Friday, August 28, 2020

Mr. trump declares war.

 TWEET METhe trump plan is almost complete. America is heading for a race war, and there seems to be nothing we can do to stop it. 

I watched trump 's speech last night, and as usual he was a garbled and unfocused mess with his delivery. But the overall message and the imagery was clear: This is the new fascist America. All those flags, and the straight up disregard for the law by holding his rally on the lawn of the house that belongs to the American people, was all the proof you needed to see that America is heading to a dangerous place. 

Make no mistake, folks, this is not normal. Sadly, because it's trump, there is no outrage left in us. He has shattered all norms of a decent and law abiding society. 

This is all ironic, of course, because trump's new message is that he is the law and order candidate protecting "decent and God fearing" white folks from marauding mobs of brown people and anarchist. If you listen to all the pundits it will work, because they are white themselves and they know a good strategy to reach white folks when they see it. They are telling Joe Biden that he needs a Sistah Souljah moment to put the left flank of his party in check. 

This is how it has been in America over the last few election cycles. The republicans embrace the far-right, and no one blinks an eye. The democratic party, on the other hand, is called on to put the left wing of their party in check. 

I don't believe all the polls that show Joe Biden up by ten points. trump supporters don't tell pollsters the truth when it comes to their support for Mr. trump. trump's white nationalist message resonates with a lot of them, even though they would never admit it in decent company. This eleIction will be very close. And that's shocking given all that we have seen and heard from Mr. trump over the past three and a half years. 

If Mr. trump does happen to win, I am not sure how my life will change but it could change for a lot of black and brown person who is not as fortunate as I am. Mr. trump will get to appoint two and maybe three justices to the Supreme Court. As someone whose job it is to study the law, I am here to tell you that's a very big deal. 

Of course this all won't matter if America self-destructs as some expect it to do.

"Racism has not been as virulent throughout America since the Civil War, with short fuses burning on a thousand powder kegs. We have seen our greatest law enforcement agency, the FBI, sit for weeks in a stalemate with a small Montana cult, the Freemen, whose leaders preach that the descendants of northern Europeans are "God's chosen people," that Jews are "the children of Satan," and that African Americans and other people of color are by nature dumb and immoral.

We see the Freemen and other hate groups like the Aryan Nation, the skinheads, the Ku Klux Klan, and assorted militias piling up arms for what they say is a coming race war in America that will precede the return of Christ.

These are the adherents of a "Christian Identity" movement whose, followers refuse to pay governmental levies, but collect taxes themselves. They rake in millions through extortion, the widespread use of bogus checks and phony credit cards, and simple extortion.

But local law enforcers and even the FBI are afraid to tangle with them, wary since their disastrous confrontations with the David Koresh cult in Waco, Texas, and the Randy Weaver group at Ruby Ridge in Idaho.

Official, open coddling of these groups pretty much ensures that the race war these white supremacists predict will really come.

I know that these harsh judgments about America as it nears the turn of the century are not what most Americans want to hear. In the wake of the fall of the "Evil Empire" that was the old Soviet Union, with the still-limited development of China and the Third World, and the starkly limited hegemony of European and other "first world" nations, Americans prefer to boast that the United States is the last of the great powers. As proof we cite our nuclear arsenals and the fact that we have the only quick-strike forces capable of moving into Bosnia, Africa, and the Middle East, to wage war or peace, within hours of a White House go-ahead to strike. We like to boast of our economic might, even though we've seen a frightful decline in good, high-paying jobs. We like to think that we are the world's cultural giant because our movies and music, our top television shows, are coveted the world over, this much to the dismay of foreign leaders who think the cultural fare that we export carries the seeds of national destruction.

So much of what Americans boast about nowadays is superficial, even delusionary. Look below the surface. I have done so and concluded that this country, for which I have fought in war and peace, is in precipitous decline. The leaders of Rome, Greece, the Third Reich, the British Empire, never saw the onset of decadence and internal rot in time; we can, and we must, if the United States is not to succumb to its internal hatreds and moral excesses, to be consumed by its own self-destruction. "

-Carl T Rowan-

I'm here to tell you that "harsh judgments about America is exactly what need to hear right now. 


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This is perfectly sane said...

Field Negro said...
"Trump is Hitler because he walked on the lawn. Also he is starting a race war by making BLM burn down the cities."


Joe "Put yall back in chains" Biden said...

In Trump's first 3 years, the number of unarmed blacks killed by police dropped 40% compared to Obama's last 3 years in office:

2014-2016 average: 61
2017-2019 average: 35

This guy is terrible at this race war stuff. I'll Build Back Better!

mike from iowa said...

Wasicu wastey pigs have a long history of sleeping with white scumacysts and other racist groups as long as they, also, are wasicu.

mike from iowa said...

Wasicu pigs love them some white scumacysts and are open about it.

mike from iowa said...

drumpf's great economy is growing slower than Obama's with a million and a half less jobs created before drumpf trashed the economy and lost 22 million jobs.

GDP was negative for the quarter and will really skew drumpf's economic growth rate because drumpf has no fucking idea what he is doing about anything.

The worst POS imposter potus the world has ever seen, bar none. He has fucked over farmers seven ways from Sunday and the debt and deficit he promised would be gone have grown faster than drumpf's body count. And you stoopid fuckers will vote for him again.

Anonymous said...

AOC working hard for your vote:

Helot said...

Who exactly wants a race war? Democrats are seemingly fine with using fear, intimidation and anarchic destruction as a political weapon. I don’t see the right hauling out guillotines and sticking effigies of their political opponents in them. I’m with the anti-guillotine party.

Anonymous said...

Kyle Rittenhouse did nothing wrong, and he will be cleared of all charges:

mike from iowa said...

drumpf personally accounted for nearly 2000 bodies today. Must have been refreshed by all the lies he told at the convention for sick fucking wingnuts.
United States
Coronavirus Cases:

mike from iowa said...

racist drumpf and racist wasicu scumacysts want a race war. Already declared on Central and South American refugees and they are openly going after African Americans in this shithole of drumpf's making.

Gambler2 ASKA White Woman said...

Joe "Put yall back in chains" Biden said...

In Trump's first 3 years, the number of unarmed blacks killed by police dropped 40% compared to Obama's last 3 years in office:

2014-2016 average: 61
2017-2019 average: 35

This guy is terrible at this race war stuff. I'll Build Back Better!

6:18 PM
Please list the source of your data, unless you just made it up. Thanks.

Anonymous said...

So, everyone knew this was coming, right?

Gun rights group fundraising for legal defense of teen charged in deadly Kenosha shooting

It’s only a matter of time before Vigilante Teen starts getting shoutouts from Trump on Twitter, praising him for his heroism.

Trump's tax returns, impeachment trial, payoffs and pardons said...

America might not make it's 250th anniversary. Rev. Wright was right.I

Don Trumpolini has the Mussolini step back move down pat. Fascist!

Anonymous said...

"It’s only a matter of time before Vigilante Teen starts getting shoutouts from Trump on Twitter, praising him for his heroism."

I hope so, and I hope he pardons him if he get railroaded. He was a hero, dispatching three violent felons who were trying to kill him. Kyle Rittenhouse acted in self-defense. Murder charges are factually unsupportable. An egregious miscarriage of justice is occurring with respect to this 17-year old boy.

Gambler2 ASKA White Woman said...

Anonymous at 10:44 PM

Rittenhouse killed two people and wounded a third. What credible evidence do you have that proves he acted in self defense?

Maybe you could be shot by someone who thinks you are threatening him/her. Once civilians start acting as the police, everyone is in danger.

