Sunday, December 12, 2021

Ode to Philly.

 I think it was Tennessee Williams who famously quipped that there are only three great American cities: New York, San Francisco, and New Orleans, and then he went on to say that all the rest are just Cleveland. 

Of course he would be wrong, because he forgot about Philadelphia being one of those great American cities as well. From South Street to 69th Street, and all places in between, Philly is just...well....unique. 

I have been so proud to call this place home for the past 25 plus years. I have traveled all over this beautiful world and country of ours, and Philly is low- key one of the greatest and most underrated cities there is. I could go on and on about the arts, the history, the sports, and the culture (not to mention the  close proximity to both the mountains and the beach), but what I will always love most about Philly is the people.  

You can't beat the passion, the authenticity and the grit of the folks here, not to mention the genuine love that they have for each other and their neighborhoods. It manifests itself in how passionate they are for their sports teams, and everything else that they call their own. You won't find the pretentiousness and the shallowness that is commonplace in other cities, because that doesn't play well here. This is why I always loved this city so much. 

If I am writing like someone who is being nostalgic, it's because, in a way, I am. Even though I have not quite left yet, my time in this place that I have adopted as my American home is short lived. 

It's on to new challenges in new places. And while I am excited for what the future holds, I am saddened because of what I have to leave behind.

"The city of brotherly love" earned that title with me, because I always felt it. 




PilotX said...

Man, what about the music? Late night jazz clubs not found too many other places where Questlove, Erika Badu or others would just drop in and start jamming. While Philly isn’t on the same level as Chicago it’s still a pretty cool place.😅 Good luck in the new yawd, let us know where you land.

dinthebeast said...

I have similar feelings for Oakland. I left my hometown at age 23 to live in Oakland, and stayed in the East Bay for 35 years. Briana is down there right now, gearing up for another run to her property in Humboldt County, where we will eventually live.
It really is beautiful here at the southern gate to Yosemite, and I really like my neighbors a lot, but Oakland will always feel like home to me, even though I can't afford to live there any more.

-Doug in Sugar Pine

dinthebeast said...

And as for Tennessee Williams, I did live in San Francisco for six months in 2001, and I have to say that I very much prefer Oakland.

-Doug in Sugar Pine

Anonymous said...

I have traveled all over this beautiful world and country of ours, and Philly is low- key one of the greatest and most underrated cities there is.

Detroit used to be called "the Paris of the midwest".  Now it's crime-ridden and decaying.

I could go on and on about the arts, the history, the sports, and the culture (not to mention the close proximity to both the mountains and the beach), but what I will always love most about Philly is the people.

Then why do they kill each other so often?  Philadelphia has the highest per-capita murder rate among the USA's 10 largest cities. Calling "your" city "Killadelphia" is well-deserved, and it's deserved because of people (using that term loosely) like YOU.


Anonymous said...

"Detroit used to be called 'the Paris of the midwest'. Now it's crime-ridden and decaying."

Yeah, that'll happen when your city is a one-industry town and the companies in that industry plummet from having 85% market share down to 45% because they got their asses kicked by European and Asian carmakers.

You're about to try to blame black people for that, somehow, but it wasn't black auto execs who ran those companies into the ground, nor was it black people in government who refused to pass any policies to protect them from imported vehicles.

It was overwhelmingly white people who did that.

Frank said...

I lived in the Philly area for many years. During those times, I traveled extensively for business.

Philadelphia is one of America's great cities. (Also, by virtue of being between Washington, D. C., and New York City, it has one of America's greatest inferiority complexes.)

So I will second your paean to Philadelphia, one of America's great cities.

PilotX said...

“it has one of America's greatest inferiority complexes“

I don’t know about that, Philly folks are arrogant enough to cause a Yankees fan in Boston to choke.

Flying Junior said...


Oakland in the 1980s must have had some pretty insane music clubs still doing funk and transitioning into hip hop and maybe some house? Was that something that you were into back in the day? Fun shit. Dubbing. Scratch. Turntables.

Flying Junior said...

Between the way that you and PilotX describe it, Philly sounds pretty nice.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, that'll happen when your city is a one-industry town and the companies in that industry plummet from having 85% market share down to 45%

And why did that happen?  Why did Americans stop buying American cars?

Because American cars began to SUCK, that's why.

because they got their asses kicked by European and Asian carmakers.

I am only too familiar with this.  As I was growing up, my parents owned a DKW (Der Kline Wunder) and a Mercedes.

You're about to try to blame black people for that, somehow, but it wasn't black auto execs who ran those companies into the ground

No, it was black union workers whose demands destroyed the companies they worked for.  Union shop laws are largely responsible for that; being able to eject unions from companies would have protected those companies.

When demands exceed reason, they need to be rejected... and those demanding them need to be rejected, BAMN.

What cannot continue, will not... and did not.  Learn from history.

If you can, which you almost certainly cannot.

dinthebeast said...

Flying Junior: I moved to Oakland to be closer to the music I was already traveling down there to see, and I attended +/- 200 shows in the time I was there, and they were a little of everything that was happening, although I kinda favored guitar oriented music, being a guitar player myself. And on that score, I've actually been playing my Les Paul every day for a month, for the first time in a long ass time.
I suck, but less so each passing day...

-Doug in Sugar Pine

field negro said...

"YOU ARE A PLAGUE". And you are my biggest fan. Go figure. 😏

Anonymous said...

“No, it was black union workers whose demands destroyed the companies they worked for.”

Lol, this nonsense again …

German car companies also have labor unions, which demand high wages because that is what labor unions are for. Strangely, their auto industry did just fine, while ours didn’t. And in the years when the U.S. auto industry lost its competitive advantage, back in the ‘60s and ‘70s, it was hardly being bankrupted by “greedy” hourly-wage workers. Its profits were healthy.

The demise of the Big Three was caused in the boardroom, not on the factory floor. Auto execs decided that American consumers didn’t care about fuel economy, reliability, or even safety, so they put no R&D dollars into improving those attributes of their vehicles. By the time they figured out they were wrong, it was too late. European and Asian companies were already making better cars.

Bashing labor unions is just the usual wingnut deflection. When the rich fail, they always find a way to blame the working class and the poor instead.

Wisconsin Reader said...

Field . . .Hopefully you will continue your site after you move. . .Are you considering "Go West young man" ?

the bewilderness said...

I am here in the Puget Sound area of the PNW a bit puzzled by the idea of Philadelphia being close to the mountains and the beach.
I have never been to Philly, so I am guessing proximity is relative.

I was hoping your hiatus meant good news. Congratulations.

I am old enough to remember what happened to Detroit. Blaming greedy workers for management errors is a strategy as old as the Pyramids.

Anonymous said...

Congress is preparing contempt charges against Mark Meadows, just as they previously did for Steve Bannon and Jeffrey Clark.

It looks like the whole Trump crew are headed to jail.

field negro said...

"Are you considering "Go West young man" ?'
Not quite. Although I love the West. (Sister is in Seattle.)

tb, it is relative. Speaking of Seattle, I am sure you are closer to both. We are about an hour and a half from the mountains and an hour from the beach. Or, as we call it here, "the shore". :)

dinthebeast said...

Derek Chauvin to plead guilty to violating George Floyd's civil rights

-Doug in Sugar Pine

mike from iowa said...

Phillie is so much more historically relevant than Detroit or Chicago or Cleveland. Wasicus don't want to hear the first capitol was in Phillie or Liberty Hall.

Magats are fond of guessing America won independence from all our enemies at the Alamo with Davy Crockett. Why? Because magats aren't the sharpest knives in the drawer. It fits their mold of underdogs prevailing after great hardships, like drumpf and dumbass dubya pulling themselves up by their Gucci bootstraps.

Gambler2 said...

Anonymous said...

"No, it was black union workers whose demands destroyed the companies they worked for. Union shop laws are largely responsible for that; being able to eject unions from companies would have protected those companies."
This is one of the most enduring lies that conservatives spew. Sure it's the greedy workers who want a living wage that made Detroit a wasteland for auto workers.

