Monday, November 09, 2020

It's over! Bad things did happen in Philadelphia for Donald trump.

Time to move on Mr. trump. You lost. Get over it. 

You will forever be remembered as a one term impeached president, who got his ass kicked by a man you called the "worst presidential candidate in history.

Philadelphians were proud to be responsible for putting Joe Biden over the top, and you calling this great city a place where "bad things happen" did not help your cause. Yes, it is a place where "bad things happen", if your name happens to be Donald trump.

The country will now hear how they should reach out to the MAGA folks and try to heal and come together. Joe Biden himself seemed to be saying that in his victory speech. It just never ceases to amaze me that MAGA is never asked to reach out to the other side; it's always the other way around. 

The next few days should be interesting, since trump and his people are threatening court action because of all the alleged "voter fraud" against him. 

Let me say now for the record that there is ZERO chance that Mr. trump will win this challenge, and he needs to stop this charade now before he embarrasses himself and his family even more. 

On a personal note, I am proud of knowing that a half-Jamaican is the Vice President elect of these United States. 

Congrats to Kamala Harris for breaking new ground and being a trail blazer in every sense of the word. 


dinthebeast said...

I know, right? Let's all come together with the couple in the "Fuck your feelings" shirts and help the goddamn Republicans slither away from the flaming wreckage they've left the country in so they can plot the obstruction of the damage repair and scheme their way back into power to do some more damage... Uh, I don't think so.
How about we burn the motherfucking lifeboats instead and hold them to account for the damage until we have at least repaired half of it or so, and that will take years.
So given the American attention span, it won't happen, but we have to try or else the country is lost, so here we go.
Wish us luck, and any chance you get to render some assistance, it would be appreciated and remembered along with the bad stuff...

-Doug in Sugar Pine

Paradoctor said...

I think the problem is worse than most people realize. Note that over 60% of all gun deaths in the USA are suicides. To me that gives the whole game away. Add that to wingnut antimask, and (when the vaccine arrives) willful antivaxx. I see here a pattern of self-destructive behavior.

But why? I suspect that some of our pet trolls have internalized the message from the 1% that they are useless eaters. However I also suspect that the 1% is projecting their own - well-justified! - sense that they themselves are a net liability.

Trump himself is very much an avatar of own-worst-enemyhood.

I realize that it is tempting to let a hostile political faction destroy themselves. Unfortunately some are a danger to others as well as themselves.

So I urge all reading this - even our pet trolls - to live. Life's too short as is. Take good care of yourselves.

PilotX said...

It's not over until you negroes have your votes stolen like always. No way the mostly Blah and Brown areas of Milwaukee, Philly, ATL and Pittsburgh can have their votes be equal to "real American" votes.

PilotX said...

"I see here a pattern of self-destructive behavior."

This was inevitable. Americans love to see themselves are the greatest and bestest at everything and trump came along and gave them an even bigger fantasy world in which they can create any reality they wish. As we all know, reality has a strange way of intruding on our imaginary space. Take this election as an example, the trumpster told us he could not possibly lose and if he did it would only be because of fraud. Sometimes we have to accept reality.

Trump's Tax Returns, impeachment and Waterloo said...

Trump wasn't built for politics. He couldn't stay focused. His skin was too thin and he was only in it for the power and the skim. He couldn't separate reality from make believe. He was a wannabe gangster with a substantial lack of character development and was basically a one trick pony whose handlers thought they could keep up with the steaming pile of crap that became his trademark. He tried to pull off the heist of a lifetime but got caught and now his legacy will be found at the bottom of the swamp where he spent most of his life.

dinthebeast said...

About those suicides and "deaths of despair": Remember when they were reported in the media as an "urban" thing and blamed on the supposed moral failings of the *kind* of people who lived there?

Then, a few years ago, they somehow found their way into the more rural (read that whiter) areas and all of the sudden they were a great American tragedy that required presidential commissions to look into and prosecutions of the companies that manufactured the poison du jour.

And then the election of Fergus was blamed on economic anxiety, and while that was just a cover story for the racism that was the actual driver of that particular election, that term, economic anxiety, is still at play in the story of those deaths of despair.

Back before they were reported as an urban phenomenon, the manufacturing jobs that had been the ticket to a normal life for people (especially people of color) in the urban areas started to disappear. That left entire populations in the economic dumps, and they behaved just as you would expect people in those circumstances would behave.