Anonymous said...

Kyle Rittenhouse is being charged for resisting a lynching.

dinthebeast said...

Nah, there really aren't that many Pig People, and very few of them can get out of their own way. If it happened, it would be a very short and one sided war, but it won't happen because the only Pig People who actually do anything that would be useful in a war are secluded in their white is right enclaves out in the boonies and could easily be put down if they dared show their faces where real people live.
The rest of them are just loud at their keyboards but start pissing all over themselves when you confront them about the vicious lies they tell.
That's not to say that there couldn't be people killed by their stupidity, that happens every damn day. There have been something like 60 armed assaults by rampaging Pig People since George Floyd's murder, and that's not that far outside the norm. As long as you have heavily armed crazy people, folks are gonna get hurt.
What is kind of important in considering all of this is how tiny and localized they are. Fergus wants everyone to believe that there's widespread warfare going down all over the country (and that somehow we should vote for him because of it) but in reality, there really isn't that much violence happening. The late eighties and early nineties on any given Tuesday there was more violence and murders than the whole of the response to the murder of unarmed black men by rampaging pigs this summer.
The goddamn DOJ was warned ten years ago that the rise of right wing violence was a terrorist threat, and that the racist meatheads were infiltrating the police and military, but successive goddamn Republican hissy fits about the findings got them basically buried.
We get a new DOJ in January? That trend just may reverse itself a little, and these goddamn wannabe McVeighs won't be getting the formal "attaboy NAZI" from the goddamn white house and we will just have to deal with the inevitable upswing in "militia" and "sovereign citizen" insanity that is always a reaction to a new Democratic administration.
But we can do that. Especially if we don't let the pussy-ass hissy fit they are certain to throw derail our efforts at actually reimposing the rule of law on these fucks.
Basically, "Look at all of the anarchy instead of how badly I fucked up the country and how many people died and were permanently disabled by it, and how far the economy is down the shitter unnecessarily, and how far the US has fallen in the eyes of the rest of the world" is all Fergus has to run on, so instead he's full goose bozo on suppressing the vote that he knows full well he will lose in any fair contest.
Let's see, some looted and burned businesses and government buildings scattered around the places where the rampaging pigs wantonly slaughtered unarmed black men going about their lives on one side, and 180,000 corpses, 50 million lost jobs, 60,000 shuttered businesses, and the institutions of government in tatters, just off of the top of my head among the rest of the calamity on the other.
So who is the danger to your beautiful suburban dream again?

-Doug in Sugar Pine

PilotX said...

"Who exactly wants a race war?"

You must be new around here.

PilotX said...

"Kyle Rittenhouse is being charged for resisting a lynching."

Bullshit. This kid went looking looking to shoot somebody, probably a Blah person. Why else would his fucking mom drive him to another state with a goddamned assault rifle that he wasn't even old enough to possess? Parent of the year huh?

PilotX said...

All cops are garbage until proven otherwise. This man needs to be fired immediately.

Anonymous said...

Trump is going to win.

Anonymous at 10:44 PM said...

Gambler2 ASKA White Woman said...
"Rittenhouse killed two people and wounded a third. What credible evidence do you have that proves he acted in self defense?"

Watch the videos.

Kyle Rittenhouse did not go to Kenosha to be involved in the protests. His mother drove him to his lifeguard job. He did not bring a weapon.

After work he volunteered to clean graffiti off a school.

While there, he was asked to help guard a business by the owner. Someone provided him with the weapon he had.

While guarding the business, he was threatened and taunted by a group of rioters enraged they couldn't burn down the mechanic's shop they had targeted. One of these rioters was Joseph Rosenbaum, who got in their faces and said "Shoot me nigga!"

Police diffused the situation, at which time Rittenhouse walked over to a nearby gas station to provide first aid to some injured persons. As his assistance was not needed by the time he got there, he tried to make his way back to the shop.

With his way blocked by advancing police lines, Rittenhouse made his way toward a second mechanic's shop. On the way, he was accosted by a group of rioters, among them Joseph Rosenbaum.

Rittenhouse attempted to run away but Rosenbaum caught up with him and attempted to grab his weapon.

Just then, a shot was fired by someone in the area. Rittenhouse pulled the gun away from Rosenbaum and then justifiably shot him. He stayed to provide assistance and called 911, but was chased away by the rioters. Rosenbaum later died from his wounds.

Rittenhouse ran down the street chased by a mob, eventually falling to the ground. One man jumped at him and stomped his head.

Rittenhouse fired but missed. Another man, Anthony Huber, bashed him over the head with a skateboard.

Rittenhouse then shot Huber in the chest, killing him. A third man, Gaige Grosskreutz, approached Rittenhouse with a pistol in his hand.

Rittenhouse shot him in the arm holding the pistol.

At this point the crowd backed off and Rittenhouse got up and fired several shots in the air, and then started running toward the police with his hands up. The police, not knowing he was the shooter, drove past him to provide aid to the wounded. Rittenhouse then made his way home and gave himself in Illinois.

Anonymous said...

Feelz is upset that normal people are sick of the Burning, Looting and Murder. Evidently there are still democrats that are normal people and they don't want the Burning, Looting and Murder. Yes, believe it or not some democrats are switching to Trump.
But, take heart Doug has some shotguns and a pistol or two so you guys are set. No mention of ammo, but don't worry he's the shootingest shooter.

mike from iowa said...

dispatching three violent felons who were trying to kill him.

You'll play hell trying to prove this in court, liar.

mike from iowa said...

Kyle Rittenhouse did not go to Kenosha to be involved in the protests. His mother drove him to his lifeguard job. He did not bring a weapon

The weapon he did not bring is identical to the one in the photo Rittenkiller was holding.

Rittenkiller was not working as a lifeguard.He had been furloughed since March.

The narrative about his mother drove him to Kenosha only changed when a high profile right wing nutjob lawyer took on the case.

The gun in question is illegal for Rottenkiller to possess until he is 21 in his home state.

Gambler2 ASKA White Woman said...

Anonymous said...

Feelz is upset that normal people are sick of the Burning, Looting and Murder. Evidently there are still democrats that are normal people and they don't want the Burning, Looting and Murder. Yes, believe it or not some democrats are switching to Trump.
Why would Democrats switch? This burning and looting is happening while Trump is president, and he can't seem to do anything constructive about it. Why would anyone think Trump will be willing or able to do any about it if he gets a second term? He won't; it will just get worse. He isn't fit to lead the country. He can't or won't perform the duties of his office. Trump must go.

field negro said...

Exactly Gambler2. This is all happening in trump's America, he can't divorce himself from it. (Pun intended)

mike from iowa said...

drumpf body count today reached 2 new milestones and then day is just beginning....

Coronavirus Cases:

The only part of covid 19 pandemic that is disappearing are the dead bodies drumpf leaves lying around while he is out there lying about it.

mike from iowa said...

McCTurtlefuckface's campign just hired magat hat brat Sandmann for some inexplicable reason. Probably set up as whiner in chief. He already knows how to lie.

mike from iowa said...

Perfectly appropriate for blood sucking, money grubbing magat hat brat.

Sandmann, who will remain a student at Transylvania University as he works for the McConnell campaign,

PilotX said...

Trump is going to win a one way ticket to the penitentiary.

PilotX said...

"Sandmann, who will remain a student at Transylvania University as he works for the McConnell campaign,"

Yeah, they should not have used that kid. He wasn't too bright but then again he is from Kentucky.

Anonymous said...

PilotX said...
"Who exactly wants a race war?"

New Democratic Party ad puts it in perspective:

anotherbozo said...