Bull. It was pig-headed auto executives that brought about the decline of the American auto industry. They saw the handwriting on the wall and refused to change.

PilotX said...

Anonymous said...

Bad news for the antivax jackasses. SCOTUS refused to block vaccine mandates for NY healthcare workers.

No jab, no job.

dinthebeast said...

When it's fucked up, just do what you can:

-Doug in Sugar Pine

Anonymous said...

It was pig-headed auto executives that brought about the decline of the American auto industry. They saw the handwriting on the wall and refused to change.

Then explain to me why all the under-utilized physical plant and unemployed workers weren't snapped up by some more-clueful competitor?

I'll explain it to you:  blacks looted the plants and turned the area into a crime-ridden shithole.  There was a closed-but-serviceable medical center in greater Detroit.  As soon as the security guards were let go, it was destroyed by "scrappers" within DAYS.

There's a reason Saturn went to Tennessee and not Detroit or Flint:  to get away from blacks.  There's a poster who just retired from FRAP (Flat Rock Assembly Plant) and his tales of monkeyshines were epic.

Anonymous said...

"There's a reason Saturn went to Tennessee and not Detroit or Flint: to get away from blacks."

No, there's a reason Saturn went to Tennessee (and pretty much the same reason why any auto company opens a factory anywhere in the South): Their state laws make it hard to unionize, which means the company can then pay their workers dirt.

Note: This does not mean they HAVE to pay their workers dirt. They just like to, because that leaves more money for execs and shareholders.

The interesting question is: Why are red-state dummies content with getting paid dirt?

Anonymous said...

Why are red-state dummies content with getting paid dirt?

I've worked in Red states.  The pay was good and not having to deal with insanity like "wokeness" and all the crime that comes with leftism was very much worth it.

Anonymous said...

EXCLUSIVE: Premier League SHUTDOWN fear: Teams worry that spiralling Covid cases – after record high of 42 in a week – could halt the season with stars having to wait for booster jabs and emergency protocols back in force

The Premier League have announced a record 42 positive tests for Covid-19
At least five clubs have had confirmed cases which has sparked concerns
Clubs are fearful of mass postponements and a need for another shutdown
The slow pace of vaccination programmes has left players waiting for a booster
Wolves are the only side expected to meet Boris Johnson’s booster target

PilotX said...

"I've worked in Red states. The pay was good and not having to deal with insanity like "wokeness" and all the crime that comes with leftism was very much worth it."

Yeah, just have to worry about horrible education, health and insane politicians. There's a reason red states are near the bottom in all categories. Shrug.

PilotX said...

"No, there's a reason Saturn went to Tennessee (and pretty much the same reason why any auto company opens a factory anywhere in the South): Their state laws make it hard to unionize, which means the company can then pay their workers dirt."


mike from iowa said...

My youngest son, who couldn't be bothered to get free vaccinations says he was sicker than a dog Sunday with, you guessed it, covid. He just bought an acreage and he may lose his job as they are downsizing severely.

If needed his life insurance will pay for the acreage and preserve it for his son, my grandson and father of my great grand girlie.

I hope it won't be necessary.

mike from iowa said...

Saturn plant is unionized and has been closed and opened a few times. Saturns haven't been made since 2007, approx.

mike from iowa said...

Wasicu going to prison for putting razor blades in pizza dough. Too bad cuz he looks like he needed a shave.

He seemed nice, though. Bwahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!

Gambler2 said...

Anonymous said...

"Then explain to me why all the under-utilized physical plant and unemployed workers weren't snapped up by some more-clueful competitor?"
You asked me to explain it and then answered your own question by explaining it to me with the usual specious argument. My answer is there were no competitors with a clue in this country. They were all in on big gas guzzling cars. All of their competitors were manufacturing in Japan, Germany, and a handful of other countries.

I was around then, and I remember how it was. My first car, was from England, and my second from Germany because no company in the US was making small cars.

So I suggest you read up one the matter and get it straight. Black or white union workers in Detroit had nothing to do with it.

Gambler2 said...

Anonymous said...

Why are red-state dummies content with getting paid dirt?

I've worked in Red states. The pay was good and not having to deal with insanity like "wokeness" and all the crime that comes with leftism was very much worth it.

1:25 AM
How do you define "good pay"?
Not sure what you mean by wokeness. Can you define it also?

Gambler2 said...

From Today's Daily Beast...

Three Republican residents of the hedonistic Florida retirement haven, The Villages, have been charged with casting multiple votes in the 2020 presidential election, according to local reports.

Seems Republicans are the ones committing election fraud.

Anonymous said...

"How do you define 'good pay'?"

He's probably not an hourly worker anyway, so it doesn't apply to him. I don't wonder why middle-class or certainly wealthy workers don't give a shit about the pay of working-class laborers.

I do wonder why white working-class laborers in rural, small-town America keep voting to screw themselves, though. My best guess is they are so beaten down and defeated they just accept that if they unionize and demand better pay and working conditions, that local Amazon warehouse they work at will just pack up and move out of town. They assume their part of the country really has nothing much to offer to attract businesses other than cheap labor, so they are stuck taking what they can get to keep those businesses operating in their no-horse, backwater town.

Of course, they resent this situation. They resent their poor pay and working conditions. So what do they do to improve their circumstances? They rant about how Mexicans are ruining everything, and football players won't stop kneeling, and trannies are in the women's bathroom now.

Because that's totally constructive behavior.

"Not sure what you mean by wokeness. Can you define it also?"

You know what he means. He means not being racist. Racism gives him a boner, so anyone threatening to take that away is ruining his lifestyle.

Gambler2 said...

To Anon. at 1:05...

Well, thank you. No, I didn't know that wokeness was considered to be anti racist. I guess I'm a little nave when it comes to the latest buzz words. Regardless of that, I am proud to be a "woke" woman. LOL!

Anonymous said...

“Well, thank you. No, I didn't know that wokeness was considered to be anti racist.”

“Woke” basically refers to left identity politics. So anti-racism, feminism, gay rights.

There is a lot of criticism of wokeness, some of it deserved. Activists and academics sometimes employ overwrought rhetoric, engage in obnoxious protesting methods, or promote flakey corporate/governmental policies to address bigotry.

But it’s safe to assume that none of these are the real objection of the trolls on this blog. They don’t object to the tactics of wokeness for reducing bigotry; they are actually pro-bigotry.

mike from iowa said...

Owed to Philly.... the heads and briskets of anymoose and his troll buds immediately.

Anonymous said...

How do you define "good pay"?

If memory serves, it was around $55/hour at the time.  I left my blue state and bounced around places like Texas and even small-town Minnesota (which was pretty red in those days).  I did well enough to bank a pretty nice 401(k).

Not sure what you mean by wokeness. Can you define it also?

Among other things, the insistence that black problems are exclusively the responsibility of Whites, who must be made to grovel endlessly for their "privilege".  The insistence that blacks are so fragile, they can be damaged by "microaggressions" and must never be questioned or treated with skepticism, but always deferred to.  The belief that any attempt to teach proper spelling and pronunciation, to model and teach successful habits of behavior such as politeness and thrift, or insist they simply not commit crime, are some variety of "racism".

mike from iowa said...

Rumble is one of the m0st obvious extreme far right, conspiracy pushing outfits out there. They should fit well with liar drumpf.

Flying Junior said...

Courtesy of TFG, woke is the new dirty word in right-wing fascism language. It means everything that the MAGA people hate, up to and including imagined Marxism.

Fuck 'em all. Idiots.

Anonymous said...

woke is the new dirty word in right-wing fascism language.

"Woke" is a leftist, "anti-racist" term.  It came straight out of White-hating groups as did "White privilege," "invisible knapsack" and "Political Correctness".

It means everything that the MAGA people hate

Of course.  We hate being unjustly accused and maligned.

Unlike SOME groups, who only hate being "made to look bad" by exposing the truth about them.

dinthebeast said...

Woke is another word the goddamn Republicans stole from Black people and tried to turn against them. It's kind of what they do, as fascism doesn't sell well undisguised.