And it was reported as a moral and cultural failing specific to them until the economic circumstances in the more rural (again, read more white) areas went into the same shitter and the very same behavior began to manifest.

Now I'm not advocating for anyone anywhere to have such a dismal outcome. I've seen way too much of it way too up close and personal, and indeed one of the major planks in my political party's platform is getting healthcare to those people who need it but may not feel like they have it as an option.

Well, maybe with the exception of Dick Cheney and Mitch McConnell.

But that couple in the "Fuck your feelings" shirts? The ones who look as if they may need insulin pretty soon if they don't need it already? I absolutely want them to have access to it before diabetes starts doing to them what it does when untreated: Limb amputations and confinement to a wheelchair. Look it up some time. It's very ugly.

But as for those in charge of their political party, I'll consider lightening up my attitude toward them only after they stop trying to kill me and the people I care about, and I'm not being hyperbolic there: The goddamn supreme court case trying to kill the ACA is this week and I am a disabled person.

In a way, I look at Republicans the same way I look as Christians and Deadheads: They may personally be innocuous enough, but they have chosen to make membership in a toxic, damaging club a major part of their lives and I can only look past that to a certain extent.

-Doug in Sugar Pine

dinthebeast said...

-Doug in Sugar Pine

Stillapanther2 said...

Doug, spot on. Especially about diabeties, which i have had about 20 years. You must have a HIGHLY COSTLY MEDICATION called insulin. I got diabetes from Agent Orange along with other maladies and those whites that vote against their needs only should look at how their politicians have the best while they will have zero. I know Obama care was the best that Prezs Obama could get pass poles that refuse to work with Prez Obama.... Looks like we may be at this junction again.

anotherbozo said...

And Field didn't even mention the Four Seasons Landscaping Company! Located between a crematorium and an adult bookstore! The landscapers went right along with the administration's mistake: Make American Rake Again! Lawn and Order!

Philadelphia's last laugh!

mike from iowa said...

Disgraced AG Barr tells US attorneys they are free to investigate voter fraud claims if credible. Now, we all know wingnuts use an entirely different dictionary to explain ordinary words for them. Credible is whatever a wingnut says it is.

drumpf's administration was ordered to hand over to the courts any fraud schemes they knew of and they turned over nothing.

mike from iowa said...

Top fraud investigator resigned after Barr's order to investigate fraud.

Anonymous said...

Black Suspect arrested in Los Angeles for murdering transgender woman in Philadelphia

Anonymous said...

The "election" is not over and there is no official determination. massive voter and election fraud committed by the socialist democrats.

How come the Russians didn't interfere this time????????????


Anonymous said...

Anonymous Stillapanther2 said...
Doug, spot on. Especially about diabeties, which i have had about 20 years. You must have a HIGHLY COSTLY MEDICATION called insulin. I got diabetes from Agent Orange along with other maladies and those whites that vote against their needs only should look at how their politicians have the best while they will have zero. I know Obama care was the best that Prezs Obama could get pass poles that refuse to work with Prez Obama.... Looks like we may be at this junction again.

2:52 AM

Hey liar. I have diabetes too and my health care and insulin went up after 2010 when obummer care was passed.

We have to pay for negroes and illegal aliens now......

Anonymous said...

Look at at all those idiots spreading Covid-19 by not sheltering in place and not social distancing.....

Anonymous said...

“How come the Russians didn't interfere this time????????????”

They did. They still failed, just like the Republicans lied and voter suppressed again, and still failed.

This election had an all-time high voter count, because a majority of Americans hate Trump that much after four years of his incompetence, corruption, and bigotry.

There was too much Trump hatred for the cheating to work this time.

Anonymous said...

"This election had an all-time high voter count" in fact in many democratic areas more votes than voters!!!

Anonymous said...

"majority of Americans hate Trump that much"

Pure bullshit. The majority of Americans voted for Trump and he DID win the election, no doubt of that. Your commie propaganda will come back to haunt you.....beware the sleeping Giant.

Anonymous said...

There was too much Trump hatred for the cheating to work this time.

10:23 AM

#1 Dominion software detects the majority votes for Trump.

#2 "counting" delays due to democrats destroying Trump ballots

#3 bidem mail in ballot dumps summoned in early hours, ALL for biden none for Trump.

#4 MASSIVE media blitz to declare biden the winner when in fact he is not and never really be the true winner of the 2020 election.