If there's going to be a race war, there are going to be a lot of us melanin-challenged types fighting alongside you. Get used to the idea.

Your quoting of the great Carl Rowan reminds me of a story he told, in which he used his wits to put down a white passerby in D.C. who mistook him for the yard man when he was mowing his lawn. A woman, riding in a limousine, called, "Hey boy," which he disregarded. When she called again, she asked Rowan how much he charged for his work. He responded, "I don't take money. The lady of the house lets me sleep with her."

This isn't very relevant, but I, for one, needed the levity.

Anonymous said...

"This isn't very relevant, but I, for one, needed the levity."

We'll file it under "Things that Never Happened".

Anonymous said...

field negro said...
"Exactly Gambler2. This is all happening in trump's America,"

PilotX said...

"If there's going to be a race war, there are going to be a lot of us melanin-challenged types fighting alongside you. Get used to the idea."


PilotX said...

"We'll file it under "Things that Never Happened".

And we'll file this under how the fuck would you know?

Anonymous said...

And on and on it goes. The RNC was just an amazing festival of lies.

To the list of people of color dragooned against their will into helping promote our racist president, which includes the immigrants who didn't know that their naturalization ceremony would become an ad for Trump's re-election, and probably Alice Johnson (she had to show up and praise Trump if she wanted a presidential pardon), we can now add these folks:

NYC public housing tenants say they aren't Trump supporters but were used in an RNC video to support his campaign

mike from iowa said...

Rand Paul's angry mob video that accosted him and his wife turns out to be bullshit, right wing spin and nothing more.

Paul's neighbor allegedly assaulted him worse than this loud mob. Poor fucking bawl baby poopy John.

mike from iowa said...

Another Facebook failure and another case of right wing wannabe murderers telling their friends to weaponize protests in the hopes of offing some dark meats. 100% drumpf approved, even though he will lie about it.

PilotX said...

Deception and trickery are not good traits for a leader.

PilotX said...

progtard said...

mike from iowa said...
"Rand Paul's angry mob video that accosted him and his wife turns out to be bullshit,"

Doctored! Edited!

Anonymous said...

Biden is ready to fight for our right to send jobs to China!

Lock and Load said...

"another case of right wing wannabe murderers telling their friends to weaponize protests in the hopes of offing some dark meats"

dinthebeast said...

Rand the fuck Paul refused the car service he was offered so he and his wife could go make campaign material in the crowd of protesters who didn't touch his slimy ass and instead were yelling at him for putting a hold on the anti-lynching bill.
Fuck him, and fuck his daddy too.

-Doug in Sugar Pine

Sherriff of Sugar Pine said...

Does Doug believe the lies he repeats or is he just a deranged disseminator of misinformation?

Either way, he's a useless ratfucker.

Fuck yourself, Doug. No one else will.

LeBrown said...

Did Nike have their slaves sew their "Equality" and "I Am a MAN" jerseys?

Dr. Fonzi said...

Blacks have a higher COVID infection rate because of all these peaceful riots they are attending.

King Rittenhouse said...

The Left looted, burned, assaulted, and murdered for months and then they get the vapors when there’s an easily predictable reaction and a 17 year old offs three of the scumbags.

Anonymous said...

“Rand Paul's angry mob video that accosted him and his wife turns out to be bullshit, right wing spin and nothing more.”

Doctors Say Rand Paul In Stable Condition After Being Yelled At Quite Loudly

PilotX said...

"when there’s an easily predictable reaction and a 17 year old offs three of the scumbags."

Well, not really. The reaction is because the garbage Kenosha PD shoots a Blah man in the back 7 times but doesn't even blink when a white kid, with an illegal weapon, shoots three people. No where on planet earth would a police department allow a person to shoot people with an assault rifle and not even want to have a conversation with said individual. Very telling.

PilotX said...

18,000 MGM workers layed off. MAGA baby!

PilotX said...

Airlines laying off close to 100,000 people.

Thanks trump.

Gambler2 ASKA White Woman said...

Anonymous Sherriff of Sugar Pine said...

Does Doug believe the lies he repeats or is he just a deranged disseminator of misinformation?

Either way, he's a useless ratfucker.

Fuck yourself, Doug. No one else will.

10:19 PM
Doug never lies, and you are the rat fucker. BTW, rat fucker is two words, not one.

Gambler2 ASKA White Woman said...

The Left looted, burned, assaulted, and murdered for months and then they get the vapors when there’s an easily predictable reaction and a 17 year old offs three of the scumbags.

10:43 PM
Source of your lies? Do you have a source. Whom did the "left" murder? Can you name at least one?

Clueless in Chicago said...

PilotAA said..
"The reaction is because the garbage Kenosha PD shoots a Blah man in the back 7 times but doesn't even blink when a white kid, with an illegal weapon, shoots three people"

You really are that dumb.

Source-erer said...

Granny Mouthbreather said...
"Source of your lies? Do you have a source. Whom did the "left" murder? Can you name at least one?"

Horace Lorenzo Anderson Jr.

Over 30 people have been killed in the BLM/Antifa riots.

Ethiopian Airlines said...

PilotAA said...
"Airlines laying off close to 100,000 people."

Good thing it's illegal to layoff blah people.


Boeing CEO Pledges a 20 Percent Increase in Black Employees

Get ready for 20% more airline crashes.

Paradoctor said...


A fool's insult is a compliment. The 12:01 troll really is that dumb.

Anonymous said...

It's time for the Federal Government to come down hard on these Black Supremacists terrorizing our cites. Democrat politicians need to stop abetting terrorism and allow the Feds to come in and put a halt to the violence.

NRC said...

Sacramento Bee says the word “looting” is rooted in racism & is banning it in its pages.

Other terms & phrases declared “rooted in racism” this year:

Washington Redskins
All Lives Matter
Convicted felon
Long time no see

And coming soon:


NRC said...

The Bee will also not publish mugshots in most cases. Since national media refuse to publish race-related crime data, and the only remaining source is local news mugshots, these are now being targeted.

Ignorance is Strength!

kike from iowa said...

This week the CDC quietly updated the Covid number to admit that only 6% of all the 153,504 deaths recorded actually died from Covid

That's 9,210 deaths

The other 94% had 2 to 3 other serious illnesses and the overwhelming majority were of very advanced age; 90% in nursing homes.

dinthebeast said...

The berries are ripe and the bears are back, and there has been at least one mountain lion spotted around the neighborhood this week.

-Doug in Sugar Pine

Anonymous said...

Antifa is not really a grassroots homeless queer junkie retard freakout.

It’s a sophisticated foreign- and spook-sponsored insurgency using freaked out homeless queer junkie retards as shock troops.

Anonymous said...

Doug, you could take one of those pistols you have and get close enough to shoot those bears.

Grizzly Adams said...

Doug uses 'bears' as a euphemism for black people.

dinthebeast said...

Why would I shoot the bears? They live here. And shooting a bear with a pistol is about the stupidest thing I've ever heard.

-Doug in Sugar Pine

mike from iowa said...

Three pitches, three strikes and yer out stoopid fucking wingnuts.

Wingnuts are falling back on debunked claim that covid didn't kill covid patients who died from covid. Pathetic pussified pricks.

mike from iowa said...

Blake was never charged with nor convicted of sex with a 14 year old girl. Right wing lies.

He hasn't been convicted of assaulting an adult woman, either.

Its a game for stoopid fucking wasicu wasteys to besmirch the character of Blacks to make whitey feel better about their micro dicks.

Gambler2 ASKA White Woman said...