-Doug in Sugar Pine

dinthebeast said...

On the subject of Mark Meadows preparing for the National Guard to protect Fergus supporters on January 6 (from Susie Madrak's blog):

Leftists did not take the bait and show up at the Capitol on Jan. 6th, because that was the pretext they wanted for Trump to invoke the Insurrection Act. Sometimes the thing that didn’t happen is more strategic than the thing that did.

-Doug in Sugar Pine

Anonymous said...

Woke is another word the goddamn Republicans stole from Black people and tried to turn against them.

Tried and succeeded, which made it an own-goal on blacks' part.  Blacks were also dumb enough to go on looting sprees over criminals like George Floyd, which earns no points with Asians or Hispanics either.  But blacks didn't create Critical Race Theory and have White people use it against them; they're too dumb to create oxymoronic phrases like that.  That was (((someone else))).

Did it ever occur to you that we might have less conflict without (((someone else))) stoking it for their own ends?

Anonymous said...

The problem with being Left-wing, as has been documented by Danish researcher Emil Kirkegaard, is that you feel negative feelings very acutely. In fact, you experience anxiety, jealousy and anger so strongly that these feelings can overwhelm the ability to think and behave in a rational way [Mental Illness and the Left, by Emil Kirkegaard, Mankind Quarterly, 2020].

Practically every namefag posting here shows exactly those pathologies.  You people ARE insane!

Gambler2 said...

Among other things, the insistence that black problems are exclusively the responsibility of
Anonymous said....

Whites, who must be made to grovel endlessly for their "privilege". The insistence that blacks are so fragile, they can be damaged by "microaggressions" and must never be questioned or treated with skepticism, but always deferred to. The belief that any attempt to teach proper spelling and pronunciation, to model and teach successful habits of behavior such as politeness and thrift, or insist they simply not commit crime, are some variety of "racism".

5:25 PM
Gee, I don't know, nor have ever heard of anyone who advocates what you are claiming here. You must live on another planet.

Gambler2 said...

Blogger Flying Junior said...

Courtesy of TFG, woke is the new dirty word in right-wing fascism language. It means everything that the MAGA people hate, up to and including imagined Marxism.

Fuck 'em all. Idiots.

6:58 PM
Thanks, I have to agree with you last statement.

Gambler2 said...

Anonymous said...

"The problem with being Left-wing, as has been documented by Danish researcher Emil Kirkegaard......"

8:24 PM
I've begun doing a little research on Mr. Kirkegaard and found some disturbing things. The quality of peer review at OpenPsych has been questioned; criticisms include:

Lack of qualified reviewers: reviewers "are not required to hold advanced academic qualifications", nor need to specialise in what they review. For example, Kirkegaard reviews papers submissions to two of the journals, but has only a BA in linguistics, claiming he is entirely "self-taught".

Scientific racism: OpenPsych has published articles widely considered scientific racism, while several members of its editorial board hold far-right political views and attended the controversial London Conference on Intelligence.

The Southern Poverty Law Center, in an article discussing proponents of scientific racism including Emil Kirkegaard, describes OpenPsych as a "pseudojournal". Kirkegaard is regarded by the Centre for Analysis of Radical Right to be a "figure on the radical right fringe".

Anon, do really expect me to believe anything this pseudo scientist has to say? Really?

In addition, there is evidence that Mr. Kirkegaard advocates for legalizing child pornography and incest and favors lowering the age of consent to thirteen years of age. Disgusting!

dinthebeast said...

It's never a good strategy to give the goddamn Republicans veto power over your language because it doesn't matter what you say, they will still try to turn it into evidence of communism. So no, it wasn't an own goal. The only people who believe Republican talking points are the propaganda addicted and the critical thinking challenged, which amounts to the entirety of the Pig People. Fortunately, there are fewer of them than there are sane people, and if we can avoid letting the goddamn Republicans destroy democracy, we can still slowly and painfully pull the republic back toward majority rule.

Karl Racine, the AG of DC has brought a civil suit against noted anti-masturbationists the Proud Boys and their partners in despicability the Oath Keepers, with the intention of bankrupting them out of existence as was done to the Aryan Nation and more recently, the repugnant morons responsible for the "Unite the Right" riot in Charlottesville.

-Doug in Sugar Pine

Ctrl+Halt+Del said...

Derek Chauvin pleads guilty to violating George Floyd's Civil rights before he murdered him.

PilotX said...

PilotX said...

"Gee, I don't know, nor have ever heard of anyone who advocates what you are claiming here. You must live on another planet."

They pretty much do. A world in which JFK will rise from the dead and run as trump's VP, Marxism is everywhere they turn and Dems drink baby blood. Must be exhausting living there.

Gambler2 said...

Anonymous said...

I don't know, nor have ever heard of anyone who advocates what you are claiming here.

"Because you live in a leftist bubble (and likely have dementia). You need go no farther than Wikipedia to find these things:"

3:08 AM
Well, I may have a bit of dementia as you say - (After all, I am 85 years old), but my thinking is a lot clearer than yours. During my long life time I have seen many examples of discrimination against black Americans. Being married to a Black man for 35 years provided me with first hand experiences in addition to the many examples I witnessed before I met him.

Your use of circular logic and unsupported claims about Blacks show that you have distanced yourself from reality. So I see that it a waste of my valuable time to converse with you.

dinthebeast said...

A district judge has ruled that noted anti-masturbationists the Proud Boys can be tried for obstruction of congress, a charge that carries a potential 20 year sentence.

-Doug in Sugar Pine

dinthebeast said...

From the WSJ:

MINNEAPOLIS—Derek Chauvin pleaded guilty to federal civil-rights charges stemming from the May 2020 murder of George Floyd and a separate case involving a 14-year-old boy, reversing an earlier not-guilty plea Wednesday after striking an agreement with prosecutors.

-Doug in Sugar Pine

dinthebeast said...

The families of the children shot in the Parkland massacre just got another $26 million settlement on top of the $127 million settlement they got from the FBI, but money won't bring back dead children.

-Doug in Sugar Pine

Paradoctor said...

An honest Anonymous wrote:
You're about to try to blame black people for that, somehow, but it wasn't black auto execs who ran those companies into the ground

A less-honest anonymoid replied:
No, it was black union workers whose demands destroyed the companies they worked for.

I note:
How weird that the anonymoid did exactly what the honest Anonymous predicted. How mechanical! What are we dealing with here? A bot? Or is it a human, but with zero self-respect? Freedom of will atrophies when not exercised.

PilotX said...

“What are we dealing with here?“

A very stupid racist?🤷🏾‍♂️

PilotX said...

“Your use of circular logic and unsupported claims about Blacks show that you have distanced yourself from reality.“

There is some serious circular logic going on with these types. On one hand they admit they dislike Black people, some even talk about a coming civil war in which they will kill me and then claim there are tons of people just like them out there but in the same breath claim there’s no racism. I mean what gives? Can we be consistent in the same damned sentence at least???😆😂

dinthebeast said...

RIP bell hooks:

-Doug in Sugar Pine

dinthebeast said...

They knew damn well they had lost(from Pamela Merritt's Twitter feed):

Kyle Cheney
Dec 14
Don't think this one has fully sunk in yet: A member of Congress suggested that GOP-controlled states anoint Trump electors **before those states were even called.**

This wasn't overturning the election. This was scrapping democracy before the votes were even counted.

-Doug in Sugar Pine

dinthebeast said...

Fergus' accountant and banker are both speaking to grand juries about his criming.

-Doug in Sugar Pine

PilotX said...

"RIP bell hooks"

oh no!

mike from iowa said...

Fox News Doc Compares COVID To The 'Sniffles'
Trying to take the mantle away from Fox Doc Mark Siegel as the most right-wing and politically motivated TV doctor, Fox News medical contributor and radiologist Dr. Nicole Saphier compared COVID and the Omicron variant to having "the sniffles

Anonymous said...