Anonymous said...

Democratic Whip James Clyburn: 'Defund the police' cost Democrats seats, hurt Black Lives Matter movement

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Gambler2 ASKA White Woman said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...


11:22 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...


11:21 AM
Yeah, it's a hoax, a scam all right. Just ask the people of Utah. Go to
and take a look.

Then answer me this, why are you so uninformed?

Gambler2 said...

"......Biden’s winning base in 477 counties encompasses fully 70% of America’s economic activity, while Trump’s losing base of 2,497 counties represents just 29% of the economy....."

So the poorest counties voted for Trump. This is insane because he would never promote anything that would help them. Astounding!

Gambler2 said...

Anonymous said...

Democratic Whip James Clyburn: 'Defund the police' cost Democrats seats, hurt Black Lives Matter movement

11:20 AM
I agree with Clyburn. I wonder who paid off the people who started the slogan, defund the police. No one in their right mind wants to defund the police, Democrats did not embrace this concept.

mike from iowa said...

This election had an all-time high voter count" in fact in many democratic areas more votes than voters!!!

Only in stoopid fucking wingnut fevered dreams. You lost, loser. Suck it up.

Gambler2 ASKA White Woman said...

To Anon. at 10.45 AM, 10:47 AM, and 10:51 AM

You are speaking nonsense. To do better, try to come up with some evidence to support your positions. And you should take you comments to The Hill or Political wire to engage a larger audience. The people who frequent this blog are much too smart for your messages to influence us.

PilotX said...

trump got 8% of the Blah vote which is the historic average for Republican candidates. I guess in total numbers that is an increase as more people voted but not in any way surprising.

PilotX said...

In 2000 tens of thousands of votes were suppressed and with the Brooks Brothers riot it was basically stolen for W. If, and that is a big IF, 2020 is stolen for Biden I say we call it even cause those guys got the last one. Call it an intentional double fault when your opponent got a bad call.

PilotX said...

PilotX said...

dinthebeast said...

Uh, Dominion Voting Systems bought Premier Election Solutions, formerly Diebold Election Systems, Inc. Remember them? As I recall, there was a movie about them that buggered their business so badly that they had to change their name, which didn't actually help so they were bought twice, the second time by Dominion.
I trust their equipment easily as far as I could spit a rat.

-Doug in Sugar Pine

dinthebeast said...

So what's up with the north lawn of the white house being dug up? And the scaffolding going up around the property is supposedly for the construction of a wall, does the damn fool have walls on the brain?

-Doug in Sugar Pine

mike from iowa said...

New milestones every day for drumpf's personalized body count....

United States
Coronavirus Cases:

Long about next Tuesday we should break the quarter million dead drumpf bodies to ooh and aah about.

Anonymous said...

"So what's up with the north lawn of the white house being dug up? And the scaffolding going up around the property is supposedly for the construction of a wall, does the damn fool have walls on the brain?"

Trump barricading himself in the White House against the cops -- or an enraged mob -- coming to drag him out when his presidency ends in January.

He's a whackjob, so that's my interpretation.

Gambler2 said...

Vast Majority of Americans Say Biden Won Election

November 10, 2020 at 7:35 pm EST By Taegan Goddard 61 Comments

A new Reuters/Ipsos poll finds nearly 80% of Americans, including more than half of Republicans, recognize President-elect Joe Biden as the winner of the Nov. 3 election.

Gambler2 said...

OP Witness of Voter Fraud Recants Allegations

November 10, 2020 at 7:15 pm EST By Taegan Goddard 180 Comments

“A Pennsylvania postal worker whose claims have been cited by top Republicans as potential evidence of widespread voting irregularities admitted to U.S. Postal Service investigators that he fabricated the allegations,” the Washington Post reports

dinthebeast said...

From Aimee Mann's Twitter feed:

Rachel Lichtman
These Republicans are a real C U Last Tuesday.

-Doug in Sugar Pine

PilotX said...

Man, are we going to have to go through this every 2-4 years? Will these fools go back to some type of normality or do we brace for the next trump?

dinthebeast said...

From Carl Newman's Twitter feed:

Michael Hattem
Nov 8
The f*****g nerve it takes to not only benefit from an already imbalanced system but to then gut the Voting Rights Act, engage in unprecedented gerrymandering, remove voting machines to cause hours-long lines, pass voter ID laws, cripple the USPS & then claim YOU'VE been cheated.