One shot dead as caravan of ‘concealed carry’ Trump supporters descend on Portland

Late Saturday night, armed Trump supporters descended on Portland to confront anti-racist protesters in an incident that resulted in at least one fatal shooting.

By late Saturday, police made several more arrests as fights broke out between anti-racist protesters and members of the pro-Trump caravan. As tensions boiled over, the street became a crime scene after a man was shot.

According to The Daily Beast:

So why do Trump supporters find it necessary to incite violence?

Gambler2 ASKA White Woman said...

Source-erer said...

Granny Mouthbreather said...
"Source of your lies? Do you have a source. Whom did the "left" murder? Can you name at least one?"

Horace Lorenzo Anderson Jr.

Over 30 people have been killed in the BLM/Antifa riots.

12:04 AM

"The two may have been involved in a feud stretching back as far as last year, one witness told police."

So where is your evidence that Horace Anderson was killed by someone "on the left"?

PilotX said...

"So why do Trump supporters find it necessary to incite violence?"

Because they've been practicing for their "war" for years and finally have the opportunity to go for it. Watch out if trump loses because he's already laid out his plans for chaos.

PilotX said...

"Get ready for 20% more airline crashes."

Um yeah, you may wanna check the stats on who crashes. 😆

Gambler2 ASKA White Woman said...

Ethiopian Airlines said...

PilotAA said...
"Airlines laying off close to 100,000 people."

Good thing it's illegal to layoff blah people.

12:11 AM

You are an idiot. Anyone who knows any facts about employment in America knows that Blacks are the last hired and the first fired or laid off. Do some research on the topic.

PilotX said...

"You really are that dumb."

And you are certainly a genius huh?😆😂

PilotX said...

Gamgbler2 ASKA White Woman said...

Anonymous said...

It's time for the Federal Government to come down hard on these Black Supremacists terrorizing our cites. Democrat politicians need to stop abetting terrorism and allow the Feds to come in and put a halt to the violence.

12:17 AM
It's time for the Federal Government to come down hard on these white supremacists terrorizing our cities:

‘Escalating’ far-right violence in U.S. to pose greatest terrorist threat: experts.

Mike Pence and Tucker Carlson encourage violence, while faking concern for "law and order" Fox News host and veep pulled a classic bait-and-switch: Encouraging right-wing violence, then blaming "the left"
Right-wing extremists kill 329 people since 1994 Trump frequently accuses the far-left of inciting violence, yet right-wing extremists have killed 329 victims in the last 25 years, while antifa members haven't killed any, according to a new study

PilotX said...

She cooned for nothing. So sad.

Facts are bitch said...

Gambler2 ASKA White Woman said...
"One shot dead as caravan of ‘concealed carry’ Trump supporters descend on Portland"

You are repeating lies again.

Shooter was described as a black male.

Video of someone yelling "We got a Trumper right here" just before the shots were fired:

PilotX said...

MAGA. trump is just a dumber W.

Fact are a bitch said...

Granny Obtuse said....
"So where is your evidence that Horace Anderson was killed by someone "on the left"?"

Hw was shot inside CHOP. The suspect, Marcel Levon Long, is still at large. A warrant for his arrest has been issued.

16-year old Antonio Mays, Jr. was shot and killed by CHOP "security" on June 29. A 14-year boy was also shot during the incident:

Anonymous said...

"Shooter was described as a black male.

Video of someone yelling "We got a Trumper right here" just before the shots were fired:"

Actual shooter may have been a white Antifa guy, although he does have a BLM fist tattooed on his neck:

His name is Michael Reinoehl, 48, of Portland.

And the man he killed was a member of the pro-Trump group Patriot Prayer:

Anonymous said...

Make no mistake about it the criminal Trump has declared war on the United States of America in the name of not facing possible imprisonment following a likely Biden win. What racist white's in the Republican party must understand is that war and the means by which Trump has chosen to fight it is for his own personal survival and his personal survival only. Racist white males may believe Trump's fight is their or white America's fight also but they are not facing possible fraud, espionage, false imprisonment or dereliction of duty charges, which means per Trumps past history you will be thrown under the bus in the end and any demented hopes of preserving or returning to a warped version of Democracy post Trump will fail big time.

Although I stand by my initial prediction Trump will bale before the November election in a desperate attempt to avoid possible criminal charges, our even flee to his handlers home in the Russian Federation Trump and the Republicans will not prevail finally setting the table for the destruction of the grifting GOP and the start of a new America.

Anonymous said...

Things are rapidly progressing toward Civil War. These BLM/Antifa rebels need to be crushed. Just like Lincoln had to do, Trump will preserve the Union.

Anonymous said...

Trump will preserve the Union.

LOL! You mean the guy supporting confederate monuments and flags? LOL You trolls sure are funny.

Trump's tax returns, impeachment trial, payoffs and pardons said...

Don Trumpolini is the biggest slumlord ever. He and his gang are making huge profits turning this country into the ghetto. Unemployment levels like we've never seen. Government checks. Teens with guns roaming the streets fighting over turf that doesn't even belong to them.

And his consigliere, Conway, saying the more chaos and violence, the better.

We can't take 4 more years of his version of america.

Anonymous said...

Not a single speaker at the entire Democrat National Convention condemned the riots and leftwing violence.

These traitors need to be rounded up and put in jail.

12 more years said...

Good people will unite to defeat these Democrat terrorists.

Red Wave said...

No police.
Mob rule.
Total chaos.

That’s the result of the Democrat agenda.

mike from iowa said...

the Gatewaydumbshit has never ever ever ever ever ever got a story correct, so the rumours go.

Gambler2 ASKA White Woman said...

Anonymous Red Wave said...

No police.
Mob rule.
Total chaos.

That’s the result of the Democrat agenda.

2:02 PM
This is Trump's agenda. He thinks that after he loses the election, he will retain power by calling out his white-nationalists militia. He plans to direct them to terrorize the population into submission. Please get word to Trump that his plan isn't going to work.

Gambler2 ASKA White Woman said...

12 more years said...

Good people will unite to defeat these Democrat terrorists.

1:56 PM
Good liberals will unite and use our guns to defeat Trump's power grab after he loses the election and refuses to leave office.

mike from iowa said...

This is one thing that pisses me off, wingnut fucking lying trolls show up with garbage bullshit accusations against left wing demonstrators and provide dead Breitbart/James O' keefe false photos and doctored evidence, suchy as....

These wasicu racist bastards deserve to be impaled on Nerf poles and displayed in public until the Nerf shit decomposes.

mike from iowa said...

drumpf body count don't take weekends off, they just slow down some.

United States
Coronavirus Cases:

Another milestone reached and with normal drumpfian conditions the US will easily pass 190k drumpf dead bodies by next weekend.

Paradoctor said...

Calm down, everyone. Knowing how cowardly Trump is, and how corrupt, and how he corrupts others, I figure it at 50-50 odds that he'll offer to Biden that he'll go quietly if he's not prosecuted.

Biden can promise dropping federal prosecutions (using Obama-esque rationales like not looking back) but SDNY is an independent authority, he'll have to deal separately with them.

Perhaps that too can be fixed... if he throws his financial empire, his family, and his remaining friends under the bus. Sorry, Ivanka!

mike from iowa said...

Poor little drumpfuckian bastard who was spraying protesters with mace and shoving others around got what he deserved. Someone stood his ground.

Gambler2 ASKA White Woman said...

Facts are bitch said...

Gambler2 ASKA White Woman said...
"One shot dead as caravan of ‘concealed carry’ Trump supporters descend on Portland"

You are repeating lies again.

Shooter was described as a black male.