“Fox News Doc Compares COVID To The 'Sniffles'”

800,000 Americans have sniffled themselves to death.

mike from iowa said...

Out of curiosity, did bell hooks always spell her name in lower case letters? I saw this yesterday and wondered if it was a misprint or disrespectful.

dinthebeast said...

Yes she did.

Phil Waldron, a retired Army colonel, was partly responsible for a power point presentation turned over to the 1/6 committee by Mark Meadows in which he claimed that the CIA director was injured in Germany while trying to obtain a secret server with evidence of voter fraud on it in order to hide it from investigating Fergus fanatics.
A batshit crazy Fergus fan of a retired Army colonel isn't all that odd, but the fact that he was invited to advise the Louisiana state Voting System Commission, where he was greeted with applause from his "fans" is troubling to anyone who would like to see our republic last more than a few more months.

-Doug in Sugar Pine

mike from iowa said...

Thanks, Doug.

PilotX said...

Proud Boy sent up the river for 10 years. Darn, so sad.😓

Anonymous said...

Because we are living in a never-ending bad joke, a surreal dystopia of a country, it has been announced that Melania Trump has a new, post-White House business/grift: selling NFTs of herself.

What could be a better holiday stocking stuffer than a Melania NFT? Hurry and get some while supplies last!

Anonymous said...

A murder monkey stabbed his own mother to death on Thanksgiving day in Georgia:

The mothers of murder monkeys are responsible for creating their own offspring.  But what did 14-yr-old Ryan Rogers do to deserve being stabbed to death by another murder monkey with an extensive criminal record?

Answer:  nothing.  And what about 5-yr-old Kamarie Holland?  She was kidnapped from her home in Georgia, raped and killed by yet another murder monkey:

Murder monkeys must be forced to live only among their own.  That means separate countries.

Anonymous said...

All 17 missionaries from a U.S.-based charity who were kidnapped in Haiti in October are free.

PilotX said...

J. Edgar Hoover would be proud. Another treason monkey that likes to assault cops is arrested.

mike from iowa said...

Magats have been whining about cancelled Keystone XL pipeline because of rising fuel prices. Roughly half of America's pipelines are sitting empty.

Moar capacity is not needed, whiners. Less fossil fuels is what is needed.

Anonymous said...

“Magats have been whining about cancelled Keystone XL pipeline because of rising fuel prices. Roughly half of America's pipelines are sitting empty.”

This is just more wingnut stupidity and/or lying. Current gas prices aren’t the result of a lack of pipelines to deliver petroleum between the oil fields and refineries. They’ve come about in the same way as most of the shortages in other industries: Demand has rebounded almost instantaneously after lockdowns ended, but producers cannot as quickly restore supplies. It is easier to turn the oil fields/refineries off than to turn them back on and start pumping oil and refining gas again.

(It’s actually worse than this for many commodities outside of gasoline, because as services became less available during the lockdowns, people switched their spending to goods, and that effect hasn’t entirely subsided now that lockdowns are over. The easiest example is people not being allowed to go to the gym because of COVID and buying a Peloton instead. So demand for manufactured goods is up overall compared to the pre-pandemic period, but manufacturers of those goods haven’t yet caught up with that demand.)

PilotX said...

"Murder monkeys must be forced to live only among their own. That means separate countries."

Agreed, I don't want to live among school shooters, idiots who stormed the Capitol and asshats who refuse to do simple things to protect others against a killer virus. Ship those fools away.

Gambler2 said...

To Anonymous at 7:64 AM

How come you never call out the white monkey murders among us? There are thousands of them, so one or two cases could easily be found.
BTW crime is low in Sweden; why don't you move there?

dinthebeast said...

A federal judge has ruled that the Sackler family can't be immunized from civil lawsuits by the bankruptcy settlement of Purdue Pharma.
On Thursday night, after the ruling, Attorney General Merrick B. Garland said in a statement, “The bankruptcy court did not have the authority to deprive victims of the opioid crisis of their right to sue the Sackler family.”
Those fucks still have eleven billion dollars and are all free at large, while I have close friends and family who have done hard prison time for weed.

-Doug in Sugar Pine

dinthebeast said...

Robert Palmer, presumably not the Robert Palmer who sang Addicted to Love, has been sentenced to five years for attacking police trying to defend the capitol with a wooden plank and a fire extinguisher on January 6.

-Doug in Sugar Pine

dinthebeast said...

A judge has ruled that Dominion Voting Systems' $1.6 billion defamation suit against Fox News and certain of its employees can go forward.
Now the question is "Will Fox allow the discovery phase of the trial to expose the hinky shit it was up to the whole time or just say uncle and write a huge check?"
I kind of hope they go to trial, as the jury is free to award more than the amount being asked, and seeing Tucker Carlson and Sean Hannity, as well as Maria Bartiromo, Jeanine Pirro and Lou Dobbs have to explain their obvious lies in a court of law while under oath would be about as satisfying as any probable outcome of the situation.

-Doug in Sugar Pine

dinthebeast said...

A white boy got jealous of a Black man, clubbed him, hanged him, dumped his body in a ditch and set him on fire.
An Iowa judge has just made sure that Steven Vogel will spend the rest of his life behind bars for killing a Black man in Michael Williams in 2020. After a jury voted to convict him of first-degree murder and abuse of a corpse, the murderer received a life sentence without the possibility of parole.

-Doug in Sugar Pine

dinthebeast said...

Eric Clapton, the racist, anti-vax guitar player who misappropriated his entire playing style from Black blues players and hasn't played a damn thing worth listening to since he came down from heroin, has successfully sued a German woman for selling one of his bootleg CDs on Ebay for $11. She now owes $3,500 in legal fees.

-Doug in Sugar Pine

PilotX said...

Uh oh, Fox News may have to open up the piggy bank. Maybe they should stop lying.

dinthebeast said...


Guests Needed to Be Vaccinated at RFK Jr.’s Party

December 17, 2021 at 12:27 pm EST By Taegan Goddard 64 Comments

Guests to a holiday party at Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s home were told on their invitation they needed to be vaccinated in order to attend, Politico reports.

Kennedy, a longtime anti-vaccine advocate, said his wife made the invitation: “I guess I’m not always the boss at my own house.”

-Doug in Sugar Pine

dinthebeast said...

They're either entirely incompetent, always a possibility with Republicans, or what they're looking for doesn't exist:

Texas Voter Fraud Unit Closed Just 3 Cases This Year

December 17, 2021 at 12:18 pm EST By Taegan Goddard 28 Comments

Texas Republican Attorney General Ken Paxton’s (R) election integrity unit “added two lawyers to the team in the last year, bringing it up to six staffers total, and worked more than 20,000 hours between October 2020 and September 2021. Its budget, meanwhile, ratcheted up from $1.9 million to $2.2 million during that time,” the Houston Chronicle reports.

“Yet records from the office show that the unit closed just three cases this year, down from 17 last year, and opened seven new ones. That includes the newly created unit focused on the 2021 local elections, which has yet to file a single case.”

-Doug in Sugar Pine

dinthebeast said...

From Carl Newman's Twitter feed:

A.R. (Actually Republic) Moxon
Dec 16
One thing that the Rittenhouse trial throws into stark relief is a strongly held belief among a huge percentage of white conservatives that people protesting for Black lives should be killed, and that white conservatives should be allowed to personally do it.

-Doug in Sugar Pine

Anonymous said...

“Texas Republican Attorney General Ken Paxton’s (R) election integrity unit ‘added two lawyers to the team in the last year, bringing it up to six staffers total’”

That vaguely human-shaped festering pustule needs to hurry up and go to prison. The securities fraud prosecution of Paxton is moving at an absolutely glacial pace. I am starting to feel that by Paxton not getting a speedy trial, MY 6th Amendment rights are being violated. Make this evil fucker go away!

PilotX said...

“Yet records from the office show that the unit closed just three cases this year, down from 17 last year, and opened seven new ones. That includes the newly created unit focused on the 2021 local elections, which has yet to file a single case.”

Similar to Kris Kobach's investigatory unit. Maybe it's time to give up.

