be president of the United States, but ... [T]he investigation did not establish that members of the Trump Campaign conspired or coordinated with the Russian government in its election interference activities."
Maybe we'll find out soon, but not if they can help it.
-Doug in Oakland
Hey Field and the rest of youse guys, have you seen Us yet?
"I hope you are right. It's what he deserves."
Well it was either that or lethal injection. I think it's the right sentence since I don't believe in the death penalty.
Pissed-off city of Chicago officials have sent Jussie Smollett a bill for $130,000 for the cost of the police investigation into the alleged attack on Smollett, which the cops still maintain was faked.
Trump has been forced to U-turn on the cuts to Special Olympics funding. Someone must have sat Mr. No Empathy down and explained to him that shafting retarded people is a really bad look, even to your average mean and stingy Republican voter.
Fuck heroin, and fuck the way people who are high on it behave.
-Doug in Oakland
"Pissed-off city of Chicago officials have sent Jussie Smollett a bill for $130,000 for the cost of the police investigation into the alleged attack on Smollett, which the cops still maintain was faked."
If he faked it he should pay.
I found a better one in the comment section of the original post on Maddowblog:
"Some would find it politically expedient for me to say that the investigation did not establish that members of the Trump Campaign conspired or coordinated with the Russian government in its election interference activities."
-Doug in Oakland
"Some would find it politically expedient for me to say that the investigation did not establish that members of the Trump Campaign conspired or coordinated with the Russian government in its election interference activities."
A small part of me wouldn't put it past the Trump administration to totally reverse the findings of the Mueller report, and claim innocence when it found guilt.
More likely, it just contains loads of bad, shady shit that is unethical or criminal on its face, but falls short of proving collusion with Russian intelligence. And I'm starting to believe we aren't going to get to see it unless it gets leaked.
Pilot X said,
"Well it was either that or lethal injection. I think it's the right sentence since I don't believe in the death penalty."
8:49 PM
I agree with you. I, too am opposed to the death penalty for a number of reasons.
" And I'm starting to believe we aren't going to get to see it unless it gets leaked."
And you know that if Barr thought it was good for Fergus it would have been leaked already.
-Doug in Oakland
"And you know that if Barr thought it was good for Fergus it would have been leaked already."
If Trump thought it actually looked good for him and his chums, he'd make it publicly downloadable on a federal website. And then he'd tweet out the link for all of his followers to go check out how just how thoroughly Mueller had exonerated him (with more ranting about Democrat witch hunts, of course).
Instead, he's tossing it into the same safe where he locks up his tax returns.
Except that at more than 300 pages long, there's no way Fergus has read it. That's why it's up to his hand-picked protector and his staff to tell him what's what, and judging by his behavior in the past few days, I don't think it was good news.
-Doug in Oakland
Those brackets around the T indicate that there was more of that sentence preceding what was quoted.
It means the printed version started with a "drop cap", specifically a letter "T".
You could have looked up the original, but tards gonna tard.
Drumpfuck's pick for Nat Sec adviser Flynn met Russian agents and talked of removing sanctions before Drumpf was sworn in. COLLUSION!
Drumpfuck Jr knowingly and willingly met with Russian lawyer/government agents to be handed over dirt on HRC during campaign. COLLUSION plus he changed his story a million times. Then Drumpf himself lied about the meeting several times. All impeachable offenses if we were talkin g Obama or HRC.
Even the activist, wingnut controlled Spotus is biased and discriminatory.
They blocked a Buddist monk's execution because his spiritual adviser wasn't allowed in the death chamber. Last month the court allowed a Muslim to be executed without his adviser being present because the prison offered christian ministers for other death row inmates.
The court didn't bother to explain the difference.
“It means the printed version started with a ‘drop cap’, specifically a letter ‘T’.
You could have looked up the original, but tards gonna tard.”
LOL, no.
Drop caps are a decorative element in literature. You are not likely to find them in a legal document like the Mueller report.
And you cannot “look up the original.” This is exactly the problem. The original is the actual Mueller report, which the Trump administration is refusing to release — possibly because it isn’t quite as exonerating as Trump claims.
The theory of a republic is that citizens are to be held innocent until proven guilty, and officials are to be held guilty until proven innocent. Tyranny has the opposite theory. For an official to hold back evidence, and claim that it is exonerating, is manifestly evidence of guilt, in a republic.
So maybe Trump really is a crook? On Alternet's front page today is the story of Adam Schiff's response to the GOP demands that he resign. It is spot on and very eloquent. If you haven't seen or heard it, please give it a look.
AG Barr is now saying he will release a "redacted" version of the Mueller report. I guess we'll have to see what he means by "redacted."
Saw a video today naming the top 6 potii with the highest IQ and Clinton was e and Drumpfuck the dumbfuck was listed just ahead of the Rhodes Scholar aND RIGHT behind JFK. What an insult to actual smart persons.
When the Mueller report didn't get Drumpf impeached, but you're anti-gun.
If Michael Cohen is right about Trump never wanting to win, then Trump is worse than a traitor; he's a patsy.
As far as the Charlottesville car murderer, I anticipated something akin to the trial of the new century. I was stunned by how quickly the right threw their true believer helplessly into the grinding cogs of the Federal Justice system. I thought that there would be fund-raising and hell-raising fighting to keep their good boy out of prison.
But alas it was not meant to be. His guilt became part of their twisted narrative. I don't understand it completely as it is not based in fact. But the gist of it is that the right believes Charlottesville was some type of a setup. The most important tenet of their faith is that all of the violence originated from the left. Antifa, BLM, what have you. They refuse to admit that their boys with the clubs were beating on just about anybody at all. Even when I have photographic evidence.
I'm sure that some of you are aware of the young African-American journalist in the parking garage who was set upon by four white supremacists with clubs, or in one instance, part of a broken car barrier from the gate. I published the photos and a synopsis of what happened in the words of another photojournalist who documented the event. Do you remember the story? The young man was on his back near the gate with four Nazis beating and kicking him. They probably would have killed him. But a press of young men saw what was happening and crowded in on the white cowards doing the beating. There was also a right-wing gun guy who was training his pistol on the group of young men running in to help the victim. I have a pic of him levelling his pistol at the group. Out of the corner of his eye he noticed that he was being photographed and drew down and disappeared in an Obama era Dodge Charger.
They didn't care. Honey Badger shit. The long and the short of it is that they abandoned James Alex Fields Jr. to his fate. He is no more one of them than the traitor Michael Cohen.
Honestly, I wish he had been granted bail so that he could have had one last thanksgiving with his parents. That sucker might as well already be in hell.
Geez, another wasicu child molestor. Bet he is a proper stoopid fucking wingnut, too.
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