Video of someone yelling "We got a Trumper right here" just before the shots were fired:

11:38 AM

You're posting what you see on Twitter and stating this as fact, and then calling me a liar? LOL! Why don't you do some research by looking at several reliable sites?

Portland clashes: Fatal shooting as rival groups protest

1 hour ago
What is known about the shooting?

Gambler2 ASKA White Woman said...

Fact are a bitch said...

Granny Obtuse said....
"So where is your evidence that Horace Anderson was killed by someone "on the left"?"

Hw was shot inside CHOP. The suspect, Marcel Levon Long, is still at large. A warrant for his arrest has been issued.
Is your thinking so simplistic that you think the shooter was a leftist just because he was inside CHOP? What proof of being a leftist did each entrant to the area have to show to the guards? Were there guards stopping anyone who wasn't a leftist from entering the area?

The fact that the shooter has not been arrested has no bearing on whether or not he is a leftist.

mike from iowa said...

Good thing this fucking wasicu wastey was removed from then gene pool.

The father, Michael Forest Reinoehl, 48, was charged with driving under the influence of a controlled substance, recklessly endangering another person and unlawful possession of a firearm. He was also cited for driving while uninsured, driving while suspended, and for speeding.

He also took his 11 year old daughter to see him get shot. Niiiiiice guy.

Gambler2 ASKA White Woman said...

Mike said:

This is one thing that pisses me off, wingnut fucking lying trolls show up with garbage bullshit accusations against left wing demonstrators and provide dead Breitbart/James O' keefe false photos and doctored evidence, ...."
I hear you, Mike. That pisses me off too. I'm so tired of the lies. January 20,2021 can't come too soon for me.

Gambler2 ASKA White Woman said...

Blogger mike from iowa said...

Poor little drumpfuckian bastard who was spraying protesters with mace and shoving others around got what he deserved. Someone stood his ground.

3:10 PM
Of whom do you speak, Mike? I must be out of the loop here.

Gambler2 ASKA White Woman said...

From today's White House Chief of Staff Mark Meadows argued on NBC News that “most of Donald Trump’s America is peaceful” and that the violence that the Trump campaign has so frequently highlighted as part of its “law and order” message is in “Democrat cities.”

Asked whether Trump is only in charge of the places where he has supporters, Meadows responded: “Well, he does govern and lead the entire country. … These are local law enforcement efforts that can be supported by a federal backstop, whether it be National Guard or the FBI.”

So they are trying to have it out of both ways. Is or isn't the country burning from all those BLM protesters? The answer - only in Trump's propaganda bubble where his cult of Trumpies dwell and at foX News where Trumpies get their propaganda from.

Gambler2 ASKA White Woman said...

Anonymous said...

Things are rapidly progressing toward Civil War. These BLM/Antifa rebels need to be crushed. Just like Lincoln had to do, Trump will preserve the Union.

12:11 PM
Trump is not trying to preserve the Union. Trump is trying to destroy the Union and stay in power after he is defeated at the polls in November.
His game plan is clear. Don't you get it? He continues to talk about the upcoming election being full of voter fraud, which isn't and never has been a problem up until Trump. If Biden wins, Trump will claim it's a fraud and he will try to stay in power.

PilotX said...

"Not a single speaker at the entire Democrat National Convention condemned the riots and leftwing violence."

And all of that plus a killer virus running amok, record job losses and an idiot in the WH. trumpers seem to like what's happening because they're trying to reelect the head honcho. Weird argument.

mike from iowa said...

Snowflake in Portland that got offed, Gambler. The 48 year old father who was arrested, with his daughter along, racing down the interstate with his 17 year old son in another vehicle. Both were clocked at 111 mph and dad was charged with being under the influence and having a pistol in his possession without the proper permits.

dinthebeast said...

I've about had it with these morons trying to defend the murderous Illinois NAZI larva.

File this in the recently overflowing file of things I never thought I'd need to explain to anyone:

I, having seen way too much of it up close and personal, feel that firearm murder is a bad thing generally, and will endeavor to refrain from endorsing or defending it.

The self defense argument is bullshit. Nobody besides the people the larva shot died out of everyone there, meaning that had he not shot anyone, nobody would have died there at all, including the larva.

But no, in the Fergus carnage world, people must be shot to prove there is peace in their beautiful suburban dreams, and to support the utter bullshit of the "cities in flames" narrative Fergus is trying to sell to the suburbs who mostly wish he would shut up and go away.

These people need help.

-Doug in Sugar Pine

Anonymous said...

"trumpers seem to like what's happening because they're trying to reelect the head honcho."

Normal people do not want to reward the terrorist party for these tactics. That's why Trump will win.

Antonio Mays, Jr. said...

"The fact that the shooter has not been arrested has no bearing on whether or not he is a leftist."

Nice cope, Granny

Anonymous said...

"The self defense argument is bullshit. Nobody besides the people the larva shot died out of everyone there, meaning that had he not shot anyone, nobody would have died there at all, including the larva."


Those Antifa scumbags Fucked Around Found Out.

Rittenhouse will walk.

PilotX said...

PilotX said...

"Rittenhouse will walk."

Of course he will, privilege.

Facts are a bitch said...

"You're posting what you see on Twitter and stating this as fact, and then calling me a liar? LOL! Why don't you do some research by looking at several reliable sites?"

You can stick to the propaganda sites, I'll believe my own eyes and testimony from people who were actually there.

Linked article is full of links to photographic and video evidence.

Anonymous said...

"Of course he will, privilege."

Self-defense privilege.

Anonymous said...

Democrats plan to flood the country will 100 million mail in ballots sent to people who didn't request them.

Tens of millions will be 'lost', tens of millions will be late, millions will be fraudulently filled out.

Anfifa/BLM will attack polling places in Trump districts.

States won't be able to declare a winner, prompting a Constitutional crisis.

Congress will attempt to pick the President.

Civil War 2 goes hot.

The Left finds out what happens when the other side starts fighting.

PilotX said...

"Democrats plan to flood the country will 100 million mail in ballots sent to people who didn't request them.

Tens of millions will be 'lost', tens of millions will be late, millions will be fraudulently filled out.

Anfifa/BLM will attack polling places in Trump districts.

States won't be able to declare a winner, prompting a Constitutional crisis.

Congress will attempt to pick the President.

Civil War 2 goes hot.

The Left finds out what happens when the other side starts fighting."

😂😆😆😂 Please humor us and provide evidence. Oh, and please pick a screen name.

This will be fun.

Anonymous said...

Granny without a clue says...

"Good liberals will unite and use our guns to defeat Trump's power grab after he loses the election and refuses to leave office."

You can have a dream. Just remember that all of your "guns" need ammo. Try not to invade Doug's fantasyland. He needs it more than you.

She continues with..."If Biden wins,"

That's a mighty big "if".

You gaslight more than anyone on this blog but it is entertaining.

PilotX said...

"You gaslight more than anyone on this blog but it is entertaining."

Well....... not really. She backs up what she writes with evidence and always uses her screen name which is something none of our anons ever do.

Gambler2 ASKA White Woman said...

Granny without a clue says...

"Good liberals will unite and use our guns to defeat Trump's power grab after he loses the election and refuses to leave office."

You can have a dream. Just remember that all of your "guns" need ammo. Try not to invade Doug's fantasyland. He needs it more than you.
You have given me a good laugh. Do you think we don't have ammo? A gun is no good without ammo, dummy. We has garages full of ammo. LOL! And there are many millions of us.

dinthebeast said...

If Russia isn't interfering with the election again, why is the ODNI refusing to brief congress about it?

-Doug in Sugar Pine

dinthebeast said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Leave those 'bears' alone, Doug.