PilotX said...

This is getting wild. The great divider strikes again. Republican slaps another for not being trumpy enough. This dude tore the country AND his political party apart. Can we admit electing a reality tv show host wasn't a good idea?

Anonymous said...

How come you never call out the white monkey murders among us?

They generally aren't among us; they're in prison, not given revolving-door "justice" like Semmie Lee Williams Jr.  (Or Ahmaud Arbery, or George Floyd.  George Floyd was convicted of a home invasion in which he held a gun to a woman's stomach.  If he had been forced to serve a suitable sentence, he'd be alive today.)

Despite Whites being 60+% of the US population, the prison population is minority White.

There are thousands of them, so one or two cases could easily be found.

Strangely, we rarely do.  They tend to be behind bars where they can't do much.

BTW crime is low in Sweden; why don't you move there?

A claim so ignorant could only come from someone who's never heard of Malmö.  Crime, especially rape, is SKY-HIGH in Sweden.  They've had dozens of hand-grenade attacks, FFS.,%20kriminell%20struktur%20och%20utmaningar%20f%c3%b6r%20polisen.pdf

Anonymous said...

“A claim so ignorant could only come from someone who's never heard of Malmö. Crime, especially rape, is SKY-HIGH in Sweden.”

Looks like you’re the ignorant one here.

“Sky high” crime is a relative term. Sweden’s latest crime wave equals … ONE FIFTH of the normal, everyday homicide rate here in the U.S., home of the unfair economic system and free-flowing guns. We are murder capital of the wealthy countries of the world.

We can only hope and dream that we will one day radically reduce our crime to “sky-high” Swedish rates of violence.

Anonymous said...

It's not "discrimination" or "racism", institutional, structural or otherwise.  There's racial inequality precisely because the races are not equal.

Measures of human capital during adolescence, particularly tests scores, could explain the entire black-white upward economic mobility gap.

• Individuals, both black and white, with higher academic test scores are more likely to move up and out of the bottom quintile. Both black and white children born in the bottom quintile with median academic test scores are twice as likely to move up and out of the bottom quintile than if they had scores in the lowest percentile of the test score distribution.
• Some other factors, such as self-esteem and health, also appear to be important in determining upward economic mobility, but they account for little of the racial gap in economic mobility.
• The racial gap in economic mobility out of the bottom quintile remains even when controlling for single- or two-parent families.

mike from iowa said...

170 rape convictions in 2017 up to 333 convictions in 2019 after rape was redefined.

Stand 333 people on top of each other still wouldn't reach the sky.

Anonymous said...

6 men charged in a string of anti-Asian hate crimes in San Jose.

Every last one of them is black.

Gambler2 said...

Anonymous said...

Are you saying that generally whites do not commit crimes?

Despite Whites being 60+% of the US population, the prison population is minority White.
According to FBI Statistics of the 10,085,210 arrests in 2019, 7,014,550 were of whites and 2,667,010 were of Blacks. Since we are reporting arrests not convictions, this does not address the question of how many were tried and found guilty or pleaded out. However, it does destroy your argument that whites are mush less dangerous than Blacks.

Gambler2 said...

Anonymous said...
"It's not "discrimination" or "racism", institutional, structural or otherwise. There's racial inequality precisely because the races are not equal."
You have not offered one bit of evidence to support this statement.

"• Individuals, both black and white, with higher academic test scores are more likely to move up and out of the bottom quintile. Both black and white children born in the bottom quintile with median academic test scores are twice as likely to move up and out of the bottom quintile than if they had scores in the lowest percentile of the test score distribution."
• "Some other factors, such as self-esteem and health, also appear to be important in determining upward economic mobility, but they account for little of the racial gap in economic mobility."
• "The racial gap in economic mobility out of the bottom quintile remains even when controlling for single- or two-parent families."

1:30 AM
This is a circular argument, Here's why: You are inferring that Blacks don't do as well academically as whites. Part of this is due to the fact that that they are economically disadvantaged and do not have homes where books, magazines, etc are available during childhood.

In my work at a major public university, I found that both low income Black and white students compete well after they are introduced to test taking strategies and study skills. Generally, upward mobility tends to be determined by how much education a person has attained.

As for I.Q. scores, you should become aware that there is an entire body of research in this area that indicates the intelligence is much more complicated than our current test can measure.

Gambler2 said...

Anonymous said....

A claim so ignorant could only come from someone who's never heard of Malmö. Crime, especially rape, is SKY-HIGH in Sweden. They've had dozens of hand-grenade attacks, FFS.

12:25 AM
About the Malmo, Swedish thing: Here's what I found by searching on Google: "The number of reported crimes per 100 000 inhabitants has stayed fairly close to 20 000 for the last 20 years. There was a peak in 2004 with 23 120 reported...."

In addition by further search, I discovered that a right-winger, anti immigrant agitator has been a cheer-leader for defaming Malmo.

But regardless of all of this, I recommended Sweden to you because you hate Blacks. Only two to three percent of the population in Sweden are Black. But I see that you missed my point, or pretended to.

Regardless of all of this, if you hate the diversity in America, why stay here?

the bewilderness said...

“Well, thank you. No, I didn't know that wokeness was considered to be anti racist.”

“Woke” basically refers to left identity politics. So anti-racism, feminism, gay rights.

Being woke originally meant to encourage Black people in Ferguson to pay attention, being alert and aware of what is going down. Particularly to the law enforcement officers who use vigils and marches to blame their victims for their violent acts.
This was quickly appropriated by lefty anti-feminist and anti-gay rights activists as a shield for their misogyny and homophobia.

How can you not know this? Wake the eff up and pay attention.

mike from iowa said...

Robert Palmer of Addicted to Love fame is long time deceased.

mike from iowa said...

Texass wheelchair bound guv Madison Caw.... er.... Greg A-Butt promised women he would eliminate rapists from Texass, therefore women needed no exemption for rape in his unconstitutional abortion ending legislation.

Women were wise not to trust his skanky ass because he hasn't eliminated rapes or rapists.

Anonymous said...

You have not offered one bit of evidence to support this statement.

You evil lying hag, it was right there in the URL you carefully deleted from your quote.  Here it is again:

All the evidence was RIGHT THERE, starting with the bullet-pointed paragraph which followed the URL.  There is a LOT more in the report.

But when your ideology meets contradictory evidence, you throw the evidence out.

You are inferring that Blacks don't do as well academically as whites.

That's a lie.  It is not inference.  It is EMPIRICAL OBSERVATION.  In this case, CENTURIES of observation.  It wasn't quantified until the late 19th century, but one of the most reproducible phenomena in psychometrics is the 1.1 SD difference in mean IQ between the black and White bell curves.

Part of this is due to the fact that that they are economically disadvantaged and do not have homes where books, magazines, etc are available during childhood.

Long since debunked.  From a review of John Ogbu's "Black American Students in an Affluent Suburb: A Study of Academic Disengagement":

"However, Ronald Ferguson’s (2002) most recent research, which included students in ninety-five schools across fifteen school districts, suggests that many suburban Black students continue to underperform, even though they come from relatively privileged families."

Back to you.

In my work at a major public university, I found that both low income Black and white students compete well after they are introduced to test taking strategies and study skills.


Generally, upward mobility tends to be determined by how much education a person has attained.

And how much education a person can attain tends to be determined by their general intelligence (g), which is measured pretty well by test scores such as IQ.

As for I.Q. scores, you should become aware that there is an entire body of research in this area that indicates the intelligence is much more complicated than our current test can measure.

Current IQ test results have a very strong correlation with many positive outcomes, including highest educational level attained, net income, and even personal health and longevity.  The problem is, you want to create tests which predict equality, and the races are NOT equal.

Anonymous said...

However, it does destroy your argument that whites are mush less dangerous than Blacks.