-Doug in Sugar Pine

Flying Junior said...

Congratulations Field. It couldn't have happened to a nicer guy. You guys deserve to take a victory lap. Thank you so much for coming through. We knew that you would.

As far as reconciling with our fellow Americans of the church of MAGA. I guess the best we can do is take it slow. I have made something of a study of these Trumpies. I usually am polite enough to call them conservatives. Even the few that like me personally and enjoy posting and good-natured banter are still card-carrying Hitler Jugend. These sons of bitches are truly crazy. And they fucking hate us for real. Like we were Al Qaeda or Isis. For god's sake, they refer to us as Marxists. They actually believe that cities in the West are being burned down by the infamous BLM/Antifa. That's all the same to those guys. Whack-a-Lulu crazy fucks. Did I mention they hate us? They honestly believe that in the next two years or so there will be civil war. I can't really figure out what the hell they are describing. But my closest guess is that they fear a vast uprising of leftist rioters attacking and burning down their cities and police stations and invading their homes in the suburbs. They will then, in glory, slaughter the libs and commies wholesale with their stockpiled guns and ammo. I rib a couple of guys to see how serious they are about this. Dead fucking serious. Psychotic break from reality.

PilotX said...

“I rib a couple of guys to see how serious they are about this. Dead fucking serious. Psychotic break from reality.“

I wish them luck because that won’t end well.

StillaPanther2 said...

to the Dimwit
that call me a liar about Obamacare. Nowhere did i say that insulin was cheaper, being in military I was fortunate enough to have that ca; part of the contract. I am sorry your tired aswz along with your sore loser did not serve. I know you did not serve because if you did, you would have seen by what I said, I was a soldier. I have had the opt to share on this blog for many years and I will respect you as long as you reciprocate....back to the narrative. Obamacare was lucky to get thru the men of your party that have GOVERNMENTAL HEALTHCARE and could care less what you have. How could you pull the lever for a man that brags he has 10 plus doctors and you can not buy insulin. One day you will see that following behind this man was not to your best interest,

mike from iowa said...

drumpf's personalized body count likely to hit three high points today....

United States
Coronavirus Cases:

Anonymous said...

Blogger mike from iowa said...
drumpf's personalized body count likely to hit three high points today....

United States
Coronavirus Cases:

8:20 AM

Take those propaganda numbers and reduce them by 99.7% and you have the real numbers.

Remember, Covid-19 was executed by the democrats....

Anonymous said...

TRUMP 2020!!


Anonymous said...

Remember remember the 3rd of November
Democratic party treason and voter fraud plot
For there is no reason that the Democratic Party treason and voter fraud plot should ever be forgot

Anonymous said...

“Take those propaganda numbers and reduce them by 99.7% and you have the real numbers.”

Sure, sure. That must be why the hospitals in North Dakota are at 100% capacity. Everything is completely normal. Nothing to see here.

You are starting to sound like Comical Ali, swearing on camera that “Iraq is winning!” as American bombs fall all around him.

Anonymous said...

"Sure, sure. That must be why the hospitals in North Dakota are at 100% capacity."

are they??? prove it.

Anonymous said...

"Sure, sure. That must be why the hospitals in North Dakota are at 100% capacity."

Pure Pravda or in this case pure Beijing.

Anonymous said...

Here are some REAL numbers:

CHICAGO Year2020 to Date:
Shot & Killed: 634
Shot & Wounded: 3057
Total Shot: 3691
Total Homicides: 697

79.8% black
16.1 Latino (mostly cartel imported violence due to unsecured borders and sanctuary city policies)

Anonymous said...

“‘Sure, sure. That must be why the hospitals in North Dakota are at 100% capacity.’

Pure Pravda or in this case pure Beijing.”

When did Beijing take control of all the news media in North Dakota? I must have been busy when that happened.

Here’s the news from Fargo:

ND hospitals reach capacity, every county moved to moderate Covid-19 risk

South Dakota is also in crisis mode. Maybe that Sturgis biker rally should’ve been cancelled?

Anonymous said...

there is ZERO chance that Mr. trump will win this challenge

The blatant fraud will be reversed.  He HAS won.

I am proud of knowing that a half-Jamaican is the Vice President elect of these United States.

No Jamaican has any business being IN the United States.  That includes you.

Gambler2 said...