PilotX said...

"We has garages full of ammo. LOL! And there are many millions of us."

You won't need it. After trump loses there may be isolated sporatic incidents of violence but overall the vast vast majority of these keyboard warriors will just stay home and cry. How you gonna be out fighting civil wars when you're too much of a coward to create a name?😂😂 I mean, how easy is it to be tough at the library computer in WBF?

Anonymous said...

Leave those 'bears' alone, Doug.

dinthebeast said...

I have plenty of ammo, thank you very much. None of which I'll ever need to waste on the likes of you.
Although my shotgun reloading supplies are out of date as lead shot is no longer legal in California and I haven't bought any steel shot since I ran out.

-Doug in Sugar Pine

Anonymous said...

dinthebeast said...
"If Russia isn't interfering with the election again, why is the ODNI refusing to brief congress about it?"

Because the scumbag Democrat traitors are selectively leaking classified information to their press.

mike from iowa said...

All the BLM and antifa protests prove is the pigs are aiding and abetting the white scumacysts and militias who have proven to be the antithesis of law and order.

And, of course, stoopid fucking wingnuts are told to ignore the truth and trust what Hannity tells them.

mike from iowa said...

Because the scumbag Democrat traitors are selectively leaking classified information to their press.

Of course you can prove yer libelous/slanderous accusations, can't you? Not!

Gambler2 ASKA White Woman said...

Anonymous said...

Democrats plan to flood the country will 100 million mail in ballots sent to people who didn't request them.......Blah, blah, blah........"
Pure bull shit. All of it. You obviously don't know how voting by mail works, and you seem totally cut off from reality. Do you have any sources for the outrageous opinions you stated?

Gambler2 ASKA White Woman said...

PilotX said....

You won't need it. After trump loses there may be isolated sporatic incidents of violence but overall the vast vast majority of these keyboard warriors will just stay home and cry. How you gonna be out fighting civil wars when you're too much of a coward to create a name?😂😂 I mean, how easy is it to be tough at the library computer in WBF?

5:20 PM
I hope you are right, Pilot. As I recall the right wing terrorists generally do not engage in any kind of fair fight since they are such cowards. They tend to run in packs. Not sure how they would respond if we shot back an them.

Gambler2 ASKA White Woman said...

Anonymous said....
dinthebeast said...

"If Russia isn't interfering with the election again, why is the ODNI refusing to brief congress about it?"

Because the scumbag Democrat traitors are selectively leaking classified information to their press.

5:21 PM
That's total lie, Anon. The Democrats are not leaking classified info. It's a made up story to justify withholding of information from congress. Trump needs to cover his tracks. You will discover this to be true later when the truth comes out.

And BTW, wasn't it President Trump who leaked classified information to the Russians and in so doing, destroyed an entire network of CIA operatives in that country?

Anonymous said...

mike from iowa said...
"Because the scumbag Democrat traitors are selectively leaking classified information to their press."

Of course you can prove yer libelous/slanderous accusations, can't you? Not!

The nation’s top spy office announced that it will switch its future election security briefings to Congress from being in-person to being conducted in writing, saying the change was due to concerns about classified leaks and politicization of intelligence.

He added: “I believe this approach helps ensure, to the maximum extent possible, that the information ODNI provides the Congress in support of your oversight responsibilities on elections security, foreign malign influence, and election interference is not misunderstood nor politicized. It will also better protect our sources and methods and most sensitive intelligence from additional unauthorized disclosures or misuse.”

“Divulging access to classified information in order to employ it as a political weapon is not only an abuse, it is a serious federal crime with potentially severe consequences on our national security. This situation we now face is due, in no small part, to the willingness of some to commit federal crimes for the purpose of advancing their electoral aims,” Rubio said Saturday. “Yet, this grotesque criminal misconduct does not release the intelligence community from fulfilling its legal requirements to respond to Congressional oversight committees and to keep members of Congress fully informed of relevant information on a timely basis. I have spoken to the Director Radcliffe who stated unequivocally that he will continue to fulfill these obligations.”

Democrats are traitorous scum.

Anonymous said...

Granny Bubble Woman said...
"And BTW, wasn't it President Trump who leaked classified information to the Russians and in so doing, destroyed an entire network of CIA operatives in that country?"

Um, no, that never happened.

Anonymous said...

Biden's poll numbers are collapsing. They are going to push him out of the basement tomorrow. Should be fun.

We must crush these communist rebels said...

Antifa Shooter Who Assassinated Trump Supporter in Portland Wrote Antifa Manifesto On Instagram:

Every Revolution needs people that are willing and ready to fight. There are so many of us protesters that are just protesting without a clue of where that will lead. That’s just the beginning that’s where the fight starts. If that’s as far as you can take it thank you for your participation but please stand aside and support the ones that are willing to fight. I am 100% ANTIFA all the way! I am willing to fight for my brothers and sisters! Even if some of them are too ignorant to realize what antifa truly stands for.

Sounds like Doug.

By fighting he apparently meant walking up to an unarmed man and shooting him in the chest.

mike from iowa said...

Um,no it did happen.

drumpfuck's only denial was that he never told our sworn Russian enemies that the info came from Israel. And he is lying about that.

mike from iowa said...

Democrats are traitorous scum.

Nothing in yer screed named a single democrat as divulging classified info. We do, in fact know wingnut Devin numbnuts was walking classified info from House Russia investigation straight to the kremlin annex.

Wingnuts are traitorous scum.

mike from iowa said...

NYT claims Rosenstein ordered ueller to curb investigation into drumpf and Russia, like Dems have been asserting for a long time.

Hope you don't hit a paywall trying to read this link.

mike from iowa said...

Wingnut platform published by David Frum....

voter fraud is rampant in black and immigrant neighborhoods.

There is no racism against blacks.

The only economic rule is taxcuts for the wealthy.

And even moar bullshit.

mike from iowa said...

Looseranna's Steve Scalise dead breitbarted a video of progressive disabled activist to make it appear he attacked Biden.

Don't ask how low will wingnuts go, it just encourages them to go lower.

dinthebeast said...

From Carl Newman's Twitter feed:

Lee J. Carter
The history of Nazis holding rallies in left-wing areas of Weimar Germany, instigating street fights, and then telling the press that only they could save Germany from the "violent communists" seems like an important thing for people to be studying right now.

-Doug in Sugar Pine

Gambler2 ASKA White Woman said...

Anonymous said...

Granny Bubble Woman said...
"And BTW, wasn't it President Trump who leaked classified information to the Russians and in so doing, destroyed an entire network of CIA operatives in that country?"

"Um, no, that never happened."

6:17 PM
Well something like that happened, Sweetheart. I have some sources for you, and they aren't all from liberal organizations.

You know, you really are a dumb ass. You have my sympathy. Have a nice night.

Anonymous said...

“The history of Nazis holding rallies in left-wing areas of Weimar Germany, instigating street fights, and then telling the press that only they could save Germany from the "violent communists" seems like an important thing for people to be studying right now.”

Not to mention the Nazis burning down the Reichstag and then claiming leftists did it.

This was the whole impetus for Hitler being granted emergency powers to fight terrorists, which took him from elected official to unaccountable dictator.

Ctrl+Halt+Del said...

Chadwick Boseman. The world is a better place because of you. We will not give in. We will not give up. Thank you!

May you rest in peace!

Gambler2 ASKA White Woman said...

This week the CDC quietly updated the Covid number to admit that only 6% of all the 153,504 deaths recorded actually died from Covid

That's 9,210 deaths

The other 94% had 2 to 3 other serious illnesses and the overwhelming majority were of very advanced age; 90% in nursing homes.