Try restricing that to arrests for VIOLENT crimes, crimes which actually endanger people.  From YOUR OWN SOURCE:

Murder and nonnegligent manslaughter, blacks 5660, Whites 5070
Robbery, blacks 39290, Whites 33290
Aggravated assault, blacks 128,020, Whites 237,960 (less than 2x as much from a population 5x the size)

Remember also that due to "no snitching" there are many black-on-black murders for which no arrest is ever made.

Gambler2 said...

Anonymous said...

"You have not offered one bit of evidence to support this statement.

You evil lying hag, it was right there in the URL you carefully deleted from your quote. Here it is again
So I'm am evil, lying hag because I disagree with you? My response to you is, please do not confuse me with someone who gives a shit what you say.

BTW, your punctuation is incorrect. The sentences should read "You evil, lying hag, it was right there in the URL that you carefully deleted from your quote.

Gambler2 said...

Anonymous said....

Remember also that due to "no snitching" there are many black-on-black murders for which no arrest is ever made.

9:42 PM
There are many white on white murders for which no arrest is ever made also. And we are both referring to arrests, not convictions or plead outs. So these numbers do not provide an accurate account of the behaviors we are discussing.

You and I will never agree on anything, so have a good night.

mike from iowa said...

There are many black murders never solved because racist pigs grab the first convenient black body and charge them with murder and racist juries convict them, without valid proof.

mike from iowa said...

Washington State magat died of covid and former Arkansas magat sinator Isackson died of stoopi.... er dementia or some such shit. Headed to greener grifting pastures.

dinthebeast said...

From Carl Newman's Twitter feed:

Sherrilyn Ifill
· 8h
Manchin is Manchin. But what kind of healthy democracy is structured in a way that can allow one man elected by 290,000 voters in one of the least populous states to thwart the agenda of his party and the President who was elected with 81 million votes. We need structural change.

-Doug in Sugar Pine

Anonymous said...

I'm am [sic] evil, lying hag because I disagree with you?

No, you're an evil, lying hag because the factual backing for my assertion was right in front of you the whole time, and you denied that it existed.  Further, you deny the inevitable conclusions from those facts:

• Black children's failures in school and life are largely due to endogenous factors.
• We can measure some of these factors with established tests.
• This means even TALKING about "racism" is counterproductive.
• Blaming White people for things they did not do and factors they cannot control is blaming the victim.

One opinion I draw from this is that if black people cannot control their behavior to the requirements of civilization, they have no business living in civilization.

The sentences should read "You evil, lying hag...."

The entire premise behind this blog was just demolished, in no small part by data YOU posted, and you're picking on comma placement?!

Gambler2 said...

Anonymous said...

The entire premise behind this blog was just demolished, in no small part by data YOU posted, and you're picking on comma placement?!

9:05 PM
Do you seriously think that anyone who has the courage and intelligence to create a screen name and comment here regularly will believe your bull shit? You are spitting in the wind.

BTW, the coma thing was just to piss you off. And I see it was effective. - LOL

Anonymous said...

It didn't piss me off one bit; if it had, I would have jumped on it immediately.  Instead I went off for almost a day and did other things.  I only came back to it when I got tired of those.

What it DID do is impress me with your pettiness.

PilotX said...

"Blaming White people for things they did not do and factors they cannot control is blaming the victim."

Ok, let's blame them for things they did do and factors they can control. Problem solved.

PilotX said...

"Being woke originally meant to encourage Black people in Ferguson to pay attention"

It was actually a common term long before Ferguson. Think back to Erykah Badu's song. LOL!

mike from iowa said...

In a further attempt to subjugate women to the whims of lordly wasicu wastey men, South Duhkota will soon pass a bill making it illegal for women in South Duhkota to take abortion pills at home.

Gambler2 said...

Mike said....

In a further attempt to subjugate women to the whims of lordly wasicu wastey men, South Duhkota will soon pass a bill making it illegal for women in South Duhkota to take abortion pills at home.

9:12 AM
Mike, do you know how they plan to enforce this new law? Seems to me, they would have to get search warrants for every woman in the state.

PilotX said...

“Mike, do you know how they plan to enforce this new law?“

By running rampant over privacy and equal protection laws?🤷🏾‍♂️

mike from iowa said...

Hasn't been made public yet. When it does I will keep you informed. Planned Parenthood and ACLU are likely ramping up suits to shut this down, already.

Paradoctor said...

O lordy, a drug war. We know how well those work. The Invisible Hand of the Market is quicker than the All-Seeing Eye of the State.

Anonymous said...

“Mike, do you know how they plan to enforce this new law? Seems to me, they would have to get search warrants for every woman in the state.”

If Roe v Wade falls, abortion pills shipped in from elsewhere (blue states or outside the U.S.) will turn into a massive battleground.

My guess as to how red states will attempt to enforce bans on abortion pills:

1) Imposing People’s Republic of China-style Internet Service Provider blocks on accessing abortion pill-ordering websites on the Internet. This will be relatively easily evaded by the tech-savvy.

2) Forcing the U.S. postal service or delivery services to report deliveries from certain addresses, and then opening your mail to find the abortion pills.

3) Forcing your doctor to report you to the authorities if you’ve gone to the emergency room with heavy bleeding after complications from a medication abortion gone wrong. This will result in many women who’ve simply had natural miscarriages being prosecuted as if they’d had abortions.

All of this will result in constitutional violations galore, and a blizzard of associated lawsuits.

I don’t think most of these red states have reckoned with how messy it’s going to be for them to try to ban abortion in the 21st century. Technological change means it’s not going to be the same as before Roe. They’re simply not going to be able to block abortion pills without resorting to unbelievably draconian measures that will produce huge political backlash.

Gambler2 said...

My guess as to how red states will attempt to enforce bans on abortion pills:
Anonymous said...

1) Imposing People’s Republic of China-style Internet Service Provider blocks on accessing abortion pill-ordering websites on the Internet. This will be relatively easily evaded by the tech-savvy.

2) Forcing the U.S. postal service or delivery services to report deliveries from certain addresses, and then opening your mail to find the abortion pills.
12:57 PM
Well then, South Dakota better get prepared for a massive black market in Morning After pills. Will they have speakeasies like we had during prohibition? Or maybe women will have to meet their connections on dark streets.

Anonymous said...

Looks like an opening for an enterprising anti-abortion activist to sell sugar pills instead, or the police to set up sting operations selling sugar pills and then arresting the buyers.

More sophisticated schemes aren't hard to think of.  For instance, if a White girl is dating a non-White, make sure she gets the real thing.

Anonymous said...

"Or maybe women will have to meet their connections on dark streets."


In addition to Internet purchases of abortion pills, there will be a big growth opportunity for conventional drug dealers.

So, what will you be having today, weed, ecstasy, or mifepristone?

Anonymous said...

There will also probably be a whole bunch of these:

Abortion ships, parked off the U.S. coastlines in international waters, where U.S. authorities cannot touch them.

It's very quickly going to get ugly and embarrassing for the states that try to enforce these laws.

PilotX said...

“More sophisticated schemes aren't hard to think of.“

We’re talking about South Dakota here.

mike from iowa said...

Get ready for a couple dozen copycat state laws to spring up everywhere magats have control of legislatures. No bad idea goes un- copied.

mike from iowa said...

Pig tackles guy riding a bike with no headlight and breaks the guy's leg in three places landing on him.

Anonymous said...

"Looks like an opening for an enterprising anti-abortion activist to sell sugar pills instead, or the police to set up sting operations selling sugar pills and then arresting the buyers."

That won't work well on the Internet. The real abortion pill sites will be completely legal and located in blue states or foreign countries, where they can't shut them down. And Democrats will ensure that the federal government offers no help whatsoever to red states in enforcement.

Why buy anything from some unknown, shady-looking site when there is the "Amazon of Abortion," located in Massachusetts or California or Canada, that you know for sure is safe and not a police sting operation?

Their only option will be to try to block people accessing those sites on the Internet, or to try to intercept deliveries of the drugs from them across state lines. And that won't be easy at all.

dinthebeast said...