Anonymous said....
Take those propaganda numbers and reduce them by 99.7% and you have the real numbers.

Remember, Covid-19 was executed by the democrats....

9:28 AM
I see you learned nothing from my arithmetic lesson. You're still posting the same old bull shit. Apparently all of Trump's followers are intellectually challenged.

Anonymous said...

"Note that over 60% of all gun deaths in the USA are suicides."

So FIX THE PROBLEMS BEHIND THEM.  Stop disemploying the victims, leaving them in unendurable pain, and otherwise persecuting them.

This was not a problem before.  Reverse the changes.  Start with shutting Perdue Pharma down for criminal fraud and jailing all the owners and execs.

Anonymous said...

They actually believe that cities in the West are being burned down by the infamous BLM/Antifa.

Your BLM/Antifa viciously attack ANYONE who opposes them.  They do NOT attack the arsonists.  No arsons occur where Trumpist counter-protesters are.  The arsonists ARE BLM/Antifa, so stop denying it.

Trump's Tax Returns, tax shelters and off shore accounts said...

No one has given more and gotten so little back than the African Americanized Soldier.

America owes you a great debt.

anotherbozo said...

Sad takeaway from the election: my tribe--white people--really are racists (67%). my particular clan-- old white men--are racist as fuck! No other explanation makes sense. The orange turd got 70m votes.

Analysis: whites don't hate POC. They just have 400+ years' worth of guilty consciences, are afraid of score settling.

Promising takeaway: POC are VOTING!

mike from iowa said...

anyfuckingmoose has to be the dumbest mother fucker the world has ever seen.

Take those propaganda numbers and reduce them by 99.7% and you have the real numbers.

Remember, Covid-19 was executed by the democrats

Blatant, debunked lies is all he has to repeat repeatedly.

Gambler2 said...

Mike said...

Blatant, debunked lies is all he has to repeat repeatedly.

12:57 PM
True, Mike. I wonder what they have to gain by posting this nonsense here. Maybe anon. thinks we are all dumb enough to believe him?

PilotX said...

Republicans, masters of hypocrisy. Look at how they chided the Dems for not conceding. Kaylie McCanany is on here. Dems should play this on a loop nonstop. LOL

mike from iowa said...

Biden has over 75 million votes. And the votes keep coming in from mailed in ballots. Stoopid fucking wingnuts thought they could stop voters by putting all kinds of restrictions on mail in ballots and then making the Postal Service slow down delivery of said ballots.

Stoopid fucking wingnuts can;t win without cheating and even then they don't always win.

Anonymous said...

“Stoopid fucking wingnuts thought they could stop voters by putting all kinds of restrictions on mail in ballots and then making the Postal Service slow down delivery of said ballots.”

They didn’t merely think they could — they actually did succeed in stopping a significant number of voters. By delaying the mail, some of these votes, mostly for Biden, will not count because they arrived too late. In Wisconsin, any mail votes that arrive after Election Day go straight in the trash.

Unfortunately, their cheating wasn’t good enough. Biden still won. So now the only option they’re left with is Trump tearing up the Constitution and declaring himself dictator for life.

Are Republicans really willing to let him go this route? That is the all-important question.

anotherbozo said...

@anonymous 3:40: Trump made a mistake as a dictator wannabe. He didn’t/doesn’t have the military in his pocket. Every generalissimo knows you’ve gotta have power on your side, and the Boogaloo Boys + Hell’s Angels don’t quite equate to the Joint Chiefs on speed dial.

Anonymous said...

Sooooo, the Proud Boys have been trying to convince everyone for a while now that they’re totally not a white supremacist outfit; they’re just “proud” of the accomplishments of Western civilization. Or something.

But I guess they got tired of that pretense, because, well, just listen to this leader of the group:

“We will no longer cuck to the left by appointing token negroes as our leaders. We will no longer allow homosexuals or other ‘undesirables’ into our ranks. We will confront the Zionist criminals who wish to destroy our civilization.”

Huh. Imagine that.

I am shocked, shocked to find they are just garden-variety Nazis. Who could possibly have known?

PilotX said...

“Are Republicans really willing to let him go this route?”

They absolutely will. Many of them are religious extremists and to them this is the chance god has given them.

mike from iowa said...

drumpfuck the dumbfuck invited 28 foreign inspectors to oversee the election and they found nothing wrong except maybe drumpf's gaslighting about voter fraud.