12:29 AM
The CDC has been destroyed by Trump. You can't trust anything they say anymore. Trump has done a great job of destroying Government departments such as The Department of Education, The Department of Human Services, and the Justice Department. Bravo to your cult leader. If he is reelected, Trump, the most incompetent man in the world will be our entire government.

A normal person said...

Doug says..

"Although my shotgun reloading supplies are out of date as lead shot is no longer legal in California and I haven't bought any steel shot since I ran out."

It won't matter when the fun begins.

Clem said...

1619, slavery, Jim Crow, lynching, Tulsa, Juneteenth, redlining, Emmett Till, Hands Up Don't Shoot, Trayvon Martin, I Can't Breathe, George Floyd, these are not arguments or rational debate, this is tired bullshit masquerading as an ideology.

A normal person said...

Granny clueless posted..

"A gun is no good without ammo, dummy. We has garages full of ammo. LOL! And there are many millions of us."

Thanks for confirming. Keep those "garages" safe. You'll need them.

Anonymous said...

“The history of Nazis holding rallies in left-wing areas of Weimar Germany, instigating street fights, and then telling the press that only they could save Germany from the "violent communists" seems like an important thing for people to be studying right now.”

Well, gee, maybe you commies should stop burning down the country before we get a real Hitler.

It's always good for laugh when you morons whine about Trump being a fascist dictator. You can tell because we live under the system of government where hysterically denouncing the head of state earns you worshipful media coverage and guaranteed book sales and supporting him costs you your job and might get you shot.

Anonymous said...

On Wednesday night, around 700 black bloc militants and their supporters rampaged through Oakland, Cal. They chanted “death to America” while starting fires and smashing cars and buildings.

This is why Doug fled to Sugar Pine.

PilotX said...

"Not sure how they would respond if we shot back an them"

One way to find out. Stay frosty.

PilotX said...

"They chanted “death to America” while starting fires and smashing cars and buildings."

Death to America?😆😆😆😆😆😆 Really? This sounds like some made up shit.

A normal person said...

Funny that Doug posts a twitter account of someone else's opinion. Probably gives a clue about his intellect. LOL

Truth be told, I've been rereading Anthony Beevor's "Spanish Civil War" just to remind me of the depravity and sickness you people suffer from. I don't put much past you people and I expect the same treatment detailed in the book. I hope you understand that I won't submit to what you have in store for me. I will fight, but you'll have to hunt me down. If you find me understand that it's a life or death struggle not a twitter account.

For any real understanding about what the future holds for this country everyone should read about the Spanish Civil War, the Roman Social Wars, the wars involving the break up of the former Yugoslavia and the Rwanda/Burundi genocide.

Do you really want it? Burn, Loot and Murder and antifa do. So we will see first hand how it goes. Be careful about what you wish for, you just may get it.

Anonymous said...

Antifa are gathered at Laurelhurst Park in SE Portland and are still thrilled over the deadly shooting yesterday (they baselessly call the victim a Nazi). Some are dancing in the park. Meanwhile on social media they are soliciting mass donations for more riot gear.

These scum need to be put down.

dinthebeast said...

Why would anyone possibly want to hunt you down? To give you health insurance to cover your delusional episodes?
That's one of the places where the propaganda breaks down: what possible reason would we have to want to impose our way of thinking or living on recalcitrant meatheads obsessed with societal breakdown?
Fuck 'em, we're too busy trying to prevent societal breakdown to bother with them, unless they come and start shooting up the sane people where they live and work, which they sometimes do, but we usually have them covered enough to catch them and put them away.
See also: McVeigh, Timothy.
I post things that I find on Twitter that are well written and say important things. I don't always think of every important thing, and others write better than I do, so paraphrasing them seems counterproductive and dumb, and attribution is good internet manners.

-Doug in Sugar Pine

Augmented Kazoo said...

I had my first ever political survey call last week. Lied through my teeth saying I supported Biden and all Democrat causes.

Trump 2020!

PilotX said...

"I had my first ever political survey call last week. Lied through my teeth saying I supported Biden and all Democrat causes."

Yeah, trump does have the pathological liars vote sewed up. Shocking.


AJ said...

Clem said...
"1619, slavery, Jim Crow, lynching, Tulsa, Juneteenth, redlining, Emmett Till, Hands Up Don't Shoot, Trayvon Martin, I Can't Breathe, George Floyd, these are not arguments or rational debate, this is tired bullshit masquerading as an ideology."

Yes. ‘Debate’ implies a common good or commonality between the parties. ‘Debating’ with people who see your existence as a crime or an immoral thing is pointless and only can be used to highlight their need to be excluded from society writ large.

‘Debating’ with your friend on where to get lunch: you are both hungry and want the best meal

‘Debating’ with hostile aliens on the principals of private property: they dont see your tribe as anything but future slaves with current resources

PilotX said...

Ed said...

Trump Supporter Executed Walking Down The Street In Portland, BLM Celebrates And Cheers The Killing

Anonymous said...

At Least 50 black People Shot, 10 Killed In Weekend Gun Violence In Chicago
By CBS 2 Chicago StaffAugust 30, 2020 at 10:34 pm

mike from iowa said...

Anonymous AJ said...
Clem said...
"1619, slavery, Jim Crow, lynching, Tulsa, Juneteenth, redlining, Emmett Till, Hands Up Don't Shoot, Trayvon Martin, I Can't Breathe, George Floyd, these are not arguments, these are alkl well known facts which piss o0ff wasicu wastey stoopid fucking wingnuts as they are likely to be the guilty party.

Fixed it for you, bud.

mike from iowa said...

I've been telling you wingnuts post as facts items taken out of context or with the context missing, such as CDC report on 6% covid deaths. It truly matters as here is what CDC said after posting the latest numbers...

just read the rest of what the CDC indicated after the 6%: “For deaths with conditions or causes in addition to COVID-19, on average, there were 2.6 additional conditions or causes per death.” Take a gander at what these additional conditions or causes are. They include things such as adult pneumonia, respiratory distress syndrome, respiratory failure, respiratory arrest, other diseases of the respiratory system, and sepsis. Hmmm, these sound very much like the things that Covid-19 can lead to and what can ultimately kill people with severe Covid-19.

Trump's tax returns, impeachment trial, payoffs and pardons said...

Trump's America has failed at least 50 families in Chicago this weekend.

Source:Anon @ 8:46 AM

Anonymous said...

This political stroke will be able to handle a crisis????

PilotX said...

"Trump's America has failed at least 50 families in Chicago this weekend."

trump has failed all of us. Kids can't go to college, sports has been cancelled, 200,000 Americans will be dead by the time of the elections, there are riots all over, millions have lost their jobs, the economy crashed.......can we finally admit electing a game show host wasn't such a great idea?

Anonymous said...

China releases virus from lab, neglects to warn anybody, but lets people travel outside country. Lies about transmissibility. Trumps fault!

Democrat mayors continue to enforce draconian lockdowns despite evidence they are not needed, destroying businesses. Trump's fault!

Democrats encourage riots over a false reading of statistics, hold police back, immediately release arrested rioters with no charges, go to court to block federal assistance, watch cities burn. Trump's fault!

A normal person said...

Doug says...

"Fuck 'em, we're too busy trying to prevent societal breakdown"

So that's what you call Burning, Looting and Murder. Nice try Lucy.

Anonymous said...

"Trump's America has failed at least 50 families in Chicago this weekend."

Murders in Chicago in August down about 50% from July after Trump sent feds in.