The pro-choice movement has been planning for this for years, as Roe going down to the wingnut SCOTUS has always been "when" not "if".
Abortion funds have been taking in record donations lately to finance travel to sane states. California is looking to become an abortion sanctuary state complete with travel allowances for abortion seekers from Handmaid's Tale states. Abortion will never stop, it will just become more difficult for poor people.

-Doug in Sugar Pine

Paradoctor said...

The imminent dystopia: red-state anti-abortion civil vigilantism, blue-state anti-gun civil vigilantism, red states export women and weapons, civil vigilantes attempt to federalize their lawsuits, SCOTUS puts thumb on the scales of justice, abortions and shootings increase.

dinthebeast said...

A federal judge has upheld the charge of obstructing an official proceeding against the Oath Keepers. This is the same charge that Lizard Cheney is trying to accuse Fergus of. It carries a maximum punishment of 20 years in prison.

-Doug in Sugar Pine

mike from iowa said...

Time for Dems to stand up to the SPOTUS. Good, long read about how the court got fucked up as bad as it is today.

Gambler2 said...

There's a really great article at

It's about how Black people have been screwed by the systemic racism.

The implicit bigotry of low expectations said...

Y’all show some respeck now! America gives up on teaching ‘standard English’ in favour of ‘Black language’ instead

Michael Rectenwald
is an author of 11 books, including the most recent, Thought Criminal. He was Professor of Liberal Arts at NYU from 2008 through 2019. Follow him on Twitter @TheAntiPCProf

3 Sep, 2020 14:46

After scholars decried English as ‘anti-black linguistic racism’, the nation’s leading academic language association acceded to the demand that black students no longer have to think about proper English, let alone use it.

The Conference on College Composition and Communication (CCCC) has released an official statement demanding that “teachers stop using academic language and standard English” and teach the “Black language” in college classrooms.

In the statement, titled, “This Ain’t Another Statement! This is a DEMAND for Black Linguistic Justice!,” a group of US English professors issued a long series of overlapping and somewhat redundant demands regarding language use and teaching in higher education, including the rejection of “standard English,” and that “teachers, researchers, and scholars put some respeck on Black Language.

The announcement, the drafters note, comes on the heels of the Black Lives Matter protests and riots, as well as the Covid-19 pandemic, which they say disproportionately afflicts black people. Listing over 25 previous statements and resolutions already issued by the CCCC on diverse language practices, the writers claim that these do not go far enough in promoting “Black linguistic Consciousness to decolonize the mind (and/or) language, unlearn white supremacy, and unravel anti-Black linguistic racism!”

Lest one think that the statement is merely a “demand” made by a handful of “Black language scholars,” the CCCC officially adopted the resolution on August 3. This means that the most important association for the teaching of English in higher education in the United States has acceded to the demand that black students no longer should even have to think about “standard English,” let alone use it.

Despite a few stereotypical sops apparently thrown out to “Black language” use (“ain’t” and “put some respeck on”), the statement itself is written in academic language, and is marked by the overuse of jargon and an obscurantism for which academic discourse has become infamous.

Further, while the demand “requires that all students get an opportunity to learn about Black Language from Black language scholars or experts,” it apparently limits the use of “Black language” to black people alone, forbidding as it does the “cultural appropriation” of the “Black language” by others. That would apparently make the “Black language” the first language in history that you’re not allowed to learn to use, and which its current speakers are not eager that you speak, unless you are of the right skin colour.

One wonders what sets these scholars apart, such that they have been able to learn and adopt “academic language,” while their students apparently cannot, and should not be challenged to do so. Are they not thereby condemning their students to a mono-linguistic, cultural prison of sorts? Why should these students be barred from understanding the works of “white” authors like John Milton, and be confined to those of only black writers like Tupac Shakur? What does this say about the professors’ estimations of the abilities of their own black students?

PilotX said...

“Why should these students be barred from understanding the works of “white” authors like John Milton, and be confined to those of only black writers like Tupac Shakur?“

My guess is this would be only one class and they’d catch up on the rest?🤷🏾‍♂️ Sounds a bit silly to me but good on you for finding this.

dinthebeast said...

Just in case any of you anti-masturbationists are getting any ideas:

President Joe Biden on Wednesday signed legislation to allow the Capitol Police to directly request the assistance of the National Guard.

And next time there won't be any undercurrents of "protect the Fergus fellators" like there was on 1/6.

-Doug in Sugar Pine

dinthebeast said...

Potential really good news (from Crooks and Liars):

As the kids would say, this is a BFD! Scientists at Walter Reed's Army Institute of Research expect to announce within weeks that they have developed a universal vaccine that works against COVID-19 and all its variants, as well as from previous SARS-origin viruses that have killed millions of people worldwide.

-Doug in Sugar Pine

dinthebeast said...

What do you get for pretending the danger's not real:

Conspiracy Theorists Insist They Were Attacked by Anthrax

December 22, 2021 at 2:49 pm EST By Taegan Goddard 140 Comments

“A group of unvaccinated people who attended a huge conspiracy conference in Dallas earlier this month all became sick in the days after the event with symptoms like coughing, shortness of breath, and fever,” Vice News reports.

“Instead of blaming the global Covid pandemic, however, the conspiracy theorists think they were attacked with anthrax.”

-Doug in Sugar Pine

PilotX said...

Isn’t about time for Ann Coulter’s annual anti-Kwanzaa screed? I look forward to it every year.😳

dinthebeast said...

The FDA approved the Pfizer antiviral pill on an emergency basis today. This really will be a game changer for the countries rich enough to afford it when production ramps up enough to make it widely available.
I'd like to think that, since it is for treating the already infected, it won't face the kind of resistance the vaccines have faced, but really, I'll believe that when I see it.

-Doug in Sugar Pine

PilotX said...

“I'd like to think that, since it is for treating the already infected, it won't face the kind of resistance the vaccines have faced“

It faces still competition from horse dewormers, bleach and natural sunlight. I think I’s better but stock in Clorox.😆

mike from iowa said...

Kim potter guilty of 2 counts of manslaughter in Daunte Wright killing. Faces 70 years in prison.

Anonymous said...

“Kim potter guilty of 2 counts of manslaughter in Daunte Wright killing. Faces 70 years in prison.”

No, 15 years max. And she’ll probably get less than that.

dinthebeast said...

They're gonna ask for more, but it's doubtful they will get it.

Swastika-Tattooed Man Sentenced to Six Years for Punching Texas 14-Year-Old Black Teen In the Face In Random Attack

-Doug in Sugar Pine

mike from iowa said...

Texass guv A-Butt tosses George Floyd's Texass pardon over technical issues.

PilotX said...

dinthebeast said...

Tom Morello
Some of those that work forces apparently are indeed the same that burn crosses.

-Doug in Sugar Pine

PilotX said...

"Some of those that work forces apparently are indeed the same that burn crosses."


Anonymous said...

If anyone still burns crosses, you can bet they're Feds.

PilotX said...

"If anyone still burns crosses, you can bet they're Feds."

Fed, state or local. Does it really matter? I guess CRT is right then. LOL!

mike from iowa said...

Parting is less sweet sorrow if it is permanent. What's up, Mr Field? I'd purely hate to have to break in another blogger, but, I suppose I could if necessary. mfi

mike from iowa said...

Merry Christmas to most of you posters. You know who you are. If your posting moniker ends in moose, fuck you!

PilotX said...

Happy holidays!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Flying Junior said...

Happy Christmas to all.

And many blessings on your frosty pow, Field.

(Scottish dialect for white hair on your head.)

Since it is just one week till the New Year, how about some more Burns?

John Anderson My Jo

John Anderson my jo, John,
When we were first acquent,
Your locks were like the raven,
Your bonie brow was brent;
But now your brow is beld, John,
Your locks are like the snaw,
but blessings on your frosty pow,
John Anderson, my jo!

John Anderson my jo, John,
We clamb the hill thegither,
And monie a cantie day, John,
We've had wi' ane anither;
Now we maun totter down, John,
And hand in hand we'll go,
And sleep thegither at the foot,
John Anderson, my jo!