Anonymous said...

“They absolutely will. Many of them are religious extremists and to them this is the chance god has given them.”

Most of the actual Republican politicians aren’t religious extremists; they’re self-serving, lying opportunists. They’re devout adherents of the church of Me, Myself, and I.

So, the question is whether they think it is really in their personal self-interest to allow Trump to continue with his ridiculous voter-fraud charade, and thereby cause the country to descend into violence.

mike from iowa said...

Many moar milestones in drumpf's personalized body count...

United States
Coronavirus Cases:

247.2k and the day is still young. At this rate we could easily see 250k drumpf bodies by Saturday.

dinthebeast said...

So much for the dead people voting in Philly (h/t: Blue Girl):

Kaitlan Collins
· 9h
Republican Philadelphia City Commissioner says they looked into a list claiming dead people voted. "Between everything else that we're doing, we looked it up — each one of them to see what their vote history was. Not a single one voted in Philadelphia after they died."

-Doug in Sugar Pine

mike from iowa said...

Amazing how wingnut voter fraud narrative flips 180 degrees when wingnut lawyers claims are questioned by judges....

At times, Trump’s own lawyers, who are suing to invalidate ballots and challenge election results in several states, have contradicted Trump’s conspiracy theories. In one case, Trump lawyer Jonathan S. Goldstein was forced to admit that he had no evidence of any fraud concerning a tranche of 592 ballots Trump was trying to get invalidated.

“Are you claiming that there is any fraud in connection with these 592 disputed ballots?” Judge Richard P. Haaz asked Trump’s lawyers.

“To my knowledge at present, no,” Goldstein replied.

Another Trump lawyer admitted that there were indeed observers in Philadelphia’s counting room after Eastern District of Pennsylvania Judge Paul Diamond specifically asked about it.

“I’m sorry, then what’s your problem?” Diamond asked after Trump’s lawyer confirmed that observers were present.

We know which party of stoopid fucking inbred, sister humping, wasicu trailer trash are the liars, don't we?

PilotX said...

“Most of the actual Republican politicians aren’t religious extremists;”

The politicians don’t matter at this point, they’ve activate their 70,000,000 cultists who will kill and burn because they believe they’re saving democracy.

Anonymous said...

“The politicians don’t matter at this point, they’ve activate their 70,000,000 cultists who will kill and burn because they believe they’re saving democracy.”

I think they still matter. But the longer they go without acknowledging Biden’s victory, the more volatile the situation will become.

PilotX said...

“I think they still matter. But the longer they go without acknowledging Biden’s victory, the more volatile the situation will become.“

I don’t know, they already have idiots on parlor talking about killing liberals so I think that ship has sailed. You may be right but the non-serving punk in the White House will do whatever it takes to save his own ass. 🤷🏾‍♂️

PilotX said...

the trump family has gone over 150 years and five generations without anyone in the family serving in the military. Oh wait, his brother joined the Guard and his dad disowned him just like trump said he would cut any kid that served out of his will. Such great people.

dinthebeast said...

The 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month:

-Doug in Sugar Pine

A normal person said...

Cool youtube video Doug.

Anonymous said...

This should actually be the REAL numbers:

CHICAGO Year 2020 to Date:
Shot & Killed: 3691

Save the working public much money caring for this detritus.

79.8% black
16.1 Latino (mostly cartel imported violence due to unsecured borders and sanctuary city policies)

Minneapolis News said...

N166er who assaulted an elderly (Zoomali) man on a bus sentenced to 160 months in prison.

In the heart of "defund the police", so-called "violence interrupters" demand that the police interrupt the violence so they can do their "work".  Such irony.

Africans have no business in civilization.  Go back to da muddaland, and deal with your own.

dinthebeast said...

-Doug in Sugar Pine

Cyrus Jenix said...

thankyou for sharing this informative panther leather jacket

PilotX said...

Well Field, we found Lark.

Gambler2 said...

Fraudster and felon James O'Keefe took advantage of the chaos at the U.S. Postal Service to do his usual thing: commit fraud in order to prove that voter fraud is real. In this case, he conned a postal worker into claiming postal workers in Erie, Pennsylvania were instructed to backdate ballots mailed after Election Day. The postal worker, Richard Hopkins, has recanted, telling postal workers that he made it all up. But not after Trump's little BFF Sen. Lindsey Graham used the allegations to ask the Justice Department for a federal investigation. Which Trump-owned Attorney General William Barr then opened.