That's about 50 black families who didn't lose someone that they would have.

Anonymous said...

More like negroes have declared war on each other:

Chicago 2020 August to Date (31st)
Shot & Killed: 59
Shot & Wounded: 424
Total Shot: 483
Total Homicides: 62

Trump's tax returns, impeachment trial, payoffs, pardons and lies said...

The Don says he's done more for black people than anyone yet says the Democrats have done nothing. Do you see where I'm headed with this?

PilotX said...

"Murders in Chicago in August down about 50% from July after Trump sent feds in."

What feds did he send in? I don't recall seeing them.

PilotX said...

"More like negroes have declared war on each other"

Wait, I thought trump sent in the feds so this shouldn't be happening. Make up your mind.

PilotX said...

Per capita looks like trump better send the feds to Wyoming and Montana.

PilotX said...

Trump's tax returns, impeachment trial, payoffs, pardons and lies said...

PilotX said...

2:51 AM

Powerful and on point! Thanks

PilotX said...

Justice may be served after all.

mike from iowa said...

Thanks for the WAPO link, PilotX. Good read and I hope Flynn gets life in prison with drumpf as his bitch.

Anonymous said...

White House press conferences these days are a laugh riot. Kayleigh Mc-Ninny says Trump's visit to Kenosha will be "unifying."

Haha. Somehow, I doubt it. "Unifying" and "Trump" do not belong in the same sentence. His speech will be all about violent, dangerous negroes and socialists and antifa, and how Biden is somehow magically causing them to riot, despite holding no governmental office whatsoever at the moment. Maybe he'll throw George Soros into the mix, just for fun.

PilotX said...

"Maybe he'll throw George Soros into the mix, just for fun."

Don;t forget the shout outs to the militias.

Anonymous said...

PilotX said...
"Per capita looks like trump better send the feds to Wyoming and Montana."

PilotAA lying again.

Biden's America said...

Black man randomly attacking white man with a brick in Baltimore. The person who posted this said “white lives do not matter.” They’ve always randomly attacked whites like this, but now they’re more brazen as the media ignores and encourages these attacks.

Biden's America said...

"By fighting he apparently meant walking up to an unarmed man and shooting him in the chest."

The media cleared the path for a confrontation in which an Antifa perpetrator felt justified in killing a man whose only crime was that he openly supported the President of the United States. There is no way to overstate the media’s culpability in this incident.

dinthebeast said...

So now that the covid death toll is projected to be two orders of magnitude above 9-11, why are the goddamn Republicans, who wrote the fucking PATRIOT act after 9-11, so up in arms over the assault on their liberties that is the wearing of a face mask?
You'd almost have to think they don't really care about any of it and just want to get their stupid, stupid way.
Let's make a deal, Pig People can not be prosecuted for failing to wear masks, and the entirety of the fucking PATRIOT act gets repealed tomorrow.
Or how about we grow the fuck up and just wear the damn masks.

-Doug in Sugar Pine

dinthebeast said...

And "backing Trump" by riding through an ongoing protest shooting protesters with paintballs and pepper spray from the back of pickup trucks will in fact get you hurt where I come from.
But it will serve its intended purpose and generate content for campaign ads.

-Doug in Sugar Pine

Gambler2 ASKA White Woman said...

A normal person said...

Granny clueless posted..

"A gun is no good without ammo, dummy. We has garages full of ammo. LOL! And there are many millions of us."

Thanks for confirming. Keep those "garages" safe. You'll need them.

11:49 PM
I will. Don't worry about me; worry about yourself.

Gambler2 ASKA White Woman said...

To Anonymous at 12:00 AM

I find it amusing when anonymous trolls post stuff from Twitter and U-Tube

Gambler2 ASKA White Woman said...

A normal person said...

Funny that Doug posts a twitter account of someone else's opinion. Probably gives a clue about his intellect. LOL

Truth be told, I've been rereading Anthony Beevor's "Spanish Civil War".......
You read books? I find that amazing given the opinions you expressed. It is generally agreed among most historians and other people who believe in democracy that the Spanish Civil War was quite different than you describe.

Anonymous said...

“It is generally agreed among most historians and other people who believe in democracy that the Spanish Civil War was quite different than you describe.”

It’s a safe assumption he thinks the good guys won the Spanish Civil War.

See also: “Hitler had some good ideas, though.”

Gambler2 ASKA White Woman said...

Anonymous said...

"trumpers seem to like what's happening because they're trying to reelect the head honcho."

Normal people do not want to reward the terrorist party for these tactics. That's why Trump will win.

3:59 PM
Trump is the terrorist party, Anon. He put out the call for his militant supporters to descend on Portland an attack peaceful protesters, which they did.

dinthebeast said...

"I do want to say that we're going to be introducing a tremendous healthcare plan sometime prior -- hopefully, prior to the end of the month. It's just about completed now."

It's the end of the month, so where's your plan, Fergus?

-Doug in Sugar Pine

Gambler2 ASKA White Woman said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...

China releases virus from lab, neglects to warn anybody, but lets people travel outside country. Lies about transmissibility. Trumps fault!

Democrat mayors continue to enforce draconian lockdowns despite evidence they are not needed, destroying businesses. Trump's fault!

Democrats encourage riots over a false reading of statistics, hold police back, immediately release arrested rioters with no charges, go to court to block federal assistance, watch cities burn. Trump's fault!

10:55 AM
This nonsense came from either Putin or dead Breitbart. LOL!

Gambler2 ASKA White Woman said...

Biden's America said...

Black man randomly attacking white man with a brick in Baltimore. The person who posted this said “white lives do not matter.” They’ve always randomly attacked whites like this, but now they’re more brazen as the media ignores and encourages these attacks.

2:55 PM
Somehow you must have forgotten that this is Trump's America. He is responsible for what happens in the country. So you must blame trump for all the social unrest. Biden does not hold in any political office in the United States.

dinthebeast said...

The ODNI's refusal to give in-person congressional briefings on election security isn't about leaks, it's about not wanting to answer questions about what Russia is up to when Russian interference is helping the goddamn Republicans.

-Doug in Sugar Pine

Gambler2 ASKA White Woman said...

Anonymous said...

“It is generally agreed among most historians and other people who believe in democracy that the Spanish Civil War was quite different than you describe.”

It’s a safe assumption he thinks the good guys won the Spanish Civil War.

See also: “Hitler had some good ideas, though.”

4:36 PM
Yeah, the good guys won the Spanish Civil War. That's why there were massive celebrations with dancing in the streets when Franco died. I remember that well. The celebrations were comparable to when the Berlin Wall came down. I remember that one too. And in 2008 when Obama won the election. This year if Biden wins we will see the celebrations again.

Anonymous said...

"Or how about we grow the fuck up and just wear the damn masks."

It's mostly Democrats getting COVID.

Anonymous said...

Granny Bolshevik said...
"Trump is the terrorist party, Anon. He put out the call for his militant supporters to descend on Portland an attack peaceful protesters, which they did."

1. Trump did no such thing.
2. The people that have been rioting in Portland for the last 100 days are not 'peaceful protestors'.
3. The Trump supporters were just attempting to drive through Portland in a show of support for normal people.

Why do you lie to these poor negroes?

dinthebeast said...

"It's mostly Democrats getting COVID."

After California(699,909), which has 40 million residents, the next highest case numbers are Florida (614,753), Texas (610,354), and Georgia (268,973), with 60 million between them and a decidedly Republican slant.

So the DC circuit voted 8 to 2 to deny Flynn's motion to drop the charges, and rejected his effort to have judge Sullivan removed from his case.

-Doug in Sugar Pine

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