See you in about a week for:

"The Auld Farmer's New Year's Salutation to his Auld Mare, Maggie."

Anonymous said...

Isn't Burns just another DWM?

Betcha he was "racist".

Anonymous said...

Fairfax "shopping cart killer" is an N-word.

Blacks are a plague upon humanity.

Wesley R said...

Merry Christmas Field

Flying Junior said...

The presence of British slavers in Jamaica in the eighteenth century is scant evidence of any personal feelings on the part of our favorite son-poet. Did Robert Burns ever truly intend to emigrate to Jamaica to work on a plantation to escape debtor's prison? The story goes that he had accepted a post in accounting. We will never know if it was merely a poet's cri de couer or a desperate, last-ditch plan. It is quite certain that he did not wish to leave his beloved Scotia. Soon thereafter sales of his volume Poems Chiefly in the Scottish Dialect began to replenish his purse and coffers.

I prefer to think of Burns as a poet who elevated the common man and sang of the goodness of cottage folk.

dinthebeast said...

The James Webb Space Telescope launched this morning. Scott Manley said "There's no truth to the rumor that the launch will interfere with Santa and his reindeer, everyone knows that a JWST launch on schedule is just a myth..."
But, no, it flew. Now for a tense month while it puts itself together and makes its way to L2.

-Doug in Sugar Pine

dinthebeast said...

OK, now it's Christmas. This will knock your socks off while bringing tears to your eyes:

-Doug in Sugar Pine

The Fixer said...

Stupid trump supporters are a plague upon humanity.

There, fixed it.

PilotX said...

mike from iowa said...

I was in bed before 6 PM Kristmas night and managed to get some serious reading time before slipping off into dreamland.

Woke up with a mouse in the trap. first in a while. I'm guessing his kristmas wasn't so merry, but....his corpse will make some cat's kristmas brighter. And so life goes on, even on death.

ps I hate cats.

PilotX said...


PilotX said...

mike from iowa said...

Whitey likely brought the plague to every continent he raped and plundered.

Geeve eet to heem, by gar, Gambler.

Anonymous said...

China Now Owns America... And America doesn't care because the "Good Ole Boys" feel that as long as they control the government, they don't care who owns the rest of the country.

While America fights to keep blacks from succeeding, fights to keep Asians from surpassing white boys in Universities, and fights Democrats over passing an infastructure bill...
American infrastructure falls apart, American democracy falls apart, American economy falls apart and the Chinese are laughing their asses off at this reality show.

Anonymous said...

shhhhhh..Here's the real reason for wanting to make abortion illegal in America.

There's a white baby shortage in America.

And that is why all of these "men" in government want to overturn abortion.

After all, it's hard to advance a racist agenda when your son or daughter is adopted from Africa, Asia, South America, or Central America.

White women seem to have fertility issues more so than women of color.

Blacks and other women of color get pregnant easier and often opt to keep their children regardless of whether they are married or can afford to or not.
It is not uncommon for most women of color to have thousands of kids from many different men.

Gambler2 said...

Male infertility occurs in about 30 percent of the couples seeking help with the problem, while female infertility accounts for another 30 Percent. In the remaining 40 percent, both partners contribute. So infertility is not limited to females.

Regarding women and men who are childless by choice, there is an interesting book available on Amazon (about $17 for paperback) entitled "Birth Strike" that provides some current theories regarding why the birth has fallen and continues to fall in the united States.

dinthebeast said...

I didn't know about posting this here, but when Aimee Mann asks me to do something, I'm gonna do it...

Aimee Mann
Could two followers please copy and re-post this tweet? I'm trying to demonstrate that someone is always there, especially at this time of year. Call 833-456-4566 (National Suicide Prevention Helpline CDA). Just two. Any two. Copy, not retweet. Let’s all look out for each other.

-Doug in Sugar Pine

dinthebeast said...

Desmond Tutu:

"When the missionaries came to Africa, they had the Bible and we had the land. They said 'Let us pray.' We closed our eyes. When we opened them, we had the Bible and they had the land."

-Doug in Sugar Pine

mike from iowa said...

drumpf's new media outlet is financed by a crooked Chinese businessman. But the dems love china and HRC had emails

PilotX said...


dinthebeast said...

OK, I'm stealing this from Robt at Driftglass' place:
If some enterprising yahoo can sell dirt from a toxic landfill in Canada by the ounce as a MAGA covid cure, I should be able to start a business selling dog shit as a special MAGA covid cure.
Now this is special high-grade Labrador poop, and as such, will not work on liberals, cucks, RINOs, or insufficiently fervent Fergus supporters, so if you eat a bunch of it and still die from covid, that's your own fault for not being purely MAGA enough.
I think the dirt was selling for $110 for 4.5 ounces, so I should be able to get a c-note for each turd...

-Doug in Sugar Pine

dinthebeast said...

Let's kill more people to make Biden look bad:

Red States Now Paying Workers to Not Get Vaccinated

December 27, 2021 at 3:30 pm EST By Taegan Goddard 159 Comments

“At least five Republican-led states have extended unemployment benefits to people who’ve lost jobs over vaccine mandates — and a smattering of others may soon follow,” the Washington Post reports.

“Workers who quit or are fired for cause — including for defying company policy — are generally ineligible for jobless benefits. But Arkansas, Florida, Iowa, Kansas and Tennessee have carved out exceptions for those who won’t submit to the multi-shot coronavirus vaccine regimens that many companies now require.”

“Similar ideas have been floated in Wyoming, Wisconsin and Missouri.”

-Doug in Sugar Pine

dinthebeast said...

CRT in one minute:

-Doug in Sugar Pine

Gambler2 said...

From this morning's Daily Beast...

"The Weak Better Buckle Up’: Denver Gunman Left Online Trail"

"Lyndon McLeod, who police say killed five people during a deadly rampage in the Denver area, was an author dedicated to alt-right philosophies, including masculine supremacy, contrarian COVID-19 beliefs, and targeted violence against the “weak.”

Fortunately for the rest of us, he is now dead.

Anonymous said...

Democrats: "Let's dupe the Blacks into thinking we got their back. We need their votes to stay on top."

Republicans: "Let's dupe the Hispanics into thinking we've got their back. We need their votes to get back on top."

Democrats and Republicans:


Anonymous said...

Conversation Overheard by many anti vaxers:

Is anyone surprised with anti vaccine reluctance?

An experimental vaccine that was rushed through without the "years of data" they say is
usually required for approval.

The government conveniently put in place a protection for the drug companies that prevents them from being sued by the consumer should they develop side effects from any of the vaccines later on.

Hardly information that would make anyone feel "comfortable."
...Except for all of the investors and stock brokers.

dinthebeast said...

"Is anyone surprised with anti vaccine reluctance?"

People who want to stay alive? Also, wouldn't "anti vaccine reluctance" be reluctance to, you know, anti vaccine?

-Doug in Sugar Pine

Anonymous said...

People who want to stay alive are avoiding the clot shot.

You're a cog in the fear factory.

Gambler2 said...

Anonymous said...

"Is anyone surprised with anti vaccine reluctance?"
Yes, I think intelligent people were surprised at the vaccine reluctance.

"Hardly information that would make anyone feel "comfortable.""
...Except for all of the investors and stock brokers."

12:16 AM
Right off the top, your question is inane - that word roughly translated means silly. Here's why: More than a hundred million Americans have pulled up their sleeves to get the shot that will save their lives. I'm sure, positive, that all of them were not "investors and stock brokers."

More of your post is silly:"An experimental vaccine that was rushed through without the "years of data" they say is usually required for approval."
The Covid 19 virus is closely related to SARS 1 Which hit the world in 2003, so when SARS 2 (Covid 19) hit us, scientists had been working on vaccinations related to the SARS family for about 15 years. In 2019 and 2020 close to a hundred thousand people world wide joined experimental groups testing the vaccine.

People are dying needlessly due ignorance, arrogance, and pride.

Anonymous said...

All that, and murder and car jacks doubling and redoubling. Worry not. It's what you wanted, so enjoy!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

All negro violence

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