So this was another one cooked up by James O'Keefe, scum of the earth, liar in chief, and all around rotten asshole.

mike from iowa said...

Arizona finally called in Biden's favor. Another 11 electoral votes in the most biggest electoral landslide ever against drumpfuck the impeached sore loser.

Gambler2 said...

Here is an interesting article regarding the reason the polls were off so much this year. As I have suggested, the answer involves methodology. Seems pollsters have made a simple error regarding non responders that first appeared in the 1982 governors election between George Deukmejian (R) and Tom Bradley (D) in California.

In that election exit polling indicated that Bradley had won, but after the votes were counted, Deukmejian was elected governor. As in all polling, some voters declined to answer any questions. The pollsters assumed that the votes of the non responders were split 50-50 between the two candidates, but they were not. Seems non responders are more likely be conservative and vote Republican.

I don't know if this variable has been incorporated into the latest polling methodology, but if it hasn't, it should be.

PilotX said...

“So this was another one cooked up by James O'Keefe, scum of the earth, liar in chief, and all around rotten asshole.“

That sounds like some kind of federal offense. Can we finally put this assclown in jail?

Anonymous said...

Hey, remember how that one French doctor flogged hydroxychloroquine as a treatment for COVID? Which Trump then also promoted, even though the results hadn't been corroborated by anybody?

It turns out the French doctor is kind of a hack, and he's now under investigation from his medical licensing board for ethical breaches. (Basically, he's accused of making shit up.)

French professor faces disciplinary case over hydroxychloroquine claims

Paradoctor said...

Secretary Pompeo attempted a joke: that Trump will make "a smooth transition to a second Trump administration". That half-witticism went over like a lead zeppelin. So what other destination would be more befitting? I call for a vote. Trump should make a smooth transition to where?

A. Oblivion?
B. Moscow?
C. Hell?
D. Riker's Island?
E. ___________?

E is a write-in vote. Imaginative suggestions welcome.
Full disclosure: I vote D.

dinthebeast said...

Gambler: Yeah, the Bradley effect. I've heard pollsters say that the polling was so far off this year because "you can't poll crazy" and for their sake they had better be wrong about that; seventy million Americans are so goddamn crazy that they voted for a con man who was actively trying to kill them, and ignoring them or just wishing they didn't exist or were less crazy than they are will not, in fact, render up data that is useful in campaign or governance decisions, which is what they are in the business of doing.

I also read that covid had something to do with it: everyone was stuck at home with time on their hands, and the Democrats were excited enough about the election to respond to polling phone calls that they previously would have ignored. Why that didn't also apply to Republicans they weren't that clear about.

Either way, the polling industry has some work to do before it can be taken seriously again, and as we need the data they produce in order to govern, the sooner they get to it, the better.

-Doug in Sugar Pine

mike from iowa said...

drumpf/Noem Nothing body count reaches moar milestones this day...

United States
Coronavirus Cases:

Nearly 11 million cases of covid and closing in on a quarter million dead bodies for drumpf/Noem Nothing to fondle.

dinthebeast said...

Just so Fergus fatigue doesn't erase all of the things he has fucked up, McSweeney's has compiled a list, 978 items long:

Lest We Forget the Horrors: A Catalog of Trump’s Worst Cruelties, Collusions, Corruptions, and Crimes

-Doug in Sugar Pine

mike from iowa said...

I never heard from a single Dem pollster, but plenty of right wing nut job pollsters.

For all you stoopid fucking inbred wasicu wingnuts out there, why don't you ever demand drumpf prove all or any of his lies when he claims he has proof election was stolen? Maybe you really are that dumb and don't care you are being lied to by drumpfuck the pathological lying dumbfuck.

mike from iowa said...

Great link, Doug. Gonna share it with friends. :)

Gambler2 said...

ep. Don Young (R-AK), the longest-serving member of the House of Representatives and 87 years old, announced he has tested positive for coronavirus.

Some hoax we have going here. If he dies, the wingnuts will ask us to prove it or say it's fake news. LOL! Hope he makes it, after all, I'm 84 now.

Gambler2 said...

Thank you, Doug. I bookmarked the site and will print the article later.

-Doug in Sugar Pine

4:22 PM

dinthebeast said...

