Happy holidays to you and your families, field hands!
Let's enjoy these freedoms while we can. With the 2024 elections looming, and a strong possibility that the Scrooge might be our leader, we don't know how much longer we will be able to enjoy these freedoms.
Peace on earth and goodwill to all.
Happy Holidays all!
Happy Holidays to you too Field.
Yes, you are correct...
It appears that racism has trumped democracy. It's just a matter of time before they vote away their own freedoms.
"..And they shall be baited into dictatorship like cows being led into the slaughterhouse."
Happy holidays. It's gonna be a tough year, but I've seen tough years before.
If we stay focused and do our best, we may just win.
Good luck!
-Doug in Sugar Pine
This is how we beat him:
Trump Vows to Replace Obamacare
December 26, 2023 at 7:20 am EST By Taegan Goddard 78 Comments
Donald Trump vowed on Christmas Day to replace the Affordable Care Act with his own “much better” alternative program, reviving his push to slash the now-popular health care option used by millions of Americans, The Hill reports.
Said Trump: “Obamacare is too expensive, and otherwise, not good healthcare.”
-Doug in Sugar Pine
LOL! He says he doesn't stink🤷🏾
Republicans always say their shit don't stink.
-Doug in Sugar Pine
Happy Holidays indeed to all. I'm looking forward to a much warmer Spring down here by La Frontera thanks to a mild El Niño oscillation AEB by warm surface temperatures in the Eastern Pacific Ocean south of the Equator for the months of December, January and February. I'm looking forward to getting some nice outdoor exercise this year.
Whatever brings you joy and peace in the New Year, may you have it in great abundance. 2020 was going to be the year of Plenty-Plenty! Then came Covid-19. So let 2023 be the year when we all enjoy success and happiness. May the Goddess bless you all.
Here is a note of hope. We all fondly remember John McCain. Sure, he was a republican and a conservative. Two strikes, no doubt. But the man had honor and a conscience. I will never for get when he travelled to Washington D.C. to cast the deciding vote that allowed the PPACA to become law. He left his home even though he would soon die from his cancer. When asked why he did it, he told the reporter, "Because it was the right thing to do!" So take that all of you dickhead republicans that don't care if humble folks live or die. And God Bless America. We will never go fascist. TFG will be laughed back to his castle in Florida with great dispatch and speed. May he soon default on his property taxes, or maybe just be forced to live somewhere else for possibly 3-5 years.
Lauren Bobo is fleeing her congressional district (where she barely clung onto her job by her fingernails last election) to run next year in a safe Republican seat. Ken Buck currently holds that seat but is leaving at the end of this term, because the GOP has gone completely fascist and revolves around Trump now.
Here’s hoping her ploy fails and some other Republican beats her in the primary and we never hear from her again.
Nikki Haley has attracted criticism after implying that the perpetual right-wing bogeyman, big government, was the central cause of the Civil War, and not, you know, the fact that white Southerners were huge fans of owning slaves and wanted to keep doing it.
Ah yes, I remember how my history books told me of Abraham Lincoln’s intolerable push to tax cigarettes and enact environmental regulations protecting the spotted owl. This could obviously only ever lead to violence.
Oh wait, no, I didn’t learn that. My history books weren’t filled with bullshit, because I didn’t grow up in South Carolina.
I grew up in the conservative bastion (not) of Eureka California, even farther north than San Francisco, and I didn't learn jack shit about slavery or the civil was in school, which I suspect I would have had it been taught since I got excellent grades...
-Doug in Sugar Pine
“I grew up in the conservative bastion (not) of Eureka California, even farther north than San Francisco, and I didn't learn jack shit about slavery or the civil was in school, which I suspect I would have had it been taught since I got excellent grades...”
That’s messed-up, Doug.
So did they skip over the Civil War entirely and just neglect to mention it even happened, or did they go full Dixie-fied historical revisionist and teach you all about the “War of Northern Aggression”?
Nope, it was just a footnote in their "manifest destiny" curriculum. Something that happened while we were busy stealing the continent, and only then because Lincoln, the famous president was involved. That's the way I remember it, anyway.
Hey! Fergus just got kicked off of the ballot in Maine.
-Doug in Sugar Pine
"any indoctrinated 6th grader knows the role slavery played in the Civil War" - DeSatan
Insane Clown installed DeJoy and his wrecking ball looking head to wreck the Post Office and then his toadstools who dropped the fake elector ballots in the mail sitting there scratching their asses wondering why Pence never received them. You can't make this shit up.
TRUMP 2024!!
Très bon article. Je suis également confronté à bon nombre de ces problèmes..|
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