Pony up, Danny boy:

John Fetterman
Hey, Governor Patrick- it’s your counterpart in Pennsylvania.

I’d like to collect your handsome reward for reporting voter fraud.

I got a dude in Forty Fort, PA who tried to have his dead mom vote for Trump.

I’d like mine in Sheetz gift cards pls.

ps. The Cowboys blow.

-Doug in Sugar Pine

Gambler2 said...

Dinthebeast said....

Gambler: Yeah, the Bradley effect. I've heard pollsters say that the polling was so far off this year because "you can't poll crazy" and for their sake they had better be wrong about that; seventy million Americans are so goddamn crazy that they voted for a con man who was actively trying to kill them, and ignoring them or just wishing they didn't exist or were less crazy than they are will not, in fact, render up data that is useful in campaign or governance decisions, which is what they are in the business of doing

I agree with your analysis. Undoubtedly the pandemic led to more Democrats being at home and willing speak to pollsters. But I hope pollsters create a new model that changes their weighting practices to better reflect the voters' opinions. Weighing non responders as 50-50 doesn't seem to work well.

It's Happening said...

Trump just won Pennsylvania.

Michigan and Georgia to be overturned on audit.

Wisconsin and Nevada likely as well, although not necessary.

Four more years, baby!

mike from iowa said...

It's Happening said... there were only 10k ballots that came in late and even if all were for drumpf, it wouldn't make up anywhere near enough votes to overturn Biden's lead.

McCTurtlefuckface did for drumpf what he couldn't accomplish for Obama.... made drumpf a one failed term impeached worst potus ever..

Petrified fossil congressbitch Don Young of Alaska has covid. Is it okay to feel sympathy for a virus?

dinthebeast said...

I need to give a hat tip to Susie Madrak, whose blog I found that McSweeney's article on.

-Doug in Sugar Pine

mike from iowa said...

Sorry I missed yer earlier Don Young post, Gambler. Young is the only congressbitch Alaska has ever had. Time to retire his ancient skanky ass. He is also the most reprimanded congressbitch ever.

dinthebeast said...

"Trump Attorney Admits To Judge Under Penalty Of Perjury That There’s No Election Fraud"

-Doug in Sugar Pine

Anonymous said...

Guess what? Trump won Virginia too.

Anonymous said...

"Trump Attorney Admits To Judge Under Penalty Of Perjury That There’s No Election Fraud"

Referring to a specific batch of 592 ballots that are invalid in just one case.

The number of fraudulent ballots and software manipulated tallies numbers in the millions.

Trump won.

Field Negro said...

"The number of fraudulent ballots and software manipulated tallies numbers in the millions.

Trump won."

Do you go to church? Maybe if you go and pray really hard you will receive a miracle.

Field Negro said...

5:21 PM

"Anonymous It's Happening said...
Trump just won Pennsylvania.

Michigan and Georgia to be overturned on audit.

Wisconsin and Nevada likely as well, although not necessary.

Four more years, baby!"

Now I know what happened in Jones Town. :)

mike from iowa said...

You know Hunter Biden is behind all these illegal ballots and missing ones and overcounts and undercounts and everything else wrong in wingnut land, although they have no proof and never will have any proof.

It's Happening said...

"Maybe if you go and pray really hard you will receive a miracle."

Don't need a miracle. Just vote audits.

Watch and see.

mike from iowa said...

Its happening said... derp.

We are still waiting for Obama and administration to be frog marched out of White House and HRC to be locked up for not selling any Uranium to Russia.

Gambler2 said...

Anonymous said....

The number of fraudulent ballots and software manipulated tallies numbers in the millions.

Trump won.

5:55 PM
Maybe in an alternate universe, but not in this one.

Gambler2 said...

Anonymous said...

Guess what? Trump won Virginia too.

5:50 PM
Yup, and when California gets done counting, Trump will have won there too. LOL!

Gambler2 said...

It's Happening said...

"Maybe if you go and pray really hard you will receive a miracle."

Don't need a miracle. Just vote audits.

Watch and see.

6:38 PM
We have been watching, and we are seeing judges throwing out frivolous lawsuits

dinthebeast said...

From Blue Girl's Twitter feed:

Oliver Willis
· Nov 11
Maybe attack Republicans for their decades of support for “defund the hospital” and “defund the school” and “defund social security.” Start from there, democrats. Play offense.

-Doug in Sugar Pine

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